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Going From Victim to Vanquisher

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 12, 2009

“A strong man cannot help a weaker unless that weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must be strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another.  None but himself can alter his condition.”  

Of course those words come from “As a Man Thinketh,” by James Allen.  I keep that book by my bed and review it almost daily.

Those thoughts really became crustal clear to me a few years ago when I returned home to bury my grandfather…

Many of you have been in my seminars when I joked that my family’s motto is “We put the fun back in dysfunctional.”  My grandfather had 16 kids, by three marriages.  To watch the interaction between them all at the funeral was interesting, to say the least.

Even more fascinating, is the divergent paths they have taken.  In the same family, some kids are wealthy, others are almost destitute.  They had the same parents, the same environment, yet have manifested completely different results.

I believe it is the direct result of the thoughts they chose to have.

Some of the kids worked with my grandfather in his business, and did very well.  Some worked for him and quit with animosity.  Others were bitter when he left their mother and became estranged.   Some are pillars of society, and other ran into trouble with the law.

How else can you explain the different paths taken by kids who were raised in exactly the same circumstances?  Or to paraphrase W. Mitchell tells us, ‘It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you do about it.’

A person can remain weak, dependant and miserable by refusing to raise his or her consciousness.  A person can reject servitude, conquer limitations and achieve greatness by raising his or her consciousness.  And your consciousness is completely controlled by the thoughts you give precedence to.

So what are the thoughts you give the most precedence to?


22 comments on “Going From Victim to Vanquisher”

  1. This is perfectly true!

    So, I will return completely in my MLM company on Monday morning. After 1,5 weeks I will have at least two persons, who will ready to work as like me. After 3 weeks we will have at least 6 persons who will work as like us. After month of duplication we will have at least 10 working people. After two month my income will supply me. After four month I will have at least 1,000 euro income. After six month it will become at least 2,000 euro. After a year I become a multimillionaire, if we will calculate in hryvnas (1 hryvna = 12 euro).

    That is my thoughts today! Will see, what I will say in 2 month 😉

  2. Wow! Holy Crap Randy!
    What a way to get the day started!
    What great insight as usual. I too come from a very large family. You're right, very diverse. I am taking your words to heart and will be digging my copy of As a Man Thinketh out for review. Just when I think I've got a few things figured out, you come along and shake it all up again.
    Ok, so I'm more clueless than previously thought! L.O.L.

    Thanks Randy for the shake-up!


  3. It's almost as if you were a fly on the wall last night Randy! I was visiting with a close friend who went through hell many years ago in her marriage. She arose from it an entirely new person who found her purpose and developed her vision. She's VERY direct and lives her Life knowing it's her thoughts that manifest everything.

    She has been kicking my ass for weeks telling me, "You have EVERYTHING you need, so what's stopping you from creating your vision?". And then when I speak she immediately points out my limiting beliefs and reminds me that until I kick those beliefs out the door, I will not achieve what's possible. She is the 'strong man' here and I have been weak..No more though!

    My purpose is growing clearer day by day and I HAVE everything I need to live the life I love!

    Thanks Randy..

  4. So what are the thoughts you give the most precedence to?
    Always, your questions are more powerful than the quotes for me.
    1)I am victim
    2)I am not in control of my circumstances.

    Thanks, I wasn't even aware of those thoughts.

  5. I am the only one in my family that moved out of state to pursue a career. I have always wondered why I was the only 1 out of 5 to move away. I was very driven. I worked multiple jobs to put myself through school. Just living here was a reminder of my why everyday...especially in the winter.

    I recently moved back to be around family & friends...although I knew it would be temporary and the things that drove me to succeed before would kick back in. Your why can change though and you may need to rethink your plan.

  6. Right now I finding it hard not to be one who has a positive attitude when the straw that I'm sucking on to keep above water is pulling in a bunch of water..But I know there is a bright side I just have to figure out how to access it... The Lord has always helped me through these times and I know I have to do my part but I sure would like to just go somewhere and forget the world for just a short time.....

  7. Thanks Randy,
    I have been a network marketer for a short time. Your thoughts and words not only inspire but conform truths that are taught in life. Today's insight stands on its own...... life IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT! We need to stop crying and blaming and get busy on our dreams. I am going to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
    thanks again RANDY

  8. "So what are the thoughts you give the most precedence to?"
    right now I have a fever & sore throat so not thinking very clearly tonight. Its probably better if I don't try to write anymore tonight.

  9. I had a fever most of yesterday & last night. I am not sure if this is a cold or flu.

    The middle part: I achieved my goals that I had set and I had to set new goals. At the time I was making 6 figures and working alot 24*7. Not much of a life.
    I asked myself: "If I keep doing what I am doing, where will I be in 5 years?"

    I started to look for other opportunities that would give me more time freedom. I had actually not heard of Network Marketing and only found out about it through a "Success at Home" magazine. I sponsored myself into a company.

    I was sold on Network Marketing & believed it would work.
    I had just moved to a new city so I had to meet new people. With my jobs I never really took the time to connect with others outside of work although I was an engineer with social skills and I was usually the one in the group who had to travel because I could talk to clients. I am an introvert so I had to push myself out of my comfort zone to meet new people and I did.

    What I realized is that even if I achieved the top level in a company, I wouldn't really have my dream life. I needed to make some big changes in my life. That is what brought me back to where I am today. It was a good decision because I dealt with some issues I needed to deal with.

    So my goal is my dream life.
    The path to that life can change so it may not be the path I started out on. Learn from your past.
    Remember your dream daily.
    If you encounter negativity, take 10-20 seconds to name all that you are grateful for.

  10. Thanks RG...your mentoring and guidance has helped me gain $1,000,000 in sales in 3 favorite and I've taken this from you and use it every day....

    What matters is that you dedicate yourself to being a little better today than you were yesterday!

    It is the most awesome mantra out there today!
    Tony Beach

  11. -RG,

    I have a friend who is a Sciencetologist. He has been telling me about vibrational tones that we are at in our lives. It is pretty spot on when I compare the different people that I know and where I see them at on a consciousness level.

    Me, I'm committed to a higher consciousness level.


  12. "unless that weaker is willing to be helped, "

    This is absolutely true. When I started off with network marketing I just wanted to help everybody. I thought MLM was the answer to fighting poverty. I soon realised that it is mostly those who need the help who are not interested in being helped. It was quite a shock to me to learn that I had the answer to the people's problems but the people I wanted to help did not want to be helped.

  13. I keep my 'As a man Thinketh" in the bathroom. Is that very disrespectful?! The thoughts that I give precedence to is: I'M FAT, I'M FAT, I'M FAT!!! I remember beign approached by a person froma modeling agency, he introduced himself, gave me his card, and i said, oh no, i'm fat!!! And sure enough, today I am 40 pounds overweight. It amazes me the power of the mind. New affirmation: "For today, I treat my body with all the love and respect that a spiritual vessel deserves"

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  • 22 comments on “Going From Victim to Vanquisher”

    1. This is perfectly true!

      So, I will return completely in my MLM company on Monday morning. After 1,5 weeks I will have at least two persons, who will ready to work as like me. After 3 weeks we will have at least 6 persons who will work as like us. After month of duplication we will have at least 10 working people. After two month my income will supply me. After four month I will have at least 1,000 euro income. After six month it will become at least 2,000 euro. After a year I become a multimillionaire, if we will calculate in hryvnas (1 hryvna = 12 euro).

      That is my thoughts today! Will see, what I will say in 2 month 😉

    2. Wow! Holy Crap Randy!
      What a way to get the day started!
      What great insight as usual. I too come from a very large family. You're right, very diverse. I am taking your words to heart and will be digging my copy of As a Man Thinketh out for review. Just when I think I've got a few things figured out, you come along and shake it all up again.
      Ok, so I'm more clueless than previously thought! L.O.L.

      Thanks Randy for the shake-up!


    3. It's almost as if you were a fly on the wall last night Randy! I was visiting with a close friend who went through hell many years ago in her marriage. She arose from it an entirely new person who found her purpose and developed her vision. She's VERY direct and lives her Life knowing it's her thoughts that manifest everything.

      She has been kicking my ass for weeks telling me, "You have EVERYTHING you need, so what's stopping you from creating your vision?". And then when I speak she immediately points out my limiting beliefs and reminds me that until I kick those beliefs out the door, I will not achieve what's possible. She is the 'strong man' here and I have been weak..No more though!

      My purpose is growing clearer day by day and I HAVE everything I need to live the life I love!

      Thanks Randy..

    4. So what are the thoughts you give the most precedence to?
      Always, your questions are more powerful than the quotes for me.
      1)I am victim
      2)I am not in control of my circumstances.

      Thanks, I wasn't even aware of those thoughts.

    5. I am the only one in my family that moved out of state to pursue a career. I have always wondered why I was the only 1 out of 5 to move away. I was very driven. I worked multiple jobs to put myself through school. Just living here was a reminder of my why everyday...especially in the winter.

      I recently moved back to be around family & friends...although I knew it would be temporary and the things that drove me to succeed before would kick back in. Your why can change though and you may need to rethink your plan.

    6. Right now I finding it hard not to be one who has a positive attitude when the straw that I'm sucking on to keep above water is pulling in a bunch of water..But I know there is a bright side I just have to figure out how to access it... The Lord has always helped me through these times and I know I have to do my part but I sure would like to just go somewhere and forget the world for just a short time.....

    7. Thanks Randy,
      I have been a network marketer for a short time. Your thoughts and words not only inspire but conform truths that are taught in life. Today's insight stands on its own...... life IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT! We need to stop crying and blaming and get busy on our dreams. I am going to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
      thanks again RANDY

    8. "So what are the thoughts you give the most precedence to?"
      right now I have a fever & sore throat so not thinking very clearly tonight. Its probably better if I don't try to write anymore tonight.

    9. I had a fever most of yesterday & last night. I am not sure if this is a cold or flu.

      The middle part: I achieved my goals that I had set and I had to set new goals. At the time I was making 6 figures and working alot 24*7. Not much of a life.
      I asked myself: "If I keep doing what I am doing, where will I be in 5 years?"

      I started to look for other opportunities that would give me more time freedom. I had actually not heard of Network Marketing and only found out about it through a "Success at Home" magazine. I sponsored myself into a company.

      I was sold on Network Marketing & believed it would work.
      I had just moved to a new city so I had to meet new people. With my jobs I never really took the time to connect with others outside of work although I was an engineer with social skills and I was usually the one in the group who had to travel because I could talk to clients. I am an introvert so I had to push myself out of my comfort zone to meet new people and I did.

      What I realized is that even if I achieved the top level in a company, I wouldn't really have my dream life. I needed to make some big changes in my life. That is what brought me back to where I am today. It was a good decision because I dealt with some issues I needed to deal with.

      So my goal is my dream life.
      The path to that life can change so it may not be the path I started out on. Learn from your past.
      Remember your dream daily.
      If you encounter negativity, take 10-20 seconds to name all that you are grateful for.

    10. Thanks RG...your mentoring and guidance has helped me gain $1,000,000 in sales in 3 favorite and I've taken this from you and use it every day....

      What matters is that you dedicate yourself to being a little better today than you were yesterday!

      It is the most awesome mantra out there today!
      Tony Beach

    11. -RG,

      I have a friend who is a Sciencetologist. He has been telling me about vibrational tones that we are at in our lives. It is pretty spot on when I compare the different people that I know and where I see them at on a consciousness level.

      Me, I'm committed to a higher consciousness level.


    12. "unless that weaker is willing to be helped, "

      This is absolutely true. When I started off with network marketing I just wanted to help everybody. I thought MLM was the answer to fighting poverty. I soon realised that it is mostly those who need the help who are not interested in being helped. It was quite a shock to me to learn that I had the answer to the people's problems but the people I wanted to help did not want to be helped.

    13. I keep my 'As a man Thinketh" in the bathroom. Is that very disrespectful?! The thoughts that I give precedence to is: I'M FAT, I'M FAT, I'M FAT!!! I remember beign approached by a person froma modeling agency, he introduced himself, gave me his card, and i said, oh no, i'm fat!!! And sure enough, today I am 40 pounds overweight. It amazes me the power of the mind. New affirmation: "For today, I treat my body with all the love and respect that a spiritual vessel deserves"

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