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YOU – Rocking the Stage

Posted By: Randy GageApril 26, 2019

Note: This is not a usual blog post.  I'm posting the newsletter for my Speakers School here so people can access online.

There is one skill that can catapult you to success in virtually any profession, whether you’re an attorney or doctor, marketing manager or salesperson, CEO of a cosmetics company or director of a non-profit association.

So what is that skill? Speaking.  Or more specifically, making compelling presentations.

It’s just a fact: the most successful people in any organization are usually the best speakers.  They lead, inspire and communicate better.  Their people are better trained and understand the desired outcomes better.

Successful people are able to inspire and galvanize others through their presentations.  They’re able to unpack complex issues into actionable plans of action.  These communicators cause us to lift our eyes above the horizon and see something bigger than ourselves.

Sometimes these presentations are done in a boardrooms or conference rooms, sometimes they’re done in a convention halls in front of thousands, and sometimes they’re done online for millions.   (And some of the best ones are done at “show and tell.”)

How do they do that?

I believe the magic moment that happens in a speech is when someone in the audience reacts to the speaker with this thought: “Wow, you too? I thought I was the only one in the world with that issue.  I’m so relieved to learn that there is hope for me.”

This magic moment is when everything “clicks.”   Minds are opened, ideas are embraced, and behavior is changed for the better.  When you become a Rock Star presenter, you create these magic moments over and over again.  This is the skill you need to develop if you want to become successful in a way that impacts and inspires others.

You can’t be someone monotonously reading from your notes.  You can’t recycle Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn material that people learned 20 years ago.  And you can’t subject people to “death by PowerPoint” presentations.

You have to be able to convey ideas in a fresh, interesting and compelling way.

It’s for that reason I developed my Speakers School.  It’s an in-depth, two-day experiential workshop where you will learn how to crush it on the platform.  I don’t want to pitch you on it.  If you know that speaking and presenting skills are important and want to improve yours, you’ll find all the details here:

You’ll be shocked how much being a better presenter improves your leadership and influence in both your professional and personal life.

I hope to see you there!


6 comments on “YOU – Rocking the Stage”

  1. If you are serious about developing your speaking spills and becoming a world class presenter, you want to be there. Me and my wife were there this year, and the leap my presentation and speaking skills have taken are priceless.

    1. No. I don't plan on going back to Miami,

      I agree with speaking. I will learn a different way.

      I prefer to stay in Baltimore and finish my dissertation while building a business, earning money, paying off debts, and savings.

      Being single is good and best for me to accomplish all of this.

  2. would you recommend if I'm just trying to crush my sales job so I can then move onto the self employed avenues and platforms?

  3. I just learned of this incredible opportunity from my friend Betty Torres who just attended your Miami event. When is your next event? As I move up the ranks in my company, I am starting to be asked to do more public speaking engagements in front of very large crowds. I feel very comfortable in smaller groups but when I take that big stage and the Teleprompter doesn’t work or I get last minute direction or time changes or script changes, that’s when I start to panic and lose my confidence. I would love to learn about your next training so I can put it on my calendar for 2020!

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  • 6 comments on “YOU – Rocking the Stage”

    1. If you are serious about developing your speaking spills and becoming a world class presenter, you want to be there. Me and my wife were there this year, and the leap my presentation and speaking skills have taken are priceless.

      1. No. I don't plan on going back to Miami,

        I agree with speaking. I will learn a different way.

        I prefer to stay in Baltimore and finish my dissertation while building a business, earning money, paying off debts, and savings.

        Being single is good and best for me to accomplish all of this.

    2. would you recommend if I'm just trying to crush my sales job so I can then move onto the self employed avenues and platforms?

    3. I just learned of this incredible opportunity from my friend Betty Torres who just attended your Miami event. When is your next event? As I move up the ranks in my company, I am starting to be asked to do more public speaking engagements in front of very large crowds. I feel very comfortable in smaller groups but when I take that big stage and the Teleprompter doesn’t work or I get last minute direction or time changes or script changes, that’s when I start to panic and lose my confidence. I would love to learn about your next training so I can put it on my calendar for 2020!

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