My softball team was losing. Bad. There were a lot of reasons. Most of the guys weren’t hitting. Three guys made errors. And our pitcher walked six or seven guys. That’s the one that ...
My softball team was losing. Bad. There were a lot of reasons. Most of the guys weren’t hitting. Three guys made errors. And our pitcher walked six or seven guys. That’s the one that ...
Who is really more arrogant – the believer who is oblivious to science or the atheist cynical of faith? It’s undoubtedly a tie.
Many spiritual leaders and likely an equal num...
At some moment, a line was crossed, and everything changed...
(It’s 4 am in Miami and I should be sleeping. But I woke up at two, unable to get back to sleep and decided to write thi...
Prosperity is your natural state. You are the results of millions of years’ worth of evolution and you’ve been engineered to live a life of health, happiness, and prosperity. A prosperous wor...
I get asked frequently why I’m so hard on organized religion. Most who ask believe I’m on a crusade to convert the world to atheism. In actuality, that’s the last thing I want to do. There...
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for the following SPECIAL REPORT:
Don’t Volunteer for a Lobotomy! (more…)...
This is a continuing series of posts breaking down the six most important categories of core beliefs you develop in life. I believe these areas are instrumental in terms of the self-esteem you devel...
It was spring, 2005 and I was sitting in a coffeeshop in Amsterdam toking up some sinsemilla, while the TV on the wall played images of people mourning the death of Pope John Paul II. Maybe it was t...
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