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Are You Using Your Innate Wisdom

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 21, 2009

There are times we struggle to make a decision.  We go back and forth, agonizing over which way to turn.  I think when this is the case, often it is because we really know the right choice, but don’t want to make it.  

We back away because it will be difficult, we’re afraid how it will affect someone or something else, or we know it will take us out of our comfort zone.

I also believe we have an innate wisdom, a special spiritual insight that is there to guide us if we are open to it.  And that’s the key:  Being open to it.

So how are you doing on that?  What situation is going on in your life right now, that you should release the logic debate -- and just let your inner knowing guide you?


11 comments on “Are You Using Your Innate Wisdom”

  1. -RG,

    Often we find it difficult to release that "stuff" to the unseen intelligences of God or the universe "whatever word you choose", because we are grasping for something tangible to hang on to.

    Therein lies the jumping out of a plane the first time you sky dive will that shoot open? Yet how will you know unless you take that leap?


  2. Often, I think fear or failure does hold us back.

    I have adopted the thinking to follow my gut and if it doesn't go my way I'll figure it out. One of mentors told me once, "Don't ask for Life to be easier, ask for more wisdom."

    I pray for that every day.

    So far I'm pleased with who I have become and where I am in life.

    You have a choice so, make it a better than terrific day!


  3. I'm trying to find that spiritual guide or insight and I know that I have to do something. Everything you have said Randy is right on.

    It's a very difficult decision to make, because as you said, I know it is going to affect other people in my life, especially those I love the most.

    Getting out of a comfort zone is the hardest thing to do, but to make the right changes in life sometimes it has to be done...

  4. Being OPEN to it - is a major issue I think!

    I once learned from you, that we need to "clean house"
    - get rid of all "The Cutter", enabling a free space to be made
    - for new things (energy) to come in and find room.

    We tend to fill our comfort zone to the point of over spilling (like wrapping yourselves up in cotton) - not leaving room for the new and unknown.

    Make Space, so you can breath - the extra air will bring strength to accept what comes to you!!

    Warm regards

  5. Gosh, it seems like you are talking right to me today Randy! I just came back from an appt at a technical school. While taking a course to learn something new sounds like fun, I left feeling scared to death! Now I have a decision to make, if I want to go to school for 7 wks, or find another financial option....

    Thanks for mirroring my feelings today Randy!


  6. I try to consult with my inner wisdom on just about every decision that I have to make, but that requires a great deal of "allowing", and waiting patiently for my inner voice to speak up.
    My mental habit, as is just about everybody`s, is to look for the lateral logic for guidance. Sometimes that works.
    But indeed, when there is an inner conflict, or emotional reaction, logic is not enough. Emotions are just as real as thoughts, and when there is conflict, both have to be taken into consideration, for a resolution to emerge. 🙂

  7. Very timely post Randy. I decided earlier today to make a trip to a monastery. To be alone in a beautiful and quiet place so that I can let go of what needs to be released and reconnect with that which is the true center of my life.

  8. My big decision. Where to go on holiday. 'Heard' think


    It is the first time I've had to take a holiday when all the school children are on holiday. Thus all prices are up.

    I normally go long haul. Long haul flights have doubled.

  9. My big deal today is conquering the fear I have over getting myself on the internet as in website running, etc. I have so many ideas but there lingers this limiting belief that takes me all the way back to high school (I remember it sooo well) when I had to take a computer class. I was lost, and that was an understatement at best! But I knew enough that I had skills that others didn't have - so I bartered with 2 guys to be their "secretary" and type for them while they tried explaining what they were doing. 1's and 0's everywhere!
    But today I am facing that limiting fear and allowing for a better ending. Last night I prayed for wisdom and guidance and most of all patience!! My "gut" is telling me this is a major step that will help to launch me so I must cross into unknown waters. I know it's time because my calender suddenly became empty the last 4 The Big Guys sending me a message for sure, but I am also sure that He will send me someone who understands what I don't -should I get stuck. 🙂

  10. I have been reading about this innate wisdom. It talks about it in a book that I have been reading a book by Joseph Murphy "Your Infinite Power to be Rich". Great book! Thanks for the great post!

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  • 11 comments on “Are You Using Your Innate Wisdom”

    1. -RG,

      Often we find it difficult to release that "stuff" to the unseen intelligences of God or the universe "whatever word you choose", because we are grasping for something tangible to hang on to.

      Therein lies the jumping out of a plane the first time you sky dive will that shoot open? Yet how will you know unless you take that leap?


    2. Often, I think fear or failure does hold us back.

      I have adopted the thinking to follow my gut and if it doesn't go my way I'll figure it out. One of mentors told me once, "Don't ask for Life to be easier, ask for more wisdom."

      I pray for that every day.

      So far I'm pleased with who I have become and where I am in life.

      You have a choice so, make it a better than terrific day!


    3. I'm trying to find that spiritual guide or insight and I know that I have to do something. Everything you have said Randy is right on.

      It's a very difficult decision to make, because as you said, I know it is going to affect other people in my life, especially those I love the most.

      Getting out of a comfort zone is the hardest thing to do, but to make the right changes in life sometimes it has to be done...

    4. Being OPEN to it - is a major issue I think!

      I once learned from you, that we need to "clean house"
      - get rid of all "The Cutter", enabling a free space to be made
      - for new things (energy) to come in and find room.

      We tend to fill our comfort zone to the point of over spilling (like wrapping yourselves up in cotton) - not leaving room for the new and unknown.

      Make Space, so you can breath - the extra air will bring strength to accept what comes to you!!

      Warm regards

    5. Gosh, it seems like you are talking right to me today Randy! I just came back from an appt at a technical school. While taking a course to learn something new sounds like fun, I left feeling scared to death! Now I have a decision to make, if I want to go to school for 7 wks, or find another financial option....

      Thanks for mirroring my feelings today Randy!


    6. I try to consult with my inner wisdom on just about every decision that I have to make, but that requires a great deal of "allowing", and waiting patiently for my inner voice to speak up.
      My mental habit, as is just about everybody`s, is to look for the lateral logic for guidance. Sometimes that works.
      But indeed, when there is an inner conflict, or emotional reaction, logic is not enough. Emotions are just as real as thoughts, and when there is conflict, both have to be taken into consideration, for a resolution to emerge. 🙂

    7. Very timely post Randy. I decided earlier today to make a trip to a monastery. To be alone in a beautiful and quiet place so that I can let go of what needs to be released and reconnect with that which is the true center of my life.

    8. My big decision. Where to go on holiday. 'Heard' think


      It is the first time I've had to take a holiday when all the school children are on holiday. Thus all prices are up.

      I normally go long haul. Long haul flights have doubled.

    9. My big deal today is conquering the fear I have over getting myself on the internet as in website running, etc. I have so many ideas but there lingers this limiting belief that takes me all the way back to high school (I remember it sooo well) when I had to take a computer class. I was lost, and that was an understatement at best! But I knew enough that I had skills that others didn't have - so I bartered with 2 guys to be their "secretary" and type for them while they tried explaining what they were doing. 1's and 0's everywhere!
      But today I am facing that limiting fear and allowing for a better ending. Last night I prayed for wisdom and guidance and most of all patience!! My "gut" is telling me this is a major step that will help to launch me so I must cross into unknown waters. I know it's time because my calender suddenly became empty the last 4 The Big Guys sending me a message for sure, but I am also sure that He will send me someone who understands what I don't -should I get stuck. 🙂

    10. I have been reading about this innate wisdom. It talks about it in a book that I have been reading a book by Joseph Murphy "Your Infinite Power to be Rich". Great book! Thanks for the great post!

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