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The Great Transmutation

Posted By: Randy GageJune 6, 2011

Last post we discussed how the path to prosperity is one of moving from self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness.  That is the journey to enlightenment the Great Teachers such as Emerson, Jesus, Lao-Tze, Buddha, and Sai Baba attained.  They no longer need to be re-born in self-conscious form, because they have transmuted the self to the cosmic one.

Some are worshiped as God, because they demonstrated a consciousness few experience.  Because of this, they are surrounded with and regarded with an incomprehensible mystery.   Yet this is really no mystery.

Things that appear supernatural from the self-conscious state are revealed to be normal, when viewed with cosmic consciousness.  There is a transparent clarity that comes when the confusions of seeking self are allowed to fall away and replaced by a higher vision.   You pass through self-consciousness and reach the pinnacle of evolution on this plane, which is true self-mastery.  You too can experience the sublime wisdom and perfect calm of the Great Teachers if you are willing to become a co-creator of your consciousness.

You up for that?



39 comments on “The Great Transmutation”

  1. Is it an immediate jump from self-conscience to the cosmic-conscience? And is there anything in between? Other levels, like family level conscience, social level conscience, country level or world level conscience?

        1. Speaking from "knowing" and "believing" are worlds apart. Just as the extreme heights of a pendulum's amplitude have separate belief's, so to do we extend from further from knowing; and reach closer to each height of belief.

          "There is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore, they will feel they are being torn apart and suffer greatly.

          Know that this river has its destination.

          The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is there with you and celebrate!

          At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all, ourselves. Banish the wprld struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

          We are the ones we have been waiting for."

          -Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation Elders

          Co-creation is indeed a level of conscious evolution which we all experience nowadays. Whether or not we are aware of being aware is based from an individual perspective.

          We are not all consciously aware of being aware... This will change one day soon - in a heartbeat.

          When one accepts entry into the game as a player, awareness of unity is lost in the obsession of play. This take-over of consciousness is the fun of play. The one becomes many, to play a game of cosmic hide-and-seek with itself.

    1. Yes- there's

      Self - ego

      Other - community, world

      Kosmic - ALL

      There are MANY developmental therpists out there that are fascinating - Robert Kegan, Susan Cook-Greuter, Don BEck... They all show you their various stages and how to nagivate them healthily...

  2. I'm not sure I can relate to all the cosmic talk. I work very hard to speak from courage and clarity about what I believe to be the truth of all truths. It takes courage to speak your true beliefs. I'm not concerned about being politically correct to lose a fan club. I'm grateful for that. It allows me to be authentic, which is where true spirituality evolves.

    1. Yes I'm sure you have some trouble with all this, believing as you do that your faith is the only truth. But I'm glad you're still hanging around, getting exposed to other viewpoints.


      1. Randy, from my experience, I've noticed many regurgitate what they hear from others instead of looking within for the answers (intuition being our #1 direct voice of choice). People of faith usually agree their God is a jealous God - and I'm not trying to segregate anything for we're all loving beings - however, isn't jealousy one of the seven cardinal sins? I don't think we're intelligent enough yet to even make a perfect God... Yes, the God I've heard most speak of is (hu)man-made - just look at the profits some make in religion while their are still homeless in their own cities... To me, religion is all for show; a superficial fake existence which prays to the opposite they think they're actually praying to (just saying!;)

      2. It's good to be exposed to her views too. Mary-Ellen makes a lot of good points. She does have courage in speaking her faith.

        We need all kinds of views, don't we?

  3. Начинаем менять сознание на пути к процветанию.
    Чувствуем изменения и это очень нравится!
    Пример Великих Учителей завораживает.
    Мы все способны на грандиозные вещи!

  4. Hey Randy, Whatcha talkin' 'bout? I am a little confused. Do you mean like mysticism, wherein you see all as a perfect oneness, thus knowing that all things are interrelated? And with this knoweledge beyond reasonable knowing, a person is able to understand the devine?

    Or is it completely different? Do you transmute when you know for sure you are at one with the universe?

    It is interesting. I tend to think experiences of mysticism and oneness with the universe are moments within the our lives, and the knoweledge hangs on even in the mundane.

      1. Why isn't mysticism a natural process? I had an experience of mysticism while walking down the street, and sitting in the movie theatre.

        I think it is something that happens to everyone. Or can happen to everyone.

        Maybe you are saying it's not just for the deeply holy and religious? It's not your Grandfather's mysticism? 🙂

        I guess I have known what you are saying for a long time. Had a really, really good theology professor.

        Good for you Randy. You are correct, everyone can experience this, we are all bits of the everlasting.

        I believe our subconcious is where God lives. I got that from M. Scott Peck, I think he is right.

        Everyone can have these experiences at any part of their journey. But living with the full conciousness of God, is easy and difficult. And available to anyone of any class or wealth status!

        1. I'm not saying mysticism is or isn't a natural process. What I mean is that the point of this post was to take the mysticism out of the process of moving from self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness.


          1. Randy, I am sorry, I still not sure I understand. Sorry to be a pain.

            I have read other comments, but I still don't understand the supernatural seems normal when you have cosmic understanding and not just self conscious understandin. I think that is what throws me a little. Do you mind explaining?

            I think of mysticism as the experience of oneness in the universe, with others and God.

  5. My opinion...

    Actually life is allot simpler than most people think. The truth? It's not rocket science, it's simple logic. Most people cannot and will not accept the truth because most people fear death and the final frontier of nonexistence.

    I believe one is enlightened when they understand that, "this is IT." Then you may unlock your life and truly live.

    But again, this is my opinion.

    1. Depends what the individuals perception is (we can read the same book and have a different outcome - much like Chinese Whispers sort of).

      Most people think the word "enlighten" is about gaining knowledge - and of course the (hu)man-made dictionary would say the same thing because, just as we don't argue about which day of the week it is, we've also been brainwashed into believing certain books.

      However, life is a paradox, and using my own being to decipher the word "enlighten" is actually more about losing knowledge not gaining it.

      When you say "this is IT", are you already experiencing the multi-dimensional/multi-sensory Universe as a fully conscious being, or still only just the 3-d/5-senses of a semi-conscious being?

      As complex as humans are, we're very simple to understand.

      1. "When you say “this is IT”, are you already experiencing the multi-dimensional/multi-sensory Universe as a fully conscious being, or still only just the 3-d/5-senses of a semi-conscious being?"

        Is it possible that I could be experiencing it all?

        1. I do not believe this metaphor will work here. An individual's perception can be different (as we read the same book and have a different outcome.) The final outcome (eternal destination) is the same for everyone.

          I enjoyed how you indicated the word “enlighten” is actually more about losing knowledge not gaining it. Very interesting indeed. Life may be a paradox but there are three things that remain constant and true in the universe above all the fillers man has instilled throughout the ages.

          You're born
          You live <--Enjoy it the best you can
          You die

          End of story.
          That's the book of I believe it to be

          Thanks for the dialog Paul, you make very interesting points.

          1. Hi Tony, you're welcome; thanks for your thoughtful replies! : )

            It is "different outcome" as in the context of the book. Purely different perception of the book; nothing more.

            My trust is more in Universal Laws over (hu)man (or alien) made laws. (Hu)man-made can be corrupted, whereas, Universal Laws remain true.

            We were a spirit before we were born into this physical body and we'll remain a spirit long after this physical body dies. So will have to agree to disagree with you on your three constants.

            "Belief" and "knowing" are worlds apart. Belief(s) are instilled in us by (hu)mankind.

            "Knowing" is from Cosmic Consciousness.

            Again, (hu)man-made stuff can be (and is) corrupted; whereas, Cosmic Consciousness is pure.

            Thanks again Tony; You're an interesting conversationalist yourself! 😉

          2. The spirit leaves the physical body when this body dies (it's been weighed many times). Why is it most people I know spend more time putting their physical bodies first, ahead of their spiritual self, when their omnipotent spiritual self comes way before their physical self?

          1. I use to believe the spirit thing and the laws of the universe through Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. I was once a student of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism. There are certainly laws that govern the universe but those are the same laws that govern us like the law of gravity. These are laws we continue to discover and know to be true as humans.

            You speak of being other than human. You are as human as I am and speaking words of human nature. The words you speak can be corrupt as well, and could be leading you to false pretenses in your beliefs. How do you know you were a spirit before you was human? Do you even remember anything before you was born? We only know what we have been taught by those before us. I cannot just "believe" as they (religious followers) say. I want proof, I want facts, I want real.

            I don't believe in magic
            I don't believe in superstitions
            I don't believe a man walked on water or separated the ocean.

            What I believe in most of all is myself and this great gift of life for which I credit my mother and father. It has taken me 40 years, many religious practices and going through my own personal hell and back to finally understand that the answer to life, as complex as it may be, is very simple to understand after all.

            Are we having fun yet? 🙂

  6. The last line of this post is the most interesting for me: "...if you are willing to become a co-creator of your consciousness."

    .....of my consciousness. Not "of my reality" or "of my experience" but .. "..of my consciousness".

    This is the journey, from non- or sub- conscious, to fully conscious, aware of how we are operating our lives, and then deliberately developing the kind of consciousness we want to experience next. Most of us following this blog are desirous of experiencing "Prosperity Consciousness."

    How does Prosperity Consciousness relate to Cosmic Consciousness?

  7. A reaching beyond of who we think we are and discovering who our higher self is what I understand transmutation or transcendent to be.

    I believe Co-creation is an ongoing process whether you are aware of it or not. It is a natural state of Being. It never ceases. However, we do have free will to choose what we want to co-create ( good/ bad or high/ low energy). Intuitively, most people know that the goal is to reach a state of love & peacefulness.

    Blessings to all,

  8. Hi Randy

    My female conductor says it's a delicious JOURNEY. At the MOMENT I dwell in the deliciousness whether the journey be long or short.


    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    1. Would your conductor be satisfied with being segregated? What I mean is, how do you know your conductor is female? Looking at the Yin Yang symbol we easily see there is always a percentage of the opposite within the whole. Life is a paradox! For example, you "know" what deliciousness is because of having experienced the unsavoury.

  9. I know the importance of moving from self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness. What sometimes is not clear to me is the way to do it. I guess practicing meditation every morning and every night, kindness, love, and self development are some good ways to achieve it.


    1. Ahh... Mystical as in mystifying, not Mystcal experience. Gotcha, I think. But, thank you I appreciate the follow up. 🙂

      I think I am a little embarrassed now. I was mystified by this post. I really think I get it now. I will just read it a few more times. I hope you will do more posts on this. I like the topic. Thanks again.

  10. “Things that appear supernatural from the self-conscious state are revealed to be normal, when viewed with cosmic consciousness. There is a transparent clarity that comes when the confusions of seeking self are allowed to fall away and replaced by a higher vision. You pass through self-consciousness and reach the pinnacle of evolution on this plane, which is true self-mastery. You too can experience the sublime wisdom and perfect calm of the Great Teachers if you are willing to become a co-creator of your consciousness.”

    Randy, I couldn’t have said it better myself! (:-))

    Seriously, though, I think the challenge is to finally let go of all the “programming” we have been accumulating all of our lives, which gives many people a false sense of security.

    Once we can release the false “security” of conventional consciousness—and that often takes a lot of courage—some glorious vistas and wondrous possibilities open up.

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  • 39 comments on “The Great Transmutation”

    1. Is it an immediate jump from self-conscience to the cosmic-conscience? And is there anything in between? Other levels, like family level conscience, social level conscience, country level or world level conscience?

          1. Speaking from "knowing" and "believing" are worlds apart. Just as the extreme heights of a pendulum's amplitude have separate belief's, so to do we extend from further from knowing; and reach closer to each height of belief.

            "There is a river flowing very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore, they will feel they are being torn apart and suffer greatly.

            Know that this river has its destination.

            The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is there with you and celebrate!

            At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all, ourselves. Banish the wprld struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

            We are the ones we have been waiting for."

            -Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation Elders

            Co-creation is indeed a level of conscious evolution which we all experience nowadays. Whether or not we are aware of being aware is based from an individual perspective.

            We are not all consciously aware of being aware... This will change one day soon - in a heartbeat.

            When one accepts entry into the game as a player, awareness of unity is lost in the obsession of play. This take-over of consciousness is the fun of play. The one becomes many, to play a game of cosmic hide-and-seek with itself.

      1. Yes- there's

        Self - ego

        Other - community, world

        Kosmic - ALL

        There are MANY developmental therpists out there that are fascinating - Robert Kegan, Susan Cook-Greuter, Don BEck... They all show you their various stages and how to nagivate them healthily...

    2. I'm not sure I can relate to all the cosmic talk. I work very hard to speak from courage and clarity about what I believe to be the truth of all truths. It takes courage to speak your true beliefs. I'm not concerned about being politically correct to lose a fan club. I'm grateful for that. It allows me to be authentic, which is where true spirituality evolves.

      1. Yes I'm sure you have some trouble with all this, believing as you do that your faith is the only truth. But I'm glad you're still hanging around, getting exposed to other viewpoints.


        1. Randy, from my experience, I've noticed many regurgitate what they hear from others instead of looking within for the answers (intuition being our #1 direct voice of choice). People of faith usually agree their God is a jealous God - and I'm not trying to segregate anything for we're all loving beings - however, isn't jealousy one of the seven cardinal sins? I don't think we're intelligent enough yet to even make a perfect God... Yes, the God I've heard most speak of is (hu)man-made - just look at the profits some make in religion while their are still homeless in their own cities... To me, religion is all for show; a superficial fake existence which prays to the opposite they think they're actually praying to (just saying!;)

        2. It's good to be exposed to her views too. Mary-Ellen makes a lot of good points. She does have courage in speaking her faith.

          We need all kinds of views, don't we?

    3. Начинаем менять сознание на пути к процветанию.
      Чувствуем изменения и это очень нравится!
      Пример Великих Учителей завораживает.
      Мы все способны на грандиозные вещи!

    4. Hey Randy, Whatcha talkin' 'bout? I am a little confused. Do you mean like mysticism, wherein you see all as a perfect oneness, thus knowing that all things are interrelated? And with this knoweledge beyond reasonable knowing, a person is able to understand the devine?

      Or is it completely different? Do you transmute when you know for sure you are at one with the universe?

      It is interesting. I tend to think experiences of mysticism and oneness with the universe are moments within the our lives, and the knoweledge hangs on even in the mundane.

        1. Why isn't mysticism a natural process? I had an experience of mysticism while walking down the street, and sitting in the movie theatre.

          I think it is something that happens to everyone. Or can happen to everyone.

          Maybe you are saying it's not just for the deeply holy and religious? It's not your Grandfather's mysticism? 🙂

          I guess I have known what you are saying for a long time. Had a really, really good theology professor.

          Good for you Randy. You are correct, everyone can experience this, we are all bits of the everlasting.

          I believe our subconcious is where God lives. I got that from M. Scott Peck, I think he is right.

          Everyone can have these experiences at any part of their journey. But living with the full conciousness of God, is easy and difficult. And available to anyone of any class or wealth status!

          1. I'm not saying mysticism is or isn't a natural process. What I mean is that the point of this post was to take the mysticism out of the process of moving from self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness.


            1. Randy, I am sorry, I still not sure I understand. Sorry to be a pain.

              I have read other comments, but I still don't understand the supernatural seems normal when you have cosmic understanding and not just self conscious understandin. I think that is what throws me a little. Do you mind explaining?

              I think of mysticism as the experience of oneness in the universe, with others and God.

    5. My opinion...

      Actually life is allot simpler than most people think. The truth? It's not rocket science, it's simple logic. Most people cannot and will not accept the truth because most people fear death and the final frontier of nonexistence.

      I believe one is enlightened when they understand that, "this is IT." Then you may unlock your life and truly live.

      But again, this is my opinion.

      1. Depends what the individuals perception is (we can read the same book and have a different outcome - much like Chinese Whispers sort of).

        Most people think the word "enlighten" is about gaining knowledge - and of course the (hu)man-made dictionary would say the same thing because, just as we don't argue about which day of the week it is, we've also been brainwashed into believing certain books.

        However, life is a paradox, and using my own being to decipher the word "enlighten" is actually more about losing knowledge not gaining it.

        When you say "this is IT", are you already experiencing the multi-dimensional/multi-sensory Universe as a fully conscious being, or still only just the 3-d/5-senses of a semi-conscious being?

        As complex as humans are, we're very simple to understand.

        1. "When you say “this is IT”, are you already experiencing the multi-dimensional/multi-sensory Universe as a fully conscious being, or still only just the 3-d/5-senses of a semi-conscious being?"

          Is it possible that I could be experiencing it all?

          1. I do not believe this metaphor will work here. An individual's perception can be different (as we read the same book and have a different outcome.) The final outcome (eternal destination) is the same for everyone.

            I enjoyed how you indicated the word “enlighten” is actually more about losing knowledge not gaining it. Very interesting indeed. Life may be a paradox but there are three things that remain constant and true in the universe above all the fillers man has instilled throughout the ages.

            You're born
            You live <--Enjoy it the best you can
            You die

            End of story.
            That's the book of I believe it to be

            Thanks for the dialog Paul, you make very interesting points.

            1. Hi Tony, you're welcome; thanks for your thoughtful replies! : )

              It is "different outcome" as in the context of the book. Purely different perception of the book; nothing more.

              My trust is more in Universal Laws over (hu)man (or alien) made laws. (Hu)man-made can be corrupted, whereas, Universal Laws remain true.

              We were a spirit before we were born into this physical body and we'll remain a spirit long after this physical body dies. So will have to agree to disagree with you on your three constants.

              "Belief" and "knowing" are worlds apart. Belief(s) are instilled in us by (hu)mankind.

              "Knowing" is from Cosmic Consciousness.

              Again, (hu)man-made stuff can be (and is) corrupted; whereas, Cosmic Consciousness is pure.

              Thanks again Tony; You're an interesting conversationalist yourself! 😉

            2. The spirit leaves the physical body when this body dies (it's been weighed many times). Why is it most people I know spend more time putting their physical bodies first, ahead of their spiritual self, when their omnipotent spiritual self comes way before their physical self?

            1. I use to believe the spirit thing and the laws of the universe through Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. I was once a student of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism. There are certainly laws that govern the universe but those are the same laws that govern us like the law of gravity. These are laws we continue to discover and know to be true as humans.

              You speak of being other than human. You are as human as I am and speaking words of human nature. The words you speak can be corrupt as well, and could be leading you to false pretenses in your beliefs. How do you know you were a spirit before you was human? Do you even remember anything before you was born? We only know what we have been taught by those before us. I cannot just "believe" as they (religious followers) say. I want proof, I want facts, I want real.

              I don't believe in magic
              I don't believe in superstitions
              I don't believe a man walked on water or separated the ocean.

              What I believe in most of all is myself and this great gift of life for which I credit my mother and father. It has taken me 40 years, many religious practices and going through my own personal hell and back to finally understand that the answer to life, as complex as it may be, is very simple to understand after all.

              Are we having fun yet? 🙂

    6. The last line of this post is the most interesting for me: "...if you are willing to become a co-creator of your consciousness."

      .....of my consciousness. Not "of my reality" or "of my experience" but .. "..of my consciousness".

      This is the journey, from non- or sub- conscious, to fully conscious, aware of how we are operating our lives, and then deliberately developing the kind of consciousness we want to experience next. Most of us following this blog are desirous of experiencing "Prosperity Consciousness."

      How does Prosperity Consciousness relate to Cosmic Consciousness?

    7. A reaching beyond of who we think we are and discovering who our higher self is what I understand transmutation or transcendent to be.

      I believe Co-creation is an ongoing process whether you are aware of it or not. It is a natural state of Being. It never ceases. However, we do have free will to choose what we want to co-create ( good/ bad or high/ low energy). Intuitively, most people know that the goal is to reach a state of love & peacefulness.

      Blessings to all,

    8. Hi Randy

      My female conductor says it's a delicious JOURNEY. At the MOMENT I dwell in the deliciousness whether the journey be long or short.


      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

      1. Would your conductor be satisfied with being segregated? What I mean is, how do you know your conductor is female? Looking at the Yin Yang symbol we easily see there is always a percentage of the opposite within the whole. Life is a paradox! For example, you "know" what deliciousness is because of having experienced the unsavoury.

    9. I know the importance of moving from self-consciousness to cosmic consciousness. What sometimes is not clear to me is the way to do it. I guess practicing meditation every morning and every night, kindness, love, and self development are some good ways to achieve it.


      1. Ahh... Mystical as in mystifying, not Mystcal experience. Gotcha, I think. But, thank you I appreciate the follow up. 🙂

        I think I am a little embarrassed now. I was mystified by this post. I really think I get it now. I will just read it a few more times. I hope you will do more posts on this. I like the topic. Thanks again.

    10. “Things that appear supernatural from the self-conscious state are revealed to be normal, when viewed with cosmic consciousness. There is a transparent clarity that comes when the confusions of seeking self are allowed to fall away and replaced by a higher vision. You pass through self-consciousness and reach the pinnacle of evolution on this plane, which is true self-mastery. You too can experience the sublime wisdom and perfect calm of the Great Teachers if you are willing to become a co-creator of your consciousness.”

      Randy, I couldn’t have said it better myself! (:-))

      Seriously, though, I think the challenge is to finally let go of all the “programming” we have been accumulating all of our lives, which gives many people a false sense of security.

      Once we can release the false “security” of conventional consciousness—and that often takes a lot of courage—some glorious vistas and wondrous possibilities open up.

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