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Your Real Test

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 17, 2009

Ok let’s stop playing around with your denial bullshit.  Yesterday I challenged you to confront the greatness you have been denying yourself.  Denying yourself by playing small, thinking “safe,” or allowing yourself to be infected with self-doubt and worthiness issues.  

Now let’s see how serious you are about changing it…

If you really are serious, I challenge you to scroll down to the comments section RIGHT NOW, and post it.  Go public with a commitment to achieve it, where everyone can see.   Write out what you have been denying, and what you are going to do about it.

This does two things:  First it forces you to confront your self-sabotage.  And two, it allows the community here to support you in your efforts to breakthrough and achieve your greatness.  The next move is yours.


P.S.  The events in Sydney, Jakarta, and Medan went amazing.  Heading down to my Kuala Lumpur event now.   I’ll check in on the other side.

149 comments on “Your Real Test”

  1. Hi Randy,

    Business is booming. Life is great. The kids are great. My relationship with my wife is stellar.

    The smoking has to go. Deprives me of the greatness all around me. Old habit, from the old days - you know what I mean.

    Tonight, it's done. Anyone with me?


  2. Yeah, OK Randy. I've been denying my magnificence for a loooooong time. Thought it made other people more comfortable. But it's made me frustrated, and mostly surrounded by people who want to be ordinary. So I'm out there now - older, much wiser, still foxy, having huge fun, and not taking the slightest bit of interest in anyone who wants to be rescued. Monday I redo the website and get on line with a couple of products I've been planning to get around to.

  3. I have been denying negative attitude always, but since I have'nt achieved which I want to have i understood that I think i have positive thinking. actually i was ok with situation when all around me was normal but in hard position i started to make teragedy. so I really need to know what should i do in scope with bad situation and change it to what i want? I read book most of the time. write my goals on the with boards and other way to remind me i can be successful always, if u have more suggestion plz help me?


  4. Well, it's the smoking. It has to go, but it's really hard.

    This summer I hold up the smoking for about 2 months, then I went on a party and said to myself:

    "Just this one cigarette, it won't harm me"

    Well ... it caught me again, the addiction to nikotin

  5. I will be a multi-billionaire in exactly 25 years time or sooner (I am 32). I will be a multi-millionaire by Jan 01 2011. I did an MBA in Finance by overcomming by self limiting beliefs that I was thick and stupid. Thanks to Randy Gage's material that I read when I was 26, I managed to overcome that stupid dumb feeling that I was worthless. I now know that ANYTHING is possible and I absolutely WILL live all my dreams - yes that means buying a super yacht with a helicopter on the deck, and a private jet and building a multi-billion dollar fortune 500 empire. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN YOU ARE RIGHT - IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN'T YOU ARE RIGHT! EITHER DO IT OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TRY!


  6. P.S. I put this up as anon because if I become - I MEANT WHEN - WHEN I become a multi-billionaire I don't want anyone to know my face or my name (for security)!

  7. I am an intelligent, articulate and friendly young woman.

    I also have a healthy, hour-glass shaped body (34F, 28, 36), which I have hidden inside baggy trouser suits and dull clothes. I have "played small and stayed safe" and tried to look less than everyone else so I didn't make other people feel bad. I have kept quiet when I wanted to speak up, scared of being judged by my cleavage and dismissed as a bimbo.

    No more. From now on I do not let other people's insecurities become my own. I don't hide.

    And if someone judges me by my shape - more fool them!

    Thanks Randy!

  8. Right in the bulls eye.
    I know I have so much more to contribut to others but then i will be acknowledge as succesful.
    I crave for that but its also my scarry fear.

    Behind the walls of fear lives my best life.

    Scarred to be rejected – for what? I think people will reject me for I am succesful – Is it really true? How do I know?

    Could it be that way that if I will have lesser holdback – the more real will I be and when two people being real with each other – Gods will be created.

    Will I be brilliant in enrolling? No doubt about it.

    Will I be succesful in making impact on others? Sure.

    Can I fullfill my goals and life a compleat lifestyle….

  9. I was poor and unhappy woman. Now I stop it!!! I am going to open all my ability and improve my life on very new level. I am strong and rich person. I create a fantastic life for myself!!!

  10. I commit to stop submiting to my feelings of unworthiness by prospecting/calling at 2 new people every weekday, starting now.

  11. I am a recovering dentist. I have been with my wonderful networkmarketing business for 11 years. I will be Platinum E.D. by March 2010. My beautiful pecan tan,5'7" 160lbs soul-mate that has a master degree or above is here right now. I will not be denied. $20,000.00+ by Jan. 2010. No more playing small.The $75,000.00 needed for the Boys and Girls Club that I am spearheading will be had by July,2010

  12. Hi Randy,
    Im really agree with you 'safe' is high risk. The real test llike you said always mmake people afraid to face the realityand become to weak and play safe.
    Im really anjoy when I meet you today in Kuala Lumpurr. Inspired me. and thanks alot.
    Enjoy your self .
    Welcome to Malaysia.

  13. I was in a previous network marketing company where I did achieve a small level of success. Now that I've joined a different network marketing company it's October 17 as I write this and my stupid, self-limiting belief is that even if I do my 100 exposures as I committed to doing, that no one will sign up and I won't have any money coming in next month! HELP!

    I had the same problem in the last NM company: I reach the halfway point in the month and start to panic that no one has enrolled this month and no one is going to enroll and that the next month I won't have any money coming in from my NM check, no one is going to have the money to sign up in the last two weeks of the month... But at the beginning of the month, I'm relaxed and in my mind the whole world is going to sign up and has loads of cash to enroll. I'm tired from thinking this.


    Randy, I think it has to be a 2-pronged approach: 1) I need to up my consistency in making the number of exposures and 2) I need to do self-development to overcome the negative self-limiting belief and mind chatter.


  14. Here is a prayer that has equipped me..

    I say this when I wake and
    before I lay my head down to sleep (everyday)!!!

    “I am wealth, I am abundance and I am free.
    I am free from the opinion of anyone.
    I only seek to compete with me
    and not a man or anyone outside of HIS desire in me.
    I am me and I am one with mankind.
    It is the world who will as-sist me,
    strangers and all countrymen
    because I am their servant first.
    Oh God, bring me more prosperity
    and more people to help
    and more people to me.
    I know not where they are,
    but I know they exist—–please bring them to me and give me the proper wisdom to discern
    the doves from the wolves.
    I am power because I say that I am that I am.”

  15. I have been suffering from Denial and Self limiying beliefs which have forced me to play safe and destroyed a brilliant relationship.

    I deserve better I am capaple of better dream big think big live big from now on I am not limited I am not afraid of my power any more and its mine to use.

    My confidence is building daily time to start using it to the betterment of the world.

    Gonna quit smoking too its a limit emotionally and financially.

    Thanks for the pervebial foot in the ass Randy.


  16. I am just learning English and it's very difficult for me, but I hope to learn it soon. I would like to understand all what you write!
    Thanks Randy!
    Спасибо за шанс стать лучше!
    Добро пожаловать в С-Петербург.

  17. Great stuff again Randy, you have truly been a Mentor (notice the capital M) to me. 

    It's time for me, after months of reading and following the blog, to make a first comment. I have been denying my greatness for some time now, I know that I could set up an internet business to work from home or anywhere I choose to. It's been my biggest dream since the first day I was introduced to the subject of online marketing, so I can supplement my income, and eventually fire my boss.

    It's funny were having these posts, since I made the decission to absolutely go for it this week. Telepathic?

    So here we go: I, Timothy Verpoort will from this day on step into my greatness by giving everything my absolute best. I will build a fully functional online business, before the end of 2009, while also maintaining healthy relationships with friends and familly, and keeping a healthy mind and body.  

    Thanks to Randy and everybody participating in this blog, I've learned a lot from you guys!     

    Sent from my iPhone. 

  18. I do believe after being in this industry for over 30 years, wouldn't you think I would have been able to MAKE it? Too many issues to list, but am now feeling very confident I will GET there, as I have never quit. I am with the company that will make it possible, and the only person in this industry I have followed the longest is you, Randy.

    I just joined a new company and I do believe it will be the change in the industry I need!!!! A health product with no competition and the training right along with it!!!

    Feeling confident and anxious to really get out there and make waves!!!

    I learn every day, and if I am not learning I get bored!!! 🙂

    Thanks for everyone's input, and thanks for encouraging me to share. 🙂

  19. I will be a best selling author as soon as my first book comes out of editing and is published this fall. My finances are improving greatly and we will be buying our home and traveling the next several months.

  20. OK! Here goes. I will be walking up on stage at convention next summer as a gold director. This weekend, I will have a 100% fail proof plan that I will put in action no later than next monday, October 19, 2009. Convention date has not yet been set up but it should be at the end of July, 2010. So let's say I will be Gold Director by July 31, 2010.
    Now, Randy, I make you responsable to send me an email once every so often to see where I'm at, OK?
    Ask and it shall be given they say.

  21. We just had our best month ever and will close 2009 with a bang! I just wrote my last business plan, the one that ends with "sold the busines in 2019 for x and retired!" I don't know if I will actually retire, but it will be a thrill to have the option!

  22. Just to proove that your ego could be sabotaging your plans, I omitted a very important word in my challenge.
    OK! Here goes, AGAIN. I will be walking up on stage at convention next summer as a gold director. This weekend, I will have a 100% NO fail proof plan that I will put in action no later than next monday, October 19, 2009. Convention date has not yet been set up but it should be at the end of July, 2010. So let’s say I will be Gold Director by July 31, 2010.
    Now, Randy, I make you responsable to send me an email once every so often to see where I’m at, OK?
    Ask and it shall be given they say.

  23. I'm with you because what you said is oh so true.

    It's time. Smoking's gotta go . . . and go right now. Today will be my last day with the ciggie in my mouth.

    Be well. And thanks for the commitment comments. They were right on the mark!!!


  24. I am determined to build my confidence and believe in myself. I will have all my debt paid off, student loans, medical bills, credit cards and my car will be paid off. I am wealthy and enjoy having abudance, it feels wonderful. I have a toned youthful body because I am working out in the gym of my big beautiful home on several acres of land. I live in this home with my husband who shares similar goals and ideals as myself; we are growing a deeper spiritual love every day for each other and others. I am helping people get out of debt and grow wealth. I am gifting monies from my several money making avenues to individuals and organizations.

  25. I'm IN Randy! Loving life, and growing my business and my future one day at a time. Filled with excitement each & every day! In for an awesome, life-changing, ride! Woo Hoo!


  26. Hey Randy...I too, have been thinking small and have self doubt. I have a back ground that is somewhat similar to yours - I spent 17 years - from 10 yrs old to 27 - addicted to drugs and alcohol. Somehow I made it out of HS, but barely (I think they "passed" me so I wouldn't come back. lol) Anyway, I ended up living on the streets, with a daily drug habit and an unquenchable thirst for booze...I had no hope. It is a story too long to tell here, but through what I can only describe as Divine Intervention, I kicked those habits and have been clean and sober for the past 24 years now. At the time, it was the greatest victory of my life (and still ranks up there, second now to the gift of my kids). Since then I have risen in sales through major corporations and set many sales records. I am currently Director of Sales for a division of my company. Funny, nobody wanted to hire me initially because I had no education - then when I was hired by a small company and started kicking the "big boys'" butts in the marketplace, they all started to recruit me...go figure. I kind of got off track here, but I find myself playing it safe now - resting on my laurels, not taking ANY chances-actually letting fear be the ruler of the day. Hmmmmm. I also continue to maifest money problems, even though I earn a high 6 figure income - I have bill collectors chasing me, people suing me and on and on - it's ridiculous, really.

    So here it goes...I have been denying myself true wealth! I have always equated success with income (not wealth, income) wow... a little ephifany (sp?) right now - I earn the income I equate to success, but have no wealth - so savings, no money to give away, etc....just payin' the bills. I am also overweight and have trouble with some of my personal relationships - and so wealth eludes me.

    I am completely free of debt as of 12/31/2010.
    I weigh 160 lbs and 8-10% bodyfat as of 6/30/2010.
    I give away at least 10% of my income starting now.
    I am retired from "Corporate America" as of 6/30/2010.
    I am a published author (I have written, had edited a book and never published it because of what I perceive people would think of someone with no formal eduaction) as of 12/31/2009.
    I have a truly loving relationship with my wife and children - ongoing commitment.

    As I just read in Success magazine this month by Joel Osteen, the pastor...if God breathed breath into you today, He has given you another opportunity to share your greatness with the world!
    And so I will...and so I will.

    Sorry for being so long winded here; guess I needed to a few things "out"!

  27. Procrastination has to go NOW. I have decided from today on I will act where the activity is clearly understood. I will take responsibility for my life and future. I will no more wait for something else to happen. I will drive my life the direction I choose.

    I will push myself to the limit and TAKE EXCEPTIONAL STEPS TO MY FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

    Today I choose to change from mediocrity. Today I choose to revisit my goals and dreams on daily basis, reviewing my daily activities and improving my goals.

    I choose to focus on what I must do, and do it. I choose never to wait for any push whatsoever.

    Patrick Kaija

  28. I am a talented, intelligent person who constantly sabotages myself, and I stay with low profile, denying my greatness to avoid facing the possibility of failure to which I have predestined myself unconsciously and that does not exist.

  29. I am going to stop screwing around and begin performing stand up comedy no matter how afraid I am. I know I am a funny and a talented writer, it's about time I share this with the rest of the planet.

  30. I've been following the blog since the NSA, Florida chapter conference that Randy spoke at a little over a month ago. It has changed my energy and focus. On another trip to Ft. Lauderdale last week, a friend of mine issued the same challenge Randy did in this blog. Make a committment, face your fears and at least TRY! I have committed to trying by putting together a conference with my friend and being a speaker! I'm excited!

  31. I am a millionaire by 2011, a multi-millionaire by 2012.

    Woah, woah. Things I'm noticing by just stating that. Anxiety. Thoughts like, 'only a smart person is able to figure out how to do that.' 'That's not do-able, not by you anyway.'

    So I walk away from the computer for a few moments and do something else.

    Thoughts fly into my head such as, 'don't hit that submit button, because then you'll be held accountable. 2011 is only a year away, that's not enough time. I don't BELIEVE it can be done.'

    Woah. Where did all of that come from? Then the, 'what if I fail? What if that...what if I....what if there...' UGH...

    What IF I DO succeed?? What if I DO end up with one million dollars by 2011?!' What if in the positive?

    If I make this bold statement, and I'm having trouble with it in my head, where do I go with that?

    Let's keep going:

    I AM speaking to thousands, on a regular basis. (This one I'm good with.)

    I AM leading a team of thousands with my business. (Good with this one too.)

    I only travel first class to anywhere the children and I go (which is around the world) (this one I'm totally good with)

    Why is it I can 'feel' these and be good with them, but that danged money one I am struggling with?

    It's WAY out of my comfort zone, that's for sure.

    -Jhanna Dawson

  32. This whole self denial issue speaks of the core limiting belief called "I'm not worthy".

    From here forward, I Am Worthy of:

    Unconditional, passionate love with a partner
    Leading and contributing to the world through finding Purpose
    Receiving infinite financial abundance, and giving back in gratitude
    Achieving high levels of fitness, good health and mental clarity daily
    Receiving and giving Joy to everyone in my Life

    Thanks Randy!

  33. Thanks Randy and everyone,
    I have taken full responsibility for my life,
    created a solution-action list, and placed the
    first step on my task list for Monday morning.
    My body/mind is charged. Thank You,
    Philip Giordani

  34. OK, Randy! Thanks for pushing towards to become better!

    I am denying to be a victom when things go not a way I want. Trying to get more determination and more knowlege from experienced leaders. Actualy, trying to find myself in life. I mean to find my natural skills and find out a way to earn money that fits me best. (sorry for my english)

  35. Great articles, Randy!
    Today, I commit to ME! I commit to biking 1000km before November 11th in preparation for my 7th Ironman race. I commit to NOT letting myself off the hook in my training any more! I commit to making intentional use of my time instead of squandering it! I commit to getting my 2 books and workbook written by the end of 2009! I commit to my future by stewarding my wealth appropriately. I commit to sharing my God-given gifts and talents with the world and playing BIG, being MYSELF, knowing that I AM ENOUGH! I commit to continue my quest to make a difference in the lives of others by "up-ing" the bar of my fundraising to 2 million before the end of 2010, including adopting a village in Central America. And lastly, I commit to being OPEN and attracting the love of my life, my soul-mate, into my life now.

  36. I will break free of the fear that's been holding me back by stepping out of my comfort zone and I will be debt free in 1 year!!!I deserve it!! I can! I will!! I must!! Thanks Gage!!

  37. Thanks for the "kick in the pants", Randy!

    "My business now does $1,000 in new commission income every working day! The explosion of new income allows me to give away money to charity and spread my wealth. Thank you for the new level of income!"

    Tom Larsen

  38. I will come up with a foolproof business plan that I have been procrastinating, because I have had some fears of getting started... so by this next week I am going to have it done, and started working on it.
    I also will look at myself as a phenomenal leader, acting according the ideals, actions, and beliefs of a great leader


  39. I agree with you whole and entire. things have to change for best from now on. The greatness in me shall no longer be denied .It is time of action

  40. Hmmmm, I've been in denial about quite a bit! And as I sit here and write this, the tears are coming because the truth is about to be shown. I am in denial about suffering from clinical depression, (I don't think I'm depressed because I manage to get thru each day and am productive in some way). I am in denial about my self love and self worth, (when really I am in major transition, going thru separation and divorce and believing, because I have been so disconnected emotionally and in my heart from my ex for so long that I am ready to move on and have a commited relationship with someone new (more serious than friendship). I am in denial about doing what it takes to move my business to the next level, and the level after that, right on to the top! Sure I read the books, write all the goals and affirmations, and yes I actually do work my business. But I allow almost all my personal challenges to become excuses for why I can't make phone calls, or follow up with clients, or even get the smallest tasks done. I am in denial about my financial situation, and have not stepped up to challenge it and/or work to deal with it. I have a huge debt to income ratio, and no excuse for it whatsoever!

    So my commitment is this: To make my health and wellness, my family (two of the BEST little boys a mom could wish for), my career and business, and my financial health the MAIN PRIORITIES from here on out! Laser focused and razor sharp are where its at for me. I am committed to getting back on my medication, spending quality time with my boys, getting back into my regular workout routine, making healthier choices-- the foods I eat, the people, places and things I expose myself to. Making the calls, talking to new people, being out and about, sharing more of my true self with others. Following up and following thru, continuing to read, write, expand, and grow. Staying open and aware, and really relishing and living in each and every moment, here and now.

  41. I am a teacher and my ideas have value I can be a leader and my skills are not measured by the approval of others.

    Indeed I stand along way in front of of others behind me who will eventually follow, I will be there to encourage and support them

  42. Get some books ready to immerse yourself into another world so you do not focus on the need for nicotine. Perhaps plan to get a full body massage to allow yourself to feel how wonderful life will be when you can control the urge for the habit.

    I do not smoke, however, have been surrounded by some family members who have struggled with overcoming and facing these demons

  43. RUN right now and buy this book and read it from cover to cover...The Dynamics Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. You will discover multiple affirmations that will apply to your personal development, self esteem and self confidence.

  44. I already committed to doing this, but since you threw down the gauntlet..ok.

    -By 7th Sept 2010, I will be a millionaire, and in an environment conducive to achieving my goals.

    -I will also have established myself, as someone who serves and offers solutions to people worldwide.

    -I will break through whatever is holding me back from achieving my goals. No more excuses!!

  45. Thank you for recognizing that being attractive is nothing to apologize for, being sexy is nothing to apologize for, and the effect that has on men (and especially on jealous women) is nothing to apologize for!

  46. Wow- 51 comments and counting!

    As for me, I think the places I play small are in my CHARACTER- who I'm choosing to be at times.

    When I first asked myself "Where do we play small?" my answer was "everywhere!":

    Do I play small in my NM business- yeah, I do.
    Do I play small in my Acting career- yeah.
    Do I play small in my Authoring? yeah.

    But I noticed that in other areas I don't:

    My relationship with my wife: nope
    My actual performances: nope
    My personal interactions: nope

    So, my question became "What do those 1st three have in common?", and they are all the ways I generate income.... interesting, huh?

    Well, if I had to rank them in order of importance to me, I would have to make Acting 1, Authoring 2, and NWM 3.

    I just got hired to do a gig for 6 months, so I'm going to play it all out, and see what comes next!

  47. Today I leave my money/worthiness issues behind, I stop blaming others, I open my heart to building new relationships in my life and to seeing others honestly, and I vow to become a millionaire by April 4, 2012, in plenty of time for my husband to enjoy the fruits of the creation he inspired.

  48. I am in! Time to cut the cord that is holding me back from all that I am meant to be. It used to be a rope and at long last has become a thin & frayed thread waiting to be severed. I am ready to fly!

  49. I'm denying that I can achive what I'm dreaming about in my business. Actually, I'm just pretending that I do necessary and important things, but I'm not moving toward my goals.

    So, from now on, I promise to do what is really important! And will stop thinking too much, and start doing more!!!


  50. Thanks for making me take a good long look, Randy.

    I've recently lost thousands in a "scam" NM business and could have lost my house. I'm not out of the woods yet, but I've taken a J.O.B. I hate to help get myself out of the mess. I've made adjustments and am confident I'll get there. Now I want to start an affiliate business but I've been too scared. Today I change all that, after all it won't cost me anything, so what's to be scared of?

    Also, I'm going to lose my weight. It's been keeping me "safe" and small for far too long.

    PLUS, I'm going to write the best book I possibly can and make it into a best seller.


  51. I have started this process already and it feels GREAT. I will fire my boss by Dec. 2010. I will bringing in more than enough income to follow my dreams of owning my own home(mortgage free) better vehicle and having a significant other. I'm doing it!

    You guys are awesome.


  52. Catherine- I'm with you. Saw an ex today with the girl he cheated with (not a victim, its a gift really...she can have and first I was sad and then I was glad, grateful and happy. Tired of "playing average" just to fit in.

    It's time to live FULLY what I know and who I am and attract a better crowd around me. Oh look its already working......(looking around the blog)

    Maybe we need tshirts saying "Dont Be Average"

  53. I have been in denial that I'm simply gorgeous, inside and outside.

    I'm ready to step up to accept all that life has to offer and be totally me because I've grown in confidence and found my voice.

    If not now, when? So, bring it on ...

  54. Wow! What a challenge!

    I am denying the "Victim" mentality! I was telling myself that being "uncomfortable" is a bad thing, now I will make being "uncomfortable" my definition of "comfort".


  55. On the Money man! I stopped providing my special professional services to the marketplace 4 1/2 years ago... my wife and I were financially free to have children and be there full-time with them. We have 2 amazing boys that make this world awesome.

    For the last 2 years I was attempting to package my knowledge. My knowledge is for Entrepreneurs and business owners to gain Clarity, Confidence & Focus. The ONLY way someone could learn my 12 Principles was to work directly with me.

    However... that has changed! I recruited 5 International Experts to help me package this information into a DVD set that turned out to be 4 1/2 hours.

    My Ah-Ha came by reading your sabotage note. I have been depriving Entrepreneurs this Valuable knowledge. No more!

    I must put "The pedal to the metal" now and get the Accelerator for Success system using the Dream Bar Cafe Principles out to tens of thousands of people NOW!

    You Rock!

    Bill Covert

  56. Randy,
    Thank you. Your books have revolted me. I now talk to everyone with a great confidence. I do convince people around me because with you inspirations I have first convinced myself. Yesterday I talked to my grand brother who had never listened to me before. He accepted my way of life. I used your words and show him samples as you have shown me in your books. You are my best friend. I now talk to my dearest and my daughter with confidence and teach them to wish and want and get and accept prosperity. I owe all these to you. My daughter paints very very better than her classmates. tlks confidently even to her teacher. Claim when see somethiing is against her way of success. I love you and kiss you.

  57. In the past 12 months I have gone from strength to strength...I look better, I am healthier, I am making more money and living my dream....I plan to be getting even watch out.......

    As a many people have been asking me HOW did you lose all that weight .....what did you do....I tell them...then and this is the most important....I say to them...but really it has nothing to do with diet and exercise.....Its all to do with the mind.......
    Same for everything.....I learnt that from you Randy....thanks.....with love Angie xxx

  58. Prosperity is what I have been denying...not just wealth but
    also love, health, happiness, etc.

    I am committing to achieve prosperity. I have already started working on some areas and being open to prosperity. I don't want to just focus on money because I want a better balance in my life.

  59. I know I have talent and leadership skills as well. I grew up in a home with no father an very little money, so I´ve consider myself no to be worthy of the greatness of the universe. Now I´m very well aware of my potential and also that everything I want to be is in my hands.
    I´ve decided to turn off the TV, become a fulltime NM Student, to be the kind of professional that helps others and influences many people´s lives.
    I´m out to it. Thanks Randy for providing the challenge and the space to commit myself

  60. I also get that this is to avoid unwanted engative attention from guys. I do this consciously... and for my safety...

    Tho I DO allow my cleavage to shine 🙂 I just don't wear short dresses and skirts...

    It's not so that others don't feel bad... it's to stop the looks/proposals... and allow me the joys of flirting while feeling the safety of not so great clothes...

  61. Hi Randy!

    I am extremely serious about changing my LIFE for the better - not the worse! I make a committment here and now that I will be in FAR better physical shape by the end of 2010! (~175 lbs - ripped physique, 8pak abs - you know the routine!

    I am Brain Tumour and Cancer free by the end of 2010!
    I am debt free by the end of 2010!
    I give away at least 10% of my AGEL cheque every month!
    I am "retired" from my 1st passion - pharmacy by the end of 2010!
    I have found peace in my life with my wife and daughter - this is a continual committment.
    I spend more time with my family and far less time watching TV!

    Thank you for this forum RANDY - I appreciate YOU for who YOU are!!

  62. Randy,

    Right now I am experiencing severe pain with a sciatic nerve. This has been going on for about a week. Maybe not a business related thing, but sickness is a blockage just like any other fear. I've been sitting for 1-2 hours a day through all types of pain and know that my release of this blockage is imminent.

    This is my biggest challenge right now.


  63. I am committing to be everything I want to be: A multi millionaire, a best-selling author, a mother of 4, a wife (of one! I know him already!), an inspiration to all kids and parents, a diamond, full of positive energy and health all the time, and free with my time by my birthday in 2012. I now declare that no doubt, fear, indecision or worry will ever enter my life.
    Thanks Randy!

  64. I finally admited that I want my PHD not just my masters. When it hit me i signed up to take my gre, hired a tutor to help me get through all the work, and am pumped, scared, worried, and so dam excited as well!!! It's like the dam opened and there is no holding me back now!!





  66. Bones, I remember you from actingsuccess seminar. You are a great human being, great sense of humor, very pleasant and you and your wife are just fabulous people. Hope you will work out your things with the money and will start your career successfully! All the best to you my friends
    I believe in you!!

  67. OK, enough of me thinking I have limitations because of my immigrant status and my accent:
    From here on out, I allow all the opportunities and abundance to come to me, and will retire in 6 years, as I originally planned before I moved to the US. I am great in Hungary and I am great in the US, too.
    I will live the lifestyle I had planned to live, and have the happy relationship I had also planned - and both at the same time!

    Boy, this feels good!


  68. Randy,

    Enough of smallness!

    I am creating for myself the possibility of being a person of integrity and self-expressive.

    I am creating for myself the possibility of being a person who has a net worth of over $1 million in three years.

    I am creating for myself the possibility of being a loving, passionate and romantic person.

    I am creating for myself the possibility of being a great father to my two boys.

    Thanks Randy for a forum for me to shout out my goals and force myself to commit!


    Thanks for

  69. I've been denying my creative side because I didn't want others to judge me. I've been living small and taking very few risks with my life-long passion - photography. What I'm going to do, starting tomorrow, is take photos EVERY day and celebrate whatever I come up with.

  70. Wake up an hour ago, funny thing ... I do not feel for any ciggies.

    This day will be complete, without any drugs like nicotine. YEAH! it really is a bad drug.

    Hope everyone will have the same amazing start I got today

  71. Hi everyone!

    I choose to give up my selfdamage attitude like

    I am not real

    I must stand my fear of not being real

    I must stand the fear of being my natural behaivor as being warm , emphatic , charming , polite , be interested more than interesting , look for the positive aspect in every moment.

    Behind the walls of my fear lives my best life and growth.

    Go for Diamond Alf Swede to februari 2010.

    I like this!

    Diamond Alf Swede

  72. I'm going to really go for it in my futures trading and stop the excuses and stalling. Starting Monday, 19-Oct-2009, I am going to aggressively trade and make money trading futures with the discipline, skill, good risk management and quickly make the money I know how to pay completely support my children & I without help from outside sources.

    Before the end of 2009, all my taxes will be caught up and paid off, all financial debts owed to creditors will be negotiated & settled. Family, friends, and anyone who has assisted my kids & I over the past 2.5 yrs I will pay back at least double, if not more.

    I will be able to pay cash for one of my dream homes by my 42nd birthday in mid-Mar'10. By the end of 2010, I will have written at least 3 checks for $1M for donation to my favorite charities to advance the Kingdom of God. And, I will be a mega-millionaire by the end of 2010.

  73. Thank you for your clearifying exactly what is going on in my life; "tired of beeing average just to fit in!" I have been afraid to show my full potential which could mean leaving friends behind. I will now conquer my fears and start living the life I am born to live :-)))

  74. Hi.

    I realized some time ago that I've been struggling with all those issues you mentioned, Randy. For the last 10 years my life has been going up and down, my shrink told me I was Manic Depressive or Bipolar as it's called today. After a few sessions thay wanted to prescribe me some antidepressants wich scared the hell out of me. I found myself questioning everything they said, am I really Bipolar or is it just a label given to scare me into buying their "cure" a pill that altarnates some hormone levels or whatevere it does. Are they simple selling me the easy way out, or are they talking BS to me in order to just make a buck out my misery? So I've denid it! I don't want it to sound like I've had this illness and that all the crappy things I've done and all the bad choices I made where not my fault, the disease made me do this. Then again that's also the easy way out... blaming something you can't effect for your problems, isn't it. Anyway for 10 years my life has been a rollercoster, but I've never really hit the true highs, really been happy, wealthy and healthy. The lows have been unimployment, debt of almost 10.000€, everything repossesed. It's seems that every time I got my shit togheter, got a job, started making money, I sabotaged it. Never even got to breakeven. And I'd done this several times. Everytime I was about to really get up on my own again, had paid my debts and found something a little bit more intressting an exciting the previous thing I sabotaged it again with the same things, called in sick just to stay home, overslept, drinking, smoking dope and then the job was just not that intressting to keep me going, waking up at 7.00 am etc. All the jobs I've had so far felt ok. But not great, not exciting and that's not what I want. I wanna wake up in the morning full with energy and excitment over the coming day. I want to feel great and know that what I do makes a big difference and I see results, huge rewards etc. I wanna have fun while working, I wanna be able to travel, meet new people, eat different foods, learn about other cultures, visit them, stay there, experience it. I wanna be rich, I mean rich as in " waking up one day and just for the fun of it decide to go to Hawai or France of wherever and be able to just take next flight and go. without having to think about schedules, work, prices and I wan't friends with the same possibilities I wanna be able to call up someone and say: Hey, how about going to Hawai for a coupleof weeks and learn to surf, or go to Egypt and do some scubadiving, or France and go on a wine tasting roadtrip, I don't wanna be stuck in one place, I don't even wanna live anywhere permanently. I wanna have friends and places to stay all around the world. I wanna be so rich that all this is possible ten times over and enough for two lifetimes, I wanna be albe to be the that can call up a less fortunate friend and buy or help him/her anything they need to get a better life in any area of life. I wanna be able to call up and old friend who has helped me along on my journey and say, let's go to Spain for some golf for a week, on me!! Or when I feel like going to Italy and test driving the latest Ferrari, I can do that, just buy a ticket to Maranello, call up the factory and say I'm coming over get the car ready... I wanna have vacations on paradise islands, walking on the beach with sand between my toes and really feel that I'm in control of my life, I choose and the universe delivers... I decide what when where how and why, not anyone else. And when I feel like building another well in Africa to give them clean water I can do so and anonymously, becouse I just don't care if anybody else knows about it. as long as know that I've done my part and that I can do anything else if that's what it takes to help people. Actually I wanna do anything and everything, go anywhere and everywhere see everything and anything, experience everything and anything... I know what I want all I need to know now is how to make the universe provide theese possibilities... what do I do next? What's the next step?

    I also poste this on my blog so if anyone wants to comment on it feel free to do so.

    Thanks for listening...

  75. OK, so everyone is pumped and reared to go, but how many of us are really hitting the road running? Making a commitment might be the first step but it takes action to get the job done!

  76. Hi Randy,

    Thank you for giving us a chance to testing ourselves thoughtfully.

    What I have been denying? They are being popular, being cared, being loved and clearly - being rich. I'm scared what other people think negatively on me.

    What I am going to do about it? I know it's just all about of my thinking. I try to adjust, develop myself day by day.

    That's why your words help me so much, as always. I really appreciate what you was and are doing!



  77. I'm ready to quit being bossed around by a boss... life has been showing me recently (kicking me in the butt, actually), that I can't keep counting on someone else to take me where I want to go. It's all up to me. Its a very scary feeling, and being scared is why I've always counted on someone else, but I'm 50 years old now, and I don't want to keep going through this for the rest of my life.

  78. Hi!

    I have been denying myself:

    (1) Career Happiness - I have been working at a JOB for the last couple of years and I must say, I'm not happy. At first I would wait for God to send me a lead on a career path that I would really love... but what it all boiled down to was this - God never helps those who fail to help themselves. So I got up off my ass and did a career assessment and confronted myself with what I really wanted - and discovered a career I could be happy with. It took a while of trial and error before I could get my resume just right - but I did it. I also bought books on how to nail the interview and took certification classes for my new-found career path. At any rate, I now have 3 job offers on the table (part time). In a few months, I will have saved up enough from working both jobs (my current full and new part-time) to pay off some debt and quit the full-time. So in effect, I will be making good money without having to work all the hours - AND the part-time offers great company benefits as well! Yay me!

    (2) Financial freedom by ways of my part-time Real Estate Investing career. I have also managed to start a side business. While I know exactly what I need to do, I have been dragging my feet after I was burned at the tune of $10k. I allowed myself to fall prey to one of these "gurus". Anyway, I have found a new mentor and RE group and have totally changed my strategy for the better - BUT I am still procrastinating. So I have to FORCE myself to get back on the grind - even if just for 5 - 10 minutes a day to start with.

    I know I have alot on my plate temporarily, but I'm using the fact that I am single with no children to my advantage; meaning, I have time to spare, so I'm going to use it while I still have it - because I'm a great catch and I probably won't be single for long :-). And I'm using Randy's mantra to get me through it all:

    ~ "I will do today what others will not, so that tomorrow I can do what they cannot." ~

    Thanks for listening.

  79. Yup Randy,
    I always thought that bieng poor was spiritual, but reading your book "Why you broke, sick and dumb" it made me realize how I was sold with this crap!! Now its time for Wealth, Health, Happiness and more LOVE...

  80. I have been in a funk and feeling sorry for myself because I do all the work at home and my husband sets. It's a silent simmer and it is controlling my life. I'm letting that go and doing whatever it takes to change. I am having a talk with him today and getting this off my check. I may have to make some big changes in my life and I'm willing to do that.

  81. I commit to listen, really listen, to my Heart. To put all good and creative information and knowledge into practice and become the Master of my life in total confidence, wealth, joy, LOVE and abundance of blessings. I commit to choose Love over fear every minute of my reminder existence.

    I don't know how I'm a Wealth & Love Master, I only know I'm so know and I'm fulfill.

  82. Hello, dear Randy!
    One month ago I started my work in Agel. It is my first such experience in life and with it I suddenly realised that there is a fear inside-I am not significant and remarcable enough, how can I start to talk to unknown people?
    And it is difficult for me right now to believe but I will repeat it again and again that I am important, great and worthy of attention and approval of one of the most famous and successfull person, of You, Randy
    Elena, Russia

  83. Hello one and all My name is Kirk Walker and I am 49 as of this October the 10th was my b-day. I have beeen studying people like Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Larry Winget, Robert Kiyosake and the list goes on and on. Many of the information that I have read , listing to and watched I have always KNEW IT, but now I am going to LIVE IT.

    I know now that no one every really fails as long as they try to make a different for themself and others. I have this saying posted in my study room that i see everyday and said" While You May Know What To Do, It Won't Help You A Bit Unless You Do What You Know!

    Thank You Its Not The New Me Coming Out It's The Real Me That Always Been Here.

  84. Randy:

    So right. I have an incredible gift for helping people discover the obstacles that inhibit their greatness. Plus, I have even discovered the path to remove those obstacles.

    Yet I have lived my entire live with self-doubt and self-limiting behavior. Not any more. My gifts are too valuable and powerful to keep covered any more. it is a God given gift that I must share.

    Here is the future that we are manifesting as we speak. It is only a matter of days before they will become manifested in the lives that I touch and in my bank account.

    Million dollar business that empowers people to find their path, follow their path, and manifest the greatness within them.

  85. Definitely a nice human being you are and a pain in the ...funny.You have great energy man.
    “What do those 1st three have in common?”
    My dear, it is no more no less than conditioning.
    We have been conditioned since we were born,we act based on our good old beliefs,habits / our Paradigm -
    Attitude is the composite of Thought,Feeling and Action = RESULTS in every area of our life.
    Maxwell Maltz said:
    "We act,behave and feel according to what we consider our SELF IMAGE to be and we do not deviate from this pattern"
    For our results to change significantly reprogramming of our conditioning is necessary.We do that trough repetition and understanding how our mind works.
    I explain some of those things in my Blog post see if it helps.
    Sending good your way.

  86. In the previous blog section I posted this comment:

    For many years I have known that I was born to be a great healer. I have a natural ability that is often astounding. My capacity to understand and simplify the complexities of human physiology is sometimes years ahead of the actual research.

    For at least as many years as I have understood this, I have also feared and denied it. What if.... seems to jump to the foreground of my thought processes on a regular basis. I have played very small in the natural wellness arena, even though teaching and coaching in the arena is a true passion for me.

    --end clip--

    So, here's my commitment...

    Starting this day, I commit to play full out in the arena of natural wellness. I have the knowledge and ability to help many, many people live a healthier, more satisfying lifestyle. My intent is to touch over 1,000,000 lives with improved health before I leave this earth.

    Beginning today I will use every means available to me, starting with a new wellness website, to spread my knowledge.

    Thank you, Randy, for challenging me to step up and helping me see that my time is NOW!

  87. I have been dealing with the fear of criticism and, for sure, it has been holding me back. I have missed Meetups and other things because I am afraid that I won't fit in. Well, my coming out has begun and I will meet you, Randy, at the Mastermind Event in just a few days! (I'll be the shy one in the back! 😉 Joking!

  88. A very good place to start! (what you tell yourself) but you don't need anyone's approval! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you. It only matters what you think of yourself.

  89. I will persist until I succeed in my business and not give up in the midst of hardship.

    I will continue study books of value like The Bible, think and Grow Rich and APPLY the principles in my life continuously!!!

    I will share what I am learning to my team and keep on adding value to others


  90. I'm Denying my self because of the fear of success. its not so much a fear more of a concern of what i have to do to come become successful and being unable to do it. Having done it in the past and it all went the shape of a pear. I will start again. at 58 I'm running out of time. Best foot forward.

  91. OK here goes:

    Drop the excuses holding me back from completing projects (like the new website).
    Drop the limiting beliefs about my ability to do web stuff (and my fear of driving - yes really!)
    Drop the worry about my current health problems holding me back (they are never as bad as I think they are)

    Get out there and start teaching - I have so much experience and knowledge I can share, as Randy says it is time for me to start teaching "at Master's level".

    Find the time to finish writing the books I have started one at a time and get them published!

    Drop the self doubt, it serves no-one. Be my fabulous, warm, talented, gorgeous self and share that self with the world.

    Many Blessings to you all for your own successes.

  92. Hi

    I`ve been playing small for some time now, most of my life. I`ve already been working on health and fitness and have lost weight and improved my overall fitness, however I have been lazy in improving other areas of my life.

    I`m naturally quite introverted and somewhat insular and have got into a comfort zone where I happily keep myself to myself, its time to put in the effort step out my comfort zone and get out there and meet people, socialise much more. Its time to make the effort and speak to people and make conversation in situations where I would normally just hello and leave things there. So firstly I want to improve my social life and bring out my more extrovert qualities and skills.

    Secondly I want to improve financially. I always wanted to be a multi-millionaire. I`ve been reading books and attending seminars but never actually getting out there and making progress towards achieving my goal its time to get started and get to where I want to go.

    Best wishes to everyone, I hope you achieve the goals you set!!

  93. Randy,

    I have over this past couple of weeks, have read all that you have said and began turning things around once again. Over 20 years ago, I was a victim, my excuse was I was only a child when I suffered the abuse by all the adults in my life. I however, took that with me into my adult life and at 30 a turning point for me. I turned my life around and no longer was a victim, I was in control of my life. I just read one of your ebooks and you were asked do you ever not have thoughts of self-doubt. I can honestly say no, you always will. It is the recognizing them and turning them around once again to a positive one that makes the difference between a victim and one in control of their own destiny. The one thing I did find was I was surrounded by so many negative people and I stood alone. Now while that is not in itself bad, it can be draining. I was hearing I CAN'T DO THIS, I CAN'T DO THAT, my feeling is yes you can you choose not to. So for me I withdrew into myself. And then once again the negative thoughts took root. I gave in.

    I made excuses, like I have no eduction, who would want to listen to me. These past couple of weeks, I have re-affirmed my desires to fulfill my deepest dream of becoming a Professional Speaker. I have something to say and the world needs to hear it. So many people have told me that I say the most profound statements and it stays with them. So I have put into motion the steps necessary to become the woman I was meant to be and stop beating myself up. Have faith. That is really the key. Today I have faith, I still fight my demons, but we all do. I like so many before me, shall win the battle and the war. My first speaking engagement shall be March 2010. And from there the world.

  94. I just returned from a 2 week solitary vacation on Oak Island, NC. I have been going to this beautiful place since I was 12 (1963). I am more committed than ever to create the means to purchase an ocean front house and live there part time.

  95. Ok -

    So Randy - you know me - I don't have those big things... Don't drink, take drugs, smoke, not obese, single, happy... So what do you wish to see me change?

    I commit to doing exercise 4 times a week.

    I commit to buying myself flowers each week to afffirm my prosperous good.

    I do have niggling things... that have a big impact:

    I commit to completing my masters this month.

    I commit to being Great in doing 10-15 hours a week on my business.

    I commit to emailing my mentor daily and speaking weekly to get coaching and to let him know what i've done to be accountable.

    I commit to doing what he says even if it's out of my comfort zone.

    I commit to breaking through my avoidance and distraction

    I commit to getting you over to the UK

  96. I have been denying myself greatness by not getting up early to run and train for this triathlon. I am going to start this Wednesday to get up and exercise before work. Also, I have been denying myself the monetary abundance that I so definitely deserve. All of this is habitual and belief (personal value based) Thank you, Randy. I shall get there and you certainly have helped. -John

  97. Here's my Top Ten:
    1.) Quit smoking
    2.) Continue eating healthy
    3.) Join the depth squad for my business
    4.) Complete my herbalism class
    5.) Complete my Soul Clinic class
    6.) Walk 10 minutes everyday
    7.) Work out with my kiddo 10 minutes everyday (until I am recovered from surgery that's about all I can do)
    8.) Read the recommended books for my business and blog about them as instructed by my mentor
    9.) Listen to 3 CDs daily and report to my mentor on what I learned from them.
    10.) Learn to take time for myself when I need it and not allow others to push my boundaries

  98. Hi all,

    I'm from latin america specifically from Costa Rica and recently I have heard in a web about Randy and since that I became more interested in his teachings.
    For my self besides than being denying my all life the fact that I deserve to be wealthy for the fact that I was born in a poor family, I also denied to my self be happy in a relationship, cause I grew up with the idea that men do not value women and at some point going to betray me in our relationship, of course it happened several times because of my thoughts.

    Now I know that I can enjoy my relationship and be myself with no fear to be betray or not value enough, cause I have the certain that I deserve great things in my life and those things are coming to me. I'm decide to ask for all the things I always wanted, to start a new life full of joy.


  99. Ok, here's my two cents...

    I will not let the "recession" be an excuse for poor performance.

    I will find opportinities which will enable success.

    I will turn thing around and end 2009 in the black!

    I will be thoughtful and considerate.

    I will listen before I speak.

    I will do it.

    God Bless!

  100. Randy:

    Here are my three goals I want to achieve in the next 12 months.
    1)Lose 60 pounds. I am at 260 right now. I am at 200 by October 19,2010.
    2)Finish my college degree. I need 6 classes to earn my bachelor. December 15, 2010.
    3)Make $500 montly residual income in my nm company.
    December 31, 2010.

  101. I am totally committed to breaking through barriers in two areas of my life this year. First, I am committed to improving my nutritional profile. I am going to do this by adding whole, raw foods to my eating program, including appropriate whole and fermented food supplements, and going my QiGong routine daily.

    This year I am going to break through the barrier disability has created in my life. To do this, I have set my financial goal at $500,000 within a twelve month period, am working 15+ hours a day developing various income streams, and reaching out to help people all over the world.

    I am prepared to play on the world stage so that everything I have learned over the last 25 years of being a healer and counselor is shared on a global level.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my vision!

  102. I´m tired of always look for my "safe zone". Today I`m going to send my CV to as many people as I can, without the fear of what they might say.... I`m going to get at least 3 interviews this week!!!!

  103. Randy.
    I have a beautiful wife, great kids and grand kids, amazing friends and yet twice I have let success slip through my fingers. My self doubt has taken over and I have walked away from success, denying myself what I worked for, fear of success has gotten to me every time, fearing my parents are right.

    This time I will step into the light, denying the messages from my childhood and recognize I am a worthwhile human being and deserve to be successful on my own terms, I am a worthwhile human being. Love and peace Geoffrey

  104. I finally found an opportunity to start my own business with inconsiderable amount of capital needed for the start-up phase. I hope to put it successfully on track within several weeks time and develop its future growth. Further potential expansion promises freedom , happiness and prosperity in every single aspect of these words : ability to help people . share love , knowledge and collaborate with them and make new friends around the globe , live my dreams without exchanging time for money... Altough initally I had doubts and a slight frear of failure , I managed to overcome these illusion breeded be my conscious mind. The fact that The Great Source of Everything is always with me to support in my deeds , which would benefit me and contribute to the world's improvement in some degree.
    Also being on my final year of university , I strive to do my best to accomplish my degree by the end of may 2010 with the highest grades possible.
    Moreover I have chosen to discuss in my desseration work.
    the importance and impact of initiating spirituality into both conventional business practices and everyday lives of employees of worldwide companies.
    Randy , I dedicate this dessertation to you , as not only I will cite your quotations from various sources but you are the one who insipred me to choose this particular topic. I am thankful to you that you bring light and hope to the ones who is sick and tired of carry a burden of wrongful beliefs , fears and other shit spread by the heard. An image of you , Randy , is one of my main internal fuels which keep my furnace of enthusiasm firing.
    It's challenging to attain the aforementioned goals without any support. - especially from your closest surronding. No friends , no family to support you ... But still I deeply believe in my internal powers and abundance of all necessery resources and knowldge needed to accomplish my goals.

    Thank you everyone !

    May light always shine on your paths.

  105. I've been denying taking responsibility for my actions and blaming circumstances for not achieving my goals of financial freedom. You see, I have it that "I don't deserve it" and that's definitely one of the main reasons, where I get stopped in life to achieve my goals. What I'm going to do about it is take responsibility and not let the fear of unworthiness stop me in my tracks. Pick up and move on, every time I'm stopped, basically leave all the doubts behind me in the past. Start fresh with a new clean page and create a NEW story for myself to achieve being a multi-millionaire in the next three years. 🙂

  106. Since everyone has decided to quit smoking I decided to join the challenge. Thanks for the motivation. Anyway my main goal is to sell $1,000 or more per week during the next 3 months.

  107. I have been in denial for so long that negative as it may seem it feels like and has almost become a comfort zone for me. I realize that this has no place in my life anymore. So thoughts of me feeling unworthy, lack of confidence 'not up to scratch', high levels of procrastination have all got to go. It is my greatest desire to turn a new leaf as far as my life is concerned, I do realise it is not too late in my life to do so. Randy, owning up to these was not easy, on ocassions I have tried to leave a message but have always managed to stop myself. Somehow on a positive note I somehow feel a sense of relief having done this. Many thanks.

  108. I will work my hardest everyday to bring my business up and get my monthly revenue up to 10,000... I will not be lazy and watch TV for those people already have what I want... I will live everyday to the fullest and try my best to go to bed every night with a feeling of accomplishment...

    I will write down my goals and create a map in order to get there...

    I will not be outworked...

    Sempre Avanti !!!

  109. I've sabotaged myself from having a large network marketing organization. I did so by procrastination and letting fear stop me.

    I claim my prosperity and abundance now and move forward with laser focus to do 'rain making' activities: inviting, presenting, follow-up, etc.

    I attract people who are sharp, ambitous and professional - and who are serious about building a network marketing cash flow machine.

  110. I've also denied my greatness by procastinating on the "rain making" activities. Plus I've been conducting myself in a "low-profile" supposedly to try and make other people feel comfortable around me, when I found out, that's just rationalizing for not taking risks infront of too many people.

    I claim my greatness, along with my birthrights of prosperity and abundance. Starting RIGHT NOW I engage consistently in the "rain making" activities, I start working out on a daily basis, and I also shine to my outmost without reserves, understanding doing so couldn't possibly affect others' comfort. I am my best and I stay focused on helping others rather than getting any benefit from them.

    Luv, Victor.

  111. Ouch! Dearest Randy, Just as I have finished reading a book called "The Shack" by Paul Young and have been going deep into my limiting beliefs checklist You come with such a timing on this post .

    You are so right my dear friend, it is time to face the music.

    My story would make a blog, a Series on TV, as well as a full length Motion Picture, with unlimited sequels, I could probably pass Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, easy!
    For the past two years I have been forced through a back injury to leave my profession as landscaper/interiorscaper. I have read close to 100 books and even started with an excellent NM company, and dabbled with Affiliate Marketing on the internet, I pride myself on being the eternal optimist and am always telling everyone we are having another day in paradise!

    Truth of the matter is my results have been minimum and my personal relationship with my wife has deteriorated, we have had so many fights about the money, about all the work I invest and still have not been able to show any thing for it, financially, and my unemployment runs out in the next few months. So the Star I seem to portray is actually one, two, steps away from the poor house. I am not afraid but the feeling is more like being lost, in quicksand, the harder I try, the worse it gets. One disaster after another, and still I know my success is just around the corner, but I ask myself if I will live that long to see it.

    At this rate, self destruction is more than obvious, it is a pattern I have loved going through in business adventures as well as marriages, this being my third, you would think I have had enough of hurting people I love and burning bridges like there was no tomorrow.

    I am working on finding the root for this, Self Destruct Mode, and was convinced I need to forgive those that have hurt me in the past, to get a fresh start and finally do something that will make a difference in our world, that I can be proud to have a role in creating. And as I read your post it dawned on me, who the most important soul that needs forgiveness is now, and it is me! I know it is a cliché but I really feel this to my core, If I cannot forgive myself, how in God's Name can I expect to forgive others, and naturally how can I expect or hope others will even have a chance to forgive me?

    I am aware that we create everything in our lives and I accept full responsibility for this mess.
    I have in the past had great successes and of course a good share of failures, but I am constantly open find a new adventure, and as I write this it dawns on me a pattern seems to exist. I have an idea, begin to create or work on a project, full with enthusiasm and eagerness, and then somewhere along the way I get bored, and never finish through. And so I start the next, when results are not somewhat immediate, I bail. Create-Escape. What in the world is wrong with me?

    Could it be that I have created such a distance in my personal relationship, that I apparently sabotage any success, in order to get out of my commitment to my wife. I am normally very happy and outgoing and of late I have become a hermit and spend most of my time alone, reading or writing or working on my internet projects. The distance has become so large between my wife and myself, that I have become involved with another woman, out of loneliness or desperation, although I know it is not right to have an affair, it seemed natural
    and it made me feel good again, it seemed to give me hope for a new start. I even left for a few days and spent time with her and her children to see how it felt. Well upon my return, my wife was so devastated and it hurt me so much to see her like this, that I began to question my recent actions. This has complicated everything more than I could have ever imagined.
    I am originally from Miami, Florida. Born and raised and spent almost 30 years of my life there, and when I got divorced and lost my wife and child in this divorce, an opportunity presented itself for me to come to Switzerland. It was a hard choice. Again we had been separated my ex wife began dating others and it tore me apart. After several months of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I met a young lady from Switzerland, and I fell in love with her.
    Even though I was still in love with my wife, I knew I couldn’t be with her so I settled for the next best thing, after several months spent together with this new woman, we decided to come over to Switzerland and start a new life. In order for me to get a work permit we had to marry, I knew it wasn’t right and I still went through with it hoping things would get better and I could get on with my life. Well this was 20 years ago and I am still in this country, that relationship lasted about 3 years until I, as always, crashed and burned. As we were divorcing my father was sick with cancer and eventually passed away. Here again going back to Miami to be with him and my family just before he died, also shook me up and feelings of return home began once again. Instead of following my heart I thought I was doing the right thing to return to Switzerland and get on with my life, I had learned the language and culture and I had a good profession in the plant industry. It seemed the responsible thing to do at the time.

    Upon return from Miami, I started a new project in a fitness center that would go on for months, installing large specimen plants. Through this I met my wife, number 3. One would think I had really had enough but again it just seemed right and I was in love. We just had our 13th anniversary, and I was down in the states spending time with my daughter and my ex and their family. So ironic, and yet so crystal clear. I have missed my daughter since this whole tragedy began, and I have punished myself, for letting her down, being a long distance dad is not the same as actually being there for her. And that is agonizing me to this very day. She is 21 now, hardly needs my supervision, or advice, but I always prided myself on our closeness and even though we have been apart so long, sometimes we haven’t seen each other in years, but we still can get together, and it is as if I never left her side.

    There are huge question marks hanging over my head, will I ever be happy where I am?
    Should I return to the states and start over? Will I ever achieve any kind of success until
    I find peace and harmony within my self? How and where do I begin, some wait for a
    tragedy to change their lives, I have seemed to go through multiple small tragedies and
    instead of getting better it just seems to be getting worse. I long for the day that I can invest
    my heart and soul into something that will be my calling, use my passions and creativity for
    the benefit of all, but at this rate I can barely ties my shoes, let alone follow some kind of
    routine that will bring all these desires into reality.

    I am not one to complain, or to point fingers, and I am hard working and tough, I do not give up easily, but with your invitation to air out our denials, I opened the gates and it has just poured out like the floods. I apologize for making this a novel, and there a still parts of the puzzle I cannot go into here, but I think you will get my point.

    In the words of Avril Lavigne, “ I’m standing on the bridge, I’m waitin’ in the dark, I thought that you’d be here by now. There’s nothing but the rain, no footsteps on the ground, I’m listening but there’s no sound. Isn’t anyone tryin’ to find me, won’t somebody come take me home. It’s damn cold night, trying to figure out this life, won’t you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new, I don’t know who you are but I, I’m with you, I’m with you. I’m looking for a place. I’m searching for a face, is anybody here I know? Cuz’Nothings going right and everything’s a mess, and no one likes to feel alone. Oh why is everything so confusing, maybe I’m just losing my mind. It’s a damn cold night.

    Well here are my obstacles that stand in the way to achieving my greatness, and quite honestly, the way I am going to accomplish getting there, I haven’t got a clue. But at the very least I have had, thanks to Randy an occasion to air them out, like all recoveries, acceptance or at least realizing what can be the problems is the most important step, till then I will continue to pray, and never surrender. This is my chance to shine and even if I die getting there it is my chance!


    Running on Empty in Switzerland

  112. You can do it Randy.
    Not only will you be doing your health a favour,but everyone around you will benefit.You'll be setting a good example to your children,so that when you tell them later on of the dangers etc of smoking you'll have the necessary moral authority to back up your claim.You'll also be signaling, albeit subconciously,that you love yourself enough to take your health seriously.Your children will take that on board,as you will become the standard against which their future behaviour will be modelled.
    Good luck mate!
    John from OZ

  113. Wow this is JUICY stuff! Loving it.

    Some of my goals are:

    Build my MLM business to Diamond level, mostly online by 2010

    Become an online brand that is recognised for giving value and leading the way with online MLM marketing in a POSITIVE way.

    Create a new information product and business around that doing exactly what I love.

    Get my kids into private school if they want to go!

    Continue to clean out my head and replace the nonsense with the good stuff I need to get me to where I want to be!

    That's just a few.. so many but that will do for now. 🙂

    Thanks Randy for being such an inspiration always.

  114. Hey Randy, read the prosperity series a couple of months ago. Mindblowing, I know I don't have to say it but it's definitely got me thinking, and here is the thing.... I ONLY THINK!!! I'm 21 years old, currently in a Network Marketing business, been in it for a couple of years honestly.... half assing it. After reading this post I notice how much I sabotage myself.
    This stops today, I commit to have 15 new distributors in my organization between today and the 4th of December!!! There's a big training event in the company on that day and I'll have those 15 people with me being trained by the top producers in the company.
    It's time to act, time to fly.

  115. Fantastic opportunity for us to grow under your protection, so to speak. Thank you so much Randy.
    I have had a health scare last week and was "out" of my body since then. Picked up your trail this morning after a revealing dream, with keys lying on the floor to guide me to my new life, made me smile in my dream ! There were actual house keys...the keys to all my houses ?...In any case I am committing to climb La Meije, a special mountain in the southern french Alps, in July 2010.
    Again this is a metaphor of what other achievements I will make by then. You will know when you see me again.
    A well-wishing friend told me one day, when I was deep in depression, that I should should concentrate and do what I was good at ! it made sense at the time, because I was like a headless chicken running around aimlessly, but now this advice is last century (actually was ! what a waste...) and
    I am turning into the successful doctor/business person that I deserve to be, and that my family deserves to have.
    Adding this declaration at the bottom of such a long list, I realize that this is really public and you know what , guys and girls, I am a shy person and this has been an act of courage for my old me !
    Please send encouragements and congratulations !!!...seriously.

  116. I m starting about this, sorry im spanish and my english its not good enough. Well i m a layer i have a office i want be sucefull, couse i know im great, this year i have won every trial that i had, but know my country its in crisis and some of my clients didnt paid me, i want good clients, with money. But i dont know how to do that. In my country we have controlated the way to get clients. The only thing that i have though its to work every day stuyding and given to my actuall clients all that i can.

  117. You know what I am tired of doing-- going into agreement with family and some friends that NWM is too hard and that I'm not going to make it. Why should I wait for them to come around to seeing what I see. I don't need their belief in myself to be great. I believe in me and until this moment that didn't feel like enough. Well dammit it is!

  118. I will stop being shy about my work and realize more and more people need the information that I have. I am making it my goal to continue to touch people and inspire them to live better through health and making healthier choices, without forcing it on anyone.

  119. Ok:

    I will be the biggest force in the entertainment industry in acting and in modeling. I will be an icon.

    How I have been denying my greatness: By telling myself it's a ridiculous industry where there is no way in and nobody will are for me or give me a shot. By telling myself why me? Why should I do it? There a million of others. Believing in competition. By telling myself I'm not ready. By telling myself I'm lonely and I need to feel ok and accepted first. By telling myself I can't. By thinking others are better and I'm not good enough, I'm not pretty enough, or I'm not talented and I lack the skills or abilities.
    Well obviously I came so far, I got a degree in acting and I am where I am for a reason. I plan on reminding myself everyday who I am. If I was't meant for this I wouldn't be here. the Universe does not call on the unqualified. So stop all this bullshit sabotage self-doubt and go!

  120. hi

    i wanna start a new career,networking.all my family members are telling me to stop doing that job and try to accept a new life as others do.

    randy,please, i need your help.

    and the name of the company i have joined is palinure,i will be happy if you send me any info about it

  121. I accept the challenge. I will live each day to its fullest by becoming and and doing all the things I need to do to share my talents and universal gifts with the world. It is my desire to show the world that "Peace and Happiness" is more than just a word it is an achievable reality. Today I begin my campaign, will you join me?

  122. Hi Randy,
    I have been denying my greatness is comedy and acting. I have always sabotaged the business no matter how successful. I am now taking an acting course. This has been one of the most freeing gifts I have given myself.
    Now why does an actor have to struggle? Why couldn't this comedian/actor have a successful MLM business that helps othere reach their dreams. Thanks Randy

  123. Well, I'm really happy I've found people that think the way I do. I mean, if your friends think they're worth hanging out with a girl who's husband always talk about blo*jobs, sexual perversion etc. just for "old time sakes", then maybe you should change your friends?.. or am I not right?.. and why feel sad about it? the great things in my life are yet to come!!! for one thing, I've found this site and it's really great)))

  124. HI! I've smoked for 7 years and the only way I could stop was by reading a book everyone knows about (it's not a commercial:))) )... It really works, I don't smoke now, it's been 1 year and 7 month and I'm 101% sure I won't start again!!! and I've already helped to quit smoking another 2 people and they're happy now!!! (really proud of myself for that)!!! It's easy when you understand you don't need it AT ALL! so I wish you all the best in what you do!!! Life is about health and not about smoking)))

  125. hi! I think that if you're confident, you wouldn't think about jealous women, it wouldn't even matter to you, you'll ONLY think about yourself and never compare yourself to anyone else, cause you're one and only, "simply the best"!!!)))

  126. Thanks for all of the great coaching, Randy, and for the push to be accountable. It is difficult for some of us to open ourselves up to the vulnerability of completely trusting another person. On many occasions, I have felt 'in the flow', but due to a deep-seated belief of being unworthy, have done lots of back-sliding. Right now, my commitment is to give up victimhood! Thank you, and God bless us all in all of our commitments to be who we really are!

  127. Oh!
    Great problem ...
    I don"t know what I am denying ... I can think about lots of things ... totally confused!
    1-My ability to be reach!
    2-My ability to do everything new, without being frightened!

  128. The problem I'm facing right now is myself. I keep on doing things that are not productive and doesn't do me any good. You know, like watching senseless movies and stupid news. Not anymore! I'll move forward and do whatever it takes do achieve my dreams! That's a promise!

  129. The problem I'm facing right now is myself. I keep on doing things that are not productive and doesn't do me any good. You know, like watching senseless movies and stupid news. Not anymore! I'll move forward and do whatever it takes do achieve my dreams! That's a promise!

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  • 149 comments on “Your Real Test”

    1. Hi Randy,

      Business is booming. Life is great. The kids are great. My relationship with my wife is stellar.

      The smoking has to go. Deprives me of the greatness all around me. Old habit, from the old days - you know what I mean.

      Tonight, it's done. Anyone with me?


    2. Yeah, OK Randy. I've been denying my magnificence for a loooooong time. Thought it made other people more comfortable. But it's made me frustrated, and mostly surrounded by people who want to be ordinary. So I'm out there now - older, much wiser, still foxy, having huge fun, and not taking the slightest bit of interest in anyone who wants to be rescued. Monday I redo the website and get on line with a couple of products I've been planning to get around to.

    3. I have been denying negative attitude always, but since I have'nt achieved which I want to have i understood that I think i have positive thinking. actually i was ok with situation when all around me was normal but in hard position i started to make teragedy. so I really need to know what should i do in scope with bad situation and change it to what i want? I read book most of the time. write my goals on the with boards and other way to remind me i can be successful always, if u have more suggestion plz help me?


    4. Well, it's the smoking. It has to go, but it's really hard.

      This summer I hold up the smoking for about 2 months, then I went on a party and said to myself:

      "Just this one cigarette, it won't harm me"

      Well ... it caught me again, the addiction to nikotin

    5. I will be a multi-billionaire in exactly 25 years time or sooner (I am 32). I will be a multi-millionaire by Jan 01 2011. I did an MBA in Finance by overcomming by self limiting beliefs that I was thick and stupid. Thanks to Randy Gage's material that I read when I was 26, I managed to overcome that stupid dumb feeling that I was worthless. I now know that ANYTHING is possible and I absolutely WILL live all my dreams - yes that means buying a super yacht with a helicopter on the deck, and a private jet and building a multi-billion dollar fortune 500 empire. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN YOU ARE RIGHT - IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN'T YOU ARE RIGHT! EITHER DO IT OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TRY!

      JUST DO IT!

    6. P.S. I put this up as anon because if I become - I MEANT WHEN - WHEN I become a multi-billionaire I don't want anyone to know my face or my name (for security)!

    7. I am an intelligent, articulate and friendly young woman.

      I also have a healthy, hour-glass shaped body (34F, 28, 36), which I have hidden inside baggy trouser suits and dull clothes. I have "played small and stayed safe" and tried to look less than everyone else so I didn't make other people feel bad. I have kept quiet when I wanted to speak up, scared of being judged by my cleavage and dismissed as a bimbo.

      No more. From now on I do not let other people's insecurities become my own. I don't hide.

      And if someone judges me by my shape - more fool them!

      Thanks Randy!

    8. Right in the bulls eye.
      I know I have so much more to contribut to others but then i will be acknowledge as succesful.
      I crave for that but its also my scarry fear.

      Behind the walls of fear lives my best life.

      Scarred to be rejected – for what? I think people will reject me for I am succesful – Is it really true? How do I know?

      Could it be that way that if I will have lesser holdback – the more real will I be and when two people being real with each other – Gods will be created.

      Will I be brilliant in enrolling? No doubt about it.

      Will I be succesful in making impact on others? Sure.

      Can I fullfill my goals and life a compleat lifestyle….

    9. I was poor and unhappy woman. Now I stop it!!! I am going to open all my ability and improve my life on very new level. I am strong and rich person. I create a fantastic life for myself!!!

    10. I commit to stop submiting to my feelings of unworthiness by prospecting/calling at 2 new people every weekday, starting now.

    11. I am a recovering dentist. I have been with my wonderful networkmarketing business for 11 years. I will be Platinum E.D. by March 2010. My beautiful pecan tan,5'7" 160lbs soul-mate that has a master degree or above is here right now. I will not be denied. $20,000.00+ by Jan. 2010. No more playing small.The $75,000.00 needed for the Boys and Girls Club that I am spearheading will be had by July,2010

    12. Hi Randy,
      Im really agree with you 'safe' is high risk. The real test llike you said always mmake people afraid to face the realityand become to weak and play safe.
      Im really anjoy when I meet you today in Kuala Lumpurr. Inspired me. and thanks alot.
      Enjoy your self .
      Welcome to Malaysia.

    13. I was in a previous network marketing company where I did achieve a small level of success. Now that I've joined a different network marketing company it's October 17 as I write this and my stupid, self-limiting belief is that even if I do my 100 exposures as I committed to doing, that no one will sign up and I won't have any money coming in next month! HELP!

      I had the same problem in the last NM company: I reach the halfway point in the month and start to panic that no one has enrolled this month and no one is going to enroll and that the next month I won't have any money coming in from my NM check, no one is going to have the money to sign up in the last two weeks of the month... But at the beginning of the month, I'm relaxed and in my mind the whole world is going to sign up and has loads of cash to enroll. I'm tired from thinking this.


      Randy, I think it has to be a 2-pronged approach: 1) I need to up my consistency in making the number of exposures and 2) I need to do self-development to overcome the negative self-limiting belief and mind chatter.


    14. Here is a prayer that has equipped me..

      I say this when I wake and
      before I lay my head down to sleep (everyday)!!!

      “I am wealth, I am abundance and I am free.
      I am free from the opinion of anyone.
      I only seek to compete with me
      and not a man or anyone outside of HIS desire in me.
      I am me and I am one with mankind.
      It is the world who will as-sist me,
      strangers and all countrymen
      because I am their servant first.
      Oh God, bring me more prosperity
      and more people to help
      and more people to me.
      I know not where they are,
      but I know they exist—–please bring them to me and give me the proper wisdom to discern
      the doves from the wolves.
      I am power because I say that I am that I am.”

    15. I have been suffering from Denial and Self limiying beliefs which have forced me to play safe and destroyed a brilliant relationship.

      I deserve better I am capaple of better dream big think big live big from now on I am not limited I am not afraid of my power any more and its mine to use.

      My confidence is building daily time to start using it to the betterment of the world.

      Gonna quit smoking too its a limit emotionally and financially.

      Thanks for the pervebial foot in the ass Randy.


    16. I am just learning English and it's very difficult for me, but I hope to learn it soon. I would like to understand all what you write!
      Thanks Randy!
      Спасибо за шанс стать лучше!
      Добро пожаловать в С-Петербург.

    17. Great stuff again Randy, you have truly been a Mentor (notice the capital M) to me. 

      It's time for me, after months of reading and following the blog, to make a first comment. I have been denying my greatness for some time now, I know that I could set up an internet business to work from home or anywhere I choose to. It's been my biggest dream since the first day I was introduced to the subject of online marketing, so I can supplement my income, and eventually fire my boss.

      It's funny were having these posts, since I made the decission to absolutely go for it this week. Telepathic?

      So here we go: I, Timothy Verpoort will from this day on step into my greatness by giving everything my absolute best. I will build a fully functional online business, before the end of 2009, while also maintaining healthy relationships with friends and familly, and keeping a healthy mind and body.  

      Thanks to Randy and everybody participating in this blog, I've learned a lot from you guys!     

      Sent from my iPhone. 

    18. I do believe after being in this industry for over 30 years, wouldn't you think I would have been able to MAKE it? Too many issues to list, but am now feeling very confident I will GET there, as I have never quit. I am with the company that will make it possible, and the only person in this industry I have followed the longest is you, Randy.

      I just joined a new company and I do believe it will be the change in the industry I need!!!! A health product with no competition and the training right along with it!!!

      Feeling confident and anxious to really get out there and make waves!!!

      I learn every day, and if I am not learning I get bored!!! 🙂

      Thanks for everyone's input, and thanks for encouraging me to share. 🙂

    19. I will be a best selling author as soon as my first book comes out of editing and is published this fall. My finances are improving greatly and we will be buying our home and traveling the next several months.

    20. OK! Here goes. I will be walking up on stage at convention next summer as a gold director. This weekend, I will have a 100% fail proof plan that I will put in action no later than next monday, October 19, 2009. Convention date has not yet been set up but it should be at the end of July, 2010. So let's say I will be Gold Director by July 31, 2010.
      Now, Randy, I make you responsable to send me an email once every so often to see where I'm at, OK?
      Ask and it shall be given they say.

    21. We just had our best month ever and will close 2009 with a bang! I just wrote my last business plan, the one that ends with "sold the busines in 2019 for x and retired!" I don't know if I will actually retire, but it will be a thrill to have the option!

    22. Just to proove that your ego could be sabotaging your plans, I omitted a very important word in my challenge.
      OK! Here goes, AGAIN. I will be walking up on stage at convention next summer as a gold director. This weekend, I will have a 100% NO fail proof plan that I will put in action no later than next monday, October 19, 2009. Convention date has not yet been set up but it should be at the end of July, 2010. So let’s say I will be Gold Director by July 31, 2010.
      Now, Randy, I make you responsable to send me an email once every so often to see where I’m at, OK?
      Ask and it shall be given they say.

    23. I'm with you because what you said is oh so true.

      It's time. Smoking's gotta go . . . and go right now. Today will be my last day with the ciggie in my mouth.

      Be well. And thanks for the commitment comments. They were right on the mark!!!


    24. I am determined to build my confidence and believe in myself. I will have all my debt paid off, student loans, medical bills, credit cards and my car will be paid off. I am wealthy and enjoy having abudance, it feels wonderful. I have a toned youthful body because I am working out in the gym of my big beautiful home on several acres of land. I live in this home with my husband who shares similar goals and ideals as myself; we are growing a deeper spiritual love every day for each other and others. I am helping people get out of debt and grow wealth. I am gifting monies from my several money making avenues to individuals and organizations.

    25. I'm IN Randy! Loving life, and growing my business and my future one day at a time. Filled with excitement each & every day! In for an awesome, life-changing, ride! Woo Hoo!


    26. Hey Randy...I too, have been thinking small and have self doubt. I have a back ground that is somewhat similar to yours - I spent 17 years - from 10 yrs old to 27 - addicted to drugs and alcohol. Somehow I made it out of HS, but barely (I think they "passed" me so I wouldn't come back. lol) Anyway, I ended up living on the streets, with a daily drug habit and an unquenchable thirst for booze...I had no hope. It is a story too long to tell here, but through what I can only describe as Divine Intervention, I kicked those habits and have been clean and sober for the past 24 years now. At the time, it was the greatest victory of my life (and still ranks up there, second now to the gift of my kids). Since then I have risen in sales through major corporations and set many sales records. I am currently Director of Sales for a division of my company. Funny, nobody wanted to hire me initially because I had no education - then when I was hired by a small company and started kicking the "big boys'" butts in the marketplace, they all started to recruit me...go figure. I kind of got off track here, but I find myself playing it safe now - resting on my laurels, not taking ANY chances-actually letting fear be the ruler of the day. Hmmmmm. I also continue to maifest money problems, even though I earn a high 6 figure income - I have bill collectors chasing me, people suing me and on and on - it's ridiculous, really.

      So here it goes...I have been denying myself true wealth! I have always equated success with income (not wealth, income) wow... a little ephifany (sp?) right now - I earn the income I equate to success, but have no wealth - so savings, no money to give away, etc....just payin' the bills. I am also overweight and have trouble with some of my personal relationships - and so wealth eludes me.

      I am completely free of debt as of 12/31/2010.
      I weigh 160 lbs and 8-10% bodyfat as of 6/30/2010.
      I give away at least 10% of my income starting now.
      I am retired from "Corporate America" as of 6/30/2010.
      I am a published author (I have written, had edited a book and never published it because of what I perceive people would think of someone with no formal eduaction) as of 12/31/2009.
      I have a truly loving relationship with my wife and children - ongoing commitment.

      As I just read in Success magazine this month by Joel Osteen, the pastor...if God breathed breath into you today, He has given you another opportunity to share your greatness with the world!
      And so I will...and so I will.

      Sorry for being so long winded here; guess I needed to a few things "out"!

    27. Procrastination has to go NOW. I have decided from today on I will act where the activity is clearly understood. I will take responsibility for my life and future. I will no more wait for something else to happen. I will drive my life the direction I choose.

      I will push myself to the limit and TAKE EXCEPTIONAL STEPS TO MY FINANCIAL FREEDOM.

      Today I choose to change from mediocrity. Today I choose to revisit my goals and dreams on daily basis, reviewing my daily activities and improving my goals.

      I choose to focus on what I must do, and do it. I choose never to wait for any push whatsoever.

      Patrick Kaija

    28. I am a talented, intelligent person who constantly sabotages myself, and I stay with low profile, denying my greatness to avoid facing the possibility of failure to which I have predestined myself unconsciously and that does not exist.

    29. I am going to stop screwing around and begin performing stand up comedy no matter how afraid I am. I know I am a funny and a talented writer, it's about time I share this with the rest of the planet.

    30. I've been following the blog since the NSA, Florida chapter conference that Randy spoke at a little over a month ago. It has changed my energy and focus. On another trip to Ft. Lauderdale last week, a friend of mine issued the same challenge Randy did in this blog. Make a committment, face your fears and at least TRY! I have committed to trying by putting together a conference with my friend and being a speaker! I'm excited!

    31. I am a millionaire by 2011, a multi-millionaire by 2012.

      Woah, woah. Things I'm noticing by just stating that. Anxiety. Thoughts like, 'only a smart person is able to figure out how to do that.' 'That's not do-able, not by you anyway.'

      So I walk away from the computer for a few moments and do something else.

      Thoughts fly into my head such as, 'don't hit that submit button, because then you'll be held accountable. 2011 is only a year away, that's not enough time. I don't BELIEVE it can be done.'

      Woah. Where did all of that come from? Then the, 'what if I fail? What if that...what if I....what if there...' UGH...

      What IF I DO succeed?? What if I DO end up with one million dollars by 2011?!' What if in the positive?

      If I make this bold statement, and I'm having trouble with it in my head, where do I go with that?

      Let's keep going:

      I AM speaking to thousands, on a regular basis. (This one I'm good with.)

      I AM leading a team of thousands with my business. (Good with this one too.)

      I only travel first class to anywhere the children and I go (which is around the world) (this one I'm totally good with)

      Why is it I can 'feel' these and be good with them, but that danged money one I am struggling with?

      It's WAY out of my comfort zone, that's for sure.

      -Jhanna Dawson

    32. This whole self denial issue speaks of the core limiting belief called "I'm not worthy".

      From here forward, I Am Worthy of:

      Unconditional, passionate love with a partner
      Leading and contributing to the world through finding Purpose
      Receiving infinite financial abundance, and giving back in gratitude
      Achieving high levels of fitness, good health and mental clarity daily
      Receiving and giving Joy to everyone in my Life

      Thanks Randy!

    33. Thanks Randy and everyone,
      I have taken full responsibility for my life,
      created a solution-action list, and placed the
      first step on my task list for Monday morning.
      My body/mind is charged. Thank You,
      Philip Giordani

    34. OK, Randy! Thanks for pushing towards to become better!

      I am denying to be a victom when things go not a way I want. Trying to get more determination and more knowlege from experienced leaders. Actualy, trying to find myself in life. I mean to find my natural skills and find out a way to earn money that fits me best. (sorry for my english)

    35. Great articles, Randy!
      Today, I commit to ME! I commit to biking 1000km before November 11th in preparation for my 7th Ironman race. I commit to NOT letting myself off the hook in my training any more! I commit to making intentional use of my time instead of squandering it! I commit to getting my 2 books and workbook written by the end of 2009! I commit to my future by stewarding my wealth appropriately. I commit to sharing my God-given gifts and talents with the world and playing BIG, being MYSELF, knowing that I AM ENOUGH! I commit to continue my quest to make a difference in the lives of others by "up-ing" the bar of my fundraising to 2 million before the end of 2010, including adopting a village in Central America. And lastly, I commit to being OPEN and attracting the love of my life, my soul-mate, into my life now.

    36. I will break free of the fear that's been holding me back by stepping out of my comfort zone and I will be debt free in 1 year!!!I deserve it!! I can! I will!! I must!! Thanks Gage!!

    37. Thanks for the "kick in the pants", Randy!

      "My business now does $1,000 in new commission income every working day! The explosion of new income allows me to give away money to charity and spread my wealth. Thank you for the new level of income!"

      Tom Larsen

    38. I will come up with a foolproof business plan that I have been procrastinating, because I have had some fears of getting started... so by this next week I am going to have it done, and started working on it.
      I also will look at myself as a phenomenal leader, acting according the ideals, actions, and beliefs of a great leader


    39. I agree with you whole and entire. things have to change for best from now on. The greatness in me shall no longer be denied .It is time of action

    40. Hmmmm, I've been in denial about quite a bit! And as I sit here and write this, the tears are coming because the truth is about to be shown. I am in denial about suffering from clinical depression, (I don't think I'm depressed because I manage to get thru each day and am productive in some way). I am in denial about my self love and self worth, (when really I am in major transition, going thru separation and divorce and believing, because I have been so disconnected emotionally and in my heart from my ex for so long that I am ready to move on and have a commited relationship with someone new (more serious than friendship). I am in denial about doing what it takes to move my business to the next level, and the level after that, right on to the top! Sure I read the books, write all the goals and affirmations, and yes I actually do work my business. But I allow almost all my personal challenges to become excuses for why I can't make phone calls, or follow up with clients, or even get the smallest tasks done. I am in denial about my financial situation, and have not stepped up to challenge it and/or work to deal with it. I have a huge debt to income ratio, and no excuse for it whatsoever!

      So my commitment is this: To make my health and wellness, my family (two of the BEST little boys a mom could wish for), my career and business, and my financial health the MAIN PRIORITIES from here on out! Laser focused and razor sharp are where its at for me. I am committed to getting back on my medication, spending quality time with my boys, getting back into my regular workout routine, making healthier choices-- the foods I eat, the people, places and things I expose myself to. Making the calls, talking to new people, being out and about, sharing more of my true self with others. Following up and following thru, continuing to read, write, expand, and grow. Staying open and aware, and really relishing and living in each and every moment, here and now.

    41. I am a teacher and my ideas have value I can be a leader and my skills are not measured by the approval of others.

      Indeed I stand along way in front of of others behind me who will eventually follow, I will be there to encourage and support them

    42. Get some books ready to immerse yourself into another world so you do not focus on the need for nicotine. Perhaps plan to get a full body massage to allow yourself to feel how wonderful life will be when you can control the urge for the habit.

      I do not smoke, however, have been surrounded by some family members who have struggled with overcoming and facing these demons

    43. RUN right now and buy this book and read it from cover to cover...The Dynamics Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. You will discover multiple affirmations that will apply to your personal development, self esteem and self confidence.

    44. I already committed to doing this, but since you threw down the gauntlet..ok.

      -By 7th Sept 2010, I will be a millionaire, and in an environment conducive to achieving my goals.

      -I will also have established myself, as someone who serves and offers solutions to people worldwide.

      -I will break through whatever is holding me back from achieving my goals. No more excuses!!

    45. Thank you for recognizing that being attractive is nothing to apologize for, being sexy is nothing to apologize for, and the effect that has on men (and especially on jealous women) is nothing to apologize for!

    46. Wow- 51 comments and counting!

      As for me, I think the places I play small are in my CHARACTER- who I'm choosing to be at times.

      When I first asked myself "Where do we play small?" my answer was "everywhere!":

      Do I play small in my NM business- yeah, I do.
      Do I play small in my Acting career- yeah.
      Do I play small in my Authoring? yeah.

      But I noticed that in other areas I don't:

      My relationship with my wife: nope
      My actual performances: nope
      My personal interactions: nope

      So, my question became "What do those 1st three have in common?", and they are all the ways I generate income.... interesting, huh?

      Well, if I had to rank them in order of importance to me, I would have to make Acting 1, Authoring 2, and NWM 3.

      I just got hired to do a gig for 6 months, so I'm going to play it all out, and see what comes next!

    47. Today I leave my money/worthiness issues behind, I stop blaming others, I open my heart to building new relationships in my life and to seeing others honestly, and I vow to become a millionaire by April 4, 2012, in plenty of time for my husband to enjoy the fruits of the creation he inspired.

    48. I am in! Time to cut the cord that is holding me back from all that I am meant to be. It used to be a rope and at long last has become a thin & frayed thread waiting to be severed. I am ready to fly!

    49. I'm denying that I can achive what I'm dreaming about in my business. Actually, I'm just pretending that I do necessary and important things, but I'm not moving toward my goals.

      So, from now on, I promise to do what is really important! And will stop thinking too much, and start doing more!!!


    50. Thanks for making me take a good long look, Randy.

      I've recently lost thousands in a "scam" NM business and could have lost my house. I'm not out of the woods yet, but I've taken a J.O.B. I hate to help get myself out of the mess. I've made adjustments and am confident I'll get there. Now I want to start an affiliate business but I've been too scared. Today I change all that, after all it won't cost me anything, so what's to be scared of?

      Also, I'm going to lose my weight. It's been keeping me "safe" and small for far too long.

      PLUS, I'm going to write the best book I possibly can and make it into a best seller.


    51. I have started this process already and it feels GREAT. I will fire my boss by Dec. 2010. I will bringing in more than enough income to follow my dreams of owning my own home(mortgage free) better vehicle and having a significant other. I'm doing it!

      You guys are awesome.


    52. Catherine- I'm with you. Saw an ex today with the girl he cheated with (not a victim, its a gift really...she can have and first I was sad and then I was glad, grateful and happy. Tired of "playing average" just to fit in.

      It's time to live FULLY what I know and who I am and attract a better crowd around me. Oh look its already working......(looking around the blog)

      Maybe we need tshirts saying "Dont Be Average"

    53. I have been in denial that I'm simply gorgeous, inside and outside.

      I'm ready to step up to accept all that life has to offer and be totally me because I've grown in confidence and found my voice.

      If not now, when? So, bring it on ...

    54. Wow! What a challenge!

      I am denying the "Victim" mentality! I was telling myself that being "uncomfortable" is a bad thing, now I will make being "uncomfortable" my definition of "comfort".


    55. On the Money man! I stopped providing my special professional services to the marketplace 4 1/2 years ago... my wife and I were financially free to have children and be there full-time with them. We have 2 amazing boys that make this world awesome.

      For the last 2 years I was attempting to package my knowledge. My knowledge is for Entrepreneurs and business owners to gain Clarity, Confidence & Focus. The ONLY way someone could learn my 12 Principles was to work directly with me.

      However... that has changed! I recruited 5 International Experts to help me package this information into a DVD set that turned out to be 4 1/2 hours.

      My Ah-Ha came by reading your sabotage note. I have been depriving Entrepreneurs this Valuable knowledge. No more!

      I must put "The pedal to the metal" now and get the Accelerator for Success system using the Dream Bar Cafe Principles out to tens of thousands of people NOW!

      You Rock!

      Bill Covert

    56. Randy,
      Thank you. Your books have revolted me. I now talk to everyone with a great confidence. I do convince people around me because with you inspirations I have first convinced myself. Yesterday I talked to my grand brother who had never listened to me before. He accepted my way of life. I used your words and show him samples as you have shown me in your books. You are my best friend. I now talk to my dearest and my daughter with confidence and teach them to wish and want and get and accept prosperity. I owe all these to you. My daughter paints very very better than her classmates. tlks confidently even to her teacher. Claim when see somethiing is against her way of success. I love you and kiss you.

    57. In the past 12 months I have gone from strength to strength...I look better, I am healthier, I am making more money and living my dream....I plan to be getting even watch out.......

      As a many people have been asking me HOW did you lose all that weight .....what did you do....I tell them...then and this is the most important....I say to them...but really it has nothing to do with diet and exercise.....Its all to do with the mind.......
      Same for everything.....I learnt that from you Randy....thanks.....with love Angie xxx

    58. Prosperity is what I have been denying...not just wealth but
      also love, health, happiness, etc.

      I am committing to achieve prosperity. I have already started working on some areas and being open to prosperity. I don't want to just focus on money because I want a better balance in my life.

    59. I know I have talent and leadership skills as well. I grew up in a home with no father an very little money, so I´ve consider myself no to be worthy of the greatness of the universe. Now I´m very well aware of my potential and also that everything I want to be is in my hands.
      I´ve decided to turn off the TV, become a fulltime NM Student, to be the kind of professional that helps others and influences many people´s lives.
      I´m out to it. Thanks Randy for providing the challenge and the space to commit myself

    60. I also get that this is to avoid unwanted engative attention from guys. I do this consciously... and for my safety...

      Tho I DO allow my cleavage to shine 🙂 I just don't wear short dresses and skirts...

      It's not so that others don't feel bad... it's to stop the looks/proposals... and allow me the joys of flirting while feeling the safety of not so great clothes...

    61. Hi Randy!

      I am extremely serious about changing my LIFE for the better - not the worse! I make a committment here and now that I will be in FAR better physical shape by the end of 2010! (~175 lbs - ripped physique, 8pak abs - you know the routine!

      I am Brain Tumour and Cancer free by the end of 2010!
      I am debt free by the end of 2010!
      I give away at least 10% of my AGEL cheque every month!
      I am "retired" from my 1st passion - pharmacy by the end of 2010!
      I have found peace in my life with my wife and daughter - this is a continual committment.
      I spend more time with my family and far less time watching TV!

      Thank you for this forum RANDY - I appreciate YOU for who YOU are!!

    62. Randy,

      Right now I am experiencing severe pain with a sciatic nerve. This has been going on for about a week. Maybe not a business related thing, but sickness is a blockage just like any other fear. I've been sitting for 1-2 hours a day through all types of pain and know that my release of this blockage is imminent.

      This is my biggest challenge right now.


    63. I am committing to be everything I want to be: A multi millionaire, a best-selling author, a mother of 4, a wife (of one! I know him already!), an inspiration to all kids and parents, a diamond, full of positive energy and health all the time, and free with my time by my birthday in 2012. I now declare that no doubt, fear, indecision or worry will ever enter my life.
      Thanks Randy!

    64. I finally admited that I want my PHD not just my masters. When it hit me i signed up to take my gre, hired a tutor to help me get through all the work, and am pumped, scared, worried, and so dam excited as well!!! It's like the dam opened and there is no holding me back now!!





    66. Bones, I remember you from actingsuccess seminar. You are a great human being, great sense of humor, very pleasant and you and your wife are just fabulous people. Hope you will work out your things with the money and will start your career successfully! All the best to you my friends
      I believe in you!!

    67. OK, enough of me thinking I have limitations because of my immigrant status and my accent:
      From here on out, I allow all the opportunities and abundance to come to me, and will retire in 6 years, as I originally planned before I moved to the US. I am great in Hungary and I am great in the US, too.
      I will live the lifestyle I had planned to live, and have the happy relationship I had also planned - and both at the same time!

      Boy, this feels good!


    68. Randy,

      Enough of smallness!

      I am creating for myself the possibility of being a person of integrity and self-expressive.

      I am creating for myself the possibility of being a person who has a net worth of over $1 million in three years.

      I am creating for myself the possibility of being a loving, passionate and romantic person.

      I am creating for myself the possibility of being a great father to my two boys.

      Thanks Randy for a forum for me to shout out my goals and force myself to commit!


      Thanks for

    69. I've been denying my creative side because I didn't want others to judge me. I've been living small and taking very few risks with my life-long passion - photography. What I'm going to do, starting tomorrow, is take photos EVERY day and celebrate whatever I come up with.

    70. Wake up an hour ago, funny thing ... I do not feel for any ciggies.

      This day will be complete, without any drugs like nicotine. YEAH! it really is a bad drug.

      Hope everyone will have the same amazing start I got today

    71. Hi everyone!

      I choose to give up my selfdamage attitude like

      I am not real

      I must stand my fear of not being real

      I must stand the fear of being my natural behaivor as being warm , emphatic , charming , polite , be interested more than interesting , look for the positive aspect in every moment.

      Behind the walls of my fear lives my best life and growth.

      Go for Diamond Alf Swede to februari 2010.

      I like this!

      Diamond Alf Swede

    72. I'm going to really go for it in my futures trading and stop the excuses and stalling. Starting Monday, 19-Oct-2009, I am going to aggressively trade and make money trading futures with the discipline, skill, good risk management and quickly make the money I know how to pay completely support my children & I without help from outside sources.

      Before the end of 2009, all my taxes will be caught up and paid off, all financial debts owed to creditors will be negotiated & settled. Family, friends, and anyone who has assisted my kids & I over the past 2.5 yrs I will pay back at least double, if not more.

      I will be able to pay cash for one of my dream homes by my 42nd birthday in mid-Mar'10. By the end of 2010, I will have written at least 3 checks for $1M for donation to my favorite charities to advance the Kingdom of God. And, I will be a mega-millionaire by the end of 2010.

    73. Thank you for your clearifying exactly what is going on in my life; "tired of beeing average just to fit in!" I have been afraid to show my full potential which could mean leaving friends behind. I will now conquer my fears and start living the life I am born to live :-)))

    74. Hi.

      I realized some time ago that I've been struggling with all those issues you mentioned, Randy. For the last 10 years my life has been going up and down, my shrink told me I was Manic Depressive or Bipolar as it's called today. After a few sessions thay wanted to prescribe me some antidepressants wich scared the hell out of me. I found myself questioning everything they said, am I really Bipolar or is it just a label given to scare me into buying their "cure" a pill that altarnates some hormone levels or whatevere it does. Are they simple selling me the easy way out, or are they talking BS to me in order to just make a buck out my misery? So I've denid it! I don't want it to sound like I've had this illness and that all the crappy things I've done and all the bad choices I made where not my fault, the disease made me do this. Then again that's also the easy way out... blaming something you can't effect for your problems, isn't it. Anyway for 10 years my life has been a rollercoster, but I've never really hit the true highs, really been happy, wealthy and healthy. The lows have been unimployment, debt of almost 10.000€, everything repossesed. It's seems that every time I got my shit togheter, got a job, started making money, I sabotaged it. Never even got to breakeven. And I'd done this several times. Everytime I was about to really get up on my own again, had paid my debts and found something a little bit more intressting an exciting the previous thing I sabotaged it again with the same things, called in sick just to stay home, overslept, drinking, smoking dope and then the job was just not that intressting to keep me going, waking up at 7.00 am etc. All the jobs I've had so far felt ok. But not great, not exciting and that's not what I want. I wanna wake up in the morning full with energy and excitment over the coming day. I want to feel great and know that what I do makes a big difference and I see results, huge rewards etc. I wanna have fun while working, I wanna be able to travel, meet new people, eat different foods, learn about other cultures, visit them, stay there, experience it. I wanna be rich, I mean rich as in " waking up one day and just for the fun of it decide to go to Hawai or France of wherever and be able to just take next flight and go. without having to think about schedules, work, prices and I wan't friends with the same possibilities I wanna be able to call up someone and say: Hey, how about going to Hawai for a coupleof weeks and learn to surf, or go to Egypt and do some scubadiving, or France and go on a wine tasting roadtrip, I don't wanna be stuck in one place, I don't even wanna live anywhere permanently. I wanna have friends and places to stay all around the world. I wanna be so rich that all this is possible ten times over and enough for two lifetimes, I wanna be albe to be the that can call up a less fortunate friend and buy or help him/her anything they need to get a better life in any area of life. I wanna be able to call up and old friend who has helped me along on my journey and say, let's go to Spain for some golf for a week, on me!! Or when I feel like going to Italy and test driving the latest Ferrari, I can do that, just buy a ticket to Maranello, call up the factory and say I'm coming over get the car ready... I wanna have vacations on paradise islands, walking on the beach with sand between my toes and really feel that I'm in control of my life, I choose and the universe delivers... I decide what when where how and why, not anyone else. And when I feel like building another well in Africa to give them clean water I can do so and anonymously, becouse I just don't care if anybody else knows about it. as long as know that I've done my part and that I can do anything else if that's what it takes to help people. Actually I wanna do anything and everything, go anywhere and everywhere see everything and anything, experience everything and anything... I know what I want all I need to know now is how to make the universe provide theese possibilities... what do I do next? What's the next step?

      I also poste this on my blog so if anyone wants to comment on it feel free to do so.

      Thanks for listening...

    75. OK, so everyone is pumped and reared to go, but how many of us are really hitting the road running? Making a commitment might be the first step but it takes action to get the job done!

    76. Hi Randy,

      Thank you for giving us a chance to testing ourselves thoughtfully.

      What I have been denying? They are being popular, being cared, being loved and clearly - being rich. I'm scared what other people think negatively on me.

      What I am going to do about it? I know it's just all about of my thinking. I try to adjust, develop myself day by day.

      That's why your words help me so much, as always. I really appreciate what you was and are doing!



    77. I'm ready to quit being bossed around by a boss... life has been showing me recently (kicking me in the butt, actually), that I can't keep counting on someone else to take me where I want to go. It's all up to me. Its a very scary feeling, and being scared is why I've always counted on someone else, but I'm 50 years old now, and I don't want to keep going through this for the rest of my life.

    78. Hi!

      I have been denying myself:

      (1) Career Happiness - I have been working at a JOB for the last couple of years and I must say, I'm not happy. At first I would wait for God to send me a lead on a career path that I would really love... but what it all boiled down to was this - God never helps those who fail to help themselves. So I got up off my ass and did a career assessment and confronted myself with what I really wanted - and discovered a career I could be happy with. It took a while of trial and error before I could get my resume just right - but I did it. I also bought books on how to nail the interview and took certification classes for my new-found career path. At any rate, I now have 3 job offers on the table (part time). In a few months, I will have saved up enough from working both jobs (my current full and new part-time) to pay off some debt and quit the full-time. So in effect, I will be making good money without having to work all the hours - AND the part-time offers great company benefits as well! Yay me!

      (2) Financial freedom by ways of my part-time Real Estate Investing career. I have also managed to start a side business. While I know exactly what I need to do, I have been dragging my feet after I was burned at the tune of $10k. I allowed myself to fall prey to one of these "gurus". Anyway, I have found a new mentor and RE group and have totally changed my strategy for the better - BUT I am still procrastinating. So I have to FORCE myself to get back on the grind - even if just for 5 - 10 minutes a day to start with.

      I know I have alot on my plate temporarily, but I'm using the fact that I am single with no children to my advantage; meaning, I have time to spare, so I'm going to use it while I still have it - because I'm a great catch and I probably won't be single for long :-). And I'm using Randy's mantra to get me through it all:

      ~ "I will do today what others will not, so that tomorrow I can do what they cannot." ~

      Thanks for listening.

    79. Yup Randy,
      I always thought that bieng poor was spiritual, but reading your book "Why you broke, sick and dumb" it made me realize how I was sold with this crap!! Now its time for Wealth, Health, Happiness and more LOVE...

    80. I have been in a funk and feeling sorry for myself because I do all the work at home and my husband sets. It's a silent simmer and it is controlling my life. I'm letting that go and doing whatever it takes to change. I am having a talk with him today and getting this off my check. I may have to make some big changes in my life and I'm willing to do that.

    81. I commit to listen, really listen, to my Heart. To put all good and creative information and knowledge into practice and become the Master of my life in total confidence, wealth, joy, LOVE and abundance of blessings. I commit to choose Love over fear every minute of my reminder existence.

      I don't know how I'm a Wealth & Love Master, I only know I'm so know and I'm fulfill.

    82. Hello, dear Randy!
      One month ago I started my work in Agel. It is my first such experience in life and with it I suddenly realised that there is a fear inside-I am not significant and remarcable enough, how can I start to talk to unknown people?
      And it is difficult for me right now to believe but I will repeat it again and again that I am important, great and worthy of attention and approval of one of the most famous and successfull person, of You, Randy
      Elena, Russia

    83. Hello one and all My name is Kirk Walker and I am 49 as of this October the 10th was my b-day. I have beeen studying people like Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Larry Winget, Robert Kiyosake and the list goes on and on. Many of the information that I have read , listing to and watched I have always KNEW IT, but now I am going to LIVE IT.

      I know now that no one every really fails as long as they try to make a different for themself and others. I have this saying posted in my study room that i see everyday and said" While You May Know What To Do, It Won't Help You A Bit Unless You Do What You Know!

      Thank You Its Not The New Me Coming Out It's The Real Me That Always Been Here.

    84. Randy:

      So right. I have an incredible gift for helping people discover the obstacles that inhibit their greatness. Plus, I have even discovered the path to remove those obstacles.

      Yet I have lived my entire live with self-doubt and self-limiting behavior. Not any more. My gifts are too valuable and powerful to keep covered any more. it is a God given gift that I must share.

      Here is the future that we are manifesting as we speak. It is only a matter of days before they will become manifested in the lives that I touch and in my bank account.

      Million dollar business that empowers people to find their path, follow their path, and manifest the greatness within them.

    85. Definitely a nice human being you are and a pain in the ...funny.You have great energy man.
      “What do those 1st three have in common?”
      My dear, it is no more no less than conditioning.
      We have been conditioned since we were born,we act based on our good old beliefs,habits / our Paradigm -
      Attitude is the composite of Thought,Feeling and Action = RESULTS in every area of our life.
      Maxwell Maltz said:
      "We act,behave and feel according to what we consider our SELF IMAGE to be and we do not deviate from this pattern"
      For our results to change significantly reprogramming of our conditioning is necessary.We do that trough repetition and understanding how our mind works.
      I explain some of those things in my Blog post see if it helps.
      Sending good your way.

    86. In the previous blog section I posted this comment:

      For many years I have known that I was born to be a great healer. I have a natural ability that is often astounding. My capacity to understand and simplify the complexities of human physiology is sometimes years ahead of the actual research.

      For at least as many years as I have understood this, I have also feared and denied it. What if.... seems to jump to the foreground of my thought processes on a regular basis. I have played very small in the natural wellness arena, even though teaching and coaching in the arena is a true passion for me.

      --end clip--

      So, here's my commitment...

      Starting this day, I commit to play full out in the arena of natural wellness. I have the knowledge and ability to help many, many people live a healthier, more satisfying lifestyle. My intent is to touch over 1,000,000 lives with improved health before I leave this earth.

      Beginning today I will use every means available to me, starting with a new wellness website, to spread my knowledge.

      Thank you, Randy, for challenging me to step up and helping me see that my time is NOW!

    87. I have been dealing with the fear of criticism and, for sure, it has been holding me back. I have missed Meetups and other things because I am afraid that I won't fit in. Well, my coming out has begun and I will meet you, Randy, at the Mastermind Event in just a few days! (I'll be the shy one in the back! 😉 Joking!

    88. A very good place to start! (what you tell yourself) but you don't need anyone's approval! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about you. It only matters what you think of yourself.

    89. I will persist until I succeed in my business and not give up in the midst of hardship.

      I will continue study books of value like The Bible, think and Grow Rich and APPLY the principles in my life continuously!!!

      I will share what I am learning to my team and keep on adding value to others


    90. I'm Denying my self because of the fear of success. its not so much a fear more of a concern of what i have to do to come become successful and being unable to do it. Having done it in the past and it all went the shape of a pear. I will start again. at 58 I'm running out of time. Best foot forward.

    91. OK here goes:

      Drop the excuses holding me back from completing projects (like the new website).
      Drop the limiting beliefs about my ability to do web stuff (and my fear of driving - yes really!)
      Drop the worry about my current health problems holding me back (they are never as bad as I think they are)

      Get out there and start teaching - I have so much experience and knowledge I can share, as Randy says it is time for me to start teaching "at Master's level".

      Find the time to finish writing the books I have started one at a time and get them published!

      Drop the self doubt, it serves no-one. Be my fabulous, warm, talented, gorgeous self and share that self with the world.

      Many Blessings to you all for your own successes.

    92. Hi

      I`ve been playing small for some time now, most of my life. I`ve already been working on health and fitness and have lost weight and improved my overall fitness, however I have been lazy in improving other areas of my life.

      I`m naturally quite introverted and somewhat insular and have got into a comfort zone where I happily keep myself to myself, its time to put in the effort step out my comfort zone and get out there and meet people, socialise much more. Its time to make the effort and speak to people and make conversation in situations where I would normally just hello and leave things there. So firstly I want to improve my social life and bring out my more extrovert qualities and skills.

      Secondly I want to improve financially. I always wanted to be a multi-millionaire. I`ve been reading books and attending seminars but never actually getting out there and making progress towards achieving my goal its time to get started and get to where I want to go.

      Best wishes to everyone, I hope you achieve the goals you set!!

    93. Randy,

      I have over this past couple of weeks, have read all that you have said and began turning things around once again. Over 20 years ago, I was a victim, my excuse was I was only a child when I suffered the abuse by all the adults in my life. I however, took that with me into my adult life and at 30 a turning point for me. I turned my life around and no longer was a victim, I was in control of my life. I just read one of your ebooks and you were asked do you ever not have thoughts of self-doubt. I can honestly say no, you always will. It is the recognizing them and turning them around once again to a positive one that makes the difference between a victim and one in control of their own destiny. The one thing I did find was I was surrounded by so many negative people and I stood alone. Now while that is not in itself bad, it can be draining. I was hearing I CAN'T DO THIS, I CAN'T DO THAT, my feeling is yes you can you choose not to. So for me I withdrew into myself. And then once again the negative thoughts took root. I gave in.

      I made excuses, like I have no eduction, who would want to listen to me. These past couple of weeks, I have re-affirmed my desires to fulfill my deepest dream of becoming a Professional Speaker. I have something to say and the world needs to hear it. So many people have told me that I say the most profound statements and it stays with them. So I have put into motion the steps necessary to become the woman I was meant to be and stop beating myself up. Have faith. That is really the key. Today I have faith, I still fight my demons, but we all do. I like so many before me, shall win the battle and the war. My first speaking engagement shall be March 2010. And from there the world.

    94. I just returned from a 2 week solitary vacation on Oak Island, NC. I have been going to this beautiful place since I was 12 (1963). I am more committed than ever to create the means to purchase an ocean front house and live there part time.

    95. Ok -

      So Randy - you know me - I don't have those big things... Don't drink, take drugs, smoke, not obese, single, happy... So what do you wish to see me change?

      I commit to doing exercise 4 times a week.

      I commit to buying myself flowers each week to afffirm my prosperous good.

      I do have niggling things... that have a big impact:

      I commit to completing my masters this month.

      I commit to being Great in doing 10-15 hours a week on my business.

      I commit to emailing my mentor daily and speaking weekly to get coaching and to let him know what i've done to be accountable.

      I commit to doing what he says even if it's out of my comfort zone.

      I commit to breaking through my avoidance and distraction

      I commit to getting you over to the UK

    96. I have been denying myself greatness by not getting up early to run and train for this triathlon. I am going to start this Wednesday to get up and exercise before work. Also, I have been denying myself the monetary abundance that I so definitely deserve. All of this is habitual and belief (personal value based) Thank you, Randy. I shall get there and you certainly have helped. -John

    97. Here's my Top Ten:
      1.) Quit smoking
      2.) Continue eating healthy
      3.) Join the depth squad for my business
      4.) Complete my herbalism class
      5.) Complete my Soul Clinic class
      6.) Walk 10 minutes everyday
      7.) Work out with my kiddo 10 minutes everyday (until I am recovered from surgery that's about all I can do)
      8.) Read the recommended books for my business and blog about them as instructed by my mentor
      9.) Listen to 3 CDs daily and report to my mentor on what I learned from them.
      10.) Learn to take time for myself when I need it and not allow others to push my boundaries

    98. Hi all,

      I'm from latin america specifically from Costa Rica and recently I have heard in a web about Randy and since that I became more interested in his teachings.
      For my self besides than being denying my all life the fact that I deserve to be wealthy for the fact that I was born in a poor family, I also denied to my self be happy in a relationship, cause I grew up with the idea that men do not value women and at some point going to betray me in our relationship, of course it happened several times because of my thoughts.

      Now I know that I can enjoy my relationship and be myself with no fear to be betray or not value enough, cause I have the certain that I deserve great things in my life and those things are coming to me. I'm decide to ask for all the things I always wanted, to start a new life full of joy.


    99. Ok, here's my two cents...

      I will not let the "recession" be an excuse for poor performance.

      I will find opportinities which will enable success.

      I will turn thing around and end 2009 in the black!

      I will be thoughtful and considerate.

      I will listen before I speak.

      I will do it.

      God Bless!

    100. Randy:

      Here are my three goals I want to achieve in the next 12 months.
      1)Lose 60 pounds. I am at 260 right now. I am at 200 by October 19,2010.
      2)Finish my college degree. I need 6 classes to earn my bachelor. December 15, 2010.
      3)Make $500 montly residual income in my nm company.
      December 31, 2010.

    101. I am totally committed to breaking through barriers in two areas of my life this year. First, I am committed to improving my nutritional profile. I am going to do this by adding whole, raw foods to my eating program, including appropriate whole and fermented food supplements, and going my QiGong routine daily.

      This year I am going to break through the barrier disability has created in my life. To do this, I have set my financial goal at $500,000 within a twelve month period, am working 15+ hours a day developing various income streams, and reaching out to help people all over the world.

      I am prepared to play on the world stage so that everything I have learned over the last 25 years of being a healer and counselor is shared on a global level.

      Thanks for the opportunity to share my vision!

    102. I´m tired of always look for my "safe zone". Today I`m going to send my CV to as many people as I can, without the fear of what they might say.... I`m going to get at least 3 interviews this week!!!!

    103. Randy.
      I have a beautiful wife, great kids and grand kids, amazing friends and yet twice I have let success slip through my fingers. My self doubt has taken over and I have walked away from success, denying myself what I worked for, fear of success has gotten to me every time, fearing my parents are right.

      This time I will step into the light, denying the messages from my childhood and recognize I am a worthwhile human being and deserve to be successful on my own terms, I am a worthwhile human being. Love and peace Geoffrey

    104. I finally found an opportunity to start my own business with inconsiderable amount of capital needed for the start-up phase. I hope to put it successfully on track within several weeks time and develop its future growth. Further potential expansion promises freedom , happiness and prosperity in every single aspect of these words : ability to help people . share love , knowledge and collaborate with them and make new friends around the globe , live my dreams without exchanging time for money... Altough initally I had doubts and a slight frear of failure , I managed to overcome these illusion breeded be my conscious mind. The fact that The Great Source of Everything is always with me to support in my deeds , which would benefit me and contribute to the world's improvement in some degree.
      Also being on my final year of university , I strive to do my best to accomplish my degree by the end of may 2010 with the highest grades possible.
      Moreover I have chosen to discuss in my desseration work.
      the importance and impact of initiating spirituality into both conventional business practices and everyday lives of employees of worldwide companies.
      Randy , I dedicate this dessertation to you , as not only I will cite your quotations from various sources but you are the one who insipred me to choose this particular topic. I am thankful to you that you bring light and hope to the ones who is sick and tired of carry a burden of wrongful beliefs , fears and other shit spread by the heard. An image of you , Randy , is one of my main internal fuels which keep my furnace of enthusiasm firing.
      It's challenging to attain the aforementioned goals without any support. - especially from your closest surronding. No friends , no family to support you ... But still I deeply believe in my internal powers and abundance of all necessery resources and knowldge needed to accomplish my goals.

      Thank you everyone !

      May light always shine on your paths.

    105. I've been denying taking responsibility for my actions and blaming circumstances for not achieving my goals of financial freedom. You see, I have it that "I don't deserve it" and that's definitely one of the main reasons, where I get stopped in life to achieve my goals. What I'm going to do about it is take responsibility and not let the fear of unworthiness stop me in my tracks. Pick up and move on, every time I'm stopped, basically leave all the doubts behind me in the past. Start fresh with a new clean page and create a NEW story for myself to achieve being a multi-millionaire in the next three years. 🙂

    106. Since everyone has decided to quit smoking I decided to join the challenge. Thanks for the motivation. Anyway my main goal is to sell $1,000 or more per week during the next 3 months.

    107. I have been in denial for so long that negative as it may seem it feels like and has almost become a comfort zone for me. I realize that this has no place in my life anymore. So thoughts of me feeling unworthy, lack of confidence 'not up to scratch', high levels of procrastination have all got to go. It is my greatest desire to turn a new leaf as far as my life is concerned, I do realise it is not too late in my life to do so. Randy, owning up to these was not easy, on ocassions I have tried to leave a message but have always managed to stop myself. Somehow on a positive note I somehow feel a sense of relief having done this. Many thanks.

    108. I will work my hardest everyday to bring my business up and get my monthly revenue up to 10,000... I will not be lazy and watch TV for those people already have what I want... I will live everyday to the fullest and try my best to go to bed every night with a feeling of accomplishment...

      I will write down my goals and create a map in order to get there...

      I will not be outworked...

      Sempre Avanti !!!

    109. I've sabotaged myself from having a large network marketing organization. I did so by procrastination and letting fear stop me.

      I claim my prosperity and abundance now and move forward with laser focus to do 'rain making' activities: inviting, presenting, follow-up, etc.

      I attract people who are sharp, ambitous and professional - and who are serious about building a network marketing cash flow machine.

    110. I've also denied my greatness by procastinating on the "rain making" activities. Plus I've been conducting myself in a "low-profile" supposedly to try and make other people feel comfortable around me, when I found out, that's just rationalizing for not taking risks infront of too many people.

      I claim my greatness, along with my birthrights of prosperity and abundance. Starting RIGHT NOW I engage consistently in the "rain making" activities, I start working out on a daily basis, and I also shine to my outmost without reserves, understanding doing so couldn't possibly affect others' comfort. I am my best and I stay focused on helping others rather than getting any benefit from them.

      Luv, Victor.

    111. Ouch! Dearest Randy, Just as I have finished reading a book called "The Shack" by Paul Young and have been going deep into my limiting beliefs checklist You come with such a timing on this post .

      You are so right my dear friend, it is time to face the music.

      My story would make a blog, a Series on TV, as well as a full length Motion Picture, with unlimited sequels, I could probably pass Sylvester Stallone, Rocky, easy!
      For the past two years I have been forced through a back injury to leave my profession as landscaper/interiorscaper. I have read close to 100 books and even started with an excellent NM company, and dabbled with Affiliate Marketing on the internet, I pride myself on being the eternal optimist and am always telling everyone we are having another day in paradise!

      Truth of the matter is my results have been minimum and my personal relationship with my wife has deteriorated, we have had so many fights about the money, about all the work I invest and still have not been able to show any thing for it, financially, and my unemployment runs out in the next few months. So the Star I seem to portray is actually one, two, steps away from the poor house. I am not afraid but the feeling is more like being lost, in quicksand, the harder I try, the worse it gets. One disaster after another, and still I know my success is just around the corner, but I ask myself if I will live that long to see it.

      At this rate, self destruction is more than obvious, it is a pattern I have loved going through in business adventures as well as marriages, this being my third, you would think I have had enough of hurting people I love and burning bridges like there was no tomorrow.

      I am working on finding the root for this, Self Destruct Mode, and was convinced I need to forgive those that have hurt me in the past, to get a fresh start and finally do something that will make a difference in our world, that I can be proud to have a role in creating. And as I read your post it dawned on me, who the most important soul that needs forgiveness is now, and it is me! I know it is a cliché but I really feel this to my core, If I cannot forgive myself, how in God's Name can I expect to forgive others, and naturally how can I expect or hope others will even have a chance to forgive me?

      I am aware that we create everything in our lives and I accept full responsibility for this mess.
      I have in the past had great successes and of course a good share of failures, but I am constantly open find a new adventure, and as I write this it dawns on me a pattern seems to exist. I have an idea, begin to create or work on a project, full with enthusiasm and eagerness, and then somewhere along the way I get bored, and never finish through. And so I start the next, when results are not somewhat immediate, I bail. Create-Escape. What in the world is wrong with me?

      Could it be that I have created such a distance in my personal relationship, that I apparently sabotage any success, in order to get out of my commitment to my wife. I am normally very happy and outgoing and of late I have become a hermit and spend most of my time alone, reading or writing or working on my internet projects. The distance has become so large between my wife and myself, that I have become involved with another woman, out of loneliness or desperation, although I know it is not right to have an affair, it seemed natural
      and it made me feel good again, it seemed to give me hope for a new start. I even left for a few days and spent time with her and her children to see how it felt. Well upon my return, my wife was so devastated and it hurt me so much to see her like this, that I began to question my recent actions. This has complicated everything more than I could have ever imagined.
      I am originally from Miami, Florida. Born and raised and spent almost 30 years of my life there, and when I got divorced and lost my wife and child in this divorce, an opportunity presented itself for me to come to Switzerland. It was a hard choice. Again we had been separated my ex wife began dating others and it tore me apart. After several months of crying and feeling sorry for myself, I met a young lady from Switzerland, and I fell in love with her.
      Even though I was still in love with my wife, I knew I couldn’t be with her so I settled for the next best thing, after several months spent together with this new woman, we decided to come over to Switzerland and start a new life. In order for me to get a work permit we had to marry, I knew it wasn’t right and I still went through with it hoping things would get better and I could get on with my life. Well this was 20 years ago and I am still in this country, that relationship lasted about 3 years until I, as always, crashed and burned. As we were divorcing my father was sick with cancer and eventually passed away. Here again going back to Miami to be with him and my family just before he died, also shook me up and feelings of return home began once again. Instead of following my heart I thought I was doing the right thing to return to Switzerland and get on with my life, I had learned the language and culture and I had a good profession in the plant industry. It seemed the responsible thing to do at the time.

      Upon return from Miami, I started a new project in a fitness center that would go on for months, installing large specimen plants. Through this I met my wife, number 3. One would think I had really had enough but again it just seemed right and I was in love. We just had our 13th anniversary, and I was down in the states spending time with my daughter and my ex and their family. So ironic, and yet so crystal clear. I have missed my daughter since this whole tragedy began, and I have punished myself, for letting her down, being a long distance dad is not the same as actually being there for her. And that is agonizing me to this very day. She is 21 now, hardly needs my supervision, or advice, but I always prided myself on our closeness and even though we have been apart so long, sometimes we haven’t seen each other in years, but we still can get together, and it is as if I never left her side.

      There are huge question marks hanging over my head, will I ever be happy where I am?
      Should I return to the states and start over? Will I ever achieve any kind of success until
      I find peace and harmony within my self? How and where do I begin, some wait for a
      tragedy to change their lives, I have seemed to go through multiple small tragedies and
      instead of getting better it just seems to be getting worse. I long for the day that I can invest
      my heart and soul into something that will be my calling, use my passions and creativity for
      the benefit of all, but at this rate I can barely ties my shoes, let alone follow some kind of
      routine that will bring all these desires into reality.

      I am not one to complain, or to point fingers, and I am hard working and tough, I do not give up easily, but with your invitation to air out our denials, I opened the gates and it has just poured out like the floods. I apologize for making this a novel, and there a still parts of the puzzle I cannot go into here, but I think you will get my point.

      In the words of Avril Lavigne, “ I’m standing on the bridge, I’m waitin’ in the dark, I thought that you’d be here by now. There’s nothing but the rain, no footsteps on the ground, I’m listening but there’s no sound. Isn’t anyone tryin’ to find me, won’t somebody come take me home. It’s damn cold night, trying to figure out this life, won’t you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new, I don’t know who you are but I, I’m with you, I’m with you. I’m looking for a place. I’m searching for a face, is anybody here I know? Cuz’Nothings going right and everything’s a mess, and no one likes to feel alone. Oh why is everything so confusing, maybe I’m just losing my mind. It’s a damn cold night.

      Well here are my obstacles that stand in the way to achieving my greatness, and quite honestly, the way I am going to accomplish getting there, I haven’t got a clue. But at the very least I have had, thanks to Randy an occasion to air them out, like all recoveries, acceptance or at least realizing what can be the problems is the most important step, till then I will continue to pray, and never surrender. This is my chance to shine and even if I die getting there it is my chance!


      Running on Empty in Switzerland

    112. You can do it Randy.
      Not only will you be doing your health a favour,but everyone around you will benefit.You'll be setting a good example to your children,so that when you tell them later on of the dangers etc of smoking you'll have the necessary moral authority to back up your claim.You'll also be signaling, albeit subconciously,that you love yourself enough to take your health seriously.Your children will take that on board,as you will become the standard against which their future behaviour will be modelled.
      Good luck mate!
      John from OZ

    113. Wow this is JUICY stuff! Loving it.

      Some of my goals are:

      Build my MLM business to Diamond level, mostly online by 2010

      Become an online brand that is recognised for giving value and leading the way with online MLM marketing in a POSITIVE way.

      Create a new information product and business around that doing exactly what I love.

      Get my kids into private school if they want to go!

      Continue to clean out my head and replace the nonsense with the good stuff I need to get me to where I want to be!

      That's just a few.. so many but that will do for now. 🙂

      Thanks Randy for being such an inspiration always.

    114. Hey Randy, read the prosperity series a couple of months ago. Mindblowing, I know I don't have to say it but it's definitely got me thinking, and here is the thing.... I ONLY THINK!!! I'm 21 years old, currently in a Network Marketing business, been in it for a couple of years honestly.... half assing it. After reading this post I notice how much I sabotage myself.
      This stops today, I commit to have 15 new distributors in my organization between today and the 4th of December!!! There's a big training event in the company on that day and I'll have those 15 people with me being trained by the top producers in the company.
      It's time to act, time to fly.

    115. Fantastic opportunity for us to grow under your protection, so to speak. Thank you so much Randy.
      I have had a health scare last week and was "out" of my body since then. Picked up your trail this morning after a revealing dream, with keys lying on the floor to guide me to my new life, made me smile in my dream ! There were actual house keys...the keys to all my houses ?...In any case I am committing to climb La Meije, a special mountain in the southern french Alps, in July 2010.
      Again this is a metaphor of what other achievements I will make by then. You will know when you see me again.
      A well-wishing friend told me one day, when I was deep in depression, that I should should concentrate and do what I was good at ! it made sense at the time, because I was like a headless chicken running around aimlessly, but now this advice is last century (actually was ! what a waste...) and
      I am turning into the successful doctor/business person that I deserve to be, and that my family deserves to have.
      Adding this declaration at the bottom of such a long list, I realize that this is really public and you know what , guys and girls, I am a shy person and this has been an act of courage for my old me !
      Please send encouragements and congratulations !!!...seriously.

    116. I m starting about this, sorry im spanish and my english its not good enough. Well i m a layer i have a office i want be sucefull, couse i know im great, this year i have won every trial that i had, but know my country its in crisis and some of my clients didnt paid me, i want good clients, with money. But i dont know how to do that. In my country we have controlated the way to get clients. The only thing that i have though its to work every day stuyding and given to my actuall clients all that i can.

    117. You know what I am tired of doing-- going into agreement with family and some friends that NWM is too hard and that I'm not going to make it. Why should I wait for them to come around to seeing what I see. I don't need their belief in myself to be great. I believe in me and until this moment that didn't feel like enough. Well dammit it is!

    118. I will stop being shy about my work and realize more and more people need the information that I have. I am making it my goal to continue to touch people and inspire them to live better through health and making healthier choices, without forcing it on anyone.

    119. Ok:

      I will be the biggest force in the entertainment industry in acting and in modeling. I will be an icon.

      How I have been denying my greatness: By telling myself it's a ridiculous industry where there is no way in and nobody will are for me or give me a shot. By telling myself why me? Why should I do it? There a million of others. Believing in competition. By telling myself I'm not ready. By telling myself I'm lonely and I need to feel ok and accepted first. By telling myself I can't. By thinking others are better and I'm not good enough, I'm not pretty enough, or I'm not talented and I lack the skills or abilities.
      Well obviously I came so far, I got a degree in acting and I am where I am for a reason. I plan on reminding myself everyday who I am. If I was't meant for this I wouldn't be here. the Universe does not call on the unqualified. So stop all this bullshit sabotage self-doubt and go!

    120. hi

      i wanna start a new career,networking.all my family members are telling me to stop doing that job and try to accept a new life as others do.

      randy,please, i need your help.

      and the name of the company i have joined is palinure,i will be happy if you send me any info about it

    121. I accept the challenge. I will live each day to its fullest by becoming and and doing all the things I need to do to share my talents and universal gifts with the world. It is my desire to show the world that "Peace and Happiness" is more than just a word it is an achievable reality. Today I begin my campaign, will you join me?

    122. Hi Randy,
      I have been denying my greatness is comedy and acting. I have always sabotaged the business no matter how successful. I am now taking an acting course. This has been one of the most freeing gifts I have given myself.
      Now why does an actor have to struggle? Why couldn't this comedian/actor have a successful MLM business that helps othere reach their dreams. Thanks Randy

    123. Well, I'm really happy I've found people that think the way I do. I mean, if your friends think they're worth hanging out with a girl who's husband always talk about blo*jobs, sexual perversion etc. just for "old time sakes", then maybe you should change your friends?.. or am I not right?.. and why feel sad about it? the great things in my life are yet to come!!! for one thing, I've found this site and it's really great)))

    124. HI! I've smoked for 7 years and the only way I could stop was by reading a book everyone knows about (it's not a commercial:))) )... It really works, I don't smoke now, it's been 1 year and 7 month and I'm 101% sure I won't start again!!! and I've already helped to quit smoking another 2 people and they're happy now!!! (really proud of myself for that)!!! It's easy when you understand you don't need it AT ALL! so I wish you all the best in what you do!!! Life is about health and not about smoking)))

    125. hi! I think that if you're confident, you wouldn't think about jealous women, it wouldn't even matter to you, you'll ONLY think about yourself and never compare yourself to anyone else, cause you're one and only, "simply the best"!!!)))

    126. Thanks for all of the great coaching, Randy, and for the push to be accountable. It is difficult for some of us to open ourselves up to the vulnerability of completely trusting another person. On many occasions, I have felt 'in the flow', but due to a deep-seated belief of being unworthy, have done lots of back-sliding. Right now, my commitment is to give up victimhood! Thank you, and God bless us all in all of our commitments to be who we really are!

    127. Oh!
      Great problem ...
      I don"t know what I am denying ... I can think about lots of things ... totally confused!
      1-My ability to be reach!
      2-My ability to do everything new, without being frightened!

    128. The problem I'm facing right now is myself. I keep on doing things that are not productive and doesn't do me any good. You know, like watching senseless movies and stupid news. Not anymore! I'll move forward and do whatever it takes do achieve my dreams! That's a promise!

    129. The problem I'm facing right now is myself. I keep on doing things that are not productive and doesn't do me any good. You know, like watching senseless movies and stupid news. Not anymore! I'll move forward and do whatever it takes do achieve my dreams! That's a promise!

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