Last week we talked about the unconditional acceptance of animals and children. It raises an interesting question about when things happen to you. When is it “fate” and when should you try to overcome them?
When I don’t wash my cars, I don’t think it’s fate that made them dirty. When I have five pounds of extra weight I’m carrying around, I don’t blame that on fate either. And when I fail at something, I don’t justify or validate it by suggesting it is my destiny...
I know that the ultimate responsibility is always mine. I never use fate as an excuse not to do something. But when I attempt something and the results are out of my hands – then I look for another avenue.
The perfect example was when I was shopping for my apartment. I viewed a two-story penthouse in a building under construction and decided I wanted to own it. But when I went back the next day to put down the deposit, I learned someone had put a contract on it the evening before.
I had no control over this person who bought that penthouse. Worrying about it, doing affirmations, or getting a voodoo doll were not going to serve me. So I let it go, without attachment. I knew that if that place was in my highest good I would have it, and if not, there was something better for me.
And that was exactly the case…
The developer ended up two years behind schedule and all the promised stores and restaurants in the retail mall on the ground floor are still empty. I’m so glad I ended up with the place I did.
So what about you?
When do you decide that the universe is sending you a message to change course, or how do you know when it’s a test you’re supposed to overcome? Please share your thoughts on this, and next post I’ll tell you how I decide.
This is a GREAT post and provides a lot of food for thought.
I choose to live my life "organically". Meaning that I allow my steps to be directed by my Higher Power in accordance with my Divine Purpose.
I believe the key to understanding the difference between "fate" and "destiny" and knowing when to take action is dependent on us knowing our Purpose.
Our gift is the Power of Choice. If circumstances do not occur based on our desires, I believe we can choose to learn from the experience or wallow in self-pity. Having the former mindset will open us up to even greater opportunities.
One of my favorite quotes by my mentor Les Brown says:
"All you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough; just be sure that you do all you can do."
As always, many thanks for your inspired words.
Thank you for your excellent post. That is a fantastic quote and great to live by. I've learned much from Les Brown.
Not to rain on the parade.
The quote actually originated with Art Williams. This is awesome speech.
Just a while ago I had something disappointing happen. I partly felt angry at myself for having possibly screwed up or didn't get an opportunity that came up, and partly felt I did what I did under the circumstances even if I could've done better or more.
Thank you for sharing that Les Brown quote. It may sound redundant for some, but actually makes sense if you think about it.
Whoops, just noticed it's not by Les Brown but by Art Williams. Thank you both anyway.
Sure, some things are beyond our control and are not meant to be but all things work together for good to those who love Him. A lot of times we can make things happen unless we live in a remote village in the Himalayas. There is always a choice so I do not really believe in fate.
Oh Randy ... this post was perfect for me today! (Must have been my 'destiny' that you wrote it when you did!) Lol! 😉
I recently went after something HUGE in my life, knowing that there was a chance it would work out just the way I had envisioned ... and a chance that it wouldn't - but I didn't let that stop me from grooming myself and my life to make the perfect landing spot for it.
Well, it hasn't manifested in the exact way I had hoped - but to me, that simply means one of two things:
1) It's not time yet because I'm not ready
2) There's something even better and greater for me on it's way that even I couldn't have imagined
In my experience, I have found the Universe to be a very gracious and generous provider. Sometimes the thing I think is 'perfect' for me is just my own limited perspective of my potential bliss! Kind of like "the Universe knows best!"
That said, I'll continue to groom and prepare myself for magical possibilities ... and most importantly, work on removing any self-imposed barriers I might be subconsciously carrying around with me that keep the manifestation at bay.
Great post! Thanks!
Wow - great question. To me when "things" are meant to happen they will....trying to force things to occur just doesn't happen... still you must plan, think, and work... I just have learned to accept events as they develop. Call it maturation or cosmic thinking, it works for me. When things don't happen, it's time to let it go and move on!
I take full responsibility for everything that happens to me - both good and bad. I made a decision to buy a $500K home in less than a few hours and now the home is worth 200K less than what I paid for it - ha ha. A sense of humor is always good too...
Hi Randy,
Great post:)
I'm responsibile for everything that happens in my life..everything.I believe that you are the creator of your own destiny through your thoughts,feelings,words ,actions or inactions etc.All that comes in my life ..I attracted that for my highest good.Usually, the circumstances show me very clear the way and at the same time I strongly feel the desire to change the approach.Especially if the message is repeated day after day. When I calm my mind the answer comes more quickly..I trust the voice within me,it will tell me exactly what to do..When you're ready for something it comes naturally:)
Thanks for sharing,
Ultimately it's our willingness to listen as well as to be present. This in itself can be challenging in many respects.
If we're usually inclined to be reactive, the outcome of 'things that happen', will probably be the same. On the other hand, if we play the observer and simply respond in accordance with our Higher Self, we will grow from the experience.
Again, I love to quote Ram Dass who said, "Before Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood. After Enlightenment, carrying water and chopping wood". We must continually work on ourselves and Be Here Now.
Hi Randy,
thanks for bringing up that interesting question. Knowing the answer to that question is key to success and happiness, is it not ?
In my former business, I worked like crazy to generate new clients in a new but theoretically lucrative market.
It didn't work, in fact I failed.
Was it beyond my control ? Certainly not. Did I try "everything" ? Not "everything", but I can safely say that I gave my best.
Did I simply give up too soon ? Or did the universe point me to my new business by "letting me fail" in the old one ?
I don't have final answer to that...but at least it makes sense to me.
Take care
That happened to me, too.I started with a business and it did not work out well.After that I have tried to start new ones but it just never feels right.Where is my power and inspiration?I have tried new thoughts,looking for another kind of business.God I want to work hard.
This reminds me of something Abraham-Hicks said, "Disappointment only happens when what you want is not in line with your greater good". You have to admire the ways the universe's guides you on your path. Everyday I'm getting better and better at following my inner guidance to my greatest good.
Absolutely! 😉
Me encanta!!
This is so true and so easy to understand for me, thak God, just read yesterday an affirmation by Louise Hay, in which she was saying that everything in Universe operats in perfect Divine right order, and we all as a part of the Universe have an order, rythm and a purpose each one, for me this article is a big complement to that I read yesterday, making me more aware of what you say. Completely agree, knowing that we have to accept fate when We already have taken action and have no control over the results. Just love it. Me encanta Randy, thank you.
It happened to me this summer.I let go og something,realising it was not for my highest good,a man it was, and a so much better man came my way,I think it was even one minute after I let go of the other one mentally!
The first man has now started to make my life complicated, he is at my work and I have now decided to leave that, too.It feels great and scary at the same time because I have nothing to replace it with.I feel though,that my thoughts and my dreams and my highest good has nothing in that work to do.And that man is not sympathic.
To really let go can sometimes be very difficult without doing anything stupid for me. I have now decided to do absolutely nothing in this case,just tell them I quit.I was angry,I felt abused, and now I do not even want to think about it.So wish me luck.And THANK YOU,yes,your words was exactly what I needed today, too.
The feeling we have when it is right is as if new doors are opened,easy or difficult,but it is.New worlds turns up,new light in the world,new visions and new energy.And here,the work begins.Where there is will,there is a way...
Great post Randy!!! Completely agree. Just holding the thought without worrying about the external outcome keeps our vibration there.... so Universe will deliver no matter what. That's what I try to do when I'm aware of the message....
Thanks again for sharing Randy
Nothing happen by chance. There are cause and conditions in play. I would rather say accepting current fate, and surround ourselves with conditions that will sooner or later result in our most desired outcome. Instead of trying to control the present situation, see the good in the fated situation, embracing it and enjoy the moment, being absolutely certain that the abundance, prosperity and favorable situation we aspire will manifest.
I listen to my intuition and hold the thought that my life unfolds in divine perfection.
I would say that my guide is how I feel about something. If I am happy and excited about something, (even a distant goal), I will move and push past obstacles. If something starts to feel bad, wrong or negative, it's a sign to let it go and focus my attention elsewhere.