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Perfection Kills…

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 3, 2019

It’s been an exhilarating last two weeks, working with the people in my author apprentice program.  I love the creative high and we’re bringing some amazing work into the world.  But if there is one roadblock I’m helping people with over and over, it’s their desire for perfection.

They want the perfect title before they do the concept.  They want a perfect concept before they do the proposal.  Then they want a perfect proposal before they write the book.  And nothing kills a new book – or pretty much every bold, worthwhile endeavor – than seeking perfection.

Yes, you gotta get it right.  Yes, put your heart into it.  Yes, make something amazing.

Just don’t wait for perfect.


2 comments on “Perfection Kills…”

  1. Hey Randy- very much you are right! Im struggling with perfectionism myself! Everything i do, needs to be perfect!
    It works well
    In trade i work as people appreciate well done job,but its hard to start up businesses etc-!
    Bless you Randy!

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  • 2 comments on “Perfection Kills…”

    1. Hey Randy- very much you are right! Im struggling with perfectionism myself! Everything i do, needs to be perfect!
      It works well
      In trade i work as people appreciate well done job,but its hard to start up businesses etc-!
      Bless you Randy!

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