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Your Unique Power to be You!

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 20, 2009

No one person in the world is the same as another.  Not even “identical” twins are really identical.  We each bring something special to everything we do, and everyone we meet.  Yet most people spend most of their lives trying to fit in with others.  

But fitting in with what?

Most people aren’t very happy or fulfilled.  Most spend their whole lives reacting to things around them with no real game plan for what they want life to be.  They struggle financially, and do work they don’t like.  They work most of the time and enjoy themselves almost none of the time.  They settle for mediocrity and shun the greatness inherent in who they are.

You don’t want to fit in with that.  In fact, you probably want to stand out.

You have to be you.  Wear your uniqueness like the badge of honor it is and move toward your greatness.


18 comments on “Your Unique Power to be You!”

  1. Ok!

    I think we all allow a certain AMOUNT of "ourselves" through for fear of not being accepted. Even as a comedian, I sometimes change up my routine to be more "audience friendly".

    I wonder what society would be like if we ALL took out that filter- would we work better or worse?

  2. I am reading "Winning" by Jack Welch... or more accurately meditating while sipping the words page by page...

    He suggests that candor is the essential ingredient that is missing for the unsuccessful. I find the commitment to some kind of 'nice' prevents people from telling the truth about themselves, what they want and how they'd really like their life to be.

    I was stuck on attempting to be what others expected, wanted or saw in me. Who I am is not that guy! Being me first and struggling with all that entails is a wonderful dance.

    Thank you Randy.

  3. Aspiring to be ones own self is so totally unique as media, marketing and trends corral us like the cattle and soon, those unique stone-washed jeans are like belly-buttons - everyone has one.

    Keeping clutter from my head, to thinking and acting deliberately, seizing opportunities, act generously with your time and funds, all gives personal momentum, to life, times, to set the example for others. I see these characteristics as leadership qualities. We need more leaders.

  4. Well said Randy...there's only one you! Period.....but there are 2 more Tony's coming behind me and I want them to always know that there Dad and Granddad always had them in the back of his mind and always want them to remember that YOU and only YOU control your destiny....if you ever come across them tell them Tony Sr always loved them and had them in his thoughts 24/7....
    Anthony Beach are the dude that got me started and thank you!

  5. RG,

    99.9 percent of human DNA is the same in everyone, meaning that only 0.1 percent of our DNA is unique. So it's the very small things that make us different and unique.

    Now recognize that in yourself and others.


  6. Randy became wealthy from his marketing not mlm. Now, when he joined agel is the first time he has a succesful mlm career. He watched his mom struggle in mlm all his life and was determined to figure out how to do it right. but he made many mistakes and decided to teach others what to do. but, he still felt like a phoney because he never had a success story with mlm until now.......

  7. nar⋅cis⋅sism
      /ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzɛm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nahr-suh-siz-em]
    1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
    2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

    In this definition I don't see the relation with what Randy wrote, looking for who you actually are is NOT excessive self love but just the right amount each person must give to themselves. BTW it spells with two ss; narcissistic.


      /ˈɪdiət/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [id-ee-uht]

    1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
    2. Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

    I don-t see how a person that is trying to look for himself, his real he or she, could be foolish nor sensless, it is backwards, a sensless one wouldn't be able to even think about looking for his own self.

    According to this definition seems like the only idiot and narcissist is the one that is not just capable of not looking at himself but also criticize the one who does it.

  8. John
    Randy a narcissist - Nah

    THough without a doubt he's one of the most deliciously selfish people in the world. I just noticed soemthing! Ha!

    Check the word: "sel-fish"

    So perfect 🙂

    See - he doesn't go about giving fish to eat to all the "idiots" (for want of a better word) who don't feed themselves...

    Nor does he teach people to catch fish to feed thier families...

    He teaches people how to create business that sell-fish.

    He truly wants people to become more sel-fish, think for themselves, be responsible for themselves, take care of themselves, and love themselves.

    His words: "become a rainmaker that creates a factory of leaders."

    And ot be a leader you have to be "sel-fish"

    I always like to see someone's perspective- and where they are RIGHT...

    In terms of him being an idiot - he would certaintly say he was... You've got to be daft to steal... and end up in prison. Total dunce- severely idiotic thing to do. THough had he NOT done that - he may never have come to see his friends father who said he believed in him... So his idiotic nature actually took him into the jewel that he was... And with that seed he was willing to break through his povert into playfulness, and his sabataging into service...

    And if being a narcisstic idiot got himt o that... then I wanna be one too... Randy dear, will you teach me to be a narcissistic idiot so I can become a Millionaire Mesiah like you?

    Thanks John. And love to you all...

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  • 18 comments on “Your Unique Power to be You!”

    1. Ok!

      I think we all allow a certain AMOUNT of "ourselves" through for fear of not being accepted. Even as a comedian, I sometimes change up my routine to be more "audience friendly".

      I wonder what society would be like if we ALL took out that filter- would we work better or worse?

    2. I am reading "Winning" by Jack Welch... or more accurately meditating while sipping the words page by page...

      He suggests that candor is the essential ingredient that is missing for the unsuccessful. I find the commitment to some kind of 'nice' prevents people from telling the truth about themselves, what they want and how they'd really like their life to be.

      I was stuck on attempting to be what others expected, wanted or saw in me. Who I am is not that guy! Being me first and struggling with all that entails is a wonderful dance.

      Thank you Randy.

    3. Aspiring to be ones own self is so totally unique as media, marketing and trends corral us like the cattle and soon, those unique stone-washed jeans are like belly-buttons - everyone has one.

      Keeping clutter from my head, to thinking and acting deliberately, seizing opportunities, act generously with your time and funds, all gives personal momentum, to life, times, to set the example for others. I see these characteristics as leadership qualities. We need more leaders.

    4. Well said Randy...there's only one you! Period.....but there are 2 more Tony's coming behind me and I want them to always know that there Dad and Granddad always had them in the back of his mind and always want them to remember that YOU and only YOU control your destiny....if you ever come across them tell them Tony Sr always loved them and had them in his thoughts 24/7....
      Anthony Beach are the dude that got me started and thank you!

    5. RG,

      99.9 percent of human DNA is the same in everyone, meaning that only 0.1 percent of our DNA is unique. So it's the very small things that make us different and unique.

      Now recognize that in yourself and others.


    6. Randy became wealthy from his marketing not mlm. Now, when he joined agel is the first time he has a succesful mlm career. He watched his mom struggle in mlm all his life and was determined to figure out how to do it right. but he made many mistakes and decided to teach others what to do. but, he still felt like a phoney because he never had a success story with mlm until now.......

    7. nar⋅cis⋅sism
        /ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzɛm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nahr-suh-siz-em]
      1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
      2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

      In this definition I don't see the relation with what Randy wrote, looking for who you actually are is NOT excessive self love but just the right amount each person must give to themselves. BTW it spells with two ss; narcissistic.


        /ˈɪdiət/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [id-ee-uht]

      1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
      2. Psychology. a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

      I don-t see how a person that is trying to look for himself, his real he or she, could be foolish nor sensless, it is backwards, a sensless one wouldn't be able to even think about looking for his own self.

      According to this definition seems like the only idiot and narcissist is the one that is not just capable of not looking at himself but also criticize the one who does it.

    8. John
      Randy a narcissist - Nah

      THough without a doubt he's one of the most deliciously selfish people in the world. I just noticed soemthing! Ha!

      Check the word: "sel-fish"

      So perfect 🙂

      See - he doesn't go about giving fish to eat to all the "idiots" (for want of a better word) who don't feed themselves...

      Nor does he teach people to catch fish to feed thier families...

      He teaches people how to create business that sell-fish.

      He truly wants people to become more sel-fish, think for themselves, be responsible for themselves, take care of themselves, and love themselves.

      His words: "become a rainmaker that creates a factory of leaders."

      And ot be a leader you have to be "sel-fish"

      I always like to see someone's perspective- and where they are RIGHT...

      In terms of him being an idiot - he would certaintly say he was... You've got to be daft to steal... and end up in prison. Total dunce- severely idiotic thing to do. THough had he NOT done that - he may never have come to see his friends father who said he believed in him... So his idiotic nature actually took him into the jewel that he was... And with that seed he was willing to break through his povert into playfulness, and his sabataging into service...

      And if being a narcisstic idiot got himt o that... then I wanna be one too... Randy dear, will you teach me to be a narcissistic idiot so I can become a Millionaire Mesiah like you?

      Thanks John. And love to you all...

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