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Discrimination, Hate, and Danger in an Enlightened Society

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 8, 2019

This is the third post in our series on how we respond to things that happen in politics and society, from the standpoint of prosperity consciousness.  Last post I said the comments recently unearthed from Kevin Hart were harmful hate speech. 

The other day, Ellen DeGeneres had Hart on her show and started a campaign to get him back hosting the Oscars.  Now I love me some Ellen.  I’m working daytimes, so I don’t watch her show, but get to see clips and highlights on Twitter.  She’s one of my favorite entertainers and I adored her Netflix specials.  But I don’t think her lobbying for Hart in this context was good from a prosperity standpoint.

We know Ellen doesn’t need to be told about the discrimination LGBTQ people can face; she’s lived it firsthand.  But I’m not sure if she recognizes the unique dynamic on this issue in the Black community.  The things Hart said ten years ago were the prevailing opinion in the Black community then.  And I believe they still are today.

I have dated two Black men in my life.  Both were successful, professional men with great careers.  And both are still closeted to this day, because they are in a culture where being gay was (and can still be) dangerous.

The numbers don’t lie.  The number of homeless LGBTQ kids is horrendous.  And they spike dramatically in the Black community.  A similar dynamic is the suicide and assault numbers.  Being a non-heterosexual in the Black community can be dangerous, even deadly.

Like I said yesterday, I have no say in how Hart feels about LGBTQ people.  And no one has the right to tell him he should feel differently.  However he feels, he feels.  But from a prosperity consciousness viewpoint, this could all still turn into a win.  If Hart were to sincerely apologize, and make a statement showing empathy for LGBTQ people (especially the kids), and encourage the community to accept them and protect them from violence, it would be a huge step to giving their humanity back.  Then I’d love to see him host the Oscars.

Or even better, make that sincere apology and statement in his opening monologue at the Oscars.  And maybe bring in a Black LGBTQ person as a co-host, or just be featured prominently.  Run a one or two minute clip about shelters and safety hot lines for LGBTQ youth.  That would really be operating from prosperity consciousness.

We don’t all have to like everyone else.  Sometimes we won’t all understand everyone else.  But to be in an enlightened society, we must all allow every human the dignity they deserve.  Next post, I want to get back on the topic on comedy and political satire.  Look at the recent performance of Louis CK, and some other controversial performances.

And I want to explore my own responsibility and hypocrisy as a LGBTQ person, who has often used slurs and homophobic humor.  So stay tuned for that!  And please share any comments that you have in the meantime.

- RG

3 comments on “Discrimination, Hate, and Danger in an Enlightened Society”

  1. Thank you for your truth and transparency. They are particularly refreshing in an age, as I see it, that is producing too many people-parrots who noisily proclaim the same cliches.

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  • 3 comments on “Discrimination, Hate, and Danger in an Enlightened Society”

    1. Thank you for your truth and transparency. They are particularly refreshing in an age, as I see it, that is producing too many people-parrots who noisily proclaim the same cliches.

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