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It is Noble to Seek Wealth

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 27, 2020

The original plan for today was to continue the series from our last post about experiencing divine discontent – moving to the next stage of killing off the old you.  But there was a question in the comments that causes me to question if I was clear about the role and value of money and material possessions in the process. So let’s take a quick detour and delve into that…

David asked, “Why did the cars, clothes and stuff stop doing it for you?”  This is a great question worthy of discussion.  It seems innocuous enough on the surface, but I’m afraid it also contains some inherent under shadings of poverty consciousness or could be construed to demean money and material things.  It should go without saying (but won’t), please don’t interpret this as throwing shade on David.  I’m not saying he is asking the question from poverty consciousness.  He could be, or he could mean it in a totally prosperous way.  He’s a frequent contributor here, his comments add value to the discussion, and it’s great that he asked this question.

What concerns me is how most people will read it – with the subconscious memes they are infected with. 

Everything at its ultimate foundation is energy vibrations.  And energy can be attracted or repelled.  When you demean money and material things, you repel them.  It’s important that you view them respectfully and objectively, understanding the role they can play in your life.  David’s question could easily slide down the slippery slope of memes like:

  • It’s only money
  • It’s just money and things
  • All his money couldn’t save him

Since I happen to be a big fan of money and material things, it seems appropriate to clarify what I wanted to convey in the post.  Some questions like, “How much is enough?” are inherently pejorative in nature.  They contain a default judgment against money and material possessions.  Judgment clouds your critical thinking abilities because it can render you unable to process new information, or to harbor erroneous assumptions.  As you know, negative judgments about money and material things are rampant.

Statements like the three above demean money and material things.  And that’s certainly not the direction I wanted to go in my post on divine discontent.  Let me make one thing perfectly clear:

I adore muscle cars, exotic sports cars, beautiful watches, spa days, spa weeks, designer fashion, traveling to tropical resorts, flying Concorde, splurging on fresh flowers, and bespoke shoes from John Lobb in London. 

I’m not saying that to drive clicks or be arrogant and snarky. I enjoy driving the cars I own now a lot more than the Ford Escort I bought for $200 at a post office auction.  And I savor the view from my island penthouse in a way I didn’t experience when I lived in a cheap studio overlooking a dumpster.  People who degrade craftsmanship, luxury, and quality are acting foolish or have been brainwashed with limiting beliefs.

What I wanted to convey in the original post wasn’t that I regret the wealth I created or how I employed it in my life.  Even the crazy, ostentatious, and sometimes foolish ways I spent money.  I wish each of you the same opportunity to life a life that doesn’t revolve around the cost of things.  So it wasn’t ever a case of money and stuff “stopped doing it for me.”   Because what those things did for me then, they still do for me now.

Money allows you choices.  Better choices and more of them.  Money can bring you security, independence, and freedom.  Money won’t make you happy, but it will allow you self-expression that can allow you a happier life.

The transformation I ultimately made wasn’t one of renouncing wealth, but recognizing my erroneous beliefs about it…

Because I was poor and financially illiterate for the first 30 years of my life, I created the mistaken beliefs that becoming wealthy would solve all my problems, give me self-esteem, and mean I was now a successful human being.  But those beliefs were wrong and didn’t serve me.

Money solved some problems and created others.  I was a frightened, insecure person when I was broke and a frightened, insecure person when I first became wealthy.  Earning a lot of money made me a successful entrepreneur, but not a successful human being.

I discovered that money can be very empowering and truly enrich lives; your own as well as others.  Because of money, I was able to purchase portions of the rain forest for a trust, grant wishes of youngsters with terminal diseases, support the arts, sponsor dozens of youth sporting teams, “adopt” a group of foster kids, supply hundreds of poor kids with bikes and toys for the holidays, and provide security for my family.  Money was an important part (although not the only part) of my journey from success to significance.

I also learned that being a successful human involved expressing love and accepting it.  Learning and growing, seeking enlightenment and becoming the highest possible version of yourself.  Celebrating the moments with the people who mean the most to you.  Protecting animals and those unable to defend themselves.  Holding hands, watching a sunrise, playing with a child, mentoring another, appreciating a flower, rescuing an animal, and the thousands of other miracles you’re exposed to every day.

Don’t push money and material things out of your life.  Embrace them for how they can enhance it.  Please. Live a prosperous life in all the ways: spiritual, physical, relationships, and financial.

Back in this post, I shared some empowering beliefs to hold about money and success.  Allow me to suggest one more to adopt:

It is noble to seek wealth. 

I’m not suggesting that it is inherently noble to be rich.  That premise is as ridiculous as believing it is inherently noble to be poor.  Have a great deal of wealth is not the determining factor in either option.  What I am suggesting is that setting a goal to become wealthy – wealthy enough to provide for your loved ones, have true independence, and the freedom of selecting from good choices – is a noble activity to pursue.  And I believe most people would benefit from the personal growth and enlightenment required to seek such a goal.

You up for that?


- RG

9 comments on “It is Noble to Seek Wealth”

  1. Given the difficult circumstances surrounding you this week, I for one, am fully appreciative of this blog post.

    What I liked most about this post is the balance, the comparison of nobility in both a poverty and wealthy mindset. This is a valid point and one that (in my humble opinion) is the actual truth.

    Money is a very powerful tool that can offer both freedom of expression if used right (subjective) , as well as ultimate destruction if used inappropriately (again subjective to some degree).

    It's great to read all the wonderful things that wealth has helped you achieve. I would love nothing more than to be in a position to do some of those things, and certainly to provide security for my family would be fantastic.

    I am not ashamed to say that I too was not educated in the management of money. It's not something that my family has ever had or passed down. However, I would like to change this history so that my family are educated and do have security and the freedom to express themselves fully.

    This blog post is precisely what I needed to read today, so I am extremely thankful to David for the comments that triggered the response.

    Thank you both for the inspiration.

    1. And thanks for your comments on Twitter. I promise to definitely write more in the future on developing financial literacy.

  2. I think this is one of the most meaningful writings I have ever read. Thank you for clarifying and exemplifying the true meaning of living an excellent life because that is what this says!

  3. Thanks for answering my question Randy.. and you're right, I got to work more on my prosperity subconscious.. saw Sandy Gallagher, Bob Proctor's partner say at a seminar, how many times you don't order something in a restaurant, or buy a piece of clothing because you say to yourself, I can't afford it.. we want to get you where you never even think about price, just whether you would enjoy and want it and don't even think if you can afford it... exactly.. great place to be..

  4. Very good.I am up for being Wealthy! I have all 3 memes.OMG.Never thought they are false.Thank you for this...

  5. I didn't know you enough to know the old Randy, but I meet Randy when he was about to go on his two year sabbatical and have been enjoying and being impacted by the new Randy ever since. This is why I treasure every interaction, every opportunity and what you put out into the world because greatness doesn't make goodness, but goodness can transform into greatness. Thanks for being that and leading the way. You are a leading man.

  6. This is an excellent blog post Randy. Your work has been an integral part of my mindset (although I too have made some temporarily unprosperous choices along the way)
    back to the mindset context: respecting your right to be an atheist, I recall you used to use phrases like "money is god in action" and "I wanted to explore what god can do through me"..
    this was probably prior to the year, 014'.

    I cannot fathom not believing in God, so it kind of boggled my mind that you became an atheist. Is there a prosperity lesson there for us?

    I'm asking this as objectively as I know how to phrase my question; I'll still respect what you believe.

    (I'm thinking to myself from this question: "what has Randy learned about the mind/body/spirit connection that I should know, if that was a factor in becoming an atheist)

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  • 9 comments on “It is Noble to Seek Wealth”

    1. Given the difficult circumstances surrounding you this week, I for one, am fully appreciative of this blog post.

      What I liked most about this post is the balance, the comparison of nobility in both a poverty and wealthy mindset. This is a valid point and one that (in my humble opinion) is the actual truth.

      Money is a very powerful tool that can offer both freedom of expression if used right (subjective) , as well as ultimate destruction if used inappropriately (again subjective to some degree).

      It's great to read all the wonderful things that wealth has helped you achieve. I would love nothing more than to be in a position to do some of those things, and certainly to provide security for my family would be fantastic.

      I am not ashamed to say that I too was not educated in the management of money. It's not something that my family has ever had or passed down. However, I would like to change this history so that my family are educated and do have security and the freedom to express themselves fully.

      This blog post is precisely what I needed to read today, so I am extremely thankful to David for the comments that triggered the response.

      Thank you both for the inspiration.

      1. And thanks for your comments on Twitter. I promise to definitely write more in the future on developing financial literacy.

    2. I think this is one of the most meaningful writings I have ever read. Thank you for clarifying and exemplifying the true meaning of living an excellent life because that is what this says!

    3. Thanks for answering my question Randy.. and you're right, I got to work more on my prosperity subconscious.. saw Sandy Gallagher, Bob Proctor's partner say at a seminar, how many times you don't order something in a restaurant, or buy a piece of clothing because you say to yourself, I can't afford it.. we want to get you where you never even think about price, just whether you would enjoy and want it and don't even think if you can afford it... exactly.. great place to be..

    4. Very good.I am up for being Wealthy! I have all 3 memes.OMG.Never thought they are false.Thank you for this...

    5. I didn't know you enough to know the old Randy, but I meet Randy when he was about to go on his two year sabbatical and have been enjoying and being impacted by the new Randy ever since. This is why I treasure every interaction, every opportunity and what you put out into the world because greatness doesn't make goodness, but goodness can transform into greatness. Thanks for being that and leading the way. You are a leading man.

    6. This is an excellent blog post Randy. Your work has been an integral part of my mindset (although I too have made some temporarily unprosperous choices along the way)
      back to the mindset context: respecting your right to be an atheist, I recall you used to use phrases like "money is god in action" and "I wanted to explore what god can do through me"..
      this was probably prior to the year, 014'.

      I cannot fathom not believing in God, so it kind of boggled my mind that you became an atheist. Is there a prosperity lesson there for us?

      I'm asking this as objectively as I know how to phrase my question; I'll still respect what you believe.

      (I'm thinking to myself from this question: "what has Randy learned about the mind/body/spirit connection that I should know, if that was a factor in becoming an atheist)

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