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Your Real Priorities

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 16, 2011

One of the best things you can do for peace and prosperity is to spend 30 or 60 minutes a day in self-development.  To some of you, that may seem like a big chunk out of your day.  But let me ask you…

Can you tell me one single thing that is more important?

The correct answer is 'no.'  There is nothing more important for you to do each day.  Nothing.

No, taking care of your children is not more important.  No, taking care of your infirm spouse or parent is not more important.  No, saving your church is not more important.

Now any arguments wouldn’t surprise me…

Indignant mothers chastising me because I don’t have kids and am naive.  People with important jobs in service organizations, explaining the urgency and scale of what they do.  Fundamentalists trying to save me from myself.

But they will all be wrong.  Because they are suffering from the sick and twisted programming that it is someone spiritual, noble or good to serve others before yourself.

How about you?  Do you understand why it is so important to take care of yourself first?



37 comments on “Your Real Priorities”

  1. YES!! How can I fill the cups of others if mine is not filled?? The more spiritually, intellectually filled I am the more I have to offer those I come in contact with daily. The stronger and better my good habits, the more positive influence I will have on my children/friends/casual encounters. The example of my life is the best gift I can give.

  2. I agree completely Randy. And this goes along with the Objectivism you've mentioned previously. If we place our own needs and happiness after others, how can we ever expect to achieve true Prosperity, Abundance and Joy in Life? It's also consistent with what Eric Fromm stated years ago about the Art of Loving. If we don't love ourselves, how can we expect to love others?

    I for one, meditate between 30-45 minutes daily, write my Gratitude statements and re-read passages from books that make a difference, as well as meditate on daily affirmations I have and receive from other gurus. Getting my head 'right' first thing in the morning is equally important to exercising, eating right and living a life of balance.

    As always your constant reminders are important. The work of change is one that requires diligence and commitment to ourselves. Thanks again.

  3. It took me what seems like FOREVER to learn this. 🙂

    You absolutely can't be good to others UNLESS you take good care of yourself first. Invest in your own growth and then share who you become with anyone you are given the opportunity to bless.

    Of course ... adopting that policy requires getting yourself to the place where you feel you DESERVE your own attention ... and for so many - that's where the big work is. 😉


    1. BTW ... I raised 5 children as a "sacrificial mother" and it definitely did NOT serve my kids!

      Now I find that my role as a Mom is too often re-educating them as I watch them do the very same thing and give themselves away as young adults.

      Remember, they will model what you do ... not what you say!

      Let the 'unlearning' begin. 🙂

  4. Randy,
    This is one of the hardest things I have to do. This is like not eating those potato chips at 11pm and going to the gym to do the cardio work.

    I know when my life is in sync with the universe is when I am reading, listening and practicing. I listen to some tapes sometimes while I am on the treadmill and when I am on Facebook.

    I have learned two things that helped me. When I get up and do a reading followed by meditation. At bedtime I study a little more and do another meditation. There are 1440 minutes in a day, I only use 30 to 60 of them for my study....Consistency is the 2nd hardest thing to do..

  5. Yes. In AA they say "Anything you put in front of your recovery, you will lose." That's why self-development must come first.

  6. I could not disagree more! I'm just kidding 😉
    I couldn't agree more RG, find the time to improve yourself, so in time what you learn can help improve the lives of others.

  7. Why would I be following your posts, RG, if it weren't for my devotion to personal development?
    Just now, I am immersed in a brain-washing program, flooding out neg. thoughts/beliefs/perceptions by flooding my mind with positive-thoughts-etc by reading & listening only to that which lifts me up. I'm two weeks in to my self-directed 6-week program. My greatest challenge so far is to continuously BELIEVE that this program will result in some significant changes in my outer circumstances.
    Thanks for reminding me that I am on the right track here....

    with love, Mrs. H&P

  8. If, prosperity is based on value for value transactions, the best way to learn what others value is to learn what I value. If I can give myself value I can expand that and give it to others, and get prosperous. If I can only give myself neglect then if I expand that I neglect others even though I may think I am giving to them, I put myself into a state of need and then I need from others, so my giving becomes something that requires a pay back, strings attached.

  9. The things to do for self development would be to let go, especially of the negative feelings. Of I can't. And of negative feelings towards oneself and others. To admit the truth to oneself. I am in the pits now so I am talking only on a theoretical level, because I want to get out. Not talking from experience. I hope this is my rock bottom and it doesn't get worse, although I do feel happy.

  10. Totally agree.
    I believe and I do self development,and because of that I can add more value to others, specially my kids. They are experiencing the benefits as I transmit all the grow and knowledge to them.
    Wish my parents did.

  11. First time in my life I am 100% for taking care of yourself first and would love to tell everyone else to put themselves first, no matter what.
    I have been a single mother, raising two kids and running a business for the past 12 years. I have put my kids, parents, sisters, nieces, nephews and employees before myself the entire time. I even allowed my ex husband to have rights and visit my home whenever he wanted without paying child support.
    Guess what, not putting my self first and doing for everyone else has left me with a closed business, nothing to show for my years of hard work, feeling completely alone and not ONE person that I have taken care of over the past 12 years even offered me any support or has even called to ask me if I am ok. To be honest, a few of them still call me in need. =)
    So the lesson that I learned is that I allowed all of this to happen by not putting myself first. And to be aware of who is in my life and have the courage to say no to people whom are not giving, loving and supportive.
    I am now developing my new business which I know will succeed and will now put myself first.

  12. Very Rightly said.
    Every day very early in the morning we must work on our mental, physical and spiritual aspects. Irrespective of the geographic location, irrespective of the caste, creed and must on these fronts to keep the whole day cheerful, enthusiastic, full of zeal and focussed. One great man said "Life is changing everyday, If you don't work on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis and can't change to grow yourself, you will die if not physically, then emotionally. We must refresh our Neuro-Transmitters early in the morning for the best day : today and to suppress our negative feelings which comes free of cost and kill ourselves.

    Thanks to Randy Gage for your initiative to remind ourselves of this Basic truth of life.

    With regards

    Dasgupta S

  13. Hi, Randy! When a person does not pay self-development time, dissolving in the everyday life of others, he deprives himself of the most important source, which allows him to be strong. Save Yourself and you will be saved around a thousand.

  14. No, don't suppress our negative feelings. They will come out anyway. Admit them and let them go. Hard to even find them. One of mine is fear of going ahead with my project, and also I can't, not enough time. Admit, don't suppress. That's hiding it under the carpet. Clean it out. That's self development.

  15. I agree about taking care of yourself first, and having your cup full before you help others. I believe that is true.

    However, to me it means that we own our personal strength and keep up good personal boundries, not so much about how often you spend a day taking care of yourself or how much you do personal development time.

    It's about knowing when to take care of others and put them first. Sometimes others must come first. A good parent or caregiver knows sometimes personal sacrafice and putting another before yourself is a must. IF YOU ARE A TRULY LOVING PERSON. BELIEVE ME, THIS IS TRUE.

    A person who knows when to sacrafice and knows when to put others first, probably understands his or her limitations and boundries before hand. This comes from knowing yourself, feeling your emotions and owning them. Knowing your boundries and letting others know where those boundries are.

    If self development is a must for you, then that's fine. But, it is also good to know when you might have to sacrafice that for someone else. SOMETIMES SACRAFICE FOR OTHERS IS A PART OF TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES!

  16. Hi Randy,
    Great point. Serving others is wonderful, one of the highest callings.. However if you ignore yourself this can be your worst enemy...You are the source, the "sun" of your own solar system. As every sun, when the hydrogen goes down or vanish it cease to shine and offer light, life support and so on. Your "hydrogen" lies in evolution and constant growth...Personal development is part of your inner fuel.. I love to do it for almost an hour every day and combine it with some meditation, running or simply walking in nature.
    Knowing how to create more "hydrogen" for yourself makes you unstoppable.

    Thanks for sharing your great insight today:)
    Peace and prosperity,

  17. Jim Rohn had a great response to this. I'm not able to remember it to quote but his point was that you must work harder on yourself than you do on your job. You can't give what you don't possess and and you can't have until you give. We are here to serve, but this is not to be misunderstood as always doing for others. We must develop ourselves in order to be an example to others who will recognize the humility a mile away. It's who you are, not what you do that impacts others in a lasting way.

  18. Hi RG,

    How can we help develop others if we take little time to develop ourselves?

    You can do the most for the world by taking time to develop you. Otherwise, you carry your own limiting beliefs with you, and impress these on others. The cycle continues, from generation to generation, person to person, until you break it with serious time spent in personal development.

    The world is generally full of folks giving each other bad advice. Not malicious advice, or advice given with the wrong intent, but bad advice. It's why most people aren't rich. It's why so many people get sick. It's the core of the general unhappiness we see in many.

    Stop giving bad advice. Spend hours each day working on yourself - yes, HOURS - and you can make a real impact, giving people life-affirming, prospering advice, so they can improve their lives and share this wisdom with others.

    Thanks for sharing with us, Randy!


  19. Great topic and discussion going on here. One thing I'm working persistently on is to getting distinct what is selfish, selfcentered and being an egoist. That is why I am still drawn to study the philosophy by Ayn Rand, although there also is a counter pull on this blog with respect to finding a balance with spirituality. 
    One of my siblings and my mother I always thought that they somehow lacked ability to see things from others point of view. They were themselves nearest. Could they just one time all by themselves start asking me for my take instead of just listening to themselves. To me looking at them they just seems limited in and by themselves in their own view. 
    Are they selfish? Are they selfcentered? Or are they being egoists?
    By doing my daily yoga practise oftenwise both morning and late afternoon or evening, I develop sensitivity to others and expand my consciousness. 
    On a tangible lewel, in language, it is getting interested in others not from what I want them to be, but who they are and what they represent by themselves.

    Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

  20. Hi Randy,
    Absolutely- I agree completely.
    If more people spent some time on themselves we'd have a happier world instead of always trying to solve everyone's problems so they don't have time to look at theirs and do something positive to move on in Joy.
    When you commit to making your healing a priority you find the time, even if it's inconvenient at first and for a while.
    But the price paid pales into insignificance as the person's gift to the world starts unravelling.
    Thanks for sharing as always.
    Roisin O'Connor.

  21. well,it is better to take care of others than nobody, right...Before I became mother I did not take care of my self at all.To have a child rescued my life.BUT if I had taken care of myself,I would have been a happy mother the first five years of my childs life.Now,it became a disaster.And I can never change it back.So I SHOULD have taken care of myself FIRST, to become even happier to take care of my son.And thank you for your persistence.It is incredible.

  22. I totally agree. Nothing is more important than ME! The sad thing is we were brought up to consider others first. It cultivate a habit of taking care of others, and leaving ourselves to the last.

    It created lots of self esteem issue in me and fellow friends. Some friends even hated themselves. So now there are lot of work to reverse that issues.

  23. There is a story in Shrimad Bhagavat Puran of the tale of Puranjan, where the king gets so engrossed in the day to day affair that he forgets his true self and looses his spiritual powers. Everyone should know this fact, you can not change anything or anyone until that change has come in you.
    Swadhyay or Self-Study or Self-Development does not mean neglect of others but being aware of bringing the following qualities in us to reach the divinty within:
    Fearlessness, courage, purity of heart, steadfastness in knowledge, charity, self-control, worship, sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity, uprightness, non-injury, truthfulness, tranquility, freedom from slander, kindness, non-covetousness, gentleness, modesty, no fickleness, forgiveness, fortitude, absence of hatred and conceit.

  24. One of the basic laws of Nature is to save Energy. In all its reflections. For 35 years of my life I have been thinking about how to comfort and take care after the others. And, guess what I have discovered after going through a VERY TOUGH period of my life, when, all of the sudden, I found my self ugly divorced after 15 years of marriage, lost my office and job, my friends and security, etc., etc. I MUST GO FIRST! No energy spending on useless people, situations and matters. My priorities from that turning point radically changed, as did my whole life. I started spending at first many hours for my self, to get me all together again, and now I dedicate 30-90 minutes per day to this wonderful process. I really enjoy it, whether it is a good book, good movie, good food or company, SPAs and other pleasant treatments, shopping, sunbathing, and all of this stuff. And I have a new relationship today, which is fulfilling and tender and caring – what I did not have before, cause I always put the other person first. And I got a new car, live in my own house, I am a very successful freelancer now and determine my own hours and fields of work, started paying off all debts, GETTING TO LIVE in other words. I got many hobbies and became VERY CALM PERSON, sleeping good at nights with no worries for anything. So, what I wanted to say by all these, is – YOU MUST GO FIRST! Be a little egoist to become able to help yourself and the others – AFTER . And, as for mothers with children, busy entrepreneurs, etc. – remember: we all die some day. So, love your self first to make the others love you. Randy Gage – personal HUGE thanks! 

  25. Randy,I work in a mind-numbing,menial job that I'm not able to do anymore.When i come home I have no energy to do anything.

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  • 37 comments on “Your Real Priorities”

    1. YES!! How can I fill the cups of others if mine is not filled?? The more spiritually, intellectually filled I am the more I have to offer those I come in contact with daily. The stronger and better my good habits, the more positive influence I will have on my children/friends/casual encounters. The example of my life is the best gift I can give.

    2. I agree completely Randy. And this goes along with the Objectivism you've mentioned previously. If we place our own needs and happiness after others, how can we ever expect to achieve true Prosperity, Abundance and Joy in Life? It's also consistent with what Eric Fromm stated years ago about the Art of Loving. If we don't love ourselves, how can we expect to love others?

      I for one, meditate between 30-45 minutes daily, write my Gratitude statements and re-read passages from books that make a difference, as well as meditate on daily affirmations I have and receive from other gurus. Getting my head 'right' first thing in the morning is equally important to exercising, eating right and living a life of balance.

      As always your constant reminders are important. The work of change is one that requires diligence and commitment to ourselves. Thanks again.

    3. It took me what seems like FOREVER to learn this. 🙂

      You absolutely can't be good to others UNLESS you take good care of yourself first. Invest in your own growth and then share who you become with anyone you are given the opportunity to bless.

      Of course ... adopting that policy requires getting yourself to the place where you feel you DESERVE your own attention ... and for so many - that's where the big work is. 😉


      1. BTW ... I raised 5 children as a "sacrificial mother" and it definitely did NOT serve my kids!

        Now I find that my role as a Mom is too often re-educating them as I watch them do the very same thing and give themselves away as young adults.

        Remember, they will model what you do ... not what you say!

        Let the 'unlearning' begin. 🙂

    4. Randy,
      This is one of the hardest things I have to do. This is like not eating those potato chips at 11pm and going to the gym to do the cardio work.

      I know when my life is in sync with the universe is when I am reading, listening and practicing. I listen to some tapes sometimes while I am on the treadmill and when I am on Facebook.

      I have learned two things that helped me. When I get up and do a reading followed by meditation. At bedtime I study a little more and do another meditation. There are 1440 minutes in a day, I only use 30 to 60 of them for my study....Consistency is the 2nd hardest thing to do..

    5. Yes. In AA they say "Anything you put in front of your recovery, you will lose." That's why self-development must come first.

    6. I could not disagree more! I'm just kidding 😉
      I couldn't agree more RG, find the time to improve yourself, so in time what you learn can help improve the lives of others.

    7. Why would I be following your posts, RG, if it weren't for my devotion to personal development?
      Just now, I am immersed in a brain-washing program, flooding out neg. thoughts/beliefs/perceptions by flooding my mind with positive-thoughts-etc by reading & listening only to that which lifts me up. I'm two weeks in to my self-directed 6-week program. My greatest challenge so far is to continuously BELIEVE that this program will result in some significant changes in my outer circumstances.
      Thanks for reminding me that I am on the right track here....

      with love, Mrs. H&P

    8. If, prosperity is based on value for value transactions, the best way to learn what others value is to learn what I value. If I can give myself value I can expand that and give it to others, and get prosperous. If I can only give myself neglect then if I expand that I neglect others even though I may think I am giving to them, I put myself into a state of need and then I need from others, so my giving becomes something that requires a pay back, strings attached.

    9. The things to do for self development would be to let go, especially of the negative feelings. Of I can't. And of negative feelings towards oneself and others. To admit the truth to oneself. I am in the pits now so I am talking only on a theoretical level, because I want to get out. Not talking from experience. I hope this is my rock bottom and it doesn't get worse, although I do feel happy.

    10. Totally agree.
      I believe and I do self development,and because of that I can add more value to others, specially my kids. They are experiencing the benefits as I transmit all the grow and knowledge to them.
      Wish my parents did.

    11. First time in my life I am 100% for taking care of yourself first and would love to tell everyone else to put themselves first, no matter what.
      I have been a single mother, raising two kids and running a business for the past 12 years. I have put my kids, parents, sisters, nieces, nephews and employees before myself the entire time. I even allowed my ex husband to have rights and visit my home whenever he wanted without paying child support.
      Guess what, not putting my self first and doing for everyone else has left me with a closed business, nothing to show for my years of hard work, feeling completely alone and not ONE person that I have taken care of over the past 12 years even offered me any support or has even called to ask me if I am ok. To be honest, a few of them still call me in need. =)
      So the lesson that I learned is that I allowed all of this to happen by not putting myself first. And to be aware of who is in my life and have the courage to say no to people whom are not giving, loving and supportive.
      I am now developing my new business which I know will succeed and will now put myself first.

    12. Very Rightly said.
      Every day very early in the morning we must work on our mental, physical and spiritual aspects. Irrespective of the geographic location, irrespective of the caste, creed and must on these fronts to keep the whole day cheerful, enthusiastic, full of zeal and focussed. One great man said "Life is changing everyday, If you don't work on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis and can't change to grow yourself, you will die if not physically, then emotionally. We must refresh our Neuro-Transmitters early in the morning for the best day : today and to suppress our negative feelings which comes free of cost and kill ourselves.

      Thanks to Randy Gage for your initiative to remind ourselves of this Basic truth of life.

      With regards

      Dasgupta S

    13. Hi, Randy! When a person does not pay self-development time, dissolving in the everyday life of others, he deprives himself of the most important source, which allows him to be strong. Save Yourself and you will be saved around a thousand.

    14. No, don't suppress our negative feelings. They will come out anyway. Admit them and let them go. Hard to even find them. One of mine is fear of going ahead with my project, and also I can't, not enough time. Admit, don't suppress. That's hiding it under the carpet. Clean it out. That's self development.

    15. I agree about taking care of yourself first, and having your cup full before you help others. I believe that is true.

      However, to me it means that we own our personal strength and keep up good personal boundries, not so much about how often you spend a day taking care of yourself or how much you do personal development time.

      It's about knowing when to take care of others and put them first. Sometimes others must come first. A good parent or caregiver knows sometimes personal sacrafice and putting another before yourself is a must. IF YOU ARE A TRULY LOVING PERSON. BELIEVE ME, THIS IS TRUE.

      A person who knows when to sacrafice and knows when to put others first, probably understands his or her limitations and boundries before hand. This comes from knowing yourself, feeling your emotions and owning them. Knowing your boundries and letting others know where those boundries are.

      If self development is a must for you, then that's fine. But, it is also good to know when you might have to sacrafice that for someone else. SOMETIMES SACRAFICE FOR OTHERS IS A PART OF TAKING CARE OF OURSELVES!

    16. Hi Randy,
      Great point. Serving others is wonderful, one of the highest callings.. However if you ignore yourself this can be your worst enemy...You are the source, the "sun" of your own solar system. As every sun, when the hydrogen goes down or vanish it cease to shine and offer light, life support and so on. Your "hydrogen" lies in evolution and constant growth...Personal development is part of your inner fuel.. I love to do it for almost an hour every day and combine it with some meditation, running or simply walking in nature.
      Knowing how to create more "hydrogen" for yourself makes you unstoppable.

      Thanks for sharing your great insight today:)
      Peace and prosperity,

    17. Jim Rohn had a great response to this. I'm not able to remember it to quote but his point was that you must work harder on yourself than you do on your job. You can't give what you don't possess and and you can't have until you give. We are here to serve, but this is not to be misunderstood as always doing for others. We must develop ourselves in order to be an example to others who will recognize the humility a mile away. It's who you are, not what you do that impacts others in a lasting way.

    18. Hi RG,

      How can we help develop others if we take little time to develop ourselves?

      You can do the most for the world by taking time to develop you. Otherwise, you carry your own limiting beliefs with you, and impress these on others. The cycle continues, from generation to generation, person to person, until you break it with serious time spent in personal development.

      The world is generally full of folks giving each other bad advice. Not malicious advice, or advice given with the wrong intent, but bad advice. It's why most people aren't rich. It's why so many people get sick. It's the core of the general unhappiness we see in many.

      Stop giving bad advice. Spend hours each day working on yourself - yes, HOURS - and you can make a real impact, giving people life-affirming, prospering advice, so they can improve their lives and share this wisdom with others.

      Thanks for sharing with us, Randy!


    19. Great topic and discussion going on here. One thing I'm working persistently on is to getting distinct what is selfish, selfcentered and being an egoist. That is why I am still drawn to study the philosophy by Ayn Rand, although there also is a counter pull on this blog with respect to finding a balance with spirituality. 
      One of my siblings and my mother I always thought that they somehow lacked ability to see things from others point of view. They were themselves nearest. Could they just one time all by themselves start asking me for my take instead of just listening to themselves. To me looking at them they just seems limited in and by themselves in their own view. 
      Are they selfish? Are they selfcentered? Or are they being egoists?
      By doing my daily yoga practise oftenwise both morning and late afternoon or evening, I develop sensitivity to others and expand my consciousness. 
      On a tangible lewel, in language, it is getting interested in others not from what I want them to be, but who they are and what they represent by themselves.

      Love and Respect - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    20. Hi Randy,
      Absolutely- I agree completely.
      If more people spent some time on themselves we'd have a happier world instead of always trying to solve everyone's problems so they don't have time to look at theirs and do something positive to move on in Joy.
      When you commit to making your healing a priority you find the time, even if it's inconvenient at first and for a while.
      But the price paid pales into insignificance as the person's gift to the world starts unravelling.
      Thanks for sharing as always.
      Roisin O'Connor.

    21. well,it is better to take care of others than nobody, right...Before I became mother I did not take care of my self at all.To have a child rescued my life.BUT if I had taken care of myself,I would have been a happy mother the first five years of my childs life.Now,it became a disaster.And I can never change it back.So I SHOULD have taken care of myself FIRST, to become even happier to take care of my son.And thank you for your persistence.It is incredible.

    22. I totally agree. Nothing is more important than ME! The sad thing is we were brought up to consider others first. It cultivate a habit of taking care of others, and leaving ourselves to the last.

      It created lots of self esteem issue in me and fellow friends. Some friends even hated themselves. So now there are lot of work to reverse that issues.

    23. There is a story in Shrimad Bhagavat Puran of the tale of Puranjan, where the king gets so engrossed in the day to day affair that he forgets his true self and looses his spiritual powers. Everyone should know this fact, you can not change anything or anyone until that change has come in you.
      Swadhyay or Self-Study or Self-Development does not mean neglect of others but being aware of bringing the following qualities in us to reach the divinty within:
      Fearlessness, courage, purity of heart, steadfastness in knowledge, charity, self-control, worship, sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity, uprightness, non-injury, truthfulness, tranquility, freedom from slander, kindness, non-covetousness, gentleness, modesty, no fickleness, forgiveness, fortitude, absence of hatred and conceit.

    24. One of the basic laws of Nature is to save Energy. In all its reflections. For 35 years of my life I have been thinking about how to comfort and take care after the others. And, guess what I have discovered after going through a VERY TOUGH period of my life, when, all of the sudden, I found my self ugly divorced after 15 years of marriage, lost my office and job, my friends and security, etc., etc. I MUST GO FIRST! No energy spending on useless people, situations and matters. My priorities from that turning point radically changed, as did my whole life. I started spending at first many hours for my self, to get me all together again, and now I dedicate 30-90 minutes per day to this wonderful process. I really enjoy it, whether it is a good book, good movie, good food or company, SPAs and other pleasant treatments, shopping, sunbathing, and all of this stuff. And I have a new relationship today, which is fulfilling and tender and caring – what I did not have before, cause I always put the other person first. And I got a new car, live in my own house, I am a very successful freelancer now and determine my own hours and fields of work, started paying off all debts, GETTING TO LIVE in other words. I got many hobbies and became VERY CALM PERSON, sleeping good at nights with no worries for anything. So, what I wanted to say by all these, is – YOU MUST GO FIRST! Be a little egoist to become able to help yourself and the others – AFTER . And, as for mothers with children, busy entrepreneurs, etc. – remember: we all die some day. So, love your self first to make the others love you. Randy Gage – personal HUGE thanks! 

    25. Randy,I work in a mind-numbing,menial job that I'm not able to do anymore.When i come home I have no energy to do anything.

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