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Revenge of the Amish Techno-Geek!

Posted By: Randy GageMay 26, 2009

So what a fascinating day yesterday was:  It was a totally technolicious time…

I got more than 400 new followers on my Twitter account. Did my first webcast for people around the world in my MLM Mastery Coaching Program. Recorded two videos for my YouTube Channel. Posted on my two blogs.  And recorded another video to be played at a huge event in Kazakhstan at the same time I’ll be speaking at another event in Dallas.

My Facebook and Twitter postings produced an extra couple thousand visitors to my two main websites, with not a few of them buying my new MLM training album. Today I’m doing a podcast with Len Clements.

Now if I were Perry Belcher, Mashable or DFizzy, this would be just another day in the neighborhood.  But this was me – the guy who fought email for four years and needed his mother to record Battlestar Gallactica for him.   I had such a fear of technology I’ve been anointed an honorary Amish!

But the world is changing fast.  And even the 50-year-old guys like me have to adapt or get left behind.   So I have faced my fears and embraced technology where it serves me.

So what about you?  How are you doing on all this?  Have you adapted to the changing times?

And what comfort zone do you need to break through – for your next breakthrough?


17 comments on “Revenge of the Amish Techno-Geek!”

  1. Yep, Randy, Got into computers only 2 years ago, and although I'll never be a techie, I do okay, and am now learning Paint Shop Pro. My aim is to learn how to set up a web site of my own, so I can sell my original knitting patterns world wide.

    Also doing a lot of study on motivation, did you guess?

    Oh yes, forgot to mention, I just had my 75th birthday...... so you're just a spring chicken yet! LOL.

    So much to learn... it's wonderful.

    Pam In Qld Australia.

  2. I am 50. I did 15 months course on ICT and graduated this year. I Joined social networks a few months ago and a whole new world, I did not know existed, was opened to me. I am liking the experience.

  3. Hi Randy
    Email and My space are part of my survival kit...Get great response from my should try it also:)......and emails are just so fast and so convenient saving precious time....
    Have a great Wednesday
    with love Angie

  4. Congratulations Randy, you must be thrilled! As someone who has a technical background, it's easy to forget how foreign it is to some people and what a challenge it is to develop a presence on the internet. For me, the technical stuff is easy and the challenge comes in regard to marketing and building a following.

  5. Hey Mr RG,

    As someone who doesn't quite know how to even change your signature in your Mail program, you've definitely arrived!

    Kudos to you, sir!

    I appreciate your generous contributions to the world!

    God bless,

  6. Have had a Facebook page for most of a year, a Twitter account, LinkedIn page and used to have a Myspace page too.

    I'm brand new in an EXCITING MLM company (Univera) and am formulating some ideas for marketing, though how we market is VERY different from others, so not sure if the typical web site, and all the social networking will apply.

    My two cents. Thanks Randy!

  7. Didn't know you have large audience in Kazakhstan. I am from Kaz. When and where is that event going to be?

    On topic I started to use computer about 20 yrs ago. So no problems here. Developing my websites, but not yet on scripts level too much. Therefore I need to learn more PHP, Mysql and so on.

  8. Well congrats to our new Amish Techno Geek. I actually live in
    Amishville and up until the Nickle Mines Massacre the Amish did not even have a cell phone but have since rethought the idea. It's the sign of the times that a quiet, peaceful, forgiving group of people can be targeted by some very unwholesome people and force technology on them wherein in your case Randy it's good to see you've made it into the 21st Century.

    Rock On!

  9. Randy, I have been seeing your name all over the place, and I figured you know what, it's time for me to follow this well-respected individual who has, obviously blazed the trial for the direction that I am headed. It give me great pleasure and honor to tap into your wisdom and knowledge in this industry they call MLM, (Must Leave Mediocrisy). I am very new to the industry but have very quickly identified the true players -- I look forward to following and learning from you RG. God Bless You Always! Ms. Dee

  10. This is a good post. Being a newbie to all things internet, I struggled to figure out how to make a web page. All the programs I bought into only went so far. Frustrating!
    Then I happened onto a free ebook on how to make a web page in one day and everything changed for me!! I built this site in one afternoon and was so PROUD!! LOL

    I went on to build a 3 page site with pictures and images etc. and it felt so good. (it's in my name signature at the top of my post)

    Now my biggest constraint is remembering!!! When I can't quite figure out something I have already done. ROFL

    Having a mind of a 45 yr old but the attitude of a 28 yr old, I just keep plugging away!!

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  • 17 comments on “Revenge of the Amish Techno-Geek!”

    1. Yep, Randy, Got into computers only 2 years ago, and although I'll never be a techie, I do okay, and am now learning Paint Shop Pro. My aim is to learn how to set up a web site of my own, so I can sell my original knitting patterns world wide.

      Also doing a lot of study on motivation, did you guess?

      Oh yes, forgot to mention, I just had my 75th birthday...... so you're just a spring chicken yet! LOL.

      So much to learn... it's wonderful.

      Pam In Qld Australia.

    2. I am 50. I did 15 months course on ICT and graduated this year. I Joined social networks a few months ago and a whole new world, I did not know existed, was opened to me. I am liking the experience.

    3. Hi Randy
      Email and My space are part of my survival kit...Get great response from my should try it also:)......and emails are just so fast and so convenient saving precious time....
      Have a great Wednesday
      with love Angie

    4. Congratulations Randy, you must be thrilled! As someone who has a technical background, it's easy to forget how foreign it is to some people and what a challenge it is to develop a presence on the internet. For me, the technical stuff is easy and the challenge comes in regard to marketing and building a following.

    5. Hey Mr RG,

      As someone who doesn't quite know how to even change your signature in your Mail program, you've definitely arrived!

      Kudos to you, sir!

      I appreciate your generous contributions to the world!

      God bless,

    6. Have had a Facebook page for most of a year, a Twitter account, LinkedIn page and used to have a Myspace page too.

      I'm brand new in an EXCITING MLM company (Univera) and am formulating some ideas for marketing, though how we market is VERY different from others, so not sure if the typical web site, and all the social networking will apply.

      My two cents. Thanks Randy!

    7. Didn't know you have large audience in Kazakhstan. I am from Kaz. When and where is that event going to be?

      On topic I started to use computer about 20 yrs ago. So no problems here. Developing my websites, but not yet on scripts level too much. Therefore I need to learn more PHP, Mysql and so on.

    8. Well congrats to our new Amish Techno Geek. I actually live in
      Amishville and up until the Nickle Mines Massacre the Amish did not even have a cell phone but have since rethought the idea. It's the sign of the times that a quiet, peaceful, forgiving group of people can be targeted by some very unwholesome people and force technology on them wherein in your case Randy it's good to see you've made it into the 21st Century.

      Rock On!

    9. Randy, I have been seeing your name all over the place, and I figured you know what, it's time for me to follow this well-respected individual who has, obviously blazed the trial for the direction that I am headed. It give me great pleasure and honor to tap into your wisdom and knowledge in this industry they call MLM, (Must Leave Mediocrisy). I am very new to the industry but have very quickly identified the true players -- I look forward to following and learning from you RG. God Bless You Always! Ms. Dee

    10. This is a good post. Being a newbie to all things internet, I struggled to figure out how to make a web page. All the programs I bought into only went so far. Frustrating!
      Then I happened onto a free ebook on how to make a web page in one day and everything changed for me!! I built this site in one afternoon and was so PROUD!! LOL

      I went on to build a 3 page site with pictures and images etc. and it felt so good. (it's in my name signature at the top of my post)

      Now my biggest constraint is remembering!!! When I can't quite figure out something I have already done. ROFL

      Having a mind of a 45 yr old but the attitude of a 28 yr old, I just keep plugging away!!

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