Last weekend my softball team was in the playoffs. Right before the first game my second baseman asked me if I was nervous. I responded not at all. (more…)...
Last weekend my softball team was in the playoffs. Right before the first game my second baseman asked me if I was nervous. I responded not at all. (more…)...
The last few days we spoke about appreciating life’s simple pleasures and the not so simple pleasures. But what about all the amazing ordinary things we take for granted? (more…)...
In a recent post we talked about appreciating the simple pleasures in life. But there is a danger in that. (more…)...
Nothing drives me nuts more than speakers, consultants and trainers promoting things they have no experience in. And maybe nowhere is this more prevalent than books on leadership. There must be 50...
The other day there was a beautiful rain shower here in Miami Beach. And it got me thinking about simple pleasures. Can anyone tell me anything cooler than sitting on your balcony, eating pizza,...
One of the things that can bring the most joy to your life is having friends. Not just social circle acquaintances, but real friends. (more…)...
I believe power comes from the silence. When you see a great speaker, actor, poet, or musician, they get more power from the pauses then they do the sound. (more…)...
So I’m in a gorgeous hotel, the easy thing would have been to order room service. But I wanted to explore Sao Paulo. So I went for a walk to discover a local restaurant. Then I saw the McDonal...
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