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Comedy, Politics and Prosperity (Part two)

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 7, 2019

We’re continuing the series on exploring how to deal with satirical humor and politics from a prosperity consciousness.  In the last post, I advocated the criterion for evaluating these issues should be how they impact every human’s right to dignity. 

Where we cross the line, from the standpoint of prosperity consciousness, is when we attack people, not their behaviors or ideas.  Attacks against people for their physical appearance, family, religion, sexuality, or disabilities, robs them of their human dignity.  So let’s explore the situation with Kevin Hart, examining it from the prosperity consciousness standpoint.

The remarks Hart made were hurtful and dangerous.  They definitely denied dignity to the people he directed them to.  (He called someone a fat fag, and said he would never allow his son to play with a dollhouse because that was too gay.)  This wasn’t satirical or political humor; it was ignorant hate speech.

Those remarks reveal Hart to be homophobic; having a dislike or prejudice against homosexuals.  Or at least he was ten years ago, when he said them.  Now should that preclude him from hosting the Academy awards?

I don’t know.  There are thousands of homophobic people in show business.  Lots of them will be at the Oscars.  If they banned all the homophobic people, the auditorium would probably be half empty.  The Academy has to decide what they want their public perception to be.

Here’s the relevant issue about comments like Hart made.  They not only rob people of dignity; they put people at risk for discrimination, attacks, or even death. And Hart has a huge platform in our society.   He's a movie icon, with more than 30 million followers on Twitter, and enough box office clout to guarantee a great opening for a film he’s in.

A big reason for that is he is very good at his job.  Personally I’ve always enjoyed his films and find his performances hysterical.  I’m sorry to learn that he dislikes LGBTQ people, but I don’t get to decide that.  Not sure how that will effect me going to his future films.

But back to our issue, there’s no way to classify his remarks as satire, or even humor.  From a prosperity consciousness viewpoint, we have to say they’re despicable.  Now he said them 10 years ago, and people evolve, just as societies do.  (In his defense, most people spoke like that ten years ago, and most people would have probably agreed with him.)

No one can really find where Hart apologized for his remarks, but he says he did.  It would certainly make things a lot easier if he unequivocally stated that the comments were harmful, and made a sincere apology.  Forgiveness is definitely a prosperous habit and I’d love to exercise it here.

Of course the next part of the story was his appearance on Ellen, and her campaign to get him back hosting the Oscars again.  And that’s where it gets really, really messy...

Which is where we’ll pick up on the next post. In the meantime, love to hear your thoughts below.


7 comments on “Comedy, Politics and Prosperity (Part two)”

  1. Saw the Ellen shows and he has spoken about how he apologized for those remarks when they were made. He makes a great point about if these remarks would have been brought up again if he wasn’t the host of the Oscars (I think not). Now, about the topic in point, if the man has changed his mindset and his belief system I think he can be today in a place of abundance. I think a lot of people have to work on their belief system not only for abundance, yet for consciousness.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly Jorge. The masses of "average" especially delight in exemplifying what they love to criticize in others. Releasing the habit can be lifechanging.

  2. Prosperity consciousness awareness is key. Understanding clearly poverty vs prosperity I believe starts with understanding the definitions of those mindsets & dynamics..

  3. One of the challenges we no Americans have is you refer to people that I've never heard of. That might say more about me than the relatively insular nature of US beliefs, however I kind of get the message, although only after looking up Kevin Hart to find out who he is. Ellen is known of course, hence he is given "reflected" credibility by being associated with her.

    From a prosperity viewpoint, I wonder if this discussion is easy to relate for most of us outside the US? We are only around 96% of the world population after all!

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  • 7 comments on “Comedy, Politics and Prosperity (Part two)”

    1. Saw the Ellen shows and he has spoken about how he apologized for those remarks when they were made. He makes a great point about if these remarks would have been brought up again if he wasn’t the host of the Oscars (I think not). Now, about the topic in point, if the man has changed his mindset and his belief system I think he can be today in a place of abundance. I think a lot of people have to work on their belief system not only for abundance, yet for consciousness.

      1. I agree wholeheartedly Jorge. The masses of "average" especially delight in exemplifying what they love to criticize in others. Releasing the habit can be lifechanging.

    2. Prosperity consciousness awareness is key. Understanding clearly poverty vs prosperity I believe starts with understanding the definitions of those mindsets & dynamics..

    3. One of the challenges we no Americans have is you refer to people that I've never heard of. That might say more about me than the relatively insular nature of US beliefs, however I kind of get the message, although only after looking up Kevin Hart to find out who he is. Ellen is known of course, hence he is given "reflected" credibility by being associated with her.

      From a prosperity viewpoint, I wonder if this discussion is easy to relate for most of us outside the US? We are only around 96% of the world population after all!

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