(Friday Filosophy 8/11/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Last time we chatted I promised you a post on the dangers of making your critical thinking a little too critical. Let's jump into it…
(Friday Filosophy 8/11/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Last time we chatted I promised you a post on the dangers of making your critical thinking a little too critical. Let's jump into it…
(Friday Filosophy 7/14/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Here's your weekly postcard from me with a question, topic, or challenge to contemplate. This week let’s explore the idea of thinking like...
(Friday Filosophy 6/09/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another Friday Filosophy, my weekly postcard to you with a question, topic, or challenge to contemplate. This week let’s explor...
(Friday Filosophy 6/02/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another issue of Friday Filosophy, my weekly postcard to you with a question, topic, or challenge to contemplate. This week letâ€...
(Friday Filosophy 5/19/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another issue of Friday Filosophy, my weekly postcard to you, where I suggest a question, topic, or challenge to think deeper about...
(Friday Filosophy 4/07/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Good morning from Birmingham, Alabama, where I’m visiting to play in another softball tournament. If you’re new here, every Friday I chall...
(Friday Filosophy 3/24/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, the weekly postcard where I challenge you to think about what you think about. Today this is...
(Friday Filosophy 3/17/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, coming to you this week from Guadalajara, Mexico where I’m conducting a leadership summit. ...
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