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Your Capacity for Greatness

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 30, 2011

Building on the last post about what you may want to unlearn or undo, remember this:  you are meant to be great.  

The Infinite Intelligence that created you didn’t wish for you to wallow in limiting beliefs and victimhood.  You were endowed with creativity, ideas, imagination, inspiration, and an intellect.

You have a capacity for greatness tempered only by your inability to recognize how amazing you can really be.   Why not decide to step into your greatness today?


49 comments on “Your Capacity for Greatness”

  1. Here, here! Let's raise a cheer! And who are we cheering? OURSELVES!! As Mandela said in his Inaugural address, ".. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...Your playing small doesn't serve the world... We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.."

    Embrace our greatness and celebrate it.. I do!

    Thanks Randy!!!!!

  2. Thanks Randy! For me, it is one thing to know this and yet another to practice the discipline of it! I believe that power truly is in the now, and to understand just how infinitely powerful we were created to be is an eternal journey. With our minds we turn the intangible to tangible! Make it a great day!

  3. Help! I am suffering from purple cow syndrome. 🙂

    I read the title of this post this morning – it’s about stepping into greatness. The majority of the Tweets coming through my stream today? About feeling worthy and stepping into greatness. The focus of the e-mails in my in-box? Uh … feeling worthy and stepping into greatness.

    Dear Universe, message received. I got it!

    I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but when something inside me is begging to get be born, (like my potential!) I get reminded of it everywhere. It’s like thinking about purple cows. Once you get an image of one in your mind, thoughts of them start cropping up all over the place and you just can’t escape them. I think that’s God’s way of confirming we are on the right path.

    Today, I am happy to say that I have been listening! I am diligently designing and creating the avenue for my ‘greatness’ as we speak. On my laptop, in my jammies, iced green tea next to me, notes all over the bed, B-Tribe playing in the background. Writing, writing, writing. (Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have admitted to the jammies, but hey – it’s Sunday!) Time to step out into the world and add some real value! 😉

    Two thumbs up for Greatness. We ALL have it … and the world needs YOURS! 🙂


    1. Just like all the other purple cows today ... this Denis Waitley quote just came across my desk:

      "It's not who you are that holds you back; it's who you think you're not."

      ~ touche.


  4. Interesting, Randy!

    Good way of describing the struggle in the mind: "wallowing in limiting beliefs and victimhood".

    Yes, to discover that we actually sit in our own control tower of our mind, choosing whether or nor to entertain the thoughts that arrive...

    ...therein lies the greatest battle ever fought: choosing to believe limiting thoughts of doubt, or empowering thoughts of self confidence.

    The mind is where you rule. Or are ruled.

    You choose.


  5. Randy,

    I agree with you. We are all destined for greatness. We just have to let it come out by being in touch with our inner self. And that often comes from doing less and just "being."

    Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer:
    I came from greatness. I must be like that which I came from. I will always keep my belief in my greatness and the greatness of others.

    Thanks for the reminder, Randy!



    1. All I have to say is (although the lyrics to the song say 'woman' it really can apply to all mankind:

      I am woman, hear me roar ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
      In numbers too big to ignore♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
      And I know too much to go back an' pretend
      'Cause I've heard it all before♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
      And I've been down there on the floor♪♫•*¨*♥
      No one's ever gonna keep me down again♪♫•*¨*♥

      Oh yes, I am wise♪♫•*¨*♥
      But it's wisdom born of pain♪♫•*¨*♥
      Yes, I've paid the price♪♫•*¨*♥
      But look how much I gained♪♫•*¨*♥
      If I have to♪♫•*¨*♥
      I can do anything♪♫•*¨*♥
      I am strong (strong)♪♫•*¨*♥
      I am invincible (invincible)♪♫•*¨*♥
      I am woman♪♫•*¨*♥

      It IS a choice and I choose to be a VICTOR <3

      1. Sorry, Michael, I wanted to 'comment' and then 'reply' to you and kinda got them mixed up (lol).

        I grew up like you. I was kept in that little box of go get a 'job w/benefits.'

        Joseph Campbell said, "To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is -- not the quick little excitement , but the real deep, life-filling bliss.”

        It is said that if you 'follow your bliss' the money will flow.

  6. I was thinking about something earlier today. How exactly do you re-program your sub-conscious mind ? What are the steps? Is there a step by step process to do this? How do you re-program a lack mind to one that has the ability to sell a tremendous amount of wares and hence make alot of money ? It has been said the sub-conscious mind is on autopilot. It does not rationalize, analyse, or feel emotion - it just executes itself atomatically. I can only think of delving deep into your thoughts, pull these sub-conscious thoughts out in the open, become aware of them, think critically about them, find their origins, and replace them with more positive thoughts. But how do you change the automatic program so the positive and prosperous thoughts become your autopilot ?

    1. If I were to answer this I think it's about time people realize that if they're programmed they have to DE-program. That is not the same and can not be "covered up" with "undo and unlearn", affirmations or positive thinking.

      Programming goes so much deeper and in many cases is done in such a horrible way that people instinctively feel they can't handle to "see" it (again). There are various methods but I use what is called Hyperspace techniques at It basically means working with archetypes and colors in a meditative state. All about you is stored energetically and can be accessed in this way.

      I also think it is necessary to understand what is really going on in the world. Once you know the truth, you can create your life from a better perspective.

      I realize that when people land on sites like there is often a knee jerk reaction to what they perceive as negativity and fear mongering, when that is really about their own filters. Work on removing them.

      1. He has already read it, I think.

        Ed, read some M.Scott Peck, like "The Road Less Traveled" he talks about the subconscious and how to love. M. Scott Peck is a Psychiatrist. His books are brilliant.

        If you haven't read Randy's book, he does give advice how to reprogram negative thoughts. Read them both. See what you think.

        Our subconscious is where all the junk is. It does take time to uncover it all, it is quite a process. I think what to aim for is not to become a super salesman, but a person of integrity.

          1. Good Edward, then you will be an ethical Super Salesman. I don't know if there is anything in the M. Scott Peck book to help you with that or not. You probably should read Randy's book again. Of course you know me, I would just skip the last half of it. 🙂

            Anyway, whatever you read on your path to being a super salesman, I would stay away from a certain Arthur Miller play.

      2. Yes I did. It was on display at the Bookstore and it was calling to me. It made me aware of the programming we get. I was looking for a step by step process on how to re-program ourselves so we automatically (sub-consciously) act different. I'll go and reference that book again. I call it the Book of Randy.

  7. Any advice on how you can feel you're great without being a boorish, self absorbed jerk... I've noticed most successful people are just so full of themselves, it's just so obnoxious, that I think in some ways I've held myself back because I don't want to be like that...
    I remember I got my revenge on this boorish jerk who I took all these verbal shots from, with a letter to a publication that everyone read, "you're the reason nobody likes working here."

    1. Being "successful" and living in one's greatness are not necessarily the same thing! People who have stepped into their greatness typically want others to do the same. In contrast, an overactive ego tries to cut others down in a quest to seem more important.

    2. David ... maybe a simple question to ask yourself -

      Do you HONESTLY fear that you will become a 'boorish jerk' when you are successful? (I doubt it!) 😉 But...

      If so, the work starts there - if not, the excuse stops there!


    3. David-

      I don't think people who are boorish, obnoxious, and braggarts or whatever really do feel their greatness. You only feel good about yourself if you are treating others the same way you wish to be treated.

      I know because when I'm mean I don't feel good or great or nice, just bad.

      That's true irrespective of one's accomplishments.

      Admire your bravery in asking that question and sharing your experience.


      PS My only advice would be to try to put yourself in the boorish person's shoes next time. They probably are dealing with some issues. That way maybe instead of letting it get to you, you can just have some empathy for their inablity to express greatness and kindness. (Easier said than done, I know):)

      1. Hi Annie!

        Always a lively discussion when you jump on board.

        Is there any chance that just maybe you could have taken some of the comments here out of context? I’m not sure. Because when I read them, I see a whole lot of caring about David going on. 🙂

        What I pick up as the common thread here is that the 'greatness' in someone recognizes there is 'greatness potential' in everyone, whether or not they have access to it in any moment. And when we are on the path to developing greatness, I think the less time, thought and concern we give to our judgment of how others are behaving in a way we don’t wish to emulate, the more energy we have available to spend focusing on those things we can do to develop greatness in ourselves – which is in turn a gift we share with everyone else! And, in turn, we all benefit.

        I would certainly never suggest we disregard others to the exclusion of ourselves … only that we keep our main focus on our own behavior instead of grading or trying to fix others’.

        And, I really do LOVE something you said here today:

        “My only advice would be to try to put yourself in the boorish person’s shoes next time. They probably are dealing with some issues. That way maybe instead of letting it get to you, you can just have some empathy for their inability to express greatness and kindness.”

        I agree with that 100%, because belittling and rudeness always comes from a place of pain and insecurity. So, what a wonderful thing if we can recognize that when we find ourselves in this type of situation and spread some Love where there is so much Fear.

        Your big heart is showing again, Annie. 🙂


        1. LOL!

          No offense taken.

          Even 'lovelies' pop off with remarks that sound a little brutal from time to time.

          Guess today, it was my turn! 😉

          Love back at 'cha.


  8. David I would say this. Feelings change like the weather - you can feel great one day and not so great the next. Aim to KNOW without any shadow of a doubt that you are great and infuse everything you do with that greatness. Remember you are made in the image of God. We often find excuses not to be great instead of reasons. Your story of the successful guy who is arrogant is an excuse for you not to be successful and stay in your comfort and blame the successful people, most of whom are arrogant. What poppycock! We all know people like that but so what - why are you worried about how they chose to live their life? Thats none of your business - the only thing you have total control of and are responsible for is how you live YOUR life. Stop wasting time judging others. There are many people who are very successful, truly wonderful people (including some very humble ones) who are doing amazing things to create positive changes in the world. Choose people you respect and admire as role models and don't give any attention to what does not inspire you. Give yourself enough reasons to succeed for these are what will drive you forward. When you have enough whys the how will appear. Write them down and remind yourself why you have to succeed and how much better and enjoyable your life would be if you were living your life on purpose. Here's a little excerpt from the chapter Thought and Purpose from " As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen -
    "Having conceived of his purpose a man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement looking neither to the right nor to the left. Doubts and fears should be rigously excluded - they never accomplish anything and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in. The will to do, springs from all knowledge that we can do.
    A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpsoe the centralising point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal or it may be a worldly object according to his nature at the time being but whichever it is he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to this attainment not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings and imaginings.This is the royal road to self control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose, the strength of character gained will be the mesaure of his true success and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph. Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose should fix their thoughts upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how significant their task may appear. Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focused and resolution and energy be developed which being done, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. The weakest soul knowing its own weakness and believing this truth - that strength can only be developed by effort and practise, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and adding effort to effort and patience to patience, and strength to strength will never cease to develop and will at last grow divinely strong."

    What separates the successful from the unsuccessful, is that the former take action.

    We all know about the law of attrACTION.

    And lastly I would add " While one person hesitates because he feels inferior the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior".

    OK David no more excuses - define your reasons, let us know what your plan for greatness is and KNOW that you are great.
    When you do this you can then be a role model for others ( humble or arrogant - what a wonderful choice this wil be!)

    1. Hillary, great advice! I love the quote: "While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior." Where is this from?
      Thanks again!

      1. Sean-

        With all due respect, I think it is time to call an exorcist. I know some really good priests.:) By the way, could you get Randy to tell me a little more about what happened to my submit button a while back? I was just going to let it go, but I am really curious. Or, if you know anything, just let me know.


    2. Right on, Hilary!

      Put your time and attention on that which you value, admire and respect - everything else is a waste of precious energy!


  9. Hey Sean - the quote was by Henry Link - Just found this on google about him - Henry C Link
    The Return to Religion

    181 pages McMillian 1936 45th print 1953

    Henry Link was a psychologist who in the 1930s joined the psychology and religion bandwagon

    Link was director of the Psychology Service of NY NY
    He pioneered the idea of Employment Psychology He authored the Personality Quotient a measure of the extent to which a person has acquired by practice the skills and habits which interest and serve other people. He wrote a sequel to Return to Religion called the Rediscover of Man

    Chapters Include
    My Return to Religion
    I go to Church
    The Achievement of Happines
    Fools of Reason
    Wine At Weddings
    Children Are Made
    Love and Marriage
    Social Planning
    Vice of Education
    The Abundant Life

    Link Quotes While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, another is busy making mistakes and becoming superior

  10. Another interesting quote on greatness -

    "Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character."

    Albert Einstein

  11. Randy, please just take your submit button back. I was happier without it. Really please do it again if you can. I don't even want the temptation, it was easier not having it. Thanks.


      1. I am glad you deleted those comments. It wasn't too nice. I would have deleted it myself if I could have. At Least I don't comment as someone else anymore!

        Maybe you could delete the comment on the blog "YOUR SUPPORT TEAM", where "someone" called me shitty, kooky, snotty, and inwardly toxic. It might help that person too. What do you think? Thanks. Annie

          1. One more thing. You have a double standard. I guess it is okay for you to be rude, or at least rude to me. I guess I just deserved it.

            Well, here is what I think you should include in your prosperity training, how to be deceitful and overly aggressive at the expense of others. Then you will have honestly divulged all your "secrets" on how to be prosperous.

            So one more time "Go to Hell!" This is my last comment.

  12. Hello everybody,

    My take on this post (gratitude to Randy and everybody else for sharing) is that my imagination is too awesome to ignore.

    As the creative component of the mind, imagination challenges us to explore life without limits, embracing the life experience.

    Being poor kinda' sucks. You can still be happy without money but, the way I see it, having money gives you more options. I'm all about having a variety of options. Even if a particular roller coaster is really cool, I eventually want to try another one.

    Use your imagination to explore what the coolest version of yourself would look like. Then use your mind to make it happen.

  13. Abdo
    why for me " to step into my greatness" is out of comfort zone naked,try all over again,start all over again,throw away your previous sherished gains, hard, lonely, sickning, lifeless, boring, painfull self discipline and sacrifice .And never it was a joy!a poem!a company,a happy song or even celebration??????
    Am I on the wrong track?

  14. RIGHT ON! We are created in GREATNESS and should live in that GREATNESS in each and every moment of every day! Thanks to The GREAT Randy Gage for bring such amazing awareness of who we were born to be to us each day! Blessings my friend.

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  • 49 comments on “Your Capacity for Greatness”

    1. Here, here! Let's raise a cheer! And who are we cheering? OURSELVES!! As Mandela said in his Inaugural address, ".. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...Your playing small doesn't serve the world... We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.."

      Embrace our greatness and celebrate it.. I do!

      Thanks Randy!!!!!

    2. Thanks Randy! For me, it is one thing to know this and yet another to practice the discipline of it! I believe that power truly is in the now, and to understand just how infinitely powerful we were created to be is an eternal journey. With our minds we turn the intangible to tangible! Make it a great day!

    3. Help! I am suffering from purple cow syndrome. 🙂

      I read the title of this post this morning – it’s about stepping into greatness. The majority of the Tweets coming through my stream today? About feeling worthy and stepping into greatness. The focus of the e-mails in my in-box? Uh … feeling worthy and stepping into greatness.

      Dear Universe, message received. I got it!

      I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but when something inside me is begging to get be born, (like my potential!) I get reminded of it everywhere. It’s like thinking about purple cows. Once you get an image of one in your mind, thoughts of them start cropping up all over the place and you just can’t escape them. I think that’s God’s way of confirming we are on the right path.

      Today, I am happy to say that I have been listening! I am diligently designing and creating the avenue for my ‘greatness’ as we speak. On my laptop, in my jammies, iced green tea next to me, notes all over the bed, B-Tribe playing in the background. Writing, writing, writing. (Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have admitted to the jammies, but hey – it’s Sunday!) Time to step out into the world and add some real value! 😉

      Two thumbs up for Greatness. We ALL have it … and the world needs YOURS! 🙂


      1. Just like all the other purple cows today ... this Denis Waitley quote just came across my desk:

        "It's not who you are that holds you back; it's who you think you're not."

        ~ touche.


    4. Interesting, Randy!

      Good way of describing the struggle in the mind: "wallowing in limiting beliefs and victimhood".

      Yes, to discover that we actually sit in our own control tower of our mind, choosing whether or nor to entertain the thoughts that arrive...

      ...therein lies the greatest battle ever fought: choosing to believe limiting thoughts of doubt, or empowering thoughts of self confidence.

      The mind is where you rule. Or are ruled.

      You choose.


    5. Randy,

      I agree with you. We are all destined for greatness. We just have to let it come out by being in touch with our inner self. And that often comes from doing less and just "being."

      Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer:
      I came from greatness. I must be like that which I came from. I will always keep my belief in my greatness and the greatness of others.

      Thanks for the reminder, Randy!



      1. All I have to say is (although the lyrics to the song say 'woman' it really can apply to all mankind:

        I am woman, hear me roar ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
        In numbers too big to ignore♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
        And I know too much to go back an' pretend
        'Cause I've heard it all before♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
        And I've been down there on the floor♪♫•*¨*♥
        No one's ever gonna keep me down again♪♫•*¨*♥

        Oh yes, I am wise♪♫•*¨*♥
        But it's wisdom born of pain♪♫•*¨*♥
        Yes, I've paid the price♪♫•*¨*♥
        But look how much I gained♪♫•*¨*♥
        If I have to♪♫•*¨*♥
        I can do anything♪♫•*¨*♥
        I am strong (strong)♪♫•*¨*♥
        I am invincible (invincible)♪♫•*¨*♥
        I am woman♪♫•*¨*♥

        It IS a choice and I choose to be a VICTOR <3

        1. Sorry, Michael, I wanted to 'comment' and then 'reply' to you and kinda got them mixed up (lol).

          I grew up like you. I was kept in that little box of go get a 'job w/benefits.'

          Joseph Campbell said, "To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is -- not the quick little excitement , but the real deep, life-filling bliss.”

          It is said that if you 'follow your bliss' the money will flow.

    6. I was thinking about something earlier today. How exactly do you re-program your sub-conscious mind ? What are the steps? Is there a step by step process to do this? How do you re-program a lack mind to one that has the ability to sell a tremendous amount of wares and hence make alot of money ? It has been said the sub-conscious mind is on autopilot. It does not rationalize, analyse, or feel emotion - it just executes itself atomatically. I can only think of delving deep into your thoughts, pull these sub-conscious thoughts out in the open, become aware of them, think critically about them, find their origins, and replace them with more positive thoughts. But how do you change the automatic program so the positive and prosperous thoughts become your autopilot ?

      1. If I were to answer this I think it's about time people realize that if they're programmed they have to DE-program. That is not the same and can not be "covered up" with "undo and unlearn", affirmations or positive thinking.

        Programming goes so much deeper and in many cases is done in such a horrible way that people instinctively feel they can't handle to "see" it (again). There are various methods but I use what is called Hyperspace techniques at It basically means working with archetypes and colors in a meditative state. All about you is stored energetically and can be accessed in this way.

        I also think it is necessary to understand what is really going on in the world. Once you know the truth, you can create your life from a better perspective.

        I realize that when people land on sites like there is often a knee jerk reaction to what they perceive as negativity and fear mongering, when that is really about their own filters. Work on removing them.

        1. He has already read it, I think.

          Ed, read some M.Scott Peck, like "The Road Less Traveled" he talks about the subconscious and how to love. M. Scott Peck is a Psychiatrist. His books are brilliant.

          If you haven't read Randy's book, he does give advice how to reprogram negative thoughts. Read them both. See what you think.

          Our subconscious is where all the junk is. It does take time to uncover it all, it is quite a process. I think what to aim for is not to become a super salesman, but a person of integrity.

            1. Good Edward, then you will be an ethical Super Salesman. I don't know if there is anything in the M. Scott Peck book to help you with that or not. You probably should read Randy's book again. Of course you know me, I would just skip the last half of it. 🙂

              Anyway, whatever you read on your path to being a super salesman, I would stay away from a certain Arthur Miller play.

        2. Yes I did. It was on display at the Bookstore and it was calling to me. It made me aware of the programming we get. I was looking for a step by step process on how to re-program ourselves so we automatically (sub-consciously) act different. I'll go and reference that book again. I call it the Book of Randy.

    7. Any advice on how you can feel you're great without being a boorish, self absorbed jerk... I've noticed most successful people are just so full of themselves, it's just so obnoxious, that I think in some ways I've held myself back because I don't want to be like that...
      I remember I got my revenge on this boorish jerk who I took all these verbal shots from, with a letter to a publication that everyone read, "you're the reason nobody likes working here."

      1. Being "successful" and living in one's greatness are not necessarily the same thing! People who have stepped into their greatness typically want others to do the same. In contrast, an overactive ego tries to cut others down in a quest to seem more important.

      2. David ... maybe a simple question to ask yourself -

        Do you HONESTLY fear that you will become a 'boorish jerk' when you are successful? (I doubt it!) 😉 But...

        If so, the work starts there - if not, the excuse stops there!


      3. David-

        I don't think people who are boorish, obnoxious, and braggarts or whatever really do feel their greatness. You only feel good about yourself if you are treating others the same way you wish to be treated.

        I know because when I'm mean I don't feel good or great or nice, just bad.

        That's true irrespective of one's accomplishments.

        Admire your bravery in asking that question and sharing your experience.


        PS My only advice would be to try to put yourself in the boorish person's shoes next time. They probably are dealing with some issues. That way maybe instead of letting it get to you, you can just have some empathy for their inablity to express greatness and kindness. (Easier said than done, I know):)

        1. Hi Annie!

          Always a lively discussion when you jump on board.

          Is there any chance that just maybe you could have taken some of the comments here out of context? I’m not sure. Because when I read them, I see a whole lot of caring about David going on. 🙂

          What I pick up as the common thread here is that the 'greatness' in someone recognizes there is 'greatness potential' in everyone, whether or not they have access to it in any moment. And when we are on the path to developing greatness, I think the less time, thought and concern we give to our judgment of how others are behaving in a way we don’t wish to emulate, the more energy we have available to spend focusing on those things we can do to develop greatness in ourselves – which is in turn a gift we share with everyone else! And, in turn, we all benefit.

          I would certainly never suggest we disregard others to the exclusion of ourselves … only that we keep our main focus on our own behavior instead of grading or trying to fix others’.

          And, I really do LOVE something you said here today:

          “My only advice would be to try to put yourself in the boorish person’s shoes next time. They probably are dealing with some issues. That way maybe instead of letting it get to you, you can just have some empathy for their inability to express greatness and kindness.”

          I agree with that 100%, because belittling and rudeness always comes from a place of pain and insecurity. So, what a wonderful thing if we can recognize that when we find ourselves in this type of situation and spread some Love where there is so much Fear.

          Your big heart is showing again, Annie. 🙂


          1. LOL!

            No offense taken.

            Even 'lovelies' pop off with remarks that sound a little brutal from time to time.

            Guess today, it was my turn! 😉

            Love back at 'cha.


    8. David I would say this. Feelings change like the weather - you can feel great one day and not so great the next. Aim to KNOW without any shadow of a doubt that you are great and infuse everything you do with that greatness. Remember you are made in the image of God. We often find excuses not to be great instead of reasons. Your story of the successful guy who is arrogant is an excuse for you not to be successful and stay in your comfort and blame the successful people, most of whom are arrogant. What poppycock! We all know people like that but so what - why are you worried about how they chose to live their life? Thats none of your business - the only thing you have total control of and are responsible for is how you live YOUR life. Stop wasting time judging others. There are many people who are very successful, truly wonderful people (including some very humble ones) who are doing amazing things to create positive changes in the world. Choose people you respect and admire as role models and don't give any attention to what does not inspire you. Give yourself enough reasons to succeed for these are what will drive you forward. When you have enough whys the how will appear. Write them down and remind yourself why you have to succeed and how much better and enjoyable your life would be if you were living your life on purpose. Here's a little excerpt from the chapter Thought and Purpose from " As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen -
      "Having conceived of his purpose a man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement looking neither to the right nor to the left. Doubts and fears should be rigously excluded - they never accomplish anything and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in. The will to do, springs from all knowledge that we can do.
      A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpsoe the centralising point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal or it may be a worldly object according to his nature at the time being but whichever it is he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to this attainment not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings and imaginings.This is the royal road to self control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose, the strength of character gained will be the mesaure of his true success and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph. Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose should fix their thoughts upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how significant their task may appear. Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focused and resolution and energy be developed which being done, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. The weakest soul knowing its own weakness and believing this truth - that strength can only be developed by effort and practise, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and adding effort to effort and patience to patience, and strength to strength will never cease to develop and will at last grow divinely strong."

      What separates the successful from the unsuccessful, is that the former take action.

      We all know about the law of attrACTION.

      And lastly I would add " While one person hesitates because he feels inferior the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior".

      OK David no more excuses - define your reasons, let us know what your plan for greatness is and KNOW that you are great.
      When you do this you can then be a role model for others ( humble or arrogant - what a wonderful choice this wil be!)

      1. Hillary, great advice! I love the quote: "While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior." Where is this from?
        Thanks again!

        1. Sean-

          With all due respect, I think it is time to call an exorcist. I know some really good priests.:) By the way, could you get Randy to tell me a little more about what happened to my submit button a while back? I was just going to let it go, but I am really curious. Or, if you know anything, just let me know.


      2. Right on, Hilary!

        Put your time and attention on that which you value, admire and respect - everything else is a waste of precious energy!


    9. Hey Sean - the quote was by Henry Link - Just found this on google about him - Henry C Link
      The Return to Religion

      181 pages McMillian 1936 45th print 1953

      Henry Link was a psychologist who in the 1930s joined the psychology and religion bandwagon

      Link was director of the Psychology Service of NY NY
      He pioneered the idea of Employment Psychology He authored the Personality Quotient a measure of the extent to which a person has acquired by practice the skills and habits which interest and serve other people. He wrote a sequel to Return to Religion called the Rediscover of Man

      Chapters Include
      My Return to Religion
      I go to Church
      The Achievement of Happines
      Fools of Reason
      Wine At Weddings
      Children Are Made
      Love and Marriage
      Social Planning
      Vice of Education
      The Abundant Life

      Link Quotes While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, another is busy making mistakes and becoming superior

    10. Another interesting quote on greatness -

      "Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character."

      Albert Einstein

    11. Randy, please just take your submit button back. I was happier without it. Really please do it again if you can. I don't even want the temptation, it was easier not having it. Thanks.


        1. I am glad you deleted those comments. It wasn't too nice. I would have deleted it myself if I could have. At Least I don't comment as someone else anymore!

          Maybe you could delete the comment on the blog "YOUR SUPPORT TEAM", where "someone" called me shitty, kooky, snotty, and inwardly toxic. It might help that person too. What do you think? Thanks. Annie

            1. One more thing. You have a double standard. I guess it is okay for you to be rude, or at least rude to me. I guess I just deserved it.

              Well, here is what I think you should include in your prosperity training, how to be deceitful and overly aggressive at the expense of others. Then you will have honestly divulged all your "secrets" on how to be prosperous.

              So one more time "Go to Hell!" This is my last comment.

    12. Hello everybody,

      My take on this post (gratitude to Randy and everybody else for sharing) is that my imagination is too awesome to ignore.

      As the creative component of the mind, imagination challenges us to explore life without limits, embracing the life experience.

      Being poor kinda' sucks. You can still be happy without money but, the way I see it, having money gives you more options. I'm all about having a variety of options. Even if a particular roller coaster is really cool, I eventually want to try another one.

      Use your imagination to explore what the coolest version of yourself would look like. Then use your mind to make it happen.

    13. Abdo
      why for me " to step into my greatness" is out of comfort zone naked,try all over again,start all over again,throw away your previous sherished gains, hard, lonely, sickning, lifeless, boring, painfull self discipline and sacrifice .And never it was a joy!a poem!a company,a happy song or even celebration??????
      Am I on the wrong track?

    14. RIGHT ON! We are created in GREATNESS and should live in that GREATNESS in each and every moment of every day! Thanks to The GREAT Randy Gage for bring such amazing awareness of who we were born to be to us each day! Blessings my friend.

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