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Stop Running from Shadows

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 16, 2025

I was a frightened 15-year-old kid, in jail for burglary and armed robbery.  This situation wasn’t an accident or even unexpected. It was the result of a lot of bad choices with drugs and alcohol, acting out, my raging bitterness and entitlement mentality.

Although this was 50 years ago – I can remember it like it was yesterday.  Allow me to bring you in on the story…

One day there was the sound of jangling keys and my cell door opened.  In walked a middle-aged blond stranger. Turns out that he was a schoolteacher, and the father of my best friend’s girlfriend. (Who had pleaded with him to come and try to rescue me from what was certain to be a disastrous fate.) After the introductions and some small chitchat, he said:

“You don’t belong here,” he said. “You’re capable of great things.”

I thought he was full of shit and flat out told him that.  He should have smacked me and walked out. Stop wasting his time on an insufferable, arrogant kid, oblivious to the kindness he was being offered.  But he didn’t. (Praise be to all that is holy.) He calmly took in my reaction.

And what he said next rocked my world like a five-megaton thermonuclear bomb… 

He’d spoken to all my teachers and learned that while I was bored, disruptive, and confrontational, they believed I still had enormous potential. My reading comprehension scores were above college level, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to skip classes for a week and still ace a test the day I returned.  He basically told me that I was the foolish one, because I was denying my own potential.

This man who had never met me, took the time to look beneath the surface and see the greatness in me that no one else could.  Arguably the greatest gift you can ever give anyone.

And the fact that he shared that gift with me is why I’m still here now – and the reason I’m writing this blog to you…

At this moment, I have spent 24,028 days on Earth. And of those, the day that stranger spoke those words to me is the single most important one.

More important than the day I was born, fell in love, buried my brother, hit the New York Times bestseller list, survived getting shot, was inducted into the Hall of Fame, or became a multi-millionaire.  Or the day I will die.

Because no day really matters if you don’t believe in yourself... 

Which is the whole point.  I had no way of knowing it at the time, but subconsciously somehow knew that if I did turn my life around, there would be a debt to pay.  Not to the man who ignited that transformation in me…  (Because he didn’t even want that.)

But a debt to be paid forward to others…who need someone to believe in them the way that stranger (Whose name was Baxter Richardson) believed in me.

If I were on my deathbed and this was the last post I’d ever write to share with you one last piece of advice on how to succeed – I would summon all my strength to metaphorically reach up, grab you by the collar, pull your eyes even with mine and say…

Pay very close attention to the stories you tell yourself.  Because those stories will determine your reality. 

Because that is the lifelong lesson I learned (but didn’t fully understand for years) when Baxter walked into that jail cell.

People are trying to sell you stories all the time.  And most of the time, those stories are based on limiting beliefs. Either you buy them, or you reject them.

If you buy a story, it starts a chain reaction:

  • It creates a foundational belief.
  • That belief creates your vision (positive, negative, or neutral).
  • That vision creates your daily actions.
  • Your daily actions determine your destiny.

In Plato’s The Republic, he shares the fable of the men chained together with their backs to a fire, frightened out of their wits by the shadows being created behind them, thinking the shadows are real.

How many of the fear-based beliefs we buy into are just shadows others are using to manipulate us?

Health, happiness, and prosperity aren’t created in a microwave.  They are simmered over time in the crockpot of your life – the cumulative effect of millions of minute daily actions.  But if you reverse engineer the process, you see those actions were produced by your vision, which was created by your beliefs, which were developed by the stories you bought into.

Let me assure you without a scintilla of doubt…

  • People who fail in a business will try to sell you why you can’t succeed either.
  • People suffering from suboptimal health will try and sell you why you can’t lose weight, create energy, etc.
  • People who haven’t found love will try to sell you why it’s unattainable for you.
  • People who didn’t reach the summit will try to sell you why the climb might kill you.
  • People who are broke will try to sell you that the system will prevent you from ever becoming rich.

People desperately want to sell you their limiting beliefs, because they think it validates the fact they’ve given up on their dreams.  Stop buying them.

These people often mean well.  They usually believe in their story. Unfortunately, they don’t realize the story they bought is a make-believe one.

Please.  Bookmark this post.  And the next time your relationship is blowing up, your business can’t make the payroll, or someone you love gets taken away far too early, and you’re lying on the ground…  

Picture me gazing in your eyes and saying,

“You don’t belong here.  You’re capable of great things.”


- RG

Previous post: 10 Insights for a Transformational 2025

23 comments on “Stop Running from Shadows”

  1. Randy,I have read by no means all, but a great deal of your work, having first becoming aware of you a good few years ago, 1990 if memory serves!! In short, this, to me, is the most powerful, inspiring piece I have ever had the good fortune to read. Thank you.

  2. Thanks Randy, that man was a gift for you, but you were able to seize that gift and make it a masterpiece. Your life . Thank you for this teaching.

  3. I'm completely blown away by this post. The thousands of dollars that I've spent on self-help books and programs over the years, ( I was probably one of Nightingale Conant's best customers, way back in the day when everything was on cassettes tapes) and this post is worth more than all that combined. Thank you Randy Gage. I also would like to thank you for something you wrote - I believe it was in Mad Genius - that helped me in a particularly dark time in my life. I had the quote engraved on a bookmark and still need to look at it often. "Because sometimes it is when we are at our lowest state, facing our most difficult challenges, that we pull ourselves together, marshal our resources, and decide that the alternative to hopelessness is actually hope after all." Thanks Randy.

  4. Randy, I have heard parts of this part of your journey in different interactions in the past. But this is the first time I saw it all spelled out and tied to the lesson. Wow. Powerful, compelling, and an evergreen message. May we all take inspiration to not just tell ourselves the right story but may we all be Baxter Richardsons. Thank you for sharing this in all the detail.

  5. Jedi Knight Randy, i can recall a time when - if this makes sense - i wanted the nature of my "Ì" in "I can, I am, I have, etc" to emulate your "I".. "i" couldn't see the beauty, intelligence, greatness & lovability of my then current "i"..

    Kind of myopic.. though it made sense to me at the time..

    Now, I've total compassion for that iteration i so cherished back then..

    "Ive grown in consciousness in fact, & learned from my mistakes.. (Radical Rebirth tribute)

    .... I forgive myself ( Big "I") & accept my abundance..

    This is "The Infinite way" - book title by Joel S. Goldsmith..

    Let's all "spiral up"

    Principles, when studied and embodied, all us all to be "soul conscious"..

    Certainly a major benefit and catalyst from studying your work, RG.

    Soul conscious, - you are a law unto Soul Consciousness Randy. We love and salute you.


  6. I first got acquainted with Randy Gage's philosophy at a seminar in Kyiv in 2005. I returned to my city from Kyiv full of inspiration and dreams. You had a huge impact on my mind then and I am very grateful that you continue to do so.Thank you very much!

    1. The same story. It was then that I got hooked on self-development. I was also hugely impressed by the incredible Mr. Nick Shestakov, a translator. He was shadowing Mr. Randy Gage and mimicking his movements.

  7. Love you, RG. Many years ago I traveled to Hawaii to attend your seminar. You kept us up all through the night. You told us to only drink water. Nothing else in our mouths. Everything about you and your recommendations was extreme. Even your language was outlandish and in the remarks you asked for afterwards I told you to quit swearing. Your life still very very inspiring to me. "Disciple" aged 85.

  8. Impresionante como aveces nos convertimos Luz en las demás personas. Ahora tú eres luz en tanta oscuridad ♥️

  9. I'll be short Randy, once again strengthening my faith, I hope my gratitude energy will come back to you as much as you want.

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  • 23 comments on “Stop Running from Shadows”

    1. Randy,I have read by no means all, but a great deal of your work, having first becoming aware of you a good few years ago, 1990 if memory serves!! In short, this, to me, is the most powerful, inspiring piece I have ever had the good fortune to read. Thank you.

    2. Thanks Randy, that man was a gift for you, but you were able to seize that gift and make it a masterpiece. Your life . Thank you for this teaching.

    3. I'm completely blown away by this post. The thousands of dollars that I've spent on self-help books and programs over the years, ( I was probably one of Nightingale Conant's best customers, way back in the day when everything was on cassettes tapes) and this post is worth more than all that combined. Thank you Randy Gage. I also would like to thank you for something you wrote - I believe it was in Mad Genius - that helped me in a particularly dark time in my life. I had the quote engraved on a bookmark and still need to look at it often. "Because sometimes it is when we are at our lowest state, facing our most difficult challenges, that we pull ourselves together, marshal our resources, and decide that the alternative to hopelessness is actually hope after all." Thanks Randy.

    4. Randy, I have heard parts of this part of your journey in different interactions in the past. But this is the first time I saw it all spelled out and tied to the lesson. Wow. Powerful, compelling, and an evergreen message. May we all take inspiration to not just tell ourselves the right story but may we all be Baxter Richardsons. Thank you for sharing this in all the detail.

    5. Jedi Knight Randy, i can recall a time when - if this makes sense - i wanted the nature of my "Ì" in "I can, I am, I have, etc" to emulate your "I".. "i" couldn't see the beauty, intelligence, greatness & lovability of my then current "i"..

      Kind of myopic.. though it made sense to me at the time..

      Now, I've total compassion for that iteration i so cherished back then..

      "Ive grown in consciousness in fact, & learned from my mistakes.. (Radical Rebirth tribute)

      .... I forgive myself ( Big "I") & accept my abundance..

      This is "The Infinite way" - book title by Joel S. Goldsmith..

      Let's all "spiral up"

      Principles, when studied and embodied, all us all to be "soul conscious"..

      Certainly a major benefit and catalyst from studying your work, RG.

      Soul conscious, - you are a law unto Soul Consciousness Randy. We love and salute you.


    6. I first got acquainted with Randy Gage's philosophy at a seminar in Kyiv in 2005. I returned to my city from Kyiv full of inspiration and dreams. You had a huge impact on my mind then and I am very grateful that you continue to do so.Thank you very much!

      1. The same story. It was then that I got hooked on self-development. I was also hugely impressed by the incredible Mr. Nick Shestakov, a translator. He was shadowing Mr. Randy Gage and mimicking his movements.

    7. Love you, RG. Many years ago I traveled to Hawaii to attend your seminar. You kept us up all through the night. You told us to only drink water. Nothing else in our mouths. Everything about you and your recommendations was extreme. Even your language was outlandish and in the remarks you asked for afterwards I told you to quit swearing. Your life still very very inspiring to me. "Disciple" aged 85.

    8. Impresionante como aveces nos convertimos Luz en las demás personas. Ahora tú eres luz en tanta oscuridad ♥️

    9. I'll be short Randy, once again strengthening my faith, I hope my gratitude energy will come back to you as much as you want.

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