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You Can’t Cheat the Universe

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 10, 2011

Last week a friend of mine tried another end rush around the universe.  As long as I know him, he’s always looking for a shortcut to success.  But the only free cheese is in the mousetrap…

Like a lot of people, his issues are self-discipline and character.  And instead of dealing with those core issues, he’s always placing the blame for his lack of results on external factors.

There are a couple readers here on the blog that get sidetracked by similar thinking.  Whenever I talk about wealth and prosperity, they have a visceral, knee jerk reaction, lamenting the evil, mean rich and how they’re exploiting the poor.  But of course the victim and oppressor are co-creators in ignorance.

It’s pleasing to us to believe that we suffer because of our virtue.  We all can trot out the evidence of the rich guy that screwed someone, or the nun who got run over by a garbage truck.  But these superficial instances are not the truth.

No one is entirely good, and no one is entirely evil.  All of us vary along the spectrum in different areas of our lives.  A man may be honest enough to tell the cashier when he gets too much change, but think twice if he finds a wallet with $5,000 in it.  A woman may assist in a homeless shelter, yet cheat on her husband.

You can’t cheat the universe…

Positive thoughts and deeds cannot produce bad results.  Negative thoughts and deeds can never produce good results.  That is the nature of the universe, and it works that way all the time, with no exceptions.  Like we said last week, that doesn’t mean earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis aren’t going to happen; they are.  They too provide a necessary function to the order of the universe.

The secret for you and me is discovering the reasons for the suffering in our lives.  What are the thoughts and deeds we’re having and doing to manifest those less than optimal things?  That’s where the breakthroughs are.


37 comments on “You Can’t Cheat the Universe”

  1. Get outta my head Randy! Haha, just kidding.

    Seriously though, it seems like a lot of times your posts are speaking to me directly.

    This is something that I've been focusing on a lot lately as I go through my process of real change. My new approach towards self-discipline began with taking control over more and more of my thoughts each day. I've noticed that the more control I have over my thoughts, they are more positive and they manifest more positive deeds and events in my life.

    Thank you for posting this Randy.

  2. -RG,

    Some people think that being positive will always be about good things. This is not true. Staying positive will not stop the car from breaking down or other negative things from happening. What it will do is assist you to deal with them, and life.


  3. ..."Positive thoughts and deeds cannot produce bad results. Negative thoughts and deeds can never produce good results. "-it's absolutely true!

  4. This is completely true. I know these words can be harsh, but are necessary. It is aways pleasing to hear words that massage our ego, but sometimes we try to avoid messages like these, wich is why some people stop growing, limiting themselves only to the ''good and kind messages that inflates their egos''.

    Thank you for sharing this, Randy.


  5. Wow, that really hits me. I have a situation right now, that I'm trying to see positively, but in the back corner of myself, part of me is keeping some negative thoughts, while wondering why it isn't working out! But, I'm telling myself I'm being positive....I'm just hiding part of it, (like I knew I couldn't do that!).Part of a I have an excuse to fail..I tried it just didn't work out. I have some *housecleaning* to do, to get all that negative out totally.

  6. You can't cheat the universe... and you can't fool God. Guess it's the same thing, I better relate to the latter. I wish people would get this. Look in the mirror, you are the only one you are fooling besides god and what a waste of life it makes of people. I'd love to hear some success stories on this blog about people who have plunged out of their comfort zones, broke through their fears and are on their way to their lives of abundance.

  7. This little mouse sits in her trap and still knows why the caged bird sings.

    I think you are really right, and wrong all at the same time. You, Randy, are good at judements, (not being judgemental, thats different). Judgements are laws, policy and procedure. You get these right, you see the universal laws. That is what you are talking about in this post right?

    What you fail to do sometimes is truly preceive a situation as it actually is.

    The comment you made to me that made me so angry once, was that Oprah was doing better than you. You can't see how that isn't the entire truth about racial equality in this country. You trotted out this instance as an example of truth when it was convenient you to you and your arguments.

    It is pleasing to you to believe in a rigid universal code, so you don't have to think about the ways in which you might be wrong.

    We are both right and we are both wrong. The universe is expansive leave a little room for mystery.

    1. Randy, I appreciate you. I do appreciate your posts. I appreciate the fact that after reading something you have written, I sometimes have to question beliefs that I hold, beliefs that I always thought were true. You do make me question myself. I'm not a closed book.

      I might be being presumptous, and I am only basing this on Sean's outburst on the other post. I think I might have hurt your feelings. I don't know if that's possible. Sometimes the anonymity of this blog is not a good thing. I think of myself as just a blue outline with an orphans' name. But, I am a real person, and so are you. So, if I did, hurt you or anyone else here, I am sorry.

      I am not sorry about this last post, because I think it might hold some truth. I know what you wrote above was true of me in many ways. I hope you don't mind the challenge.

      If there is something you appreciate about me, could you say it? (yes I am seeking your attention...Well I just am).


      1. Well here's my thoughts...

        I like that you are an independent thinker and aren't afraid to express contrary views. I have no problem with that and like that you bring that element to the blog.

        Then I ask two things:

        Forget the Oprah and all that past hoohaw. We said we were moving on from that and starting over, so let's do that.

        Second just debate the issues we raise. It's not about "catching" me, you, or any other reader. It's about discussing the issues and how we can all learn and grow from them. This isn't just you, but everyone. I know people meant well on the Sunday post trying to hook me up with a date, but that was missing the whole point.

        You love to personalize things, but talking about the adding machine behind me, my shirts and other stuff takes the discussion off of what's important. We want to all explore the different sides of the issues, but do it talking about ideas, not people.


        1. I do overpersonalize things, that is a very good point. And, I am a little embarrassed right now. Oh well, I asked for it, or did I?

          However, you said up their in your post that some of your readers who get sidetracked with similar thinking. Who, by a show of hands, here has been debating that issue with you. I am sitting here raising my hand. So, naturally I believed that included yours truly. Although, I must say I never said anything about just rich people being the opressors. You know me I would never be so black and white.

          Bringing up Oprah might not have been fighting fair. I did think about that later. It was a good point though R. I could say too, that bringing up the fact that their are a couple of readers, knowing some of your followers may think of me, was not all that fair either. You have the whole forum here. People may read or not read my comments anyway.

          I don't know, I think you might be trying to have your cake and eat it too. I hate that expression by the way, especially because it seems like I eat cake, and still have left overs for days. I don't something to think about. So, maybe I will just say that you might be trying to have your blog both ways. Personal when you want it to be, and not personal when maybe you feel threatened?

          How do we separate the man from his ideas? These people love you, with good reason. Much of it is your ideas. Some of it is just you, and I am sure their love feels pretty good, most of the time. Don't try to fool me Annie the actress knows. Remember Roxy Hart in Chicago. To her audience she said "We love loving each other, because none of us had enough love in our childhoods. And that's showbiz kids). Not always true, but pretty on the mark in most cases, at least to some degree.

          Anyway, I have sometimes been personal with you, and sometimes I have just debated the issues. We have both done it, I think anways. But, for you Mr. I will try to control myself.

          Thanks for the words of appreciation, I liked that. I really do appreciate you. So does everyone else, or they wouldn't be here. I am sure they wanted to set you up on a date, just so you would be happy.


  8. Hi Randy,

    I just have one thing to ask about this whole positive thinking your talking about because a lot of times I hear people say to me that they are thinking positive but not attaining the results they want and I think that had a lot to do with the release of the movie The Secret.

    I found many were under the miss conceptions that having a good thought was enough to manifest the car of their dreams or the house or what ever, but you really can't fool the universe because unless your willing to do the work and get into the subconscious programing that your holding no amount of good thoughts are going to re write the script that is creating your reality.

    It's the subconscious that creates and our job is to find out what's there and alter that to our greatest benefits. I wish you would address vibrational frequencies a little more I believe it's important to have an understanding of it and how a person can be operating on two different scales, A conscious scale of positive thinking and a second one which is the one holding on to the limiting programing.

    With Gratitude for the work you do
    Be well 🙂

  9. Hi Randy

    So, you are saying we may each see or experience the same event but we can each perceive it as we choose to "flavor" it?
    We have a choice in our response but is it always congruent with what we would like to believe is our philosohical perspective?

    Brian J.

  10. What do you do when your on the road to being the person you envision (positive & successful) and your loved one is stuck in reverse (in the past) - any suggestions?

    1. If it is alright to add something additional here?

      To Randy’s point – it IS about you, and as long as you stay focused on your own visions, one of several things will eventually happen.

      You will either 1) ‘Outgrow’ your loved one and know when you need to voluntarily make changes to limit or end the relationship, 2) The loved one will remove themselves from your life because you two just don’t operate on the same frequency any longer and they become too uncomfortable, or 3) The positive, successful energy you keep growing more of will become so contagious that they will ‘catch your disease’ and join you on the journey.

      But no matter which of these scenarios become your reality, it really will serve everyone for you to ‘play big’! Remember that whatever is best for YOU, will also be best for THEM - It cannot be any other way. This has been a hard pill for me to swallow and I still work on remnants of it to this day.

      A Hug and an Encouraging ‘Thumbs Up’,


  11. Are you so sure that positive thoughts and deeds can never produce negative results? Or that negative thoughts and deeds always produce negative outcomes? I am not so sure.

    Character and discpline are an interesting topic of discourse..... However, I thought I read on your most popular post, that you had been diagnosed with HIV? Was that a slip up of discipline? Or some kind of poor character trait that lead to something so tragic?

    Not to be mean, but I was putting your only negative outcomes come from negative deeds to the test. If you contracted HIV from having intercourse with someone you deeply loved, then wasn't that a negative result from a positive deed?

    Contracting HIV could also be a positive result too, if it helped you take more disipline in other areas of your life.

    I think many things are positive and negative.


    1. Okay, I am so fucking caught. I lied because I was sure you were Sean. Sorry for lying. I still think you take on different personas here. But, I shouldn't have done it. God, I am a huge idiot. I hope people are enjoying this drama to some extent. As for me I should probably just drop off the face of the earth now. But, I wont. promise.

      By the way, that is the first time I have ever done that. If you do it Randy, don't say it. I love how I always make the point of your posts, just by being me. I guess the Universe caught me.

  12. On some days I have a lot more negative thoughts than others and despite being aware of it, struggle to shake it off. I end up having a conversation in my head with two sides - one being miserable, the other trying to talk myself out of it and pointing out that life is actually quite good.

    I've noticed that certain environments as well as certain aspects about health seem to encourage this negativity. I make a point of avoiding the environments that obviously don't bring out the best in me and I put great effort towards ensuring the best possible health. That sets me up for the best possible self-talk and then the results flow from there.

  13. Glenda Feilen said " You can make money or you can make excusses. But you can not make them both". She said it about money but it fits to all areas of our life, cos there is nothing outside us ( another great sentence). Positive thoughts are giving positive results. No more, no less cos like attracts like. It really works but you need to have faith, read signs and take action. Thank you Randy for being here.

  14. Hi Randy,
    I appreciate you trying to get a handle on this blog. I have enjoyed your topics and hope I have been able to give back some wisdom. I have decided to sign off this blog. Nothing personal, just find it time to move on to blogs that are more suited for me. Happy New Year, all, and you are all in great hands with Randy Gage. Take care.

  15. Good thoughts and good actions will always produce great results ! 😉 I love these blogs! Thank you Randy!

    With much appreciation,
    Toby brand

  16. And by the way for EVERYONE: I would never sign in under another name and stir up controversy. I have plenty of you around that do that already. And please don't anyone else use any more "stage names." If you can't stand behind your comments, rethink making them.


    1. I can stand behind my comments. I just did it because I thought you had. Actually, someone suggested to me that you had. I don't usually have such devious thoughts. I don't really think you do either.

      So, I have used up all my chances, and I will go away for awhile. I will come back when I am not so something.... Sorry RG. I will just read and practice self discipline. Oh ewww what a mess. Please excuse me and my bad behavior.

      So let that be a lesson(to all you other participants). Don't do what I may get caught and curse and other embarassing things.

      This is possibly one of the most humiliating moments in my life. I will find some rock to crawl under. And instead of writing here, I will do something to improve myself with my free time.

  17. Trying to cheat to anything is never never never worth it! There are no short cuts to personal growth & success, everything takes hard persistent work and a lot of courage in facing your fears! The universe rewards you nicely when you het out of your comfort zone and stop making excuses for all your head trash!

  18. Wow, what a discussion!

    What might be necessary is a dose of healing, self-forgiveness and self-responsibility.

    We have choices about our suffering and it all starts with a commitment to do the inner work. There are two things that might help one to understand 1) that the past can not be changed, but instead learn from it. 2) I can not change people (nor would I want to- it is an energy drainer), but the good news is that I can transform into the person that serves my higher self.

    I discover that I must always be ware of how I respond rather than react.

    Free yourself,

  19. I absolutely love the fact I have found this Blog, or it has found me. I truly resonate with the simplicity of your statements. Good thoughts and good actions will always produce great results! Yet they provide such profound results both negative or yep positive dependent on where you head and thoughts are at!! Very cool!

  20. Great post, Randy. If there are circumstances in life that are less than ideal, knowing that you created them, not someone else, is the first step to transformation. It's so simple yet profound -- your circumstances mirror your thoughts! Think differently and outer reality will change to reflect your new beliefs. Thanks for all that you do for others.

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  • 37 comments on “You Can’t Cheat the Universe”

    1. Get outta my head Randy! Haha, just kidding.

      Seriously though, it seems like a lot of times your posts are speaking to me directly.

      This is something that I've been focusing on a lot lately as I go through my process of real change. My new approach towards self-discipline began with taking control over more and more of my thoughts each day. I've noticed that the more control I have over my thoughts, they are more positive and they manifest more positive deeds and events in my life.

      Thank you for posting this Randy.

    2. -RG,

      Some people think that being positive will always be about good things. This is not true. Staying positive will not stop the car from breaking down or other negative things from happening. What it will do is assist you to deal with them, and life.


    3. ..."Positive thoughts and deeds cannot produce bad results. Negative thoughts and deeds can never produce good results. "-it's absolutely true!

    4. This is completely true. I know these words can be harsh, but are necessary. It is aways pleasing to hear words that massage our ego, but sometimes we try to avoid messages like these, wich is why some people stop growing, limiting themselves only to the ''good and kind messages that inflates their egos''.

      Thank you for sharing this, Randy.


    5. Wow, that really hits me. I have a situation right now, that I'm trying to see positively, but in the back corner of myself, part of me is keeping some negative thoughts, while wondering why it isn't working out! But, I'm telling myself I'm being positive....I'm just hiding part of it, (like I knew I couldn't do that!).Part of a I have an excuse to fail..I tried it just didn't work out. I have some *housecleaning* to do, to get all that negative out totally.

    6. You can't cheat the universe... and you can't fool God. Guess it's the same thing, I better relate to the latter. I wish people would get this. Look in the mirror, you are the only one you are fooling besides god and what a waste of life it makes of people. I'd love to hear some success stories on this blog about people who have plunged out of their comfort zones, broke through their fears and are on their way to their lives of abundance.

    7. This little mouse sits in her trap and still knows why the caged bird sings.

      I think you are really right, and wrong all at the same time. You, Randy, are good at judements, (not being judgemental, thats different). Judgements are laws, policy and procedure. You get these right, you see the universal laws. That is what you are talking about in this post right?

      What you fail to do sometimes is truly preceive a situation as it actually is.

      The comment you made to me that made me so angry once, was that Oprah was doing better than you. You can't see how that isn't the entire truth about racial equality in this country. You trotted out this instance as an example of truth when it was convenient you to you and your arguments.

      It is pleasing to you to believe in a rigid universal code, so you don't have to think about the ways in which you might be wrong.

      We are both right and we are both wrong. The universe is expansive leave a little room for mystery.

      1. Randy, I appreciate you. I do appreciate your posts. I appreciate the fact that after reading something you have written, I sometimes have to question beliefs that I hold, beliefs that I always thought were true. You do make me question myself. I'm not a closed book.

        I might be being presumptous, and I am only basing this on Sean's outburst on the other post. I think I might have hurt your feelings. I don't know if that's possible. Sometimes the anonymity of this blog is not a good thing. I think of myself as just a blue outline with an orphans' name. But, I am a real person, and so are you. So, if I did, hurt you or anyone else here, I am sorry.

        I am not sorry about this last post, because I think it might hold some truth. I know what you wrote above was true of me in many ways. I hope you don't mind the challenge.

        If there is something you appreciate about me, could you say it? (yes I am seeking your attention...Well I just am).


        1. Well here's my thoughts...

          I like that you are an independent thinker and aren't afraid to express contrary views. I have no problem with that and like that you bring that element to the blog.

          Then I ask two things:

          Forget the Oprah and all that past hoohaw. We said we were moving on from that and starting over, so let's do that.

          Second just debate the issues we raise. It's not about "catching" me, you, or any other reader. It's about discussing the issues and how we can all learn and grow from them. This isn't just you, but everyone. I know people meant well on the Sunday post trying to hook me up with a date, but that was missing the whole point.

          You love to personalize things, but talking about the adding machine behind me, my shirts and other stuff takes the discussion off of what's important. We want to all explore the different sides of the issues, but do it talking about ideas, not people.


          1. I do overpersonalize things, that is a very good point. And, I am a little embarrassed right now. Oh well, I asked for it, or did I?

            However, you said up their in your post that some of your readers who get sidetracked with similar thinking. Who, by a show of hands, here has been debating that issue with you. I am sitting here raising my hand. So, naturally I believed that included yours truly. Although, I must say I never said anything about just rich people being the opressors. You know me I would never be so black and white.

            Bringing up Oprah might not have been fighting fair. I did think about that later. It was a good point though R. I could say too, that bringing up the fact that their are a couple of readers, knowing some of your followers may think of me, was not all that fair either. You have the whole forum here. People may read or not read my comments anyway.

            I don't know, I think you might be trying to have your cake and eat it too. I hate that expression by the way, especially because it seems like I eat cake, and still have left overs for days. I don't something to think about. So, maybe I will just say that you might be trying to have your blog both ways. Personal when you want it to be, and not personal when maybe you feel threatened?

            How do we separate the man from his ideas? These people love you, with good reason. Much of it is your ideas. Some of it is just you, and I am sure their love feels pretty good, most of the time. Don't try to fool me Annie the actress knows. Remember Roxy Hart in Chicago. To her audience she said "We love loving each other, because none of us had enough love in our childhoods. And that's showbiz kids). Not always true, but pretty on the mark in most cases, at least to some degree.

            Anyway, I have sometimes been personal with you, and sometimes I have just debated the issues. We have both done it, I think anways. But, for you Mr. I will try to control myself.

            Thanks for the words of appreciation, I liked that. I really do appreciate you. So does everyone else, or they wouldn't be here. I am sure they wanted to set you up on a date, just so you would be happy.


    8. Hi Randy,

      I just have one thing to ask about this whole positive thinking your talking about because a lot of times I hear people say to me that they are thinking positive but not attaining the results they want and I think that had a lot to do with the release of the movie The Secret.

      I found many were under the miss conceptions that having a good thought was enough to manifest the car of their dreams or the house or what ever, but you really can't fool the universe because unless your willing to do the work and get into the subconscious programing that your holding no amount of good thoughts are going to re write the script that is creating your reality.

      It's the subconscious that creates and our job is to find out what's there and alter that to our greatest benefits. I wish you would address vibrational frequencies a little more I believe it's important to have an understanding of it and how a person can be operating on two different scales, A conscious scale of positive thinking and a second one which is the one holding on to the limiting programing.

      With Gratitude for the work you do
      Be well 🙂

    9. Hi Randy

      So, you are saying we may each see or experience the same event but we can each perceive it as we choose to "flavor" it?
      We have a choice in our response but is it always congruent with what we would like to believe is our philosohical perspective?

      Brian J.

    10. What do you do when your on the road to being the person you envision (positive & successful) and your loved one is stuck in reverse (in the past) - any suggestions?

      1. If it is alright to add something additional here?

        To Randy’s point – it IS about you, and as long as you stay focused on your own visions, one of several things will eventually happen.

        You will either 1) ‘Outgrow’ your loved one and know when you need to voluntarily make changes to limit or end the relationship, 2) The loved one will remove themselves from your life because you two just don’t operate on the same frequency any longer and they become too uncomfortable, or 3) The positive, successful energy you keep growing more of will become so contagious that they will ‘catch your disease’ and join you on the journey.

        But no matter which of these scenarios become your reality, it really will serve everyone for you to ‘play big’! Remember that whatever is best for YOU, will also be best for THEM - It cannot be any other way. This has been a hard pill for me to swallow and I still work on remnants of it to this day.

        A Hug and an Encouraging ‘Thumbs Up’,


    11. Are you so sure that positive thoughts and deeds can never produce negative results? Or that negative thoughts and deeds always produce negative outcomes? I am not so sure.

      Character and discpline are an interesting topic of discourse..... However, I thought I read on your most popular post, that you had been diagnosed with HIV? Was that a slip up of discipline? Or some kind of poor character trait that lead to something so tragic?

      Not to be mean, but I was putting your only negative outcomes come from negative deeds to the test. If you contracted HIV from having intercourse with someone you deeply loved, then wasn't that a negative result from a positive deed?

      Contracting HIV could also be a positive result too, if it helped you take more disipline in other areas of your life.

      I think many things are positive and negative.


      1. Okay, I am so fucking caught. I lied because I was sure you were Sean. Sorry for lying. I still think you take on different personas here. But, I shouldn't have done it. God, I am a huge idiot. I hope people are enjoying this drama to some extent. As for me I should probably just drop off the face of the earth now. But, I wont. promise.

        By the way, that is the first time I have ever done that. If you do it Randy, don't say it. I love how I always make the point of your posts, just by being me. I guess the Universe caught me.

    12. On some days I have a lot more negative thoughts than others and despite being aware of it, struggle to shake it off. I end up having a conversation in my head with two sides - one being miserable, the other trying to talk myself out of it and pointing out that life is actually quite good.

      I've noticed that certain environments as well as certain aspects about health seem to encourage this negativity. I make a point of avoiding the environments that obviously don't bring out the best in me and I put great effort towards ensuring the best possible health. That sets me up for the best possible self-talk and then the results flow from there.

    13. Glenda Feilen said " You can make money or you can make excusses. But you can not make them both". She said it about money but it fits to all areas of our life, cos there is nothing outside us ( another great sentence). Positive thoughts are giving positive results. No more, no less cos like attracts like. It really works but you need to have faith, read signs and take action. Thank you Randy for being here.

    14. Hi Randy,
      I appreciate you trying to get a handle on this blog. I have enjoyed your topics and hope I have been able to give back some wisdom. I have decided to sign off this blog. Nothing personal, just find it time to move on to blogs that are more suited for me. Happy New Year, all, and you are all in great hands with Randy Gage. Take care.

    15. Good thoughts and good actions will always produce great results ! 😉 I love these blogs! Thank you Randy!

      With much appreciation,
      Toby brand

    16. And by the way for EVERYONE: I would never sign in under another name and stir up controversy. I have plenty of you around that do that already. And please don't anyone else use any more "stage names." If you can't stand behind your comments, rethink making them.


      1. I can stand behind my comments. I just did it because I thought you had. Actually, someone suggested to me that you had. I don't usually have such devious thoughts. I don't really think you do either.

        So, I have used up all my chances, and I will go away for awhile. I will come back when I am not so something.... Sorry RG. I will just read and practice self discipline. Oh ewww what a mess. Please excuse me and my bad behavior.

        So let that be a lesson(to all you other participants). Don't do what I may get caught and curse and other embarassing things.

        This is possibly one of the most humiliating moments in my life. I will find some rock to crawl under. And instead of writing here, I will do something to improve myself with my free time.

    17. Trying to cheat to anything is never never never worth it! There are no short cuts to personal growth & success, everything takes hard persistent work and a lot of courage in facing your fears! The universe rewards you nicely when you het out of your comfort zone and stop making excuses for all your head trash!

    18. Wow, what a discussion!

      What might be necessary is a dose of healing, self-forgiveness and self-responsibility.

      We have choices about our suffering and it all starts with a commitment to do the inner work. There are two things that might help one to understand 1) that the past can not be changed, but instead learn from it. 2) I can not change people (nor would I want to- it is an energy drainer), but the good news is that I can transform into the person that serves my higher self.

      I discover that I must always be ware of how I respond rather than react.

      Free yourself,

    19. I absolutely love the fact I have found this Blog, or it has found me. I truly resonate with the simplicity of your statements. Good thoughts and good actions will always produce great results! Yet they provide such profound results both negative or yep positive dependent on where you head and thoughts are at!! Very cool!

    20. Great post, Randy. If there are circumstances in life that are less than ideal, knowing that you created them, not someone else, is the first step to transformation. It's so simple yet profound -- your circumstances mirror your thoughts! Think differently and outer reality will change to reflect your new beliefs. Thanks for all that you do for others.

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