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Praying for Others

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 19, 2010

We spoke in yesterday’s post about praying for others, and why we might do other affirmations.  I believe that when I pray for or speak affirmations for others, some kind of energy or Mastermind connection is made.

I usually pray not for specific outcomes, but for the highest good of all concerned.  I know that in my limited view, I may sometimes think something is good for me or someone else, when in the long run it actually isn’t.  So I affirm things for “this or something better,” or for the highest good.  (Which a number of others suggested in the comments as well.)

So who and what are you praying and affirming for?

When you have friends going through challenges in their life, you probably support them physically and emotionally.  You can also support them spiritually, by praying and affirming for them.

Wherever they may be in the world, your thoughts can enfold them in positive energy.  Your wishes for them can meet their own, somewhere out there in the unified field, and create an even more powerful Mastermind effect.

Why not take some time today and enfold someone you care about in thoughts of healing, hope and highest good?  Just as I am doing for you today!


20 comments on “Praying for Others”

  1. This is a very interesting area of thought for me, because I was raised in a messed up Catholic environment where the idea and function of prayer was mostly used to re-affirm the suffering, instead of celebrating and affirming the love, beauty and wonder of life.

    I've noticed that when I pray for others, especially if they're in a tough situation and I'm praying for their well-being and a solution to their problems, it's sometimes easier for me to stay focused on what I want for them, than if I was praying for myself.

    I think praying for others is a beautiful thing, especially if you focus on giving all your attention to the person's well-being and potential for being what they want to be. There's one thing that most overlook, and that is - your prayer for others affects you as well.

    Wonderful topic, Randy!

    Have a great day,


  2. What an incredibly timely post - I just learned that a very great friend of mine - Tim Houlihan from Chicago - is in the hopital and having a major issue. He went in for relatively minor knee surgery & then ran into major complications -
    Please let's all pray for Tim's speedy recovery!
    Thank YOU for your prayers -
    I visualize Tim getting much better already -
    Thank YOU all again

  3. Hi Randy,
    I also learned that to affirm for the highest good was a way of moving away from ego based thought and allow the God force to ultimately work for the highest good!

    As a Hospice volunteer I've had the good fortune to meet many in their last stages of life and while the attachments that family members have often has them praying for their loved one to heal it is not always in their best interest, we forget that there may be other priorities that soul may have and that it's ok to let go.

    But again, our individual religious beliefs and programing plays in to the whole situation. For me it has been a process of learning to let go of attachments and allow the highest part of me work in my life.

    With Gratitude

  4. Great post Randy. I'm praying for my sister and her
    sons for strength as her husband goes through his
    last days. Cancer is a monster. 1 1/2 yrs of watching him go through pain has just been awful.
    Praying for the highest good is very good for me to remember. Thanks again RG I needed to read this today. Be Blessed.

  5. Bob Proctor has got a good teaching on his six minutes to success program.. find it on youtube... says always leave people with the impression of increase and generosity and it in turn will come back to you ten fold...

  6. When I pray to God, I ask him to make me into an instrument of his well being, love, light and abundance. I also end all my prayers with, "thy will be done". I agree with Randy that our positive prayers for others do impact the universe and that we manifest at what ever vibration we are in. My father used to say, water seeks it's own level. I think he shared a lot of wisdom with me in that saying.

  7. Randy, you are very spiritual man!
    I pray for my family, their health, first of all. And second, I really beliave in my bright, happily future!

    Thank you for your posts, they support me!

  8. Nice post.

    And thanks for the prayer, I do it for you too.

    I wish you all the best in your life. I wish you and all who read this post every success in the future.


    To Your Success,

  9. Very nice post..

    I am praying for someone in my family as well as affirming they find what they seek. Ultimately though the individual must change their thinking and beliefs as you've said countless times in order to achieve their goal themselves. Nonetheless I pray for the highest and best for what's possible.. And for myself as well.

    Thanks Randy.

  10. Yes Randy that is the wonderfull world of the spirit, ther all of us cares for all of us and intentions are not misinterpreted and only love wins!!

  11. To pray is a very good thing necessary to do it all the time. Unfortunatelly we forgot many times. I am very happy to find so many people who pray for them and for other. Maybe GOD will listen our prayers and bring the peace on the Earth.
    Thanks Randy

  12. I AM ALL and IN ALL. I Appreciate ALL That I Put Into Motion And Manifested Until Now And ALL That I'm Going To Expand Into. ALL Is GOOD. Devour the joy of being ALIVE. Let ME(LIFE) Pour THROUGH YOU.

  13. Randy,
    I think that the words we choose really don't matter. What matters is the feeling that goes with the words.

    It's entirely possibly to pray without words at all, just imagine the outcome you want, and feel the good feelings that go with positive expectancy and gratitude.

  14. I am much more than very pleased to report that my great friend Tim Houlihan from Chicago is home from the hospital & doing much better.

    Thank You all for your prayers -

    I truly believe that your prayers helped Tim Houlihan -

    Thanks again!

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  • 20 comments on “Praying for Others”

    1. This is a very interesting area of thought for me, because I was raised in a messed up Catholic environment where the idea and function of prayer was mostly used to re-affirm the suffering, instead of celebrating and affirming the love, beauty and wonder of life.

      I've noticed that when I pray for others, especially if they're in a tough situation and I'm praying for their well-being and a solution to their problems, it's sometimes easier for me to stay focused on what I want for them, than if I was praying for myself.

      I think praying for others is a beautiful thing, especially if you focus on giving all your attention to the person's well-being and potential for being what they want to be. There's one thing that most overlook, and that is - your prayer for others affects you as well.

      Wonderful topic, Randy!

      Have a great day,


    2. What an incredibly timely post - I just learned that a very great friend of mine - Tim Houlihan from Chicago - is in the hopital and having a major issue. He went in for relatively minor knee surgery & then ran into major complications -
      Please let's all pray for Tim's speedy recovery!
      Thank YOU for your prayers -
      I visualize Tim getting much better already -
      Thank YOU all again

    3. Hi Randy,
      I also learned that to affirm for the highest good was a way of moving away from ego based thought and allow the God force to ultimately work for the highest good!

      As a Hospice volunteer I've had the good fortune to meet many in their last stages of life and while the attachments that family members have often has them praying for their loved one to heal it is not always in their best interest, we forget that there may be other priorities that soul may have and that it's ok to let go.

      But again, our individual religious beliefs and programing plays in to the whole situation. For me it has been a process of learning to let go of attachments and allow the highest part of me work in my life.

      With Gratitude

    4. Great post Randy. I'm praying for my sister and her
      sons for strength as her husband goes through his
      last days. Cancer is a monster. 1 1/2 yrs of watching him go through pain has just been awful.
      Praying for the highest good is very good for me to remember. Thanks again RG I needed to read this today. Be Blessed.

    5. Bob Proctor has got a good teaching on his six minutes to success program.. find it on youtube... says always leave people with the impression of increase and generosity and it in turn will come back to you ten fold...

    6. When I pray to God, I ask him to make me into an instrument of his well being, love, light and abundance. I also end all my prayers with, "thy will be done". I agree with Randy that our positive prayers for others do impact the universe and that we manifest at what ever vibration we are in. My father used to say, water seeks it's own level. I think he shared a lot of wisdom with me in that saying.

    7. Randy, you are very spiritual man!
      I pray for my family, their health, first of all. And second, I really beliave in my bright, happily future!

      Thank you for your posts, they support me!

    8. Nice post.

      And thanks for the prayer, I do it for you too.

      I wish you all the best in your life. I wish you and all who read this post every success in the future.


      To Your Success,

    9. Very nice post..

      I am praying for someone in my family as well as affirming they find what they seek. Ultimately though the individual must change their thinking and beliefs as you've said countless times in order to achieve their goal themselves. Nonetheless I pray for the highest and best for what's possible.. And for myself as well.

      Thanks Randy.

    10. Yes Randy that is the wonderfull world of the spirit, ther all of us cares for all of us and intentions are not misinterpreted and only love wins!!

    11. To pray is a very good thing necessary to do it all the time. Unfortunatelly we forgot many times. I am very happy to find so many people who pray for them and for other. Maybe GOD will listen our prayers and bring the peace on the Earth.
      Thanks Randy

    12. I AM ALL and IN ALL. I Appreciate ALL That I Put Into Motion And Manifested Until Now And ALL That I'm Going To Expand Into. ALL Is GOOD. Devour the joy of being ALIVE. Let ME(LIFE) Pour THROUGH YOU.

    13. Randy,
      I think that the words we choose really don't matter. What matters is the feeling that goes with the words.

      It's entirely possibly to pray without words at all, just imagine the outcome you want, and feel the good feelings that go with positive expectancy and gratitude.

    14. I am much more than very pleased to report that my great friend Tim Houlihan from Chicago is home from the hospital & doing much better.

      Thank You all for your prayers -

      I truly believe that your prayers helped Tim Houlihan -

      Thanks again!

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