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You Choose

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 1, 2012

Look around you right now.  If you try, you can find at least 15 things to be grateful for.  But that’s a decision.  Like most everything in life, it comes down to the choices you make.

Choose to notice the wonder all around you, or choose to notice the blemishes.  Choose to see the opportunities, or choose to see the obstacles.  Choose to see why it cannot be done, or choose to see how it could be.  And here’s the really great news…

You get to choose.

- RG

21 comments on “You Choose”

  1. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
    What keeps you awake at night?
    1.) Are you asking for what you want in the positive? For example, do you ask for:
    "no more debt" or for "financial freedom"?
    "a less hectic schedule" or  "time freedom"?
    "to not be fat" or "to be your healthy ideal weight"?
    2.) Are you seeking opportunities to reach those goals?
    If I want to be my healthy ideal weight, and I pray about it... can I just sit back and wait for it to happen? Can I keep eating the same? Can I keep the same exercise habits?
    What got me to being overweight or obese is not going to get me to being a healthy ideal weight.
    So I have to seek... look for ways to be healthy.
    3.) Are you knocking on the door of opportunities?
    If you ask and seek for ways to be healthy but you don't take action, will you achieve your goal?
    You have to take action.
    It is the same with financial freedom... you have to ask for it... you have to want it.... you have to seek it... and you have to take action.
    What do you want in your life?
    Are you asking? seeking? knocking?

  2. And it's a constant creative manifestation, whether by design or default. But I still can't defeat the 'destiny' people who'd say every choice you make is pre-written. LOL Talk about 'victims'!

  3. And it's a constant creative manifestation, whether by design or default. But I still can't defeat the 'destiny' people who'd say every choice you make is pre-written. LOL Talk about 'victims'!

  4. In the Landmark Training they remind you to 'choose what you chose". And like many new concepts, it can be interpreted many ways. But ultimately, it's about BEING a choice you make, rather than simply speaking it. This is why the "I AM" is so powerful. It's a choice but MUST be backed with intention, Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. "I  CHOOSE" now becomes the new "I AM". 

  5. In the Landmark Training they remind you to 'choose what you chose". And like many new concepts, it can be interpreted many ways. But ultimately, it's about BEING a choice you make, rather than simply speaking it. This is why the "I AM" is so powerful. It's a choice but MUST be backed with intention, Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. "I  CHOOSE" now becomes the new "I AM". 

  6. Randy, thank you, it's great! I choose your stuff, blog and books, and I want to manifest my prosperity!!!

  7. Randy, thank you, it's great! I choose your stuff, blog and books, and I want to manifest my prosperity!!!

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  • 21 comments on “You Choose”

    1. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
      What keeps you awake at night?
      1.) Are you asking for what you want in the positive? For example, do you ask for:
      "no more debt" or for "financial freedom"?
      "a less hectic schedule" or  "time freedom"?
      "to not be fat" or "to be your healthy ideal weight"?
      2.) Are you seeking opportunities to reach those goals?
      If I want to be my healthy ideal weight, and I pray about it... can I just sit back and wait for it to happen? Can I keep eating the same? Can I keep the same exercise habits?
      What got me to being overweight or obese is not going to get me to being a healthy ideal weight.
      So I have to seek... look for ways to be healthy.
      3.) Are you knocking on the door of opportunities?
      If you ask and seek for ways to be healthy but you don't take action, will you achieve your goal?
      You have to take action.
      It is the same with financial freedom... you have to ask for it... you have to want it.... you have to seek it... and you have to take action.
      What do you want in your life?
      Are you asking? seeking? knocking?

    2. And it's a constant creative manifestation, whether by design or default. But I still can't defeat the 'destiny' people who'd say every choice you make is pre-written. LOL Talk about 'victims'!

    3. And it's a constant creative manifestation, whether by design or default. But I still can't defeat the 'destiny' people who'd say every choice you make is pre-written. LOL Talk about 'victims'!

    4. In the Landmark Training they remind you to 'choose what you chose". And like many new concepts, it can be interpreted many ways. But ultimately, it's about BEING a choice you make, rather than simply speaking it. This is why the "I AM" is so powerful. It's a choice but MUST be backed with intention, Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. "I  CHOOSE" now becomes the new "I AM". 

    5. In the Landmark Training they remind you to 'choose what you chose". And like many new concepts, it can be interpreted many ways. But ultimately, it's about BEING a choice you make, rather than simply speaking it. This is why the "I AM" is so powerful. It's a choice but MUST be backed with intention, Faith, Purpose and Gratitude. "I  CHOOSE" now becomes the new "I AM". 

    6. Randy, thank you, it's great! I choose your stuff, blog and books, and I want to manifest my prosperity!!!

    7. Randy, thank you, it's great! I choose your stuff, blog and books, and I want to manifest my prosperity!!!

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