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Expanding Your Prosperity Consciousness

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 26, 2015

When you were a baby, you had no fear of fitting in, public speaking, or failing at anything. Those were all fears you learned along the way.

When you were a toddler nothing was off limits. You were the ultimate adventurer, eager to discover new worlds.   But along the way, you were taught the word ‘no.’ Probably a few hundred thousand times.

As you moved into your teen years, you felt indestructible; willing to attempt bold, daring and audacious feats. But as you matured, you were programed with yet more limiting and constraining beliefs. You were taught not to hope for too much, so as not to be disappointed, counseled to be more “reasonable.”

What was really happening all this while, was the contraction of the window you view the world through. A window that determines your prosperity consciousness: the level of self-esteem you possess, and what you believe you are worthy of.

Every day the universe asks you an all-important question. That question is:

How much prosperity are you willing to accept today?

And if you’re like most people making their way through their days on this planet, the answer gets smaller every year. You start with that almost limitless vision as a baby, narrow it as a toddler, restrict it yet more as a teen, and then slowly let it dissipate in adulthood as you navigate the realities of employment, bills, and responsibilities. Then you probably become a parent and begin the same debilitating process in your children and grandchildren.

This process takes you further from enlightenment and eats away at the very life force that drives you. It is a sin and an insult to the very force that created you. It’s an insidious progression that destroys relationships, robs health and leads to a life unfulfilled.

But if you’re fortunate, you encounter a spark along the way…

You read Think and Grow Rich, The Magic of Thinking Big, or The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. You run into me, Robin Sharma, or someone like us who gets in your face and challenges you. You recognize the process and the pattern you have been on and immediately halt the progression.

That’s the day your life changes forever…

Because now you can start to reverse the process. expanding your prosperity consciousness and that window you view the world through. The whole world changes because you have changed.

You begin identifying and eviscerating limiting belief after limiting belief, increasing your self-esteem, and once again believing you are worthy. This too is a process and a journey. And if you were contracting your window for many years, it can sometimes take years to expand it back. But the trip back is always faster, because this window is elastic and you’re simply restoring it to its original dimensions.

And this time, you know the destination. You remember what you’re fighting for: You’re fighting to take your dreams back.

And that’s what we’ll explore on the next post…


14 comments on “Expanding Your Prosperity Consciousness”

  1. But along the way, you were taught the word "no".Probably a few hundred thousand times. That's the day your life changes forever..... my birthday will be tomorrow.

  2. Well put RG.. enjoy the Periscope broadcasts too and would love to know how you record them and post to a site. Like all people you mention the word 'no' eventually drove me away from where I grew up never to return.. And with that came a journey that continues to evolve where I continually chant the mantra, "I say yes to the Universe and the Universe says YES to me!".. Blessings..

  3. pandkenterprises I'm not Randy and you didn't ask me but I want to chime in on this one. I'd say yes but it's a slippery sloop. Some personalities can easily get carried away with such experiences.

  4. I JUST commented on your latest YouTube video responding to the question about which platforms I like the best to tune in to your work and I'd said how I think my favorite was your YouTube channel... but then I came here and read this and am reminded how much I absolutely love READING your work. I do like the video content but there's something pretty powerful about the written word, and when I read a post like this I think this is probably more powerful than the videos.

  5. Matt Shorty Wells pandkenterprises It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek comment since I have not smoked pot in over 30 years.  Unlike most of the posts, I try to keep mine lighthearted (since I know Randy does not read these - he is too busy making money, traveling, throwing out one-liners, and simple platitudes).

  6. Whoa! I read all of your posts Randy, and your video's which are all amazing. This one however, has really set off a light bulb! I love the window analogy, as it is ridiculous true and I am ready to throw open the windows! Thank you for everything you do!

  7. BethHYork It's actually been shared 106 times so far.  For some reason, when you come back to it, it sees your cookie and displays the page the way it was when you first saw it.  -RG

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  • 14 comments on “Expanding Your Prosperity Consciousness”

    1. But along the way, you were taught the word "no".Probably a few hundred thousand times. That's the day your life changes forever..... my birthday will be tomorrow.

    2. Well put RG.. enjoy the Periscope broadcasts too and would love to know how you record them and post to a site. Like all people you mention the word 'no' eventually drove me away from where I grew up never to return.. And with that came a journey that continues to evolve where I continually chant the mantra, "I say yes to the Universe and the Universe says YES to me!".. Blessings..

    3. pandkenterprises I'm not Randy and you didn't ask me but I want to chime in on this one. I'd say yes but it's a slippery sloop. Some personalities can easily get carried away with such experiences.

    4. I JUST commented on your latest YouTube video responding to the question about which platforms I like the best to tune in to your work and I'd said how I think my favorite was your YouTube channel... but then I came here and read this and am reminded how much I absolutely love READING your work. I do like the video content but there's something pretty powerful about the written word, and when I read a post like this I think this is probably more powerful than the videos.

    5. Matt Shorty Wells pandkenterprises It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek comment since I have not smoked pot in over 30 years.  Unlike most of the posts, I try to keep mine lighthearted (since I know Randy does not read these - he is too busy making money, traveling, throwing out one-liners, and simple platitudes).

    6. Whoa! I read all of your posts Randy, and your video's which are all amazing. This one however, has really set off a light bulb! I love the window analogy, as it is ridiculous true and I am ready to throw open the windows! Thank you for everything you do!

    7. BethHYork It's actually been shared 106 times so far.  For some reason, when you come back to it, it sees your cookie and displays the page the way it was when you first saw it.  -RG

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