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The Power of Affirmations

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 18, 2009

In yesterday’s post we talked about your prosperity mantra.  Today let’s look at affirmations.  Affirming something quietly in your mind imprints it there.  Doing it repeatedly increases the level it sinks in.  Saying it out loud makes it even better.  So does writing it down.  With affirmations you are actually programming your subconscious mind.  

The interesting thing about your subconscious mind is that it doesn’t analyze, debate, or argue:  It just does whatever it is programmed to do.  That is the real power of affirmations.

Do you have some strong affirmations you affirm?  How often do you affirm them?  When was the last time you really thought about what you’re affirming and updated it?

Give this some real thought.  Then why not take some time today to write them down 13 times and affirm them out loud 13 times.  (The ancients believed there was something mystical about the number 13.)

Please share your most powerful affirmations with the community below.  And remember – when you program something in your subconscious mind – it has to happen!


23 comments on “The Power of Affirmations”

  1. Here's a great resource when you know you need affirmations around say... peace, or forgiveness, or abundance.... but can't find the words to express your feeling.

    This little e-book has 77 lovely SBNR (spiritual but not religious) affirmations and in the index they are arranged by topic.

    Enjoy and pass it on!

    Randy, you would like this guy... good thinker and radical dreamer. He needs your help around money, though!

  2. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the ebook I linked to above is FREE - that link will actualy give you the .pdf of the book. Be sure to save it on your desktop.

    Plus I liked the suggestion on Facebook to get RG's Prosperity series. Good stuff!

  3. My good comes to me through many different avenues. I gratefully allow the Universe to provide for me in clever and wondrous ways!

    I am enough and I have enough. I reach for more from a platform of passion and enthusiasm..

    I live in a world of Infinite Abundance. Life is capable of supplying me with everything I need.

    I am the creator of my experience. I establish my visions on joy, success and service and my Life reflects my intentions.

    There are many more, too..

    I repeat these daily and meditate on each one.

  4. Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better

    Everyday and in everyway I am making more and more money

    Everyday and in everyway I am getting stronger and stronger

    Agree Randy - affirmations work IF you work them!


  5. I'm Happy
    Wealthy and successful...

    When I work out, instead of counting to ten, I do an affirmation sentence:


    If you like that idea, use it!

  6. Writing down affirmations is a great idea. It's a powerful way to internalize it. Another idea...I make a list of reasons I NEED to stick to my specific goals, and I write out those reasons daily. When I do this, sticking to a new action which produces results is a lot easier. Little "tricks" like this really do work if you actually implement them 🙂

  7. I use to have a long list of affirmations. They would chop and change as I read or heard something new.

    The only one that has been really consistent over the past year or so is how much I want to earn.

    I say it ofen, when I'm walking or on a train or plane and throughout the day.

    I now earn X per month passive income

    Every now and then when I'm talking to myself I'll add. This or something better. I always finish my goal writings with this.

    Another one that I've just started to use and notice :

    "Something amazing is happening to me". Yes, it is very open ended, yet by its very nature, what is happening to me? I've noticed several little things appear within a few hours.

    Since the little things happen easily, so can the 'bigger' things. The universe doesn't know any difference, just my head does.

    Also, I use a piece of software that runs in the background on my laptop throughout the day. I seem to remember RG writing about something similar. The one I use is found here :

    I've had great success with it. My latest success was attracting a baby grand piano into my life. I asked just for a piano!

    I now just have one subliminal message running throughout the day. You can see it appear on your screen sometimes when your PC slows down.

    RG, I'd be interested on your ideas about how to best 'compose' an affirmation.

    i.e present tense
    short - no more than X amount of words
    End goal only - how specific. For a financial goal, should you include an amount? Use the words 'at least, more than'?

    I now earn at least X amount per month.

    Where does the idea of 13 come from? I'll be adding that to my repetoire.

    Happy Travels


  8. I use self affirmations daily normaly:

    I now earn X amount per month passive income.

    Another I use is something amazing is happening to me. Yes, this is very open ended, but what does it presuppose? Something amazing is happening to me.

    I also use the following piece of software, found here :

    Since I'm sat in front of my pc much of the day. Why not use that time?

    I've used it with great success. The most recent one - to attract a baby grand piano. I now just use it to affirm my wealth.

    I remember RG using something similar.

    I'd be really interested to know how RG, you format your affirmations.

    Present tense
    Open ended
    End goal specific

    Happy Travels


  9. Thanks guys! I have been neglecting mine. This thread stared me again yesterday and BOY did it work!

    Money flows to me from unexpected places as I am ready to receive abundance from the universe

  10. I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
    I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.

  11. I live by; Write it- Speak it- See it! Each day I write my affirmation on an index card, then I speak it out loud, and then I visualize it. Then I put the card in my pocket and carry it with me so that I can look at it during the day.

    Mine is " God is my source and my supply. Divine Love protects me and prospers me now- TODAY! I am open and quickly receiving more than $30,000+ monthly income. I am financially-free. I tithe joyously. I am thanful to be thankful. I am blessed beyond measure. This or something better for the good of all."

    I usually focus on one goal at a time. I find it lasers the energy so that it manifests faster.

  12. I like this:

    "You wouldn't be reading this and wanting more from yourself and life if you didn't know your own innate worth. Allow this to be your mantra - I am worthy of living a life that is full of meaning and purpose! This is the truth - own it and begin to see your life transform in ways that will amaze you. You can harness the power of choice - choose today to begin." - Jana Fleming

    I've begun saying "I claim my abundance NOW" everyday at the start of the day..!

    Lajon Webb

  13. My endless Good now comes to me in Endless ways.

    I now attract only the highest vibrational people and things to me.
    All that is mine reaches me in great avalanches of abundance.

    God Bless!
    Beverly Monical

  14. Great comments, everyone; thanks so much to all for sharing your wisdom! Bones, I am using your idea today during my next workout. Genius!

    Blessings to you all, M.

  15. This is the best post yet! Thanks guys for the great affirmations. My favorite affirmations are:

    "Abundant health & wealth are flowing my way everyday"

    "Divine order blesses me now"
    Charles Filmore & Catherine Ponder

    I also like these:

    "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it"

    "What you think you become"

    Have a great day!

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  • 23 comments on “The Power of Affirmations”

    1. Here's a great resource when you know you need affirmations around say... peace, or forgiveness, or abundance.... but can't find the words to express your feeling.

      This little e-book has 77 lovely SBNR (spiritual but not religious) affirmations and in the index they are arranged by topic.

      Enjoy and pass it on!

      Randy, you would like this guy... good thinker and radical dreamer. He needs your help around money, though!

    2. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the ebook I linked to above is FREE - that link will actualy give you the .pdf of the book. Be sure to save it on your desktop.

      Plus I liked the suggestion on Facebook to get RG's Prosperity series. Good stuff!

    3. My good comes to me through many different avenues. I gratefully allow the Universe to provide for me in clever and wondrous ways!

      I am enough and I have enough. I reach for more from a platform of passion and enthusiasm..

      I live in a world of Infinite Abundance. Life is capable of supplying me with everything I need.

      I am the creator of my experience. I establish my visions on joy, success and service and my Life reflects my intentions.

      There are many more, too..

      I repeat these daily and meditate on each one.

    4. Everyday and in everyway I am getting better and better

      Everyday and in everyway I am making more and more money

      Everyday and in everyway I am getting stronger and stronger

      Agree Randy - affirmations work IF you work them!


    5. I'm Happy
      Wealthy and successful...

      When I work out, instead of counting to ten, I do an affirmation sentence:


      If you like that idea, use it!

    6. Writing down affirmations is a great idea. It's a powerful way to internalize it. Another idea...I make a list of reasons I NEED to stick to my specific goals, and I write out those reasons daily. When I do this, sticking to a new action which produces results is a lot easier. Little "tricks" like this really do work if you actually implement them 🙂

    7. I use to have a long list of affirmations. They would chop and change as I read or heard something new.

      The only one that has been really consistent over the past year or so is how much I want to earn.

      I say it ofen, when I'm walking or on a train or plane and throughout the day.

      I now earn X per month passive income

      Every now and then when I'm talking to myself I'll add. This or something better. I always finish my goal writings with this.

      Another one that I've just started to use and notice :

      "Something amazing is happening to me". Yes, it is very open ended, yet by its very nature, what is happening to me? I've noticed several little things appear within a few hours.

      Since the little things happen easily, so can the 'bigger' things. The universe doesn't know any difference, just my head does.

      Also, I use a piece of software that runs in the background on my laptop throughout the day. I seem to remember RG writing about something similar. The one I use is found here :

      I've had great success with it. My latest success was attracting a baby grand piano into my life. I asked just for a piano!

      I now just have one subliminal message running throughout the day. You can see it appear on your screen sometimes when your PC slows down.

      RG, I'd be interested on your ideas about how to best 'compose' an affirmation.

      i.e present tense
      short - no more than X amount of words
      End goal only - how specific. For a financial goal, should you include an amount? Use the words 'at least, more than'?

      I now earn at least X amount per month.

      Where does the idea of 13 come from? I'll be adding that to my repetoire.

      Happy Travels


    8. I use self affirmations daily normaly:

      I now earn X amount per month passive income.

      Another I use is something amazing is happening to me. Yes, this is very open ended, but what does it presuppose? Something amazing is happening to me.

      I also use the following piece of software, found here :

      Since I'm sat in front of my pc much of the day. Why not use that time?

      I've used it with great success. The most recent one - to attract a baby grand piano. I now just use it to affirm my wealth.

      I remember RG using something similar.

      I'd be really interested to know how RG, you format your affirmations.

      Present tense
      Open ended
      End goal specific

      Happy Travels


    9. Thanks guys! I have been neglecting mine. This thread stared me again yesterday and BOY did it work!

      Money flows to me from unexpected places as I am ready to receive abundance from the universe

    10. I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.
      I am a money magnet, money is now attracted to me.

    11. I live by; Write it- Speak it- See it! Each day I write my affirmation on an index card, then I speak it out loud, and then I visualize it. Then I put the card in my pocket and carry it with me so that I can look at it during the day.

      Mine is " God is my source and my supply. Divine Love protects me and prospers me now- TODAY! I am open and quickly receiving more than $30,000+ monthly income. I am financially-free. I tithe joyously. I am thanful to be thankful. I am blessed beyond measure. This or something better for the good of all."

      I usually focus on one goal at a time. I find it lasers the energy so that it manifests faster.

    12. I like this:

      "You wouldn't be reading this and wanting more from yourself and life if you didn't know your own innate worth. Allow this to be your mantra - I am worthy of living a life that is full of meaning and purpose! This is the truth - own it and begin to see your life transform in ways that will amaze you. You can harness the power of choice - choose today to begin." - Jana Fleming

      I've begun saying "I claim my abundance NOW" everyday at the start of the day..!

      Lajon Webb

    13. My endless Good now comes to me in Endless ways.

      I now attract only the highest vibrational people and things to me.
      All that is mine reaches me in great avalanches of abundance.

      God Bless!
      Beverly Monical

    14. Great comments, everyone; thanks so much to all for sharing your wisdom! Bones, I am using your idea today during my next workout. Genius!

      Blessings to you all, M.

    15. This is the best post yet! Thanks guys for the great affirmations. My favorite affirmations are:

      "Abundant health & wealth are flowing my way everyday"

      "Divine order blesses me now"
      Charles Filmore & Catherine Ponder

      I also like these:

      "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it"

      "What you think you become"

      Have a great day!

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