CNBC offers non-stop “Shark Tank” reruns almost nightly. I’ve been binge watching over the holidays and couldn’t help but notice how misogynistic and demeaning the male sharks behave to...
CNBC offers non-stop “Shark Tank” reruns almost nightly. I’ve been binge watching over the holidays and couldn’t help but notice how misogynistic and demeaning the male sharks behave to...
Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire. You and I are not. If we wanted to have some fun, we could list the reasons why this situation exists. Being charitable to him, we could say Zuckerberg i...
Go back with me, if you will, to a moment in your life when you were luxuriating in the beauty, virtue, and sheer joy of being selfish...
Unfortunately, if you’re like most people, the mere ...
Last post, we talked a lot about the tug-of-war between your conscious mind versus your subconscious programming, for outcomes you want to do, have, and become. Unfortunately, you can sometimes ...
What does it take to admit you’re wrong or made a mistake? And how often do you do that? (more…)...
One of my dear friends called me for advice on how to handle her mother who was dying of cancer. My advice was simple: Let her die. (more…)...
In the last post, I told you that the when you reach the level of self-awareness to become the thinker of the thought – that’s the day you’re actually born. What we’re talking about is using...
Last post I told you that there are some beliefs, habits, and even people, that no longer belong in your life. Once you realize and recognize that, you can finally give yourself permission to move t...
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