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The Child in You

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 8, 2009

I had a three-hour layover in Riga, Latvia the other day.  Fortunately there were TVs in the terminal, and it was a “Ben Ten Alien Force Weekend” on the Cartoon Network!

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about finding and embracing the genius in you.  There is something related that you want to do the same thing with…

The child in you.

Think about how freethinking, energetic and spontaneous kids can be.  Look at the rapture they can experience over something as simple as a doll, a ladybug or a butterfly.  Remember how truthful and direct they are until they get this programmed out of them.  They live in the moment and relish it.

What about you?  When’s the last time you let your inner child out to play?


36 comments on “The Child in You”

  1. Hey Randy,

    Well, that might be one of my biggest Strengths and Weaknesses all in one, He/ She comes out and plays a lil' too much, for other folks, not for me, but you got it Have Fun, play, and the Passion and Spirit will lead you automatically into the proper, timely Action!

    Calling All Children, It's Time to Play, Come on, it will be a Blast!!!



  2. It took a person like you to make me realise that this spon taneity was taken away, in order to create an" adult"
    what advice do you have for a father of a gifted 7 year old child?

  3. I love my inner child...the part of me that loves to discover new things, go new places, try new experiences, and lets me get bliss from the simplest things. I spent 12 years married to a man who was never allowed to be a child, even as a child...he got terribly annoyed when my Child made an appearance. Pity is not a word I use too often, but I really do pity him. I wonder how much is nature vs nurture?

    Enjoy the simple things...if you do, there's a LOT MORE to enjoy.

    wishing you giggles and smiles,

  4. Good reminder Randy! And yet another reason I love to learn business, marketing, and LIFE lessons from the world of sports. For all the big money involved, for all the fierce competition, for all the "off the field" issues that surround it; the world of sports is ultimately all about adults playing like kids for a living!

    Come to think of it, that's kind of what running an Internet business is like!! 🙂

    Coach Donnelly

  5. Randy,
    Wonderful! It is a practice of mine to regularly purchase
    toys, play with them, and then randomly hand them over
    to an unsuspecting child. It's a blasty blast! 🙂 Peace.
    Happy Holidays Dude.

  6. I was a shy kid, and so I spent a lot of time inside, playing with the visual I was taking in and it tended to come out in sarcasm. I've learned to control that and just smile - I'm told it is Impish. Whatever, it's my child - I'll keep that a mystery!

  7. I'm not sure I ever really let my inner child out to play, even as a child. I was always being told to settle down and be quiet by my parents. Even if playing outside. I started shutting down at a very early age. Working through that now.


  8. I let my inner child out not as much as I'd like to but ocassionally by going out and doing something different or spontaneous. There really is a lot to be learned by kids, especially when you see the stats on how much more they laugh than adults which I would think would make 'em more happy 🙂

  9. One of my favorite things of having children, is I get to experience life all over again through the eyes of the child.

    Yesterday was a snow day. My two children and I hunkered down for the snowy day.

    Originally, I had thought to myself, 'jeez, this is going to be one long day.'

    Then I changed my perspective and let my inner kid out.

    "Hey, do you two want to make sugar cookies and decorate them? Let's turn on some Christmas movies!"

    Heck, they were even overjoyed to go out and shovel snow with me.

    It ended up being such an amazingly fun day for all four of us: My children, me, and my inner child!


    Jhanna Dawson

  10. Wow - I'm VERY child like... I dance, act silly, play, tell funny stories, wrestle, say what I think openly, skip to places, race with my kids, sing silly tunes, pull faces, run in the rain naked, have food fights, eat lollies in the bath, roll in the grass, fly kites, have picnics, put socks on to to skate on the floor we're mopping, catch snow with my tongue, shout out loud in joy, flash my bum, make animal sounds, dive onto the beds, have "throwing rubbish" competitions.... It's the one thing my kids enjoy about me: I'm rather crazy they think in comparison to others...

    But I think we have this idealised picture of childhood - they ALSO thru tantrums, whine a lot, fight, moan, argue, don't know when to stop, don't do what they're meant to be doing, nag, self-sabotage, are stubborn and unreasonable without logic, tease, and are highly distractable. Hmmmm.... the other side of the coin - which can feel rather like dumping, eh?

  11. This is why I love my job so much. In our workshops, we "invite" the inner child out to play, from all of our participants. It is amazing how much more people will learn if they are having FUN!

    What's more, they get to know each other much faster and on a deeper level. This is nothing new though...The great philosopher/teacher Platon wrote, "Within an hour of playing games, you will learn more about the person than you would know about them after a year of having conversations".

    Play on! Life has to be FUN.


  12. I am not sure that my children really want me to be childish as in the same manner I dont want my children to play adults . Every time in life have thier special meaning and young peoples mind are filled with fantasies and need to improve their creativeness.

    A child need to be a child as long as nescesary , a puppy is a puppy until it grows up to be a real Lassie.

    Are you with me on that small children dont walk they run ?
    As running is the most natural way to move.
    And as small children are often in the now there is a sence of urgency.

    It end when they entering the classroom at first degree.

  13. Hey Randy, I've made a career out of helping people let their inner child out to play. Thanks for highlighting how important it is! I have found that just about everyone WANTS to let out the inner child, but it seems like they need a little permission.

    As I write this, we're getting dumped with snow. Methinks a snowman might be in my future...

  14. Actually I am just starting to let my inner child out Michele said "the part of me that loves to discover new things, go new places, try new experiences, and lets me get bliss from the simplest things." Playing, laughing & having life.

  15. Oh, Randy, I'm so glad, that you have began this topic! Thank you, this is so truly!

    When I discovered that I was fifteen. Then I have understood, that in that age I was much more freethinking than grown-ups. They have all that prejudices, stereotypes and they can't easily change their opinion about whatever and themselves. As a result, they are stuck, broken and they are couldn't to develop. So, I decided - I would never be like this adults, and I always will keep my mind open to new knowledge, opinions and I will always grow. I would never talk that nonsense, like "We are elder than you, so we knew more" or "We knew better what is best for you". Because I have understood that my parents are broken and unhappy when I was ten. In fifteen I have understood that they are stupid in addition. Because I understand much more important things in much more higher level then them as like - love, friendship and happiness.

    So, I promised myself, that I would never be "like a grown-up" and I will always have my mind opened to changes which is brining by selfdeveloping and new knowledge! And I would never have told my son or daughter "Stop playing, do something useful". Because the games (if you know which are) they are useful. And I will play games with my kids. So they can develop themselves by such an amazing and interesting way.

    Klym Nikiforov, Ukraine.

  16. I STILL play in the rain, slash in puddles and find myself watching a little spongebob ( though I prefer south park) with my niece and nephew. If you aren't loving your life and TRULY having fun, what's the point?! Life is amazing and sometimes. I think it's more fun to put away the umbrella, look up at the sky and get soaked sometimes. I just want to have fun at this point in my life. 🙂

  17. Awesome! I just blogged about how kids live their lives with endless possibilities and no limitations!
    What a world it would be if we all took that cue, embraced our imaginations and followed our hearts...

    I'm as goofy and child-like as they come, and I love it.

    Great stuff

    Mike Shippey

  18. It's a shame our "progress" in life takes the child out of us. Finger painting to crayons to markers to pencils to ballpoint pens. Our creativity is lost in our evolution to adulthood. As long as I'm 43 and people are still saying "act your age", guess I'm good. Gonna catch some Scooby Doo re-runs with the kids.

  19. the other evening when I got to call New Zealand in my work. Never called that far before and I felt before, during and afterwards a childish joy of the extraordinary. A usual job-call but it was New Zealand! 12 hours away from Brussels. *grin*

  20. As mom of a 7 year old boy, I am reminded daily of the wonder with which children view the world. I am ever reminded to take the time to see the world through his eyes. Taking the time to just sit and play is a refreshing change to the realities of being a grown up!! I encourage everyone to take the time to play with children and let them lead the way. You might be surprised how fun and refreshing it can be.

  21. One of the biggest problem with us adults, working in MLM is our EGO. If we could erase our Ego, and in that manner behave more childish and just do what we supposed to do, without thinking so much.
    It´s what we normally called to " step out of our safety-zone".

  22. HAHAHA well mine comes out when I least expect it, and to tell you the truth sometimes I wonder when I will grow up, then I stop and think, it is not really about growing up, it's about not loosing that side of you and allowing yourself to even be silly sometimes... I love that side in me... and even though I have been critized for it many times, I really don't care, because that is exactly what makes me who I am!!! I am a 36 year old woman, divorced with and 8 year old son, and yes u will find a picture of me standing on my hands on my facebook profile some times.. why... just because I wanted to see how the world looked upsidown jahahahja, hey life is one!!!

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  • 36 comments on “The Child in You”

    1. Hey Randy,

      Well, that might be one of my biggest Strengths and Weaknesses all in one, He/ She comes out and plays a lil' too much, for other folks, not for me, but you got it Have Fun, play, and the Passion and Spirit will lead you automatically into the proper, timely Action!

      Calling All Children, It's Time to Play, Come on, it will be a Blast!!!



    2. It took a person like you to make me realise that this spon taneity was taken away, in order to create an" adult"
      what advice do you have for a father of a gifted 7 year old child?

    3. I love my inner child...the part of me that loves to discover new things, go new places, try new experiences, and lets me get bliss from the simplest things. I spent 12 years married to a man who was never allowed to be a child, even as a child...he got terribly annoyed when my Child made an appearance. Pity is not a word I use too often, but I really do pity him. I wonder how much is nature vs nurture?

      Enjoy the simple things...if you do, there's a LOT MORE to enjoy.

      wishing you giggles and smiles,

    4. Good reminder Randy! And yet another reason I love to learn business, marketing, and LIFE lessons from the world of sports. For all the big money involved, for all the fierce competition, for all the "off the field" issues that surround it; the world of sports is ultimately all about adults playing like kids for a living!

      Come to think of it, that's kind of what running an Internet business is like!! 🙂

      Coach Donnelly

    5. Randy,
      Wonderful! It is a practice of mine to regularly purchase
      toys, play with them, and then randomly hand them over
      to an unsuspecting child. It's a blasty blast! 🙂 Peace.
      Happy Holidays Dude.

    6. I was a shy kid, and so I spent a lot of time inside, playing with the visual I was taking in and it tended to come out in sarcasm. I've learned to control that and just smile - I'm told it is Impish. Whatever, it's my child - I'll keep that a mystery!

    7. I'm not sure I ever really let my inner child out to play, even as a child. I was always being told to settle down and be quiet by my parents. Even if playing outside. I started shutting down at a very early age. Working through that now.


    8. I let my inner child out not as much as I'd like to but ocassionally by going out and doing something different or spontaneous. There really is a lot to be learned by kids, especially when you see the stats on how much more they laugh than adults which I would think would make 'em more happy 🙂

    9. One of my favorite things of having children, is I get to experience life all over again through the eyes of the child.

      Yesterday was a snow day. My two children and I hunkered down for the snowy day.

      Originally, I had thought to myself, 'jeez, this is going to be one long day.'

      Then I changed my perspective and let my inner kid out.

      "Hey, do you two want to make sugar cookies and decorate them? Let's turn on some Christmas movies!"

      Heck, they were even overjoyed to go out and shovel snow with me.

      It ended up being such an amazingly fun day for all four of us: My children, me, and my inner child!


      Jhanna Dawson

    10. Wow - I'm VERY child like... I dance, act silly, play, tell funny stories, wrestle, say what I think openly, skip to places, race with my kids, sing silly tunes, pull faces, run in the rain naked, have food fights, eat lollies in the bath, roll in the grass, fly kites, have picnics, put socks on to to skate on the floor we're mopping, catch snow with my tongue, shout out loud in joy, flash my bum, make animal sounds, dive onto the beds, have "throwing rubbish" competitions.... It's the one thing my kids enjoy about me: I'm rather crazy they think in comparison to others...

      But I think we have this idealised picture of childhood - they ALSO thru tantrums, whine a lot, fight, moan, argue, don't know when to stop, don't do what they're meant to be doing, nag, self-sabotage, are stubborn and unreasonable without logic, tease, and are highly distractable. Hmmmm.... the other side of the coin - which can feel rather like dumping, eh?

    11. This is why I love my job so much. In our workshops, we "invite" the inner child out to play, from all of our participants. It is amazing how much more people will learn if they are having FUN!

      What's more, they get to know each other much faster and on a deeper level. This is nothing new though...The great philosopher/teacher Platon wrote, "Within an hour of playing games, you will learn more about the person than you would know about them after a year of having conversations".

      Play on! Life has to be FUN.


    12. I am not sure that my children really want me to be childish as in the same manner I dont want my children to play adults . Every time in life have thier special meaning and young peoples mind are filled with fantasies and need to improve their creativeness.

      A child need to be a child as long as nescesary , a puppy is a puppy until it grows up to be a real Lassie.

      Are you with me on that small children dont walk they run ?
      As running is the most natural way to move.
      And as small children are often in the now there is a sence of urgency.

      It end when they entering the classroom at first degree.

    13. Hey Randy, I've made a career out of helping people let their inner child out to play. Thanks for highlighting how important it is! I have found that just about everyone WANTS to let out the inner child, but it seems like they need a little permission.

      As I write this, we're getting dumped with snow. Methinks a snowman might be in my future...

    14. Actually I am just starting to let my inner child out Michele said "the part of me that loves to discover new things, go new places, try new experiences, and lets me get bliss from the simplest things." Playing, laughing & having life.

    15. Oh, Randy, I'm so glad, that you have began this topic! Thank you, this is so truly!

      When I discovered that I was fifteen. Then I have understood, that in that age I was much more freethinking than grown-ups. They have all that prejudices, stereotypes and they can't easily change their opinion about whatever and themselves. As a result, they are stuck, broken and they are couldn't to develop. So, I decided - I would never be like this adults, and I always will keep my mind open to new knowledge, opinions and I will always grow. I would never talk that nonsense, like "We are elder than you, so we knew more" or "We knew better what is best for you". Because I have understood that my parents are broken and unhappy when I was ten. In fifteen I have understood that they are stupid in addition. Because I understand much more important things in much more higher level then them as like - love, friendship and happiness.

      So, I promised myself, that I would never be "like a grown-up" and I will always have my mind opened to changes which is brining by selfdeveloping and new knowledge! And I would never have told my son or daughter "Stop playing, do something useful". Because the games (if you know which are) they are useful. And I will play games with my kids. So they can develop themselves by such an amazing and interesting way.

      Klym Nikiforov, Ukraine.

    16. I STILL play in the rain, slash in puddles and find myself watching a little spongebob ( though I prefer south park) with my niece and nephew. If you aren't loving your life and TRULY having fun, what's the point?! Life is amazing and sometimes. I think it's more fun to put away the umbrella, look up at the sky and get soaked sometimes. I just want to have fun at this point in my life. 🙂

    17. Awesome! I just blogged about how kids live their lives with endless possibilities and no limitations!
      What a world it would be if we all took that cue, embraced our imaginations and followed our hearts...

      I'm as goofy and child-like as they come, and I love it.

      Great stuff

      Mike Shippey

    18. It's a shame our "progress" in life takes the child out of us. Finger painting to crayons to markers to pencils to ballpoint pens. Our creativity is lost in our evolution to adulthood. As long as I'm 43 and people are still saying "act your age", guess I'm good. Gonna catch some Scooby Doo re-runs with the kids.

    19. the other evening when I got to call New Zealand in my work. Never called that far before and I felt before, during and afterwards a childish joy of the extraordinary. A usual job-call but it was New Zealand! 12 hours away from Brussels. *grin*

    20. As mom of a 7 year old boy, I am reminded daily of the wonder with which children view the world. I am ever reminded to take the time to see the world through his eyes. Taking the time to just sit and play is a refreshing change to the realities of being a grown up!! I encourage everyone to take the time to play with children and let them lead the way. You might be surprised how fun and refreshing it can be.

    21. One of the biggest problem with us adults, working in MLM is our EGO. If we could erase our Ego, and in that manner behave more childish and just do what we supposed to do, without thinking so much.
      It´s what we normally called to " step out of our safety-zone".

    22. HAHAHA well mine comes out when I least expect it, and to tell you the truth sometimes I wonder when I will grow up, then I stop and think, it is not really about growing up, it's about not loosing that side of you and allowing yourself to even be silly sometimes... I love that side in me... and even though I have been critized for it many times, I really don't care, because that is exactly what makes me who I am!!! I am a 36 year old woman, divorced with and 8 year old son, and yes u will find a picture of me standing on my hands on my facebook profile some times.. why... just because I wanted to see how the world looked upsidown jahahahja, hey life is one!!!

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