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The 7 Sins of Mediocrity

Posted By: Randy GageJune 4, 2015

If you are a subscriber to my Gage on Prosperity newsletter, then you know I just re-launched Breakthrough U and my Mastermind Council. What a fascinating picture of the human mindset it is demonstrating, on an almost hourly basis.

One of the most interesting things is the applications for the Council that are streaming in. For the most part, these people are hungry, motivated and wanting to be challenged. They know what their strengths are, and also what their weaknesses are. But they’re not looking to use their weaknesses as an excuse for not succeeding. They are simply answering one of the questions on the application, “Where do you think you need the most help?”

Basically you can sum up their mindset in this way:

“I know who I am. I know what I’m good at and what I’m not. I also know where I’ve gotten comfortable and stopped growing. While other people may perceive me as successful, I have ‘Divine Dissatisfaction’ because I know I am capable of much, much more.

“I’m applying for the Mastermind Council because I know that you will challenge me to view the world through a much larger window. I am willing to do whatever it takes. I NEED A COACH. More than anything I need to be able to get around more like-minded people. I want serious interaction with people who challenge me to have more, do more and become more.”

In fact, most of the verbiage above is taken from the actual applications I’ve received already. That’s the kind of people I want in the Council. Now I’ve had one or two that admit they’re lazy and want someone to motivate them. Obviously those people won’t pass the approval process, so there’s no need to discuss that.

But there’s another group, and this is where the lesson may be for you…

These are the people who eliminate themselves and never applied, because they have fallen prey to one of the 7 Sins of Mediocrity. Let’s look at them:

1) Thinking Small. These people just can’t expand their window that they view the world through. Their business has been doing $2 million for so long, they can’t even process the idea that it could be doing $200 million. Or two billion.

2) Satisfied with Safe. These people are comfortable. There are no bill collectors at the door; life is pretty good. They’re surrounded by people who tell them how wonderful they are, but they have no one who will actually challenge them to step into their greatness.

To the masses, they appear to be operating at a high level. They are, but they’re phoning it in, because they should really be operating ten levels higher. They have no fear of failure, because everything they are doing is a safe bet.

3) Poverty Consciousness. They’ve never invested $20,000 on their own self-development and can’t even wrap their mind around the idea. To spend that kind of money they need a car or some other physical object to show for it.  They say they don’t have the money and that’s why they will never have the money.

They never fly first class, never upgrade to a hotel suite, or order from the left side of the menu. The joy of earning $1,000 can never compete with their despair at overpaying a dollar for something.

4) Fear-based Decision Making. This is an extension of number three, only more severe. These people operate form fear of loss mentality so they spend all their energy looking for coupons, bargains and discounts. Their whole mindset is about trying to reduce costs instead of investing in growing their income. They don’t know yet that the only wealth creation power greater than compound interest – is compound learning.

5) Arrogance. They don’t participate in masterminds, attend seminars or read books because they think there’s nothing they will learn there. They’ve surrounded themselves with people less intelligent than them for so long that they’ve started to believe that no one knows more than they do. They drank their own bathwater.

People in this group are often arrogant because they have a high level of achievement already. They’ve proven they are worthy. But they’re too cocky to realize that their arrogance is a firewall to the epic greatness they could really accomplish.

6) Fear of Failure. People with this affliction never attempt the breathtaking, awe-inspiring endeavors, because they are afraid they may fail. They get their validation from others instead of internally. As a result, they fear the “shame” that will come when other see them fail at something.

What they don’t realize is that top achievers in any field, anyone who operates at a world-class level, is supposed to fail! The entrepreneur that doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t make anything. And the wall that protects you from rejection is the same wall that keeps out love.

7) Fear of Success. Now absolutely no one who has this fear is even aware they have it. In fact, they would vehemently deny it.   But they’re programmed with so many negative memes about money and success that they simply can’t allow themselves to play at a game-changing level.

The truth is, there are a whole lot more people with fear of success than there are with fear of failure. That’s the insidious nature of this limiting belief.

These are not “deadly” sins, because no one will die from them. You’ll notice that the result of all these sins is not necessarily even poverty or failure, but simply mediocrity. That’s because you can fall prey to some of these and still be successful, even wealthy. But that level of success or wealth is only a fraction of what you are really capable of.

Which brings us back to you...

Please don’t read this backwards and think I’m trying to sell you on joining the Mastermind Council. (That’s just more dysfunctional thinking.) I’m not. I had enough applications to fill the group within 12 hours of the announcement going out.

A group like the Mastermind Council certainly isn’t for everyone. And for some people, the 20K really wouldn’t be a prudent investment for them at this time.

The point of all this is to cause you to do some serious critical thinking on the beliefs you have come to believe.

I lifted more than 20 tons of weights in my gym workout yesterday. No big deal. Lots of people work out in the gym every day. (Percentage-wise the number is quite small, because most people won’t get off their ass and do it. But the number of people who do work out is a large group.)  The difference for me is I had two spinal surgeries this year, and need at least two more. If there is anyone who has a great excuse not to go to the gym, it’s me.

But I don’t need excuses. I need challenges. So do you.

So here are some questions you may want to contemplate:

Have you allowed yourself to become infected with any of the 7 Sins of Mediocrity? (Or several?)

Are you challenging yourself to grow?

Do you have anyone in your life now that challenges you?

What are you going to do about it?


14 comments on “The 7 Sins of Mediocrity”

  1. Honesty I think anyone not willing to admit they've been infected by any of these is living a lie, myself included. That said, it's great to hear there are so many people that want to 'play'. Being honest with yourself is important and for me the Truth is that I just don't have the $$ in spite of my desire to be part of this.
    Your videos about being healthy are important and being someone with a lifelong commitment to healthy living (holistic medicine, lifelong vegetarian, meditation, etc) I agree completely. What I plan to do about this is to continue to seek out those that challenge me and my ideas which tend towards the innovative side. I'm constantly pushing the envelope to learn and stretch into new territory while seeking others doing the same. I hope and pray for your good health as well as all others too.

  2. Randy Gage, I just recently found out about you and I've been buying all your books and watching all your youtube videos. In all honesty, I  don't have that amount right now, but by next year this time I will be the first one signing up if you open up the program again. 
    You're absolutely right, we've all been infected with one of those mindsets and it's high time we got serious and did something about it. Not only for ourselves but for our children and our countries.
    Thank you for all that you do. You are truly amazing!

  3. Honestly Randy, you nail it. I am being affected by some of the sin. Am so challenged now to strive more in doing more for myself. You still challenged yours even though you are having health challenges. Thank you so much for your thoughts always.

  4. Hello Dear Randy!
    Mediocrity - is in some sense an uncontrolled floating, i mean there are only which defines you as an activist: simple existence or active procreativity.
    Talking about fear, the best way to overcome it is UNDERSTAND it (whats wrong with it/me). The essence of it, its not difficult, Human being is a very strong type of Creation!!! Never forget that!
    And as founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano said: "Those who fears defeat has already been beaten".
    with regards,

  5. It is clear to me now, since I made some mistakes lately, that people who challenge you in different ways is the very most important thing to have in your life. Or you are soon dead. Dead in the sence of MEDIOCRE. Thanks!

  6. Dear Randy Gage, You are absolutely right.  Anyone who is totally honest could not deny what you have written.  Challenges are the key to growth.

  7. Thanks Randy for your words "I didn't write it for you" . God saves me from being infected with mediocrity. And also you are so great and persistent in  teaching me that I'm doomed to success.   I first met you by reading some of your books (it's a great pity they were in Russian) Now I feel happy to communicate with you in your mother tongue because you sound quite different. Maybe one day I will start translating you into Ukrainian (if you allow).
    Thank you ever so much.

  8. Maybe you can figure out how you can convince your Ukrainian polititians to aim for love and to stop raping their own ukrainian east. Become friends with russia and stop trying to eradicate russian speaking people in the east.

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  • 14 comments on “The 7 Sins of Mediocrity”

    1. Honesty I think anyone not willing to admit they've been infected by any of these is living a lie, myself included. That said, it's great to hear there are so many people that want to 'play'. Being honest with yourself is important and for me the Truth is that I just don't have the $$ in spite of my desire to be part of this.
      Your videos about being healthy are important and being someone with a lifelong commitment to healthy living (holistic medicine, lifelong vegetarian, meditation, etc) I agree completely. What I plan to do about this is to continue to seek out those that challenge me and my ideas which tend towards the innovative side. I'm constantly pushing the envelope to learn and stretch into new territory while seeking others doing the same. I hope and pray for your good health as well as all others too.

    2. Randy Gage, I just recently found out about you and I've been buying all your books and watching all your youtube videos. In all honesty, I  don't have that amount right now, but by next year this time I will be the first one signing up if you open up the program again. 
      You're absolutely right, we've all been infected with one of those mindsets and it's high time we got serious and did something about it. Not only for ourselves but for our children and our countries.
      Thank you for all that you do. You are truly amazing!

    3. Honestly Randy, you nail it. I am being affected by some of the sin. Am so challenged now to strive more in doing more for myself. You still challenged yours even though you are having health challenges. Thank you so much for your thoughts always.

    4. Hello Dear Randy!
      Mediocrity - is in some sense an uncontrolled floating, i mean there are only which defines you as an activist: simple existence or active procreativity.
      Talking about fear, the best way to overcome it is UNDERSTAND it (whats wrong with it/me). The essence of it, its not difficult, Human being is a very strong type of Creation!!! Never forget that!
      And as founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano said: "Those who fears defeat has already been beaten".
      with regards,

    5. It is clear to me now, since I made some mistakes lately, that people who challenge you in different ways is the very most important thing to have in your life. Or you are soon dead. Dead in the sence of MEDIOCRE. Thanks!

    6. Dear Randy Gage, You are absolutely right.  Anyone who is totally honest could not deny what you have written.  Challenges are the key to growth.

    7. Thanks Randy for your words "I didn't write it for you" . God saves me from being infected with mediocrity. And also you are so great and persistent in  teaching me that I'm doomed to success.   I first met you by reading some of your books (it's a great pity they were in Russian) Now I feel happy to communicate with you in your mother tongue because you sound quite different. Maybe one day I will start translating you into Ukrainian (if you allow).
      Thank you ever so much.

    8. Maybe you can figure out how you can convince your Ukrainian polititians to aim for love and to stop raping their own ukrainian east. Become friends with russia and stop trying to eradicate russian speaking people in the east.

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