Hello from Cairo! I’m here to conduct an event, but want to continue the discussion we started in Prague, about how you can prepare for the most tumultuous, cataclysmic decade in human history. We...
Hello from Cairo! I’m here to conduct an event, but want to continue the discussion we started in Prague, about how you can prepare for the most tumultuous, cataclysmic decade in human history. We...
Greetings once again from Prague. I came here to launch the Czech edition of Mad Genius and wanted to share some thoughts from my conversation with the crowd. (more…)...
Last night we launched the Czech edition of Mad Genius. It’s wonderful to be back in Prague and there was a great crowd in the convention hall to discuss some concepts from the book and how they app...
Sometimes you may feel you are living two lives – lives that are dramatically at odds with each other. (more…)...
Mad Genius starts with a decision. The decision to tap your genius is about thinking in new and different ways. It happens when you refuse to accept “no” and decide to find a way. Even when there ...
If you charge your team with solving a problem, you shouldn’t be surprised to discover later that they have been looking backward. Problem solving in and of itself is inherently backwards-looking. (...
Why is conventional thinking (and culture) so backward and innovation killing? Why is the default setting almost always, “that’s impossible,” or “it just can’t be done”? Why are mill...
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