Last post we talked about how important silence can be for your self development. But what about noise? (more…)...
Last post we talked about how important silence can be for your self development. But what about noise? (more…)...
I start every day the same way. With silence. And that is one of the secrets to my success I am quite sure. (more…)...
Charles Fillmore taught that our creator provided for all our needs with substance, the basis for the universe. This substance is in the ethers, surrounding us everywhere on earth. Most importan...
So I’ve been working hard all week. Was very productive and got some really important stuff done. Now on Friday I’m heading out of town for a softball tournament and I’ll forget all about wo...
Did you see that date up there? September is millimeters from being gone. And with September goes the first three quarters of the year! (more…)...
If you’re like most people, you spend most of your time thinking about what you need and want. But you don’t want to be like most people. (more…)...
Shit happens. To everybody. Even the things we don’t want to happen – especially the things we don’t want to happen – are in our highest good. (more…)...
I received a question on the blog about writing letters to someone’s angel. (I mention this on my prosperity album.) She wants to know what you do with it after you write it. (more…)...
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