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How You Manage Money, Pt. 1

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 11, 2009

If I shared an extraordinary business opportunity with you, could you come up with $5,000 pretty readily?  Do you always carry a few hundred dollars (or Euros, pounds or whatever) of folding money around with you?  

If you need $1,000 tonight for a hospital bill, could you find it with no problem, or would you have to do an Easter egg hunt for it?

If you can’t answer all of these questions in the positive, then you need to work on your money management skills.  Because by this point in your life, you should have the bare necessity stuff out of the way, and have extra money available for emergencies, unforeseen circumstances, and opportunities to enrich your life.  So take an honest inventory of that and we’ll explore it more in the next post.


12 comments on “How You Manage Money, Pt. 1”

  1. Ouch. This one hurts where it counts. I have been thinking about this over the last 10 days or so, and I need to do a whole lot more than just think about it.

  2. You are so right, Randy. I go through periods of ups and downs and need to manage this better. Few hundred dollars or yen I do carry but if I need to come up with 5000 dollars, I would have to take them out of my bank deposit which is sort of the nest egg. When my purse was stolen by a pro pickpocket, I had 30,000 yen and 100 Euro taken, but many friends in Japan told me that it was better to let go of this money, instead of chasing after the thief, since one can get into more trouble. I did not even have to chase after the pickpocket, because I just did not feel someone unzipping and taking my wallet, and zipping back. That is most unusual in my case, because I usually sense people's aura and vibrations. I still wonder how it could be that I was not aware! So I came to the conclusion which many Japanese would say that it was serving its purpose of me being in good health and allowing abundance to reach someone more in need. When I thought this way, I felt blessed that I could be big-hearted.

  3. I must be doing something right, as I could answer in the positive to all these questions. I have learnt to manage my money very well over the years and always have some on hand for emergencies and such. I do not carry more than a couple of hundred dollars on me at a time as I find there is no need if I need more then I can get it fairly easily. Do you know reading this post and answering has given me a lift, I did not realise just how well things have been going. But I know not to take it all for granted and that I have to keep my eye on the ball.

    Thanks for this post I am really smiling at the moment.

    Love and Light
    Colleen The Crystal Dragon

  4. And we can put yesterday's post together with today's post. Jim Rohn tells the story of his bottom when a little Girl Scout came to the door selling her cookies and Jim didn't have the money for a single box of Girl Scout Cookies and he had to tell her some story. Mr Rohn says that from that moment forward he vowed to always have money in his pocket so that he would never be in that painful situation ever again. I understand that Mr Rohn is doing fairly well financially these days.

  5. I am doing a deep audit to make everything you mentioned a resounding yes (which it isn't right now).

    It's all about *Learning* - without guilt, shame, blame or embarassment. Don't know something? Just go learn it! : )

    I'm listening, watching, doing.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts/insights, Randy!

  6. Well we should ask Dr. Mazyar Mahdavifar about this issue cuz he is so fricken crazy in managing money at palinure international company or scam. The first time a scam is a company. Anyway wish all of you happy life.

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  • 12 comments on “How You Manage Money, Pt. 1”

    1. Ouch. This one hurts where it counts. I have been thinking about this over the last 10 days or so, and I need to do a whole lot more than just think about it.

    2. You are so right, Randy. I go through periods of ups and downs and need to manage this better. Few hundred dollars or yen I do carry but if I need to come up with 5000 dollars, I would have to take them out of my bank deposit which is sort of the nest egg. When my purse was stolen by a pro pickpocket, I had 30,000 yen and 100 Euro taken, but many friends in Japan told me that it was better to let go of this money, instead of chasing after the thief, since one can get into more trouble. I did not even have to chase after the pickpocket, because I just did not feel someone unzipping and taking my wallet, and zipping back. That is most unusual in my case, because I usually sense people's aura and vibrations. I still wonder how it could be that I was not aware! So I came to the conclusion which many Japanese would say that it was serving its purpose of me being in good health and allowing abundance to reach someone more in need. When I thought this way, I felt blessed that I could be big-hearted.

    3. I must be doing something right, as I could answer in the positive to all these questions. I have learnt to manage my money very well over the years and always have some on hand for emergencies and such. I do not carry more than a couple of hundred dollars on me at a time as I find there is no need if I need more then I can get it fairly easily. Do you know reading this post and answering has given me a lift, I did not realise just how well things have been going. But I know not to take it all for granted and that I have to keep my eye on the ball.

      Thanks for this post I am really smiling at the moment.

      Love and Light
      Colleen The Crystal Dragon

    4. And we can put yesterday's post together with today's post. Jim Rohn tells the story of his bottom when a little Girl Scout came to the door selling her cookies and Jim didn't have the money for a single box of Girl Scout Cookies and he had to tell her some story. Mr Rohn says that from that moment forward he vowed to always have money in his pocket so that he would never be in that painful situation ever again. I understand that Mr Rohn is doing fairly well financially these days.

    5. I am doing a deep audit to make everything you mentioned a resounding yes (which it isn't right now).

      It's all about *Learning* - without guilt, shame, blame or embarassment. Don't know something? Just go learn it! : )

      I'm listening, watching, doing.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts/insights, Randy!

    6. Well we should ask Dr. Mazyar Mahdavifar about this issue cuz he is so fricken crazy in managing money at palinure international company or scam. The first time a scam is a company. Anyway wish all of you happy life.

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