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Would You Kill for Prosperity?

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 20, 2011

Serious question:  Is it ever prosperous to kill someone?  And would you kill a tyrant or terrorist to liberate a people?

This all began with the great discussion on yesterday’s post on being rational or reactive.  It turned into an even better lesson for me today, when I heard the news about the death of Colonel Gaddafi.  After I heard the news, I tweeted a snarky comment about Castro being next.

It got a big response with a lot of re-tweets, going viral and a number of people marking it as a favorite.  But several followers chastised me, saying that it wasn’t very prosperous.

Guilty as charged.

I was being reactive.  Having lived so closely with Cubans for so long, the repression the Castro brothers have inflicted on the Cuban people tears a hole in my heart.   Even today, many drown on makeshift rafts in a desperate bid for freedom and human dignity.

I remember the frustration and rage I felt back in the 80’s trying to help people smuggle medicine, basic necessities, and even small Christmas gifts for the kids there.  I wondered often why no one on the island put a bullet into Castro’s head, and vowed I would do it if I had the chance.

Fast forward to today, and my current consciousness as a prosperity teacher…

I pray for peace every day.  Believe in the power of love.  Preach the power of forgiveness.  But if I were alone in a room with the Castro brothers, would I take the chance to kill them to liberate the Cuban people?

I don’t know.  I’d like to think I would rise above my base reactions and work from a higher consciousness.   But if the death of one person could liberate millions of others from evil and tyranny, could the prosperous thing be to kill them, if other political options weren’t working?

I’d love to give you the pat prosperity answer; what the right thing to do would be.  But I don’t know what I would do.

I once had a man holding a gun on me.  I opted for peace and reason.  That choice brought me a bullet and coming within a sliver from death.

I forgave that man.  But if I face the situation again, I will kill the person to defend myself, and not chance another miraculous survival.

I think we all agree that it is ethically and morally right to defend yourself with deadly force if you or your loved ones are threatened.  Now extend that logic out to a people or a country.  Facing a terrorist like bin Laden or a tyrant like Gaddafi or Castro.

Forget the politics and morality of nations.  Where does prosperity consciousness apply to individuals?

So let’s go back to the questions we started with... 

Is it ever prosperous to kill someone?  And would you kill a tyrant or terrorist to liberate a people?

- RG

55 comments on “Would You Kill for Prosperity?”

  1. Ding dong the witch is dead. About time they got him. I personally don't condone violence. But when a bad man is holding millions hostage, I can't see it being a bad idea.

  2. My mind says No, it is not good to kill for prosperity.

    Then I look at natural order, and karma. How are despots done away with, usually? What you dish out comes back in some way, shape or form.

    If you live by the sword, you will likely die by the sword too. Maybe it's not prosperous, but karma can be a real problem in a perfect and orderly Universe....and since the Universe is perfect and orderly, we can get past appearances and look at Ghadaffi's demise as a harsh but orderly instance of sowing and reaping.

  3. Correction : I once had a man holding a GUN on me .

    Selective liberation kind of smells of oily prosperity , if you get my drift. There are many other tyrants causing even bigger problems who are not being knocked off to ` liberate` the people. This is just the usual old wine in new bottles of replacing ` some bastard` with ` our bastard` . 10 years down the road, 2 other countries that were liberated are still struggling.

    1. I do get your drift. Many of the thoughts expressed here look at situations in a simplistic black and white mode. Perhaps I can add some balance. I see no need to be politically correct.

      To add some balance I will indirectly encourage you to review the ideals many of you may perceive the people under the tryants aspire to....and compare them with what follows in practice.

      In the country I live in, which has been a democracy since Independence in 1962 if you have kidney failure and no money for dialysis the odds of dying of kidney failure are very high. In Cuba the odds of getting dialysis or a kidney transplant are much more likely. I have colleagues who studied in Cuba and I've spoken with Cubans who live there so I know.

      In the country of my birth, the UK, folks pay for their tertiary education. In Libya this was paid for under Gaddafi and I hope this will not change with the new regime.

      In the Great USA people go broke and suffer on account of a health system that does not work and people's health is ruined by an FDA and a system that is a puppet of Big Pharma and Big Seeds (Monsanto) not to mention Big Milk and Big Junk Food. In Libya there health care is free.

      I'm all for democracy and free speech. But by God I hope for Libya and any other country embarking on the path of democracy, a democracy where the health and education system work (they don't have to be 100% fee in order to work) and corruption, abuse of scientific research and a lack of integrity are unable to dominate the system.

      These things make democracy look like a farce.

      1. Yes, yes! I so agree with you. A democracy is not complete in my opinion either, without free health care and an education system that works everywhere for everyone.

      2. Amanda, I am sure you are not misleading people on purpose. Foreigners that go to Cuba for treatment or to study medicine enter into a different world not available to Cubans. It is all a facade for the world. People like you assume that the same level of treatment is available to the common citizen. It is not. The cuban that needs a kidney or a new heart will die. A Cuban
        that goes to a hospital has to take their own sheets, soap and whatever they will need while in the hospital. They have no medicines,mnot even anesthesia for major operations. Foreigners are a different story. Cuba has one of the worst health care systems in the world. A 52 year old authoritarian dictatorship has destroyed what once (1958) onemofmthe most advanced countries in the world. Go to theUnited Nations statistics and compare Cuba now and then. A 52 year murderous dictatorship should never be defended. Regards

  4. Sjoe, Randy
    Some huge questions. To kill someone for money/prosperity is simply murder. So the answer on that one is a definite no. The second question in killing a tyrant or terrorist to liberate people is not that easy. Here is my reasoning. It boils down to cost. I am not for the tyrant or the terrorist right, but am asking what is the cost of liberation. I am also not referering to physical cost alone, but also to emotional cost. If we take Libya for example. The physical cost of destruction is huge not to mention the emotional cost of people now living with the lost of loved one’s ect.
    For the rest of the world it is great that another tyrant bit the dust, we marvel at the newspapers but do we realize the cost associated with it?
    So for me the moral answer with my heart would be yes, lets rid the world of the baddies, but the logic answer with my head is not so simple…

  5. Hey Randy,

    This is gonna be a long answer. You're asking a lot of questions.

    I looked up prosperous before posting. The general idea was bringing wealth and success. Without defining those terms, let's just say that the answer is yes. Even murder for insurance money would bring wealth.

    Note that I'm not talking about morality. Just whether or not it could bring wealth. And if success was the defined by the end of that person's life, it's also prosperous.

    You say that you'd like to think that you'd rise above your base reactions and work from a higher consciousness. Cool. But you still might decide to kill him based on a conscious thought process.

    If killing Castro would "liberate millions from evil and tyranny" that alone would not be prosperous. If the people were to use their new found freedom to initiate economic activity and increase their wealth and success, then the killing would result in prosperity.

    Killing him would not be prosperous for you unless you were paid to kill him.

    Killing someone is not "a political option". In the case of killing a sitting leader of a country, it's probably an act of war.

    So asking if it's OK to kill someone if political efforts (diplomatic would probably be a better word) fail, is not a point for consideration.

    It's a very dangerous idea to consider killing off the heads of other countries until the people finally put someone in there who would agree with the politics of the country that had him killed.

    Or even installing a government that was "on the same side" as the country that killed him.

    Mull that over for a few.

    A more accurate question would be "Is it ok to kill someone who just won't agree with me and behave differently." (even though or maybe even because his actions affect many people)

    Not everyone agrees that you have the right to defend yourself at all, let alone with deadly force. Believe it or not, it's true. There is a group called the Anti-Self Defense League or something like that.

    I do believe that self-defense is a right you're born with that follows naturally from the fact that you're alive.

    Prosperity consciousness and prosperity are 2 different things.

    Is it ever prosperous to kill someone? Yes, if killing them leads to an increase in wealth and success.

    Your last question is almost impossible to answer because there is a huge amount of possible outcomes to consider in any particular case.

    I wanted to give a better answer than that, but this is long enough already and a discussion like this could last years 🙂

    That's about all I can say about this right now.

  6. I am absolutely convinced that the world is perfect. All things happen for a reason. And we make the mistake of trying to figure out how that works. We can't. For those of you who believe; it even says in the Bible that no-one understands God's ways AND that God is good. So we shouldn't even try, just believe that everything IS good and have faith that everything WILL turn out good.
    And in my opinion THAT is what free will is all about: Choosing to have unlimited faith in the goodness of the universe or choosing to fight and thereby delaying the inevitable outcome.

  7. To commit a greater evil to eliminate another one is NOT a relief nor a way to prosperity. We tend to forget, for example, that tyrannic head of states have often been put in place in the first instance by the people themselves. What they get afterward is maybe what they deserve.

    1. (SORRY pressed the wrong button, so continue here)
      Supressors that kills so many people, should they be allowed to do that? Would "not killing" them if you had the chance make you responsible for the lives taken by those? I do not know if I would be able to either, but somehow my reason says that allowing them to continue, makes you responsible for that persons actions too. I would like to think that it could be solved in another way 🙂

  8. The world must continually rid itself of dictators, fore dictators want to control, with force, the world. History constantly repeats itself because human behaviour changes little over time. There will always be a new dictator ready to push down upon his people in order to rise above any opposition.

    Whether it is right, on a prosperous level, to kill the tyrant, I imagine each person will have to come to terms and decide upon personal judgement. Each case will differ depending on the closeness to the regime.

    I feel certain the vast majority of the allied forces would have gladly and willingly pulled the trigger to cut short Hitler's life. The same would follow today for any war-torn country.

    Randy, in Miami, is close to the Cuban situation, I am from London so I do not share his intimate closeness to the struggles under the Cuban-heel of Castro's bullies.

    Would I take the 'shot' if I was at the heart of a despot country struggle. . .yes, I believe I would. However, would I question that decision in the following years. . .Yes, I believe I would. But I would still take the shot to end bitter bloodshed.

    Today I live in Tokyo, and although the second world war is rarely the subject of conversation, the debate rages on whether the atom bomb should have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Without question the tyranny ended that same day and peace quickly followed. The atom bomb was in effect a bullet fired through the heart of the nation and the killing was stopped, so saving the lives of millions of Japanese and lives of the fighting allied troops.

    Peace comes at the expense of war; all war brings peace and all peace ends in war, this is the historic roller-coaster we ride. All dictators are eventually killed, very few live happily into old age looking out to sea from their coastal villa.

    It matters little if you are not prepared to pull the trigger and end the life of the tyrant because you will never place yourself in that situation. But those who do put themselves in the centre of the affray are prepared to end the life of the insane leader. Fortunately, that will not be me nor will it be you.

    Would I take the shot? Yes.

    1. Well said. I would add, that unfortunately, things don't generally change in the way we would hope them to change because the oppressed people do not suddenly change and understand how to take advantage of the relief of oppression.

      Also, sadly there is usually another opressor waiting in the wings to replace the old one. Case in point...Sadam Hussein was put in place with the help and blessing of the U.S. Good intent perhaps...perhaps hoping to improve life there and also to have an ally to help increase their own properity (generally the case).

      As is often the case, Randy has asked a very complex question, with no right answer.

      I pray with all my heart that the end of the Ghadaffi regime will open up the hearts and minds of all of Libya's people to prosperity and peace.

      Would I take the shot? I'd like to think I would never kill another, but I have never truly suffered terror, or feared for my life or the lives of my loved ones. Under certain circumstances, I probably would take that shot if I believed that it would make a lasting and positive difference, or save others. That being said, I would suffer personally after making that choice.

      I hope a day comes when such thoughts are not even in our consciousness.

  9. When I was a child I thought about this question and I would have killed the dictator. Now, I am committed to not killing. I hope I never do. By saying hope, I recognise that I don't always behave as I ideally would and that I realise that perhaps I could in the situation, but I no longer believe it is the right thing. That belief has protected me already, as it has taken away the urge towards violence. I don't ever threaten people with harm. I might insult but I never threaten, whereas people who would kill do threaten if they are threatened. That's what I have noticed. I would still jail the dictator, and constrain him if it was in my power. I do agree with that.

  10. The victims of oppression are co-creators of their situation. I suppose that killing the oppressor would mean that that mass of people had changed their prosperity and had invited that event into their lives. Whether it permanently changes their lives or whether another oppressor takes their place remains to be seen.

    If an individual feels better for that act of murder, then who am I to judge? The murderer, the oppressor and the victims have all co-created their situation for better or for worse. Perhaps an act of murder could be a prosperous act in certain situations.

    Would I kill if I was personally threatened? Absolutely, and I'm not saying that because I'm naive about the consequences of pulling the trigger. Would I kill a tyrant? At this point in my life I can't imagine doing so because I'm not passionate about such a cause.

  11. Well, Randy. My question would be: why, in the first place, feel the need or possibility of taking other human being's life. Life gives us a determined period of time. Both, life and time, as well as true health, are our most valuable asset. We all make mistakes in life. Big and small mistakes every day. Would it make each of us a better person to kill someone? Would we accept an assasin as our friend? How many times have you solved other people's problems -in this case, taking an obstacle (the dictator) off the road for someone else- being the outcome what you desired to be? I remember, everyday, as I'm alive, I can choose, I can correct, I can be a better person than I was yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade. And so are they.

    I highly recommedn "The Spirituality of Success", by Vincent M. Roazzi
    Free chapter 1:

    Let us be blessed!!! And let's build an extraordinary day!!!

  12. Killing the Dictator will just create a void for another dictator to fill. The people need to strike at the root of their oppression.

    Was Gaddafi the reason for oppression OR the excuse for oppression? I would argue the later.

  13. Victims or Victor? This may tickle some feathers, but I recall the quote are people Volunteered Victims? How could 1 man, Osama, Ghadaffi, Sadam, control and hold down a mass of people without volunteer or acceptance?
    Also by choosing to eliminating this one source may moral fulfill certain egos, based on Universal Law what are the consequences? How can we label the less fortunate in America although they may have more opportunities lazy volunteer weak minded, but other country less fortunate victims?
    Just my thought, Universal Natural Law is Universal, and everyone have choices on being a Victim/Slave or Not. Please explain your double standard.

  14. What a topic!

    Wow, I have to say that even though I was born in Cuba, and have personally lived the suffering that the two Castro brothers have put so many through, that with the consciousness I have today it appears to me to be a mentality that is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth so where does it stop?

    My parents lived with the dream of returning to the land they loved one day, instead they passed on here in the United States but you always reiterate critical thinking, each of us has to do what is best in their mind for them in the moment they experience it and what may be good one day is not necessarily good the next.

    I reached a place where my heart chakra has opened to love and compassion and see us as one, while I agree that we have to protect our self and there are dark forces at hand, I don't rejoice in the killing of another human being, seeing the video that is all over the internet of Gaddafi being beaten and killed was disturbing I had to turn it off.

    How does killing another human being help as as a species to advance?

  15. Randy,
    This is a good one. I had a unique experience when I was camping one time, just me and my girlfriend. A black bear came into our campground and woke us up by sniffing around the tent. Before then, I never knew that the 'killing-defensive' instinct was in me. Without question, I was ready and willing to do whatever was necessary to protect my girlfriend should anything come out. The killer instinct is real and I am guessing is just that, instinct. Part of our DNA. Now, since killing is so commonly viewed as bad, since most things we kill are plants, we don't feel so bad about them because we don't associate them with something. Plants breathe, we just don't see it. There is that disconnect. But death has this perception of being bad and that I see as the real issue. Death is transition. We can choose to accept that or we can live in old dogma. That is my in-connection response. My out-of-connection response is that the people of whatever 'horrible' regime we are talking about are living in their own memes and beliefs. Killing their leader can, but often does not stop their ways. It is their habit. As we know, these habits can change, but it can take a bit. But growth and change of habit is possible. The former Soviet Union countries are a great example of change (good or bad is up to you), but change regardless. Enjoy your weekend. I love your posts, brother.

  16. I don't think that we can ever judge others. We are not in their shoes, but, I do think this would have been better if he had been brought in alive. He was in a position where capture alive was certainly possible.

  17. D.E.S. i will do it even more if i were cuban, I am from latin america and all my life i have seen what Castros bros have done...i have many Cuban friends and what they say is awful. Now Chavez in Venezuela.
    You reap what you sow

  18. Neither one! We all are one. Is it ever prosperous to kill part of you yourself?
    Where is it written that we came here to judge even if it's just part of us? Who ever told you so?
    I think we came to shine, to love, never to judge. How can we judge if we don´t know what's one play?
    I'd rather sing Imagine by John Lenon, love people and be prosperous than judge or kill part of me.
    We can do our part without bringing more karma to cease our prosperity.
    Power to the people, love's in the air!

  19. I think there may be an epic Russian Novel about this topic. At any rate my favorite film is "Love and Death". It is a Woody Allen film where he has to decide if he can kill Napolean Bonapart. Very Funny, and he as always he tackles deeper questions, like the one you are posing.

    There is no easy answer here. I think maybe each situation requires a different response. I would say in general killing is not prosperous. But, I suppose under the right circumstance it is neccessary.

    The bigger question is when is it right to kill. How do you know? I don't know, but I do know that not having a knee jerk reaction would be necessary in an event like that.

    As for Gaddafi, I don't know enough to make a judgement. But, I hope for the people of Lybia they can have a democracy and not another dictatorship.

    I guess my answer is there is time for everything. There is even a time when killing might be the right thing. But, let's hope it is only done when absolutely neccessary. That takes lots of wisdom and discernment, the kind like Yoda has. 🙂

  20. My question is, who of the people reading this post will ever be faced with this dilemma, to kill or not to kill the tyrant. I believe, none of us, so why even go there? As some comments point out, the tyrant doesn't appear out of the blue, it is mass consciousness that produces him. It's a very complex problem, and fortunately we are not asked to evaluate or make decisions about these situations. We have enough with our own lives. All we can ask is, where is the part in myself that's even just a little bit like this tyrant, that is so insecure it needs to hoard power and excess, and feels so separate and afraid from others it desperately needs to control them. When you find that part in you, don't kill it, but have compassion for how it grew that way, ask for Gods grace, then willingly forgive it and let go. If everyone would do this when they hear the news about another bad guy being killed, I believe we could make progress towards prosperity and freedom than by asking ourselves if it is prosperous to kill for prosperity.

  21. My first thought is this: if I were acting without conscience and harming so many in a vicious, cruel, torturous kind of way, I would hope someone would kill me to less the damage to my own soul! But not out of revenge or anger...just to stop me.

    If a rabid dog were going after children you shoot the dog not because you hate the dog or do not have sympathy for the shoot it because the dog is unreachable at that time and you are making a quick decision to save the children. If you had more time, more options you would treat the situation with more humanity. Perhaps you cure the dog or let him live out a life without harm to himself or others.

    I think we should treat all of life with humanity even if life isn't acting humane. But that doesn't mean that eliminates the option of killing when there is no other option. But I don't think the average person should have license to kill either or everyone may go around making stupid judgements on everyone!

  22. This is an interesting topic that definitely makes one think about big decisions.

    What if you're serving in the armed forces? Does it become right or ok then?

    This of this scenario: what if instead of the brave seal team six killing Osama Bin Laden, by some crazy chance a widow of the 9/11 attack found him and strangled him to death. does that change how you feel about his death? What does it make you think about that woman?

    1. Hi Trey from all the well thought of responses and the topic itself yours was the reply I related the most to. How come? From your two scenarios those acting are facing real dicissions to make. 
      What those shouting from the 'stands' about how the game should be played has got no effect on how the ball is hit. Why not? Answer is simple yet profound: time. The shouting is about something that just has happened. It's after the action. The player is in realtime.

      So jou see I am arrogant to say most responses are made from 'the stands'.



  23. The biggest problem with killing other people is that it will never end. Who decides who is evil or good. So I have to say that it is not very much Prosperity in killing even a tyrant as Bin Laden or Gaddafi.

  24. Who gets to make the judgement who is a tyrant and who is a terrorist? Many people in other parts of the world would label certain present and past American leaders as tyrants and terrorists. Who gets to decide?

  25. Wow Rady you always surprise me when you get out of your prosperity Info!! So you must believe the old testament over the new "eye for an eye" rather than "turn the other cheek". At your Americanism is showing. One mans terrorist is another man freedom fighter depend who's side your on. Tnk of all the White Male's who have terrorized people of color in the past. If he main culprits of these acts would have been killed would have stopped No the ugly head of ignorance and "supremacy" would still rise! I believe we conquer threw love and creating our reality. Best to be a fighter who is ready to die than kill. Ask Martin and Gandhi!!

  26. Randy I keep thinking about this topic. It was a good post. It inspired lot of intelligent and interesting comments.

    You know, do you think you have a knee jerk reaction just to communism and cuba because of the people from cuba that you saw suffering?

    I think there is much still to learn about Cuba, and how communisim has and has not worked there. But, I can understand how you would want to kill Castro, having seen people you care about be hurt.

    I said before not having a knee jerk reaction requires knoweledge and empathy. I think it applies here also.

    As for defending yourself against someone who pulls a gun on you...YES! Protect yourself anyway possible. I think that you want to do that now is good. It means you really value...Yourself.:)

  27. A most provocative post…….

    Here’s my 2 cents:

    Randy advocates that Critical Thinking is a crucial ingredient of Prosperity Consciousness and not to get caught up in anti-prosperity memes in TV programs, movies, etc.

    I would submit that the greatest memes of all occur in what we naively call “news.” Most US news today is little more than psyops.

    Let’s review the event under consideration on this blog:

    A Brutal Dictator (Ghaddafi) oppresses some of his people who are peacefully protesting and there is fear for their safety (or lives). A “humanitarian intervention” is necessary, led by the US and NATO (US, of course is the leader of NATO). This will not be a “war,” only a “kinetic military action.” It will only last a few weeks, at most.

    In a war that goes on for several months thousands of tons of bombs are dropped; thousand of people are killed; cities are destroyed, as US and NATO supply and back a motely group of "rebels." Finally the Brutal Dictator is found, captured, dragged through the streets on the hood of a pick up truck, and eventually shot in the head.

    What a great example of exporting our Principles of “democracy and rule of law” around the world! Maybe Ghaddafi was a total scumbag—but isn’t one of our core Principles that a criminal deserves a fair trial—and sentence to be carried out AFTER the trial rather than before? Heck—even the Nazis got trials at Nuremberg

    Meanwhile, the Secretary of State of the United States of America gloats and laughs over the grisly killing in a CBS TV interview: “We came, we saw, he died….HAHAHAHA!”

    Folks, think for a minute—is this REALLY what we stand for? And just to be absolutely clear, I am NOT advocating for Ghaddafi—-simply for adherence to our stated Principles of Law and Democracy.

    Just as an aside, Ghaddafi was developing plans for trading Libya’s oil in gold Dinars, thus bypassing the US Dollar. And he was supplying more and more oil to China instead of Europe. How interesting that another Brutal Dictator (who had previously been supported by US), Saddam Hussein, had to be removed when he was about to trade Iraqi oil for EUROS.

    Isn’t that story starting to wear a bit thin?

    If it is really America’s mission to remove dictators all over the world, maybe we should go on to North Korea. No one would debate that the Kim Dynasty are some of the most Brutal Dictators in the world—and moreover, they have threatened us with nukes! But wait—there is no oil produced in North Korea and moreover they border China.

    Better leave that dictator alone—not to forget that China itself is a brutal Communist regime. Do we remove the Brutal Dictator in Myanmar? Or how about Brutal Dictators in Yemen, the Congo, Angola---and on and on…. Oh well, I guess some Brutal Dictators are more tolerable than others.

    Sorry for the rant---and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. But if we are to use Critical Thinking and become truly Prosperous let’s not get caught up in memes and emotions generated by mass media news and TV—which totally take us away from our core truth and common sense and the Principles we supposed live by as a nation.

    1. You (and several others) have some very valid points here on the politics and empire building. I leave those discussions for the political blogs, and want to deal with the issues of personal decision and responsibility. And how they apply to our prosperity consciousness of course.


      1. Got it! 

        How you view personal responsibilities Randy suddenly took the la-la-land out the distinction responsibility. 
        If ultimately responsibility is a place to come from, it makes sense that this is a concern of ours. That whatever happens in the world around us alas the world we are responsible for it happening. 
        What makes this shift for me is that you being where you are this is much more of a real concern. 

        Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac, cph

  28. Is it ever prosperous to kill someone?
    Probably not! But if I have to defend myself or get a chance to liberate millions...I hope I won't hesitate for my own good!

  29. I recommend playing a game of paintball with some a very small taste of how brutal, awful, scary etc.. war can be.. I remember I was walking along not taking it very seriously when a paint ball went threw my hair and I ht the ground and started firing back like a motherf.. trying to kill whoever was firing at me..
    Later that night we had a discussion about war and everything we had experienced. and I said, I'd rather be red than dead... and my buddy a travel writer said, f that.. I've seen some of those communist countries and I'd fight it every step of the way if it came to that..."

  30. It´s an interesting subject.I would want to look at it this way;
    I read something on facebook saying that when our worl falls apart it is Gods way to show us that he is going to arise it in his way...And the spiritual world always talks in our material world by imagination or metaphor, like our poets do in their poems.So when a tyran dies, it is a metaphor of the fact that what he stands for dies.Therefor it really is Gods meaning to show us in a parable that something new will be arised.I love that.Because if I transform these kind og thoughts to my own life, it starts to be magical, and that is magnificent...

  31. I absolutely think it's prosperous...

    Mandela even said that to create liberation he had to kill many people - there was no other way in South Africa because the oppression was so bad.

    Prosperity is NOT a passive nice comfortable thought where you airy fairy sit and wait for love, wealth, awe to arrive by focusing on nice images... It's an active cocreation...

    At some point you go from totally self centred prosperity into a prosperity that ALSO includes others -and the internal drive becomes FOR others... The liberation of ALL.

    You know that YOU are not prosperous until the WHOLE WORLD is prosperous. It's then, that you have TRUE prosperity.

    In earlier prosperity when we're more self-centred we have to get rid of negative controlling friends... Likewise at world centred focus we need to get rid of international tyrants who negataivey impact the state of people's lives...

    Prosperity does not mean cushy... xoxo

    1. OH WOW.. Thank you so much for that Natalie!

      I have been pondering over this for a long time now and recently I came to the conclusion that we have to protect ourselves and our space from negative and destructive people. We have to uphold and protect our prosperity circle from any unprosperous forces.

      Like you said everyone's prosperity circle is different in magnitude. What you wrote is so clear and defined you just described what I've been feeling and you took it a step further to explain the big picture.

      So if I have to kill someone to uphold and protect my prosperity circle, I hope I have the courage to do it at that moment.

  32. Complete appreciation. There are not "innocent" victims. Everything is happening for a reason, either to appreciate = see (you=me) or to create contrast which leads to this seeing. When you are reacting GOD(your own self) is acting in the appropriate way which leads to the next realization of self - so either way is good - "you" can kill the "tiran" or appreciate his = your role in all of this & eventually lock him away --- either way his power/role will be abolished and appreciation will come. In the mean time... yo'll not be put next to murderers so you can choose to kill him or be killed because your "lessons"/(alignment) are learned(is achieved) you live you in a prosperous way... even though a prosperous Randy is killed in an alternate version of self all is well.. and you appreciate all there is.

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  • 55 comments on “Would You Kill for Prosperity?”

    1. Ding dong the witch is dead. About time they got him. I personally don't condone violence. But when a bad man is holding millions hostage, I can't see it being a bad idea.

    2. My mind says No, it is not good to kill for prosperity.

      Then I look at natural order, and karma. How are despots done away with, usually? What you dish out comes back in some way, shape or form.

      If you live by the sword, you will likely die by the sword too. Maybe it's not prosperous, but karma can be a real problem in a perfect and orderly Universe....and since the Universe is perfect and orderly, we can get past appearances and look at Ghadaffi's demise as a harsh but orderly instance of sowing and reaping.

    3. Correction : I once had a man holding a GUN on me .

      Selective liberation kind of smells of oily prosperity , if you get my drift. There are many other tyrants causing even bigger problems who are not being knocked off to ` liberate` the people. This is just the usual old wine in new bottles of replacing ` some bastard` with ` our bastard` . 10 years down the road, 2 other countries that were liberated are still struggling.

      1. I do get your drift. Many of the thoughts expressed here look at situations in a simplistic black and white mode. Perhaps I can add some balance. I see no need to be politically correct.

        To add some balance I will indirectly encourage you to review the ideals many of you may perceive the people under the tryants aspire to....and compare them with what follows in practice.

        In the country I live in, which has been a democracy since Independence in 1962 if you have kidney failure and no money for dialysis the odds of dying of kidney failure are very high. In Cuba the odds of getting dialysis or a kidney transplant are much more likely. I have colleagues who studied in Cuba and I've spoken with Cubans who live there so I know.

        In the country of my birth, the UK, folks pay for their tertiary education. In Libya this was paid for under Gaddafi and I hope this will not change with the new regime.

        In the Great USA people go broke and suffer on account of a health system that does not work and people's health is ruined by an FDA and a system that is a puppet of Big Pharma and Big Seeds (Monsanto) not to mention Big Milk and Big Junk Food. In Libya there health care is free.

        I'm all for democracy and free speech. But by God I hope for Libya and any other country embarking on the path of democracy, a democracy where the health and education system work (they don't have to be 100% fee in order to work) and corruption, abuse of scientific research and a lack of integrity are unable to dominate the system.

        These things make democracy look like a farce.

        1. Yes, yes! I so agree with you. A democracy is not complete in my opinion either, without free health care and an education system that works everywhere for everyone.

        2. Amanda, I am sure you are not misleading people on purpose. Foreigners that go to Cuba for treatment or to study medicine enter into a different world not available to Cubans. It is all a facade for the world. People like you assume that the same level of treatment is available to the common citizen. It is not. The cuban that needs a kidney or a new heart will die. A Cuban
          that goes to a hospital has to take their own sheets, soap and whatever they will need while in the hospital. They have no medicines,mnot even anesthesia for major operations. Foreigners are a different story. Cuba has one of the worst health care systems in the world. A 52 year old authoritarian dictatorship has destroyed what once (1958) onemofmthe most advanced countries in the world. Go to theUnited Nations statistics and compare Cuba now and then. A 52 year murderous dictatorship should never be defended. Regards

    4. Sjoe, Randy
      Some huge questions. To kill someone for money/prosperity is simply murder. So the answer on that one is a definite no. The second question in killing a tyrant or terrorist to liberate people is not that easy. Here is my reasoning. It boils down to cost. I am not for the tyrant or the terrorist right, but am asking what is the cost of liberation. I am also not referering to physical cost alone, but also to emotional cost. If we take Libya for example. The physical cost of destruction is huge not to mention the emotional cost of people now living with the lost of loved one’s ect.
      For the rest of the world it is great that another tyrant bit the dust, we marvel at the newspapers but do we realize the cost associated with it?
      So for me the moral answer with my heart would be yes, lets rid the world of the baddies, but the logic answer with my head is not so simple…

    5. Hey Randy,

      This is gonna be a long answer. You're asking a lot of questions.

      I looked up prosperous before posting. The general idea was bringing wealth and success. Without defining those terms, let's just say that the answer is yes. Even murder for insurance money would bring wealth.

      Note that I'm not talking about morality. Just whether or not it could bring wealth. And if success was the defined by the end of that person's life, it's also prosperous.

      You say that you'd like to think that you'd rise above your base reactions and work from a higher consciousness. Cool. But you still might decide to kill him based on a conscious thought process.

      If killing Castro would "liberate millions from evil and tyranny" that alone would not be prosperous. If the people were to use their new found freedom to initiate economic activity and increase their wealth and success, then the killing would result in prosperity.

      Killing him would not be prosperous for you unless you were paid to kill him.

      Killing someone is not "a political option". In the case of killing a sitting leader of a country, it's probably an act of war.

      So asking if it's OK to kill someone if political efforts (diplomatic would probably be a better word) fail, is not a point for consideration.

      It's a very dangerous idea to consider killing off the heads of other countries until the people finally put someone in there who would agree with the politics of the country that had him killed.

      Or even installing a government that was "on the same side" as the country that killed him.

      Mull that over for a few.

      A more accurate question would be "Is it ok to kill someone who just won't agree with me and behave differently." (even though or maybe even because his actions affect many people)

      Not everyone agrees that you have the right to defend yourself at all, let alone with deadly force. Believe it or not, it's true. There is a group called the Anti-Self Defense League or something like that.

      I do believe that self-defense is a right you're born with that follows naturally from the fact that you're alive.

      Prosperity consciousness and prosperity are 2 different things.

      Is it ever prosperous to kill someone? Yes, if killing them leads to an increase in wealth and success.

      Your last question is almost impossible to answer because there is a huge amount of possible outcomes to consider in any particular case.

      I wanted to give a better answer than that, but this is long enough already and a discussion like this could last years 🙂

      That's about all I can say about this right now.

    6. I am absolutely convinced that the world is perfect. All things happen for a reason. And we make the mistake of trying to figure out how that works. We can't. For those of you who believe; it even says in the Bible that no-one understands God's ways AND that God is good. So we shouldn't even try, just believe that everything IS good and have faith that everything WILL turn out good.
      And in my opinion THAT is what free will is all about: Choosing to have unlimited faith in the goodness of the universe or choosing to fight and thereby delaying the inevitable outcome.

    7. To commit a greater evil to eliminate another one is NOT a relief nor a way to prosperity. We tend to forget, for example, that tyrannic head of states have often been put in place in the first instance by the people themselves. What they get afterward is maybe what they deserve.

      1. (SORRY pressed the wrong button, so continue here)
        Supressors that kills so many people, should they be allowed to do that? Would "not killing" them if you had the chance make you responsible for the lives taken by those? I do not know if I would be able to either, but somehow my reason says that allowing them to continue, makes you responsible for that persons actions too. I would like to think that it could be solved in another way 🙂

    8. The world must continually rid itself of dictators, fore dictators want to control, with force, the world. History constantly repeats itself because human behaviour changes little over time. There will always be a new dictator ready to push down upon his people in order to rise above any opposition.

      Whether it is right, on a prosperous level, to kill the tyrant, I imagine each person will have to come to terms and decide upon personal judgement. Each case will differ depending on the closeness to the regime.

      I feel certain the vast majority of the allied forces would have gladly and willingly pulled the trigger to cut short Hitler's life. The same would follow today for any war-torn country.

      Randy, in Miami, is close to the Cuban situation, I am from London so I do not share his intimate closeness to the struggles under the Cuban-heel of Castro's bullies.

      Would I take the 'shot' if I was at the heart of a despot country struggle. . .yes, I believe I would. However, would I question that decision in the following years. . .Yes, I believe I would. But I would still take the shot to end bitter bloodshed.

      Today I live in Tokyo, and although the second world war is rarely the subject of conversation, the debate rages on whether the atom bomb should have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Without question the tyranny ended that same day and peace quickly followed. The atom bomb was in effect a bullet fired through the heart of the nation and the killing was stopped, so saving the lives of millions of Japanese and lives of the fighting allied troops.

      Peace comes at the expense of war; all war brings peace and all peace ends in war, this is the historic roller-coaster we ride. All dictators are eventually killed, very few live happily into old age looking out to sea from their coastal villa.

      It matters little if you are not prepared to pull the trigger and end the life of the tyrant because you will never place yourself in that situation. But those who do put themselves in the centre of the affray are prepared to end the life of the insane leader. Fortunately, that will not be me nor will it be you.

      Would I take the shot? Yes.

      1. Well said. I would add, that unfortunately, things don't generally change in the way we would hope them to change because the oppressed people do not suddenly change and understand how to take advantage of the relief of oppression.

        Also, sadly there is usually another opressor waiting in the wings to replace the old one. Case in point...Sadam Hussein was put in place with the help and blessing of the U.S. Good intent perhaps...perhaps hoping to improve life there and also to have an ally to help increase their own properity (generally the case).

        As is often the case, Randy has asked a very complex question, with no right answer.

        I pray with all my heart that the end of the Ghadaffi regime will open up the hearts and minds of all of Libya's people to prosperity and peace.

        Would I take the shot? I'd like to think I would never kill another, but I have never truly suffered terror, or feared for my life or the lives of my loved ones. Under certain circumstances, I probably would take that shot if I believed that it would make a lasting and positive difference, or save others. That being said, I would suffer personally after making that choice.

        I hope a day comes when such thoughts are not even in our consciousness.

    9. When I was a child I thought about this question and I would have killed the dictator. Now, I am committed to not killing. I hope I never do. By saying hope, I recognise that I don't always behave as I ideally would and that I realise that perhaps I could in the situation, but I no longer believe it is the right thing. That belief has protected me already, as it has taken away the urge towards violence. I don't ever threaten people with harm. I might insult but I never threaten, whereas people who would kill do threaten if they are threatened. That's what I have noticed. I would still jail the dictator, and constrain him if it was in my power. I do agree with that.

    10. The victims of oppression are co-creators of their situation. I suppose that killing the oppressor would mean that that mass of people had changed their prosperity and had invited that event into their lives. Whether it permanently changes their lives or whether another oppressor takes their place remains to be seen.

      If an individual feels better for that act of murder, then who am I to judge? The murderer, the oppressor and the victims have all co-created their situation for better or for worse. Perhaps an act of murder could be a prosperous act in certain situations.

      Would I kill if I was personally threatened? Absolutely, and I'm not saying that because I'm naive about the consequences of pulling the trigger. Would I kill a tyrant? At this point in my life I can't imagine doing so because I'm not passionate about such a cause.

    11. Well, Randy. My question would be: why, in the first place, feel the need or possibility of taking other human being's life. Life gives us a determined period of time. Both, life and time, as well as true health, are our most valuable asset. We all make mistakes in life. Big and small mistakes every day. Would it make each of us a better person to kill someone? Would we accept an assasin as our friend? How many times have you solved other people's problems -in this case, taking an obstacle (the dictator) off the road for someone else- being the outcome what you desired to be? I remember, everyday, as I'm alive, I can choose, I can correct, I can be a better person than I was yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade. And so are they.

      I highly recommedn "The Spirituality of Success", by Vincent M. Roazzi
      Free chapter 1:

      Let us be blessed!!! And let's build an extraordinary day!!!

    12. Killing the Dictator will just create a void for another dictator to fill. The people need to strike at the root of their oppression.

      Was Gaddafi the reason for oppression OR the excuse for oppression? I would argue the later.

    13. Victims or Victor? This may tickle some feathers, but I recall the quote are people Volunteered Victims? How could 1 man, Osama, Ghadaffi, Sadam, control and hold down a mass of people without volunteer or acceptance?
      Also by choosing to eliminating this one source may moral fulfill certain egos, based on Universal Law what are the consequences? How can we label the less fortunate in America although they may have more opportunities lazy volunteer weak minded, but other country less fortunate victims?
      Just my thought, Universal Natural Law is Universal, and everyone have choices on being a Victim/Slave or Not. Please explain your double standard.

    14. What a topic!

      Wow, I have to say that even though I was born in Cuba, and have personally lived the suffering that the two Castro brothers have put so many through, that with the consciousness I have today it appears to me to be a mentality that is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth so where does it stop?

      My parents lived with the dream of returning to the land they loved one day, instead they passed on here in the United States but you always reiterate critical thinking, each of us has to do what is best in their mind for them in the moment they experience it and what may be good one day is not necessarily good the next.

      I reached a place where my heart chakra has opened to love and compassion and see us as one, while I agree that we have to protect our self and there are dark forces at hand, I don't rejoice in the killing of another human being, seeing the video that is all over the internet of Gaddafi being beaten and killed was disturbing I had to turn it off.

      How does killing another human being help as as a species to advance?

    15. Randy,
      This is a good one. I had a unique experience when I was camping one time, just me and my girlfriend. A black bear came into our campground and woke us up by sniffing around the tent. Before then, I never knew that the 'killing-defensive' instinct was in me. Without question, I was ready and willing to do whatever was necessary to protect my girlfriend should anything come out. The killer instinct is real and I am guessing is just that, instinct. Part of our DNA. Now, since killing is so commonly viewed as bad, since most things we kill are plants, we don't feel so bad about them because we don't associate them with something. Plants breathe, we just don't see it. There is that disconnect. But death has this perception of being bad and that I see as the real issue. Death is transition. We can choose to accept that or we can live in old dogma. That is my in-connection response. My out-of-connection response is that the people of whatever 'horrible' regime we are talking about are living in their own memes and beliefs. Killing their leader can, but often does not stop their ways. It is their habit. As we know, these habits can change, but it can take a bit. But growth and change of habit is possible. The former Soviet Union countries are a great example of change (good or bad is up to you), but change regardless. Enjoy your weekend. I love your posts, brother.

    16. I don't think that we can ever judge others. We are not in their shoes, but, I do think this would have been better if he had been brought in alive. He was in a position where capture alive was certainly possible.

    17. D.E.S. i will do it even more if i were cuban, I am from latin america and all my life i have seen what Castros bros have done...i have many Cuban friends and what they say is awful. Now Chavez in Venezuela.
      You reap what you sow

    18. Neither one! We all are one. Is it ever prosperous to kill part of you yourself?
      Where is it written that we came here to judge even if it's just part of us? Who ever told you so?
      I think we came to shine, to love, never to judge. How can we judge if we don´t know what's one play?
      I'd rather sing Imagine by John Lenon, love people and be prosperous than judge or kill part of me.
      We can do our part without bringing more karma to cease our prosperity.
      Power to the people, love's in the air!

    19. I think there may be an epic Russian Novel about this topic. At any rate my favorite film is "Love and Death". It is a Woody Allen film where he has to decide if he can kill Napolean Bonapart. Very Funny, and he as always he tackles deeper questions, like the one you are posing.

      There is no easy answer here. I think maybe each situation requires a different response. I would say in general killing is not prosperous. But, I suppose under the right circumstance it is neccessary.

      The bigger question is when is it right to kill. How do you know? I don't know, but I do know that not having a knee jerk reaction would be necessary in an event like that.

      As for Gaddafi, I don't know enough to make a judgement. But, I hope for the people of Lybia they can have a democracy and not another dictatorship.

      I guess my answer is there is time for everything. There is even a time when killing might be the right thing. But, let's hope it is only done when absolutely neccessary. That takes lots of wisdom and discernment, the kind like Yoda has. 🙂

    20. My question is, who of the people reading this post will ever be faced with this dilemma, to kill or not to kill the tyrant. I believe, none of us, so why even go there? As some comments point out, the tyrant doesn't appear out of the blue, it is mass consciousness that produces him. It's a very complex problem, and fortunately we are not asked to evaluate or make decisions about these situations. We have enough with our own lives. All we can ask is, where is the part in myself that's even just a little bit like this tyrant, that is so insecure it needs to hoard power and excess, and feels so separate and afraid from others it desperately needs to control them. When you find that part in you, don't kill it, but have compassion for how it grew that way, ask for Gods grace, then willingly forgive it and let go. If everyone would do this when they hear the news about another bad guy being killed, I believe we could make progress towards prosperity and freedom than by asking ourselves if it is prosperous to kill for prosperity.

    21. My first thought is this: if I were acting without conscience and harming so many in a vicious, cruel, torturous kind of way, I would hope someone would kill me to less the damage to my own soul! But not out of revenge or anger...just to stop me.

      If a rabid dog were going after children you shoot the dog not because you hate the dog or do not have sympathy for the shoot it because the dog is unreachable at that time and you are making a quick decision to save the children. If you had more time, more options you would treat the situation with more humanity. Perhaps you cure the dog or let him live out a life without harm to himself or others.

      I think we should treat all of life with humanity even if life isn't acting humane. But that doesn't mean that eliminates the option of killing when there is no other option. But I don't think the average person should have license to kill either or everyone may go around making stupid judgements on everyone!

    22. This is an interesting topic that definitely makes one think about big decisions.

      What if you're serving in the armed forces? Does it become right or ok then?

      This of this scenario: what if instead of the brave seal team six killing Osama Bin Laden, by some crazy chance a widow of the 9/11 attack found him and strangled him to death. does that change how you feel about his death? What does it make you think about that woman?

      1. Hi Trey from all the well thought of responses and the topic itself yours was the reply I related the most to. How come? From your two scenarios those acting are facing real dicissions to make. 
        What those shouting from the 'stands' about how the game should be played has got no effect on how the ball is hit. Why not? Answer is simple yet profound: time. The shouting is about something that just has happened. It's after the action. The player is in realtime.

        So jou see I am arrogant to say most responses are made from 'the stands'.



    23. The biggest problem with killing other people is that it will never end. Who decides who is evil or good. So I have to say that it is not very much Prosperity in killing even a tyrant as Bin Laden or Gaddafi.

    24. Who gets to make the judgement who is a tyrant and who is a terrorist? Many people in other parts of the world would label certain present and past American leaders as tyrants and terrorists. Who gets to decide?

    25. Wow Rady you always surprise me when you get out of your prosperity Info!! So you must believe the old testament over the new "eye for an eye" rather than "turn the other cheek". At your Americanism is showing. One mans terrorist is another man freedom fighter depend who's side your on. Tnk of all the White Male's who have terrorized people of color in the past. If he main culprits of these acts would have been killed would have stopped No the ugly head of ignorance and "supremacy" would still rise! I believe we conquer threw love and creating our reality. Best to be a fighter who is ready to die than kill. Ask Martin and Gandhi!!

    26. Randy I keep thinking about this topic. It was a good post. It inspired lot of intelligent and interesting comments.

      You know, do you think you have a knee jerk reaction just to communism and cuba because of the people from cuba that you saw suffering?

      I think there is much still to learn about Cuba, and how communisim has and has not worked there. But, I can understand how you would want to kill Castro, having seen people you care about be hurt.

      I said before not having a knee jerk reaction requires knoweledge and empathy. I think it applies here also.

      As for defending yourself against someone who pulls a gun on you...YES! Protect yourself anyway possible. I think that you want to do that now is good. It means you really value...Yourself.:)

    27. A most provocative post…….

      Here’s my 2 cents:

      Randy advocates that Critical Thinking is a crucial ingredient of Prosperity Consciousness and not to get caught up in anti-prosperity memes in TV programs, movies, etc.

      I would submit that the greatest memes of all occur in what we naively call “news.” Most US news today is little more than psyops.

      Let’s review the event under consideration on this blog:

      A Brutal Dictator (Ghaddafi) oppresses some of his people who are peacefully protesting and there is fear for their safety (or lives). A “humanitarian intervention” is necessary, led by the US and NATO (US, of course is the leader of NATO). This will not be a “war,” only a “kinetic military action.” It will only last a few weeks, at most.

      In a war that goes on for several months thousands of tons of bombs are dropped; thousand of people are killed; cities are destroyed, as US and NATO supply and back a motely group of "rebels." Finally the Brutal Dictator is found, captured, dragged through the streets on the hood of a pick up truck, and eventually shot in the head.

      What a great example of exporting our Principles of “democracy and rule of law” around the world! Maybe Ghaddafi was a total scumbag—but isn’t one of our core Principles that a criminal deserves a fair trial—and sentence to be carried out AFTER the trial rather than before? Heck—even the Nazis got trials at Nuremberg

      Meanwhile, the Secretary of State of the United States of America gloats and laughs over the grisly killing in a CBS TV interview: “We came, we saw, he died….HAHAHAHA!”

      Folks, think for a minute—is this REALLY what we stand for? And just to be absolutely clear, I am NOT advocating for Ghaddafi—-simply for adherence to our stated Principles of Law and Democracy.

      Just as an aside, Ghaddafi was developing plans for trading Libya’s oil in gold Dinars, thus bypassing the US Dollar. And he was supplying more and more oil to China instead of Europe. How interesting that another Brutal Dictator (who had previously been supported by US), Saddam Hussein, had to be removed when he was about to trade Iraqi oil for EUROS.

      Isn’t that story starting to wear a bit thin?

      If it is really America’s mission to remove dictators all over the world, maybe we should go on to North Korea. No one would debate that the Kim Dynasty are some of the most Brutal Dictators in the world—and moreover, they have threatened us with nukes! But wait—there is no oil produced in North Korea and moreover they border China.

      Better leave that dictator alone—not to forget that China itself is a brutal Communist regime. Do we remove the Brutal Dictator in Myanmar? Or how about Brutal Dictators in Yemen, the Congo, Angola---and on and on…. Oh well, I guess some Brutal Dictators are more tolerable than others.

      Sorry for the rant---and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. But if we are to use Critical Thinking and become truly Prosperous let’s not get caught up in memes and emotions generated by mass media news and TV—which totally take us away from our core truth and common sense and the Principles we supposed live by as a nation.

      1. You (and several others) have some very valid points here on the politics and empire building. I leave those discussions for the political blogs, and want to deal with the issues of personal decision and responsibility. And how they apply to our prosperity consciousness of course.


        1. Got it! 

          How you view personal responsibilities Randy suddenly took the la-la-land out the distinction responsibility. 
          If ultimately responsibility is a place to come from, it makes sense that this is a concern of ours. That whatever happens in the world around us alas the world we are responsible for it happening. 
          What makes this shift for me is that you being where you are this is much more of a real concern. 

          Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac, cph

    28. Is it ever prosperous to kill someone?
      Probably not! But if I have to defend myself or get a chance to liberate millions...I hope I won't hesitate for my own good!

    29. I recommend playing a game of paintball with some a very small taste of how brutal, awful, scary etc.. war can be.. I remember I was walking along not taking it very seriously when a paint ball went threw my hair and I ht the ground and started firing back like a motherf.. trying to kill whoever was firing at me..
      Later that night we had a discussion about war and everything we had experienced. and I said, I'd rather be red than dead... and my buddy a travel writer said, f that.. I've seen some of those communist countries and I'd fight it every step of the way if it came to that..."

    30. It´s an interesting subject.I would want to look at it this way;
      I read something on facebook saying that when our worl falls apart it is Gods way to show us that he is going to arise it in his way...And the spiritual world always talks in our material world by imagination or metaphor, like our poets do in their poems.So when a tyran dies, it is a metaphor of the fact that what he stands for dies.Therefor it really is Gods meaning to show us in a parable that something new will be arised.I love that.Because if I transform these kind og thoughts to my own life, it starts to be magical, and that is magnificent...

    31. I absolutely think it's prosperous...

      Mandela even said that to create liberation he had to kill many people - there was no other way in South Africa because the oppression was so bad.

      Prosperity is NOT a passive nice comfortable thought where you airy fairy sit and wait for love, wealth, awe to arrive by focusing on nice images... It's an active cocreation...

      At some point you go from totally self centred prosperity into a prosperity that ALSO includes others -and the internal drive becomes FOR others... The liberation of ALL.

      You know that YOU are not prosperous until the WHOLE WORLD is prosperous. It's then, that you have TRUE prosperity.

      In earlier prosperity when we're more self-centred we have to get rid of negative controlling friends... Likewise at world centred focus we need to get rid of international tyrants who negataivey impact the state of people's lives...

      Prosperity does not mean cushy... xoxo

      1. OH WOW.. Thank you so much for that Natalie!

        I have been pondering over this for a long time now and recently I came to the conclusion that we have to protect ourselves and our space from negative and destructive people. We have to uphold and protect our prosperity circle from any unprosperous forces.

        Like you said everyone's prosperity circle is different in magnitude. What you wrote is so clear and defined you just described what I've been feeling and you took it a step further to explain the big picture.

        So if I have to kill someone to uphold and protect my prosperity circle, I hope I have the courage to do it at that moment.

    32. Complete appreciation. There are not "innocent" victims. Everything is happening for a reason, either to appreciate = see (you=me) or to create contrast which leads to this seeing. When you are reacting GOD(your own self) is acting in the appropriate way which leads to the next realization of self - so either way is good - "you" can kill the "tiran" or appreciate his = your role in all of this & eventually lock him away --- either way his power/role will be abolished and appreciation will come. In the mean time... yo'll not be put next to murderers so you can choose to kill him or be killed because your "lessons"/(alignment) are learned(is achieved) you live you in a prosperous way... even though a prosperous Randy is killed in an alternate version of self all is well.. and you appreciate all there is.

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