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Your New Comfort Zone

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 8, 2009

So what will it take to get you out of your comfort zone?  I don’t mean the old comfort zone you’re so proud about breaking out from last year.   I mean the new comfort zone you’ve created since then.

Would you admit you’ve gotten complacent?  Got comfortable at a new and higher level – but comfortable none the less?

So what are you going to do about it?


10 comments on “Your New Comfort Zone”

  1. For me, being able to step back and actually recognize what my comfort zone is.

    How do we do that?

    If we look at our current income and say, 'this is not where I want to be financially', then what?

    Do we think to ourselves, 'well, this is what needs to be done in order to get out of that' and go from there?

    I'd really like to get your thoughts on that. If we KNOW we are in our comfort zone, how do we recognize WHAT our comfort zone is, and how do we go from there?

    Love and Light...

    Jhanna Dawson

  2. Breaking out of your comfort zone means making a very clear decision about what you want to achieve. It means not letting things just happen. Instead, you make a clear decision about what you want to be or have and then you go and do it.

    At that point, any failure is something to be learned from and overcome. Failure should not be "the universe" telling you that you shouldn't continue going after your goal.

    Take charge of your life and be decisive. Don't let your environment determine who you are.

  3. I would like to add a Biblical angle to this discuss on a New comfort Zone, Pls open to Isaiah 43: 18-19.

    In God's attitude to a New Comfort Zone, He expects you to forget the "former things" which could also mean the former achievements, or Challenges. But in Verse 19, we are also expected to See & Know what the Lord is doing anew in our Lives. That will require our Alertness & Sensitivity to what the Lord is Doing in our favour....... then we can Enter It, and consequently Possess it.

    What the the above Scriptures tells me, among other things is that I MUST desire, and Intensely Desire New Things which the Lord will bring my Way.....and the Work at It with my ALL, not minding whatever I may have achieved, or Failed to achieve in the past. But then, I must know Him, and Believe in Him, for Him to Bless & Help me........

    The Big Question is: Do you know, Obey, and Believe Him???

    I am a Living example of God's Faithfullness, for He's Doing New & Great Things for me, my family, my Businesses (both Secular & Kingdom)
    I can See and Know them....and I am Possessing them. I am entering a New Comfort Zone, enabled by God.

    Glory to God!!!

  4. Dear Randy -- great question. And some really helpful answers are already here...

    In my business of -- clearing energy blockages -- I find that people get stuck because they are blocked. (Emotional hurts that do not get expressed in a healthy way get stuck in the physical and subtle bodies as energy blockages. They act like little dams -- blocking of the good energy flow.)

    Just like bad software on the computer will freeze up the system -- well, energy blockages will freeze up our progress toward the success we all desire.

    Since 1994 I've been doing this and teaching it to others. It works! It is easy and fun to do. It is handy for people and even businesses.

    What I do is way beyond regular Reiki... I call it Laser Reiki. I give free assessment to anyone -- to let them know where, how and how much they are blocked.


  5. Hey Randy,

    Thanks for Your Insight, I have left my comfort zone for several months now, and have created a special place for myself I call the Uncomfortable Zone, things are so strange right now, I feel like Alice going deeper into the Rabbit Hole. But I am loving it!!!

    Keep the Fire Burning:)


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  • 10 comments on “Your New Comfort Zone”

    1. For me, being able to step back and actually recognize what my comfort zone is.

      How do we do that?

      If we look at our current income and say, 'this is not where I want to be financially', then what?

      Do we think to ourselves, 'well, this is what needs to be done in order to get out of that' and go from there?

      I'd really like to get your thoughts on that. If we KNOW we are in our comfort zone, how do we recognize WHAT our comfort zone is, and how do we go from there?

      Love and Light...

      Jhanna Dawson

    2. Breaking out of your comfort zone means making a very clear decision about what you want to achieve. It means not letting things just happen. Instead, you make a clear decision about what you want to be or have and then you go and do it.

      At that point, any failure is something to be learned from and overcome. Failure should not be "the universe" telling you that you shouldn't continue going after your goal.

      Take charge of your life and be decisive. Don't let your environment determine who you are.

    3. I would like to add a Biblical angle to this discuss on a New comfort Zone, Pls open to Isaiah 43: 18-19.

      In God's attitude to a New Comfort Zone, He expects you to forget the "former things" which could also mean the former achievements, or Challenges. But in Verse 19, we are also expected to See & Know what the Lord is doing anew in our Lives. That will require our Alertness & Sensitivity to what the Lord is Doing in our favour....... then we can Enter It, and consequently Possess it.

      What the the above Scriptures tells me, among other things is that I MUST desire, and Intensely Desire New Things which the Lord will bring my Way.....and the Work at It with my ALL, not minding whatever I may have achieved, or Failed to achieve in the past. But then, I must know Him, and Believe in Him, for Him to Bless & Help me........

      The Big Question is: Do you know, Obey, and Believe Him???

      I am a Living example of God's Faithfullness, for He's Doing New & Great Things for me, my family, my Businesses (both Secular & Kingdom)
      I can See and Know them....and I am Possessing them. I am entering a New Comfort Zone, enabled by God.

      Glory to God!!!

    4. Dear Randy -- great question. And some really helpful answers are already here...

      In my business of -- clearing energy blockages -- I find that people get stuck because they are blocked. (Emotional hurts that do not get expressed in a healthy way get stuck in the physical and subtle bodies as energy blockages. They act like little dams -- blocking of the good energy flow.)

      Just like bad software on the computer will freeze up the system -- well, energy blockages will freeze up our progress toward the success we all desire.

      Since 1994 I've been doing this and teaching it to others. It works! It is easy and fun to do. It is handy for people and even businesses.

      What I do is way beyond regular Reiki... I call it Laser Reiki. I give free assessment to anyone -- to let them know where, how and how much they are blocked.


    5. Hey Randy,

      Thanks for Your Insight, I have left my comfort zone for several months now, and have created a special place for myself I call the Uncomfortable Zone, things are so strange right now, I feel like Alice going deeper into the Rabbit Hole. But I am loving it!!!

      Keep the Fire Burning:)


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