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Posted By: Randy GageApril 10, 2012

Some fascinating discussion going on this whole series about discovering your subconscious beliefs about money.  John asked me a delicious question on Twitter…

He tweeted me to say, “I don't need a zillion dollars & material things. Not at all. I would just like a job that I enjoy doing & make enough.”

I wrote back and asked, “Do you think affirming “I don't need a zillion dollars & material things” is serving you?  Because obviously I don’t.

He thought it did serve him and asked the delicious question:  “What should my attitude be? Should I want a zillion dollars and a Ferrari?”  My response…


He then asked, “the fact that I don't want to have $200 mil is worse than wanting like $150,000? How is that a problem?”

So here’s my take on all this…

Last week when I did the Daytime morning show, co-host Cyndi Edwards asked me something similar.  (Which John might find fascinating, since the topic was "Why 'I Quit' May be Good for You")  She said, “Some folks don't want to be rich; they just want to be comfortable.  You’re okay with that, right?”  I told her if she ever said that again, I would wash her mouth out with soap!  (See the interview here: )

I’m not being elitist here.  If someone is happy with $40,000 a year in income or happy being an ascetic, that’s totally cool.  If they are happy, I’m happy for them.  But here is your food for thought…

If you really had a choice between having $150,000 or 200 million, it seems crazy to me not to take the 200 million.  Now if you really feel like $200 million would disrupt your life and you don't want the decisions they would require of you, okay.  But the real question is this:

What beliefs are causing you to make that decision?

When someone tells me they just want enough to get by, that sends all kinds of alarm bells off for me.  Because usually is screams worthiness issues.  The person who says it is usually surrounded by co-dependent people they are taking care of.  They make sure everyone’s needs are met – except their own.

It’s like people who say a car just takes you from point A to point B, or question why you would pay $50 more for a hotel room with an ocean view instead of the dumpster view.  I believe they are usually coming from lack consciousness.

No rational person who had experienced luxury would say there is no difference between a Toyota and a Lamborghini, or an ocean front suite at the Four Seasons versus a Holiday Inn.  Or at least no rational person who wasn’t under the influence of worthiness issue mind viruses.

As the Course in Miracles teaches, all decisions come from either fear or love.  Deciding you are worthy of the ocean view is a love decision.  Choosing the other is based on the fear of losing that $50.

The other issue that came up form John’s follow up tweets was he had been at this job he hates for eight years now.  No one can take advantage of you for eight years without your permission.  As the CIM would say, there are no victims, only volunteers.

So just to be clear, I have no problem is someone doesn’t want money and material things, as long as that is a choice they came to as the result of serious critical thinking.  But when I hear comments like John’s, it appears to me to be the result of low self-esteem and not believing he deserves better.  Which he does.

Here’s the really wild aspect of all this…

When I got John’s message, I had just come back from shopping.  I’m in Amsterdam and it’s a little chilly, so I went out to find a hoodie.  (You can still wear hoodies without getting shot over here.)  I was walking through the mall and saw an amazing jacket in the window of a store.

It was black with leather sleeves and just looked absolutely fierce.  So I walked in, pointed to it, and told the clerk I wanted one in large.  She kind of stammered and said that was the only one they had, and I may not want it, because it cost 10,000 Euros.

Turns out it’s a Philipp Plein creation, and the sleeves are actually crocodile.  And it turns out the only one they had was… large.  BOOM!

Now do I need another jacket?  No.  Do I need to spend 10,000 Euros on one?  No.  But fortunately it wasn't actually 10,000 Euros; it was only 9,999.  And fortunately I don't base all buying decisions by what I “need,” but sometimes by what brings joy to my life.

Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea – joy to you and me.

- RG

236 comments on “Worthiness”

  1. What if you don't have the extra money for an ocean view or new clothes or new furniture etc? Should you charge it & go into debt? Or is it wiser to say I choose not to buy this at this time. Don't say "I can't afford it". And find other ways to bring joy to your life. Maybe better food choices, A walk, Etc. And also work on changing money beliefs. What you are worth beliefs . So you can afford the ocean view.

    1. One thing I adore about Randy Gage is that he doesn't make someone go into debt to get them rich...    The way he helps folks manage their money is remarkable.  

    2. Being in debt is a negative vision. Breaking even with no debt is a neutral vision. Both are worthiness issues. A positive vision is accepting abundance.

  2. What if you don't have the extra money for an ocean view or new clothes or new furniture etc? Should you charge it & go into debt? Or is it wiser to say I choose not to buy this at this time. Don't say "I can't afford it". And find other ways to bring joy to your life. Maybe better food choices, A walk, Etc. And also work on changing money beliefs. What you are worth beliefs . So you can afford the ocean view.

  3. I just love you so much!!!!  And adore the fact that it was LARGE!!!! Totally awesome!  Money well spent, even just for the story! Now...  In that lovely Hotel of yours I bet there's a glorious mirror...  And I know you have your iPhone with you....  You know where this is going right???!!!! 🙂

      1.  @Randy_Gage  I'll be checking my email! 🙂 AND I just watched the TV show  - you were so great!  Great catchy bullet points, and capturing your story in a nugget.    The only thing is that the way you have those interviews we can't share them...  

  4. I just love you so much!!!!  And adore the fact that it was LARGE!!!! Totally awesome!  Money well spent, even just for the story! Now...  In that lovely Hotel of yours I bet there's a glorious mirror...  And I know you have your iPhone with you....  You know where this is going right???!!!! 🙂

  5.  @Randy_Gage  I'll be checking my email! 🙂 AND I just watched the TV show  - you were so great!  Great catchy bullet points, and capturing your story in a nugget.    The only thing is that the way you have those interviews we can't share them...  

  6. One thing I adore about Randy Gage is that he doesn't make someone go into debt to get them rich...    The way he helps folks manage their money is remarkable.  

  7. o.k.--So let's say you want to be a billionarie to join one of the 400 in the U.S.--that's good.  The question is are you going to be able to get there by doing what you do.  Wanting is great,but having a plan and the skills are more important.
       So,I don't want to spend the energy and time to make $100,000 a month.  Yes,if someone gave me $100 millions today,I would take it-invest it and continue to study history,political philosophy,and psychology and I will probably go to around the world studying different cultures.  But I can do that by just making $10,000 per month.
       My question to you:If someone would tell you,Randy-I want to make an extra $2,000 per month so I can stay home and see my child first steps,change his diapers,take all the field trips while he is elementary school,go to the park while most the parents are working?Would you tell her/him-you are a loser because you don't want to make $100,000 a month?

  8. o.k.--So let's say you want to be a billionarie to join one of the 400 in the U.S.--that's good.  The question is are you going to be able to get there by doing what you do.  Wanting is great,but having a plan and the skills are more important.
       So,I don't want to spend the energy and time to make $100,000 a month.  Yes,if someone gave me $100 millions today,I would take it-invest it and continue to study history,political philosophy,and psychology and I will probably go to around the world studying different cultures.  But I can do that by just making $10,000 per month.
       My question to you:If someone would tell you,Randy-I want to make an extra $2,000 per month so I can stay home and see my child first steps,change his diapers,take all the field trips while he is elementary school,go to the park while most the parents are working?Would you tell her/him-you are a loser because you don't want to make $100,000 a month?

  9. Oh Wow, the worthiness bug bites another soul. I was listening to a chanelled message from "Bashar" and he said there is actually nothing more arrogant than thinking one is not worthy. Just being here, just being alive is proof of your worthiness. Your post just reaffirmed this for me.

  10. Oh Wow, the worthiness bug bites another soul. I was listening to a chanelled message from "Bashar" and he said there is actually nothing more arrogant than thinking one is not worthy. Just being here, just being alive is proof of your worthiness. Your post just reaffirmed this for me.

  11. Being in debt is a negative vision. Breaking even with no debt is a neutral vision. Both are worthiness issues. A positive vision is accepting abundance.

  12. One Australian shoe store is currently running the following ad:
    "Shoes make me feel happy.
    I'm shallow.
    I love it! I buy flowers every week because they bring me joy. I look at them several times a day, even though I'm hardly home. I LOVE buying clothes and shoes that I want but don't need because of how it makes me feel. A Ferrari, YES PLEASE!!! I get excited every time I see one fly past. An Aston Martin would be lovely too. They make my heart sing. They're delicious experiences you only have access to if you have money.

  13. One Australian shoe store is currently running the following ad:
    "Shoes make me feel happy.
    I'm shallow.
    I love it! I buy flowers every week because they bring me joy. I look at them several times a day, even though I'm hardly home. I LOVE buying clothes and shoes that I want but don't need because of how it makes me feel. A Ferrari, YES PLEASE!!! I get excited every time I see one fly past. An Aston Martin would be lovely too. They make my heart sing. They're delicious experiences you only have access to if you have money.

  14. RG
    If the majority of people were content with 40K to a 100k per year than millions of them wouldn't line up to buy a lotto ticket for 200 million with a 1 in 14million chance of winning. Actions always speak louder than words in my book. 

    1. Maybe a conflict in beliefs. Subconscious wins and that is what they are creating even if they say they want to win the lotto. And why lotto winners often lose it all.

    2. Tony, completely my philosophy.
      "Actions speak louder than words" has been my guiding mantra this year so far.
      I have learned a lot about people when I apply it to situations..
      Best Wishes
      Chiang Mai

  15. RG
    If the majority of people were content with 40K to a 100k per year than millions of them wouldn't line up to buy a lotto ticket for 200 million with a 1 in 14million chance of winning. Actions always speak louder than words in my book. 

  16. Maybe a conflict in beliefs. Subconscious wins and that is what they are creating even if they say they want to win the lotto. And why lotto winners often lose it all.

  17. Observation:Randy,  I have to ask... titles like "Worthiness" and statements on your posts like "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief", (the list goes on). Although not exactly affirming the negative, are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?
    I get that statements of that nature can cause a person to think critically and potentially move them toward their perceived success but... are your headlines and content really becoming anything more than a '7:30pm prime time news report - attention grabbing spin' to get and to hold readership? And then there are the links!You used to post articles of sustenance without the perceived hard core sales pitch behind the scenes, so if it's not too much to ask would you please get back to zigging.Thank you in advance.

    1.  @tonyscarcia You think "worthiness" is a sensationalistic headline?   And I definitely think the statements like, "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief" would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them. 
      Fascinating that you think this has a "hard core sales pitch behind the scenes."   What's up with that?  First of all, the "links" I posted here are the show I was on and the actual interview.  They are a service to the reader and aren't selling anything. 
      But that raises an interesting question about your core beliefs about money:  I post 200 blogs a year and mention a book or album in maybe 5 or 10 a year.  Are you suggesting that my job on earth is to post free training every day because the world is entitled to it?  True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange, never a situation of exploitation, co-dependency or entitlement.

      1.  @Randy_Gage Hi Randy, thanks for replying.You said "would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them."Ah yes, but 'can' they actually perpetuate a person's beliefs? That is the question. Let's say a person reads words like worthiness, sabotage, lack, negative, etc etc, then based on their current state, can those words which come to them every day actually program them to look for and play out those outcomes. That was my question.You and I both know of a person who ends their posts with a phrase touting that 'my wish for you is that you become a'.... On face value it sounds great, has posture and I know is really about caring... but... does that phrase have the potential to cause the recipient to stay in a state of readiness instead of rising to their full potential.Re the links/hard core sales pitch. I was speaking in a general sense and as a direct result of using shocking headlines, let's call them, to attract the reader then point them to a resource is not what I would determine to be prosperous. It's the verbiage I have issue with, not the process. My concern is that headlines like Worthiness, Love To Hate, Money Jealousy, Self Hate, Why You Sabotage etc, seem to be no better that cheap tabloid headlines in that they are needing to become more shocking in order to compete in the marketplace.So, can those words/headlines on a regular basis actually have a negative compounding effect on the recipient? I would love your thoughts on that. Thanks.

        1.  @tonyscarcia  @Randy_Gage  I think awareness comes first Tony.  You have to constantly be aware of inner sabotage - and Randy's provoking messages help to bring the shadow to light. 

    2.  @tonyscarcia I am shocked!  This is SO not what my sense what from this blog post.  I'm wondering what's up for you???  Did someone tick you off today and you're projecting it on Randy? My mama bear comes out when I see him being scapegoated while serving!  Your tone, and baseless attacks just don't seem to hold true from this side of the world...  I'm gonna to reflect on what I see here: 1. I CLICKED on the link - it was an entertaining really cool video... that got me celebrating shifts I'm made in the last year.  Shifts made because of what Randy wrote!  From his care - I found the courage to quit relationships that weren't serving me.  I'm stunned you'd say he's sharing links to profit.  He's sharing links to made a difference - clicking on that link affirmed for me how much he's touched my life so deeply. I'm wondering why you are feeling so bitter and attacking?  What's happened for you that's made you angry with him @tonyscarcia ?
      2. In order to become aware of how the saboteur works we have to recognise it, and bring it to the light.  Things left in the negative play havoc - they need to be seen.  Awareness is always the first step to change!3. WORTHINESS is hardly affirming the negative - BEING Worthy is an essential step in prosperity.  If you don't feel you are worth you can't receive...
      4. COPYWRITING - RG is KNOWN as an awesome copywriter, and creates titles to bring people to the blog.  In order to GET people to change we have to bring them to a post...  WORTHINESS is hardly "attention grabbing spin!" You should see MY headline's at times.  SEX SEX and more SEX - okay sometimes I am actually WRITING about SEX but that's besides the point!   Worthiness is hardly a new grapping spin...  I'm wondering if worthiness is something that touched you - and is why you've lashed out?
      5. Substance without pitch?   Nearly EVERY day Randy posts here - I've NEVER felt pushed to buy.  He promotes his stuff as frequently as he does close friends-  which is not very often.  Daily his posts are thoguht provoking and inspire change...  Are you maybe pissed off with yourself that you haven't used what he writs to change yourself ENOUGH? 
      6. Your FIGHT!   I just did a coaching session with a guy who's pissed off with himself  - he knows it ALL, but isn't applying it.  Is that the same for you? Is that why you're enraged with RG?  This guy was enraged with his mentor - and attacking him for being money orientated, and pushy...  Yet he's in a deep hole... and reactive.  I shared with him that he was in survival mode -of fight, flight or freeze...  Sometimes being numb and unable to take action, othertimes fighting and demanding, and othertimes wanting to run away - rather than face his wound sand fears and embrace them.  If he could use his trigger as a map into aspects within HIM that need healing, rather than attacking, then he'd find his way into Greatness.7. Abundance?  Often I notice in a lady in the village if someone has something that SHE wants she gets sniping and horrid.  She gossips about them. She feels life OWES her. When she sees (especially!) people buying clothes she gets angry that she doesn't have the money to buy all she wants...  Can you notice at what word you got trigger? Or were you triggered before and you just feel safe enough with RG's love, that you know he'll STILL love you tomorrow, no matter what you say?
      It's weird our different responses.... I spent a while writing to RG in the last 24 hours... and as I was writing to him and reading this post, watching the video - I was just marvelling at him... How does he continue to serve so much?  How does he write so consistenly?  Where does he get his discipline from?  I'm Feeling deeply grateful at his service, kindness, and generosity.  He asks for NOTHING. He gives and gives...  Sure he gets to see people changing... and that's priceless...  But his service here I'm truly grateful for!
       @Randy_Gage can you answer that? How do you work like 4/5 men do? How do you produce so much? AND still love me... and respond to my quirks and questions - when you don't earn a penny off me! I appreciate you LOTS!

      1.  @NatalieLamb I don't even read your whole story Natalie.  Why do you always attack people when they are critical of Randy?  I think he should be insulted.  Can poor wittle Wandy not defend himself?  He need your help?
        Okay, to me Randy is always talking about codependency and this is about as codependent as you get.  You and Randy both.  Give it up, please. 

        1.  @Annieb Randy serves YOU, Tony, and ALL daily. FOr free. Out of kindness and love and passion.  I believe those who come here would be wise to come her with an open heart, a willing mind, and a desire for transformation...    what he deserves is gratitude, respect, and kindness. I know that you and Tony both have the capacity for this...  and this is a beautiful platform to practice those skills. He doens't need, or deserve baseless attacks that have no ground. Just to be sure - I wasn't attacking Tony for a second...  Altho I was challenging him to check him premises, and to get in touch with his empty accusations.... I want to serve Tony...and highlight his erroneous thinking...   Randy didn't post ANY link to make money...That's a false accusation - and NOT his intention. His intent is to serve and make a difference.
          Besides THAT, I love Randy. He's an awesome friend to me... always there for me...  So when someone attacks him - I show my love and care.     I adore healthy, positive, loving, caring relationships... part of friendship for me is standing for the truth of who a friend is.   I also challenge Randy when I'm unhappy about something... and he's good at clearing things up or challenging me to face my fears/attack.  I do for others what  LOVE others doing for me.  When folks are attacking my intent, I TOTALLY adore them shouting out and saying: the lens that you are looking through is cloudy, Natalie's intent is LOVE.  This happened last week.  It felt awesome  to be seen, to have someone care enough to stand up for me, and to be courageous enough to call out falsehoods. Randy isn't someone to defend himself... and I bet as a child he had few to defend him ever. I consider it my Job: MAMA BEAR!

        2.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, Randy does not need you to defend him he defends himself quite well.  You are stopping productive conversation.  I am sure Randy is aware that he will be challenged now and then.  Maybe that helps him too.
          You do a lot of thinking for others, talking for others, to me that is a part of codependent behavior.  Believing Randy needs a defender is an offense to his manhood in my opinion.  Randy, makes plenty of money, and this blog helps him do it.  And the more conversation generated, the better for him, just means his blog is interestin'. 
          You do not know if Tony is enraged, you do not know if he is projecting, or doing any of those things. The man has a right to his opinion, and Randy defended himself just fine.
          Why do you keep telling us how  much Randy loves you?  Why do you feel responsible to be his Mama Bear?  The last thing Randy seems to me is vulnerable.  He seems pretty tough to me.  I think your MAMA BEAR needs to go find a cave somewhere and chill out.
          I come here willing to learn and be transformed, I find this place fascinating.  This blog supports Randy's work, it is not just an act of love, it is the act of a smart business man, with enough balls to take some heat despite what may have transpired in his childhood.
          What you call falsehoods were just someone's opinion.  I don't think you show love and care, when you write here and attack someone else to protect Randy's innerchild or whatever the hell you think you're doing.  Really you are just making a mockery of intelligent conversation.

        3.  @Annieb Annie - I just wwent to the dentist for my annual check up -  as I walked in I saw on the wall a poster about childhood abuse.  I saw EMOTIONAL ABUSE and now see how many of the things you recreate are the aspects of emotional abuse. Either you are doing these things, or behaving in such a way as to be treated like this:
          * continuously failing to show love and affection
          *persistant rejection
          These things - it said - cause a child to be nervous, withdrawn, lacking in confidence and self-esteem
          In your response to me you were negating, insulting, belittling, taunting, ridiculing Randy (Wandy)... etc...  
          If you read thru my words you'd see there is not a single attack at all.  I did absoluetly attempt to get to the undercurrents, the premise behind Tony's words, and try to understand where he was coming from... Promoting DEPTH, integrity, and complex discussion!   That you don't see or get my intent, I'm sorry.  AND I don't think this is a place for emotional abuse. I hope you'll come here to learn respect, care, and open discourse.  Where you can share how you feel, WITHOUT insult, attack, or negation.  That said - to reply to you:  what's productive for YOU? Attacking me when you hadn't even written what I wrote?  You didn't even READ what I'd written - so how would you know if it's productive or not?  Tony had attacked Randy for something that wasn't true AT ALL.  HE (like you) were attacking on something he (and you) hadn't look into.  A baseless attack... Randy has NEVER asked me to defend him.  It's my choice to. I love doing it. Friends care, and stick up for each other. He doesn't need me to do it.   I do it because I have something to say - that will serve someone.  That you choose not to read it and then judge me on it - is YOUR stuff.  I get that you're STILL pissed off with me for challenging YOU. I'm sorry for that -I'm sorry you miss my intent and love.  And maybe that you feel jealous that you don't feel love... It made me ponder if you feel angry that you'd never been defended/protected as a child?  Where you never allowed to feel safe and secure and had others to really look after you?  I'm rather flamoxed as to why my defending Randy's intent riles you so much?    How does that aggression and anger serve you?  Does it make you feel more loved by Randy?    Does it give you more power?  My purpose for Tony was to serve him in seeing he was projecting, and his opinion was based on a reaction, not his truth.  He was accussing Randy of selling stuff in this blog - had he clicked on the link he'd have seen it was ANOTHER video SERVING everyone.  Tony is into personal development and being the best he can be. I can bet he'd LOVE to be challenged to grow into the best he can be.  Do you notice you are doing EXACTLY what you are telling me to stop doing? I adore Gandhi's saying "Be the change you wish to see in the world."I am being that change!!!  What I ADORE is people being courageous enough to make a stand for things in their lives.  I ADORE it when folks stand up and challenge me to become my best, to be autehtnic, to be real, to face myself- rather than project/blame others...   So that's why I do it...  Because I want others to be courageous in taking a stand for what they believe in too. I'm intruiged if you come here willing to learn and be transformed why you spend time being so attacking and insulting? E.g BOTH of those limit brain power, and cut of critical thinking...  They narrow creativity and communication - and take us back into programmed thinking...  Of what happened to us in our past if we aren't conscious of it.  So when I hear you reacting like that - I feel for you recognising you couldn't have been treated lovingly by those who should have cared... For not a single moment did I feel angry with Tony... I felt shocked - because his attack was not true... and his insults were based on a false premises...   I challenged that.  I challenged his perspective - promoting valid, and true discussion.  I never attacked him personally for an instant.  I pointed out where his atttacks were unfounded. I'm glad you come here to learn - and I hope you do...  Often I find you attacking Randy or criticising him - rather than trying out what he says.  I find you misreading or reacting and insulting HIM, rather than going "I'm triggered - what in ME needs loving and compassion?" Would that not serve you more?  Love to you!

        4.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb The sad part is Natalie, some parents and even adults, don't see any of these as abusive behavior.Surprised none of these are on the list. But everything on that list I experienced as a child and a teenager, and many of these people continue to act this way well into adulthood.This is evil, anti-human behavior.On top of that list, I also experienced:Add forced isolation.Always getting it right, especially without proper preparation.Doing what someone else tells you, no matter how much it might hurt youor other people.Expecting someone to be someone they aren't.Unfair comparison to someone who has different interests, wants, needs, talents, and abilities.Not questioning authority.
          Using money, and even food and shelter as bargaining.
          Micromanagement.Denying creative impulses.Demeaning differing opinions.Expecting instant results.Believing that people should be able to do everything themselves without support, guidance, or love. Just because I had crappy human beings who didn't want to man up and be adults rather than playground bullies, doesn't mean me, you, or anyone has a right to do any of these to people.

        5.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb Besides, this anger, pain, will serve me well.I'll never be able to function well in a tightly controlled corporate environment, because of my experiences. My history proves otherwise, and I'm lying to myself whenever I try.Many modern businesses are based on an anti-human quarterly earnings at the expense of the customer, the quality of the product/service, and the employees.Where does that leave room for innovation or people to blossom? What about customers? It's not like they don't have endless choices. Very rarely is there just one company that controls an entire doesn't. Why do you think so many companies are failing or shipping business overseas? It isn't always to cut costs. It's feeble attempts to save a dying business model.Of course there's lobbying the government for favors, something Minnesota/Fed is fond to give to mining, railroads, and agriculture. We also have Al Franken, who is a decent, but unfortunately very Left-wing, as Senator.We have one of the biggest welfare program in the country, right in my county. With how anti-business the region is, most of the jobs which are created are low wage, or full of competition either because people want to stay because they grew up here or they like the view. It's actually in some ways, sadly better to live on the dole, and a lot of people come from Detroit and Chicago to live on the government dime.Duluth doesn't have projects, so most public housing is Section 8 subsidies, meaning units that would be rented to paying customers, all but guarantee income for the renter. One of the large local property management companies has grown quite rich by having a decent number of Section 8 units.I think one of the reasons Section 8 is popular throughout the country is it allows the government to hide how much poverty there really is. In the past, the poverty was wide in the open, as most people who lived on assistance programs were in government owned housing projects. Food stamps were stamps, now they're just electronic cards which are no different than credit cards.Heck, the state medical assistance program isn't some fly-by-night cut rate insurer, it's Blue Cross, an organization which provides healthcare to many And my county is not a rich county either. It's a lot of poor and middle class people, because the local governments are so obsessed with pleasing Union voters, that they're afraid to make it easy for people to make a profit.You wouldn't believe the amount of crime there is in this town. We don't hear about it though, since it's easier to hide, and being in the middle of Democrat country, the government needs to pretend it's keeping everyone safe, when it does nothing but enable misery.Where there is poverty there is drug and alcohol, physical, emotional, and financial abuse.I really have huge problems with authority and traditional corporate structures based on the assembly line, and not thinking. I don't trust anyone who wields too much power over another human being, and uses money and their position to mistreat and use people. All great art and all great businesses both come from enhancing the lives of others. Often, the interest of the artist or the interest of the entrepreneur makes what in the hands of another a poor or mediocre product, a product that touches lives.One thing that great artists, and great entrepreneurs have in common is, they aren't fond of authority and centralized control either, and they don't create generic work.They create compelling work.

        6.  @NatalieLamb The only person here being evil Natalie is you.  You have the power here not me not Tony.  No one on this blog is generally very supportive when you choose to disagree with Randy.  They attack and are really mean.  Randy has power here, this is his blog.  If you are looking at this from the perspective of children and adults.  He is the authority position, not me not Tony.  He is the one with the power to hurt here, and you because you are his friend and are going to find all the support to say anything in the world you want, and you know that no one will resist.  So I hate to tell you this Natalie, but you  and Randy are the bullies here. 
          Yes, I am still angry about the way I was treated last year.  That was abusive and you were the abuser.  You don't  have the right here to judge or give therapy, or pry into the emotions of others.  Calling people out who are not in positions of authority on a blog your friend writes, where you don't have to worry about any repercussions, makes you the bully in the room.
          You bullied me right off the blog last year.  Oh sure, I helped you out, but mainly it was your garbage.  YOUR STUFF.  He should kicked you off.  You should be ashamed of yourself. And one day you should apologize for all the pain you have caused me.
          And I stick up for the others here, because they don't deserve your bullying, no one does.  You proceeded to say all manner of untrue things about after I could no longer defend myself.  YOU are the bully.  I am still angry with you.  YOu have never made any attempts to make amends with me.
          I did read what you wrote to Tony later, and I will still say the same things:  Leave people alone here, let them be free to write their opinions, even if they are critical of Randy.  Your the bully blog, who would ever want to write anything here again??  No one should have to be put up with being psychoanalyzed by someone who doesn't give a shit about their feelings.  You are the one vying for Randy's love when you do this.  If he likes it that's his problem.  Randy is not a child anymore and this his blog he has the power here.  People love him here, he will always have defenders.  The few of us that criiticise him from time to time, are speaking our minds about Randy's opinions and his position.  If he wants this to be a tolerant place he has to expect that.
          But, he should not let the posters here attack others.  I have done that, to you, but you have attacked me mercilessly in the past.  You deserve a dose of your own medicine.
          IF you are a psychologist your license to practice should be revoked.  Other people here may believe your lies, that is for them to decide, I will not.  And you will not, because you know who the abuser is really don't you Natalie.  And trust me if their is a God it knows. too.  And I know.
          Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass.

        7.  @ThomasMrak  Thomas - I'm so sorry you went thru all that. I'm beaming you love.   And praying that you have people in your life now that honour, love, care and cherish you...  You may want to read some Alice Miller books...  she really helps in seeing that it's NOT your fault.  I wish you GOODNESS! You are so worthy of being treasured!

        8.  @ThomasMrak I hope you use that anger to take care of your boundaries, and to serve you as a passion for creating the life of your dreams. 

        9.  @NatalieLamb  @ThomasMrak Read Alic Miller, Thomas, but be careful, it is hard core.  And, if you are already so angry with your parents, it can make that worse.  If you do choose to read it, read it, and discuss with a WISE therapist.  For instance, I wouldn't choose a person who uses sex to vet people into therapy.

        10.  @Annieb   Annie, I hear your analogy...  of a parent and a child... The thing is you are NOT a child. And yet frequently you behave like one on this blog.   You project onto me that I am powerful... I am purely being clear, authetnic and raw. I have never felt attacking. I have never wanted to hurt you.  I have never felt like a bully.  I have have only ever wanted to create this space for GROWTH, LOVE and TRANSFORMTION.I just got off the phone from a therapist and author.  He wanted to speak with me about an issue he is challenged by, and was wondering if I could help. He shared that many people struggle with authenticity and being real.  That the moment you are honest with them, and speak about feelings they react - in attack, blame, toxic responses... ALL to make the speaker be quiet...  He said that the whole culture is set up to be superficial, disconnected, and intellectual.  He shared that the moment anyone shares with authentic depth, and emotional realness it's like monsters come out the woodwork - because they feel so threatened. Having not explored what they feel, and being unable to be vulnerable they do everything they can to silence talk of feelings, understanding, patterns, and effective emotional processing. Rather than own their feelings they react badly to push others away.  My way of being may bring up scary feelings for you that make you feel uncomfortable, angry, and scared.  They may be so upsetting that you want to lash out...  I understand that.  It's NOT how to process them tho...  What comes out is simply your programming...  This simply is a barrier to break thru - and you have the anger to do this... Tho sadly you're resenting ME, rather than using it to face your issues that I have not created. They were there well before I came to this meeting point with you. It is most bizaar that you feel okay and happy to be abusive, humiliating, belitting and antagonising - and you attack me when I stand up and say "There is no need for this, PLEASE treat Randy with respect and kindness."
          I teach in my parenting classes and my kids - DO NOT stand around watching others be treated badly. It is NOT okay.  Krishnamuti says: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."  It is sad, sick and shocking that you think you have a right to be rude, disrespectful and horrible to Randy... and Yet I have NO right to say "This is NOT okay!"   I shall ALWAYS be here for my friends. I will not sit by and what anyone accuse him for using others, pushing his work, or insulting him.  I will absolutely speak up and stand up. Out of love, compassion and deep care I shout out - not ONLY for Randy, but for YOU, and for TONY...  Shouting out to face the TRUTH of what we are graplling with...  You disguise your anger for your past with attacks on me and Randy...  And I don't want the projection... It you choose to act in emotional abuse, I shall speak out.  The issues need to be processed not acted out. You are NOT a child... And I understand that you FEEL like one sometimes, and feel vulnerable and scared or angry and this has to lashing out does NOT make it okay.  I will speak out - I have tolerated too much emotional abuse to sit back and watch it happen to ANYONE.  Yes Randy CAN defend himself, but why should he HAVE to?  This space should be a place for learning, critical thinking, and remarkable discussion... Reducing yourself to insulting and other forms of emotional abuse IS NOT and WILL NEVER be okay. THIS is way Randy requested you stop posting. I shall ALWAYS be an advocate for safe spaces where heated discussion and critical thinking can take place, but NOT abuse. KEn Wilber years ago wrote this:  All of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakeable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you. Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset your self. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity. Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must. And this is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but that doesn't matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery--either way--and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can.And I Still with you well - tho I find your rudeness unacceptable and not okay.  It's truly sad that you warp my passion for treating others WELL, into a personal attack on you.  I have NEVER and will NEVER attack or abuse you. It's not who I am.  I will however ALWAYS stand for people facing themselves rather than projecting their issues onto others.  Should you choose to be abusive and attacking, I shall strongly mirror how you are treating others (including me) so that you stop this beahviour. love to you always annie,Natalie

        11.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, if you have the gift of seeing or understanding others feelings, you must use compassion and empathy along with that understanding.  You receive undue respect here, I believe because you are Randy's friend.  You use that to an unfair advantage.
          This is Randy's platform, and for the most part people here love and support his message.  I think you have a lot to share, but do it with honesty and compassion, you must.
          I am calling you to the carpet, how will you take it?  If Tony is okay with it, fine.  I feel it was wrong, and something you have done to me on several occasions.  True love, is always kind.  To me how you proceed to deal with what you view is wrong with a person's opinion is unkind.
          Just disagree with the comment.  No need to psychoanalyze.  This isn't the place.  This isn't the time.  There is a time and place for everything.  If you insist on doing this to others, I will pray you gain the wisdom and compassion to when that time is.  I will also pray that you reconsider whether you own the full truth of others feelings and motivations without proper knowledge.  And if you do have the truth you will never under any circumstance use it for personal gain.

        12.  @Annieb Look at Jesus - when he saw people abusing others - like the tax collectors he thru a raging temper. True love does the right thing in each moment. I am a passionate, caring, loving person - and sometimes that comes out strongly when others have become emotionally abusive: like you do - with belittling, attacking, insulting, rudeness, humiliating...Sometimes people aren't aware -  and some reflections, mirroring, inquiry into themselves helps them understand their behaviour. I ponder into people's motivations, and why they are beahving like that - so that they may reflect and grow.  Some people don't want to grow. They want to stay the same - to stay attacking, negative, insulting and continue to eat the poison of resentment.
          I wish you well - and pray you come here with an open heart and mind.  And check yourself before you post: do I have an emotional abuse in this post? Am I revealing my lack of worthiness by:
          * continuously failing to show love and affection
          *persistant rejection
          And if so, please stop.  This place is a safe place.  If you come out attacking, I shall be a Mama Bear. I hope you don't find it rude or disrespectful - but that comes out of a deep love and appreciation for the goodness Randy has rippled into my life.  He doesn't deserve your projection (nor do i!).  And he doesn't deserve your emotional abuse - no one does. If you read ALL I have written to you - last year and this - you'll notice that there was NO emotional abuse at all from me. There have always been strong boundaries, and reflection.  It seems you struggle often facing yourself, and having someone put limits on your unhealthy and toxic emotional abuse. Imagine for a moment I am being like Jesus in the temple - and saying "this is a sacred place, for learning and receiving abundance - if you are bringing toxic and cruel ways in here I shall be wild, and demand a change in your tone, and expect you to speak with critical thinking not personal attack." You have ZERO right to be emotionally abusive to me or ANYONE here. If you read my words to Tony there was NO personal attack on TOny - there was understanding, critical thinking, and challenging him to own his words.  If you see below - he appreciated the input.  I'm no longer entertaining your emotional abuse and attacks. They are unacceptable here. And the world needs healthy challenge to become our best...  Not insult, and attack.  I believe you have the capactiy to become your best... and I hope you use this forum for that purpose...  rather than slash your toxicity everywhere. Love to you Annie... and many blessing of goodness and miracles!

        13.  @NatalieLamb Now you are comparing yourself to Jesus?  Really?  Natalie grow up.  Until you see the wrongs that you do, your no help to anyone.  I own up to my demons, you seem to think that you can bring toxicity and smooth it over with all your proclamations of love and that makes it okay.  Well it is not.  And you wronged me last year.  When you own up to that, we shall have us a genuine conversation.
          I still believe you bully here, and I remain feeling that way even after all your verbose posts, that you are being a bully.  I will pray that you see that.
          I know have let my emotions run loose here, and that was wrong.  I know I have been rough with Randy.  I have suffered for that, take your judgements and stuff it.  Save your Mama Bear for your own children.  Leave us alone on the blog.  I didn't see any emotional abuse from Tony, that warranted your dissection of his emotional state of being.

        14.  @Annieb TONY was happy with what I wrote.  He accused Randy of doing something HE HAD NOT DONE. I am strong, challenging, and courageous - a bully I am not! I frequently see the wrongs I do - Randy challenges me on things I do wrong, and I adjust.  If he felt I was out of order he would let me know.  He does whenever he says me doing something wrong. I'm grateful for this.  I have monthly sessions with my kids where I ask them "how am I doing? Where am I going wrong with my parenting?"  My clients are also free and welcome to challenge me. Last month a client said that see adored that she's free to challenge me - when I'm wrong I'll admit it, and when I'm not I will explain why.  JUST like I have done with you.  I have frequently apologised that you have been hurt and are upset...  And that you find my boundary setting here challenging. I shall not only save Mama Bear for my own kids - I shall let her out whenever I see injustice.  Too often the word sits by complacent to emotional abuse and falsehoods.  I shall always shout out.  You have NO Right to treat me with rudeness and insult - I have NEVER treated you with that. I have been firm, clear and strong. I DO press buttons...  that reveal issues that need healing. It does not mean that I caused or created them - I only revealed them for what they are.  That you choose to hate me for that, is your loss.  MANY clients and friends are grateful..  If you choose to be poisoned by your own hatred, anger, and bitterness - it's your choice.  Tho it's not welcome to be sprayed here.

        15.  @NatalieLamb I don't think I would use Randy as my only moral gauge.  I will have to disagree with you, and my Mama Bear comes out too, and as stood up for many wrongs.  I don't care what Randy thinks, he is often wrong too when it comes to treating people with kindness.
          You are Toxic, I have been toxic as well, but that does not excuse you.  You are here among like minded thinkers and friends.  I stand alone often times, many people NOT on this blog would not agree with you.  I am not surprised Randy condones this.  In fact, he always has.  He is a lot of things.  He is charming on this blog and popular with his audiences, but he does not always make good choices
          Frankly, I think I am glad the people here don't like me.  I do not agree with most of this.  I am here because I am open to thinking critically.
          I am just not persuaded here.  Sorry, I think a lot of what is preached is naive and false. 
          When I am loved, even if it is tough love I feel it. I don't look to my friends for direction.  MOst of the time I follow my heart and my choices are usually moral.
          It is not your business what happened to me or anyone else in their childhood here, or why we respond the way we do.  You have no idea what justice is in this case.  I do.  I am finished with this.   I am not writing to you any longer.  I know what's true Natalie, I know where I have wronged, I am responsible to myself for correcting them not you.  I don't want your help to clarify my behavior, I can figure it out for myself.
          You will never convince me of the things you say about yourself, because what you do to me is my answer for what you are really like.  I am sure you are many good things, you have not been totally mean to me, but you have wronged me and you feel justified.  Fine.  So forgiving you will take a long time.
          I am sorry if my correcting you has upset you, because I to stand for justice.

        16.  @NatalieLamb Natalie I am ready to end this.  I am sorry for being rude to you.  Yes, I am still bitter about last year.  I am jealous you are Randy's friend.  Not only that, but if you believe the things you believe, he must too.
          I still don't think you should analyze or dissect people's feelings here.  Especially Natalie if it is because you are defending Randy.  Because, you are not really doing it for their benefit, but Randy's and yours.  They have not agreed to that kind of questioning, and you may embarrass him or her.  People to face things in their own way and their own time.  If Tony was okay with it fine.
          Yes, I admit I responded to quickly because I am still angry with you from last year.  Your relentless assaults were unwelcome, and often times you hit the right chords, but other times you were dead wrong and you never really checked in with me, you just kept crusading.  I am a mental health worker too Natalie, and confrontation is a part of the process.  But, as you have so wisely pointed out, this is not group therapy and not all of us here may be willing participants to your psychoanalysis.
          Confrontation, like that should come from a place when we are only concerned with the person we are confronting, only concerned with their mental health or well being.  Not, when we are defending another.  I think you were maybe right with what you said to Tony about what he wrote.  But to interject why he might be feeling that way and calling him out saying maybe he isn't doing enough with Randy's advice is, well, wrong.  He didn't ask for your analysis.  You could have stood up to him without that, and your Mama Bear may have been just as satisfied.
          Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit. 
           @Randy_Gage  Sorry for being attacking on your blog, and for attacking your friend.  I was wrong, I apologize to you both.
          Peace OUt.

        17.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage It takes awareness and strength to own your behaviour rather than act out with past programming...I hear your apology for being rude...  As well as facing your jealousy... and other issues....  Tho it's not quite enough if you really want healing...  If you really want to be free...  Here's the clue you give away:  "Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit."    A BIT?  Really???? !!!!
          What I've learnt from Randy is not to listen to people's WORDS - apology is easy... but to listen to see their actions...  You STILL don't get me, see me, or understand me...  I think you captured it here:
          "Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass."
          My love IS Unreal - because I do care and send you love - EVEN when you are abusive, uncaring, vindictive, insulting...  I wonder why you see it as unreal?   It's not a realness that you offer.  I have not an ounce of bitterness towards - even tho you go on false rampages about me.  That you distort my words, inquiry and care to be attacks - I feel may come down to your feelings of worthiness here.  I don't write to you JUST to defend Randy.  I write to you because I see you acting out in emotional abuse and know that when someone is beingin this way they MUST have learnt it from somewhere and be in severe pain, hurt and anger.  My role in the world is helping people face this, so they can grow and own it, and work thru it... 
          No matter HOW you have treated me - I have NEVER walked away, I have ALWAYS cared enough to respond, and keep serving YOU in dealing with your issues. You hate that I don't answer with superficial words, but that I open to greater complexity, and a fuller perspective.  that simply reveals the depth to which you want to face yourself.  I want deal and real conversations.  I create them wherever I go.  I don't believe that that sort of conversation should happen ONLY in a therapy room - I think that's the level of embrace, depth and integration that we ALL need to be inquiring into to live consicous amazing lives.   Otherwise we stay unconscious and acting out without awareness. I don't want that for you or anyone - so I ask questions... and try to understand... Today a client called to thank me for my patience with him - as he does ALL SORTS of things to avoid himself...  He's so scared. The stuff is ugly and painful...  He does all he can to run away - and finds it amazing that I STILL support him. Sadly you've projected your past onto me - and find my love unreal, and choose to smother it with doubt, negativity, anger, and bitterness. You must have been programmed at some point to learn not to trust people and be wary of their intent. You've  put onto me that I don't care or have love for you - even when I say I do... Even when I've given up time to write to you! It's so sad for you to be eating that poison... I KNOW my intent.  That you choose to reject my concern, my passion for goodness, my courage in facing you, and my audacious authenticity is your loss.
          Absolutely when I speak out there are things that embarrass people.  I told a client last month that she was emotionally abusive. It rocked her world... and she GOT IT.  She wrote back and said she felt so embarrassed that she'd never realised it, and was so grateful for me putting it to her so clearly, and inquiring into why she did that. 
          I've had that MANY times I've been embarrassed publically. It is THIS that has helped me grow!   Randy has even called me out in front 500+ people for my limited beliefs.  I went bright red.  What he was doing is to wake me UP!  To stop me hiding out.   He did it because he wants me to grow and face myself.  When others have come to me upset that he calls them out - I've shared that it's because he cares about them.  It took a lot for them to realise that! I believe that the depth of our BURN of embarrassment is how great the trigger is that we need to face in ourselves.  One person that helped me see this is a friend Randy told me to read: Larry Winget.  He wrote SHUT UP, STOP WHINING, AND GET A LIFE.  Freqently in contact with Larry I BURN in humiliation as he points out where I am failing and why I may be doing this...  You see that embarrassment as WRONG...  While I see that burn as wonderful - from both Randy and Larry - it's like a glow torch highlighting what needs change in me.  You get bitter and hate me.  I get grateful and love Randy and Larry more for caring enough to spend the time shooting my negative attributes down. And know that I dont ALWAYS go into gratitude. Randy will share how I fight him, deny what he's saying, and get angry... until the point his words seep into my psyche and I go: YOU ARE RIGHT. And he is right... and THAT is why I'm reacting.  If I WAS NOT reacting - it wouldn't be something relevant to me.  That you choose to see my care, love, time and attention I've given to you as "relentless attacks" rather than acts of compassion, goodness, and care is your loss, distortion and sadness.  In the last day I've had two folks saying: "I deeply value your insights. You offer such perspective that helps me see things differently - and do the work I need to do."   NO ONE I work with finds it comfortable - it's scary, upsetting, confrontational - but they all say they change, and they know I love them. Personal development is HARD. That's why few do it.  Most stay small in attacking and acting out and living their past programming. It takes a lot of introspection and insight from others to find the right inquiry to see our fault and change them For some reason you choose to project onto me that I'm evil and full of shit. So whatever I write - even if EVERYONE else agress with me - YOU distort into being wrong.  You've painted me with a dark brush and that's the only lens you see through...  Your bitterness to me I know is NOTHING to do with me. I bet if you went through all I wrote last year - you'd WAKE UP to so many home truths that would serve you as an outline for the work you need to do to stop being emotionally abusive. Sadly your lens on hating me will stop you facing yourself.
          I feel sadness for you.  I see many of my clients- especially those who have been sexually abused - really struggle with letting people get close.  They get emotionally abusive, reject people, distort their motives, hate them, think there is something wrong with them, and keep their defenses strong out of protection of being hurt again. Sadly this pushes away those who could really help them break thru.
          I wish you well Annie - I always have, and I always will send you love. That you choose to reject it, means the love comes flying back at me - and I get a double portion!  THANKS.  My love and care is YUMMY!

        18.  @NatalieLamb  @Randy_Gage Very true.  Evil is a word that should not be used carelessly. Although,  I never thought you were evil, just some of your actions.  I apologize for this offense.  It was not a word that needed to be used.  Annie

      2.  @NatalieLamb  Wow, a lot to ponder here Natalie and thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that I am sorry you took this as an attack on Randy and I guess I could have worded it differently. You're right though in that I do feel I can state my case knowing that RG will still love me tomorrow :). Randy taught me to think things through to the end and that's exactly what I'm doing by questioning the impact those outcomes could have. Please see my reply to Randy on that.Thanks.

        1.  @tonyscarcia I think it sometimes helps to admit that it WAS an atttack on Randy.  To be honest... 
          Cos your accusing him of profitting was baseless - you obviously didn't click the links, and falsely accused him.I wonder what belief was behind that? 
          I'd ponder what is behind the attacks...  What's going on for you that made you attack? 

    3. "are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?"
       @tonyscarcia - odd, but isn't it the person's choice what to believe anyway, as long as they honestly feel maybe good about it or improves them? Just wondering aloud, I guess.

  18. Observation:Randy,  I have to ask... titles like "Worthiness" and statements on your posts like "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief", (the list goes on). Although not exactly affirming the negative, are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?
    I get that statements of that nature can cause a person to think critically and potentially move them toward their perceived success but... are your headlines and content really becoming anything more than a '7:30pm prime time news report - attention grabbing spin' to get and to hold readership? And then there are the links!You used to post articles of sustenance without the perceived hard core sales pitch behind the scenes, so if it's not too much to ask would you please get back to zigging.Thank you in advance.

  19. I really truly enjoyed reading this article, it shows me how connected you are to source and how far you have come in life.
    Loved it , Thank You !

  20. I really truly enjoyed reading this article, it shows me how connected you are to source and how far you have come in life.
    Loved it , Thank You !

  21.  @tonyscarcia You think "worthiness" is a sensationalistic headline?   And I definitely think the statements like, "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief" would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them. 
    Fascinating that you think this has a "hard core sales pitch behind the scenes."   What's up with that?  First of all, the "links" I posted here are the show I was on and the actual interview.  They are a service to the reader and aren't selling anything. 
    But that raises an interesting question about your core beliefs about money:  I post 200 blogs a year and mention a book or album in maybe 5 or 10 a year.  Are you suggesting that my job on earth is to post free training every day because the world is entitled to it?  True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange, never a situation of exploitation, co-dependency or entitlement.

    1. Yeah but they have to kill a croc for that jacket. :-s ... I think that is not prosperity. Or am i wrong here ?

      1.  @million dollar just a thought here....everything dies. Is the issue about crocodile death is simply resistance to the idea of Death (our own deaths)?  The older I get, the more I think about death, with acceptance - for me, for crocodiles, for is life, and then it changes.  The idea that crocodile life is more important than carrot life seems just weird to me.  There's some irrelevant Food for Thought for you.

  22. Your post reminded me of another one I read yesterday, with a bit of a humor twist:

  23. Your post reminded me of another one I read yesterday, with a bit of a humor twist:

  24. Tony, completely my philosophy.
    "Actions speak louder than words" has been my guiding mantra this year so far.
    I have learned a lot about people when I apply it to situations..
    Best Wishes
    Chiang Mai

  25. I didn't know you were a Three Dog Night fan Randy! LOL
    Great post once again.. Am reading for about  the 10th time a book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth". In the second chapter he talks about enough-ness. The reason I bring this up is that there are similarities in some ways to what you say here. Alan says wealthy people believe they have enough, and at the same time, reach out for more from a platform of 'passion and celebration'. Would you agree this is how you live your Life?
    He also says that shifting our beliefs to 'having/being enough' in turn signals the Universe to deliver more. On the other hand, always believing we do NOT have enough triggers the Universe to deliver more of that even though we SAY we want more. Walsh mentions this in "Conversations with God", when he discusses the distinction of choosing vs. wanting. 
    Being GRATEFUL for what we have and celebrating the Abundance around us while knowing we ARE enough and HAVE enough is important. But no more important than feeling we are WORTHY of what the Universe has created. For me that means an amazing home on SF Bay, a fleet of European sports and luxury cars, traveling first class, an incredibly successful media company and a relationship based on unconditional love and passion. 
    I.. AM.. ENOUGH! 

      1.  @Randy_Gage Cool Randy.. Great music as was all from that era! In fact we're in development of a film/transmedia project that's focused around the industry people responsible for it! Have a great trip!

  26. I didn't know you were a Three Dog Night fan Randy! LOL
    Great post once again.. Am reading for about  the 10th time a book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth". In the second chapter he talks about enough-ness. The reason I bring this up is that there are similarities in some ways to what you say here. Alan says wealthy people believe they have enough, and at the same time, reach out for more from a platform of 'passion and celebration'. Would you agree this is how you live your Life?
    He also says that shifting our beliefs to 'having/being enough' in turn signals the Universe to deliver more. On the other hand, always believing we do NOT have enough triggers the Universe to deliver more of that even though we SAY we want more. Walsh mentions this in "Conversations with God", when he discusses the distinction of choosing vs. wanting. 
    Being GRATEFUL for what we have and celebrating the Abundance around us while knowing we ARE enough and HAVE enough is important. But no more important than feeling we are WORTHY of what the Universe has created. For me that means an amazing home on SF Bay, a fleet of European sports and luxury cars, traveling first class, an incredibly successful media company and a relationship based on unconditional love and passion. 
    I.. AM.. ENOUGH! 

  27. Yeah but they have to kill a croc for that jacket. :-s ... I think that is not prosperity. Or am i wrong here ?

  28.  @tonyscarcia I am shocked!  This is SO not what my sense what from this blog post.  I'm wondering what's up for you???  Did someone tick you off today and you're projecting it on Randy? My mama bear comes out when I see him being scapegoated while serving!  Your tone, and baseless attacks just don't seem to hold true from this side of the world...  I'm gonna to reflect on what I see here: 1. I CLICKED on the link - it was an entertaining really cool video... that got me celebrating shifts I'm made in the last year.  Shifts made because of what Randy wrote!  From his care - I found the courage to quit relationships that weren't serving me.  I'm stunned you'd say he's sharing links to profit.  He's sharing links to made a difference - clicking on that link affirmed for me how much he's touched my life so deeply. I'm wondering why you are feeling so bitter and attacking?  What's happened for you that's made you angry with him @tonyscarcia ?
    2. In order to become aware of how the saboteur works we have to recognise it, and bring it to the light.  Things left in the negative play havoc - they need to be seen.  Awareness is always the first step to change!3. WORTHINESS is hardly affirming the negative - BEING Worthy is an essential step in prosperity.  If you don't feel you are worth you can't receive...
    4. COPYWRITING - RG is KNOWN as an awesome copywriter, and creates titles to bring people to the blog.  In order to GET people to change we have to bring them to a post...  WORTHINESS is hardly "attention grabbing spin!" You should see MY headline's at times.  SEX SEX and more SEX - okay sometimes I am actually WRITING about SEX but that's besides the point!   Worthiness is hardly a new grapping spin...  I'm wondering if worthiness is something that touched you - and is why you've lashed out?
    5. Substance without pitch?   Nearly EVERY day Randy posts here - I've NEVER felt pushed to buy.  He promotes his stuff as frequently as he does close friends-  which is not very often.  Daily his posts are thoguht provoking and inspire change...  Are you maybe pissed off with yourself that you haven't used what he writs to change yourself ENOUGH? 
    6. Your FIGHT!   I just did a coaching session with a guy who's pissed off with himself  - he knows it ALL, but isn't applying it.  Is that the same for you? Is that why you're enraged with RG?  This guy was enraged with his mentor - and attacking him for being money orientated, and pushy...  Yet he's in a deep hole... and reactive.  I shared with him that he was in survival mode -of fight, flight or freeze...  Sometimes being numb and unable to take action, othertimes fighting and demanding, and othertimes wanting to run away - rather than face his wound sand fears and embrace them.  If he could use his trigger as a map into aspects within HIM that need healing, rather than attacking, then he'd find his way into Greatness.7. Abundance?  Often I notice in a lady in the village if someone has something that SHE wants she gets sniping and horrid.  She gossips about them. She feels life OWES her. When she sees (especially!) people buying clothes she gets angry that she doesn't have the money to buy all she wants...  Can you notice at what word you got trigger? Or were you triggered before and you just feel safe enough with RG's love, that you know he'll STILL love you tomorrow, no matter what you say?
    It's weird our different responses.... I spent a while writing to RG in the last 24 hours... and as I was writing to him and reading this post, watching the video - I was just marvelling at him... How does he continue to serve so much?  How does he write so consistenly?  Where does he get his discipline from?  I'm Feeling deeply grateful at his service, kindness, and generosity.  He asks for NOTHING. He gives and gives...  Sure he gets to see people changing... and that's priceless...  But his service here I'm truly grateful for!
     @Randy_Gage can you answer that? How do you work like 4/5 men do? How do you produce so much? AND still love me... and respond to my quirks and questions - when you don't earn a penny off me! I appreciate you LOTS!

  29. I love it!
    A post like this deserves a Boom that comes from my heart and my soul: picture my Boom like I am screaming because my favorite soccer team, in the last minute,  scored a beautiful goal...

  30. I love it!
    A post like this deserves a Boom that comes from my heart and my soul: picture my Boom like I am screaming because my favorite soccer team, in the last minute,  scored a beautiful goal...

  31. The big question I think is not if you would accept it but WHY you would want more then you need. Is that really prosperity thinking or does this happen because of lack thinking? If you want the 200 million because you are afraid you would not take all there is you are in scarcity mode as there is always more then enough. Scarcity thinking is money thinking; prosperity thinking is enough thinking. Or do I miss something.

      1. My old mantra: "I have what I need; more would be nice.... (...unlikely, but nice.)"
        Is it that "unlikeliness" = hidden unworthiness issues?
        My new mantra will be: "I have what I need, I am worthy. I love myself enough, to be open to more."

        1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity  How about "Im grateful for all I have and I receive more" ...just a thought?

      2.  @Randy_Gage  - Well said, Randy.
        Have a burning desire. Push yourself further than you think you can go.
        At the end of the day be appreciative and happy with what we do have, instead of what we don't.
        Thanks for sharing.

  32. The big question I think is not if you would accept it but WHY you would want more then you need. Is that really prosperity thinking or does this happen because of lack thinking? If you want the 200 million because you are afraid you would not take all there is you are in scarcity mode as there is always more then enough. Scarcity thinking is money thinking; prosperity thinking is enough thinking. Or do I miss something.

  33.  @Randy_Gage Cool Randy.. Great music as was all from that era! In fact we're in development of a film/transmedia project that's focused around the industry people responsible for it! Have a great trip!

  34.  @NatalieLamb I don't even read your whole story Natalie.  Why do you always attack people when they are critical of Randy?  I think he should be insulted.  Can poor wittle Wandy not defend himself?  He need your help?
    Okay, to me Randy is always talking about codependency and this is about as codependent as you get.  You and Randy both.  Give it up, please. 

  35. Randy, you are massaging your own ego a bit.  I think, just my opinion.  Live and let live.  Not everyone thinks like you.  That's okay, it doesn't mean they are codependent or lack programmed.  It might be true, you are right.  I think you need to justify yourself.  Stop. Stop doing that.
    What is your big thing with codependency, you seem like you are always so mad about it?  You are still thought provoking, but I just feel like something is wrong here. 

    1.  @Annieb Co-dependency is a serious mental health issue and prevents people from reaching their potential for a fulfilled life.  It's a big cause for people getting stuck and many people enable that behavior.   I don't.  And I certainly wasn't mad when i wrote this post.  I thought it offered fascinating insights into the whole series we've been discussing for the last few days.  - RG

      1.  @Randy_Gage Randy, okay.  I agree Co-dependency is a really serious problem.  I am not sure it is the root cause of poverty.  I am sure it is the cause of much unhappiness in life and relationships. 
        I don't however, think it has to do with how much material wealth you wish for in life.  I really think people vary.  Personality theories prove in many ways we are so different and value really different things.  I think it is true when you say if people don't want the best for themselves there is a worthiness issue there.  That is quite true.  Realistically though, there are limits to what we can have.  There are limits.  I know it is not popular to say around here, but really there is.
        Thinking otherwise is a lie.  Lies only lead us away from God and ourselves.  They leave cracks for evil to seep in.  I know, I have lied so much in life.  To myself, to others.  Lies have no place when we are seeking God and our true potential.
        I have a theory, and mind you it is just a theory.  I hate to say this here, but I have an idea you still struggle with codependency.  I know I do.  Although, I have conquered lots of it, it is difficult to unlearn.  Things like that take time.
        My fear for you RAndy is that you are codependent on your "things".  I am afraid you are teaching us that our happiness is dependent on things. That is codependency.  Codependent people are often addicts.  Only, the love in our hearts and a deep devotion to the truth will make us happy.  Loving ourselves is a part of that. 
        You can love your things Randy.  You can love getting things.  I think we all do.  But, they must never define our significance.  Only the part of us that is God is significant.  Meaning only when we are acting from the grace of God are we pleasing to ourselves, God, and others.
        IF we lived in a post apocalyptic world where no one had anything, would you still be special?   Would we all be sinners because we are poor? 
        I also think you worship a false idol.  That idol is Charles Filmore.  He is not Christ, he is not God.  Jesus never said a thing about poverty being a sin.  If I were you I wouldn't be throwing that around so much, it is naive. 
        I love that you bring these things up, I love that you made me think about these things, and I love you.  It is a theory about you and the codependent thing, I realize I could be wrong about that.  But, the other stuff I believe.

      2.  @Randy_Gage Okay, I have to say oops.  I wrote a whole thing and deleted it.  I liked it, but I actually reread your post, and missed some of what you wrote.
        I actually like this post.  I missed the whole section where you said if people came to the conclusion they didn't want money through critical thinking....
         I think it may be one of my most favorite posts! 
        So, um excuse me.  Anyway, I do think Co-Dependency is a  serious condition.  I have suffered from it myself.  It is awful and difficult to unlearn.  I was afraid when I read this without seeing the part I missed, that you could be codependent on things, which is equally as bad as being dependent on other people.
        Codependency is really when your self esteem relies on something else besides your own self worth, and self love.  What makes it bad with being codependent on people is that you usually end up using the other person, for your own needs and forget to value them and yourself.   You use people as a prop instead of seeing them as an individual with their own wants and needs. 
        The person who is being used is just as needy, usually they think the only way they can be loved is if they are needed by someone else.
        But, you know I bet a lot of codependent people are wealthy Randy.  Don't you think?
        Randy, I think you get you better and better.  🙂  I still don't like the whole Poverty is a sin thing.  But, I will only say more about that, when it pertains to the topic.

        1.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage No offense to you Annie but human suffering, which includes poverty is mostly preventable. The fact that it exists, especially in a world where we have such wonderful technology and vast resources is evil, and a crime.It's easy to blame wealthy people for it, but people can only be mistreated if they are complacent and tolerate anti-human behavior.Many of these "evil" companies and individuals wouldn't have the power they had if people stopped doing business with companies who treat customers and people poorly, and holding government accountable for protecting people from harming other people rather than making rules and regulations which prevent people who are not already rich or on good terms with people in government from doing what they value.This is no different than the gay community, women, blacks, and Latinos, and other marginalized groups tolerating subpar treatment by old fashioned, bigoted people, who are often insecure men who view anyone different as a threat.You can't enslave someone unless you surrender your free will completely, which people will do to avoid discomfort. 

        2.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage Oh and by the way, I am gay, was treated poorly by a lot of people, and I'm creative. Like Randy, I let it define me for a long time, and I will it isn't worth the time, energy, or resources.30 now and I can't get that time back but there are plenty of attractive 30 somethings, and even someone who did experience success does hit roadblocks, so I guess it's something that happens now and then to everyone.Part of the process of growth.And no one has a right to mistreat or pigeonhole me, or anyone else.I am going to use my ability to express myself to get through to people, because music is the Universal Language and something which transcends time and space. P.S.Unity on the Bay will pray for you if you send them a prayer request. I asked them to pray for me as I ramp up my pursuit of my talents in a healthy dedicated way.This is probably the first time I have had faith in something which I can't prove.It's scary, but for some reason, I think that God gave me these talents for a reason, and it most certainly wasn't to rot in Minnesota and suffer.

        3.  @ThomasMrak  @Randy_Gage I,m not offended Thomas.  I agree.  I just don't think it helps to blame the victims, it only perpetuates the problem.  In fact we are all victims of poverty, because it can harm our fellow humans.  I am Christian, and I Christ said whatsoever you do to the little ones, you do to me.
          Sometimes though, I think Randy needs to define his terms better.  There is poverty and there is POVERTY.  You know what I mean?  To say being poor is a sin, includes even me I think.  I am not impoverished but I am definitely poor.  For now.  I choose not to work so I could be with my son when he was a baby, I don't think that is a sin.
          Anyway, I know how young gay people struggle.  I haven't personally experienced it, because I am not myself gay.  I am sorry for societies reactions to homosexuality.  It is sad and scary sometimes.
          Is Randy gay?  Randy are you Gay?  I never know.  Is that what you mean Thomas?  I don't think he is ever very clear about it.
          Yes, Thomas God gave you your talents for a reason.  You are a special unique you.

  36. Randy, you are massaging your own ego a bit.  I think, just my opinion.  Live and let live.  Not everyone thinks like you.  That's okay, it doesn't mean they are codependent or lack programmed.  It might be true, you are right.  I think you need to justify yourself.  Stop. Stop doing that.
    What is your big thing with codependency, you seem like you are always so mad about it?  You are still thought provoking, but I just feel like something is wrong here. 

  37.  @Annieb Randy serves YOU, Tony, and ALL daily. FOr free. Out of kindness and love and passion.  I believe those who come here would be wise to come her with an open heart, a willing mind, and a desire for transformation...    what he deserves is gratitude, respect, and kindness. I know that you and Tony both have the capacity for this...  and this is a beautiful platform to practice those skills. He doens't need, or deserve baseless attacks that have no ground. Just to be sure - I wasn't attacking Tony for a second...  Altho I was challenging him to check him premises, and to get in touch with his empty accusations.... I want to serve Tony...and highlight his erroneous thinking...   Randy didn't post ANY link to make money...That's a false accusation - and NOT his intention. His intent is to serve and make a difference.
    Besides THAT, I love Randy. He's an awesome friend to me... always there for me...  So when someone attacks him - I show my love and care.     I adore healthy, positive, loving, caring relationships... part of friendship for me is standing for the truth of who a friend is.   I also challenge Randy when I'm unhappy about something... and he's good at clearing things up or challenging me to face my fears/attack.  I do for others what  LOVE others doing for me.  When folks are attacking my intent, I TOTALLY adore them shouting out and saying: the lens that you are looking through is cloudy, Natalie's intent is LOVE.  This happened last week.  It felt awesome  to be seen, to have someone care enough to stand up for me, and to be courageous enough to call out falsehoods. Randy isn't someone to defend himself... and I bet as a child he had few to defend him ever. I consider it my Job: MAMA BEAR!

  38. My old mantra: "I have what I need; more would be nice.... (...unlikely, but nice.)"
    Is it that "unlikeliness" = hidden unworthiness issues?
    My new mantra will be: "I have what I need, I am worthy. I love myself enough, to be open to more."

  39.  @million dollar just a thought here....everything dies. Is the issue about crocodile death is simply resistance to the idea of Death (our own deaths)?  The older I get, the more I think about death, with acceptance - for me, for crocodiles, for is life, and then it changes.  The idea that crocodile life is more important than carrot life seems just weird to me.  There's some irrelevant Food for Thought for you.

  40.  @Annieb Co-dependency is a serious mental health issue and prevents people from reaching their potential for a fulfilled life.  It's a big cause for people getting stuck and many people enable that behavior.   I don't.  And I certainly wasn't mad when i wrote this post.  I thought it offered fascinating insights into the whole series we've been discussing for the last few days.  - RG

  41. This is so great. If you say you want the dumpster view over the ocean view, you are clearly lying to yourself. Come on! Don't lie!! Dumpster over ocean? Lying. So what else are you lying to yourself about?
    Maybe you take issue with what you would have to sacrifice in order to pay for and enjoy the ocean view - it's understandable, but it brings up a whole different issue of what you think is possible. There are plenty of ways to get the ocean view - your job is to find the way that best suits your personal set of beliefs and values. 🙂
    This reminds me of one of my favorite concepts by Jim Rohn - when discussing the idea of setting the goal to become a millionaire "for what it will make of you to achieve it", he says:
    "The guy says: 'Well, I don't need much.' Well, then you don't need to become much."
    Love it. Love this post. And this entire blog. 🙂
    P.S. first comment ever! I'm proud. My good friend Sean O'Shea encouraged me to 🙂 Out of the countless amazing things Sean has contributed to my life, this blog and your insight has been a big one. Thank you so much.
    Hi Natalie Lamb!! I don't know you, but I have heard the best things about you!!

    1.  @Laura M Laura - well done for having the courage to post.  Awesome...  Jim Rohn is a sweetheart!

    2.  @Laura M One of the biggest issues is, we ASSUME wrongfully, that it will involve complete suffering and not be enjoyable at all.After all, most of us make the assumption that being a successful creative or business person is like a job, where we have to work hard all the time to impress others- to get that nice carrot our friends or family or boss told us would get.When someone else is always holding the carrot, that means they can take it away from you.Personally, I think the only person we have to impress is ourselves, and it's far more about providing some sort of value rather than hard work.Steve Jobs didn't work several million times harder than the guy who works at the Starbucks down the road from Apple, and baring any sort of physical handicap, it is very unlikely that most of the Starbucks employees were smarter or have not had the inspiration to create new technology or new art.Most people are smart enough and capable enough to answer the call of their souls, with or without years of experience, knowing the right people, living in the right area, or formal education or the right background and other such "rules" of society.People transcend these problems all the time. If these "rules" really were the absolute truth, only people who had been born to people who were already wealthy would be defining the arts, music, science, and business.The truth is, in my observation the people who ended up defining things the most in any of these fields had more of a reason to do so, because they weren't born into privilege.They knew they had nothing to lose.It was succeed or live in poverty, or just get by.I know it was this way for 50 Cent, for Steve Jobs, and for Randy, as well as others.The biggest issue is, we human beings have a tendency to identify with our flaws or our problems way too much.Lord knows we have plenty of advertisers, the government, religion, and even schools telling us how flawed and unworthy we are. You and I are worthy. We wouldn't be here, on Randy's blog having this conversation. We'd be watching "Jersey Shore" or "Jerry Springer". 

  42. This is so great. If you say you want the dumpster view over the ocean view, you are clearly lying to yourself. Come on! Don't lie!! Dumpster over ocean? Lying. So what else are you lying to yourself about?
    Maybe you take issue with what you would have to sacrifice in order to pay for and enjoy the ocean view - it's understandable, but it brings up a whole different issue of what you think is possible. There are plenty of ways to get the ocean view - your job is to find the way that best suits your personal set of beliefs and values. 🙂
    This reminds me of one of my favorite concepts by Jim Rohn - when discussing the idea of setting the goal to become a millionaire "for what it will make of you to achieve it", he says:
    "The guy says: 'Well, I don't need much.' Well, then you don't need to become much."
    Love it. Love this post. And this entire blog. 🙂
    P.S. first comment ever! I'm proud. My good friend Sean O'Shea encouraged me to 🙂 Out of the countless amazing things Sean has contributed to my life, this blog and your insight has been a big one. Thank you so much.
    Hi Natalie Lamb!! I don't know you, but I have heard the best things about you!!

  43.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, Randy does not need you to defend him he defends himself quite well.  You are stopping productive conversation.  I am sure Randy is aware that he will be challenged now and then.  Maybe that helps him too.
    You do a lot of thinking for others, talking for others, to me that is a part of codependent behavior.  Believing Randy needs a defender is an offense to his manhood in my opinion.  Randy, makes plenty of money, and this blog helps him do it.  And the more conversation generated, the better for him, just means his blog is interestin'. 
    You do not know if Tony is enraged, you do not know if he is projecting, or doing any of those things. The man has a right to his opinion, and Randy defended himself just fine.
    Why do you keep telling us how  much Randy loves you?  Why do you feel responsible to be his Mama Bear?  The last thing Randy seems to me is vulnerable.  He seems pretty tough to me.  I think your MAMA BEAR needs to go find a cave somewhere and chill out.
    I come here willing to learn and be transformed, I find this place fascinating.  This blog supports Randy's work, it is not just an act of love, it is the act of a smart business man, with enough balls to take some heat despite what may have transpired in his childhood.
    What you call falsehoods were just someone's opinion.  I don't think you show love and care, when you write here and attack someone else to protect Randy's innerchild or whatever the hell you think you're doing.  Really you are just making a mockery of intelligent conversation.

  44.  @Randy_Gage Okay, I have to say oops.  I wrote a whole thing and deleted it.  I liked it, but I actually reread your post, and missed some of what you wrote.
    I actually like this post.  I missed the whole section where you said if people came to the conclusion they didn't want money through critical thinking....
     I think it may be one of my most favorite posts! 
    So, um excuse me.  Anyway, I do think Co-Dependency is a  serious condition.  I have suffered from it myself.  It is awful and difficult to unlearn.  I was afraid when I read this without seeing the part I missed, that you could be codependent on things, which is equally as bad as being dependent on other people.
    Codependency is really when your self esteem relies on something else besides your own self worth, and self love.  What makes it bad with being codependent on people is that you usually end up using the other person, for your own needs and forget to value them and yourself.   You use people as a prop instead of seeing them as an individual with their own wants and needs. 
    The person who is being used is just as needy, usually they think the only way they can be loved is if they are needed by someone else.
    But, you know I bet a lot of codependent people are wealthy Randy.  Don't you think?
    Randy, I think you get you better and better.  🙂  I still don't like the whole Poverty is a sin thing.  But, I will only say more about that, when it pertains to the topic.

  45. "are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?"
     @tonyscarcia - odd, but isn't it the person's choice what to believe anyway, as long as they honestly feel maybe good about it or improves them? Just wondering aloud, I guess.

  46. I see this a lot amongst musicians and creatives in general and even some entrepreneurs."I want to be an indie artist/musician. Making a lot of money is selling out.""As long as I can make enough with music to support myself, I'm happy""Any musician who is popular has sold their soul to the big labels and panders to the masses.""Real musicians work hard and don't make a lot of money, in fact you'll have to have a day job."These are all pretty bad.I don't know about you but the musicians who stand the test of time and make the big bucks, regardless of the genre, are the ones who create something that connects with a decent amount of people but also is a genuine expression of themselves. Good music transcends boundaries.  As for "selling out" the Grateful Dead made millions, were never signed to a major label, and they allowed people to record their concerts and share them, as do modern jam bands such as The Disco Biscuits. They built up a dedicated following which is still huge to this day, across generations.About half of this year's Grammy nominees were NOT signed to major labels or even heavily promoted in a traditional way. The power of community and people passing on something they liked made it possible. While electronic music isn't quite mainstream in the US and albums don't sell in huge quantities, a lot of electronic music DJS/performers can make a million or more headlining some of the big electronic music festivals, so it is gaining traction.Imagine if it was fused with other genres, and followed more of a familiar structure? 

  47. I see this a lot amongst musicians and creatives in general and even some entrepreneurs."I want to be an indie artist/musician. Making a lot of money is selling out.""As long as I can make enough with music to support myself, I'm happy""Any musician who is popular has sold their soul to the big labels and panders to the masses.""Real musicians work hard and don't make a lot of money, in fact you'll have to have a day job."These are all pretty bad.I don't know about you but the musicians who stand the test of time and make the big bucks, regardless of the genre, are the ones who create something that connects with a decent amount of people but also is a genuine expression of themselves. Good music transcends boundaries.  As for "selling out" the Grateful Dead made millions, were never signed to a major label, and they allowed people to record their concerts and share them, as do modern jam bands such as The Disco Biscuits. They built up a dedicated following which is still huge to this day, across generations.About half of this year's Grammy nominees were NOT signed to major labels or even heavily promoted in a traditional way. The power of community and people passing on something they liked made it possible. While electronic music isn't quite mainstream in the US and albums don't sell in huge quantities, a lot of electronic music DJS/performers can make a million or more headlining some of the big electronic music festivals, so it is gaining traction.Imagine if it was fused with other genres, and followed more of a familiar structure? 

  48.  @Laura M One of the biggest issues is, we ASSUME wrongfully, that it will involve complete suffering and not be enjoyable at all.After all, most of us make the assumption that being a successful creative or business person is like a job, where we have to work hard all the time to impress others- to get that nice carrot our friends or family or boss told us would get.When someone else is always holding the carrot, that means they can take it away from you.Personally, I think the only person we have to impress is ourselves, and it's far more about providing some sort of value rather than hard work.Steve Jobs didn't work several million times harder than the guy who works at the Starbucks down the road from Apple, and baring any sort of physical handicap, it is very unlikely that most of the Starbucks employees were smarter or have not had the inspiration to create new technology or new art.Most people are smart enough and capable enough to answer the call of their souls, with or without years of experience, knowing the right people, living in the right area, or formal education or the right background and other such "rules" of society.People transcend these problems all the time. If these "rules" really were the absolute truth, only people who had been born to people who were already wealthy would be defining the arts, music, science, and business.The truth is, in my observation the people who ended up defining things the most in any of these fields had more of a reason to do so, because they weren't born into privilege.They knew they had nothing to lose.It was succeed or live in poverty, or just get by.I know it was this way for 50 Cent, for Steve Jobs, and for Randy, as well as others.The biggest issue is, we human beings have a tendency to identify with our flaws or our problems way too much.Lord knows we have plenty of advertisers, the government, religion, and even schools telling us how flawed and unworthy we are. You and I are worthy. We wouldn't be here, on Randy's blog having this conversation. We'd be watching "Jersey Shore" or "Jerry Springer". 

  49.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage No offense to you Annie but human suffering, which includes poverty is mostly preventable. The fact that it exists, especially in a world where we have such wonderful technology and vast resources is evil, and a crime.It's easy to blame wealthy people for it, but people can only be mistreated if they are complacent and tolerate anti-human behavior.Many of these "evil" companies and individuals wouldn't have the power they had if people stopped doing business with companies who treat customers and people poorly, and holding government accountable for protecting people from harming other people rather than making rules and regulations which prevent people who are not already rich or on good terms with people in government from doing what they value.This is no different than the gay community, women, blacks, and Latinos, and other marginalized groups tolerating subpar treatment by old fashioned, bigoted people, who are often insecure men who view anyone different as a threat.You can't enslave someone unless you surrender your free will completely, which people will do to avoid discomfort. 

  50.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage Oh and by the way, I am gay, was treated poorly by a lot of people, and I'm creative. Like Randy, I let it define me for a long time, and I will it isn't worth the time, energy, or resources.30 now and I can't get that time back but there are plenty of attractive 30 somethings, and even someone who did experience success does hit roadblocks, so I guess it's something that happens now and then to everyone.Part of the process of growth.And no one has a right to mistreat or pigeonhole me, or anyone else.I am going to use my ability to express myself to get through to people, because music is the Universal Language and something which transcends time and space. P.S.Unity on the Bay will pray for you if you send them a prayer request. I asked them to pray for me as I ramp up my pursuit of my talents in a healthy dedicated way.This is probably the first time I have had faith in something which I can't prove.It's scary, but for some reason, I think that God gave me these talents for a reason, and it most certainly wasn't to rot in Minnesota and suffer.

  51. Randy Gage nails it once again! Imagine a world where people would get out of their own way for even five minutes. No prison is stronger than the prison of self imposed limiting beliefs. 
    Let's face it:
    It is easier to say we don't care about money than to invest the time necessary to attract it.
    It is easier to say that you are "in shape" because round IS a shape than to get up off the sofa.
    It is easier to maintain status quo in all aspects of life than it is to change our habits. 
    This piece reminds me of the importance of solid mental floss necessary for success!
    Always Better Your Best!

  52. Randy Gage nails it once again! Imagine a world where people would get out of their own way for even five minutes. No prison is stronger than the prison of self imposed limiting beliefs. 
    Let's face it:
    It is easier to say we don't care about money than to invest the time necessary to attract it.
    It is easier to say that you are "in shape" because round IS a shape than to get up off the sofa.
    It is easier to maintain status quo in all aspects of life than it is to change our habits. 
    This piece reminds me of the importance of solid mental floss necessary for success!
    Always Better Your Best!

  53.  @ThomasMrak  @Randy_Gage I,m not offended Thomas.  I agree.  I just don't think it helps to blame the victims, it only perpetuates the problem.  In fact we are all victims of poverty, because it can harm our fellow humans.  I am Christian, and I Christ said whatsoever you do to the little ones, you do to me.
    Sometimes though, I think Randy needs to define his terms better.  There is poverty and there is POVERTY.  You know what I mean?  To say being poor is a sin, includes even me I think.  I am not impoverished but I am definitely poor.  For now.  I choose not to work so I could be with my son when he was a baby, I don't think that is a sin.
    Anyway, I know how young gay people struggle.  I haven't personally experienced it, because I am not myself gay.  I am sorry for societies reactions to homosexuality.  It is sad and scary sometimes.
    Is Randy gay?  Randy are you Gay?  I never know.  Is that what you mean Thomas?  I don't think he is ever very clear about it.
    Yes, Thomas God gave you your talents for a reason.  You are a special unique you.

  54.  @Annieb Annie - I just wwent to the dentist for my annual check up -  as I walked in I saw on the wall a poster about childhood abuse.  I saw EMOTIONAL ABUSE and now see how many of the things you recreate are the aspects of emotional abuse. Either you are doing these things, or behaving in such a way as to be treated like this:
    * continuously failing to show love and affection
    *persistant rejection
    These things - it said - cause a child to be nervous, withdrawn, lacking in confidence and self-esteem
    In your response to me you were negating, insulting, belittling, taunting, ridiculing Randy (Wandy)... etc...  
    If you read thru my words you'd see there is not a single attack at all.  I did absoluetly attempt to get to the undercurrents, the premise behind Tony's words, and try to understand where he was coming from... Promoting DEPTH, integrity, and complex discussion!   That you don't see or get my intent, I'm sorry.  AND I don't think this is a place for emotional abuse. I hope you'll come here to learn respect, care, and open discourse.  Where you can share how you feel, WITHOUT insult, attack, or negation.  That said - to reply to you:  what's productive for YOU? Attacking me when you hadn't even written what I wrote?  You didn't even READ what I'd written - so how would you know if it's productive or not?  Tony had attacked Randy for something that wasn't true AT ALL.  HE (like you) were attacking on something he (and you) hadn't look into.  A baseless attack... Randy has NEVER asked me to defend him.  It's my choice to. I love doing it. Friends care, and stick up for each other. He doesn't need me to do it.   I do it because I have something to say - that will serve someone.  That you choose not to read it and then judge me on it - is YOUR stuff.  I get that you're STILL pissed off with me for challenging YOU. I'm sorry for that -I'm sorry you miss my intent and love.  And maybe that you feel jealous that you don't feel love... It made me ponder if you feel angry that you'd never been defended/protected as a child?  Where you never allowed to feel safe and secure and had others to really look after you?  I'm rather flamoxed as to why my defending Randy's intent riles you so much?    How does that aggression and anger serve you?  Does it make you feel more loved by Randy?    Does it give you more power?  My purpose for Tony was to serve him in seeing he was projecting, and his opinion was based on a reaction, not his truth.  He was accussing Randy of selling stuff in this blog - had he clicked on the link he'd have seen it was ANOTHER video SERVING everyone.  Tony is into personal development and being the best he can be. I can bet he'd LOVE to be challenged to grow into the best he can be.  Do you notice you are doing EXACTLY what you are telling me to stop doing? I adore Gandhi's saying "Be the change you wish to see in the world."I am being that change!!!  What I ADORE is people being courageous enough to make a stand for things in their lives.  I ADORE it when folks stand up and challenge me to become my best, to be autehtnic, to be real, to face myself- rather than project/blame others...   So that's why I do it...  Because I want others to be courageous in taking a stand for what they believe in too. I'm intruiged if you come here willing to learn and be transformed why you spend time being so attacking and insulting? E.g BOTH of those limit brain power, and cut of critical thinking...  They narrow creativity and communication - and take us back into programmed thinking...  Of what happened to us in our past if we aren't conscious of it.  So when I hear you reacting like that - I feel for you recognising you couldn't have been treated lovingly by those who should have cared... For not a single moment did I feel angry with Tony... I felt shocked - because his attack was not true... and his insults were based on a false premises...   I challenged that.  I challenged his perspective - promoting valid, and true discussion.  I never attacked him personally for an instant.  I pointed out where his atttacks were unfounded. I'm glad you come here to learn - and I hope you do...  Often I find you attacking Randy or criticising him - rather than trying out what he says.  I find you misreading or reacting and insulting HIM, rather than going "I'm triggered - what in ME needs loving and compassion?" Would that not serve you more?  Love to you!

  55.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb The sad part is Natalie, some parents and even adults, don't see any of these as abusive behavior.Surprised none of these are on the list. But everything on that list I experienced as a child and a teenager, and many of these people continue to act this way well into adulthood.This is evil, anti-human behavior.On top of that list, I also experienced:Add forced isolation.Always getting it right, especially without proper preparation.Doing what someone else tells you, no matter how much it might hurt youor other people.Expecting someone to be someone they aren't.Unfair comparison to someone who has different interests, wants, needs, talents, and abilities.Not questioning authority.
    Using money, and even food and shelter as bargaining.
    Micromanagement.Denying creative impulses.Demeaning differing opinions.Expecting instant results.Believing that people should be able to do everything themselves without support, guidance, or love. Just because I had crappy human beings who didn't want to man up and be adults rather than playground bullies, doesn't mean me, you, or anyone has a right to do any of these to people.

  56.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb Besides, this anger, pain, will serve me well.I'll never be able to function well in a tightly controlled corporate environment, because of my experiences. My history proves otherwise, and I'm lying to myself whenever I try.Many modern businesses are based on an anti-human quarterly earnings at the expense of the customer, the quality of the product/service, and the employees.Where does that leave room for innovation or people to blossom? What about customers? It's not like they don't have endless choices. Very rarely is there just one company that controls an entire doesn't. Why do you think so many companies are failing or shipping business overseas? It isn't always to cut costs. It's feeble attempts to save a dying business model.Of course there's lobbying the government for favors, something Minnesota/Fed is fond to give to mining, railroads, and agriculture. We also have Al Franken, who is a decent, but unfortunately very Left-wing, as Senator.We have one of the biggest welfare program in the country, right in my county. With how anti-business the region is, most of the jobs which are created are low wage, or full of competition either because people want to stay because they grew up here or they like the view. It's actually in some ways, sadly better to live on the dole, and a lot of people come from Detroit and Chicago to live on the government dime.Duluth doesn't have projects, so most public housing is Section 8 subsidies, meaning units that would be rented to paying customers, all but guarantee income for the renter. One of the large local property management companies has grown quite rich by having a decent number of Section 8 units.I think one of the reasons Section 8 is popular throughout the country is it allows the government to hide how much poverty there really is. In the past, the poverty was wide in the open, as most people who lived on assistance programs were in government owned housing projects. Food stamps were stamps, now they're just electronic cards which are no different than credit cards.Heck, the state medical assistance program isn't some fly-by-night cut rate insurer, it's Blue Cross, an organization which provides healthcare to many And my county is not a rich county either. It's a lot of poor and middle class people, because the local governments are so obsessed with pleasing Union voters, that they're afraid to make it easy for people to make a profit.You wouldn't believe the amount of crime there is in this town. We don't hear about it though, since it's easier to hide, and being in the middle of Democrat country, the government needs to pretend it's keeping everyone safe, when it does nothing but enable misery.Where there is poverty there is drug and alcohol, physical, emotional, and financial abuse.I really have huge problems with authority and traditional corporate structures based on the assembly line, and not thinking. I don't trust anyone who wields too much power over another human being, and uses money and their position to mistreat and use people. All great art and all great businesses both come from enhancing the lives of others. Often, the interest of the artist or the interest of the entrepreneur makes what in the hands of another a poor or mediocre product, a product that touches lives.One thing that great artists, and great entrepreneurs have in common is, they aren't fond of authority and centralized control either, and they don't create generic work.They create compelling work.

  57. I literally just laughed out loud as I read the closing statement "Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea – joy to you and me." I love the message of this work and when song in integrated... well that's just good fun!
    Joy to the world... All the boys and girls!
    side note: I still have to catch up on the last few posts so I may have missed it from before but I"m glad to see the link to the recent TV spot. I'd heard about it but hadn't seen it yet. Bout to go check that next.

  58. I literally just laughed out loud as I read the closing statement "Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea – joy to you and me." I love the message of this work and when song in integrated... well that's just good fun!
    Joy to the world... All the boys and girls!
    side note: I still have to catch up on the last few posts so I may have missed it from before but I"m glad to see the link to the recent TV spot. I'd heard about it but hadn't seen it yet. Bout to go check that next.

  59.  @NatalieLamb The only person here being evil Natalie is you.  You have the power here not me not Tony.  No one on this blog is generally very supportive when you choose to disagree with Randy.  They attack and are really mean.  Randy has power here, this is his blog.  If you are looking at this from the perspective of children and adults.  He is the authority position, not me not Tony.  He is the one with the power to hurt here, and you because you are his friend and are going to find all the support to say anything in the world you want, and you know that no one will resist.  So I hate to tell you this Natalie, but you  and Randy are the bullies here. 
    Yes, I am still angry about the way I was treated last year.  That was abusive and you were the abuser.  You don't  have the right here to judge or give therapy, or pry into the emotions of others.  Calling people out who are not in positions of authority on a blog your friend writes, where you don't have to worry about any repercussions, makes you the bully in the room.
    You bullied me right off the blog last year.  Oh sure, I helped you out, but mainly it was your garbage.  YOUR STUFF.  He should kicked you off.  You should be ashamed of yourself. And one day you should apologize for all the pain you have caused me.
    And I stick up for the others here, because they don't deserve your bullying, no one does.  You proceeded to say all manner of untrue things about after I could no longer defend myself.  YOU are the bully.  I am still angry with you.  YOu have never made any attempts to make amends with me.
    I did read what you wrote to Tony later, and I will still say the same things:  Leave people alone here, let them be free to write their opinions, even if they are critical of Randy.  Your the bully blog, who would ever want to write anything here again??  No one should have to be put up with being psychoanalyzed by someone who doesn't give a shit about their feelings.  You are the one vying for Randy's love when you do this.  If he likes it that's his problem.  Randy is not a child anymore and this his blog he has the power here.  People love him here, he will always have defenders.  The few of us that criiticise him from time to time, are speaking our minds about Randy's opinions and his position.  If he wants this to be a tolerant place he has to expect that.
    But, he should not let the posters here attack others.  I have done that, to you, but you have attacked me mercilessly in the past.  You deserve a dose of your own medicine.
    IF you are a psychologist your license to practice should be revoked.  Other people here may believe your lies, that is for them to decide, I will not.  And you will not, because you know who the abuser is really don't you Natalie.  And trust me if their is a God it knows. too.  And I know.
    Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass.

  60.  @ThomasMrak  Thomas - I'm so sorry you went thru all that. I'm beaming you love.   And praying that you have people in your life now that honour, love, care and cherish you...  You may want to read some Alice Miller books...  she really helps in seeing that it's NOT your fault.  I wish you GOODNESS! You are so worthy of being treasured!

  61.  @ThomasMrak I hope you use that anger to take care of your boundaries, and to serve you as a passion for creating the life of your dreams. 

  62.  @NatalieLamb  @ThomasMrak Read Alic Miller, Thomas, but be careful, it is hard core.  And, if you are already so angry with your parents, it can make that worse.  If you do choose to read it, read it, and discuss with a WISE therapist.  For instance, I wouldn't choose a person who uses sex to vet people into therapy.

  63. People have SERIOUS worthiness issues.  There is enough money on the planet for us to ALL BE RICH.  It's not in shortage at all.  GOD abundantly supplies all my needs.  God didn't mean to wait until Heaven to get your riches and rewards.  God wants you to have them NOW.  God KNOWS where the gold is!

    1. This is what a friend posted on my Facebook page after the above posted:
      "God does not want us to be of this world. He believes we should have what we NEED. Nothing more. If we have more...and are blessed to have it...then that more should be shared by Christians. Not taken by government and redistributed.
      If you really list your needs....the list is very short. Food, water,, hope, salvation....and charity...even if we have less than what we need we , we should be charitable."

        1.  @Randy_Gage  That's what bothers me.  Geesh!  So, you know what?  I am working on my mind and I just won't mind their mind and when my mind makes me millions, then I will just smile at them  🙂 

        2.  @Randy_Gage  Same lady said this next: 
          "the only way to abundant life is through Christ. If you have it all...but have no salvation, you are as poor (actually poorer) than the beggar. I disagree with having more money makes you more of who you are. Having or not having Christ makes you more of who you are. The wealthy can ignore the poor....and yet the Christian poor has more riches than that wealthy man will ever have. We cannot be of this is written in the Bible. Your riches are not here....they are in heaven. Whatever you have here is temporary......but with is eternal. Oh....and in eternal is moot."

        3.  @Randy_Gage  And, now:
          "I agree that God believes we get what we earn...and should share it. But never forget....look in your says store not your riches on earth. Disagree with me all day long....we are all entitled to our beliefs. I have no issue when people disagree with me. But nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to get rich and store earthly treasures. Still, that does not mean we have choose to live as beggars."
          Geesh!  How do I get her to stop!  ...  Don't worry, going to delete post on Facebook!  🙂

      1.  @TigerJoanna  - tell your friend to look up the parable of the talents/3 servants, where God later took the one talent from the 3rd servant and gave it to the 1st servant with five-turned-10 talents. Makes me sort of wonder why God gave it to him instead of the 2nd servant with two-turned-four talents, but I ain't complaining. 🙂

        1.  @DavidZandueta The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.
          Deuteronomy 28: 12-14
          God wants to ABUNDANTLY supplies all our needs, not BARELY.  I am with Randy, we have been brainwashed about money and my friend is a prime example. 

        2.  @TigerJoanna  - kind of funny no? Even the old testament says something about that.
          Cheers to you, Randy and everyone else. Looking forward to reading and learning from you all, then taking action.

  64. People have SERIOUS worthiness issues.  There is enough money on the planet for us to ALL BE RICH.  It's not in shortage at all.  GOD abundantly supplies all my needs.  God didn't mean to wait until Heaven to get your riches and rewards.  God wants you to have them NOW.  God KNOWS where the gold is!

  65. Wow, Randy - maybe it's the moon or something, but our team training (coaching) call was on this very topic today.  Our Company President and Coach, Kim Fulcher, offered us some amazing distinctions about how much we think we're worth.  For those who believe that they 'only need enough to be comfortable,' I challenge them to think beyond themselves, to see the good they could do, if they generated more than "just enough."  Thanks for this message.

  66. Wow, Randy - maybe it's the moon or something, but our team training (coaching) call was on this very topic today.  Our Company President and Coach, Kim Fulcher, offered us some amazing distinctions about how much we think we're worth.  For those who believe that they 'only need enough to be comfortable,' I challenge them to think beyond themselves, to see the good they could do, if they generated more than "just enough."  Thanks for this message.

  67.  @MrsHealthandProsperity  How about "Im grateful for all I have and I receive more" ...just a thought?

  68.  @Annieb   Annie, I hear your analogy...  of a parent and a child... The thing is you are NOT a child. And yet frequently you behave like one on this blog.   You project onto me that I am powerful... I am purely being clear, authetnic and raw. I have never felt attacking. I have never wanted to hurt you.  I have never felt like a bully.  I have have only ever wanted to create this space for GROWTH, LOVE and TRANSFORMTION.I just got off the phone from a therapist and author.  He wanted to speak with me about an issue he is challenged by, and was wondering if I could help. He shared that many people struggle with authenticity and being real.  That the moment you are honest with them, and speak about feelings they react - in attack, blame, toxic responses... ALL to make the speaker be quiet...  He said that the whole culture is set up to be superficial, disconnected, and intellectual.  He shared that the moment anyone shares with authentic depth, and emotional realness it's like monsters come out the woodwork - because they feel so threatened. Having not explored what they feel, and being unable to be vulnerable they do everything they can to silence talk of feelings, understanding, patterns, and effective emotional processing. Rather than own their feelings they react badly to push others away.  My way of being may bring up scary feelings for you that make you feel uncomfortable, angry, and scared.  They may be so upsetting that you want to lash out...  I understand that.  It's NOT how to process them tho...  What comes out is simply your programming...  This simply is a barrier to break thru - and you have the anger to do this... Tho sadly you're resenting ME, rather than using it to face your issues that I have not created. They were there well before I came to this meeting point with you. It is most bizaar that you feel okay and happy to be abusive, humiliating, belitting and antagonising - and you attack me when I stand up and say "There is no need for this, PLEASE treat Randy with respect and kindness."
    I teach in my parenting classes and my kids - DO NOT stand around watching others be treated badly. It is NOT okay.  Krishnamuti says: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."  It is sad, sick and shocking that you think you have a right to be rude, disrespectful and horrible to Randy... and Yet I have NO right to say "This is NOT okay!"   I shall ALWAYS be here for my friends. I will not sit by and what anyone accuse him for using others, pushing his work, or insulting him.  I will absolutely speak up and stand up. Out of love, compassion and deep care I shout out - not ONLY for Randy, but for YOU, and for TONY...  Shouting out to face the TRUTH of what we are graplling with...  You disguise your anger for your past with attacks on me and Randy...  And I don't want the projection... It you choose to act in emotional abuse, I shall speak out.  The issues need to be processed not acted out. You are NOT a child... And I understand that you FEEL like one sometimes, and feel vulnerable and scared or angry and this has to lashing out does NOT make it okay.  I will speak out - I have tolerated too much emotional abuse to sit back and watch it happen to ANYONE.  Yes Randy CAN defend himself, but why should he HAVE to?  This space should be a place for learning, critical thinking, and remarkable discussion... Reducing yourself to insulting and other forms of emotional abuse IS NOT and WILL NEVER be okay. THIS is way Randy requested you stop posting. I shall ALWAYS be an advocate for safe spaces where heated discussion and critical thinking can take place, but NOT abuse. KEn Wilber years ago wrote this:  All of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakeable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you. Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset your self. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity. Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must. And this is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but that doesn't matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery--either way--and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can.And I Still with you well - tho I find your rudeness unacceptable and not okay.  It's truly sad that you warp my passion for treating others WELL, into a personal attack on you.  I have NEVER and will NEVER attack or abuse you. It's not who I am.  I will however ALWAYS stand for people facing themselves rather than projecting their issues onto others.  Should you choose to be abusive and attacking, I shall strongly mirror how you are treating others (including me) so that you stop this beahviour. love to you always annie,Natalie

  69. Wow, great discussion going here.  Glad you guys are giving it such serious thought.  It's getting a little heated, so please remember to keep the discussion to the issues and leave personalities out of it.  Also, if you haven't seen the "Materialism or Minimalism" video yet, that gives you some interesting thoughts on all this:  Find it here:

  70. Wow, great discussion going here.  Glad you guys are giving it such serious thought.  It's getting a little heated, so please remember to keep the discussion to the issues and leave personalities out of it.  Also, if you haven't seen the "Materialism or Minimalism" video yet, that gives you some interesting thoughts on all this:  Find it here:

  71. This is what a friend posted on my Facebook page after the above posted:
    "God does not want us to be of this world. He believes we should have what we NEED. Nothing more. If we have more...and are blessed to have it...then that more should be shared by Christians. Not taken by government and redistributed.
    If you really list your needs....the list is very short. Food, water,, hope, salvation....and charity...even if we have less than what we need we , we should be charitable."

  72. I want it all, Randy. 😀 My first goal is 150,000 a year, I'm not going to say that if I'm offered more, I would not take it. I know I'm worth more than that. I will also move that 150k up, each time I make my mark. I think it takes a daily reminder to oneself that they are indeed worthy of having whatever they set their minds too. However, I have to wonder if a person has never seen anyone in their personal circle or environment reach such heights of success, do you think they will set themselves up by reaching too high or too low? Meaning, I personally don't know anyone making over a 100k. So although I believe I am fully capable of making 150k, my strategy to make it is completely fabricated out of my own imagination, and the success crumbs that others have left. How does one go about not selling themselves too short? By the way, great appearance on Daytime Morning Show. 

    1.  @Deeone Higgs Great questions!  Use this blog, books and the Internet to keep exposing yourself to high achievers and you'll keep expanding your own prosperity consciousness.

  73. I want it all, Randy. 😀 My first goal is 150,000 a year, I'm not going to say that if I'm offered more, I would not take it. I know I'm worth more than that. I will also move that 150k up, each time I make my mark. I think it takes a daily reminder to oneself that they are indeed worthy of having whatever they set their minds too. However, I have to wonder if a person has never seen anyone in their personal circle or environment reach such heights of success, do you think they will set themselves up by reaching too high or too low? Meaning, I personally don't know anyone making over a 100k. So although I believe I am fully capable of making 150k, my strategy to make it is completely fabricated out of my own imagination, and the success crumbs that others have left. How does one go about not selling themselves too short? By the way, great appearance on Daytime Morning Show. 

  74. Randy, you are one awesome dude! I hope you're gonna be at Art's MasterMind event again this yr.

  75. Randy, you are one awesome dude! I hope you're gonna be at Art's MasterMind event again this yr.

  76. If I knew that I could genuinely improve the world more with only 150k and my beat up civic over 200mil and a ferrari that theoretically came with a pre-req of being holed in some ivory tower/ community I'd gladly and happily take the 150k and merrily be on my way to fix the world. With that being said if I still maintained the freedom and creative force with the 200 mil and the ferrari, duh, I'd take it, gives me more means and will power. But my priority still stands. Cheers Rands, honestly that type of shopping and coat not my thing still hope you enjoy it.

  77. If I knew that I could genuinely improve the world more with only 150k and my beat up civic over 200mil and a ferrari that theoretically came with a pre-req of being holed in some ivory tower/ community I'd gladly and happily take the 150k and merrily be on my way to fix the world. With that being said if I still maintained the freedom and creative force with the 200 mil and the ferrari, duh, I'd take it, gives me more means and will power. But my priority still stands. Cheers Rands, honestly that type of shopping and coat not my thing still hope you enjoy it.

  78. Great post! and you know your ego probably enjoyed the massage! LOL! and I'm sure you know the saying "argue for your limits ..... and you get to keep them" I'm with you crocodile jacket and all!!!

  79. Great post! and you know your ego probably enjoyed the massage! LOL! and I'm sure you know the saying "argue for your limits ..... and you get to keep them" I'm with you crocodile jacket and all!!!

  80. So far, you have called me a sinner, a codependent, an attention seeker. I will make you my hater, my motivator. Randy, you are a creep, add that one to your list. I don't care what anyone else says, here, I know they will defend you. But, sitting here from my prospective you are one of the meanest negative people I have ever known in my whole life. You know, I took back what I said. I wish for you one day you know how to really love, and know when you are really loved.

  81. So far, you have called me a sinner, a codependent, an attention seeker. I will make you my hater, my motivator. Randy, you are a creep, add that one to your list. I don't care what anyone else says, here, I know they will defend you. But, sitting here from my prospective you are one of the meanest negative people I have ever known in my whole life. You know, I took back what I said. I wish for you one day you know how to really love, and know when you are really loved.

  82. I wonder why you give him attention Annie, if all he is, is an attention seeker. Wouldn't it be better to torture him and NOT give him your attention? Or are you a masochist? Randy rocks my world, despite the fact that I didn't like him when I first came across him several years ago. It's only after I let go of my limiting beliefs around money, abundance and prosperity that I started to respect him. And learn from him that abundance, money and beliefs all go together very, very well.

  83. I wonder why you give him attention Annie, if all he is, is an attention seeker. Wouldn't it be better to torture him and NOT give him your attention? Or are you a masochist? Randy rocks my world, despite the fact that I didn't like him when I first came across him several years ago. It's only after I let go of my limiting beliefs around money, abundance and prosperity that I started to respect him. And learn from him that abundance, money and beliefs all go together very, very well.

  84. I understood all of that you talked about here I guess, but I'm absolutely convinced that I'd never want to have a hoodie made of croc leather, neither 100 nor 10,000 Euros. Is there a clearance of worlds ressources because abundance and wealth is the truth (... but unfortunately not focused and understood by a sufficient amount of humans at the time so that it is only a matter of time when we have killed our planet)? E.g. Fracking is okay, war is okay, who cares for any consequences?! Maybe I understood something wrong anyway? Don't like the example in Amsterdam but maybe I'm wrong with that. All the best, Frank

  85. I understood all of that you talked about here I guess, but I'm absolutely convinced that I'd never want to have a hoodie made of croc leather, neither 100 nor 10,000 Euros. Is there a clearance of worlds ressources because abundance and wealth is the truth (... but unfortunately not focused and understood by a sufficient amount of humans at the time so that it is only a matter of time when we have killed our planet)? E.g. Fracking is okay, war is okay, who cares for any consequences?! Maybe I understood something wrong anyway? Don't like the example in Amsterdam but maybe I'm wrong with that. All the best, Frank

  86. Funny, I admired and adored Randy ever since the first day I learned about him. His words are an appetizer to enrich you, to enjoy the banquet of a more abundant life. That is, if you feel you are worthy enough and honorable enough to treat yourself well. Thanks Randy ♥

  87. Funny, I admired and adored Randy ever since the first day I learned about him. His words are an appetizer to enrich you, to enjoy the banquet of a more abundant life. That is, if you feel you are worthy enough and honorable enough to treat yourself well. Thanks Randy ♥

  88.  @Randy_Gage Hi Randy, thanks for replying.You said "would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them."Ah yes, but 'can' they actually perpetuate a person's beliefs? That is the question. Let's say a person reads words like worthiness, sabotage, lack, negative, etc etc, then based on their current state, can those words which come to them every day actually program them to look for and play out those outcomes. That was my question.You and I both know of a person who ends their posts with a phrase touting that 'my wish for you is that you become a'.... On face value it sounds great, has posture and I know is really about caring... but... does that phrase have the potential to cause the recipient to stay in a state of readiness instead of rising to their full potential.Re the links/hard core sales pitch. I was speaking in a general sense and as a direct result of using shocking headlines, let's call them, to attract the reader then point them to a resource is not what I would determine to be prosperous. It's the verbiage I have issue with, not the process. My concern is that headlines like Worthiness, Love To Hate, Money Jealousy, Self Hate, Why You Sabotage etc, seem to be no better that cheap tabloid headlines in that they are needing to become more shocking in order to compete in the marketplace.So, can those words/headlines on a regular basis actually have a negative compounding effect on the recipient? I would love your thoughts on that. Thanks.

  89.  @NatalieLamb  Wow, a lot to ponder here Natalie and thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that I am sorry you took this as an attack on Randy and I guess I could have worded it differently. You're right though in that I do feel I can state my case knowing that RG will still love me tomorrow :). Randy taught me to think things through to the end and that's exactly what I'm doing by questioning the impact those outcomes could have. Please see my reply to Randy on that.Thanks.

  90.  @TigerJoanna  - tell your friend to look up the parable of the talents/3 servants, where God later took the one talent from the 3rd servant and gave it to the 1st servant with five-turned-10 talents. Makes me sort of wonder why God gave it to him instead of the 2nd servant with two-turned-four talents, but I ain't complaining. 🙂

  91.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, if you have the gift of seeing or understanding others feelings, you must use compassion and empathy along with that understanding.  You receive undue respect here, I believe because you are Randy's friend.  You use that to an unfair advantage.
    This is Randy's platform, and for the most part people here love and support his message.  I think you have a lot to share, but do it with honesty and compassion, you must.
    I am calling you to the carpet, how will you take it?  If Tony is okay with it, fine.  I feel it was wrong, and something you have done to me on several occasions.  True love, is always kind.  To me how you proceed to deal with what you view is wrong with a person's opinion is unkind.
    Just disagree with the comment.  No need to psychoanalyze.  This isn't the place.  This isn't the time.  There is a time and place for everything.  If you insist on doing this to others, I will pray you gain the wisdom and compassion to when that time is.  I will also pray that you reconsider whether you own the full truth of others feelings and motivations without proper knowledge.  And if you do have the truth you will never under any circumstance use it for personal gain.

  92.  @Randy_Gage  ya many of  my friends also say these type of limiting mind set thing to me that they have no  interest in cars,mobiles money etc,, but at that time my mind go on a RED ALERT and i Change the topic immediately or leave the conversation , because you teach me to do so we can"t Correct all  but we can correct our self,, BOOM RANDY  you rock

  93.  @Randy_Gage  ya many of  my friends also say these type of limiting mind set thing to me that they have no  interest in cars,mobiles money etc,, but at that time my mind go on a RED ALERT and i Change the topic immediately or leave the conversation , because you teach me to do so we can"t Correct all  but we can correct our self,, BOOM RANDY  you rock

  94. Happiness is really the key isn't it.... It's when we attach our happiness to an outcome that really hinders our growth but when we limit our thinking to small amounts, we shut ourselves off to the greater amounts and the energy level needed for both amounts are virtually the same.
     @Randy_Gage , keep the great messages coming.
    John Clark

  95. Happiness is really the key isn't it.... It's when we attach our happiness to an outcome that really hinders our growth but when we limit our thinking to small amounts, we shut ourselves off to the greater amounts and the energy level needed for both amounts are virtually the same.
     @Randy_Gage , keep the great messages coming.
    John Clark

  96.  @Annieb Look at Jesus - when he saw people abusing others - like the tax collectors he thru a raging temper. True love does the right thing in each moment. I am a passionate, caring, loving person - and sometimes that comes out strongly when others have become emotionally abusive: like you do - with belittling, attacking, insulting, rudeness, humiliating...Sometimes people aren't aware -  and some reflections, mirroring, inquiry into themselves helps them understand their behaviour. I ponder into people's motivations, and why they are beahving like that - so that they may reflect and grow.  Some people don't want to grow. They want to stay the same - to stay attacking, negative, insulting and continue to eat the poison of resentment.
    I wish you well - and pray you come here with an open heart and mind.  And check yourself before you post: do I have an emotional abuse in this post? Am I revealing my lack of worthiness by:
    * continuously failing to show love and affection
    *persistant rejection
    And if so, please stop.  This place is a safe place.  If you come out attacking, I shall be a Mama Bear. I hope you don't find it rude or disrespectful - but that comes out of a deep love and appreciation for the goodness Randy has rippled into my life.  He doesn't deserve your projection (nor do i!).  And he doesn't deserve your emotional abuse - no one does. If you read ALL I have written to you - last year and this - you'll notice that there was NO emotional abuse at all from me. There have always been strong boundaries, and reflection.  It seems you struggle often facing yourself, and having someone put limits on your unhealthy and toxic emotional abuse. Imagine for a moment I am being like Jesus in the temple - and saying "this is a sacred place, for learning and receiving abundance - if you are bringing toxic and cruel ways in here I shall be wild, and demand a change in your tone, and expect you to speak with critical thinking not personal attack." You have ZERO right to be emotionally abusive to me or ANYONE here. If you read my words to Tony there was NO personal attack on TOny - there was understanding, critical thinking, and challenging him to own his words.  If you see below - he appreciated the input.  I'm no longer entertaining your emotional abuse and attacks. They are unacceptable here. And the world needs healthy challenge to become our best...  Not insult, and attack.  I believe you have the capactiy to become your best... and I hope you use this forum for that purpose...  rather than slash your toxicity everywhere. Love to you Annie... and many blessing of goodness and miracles!

  97.  @tonyscarcia  @Randy_Gage  I think awareness comes first Tony.  You have to constantly be aware of inner sabotage - and Randy's provoking messages help to bring the shadow to light. 

  98.  @NatalieLamb Now you are comparing yourself to Jesus?  Really?  Natalie grow up.  Until you see the wrongs that you do, your no help to anyone.  I own up to my demons, you seem to think that you can bring toxicity and smooth it over with all your proclamations of love and that makes it okay.  Well it is not.  And you wronged me last year.  When you own up to that, we shall have us a genuine conversation.
    I still believe you bully here, and I remain feeling that way even after all your verbose posts, that you are being a bully.  I will pray that you see that.
    I know have let my emotions run loose here, and that was wrong.  I know I have been rough with Randy.  I have suffered for that, take your judgements and stuff it.  Save your Mama Bear for your own children.  Leave us alone on the blog.  I didn't see any emotional abuse from Tony, that warranted your dissection of his emotional state of being.

  99.  @Annieb TONY was happy with what I wrote.  He accused Randy of doing something HE HAD NOT DONE. I am strong, challenging, and courageous - a bully I am not! I frequently see the wrongs I do - Randy challenges me on things I do wrong, and I adjust.  If he felt I was out of order he would let me know.  He does whenever he says me doing something wrong. I'm grateful for this.  I have monthly sessions with my kids where I ask them "how am I doing? Where am I going wrong with my parenting?"  My clients are also free and welcome to challenge me. Last month a client said that see adored that she's free to challenge me - when I'm wrong I'll admit it, and when I'm not I will explain why.  JUST like I have done with you.  I have frequently apologised that you have been hurt and are upset...  And that you find my boundary setting here challenging. I shall not only save Mama Bear for my own kids - I shall let her out whenever I see injustice.  Too often the word sits by complacent to emotional abuse and falsehoods.  I shall always shout out.  You have NO Right to treat me with rudeness and insult - I have NEVER treated you with that. I have been firm, clear and strong. I DO press buttons...  that reveal issues that need healing. It does not mean that I caused or created them - I only revealed them for what they are.  That you choose to hate me for that, is your loss.  MANY clients and friends are grateful..  If you choose to be poisoned by your own hatred, anger, and bitterness - it's your choice.  Tho it's not welcome to be sprayed here.

  100.  @Randy_Gage  Same lady said this next: 
    "the only way to abundant life is through Christ. If you have it all...but have no salvation, you are as poor (actually poorer) than the beggar. I disagree with having more money makes you more of who you are. Having or not having Christ makes you more of who you are. The wealthy can ignore the poor....and yet the Christian poor has more riches than that wealthy man will ever have. We cannot be of this is written in the Bible. Your riches are not here....they are in heaven. Whatever you have here is temporary......but with is eternal. Oh....and in eternal is moot."

  101.  @Randy_Gage  And, now:
    "I agree that God believes we get what we earn...and should share it. But never forget....look in your says store not your riches on earth. Disagree with me all day long....we are all entitled to our beliefs. I have no issue when people disagree with me. But nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to get rich and store earthly treasures. Still, that does not mean we have choose to live as beggars."
    Geesh!  How do I get her to stop!  ...  Don't worry, going to delete post on Facebook!  🙂

  102.  @DavidZandueta The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.
    Deuteronomy 28: 12-14
    God wants to ABUNDANTLY supplies all our needs, not BARELY.  I am with Randy, we have been brainwashed about money and my friend is a prime example. 

  103.  @Randy_Gage I'm all in favor of earning more because it usually means you are serving more people w/ some higher level of contribution. If one doesn't want the money, put it to work helping people. The key is to be productive and not lazy about using your talents.

  104.  @Randy_Gage I'm all in favor of earning more because it usually means you are serving more people w/ some higher level of contribution. If one doesn't want the money, put it to work helping people. The key is to be productive and not lazy about using your talents.

  105. Great blog Randy. You nailed it with the fear of loss of that $50 for the ocean view room. Really makes you think about all the places in life that we let that fear of loss affect our decisions, and ultimately our results

  106. Great blog Randy. You nailed it with the fear of loss of that $50 for the ocean view room. Really makes you think about all the places in life that we let that fear of loss affect our decisions, and ultimately our results

  107.  @TigerJoanna  - kind of funny no? Even the old testament says something about that.
    Cheers to you, Randy and everyone else. Looking forward to reading and learning from you all, then taking action.

  108. All you really need is to live in a shack and farm your field and care for your livestock. Actually, you can just collect welfare and live in a shack.

  109. All you really need is to live in a shack and farm your field and care for your livestock. Actually, you can just collect welfare and live in a shack.

  110.  @NatalieLamb Natalie I am ready to end this.  I am sorry for being rude to you.  Yes, I am still bitter about last year.  I am jealous you are Randy's friend.  Not only that, but if you believe the things you believe, he must too.
    I still don't think you should analyze or dissect people's feelings here.  Especially Natalie if it is because you are defending Randy.  Because, you are not really doing it for their benefit, but Randy's and yours.  They have not agreed to that kind of questioning, and you may embarrass him or her.  People to face things in their own way and their own time.  If Tony was okay with it fine.
    Yes, I admit I responded to quickly because I am still angry with you from last year.  Your relentless assaults were unwelcome, and often times you hit the right chords, but other times you were dead wrong and you never really checked in with me, you just kept crusading.  I am a mental health worker too Natalie, and confrontation is a part of the process.  But, as you have so wisely pointed out, this is not group therapy and not all of us here may be willing participants to your psychoanalysis.
    Confrontation, like that should come from a place when we are only concerned with the person we are confronting, only concerned with their mental health or well being.  Not, when we are defending another.  I think you were maybe right with what you said to Tony about what he wrote.  But to interject why he might be feeling that way and calling him out saying maybe he isn't doing enough with Randy's advice is, well, wrong.  He didn't ask for your analysis.  You could have stood up to him without that, and your Mama Bear may have been just as satisfied.
    Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit. 
     @Randy_Gage  Sorry for being attacking on your blog, and for attacking your friend.  I was wrong, I apologize to you both.
    Peace OUt.

  111.  @Randy_Gage  - Well said, Randy.
    Have a burning desire. Push yourself further than you think you can go.
    At the end of the day be appreciative and happy with what we do have, instead of what we don't.
    Thanks for sharing.

  112.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage It takes awareness and strength to own your behaviour rather than act out with past programming...I hear your apology for being rude...  As well as facing your jealousy... and other issues....  Tho it's not quite enough if you really want healing...  If you really want to be free...  Here's the clue you give away:  "Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit."    A BIT?  Really???? !!!!
    What I've learnt from Randy is not to listen to people's WORDS - apology is easy... but to listen to see their actions...  You STILL don't get me, see me, or understand me...  I think you captured it here:
    "Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass."
    My love IS Unreal - because I do care and send you love - EVEN when you are abusive, uncaring, vindictive, insulting...  I wonder why you see it as unreal?   It's not a realness that you offer.  I have not an ounce of bitterness towards - even tho you go on false rampages about me.  That you distort my words, inquiry and care to be attacks - I feel may come down to your feelings of worthiness here.  I don't write to you JUST to defend Randy.  I write to you because I see you acting out in emotional abuse and know that when someone is beingin this way they MUST have learnt it from somewhere and be in severe pain, hurt and anger.  My role in the world is helping people face this, so they can grow and own it, and work thru it... 
    No matter HOW you have treated me - I have NEVER walked away, I have ALWAYS cared enough to respond, and keep serving YOU in dealing with your issues. You hate that I don't answer with superficial words, but that I open to greater complexity, and a fuller perspective.  that simply reveals the depth to which you want to face yourself.  I want deal and real conversations.  I create them wherever I go.  I don't believe that that sort of conversation should happen ONLY in a therapy room - I think that's the level of embrace, depth and integration that we ALL need to be inquiring into to live consicous amazing lives.   Otherwise we stay unconscious and acting out without awareness. I don't want that for you or anyone - so I ask questions... and try to understand... Today a client called to thank me for my patience with him - as he does ALL SORTS of things to avoid himself...  He's so scared. The stuff is ugly and painful...  He does all he can to run away - and finds it amazing that I STILL support him. Sadly you've projected your past onto me - and find my love unreal, and choose to smother it with doubt, negativity, anger, and bitterness. You must have been programmed at some point to learn not to trust people and be wary of their intent. You've  put onto me that I don't care or have love for you - even when I say I do... Even when I've given up time to write to you! It's so sad for you to be eating that poison... I KNOW my intent.  That you choose to reject my concern, my passion for goodness, my courage in facing you, and my audacious authenticity is your loss.
    Absolutely when I speak out there are things that embarrass people.  I told a client last month that she was emotionally abusive. It rocked her world... and she GOT IT.  She wrote back and said she felt so embarrassed that she'd never realised it, and was so grateful for me putting it to her so clearly, and inquiring into why she did that. 
    I've had that MANY times I've been embarrassed publically. It is THIS that has helped me grow!   Randy has even called me out in front 500+ people for my limited beliefs.  I went bright red.  What he was doing is to wake me UP!  To stop me hiding out.   He did it because he wants me to grow and face myself.  When others have come to me upset that he calls them out - I've shared that it's because he cares about them.  It took a lot for them to realise that! I believe that the depth of our BURN of embarrassment is how great the trigger is that we need to face in ourselves.  One person that helped me see this is a friend Randy told me to read: Larry Winget.  He wrote SHUT UP, STOP WHINING, AND GET A LIFE.  Freqently in contact with Larry I BURN in humiliation as he points out where I am failing and why I may be doing this...  You see that embarrassment as WRONG...  While I see that burn as wonderful - from both Randy and Larry - it's like a glow torch highlighting what needs change in me.  You get bitter and hate me.  I get grateful and love Randy and Larry more for caring enough to spend the time shooting my negative attributes down. And know that I dont ALWAYS go into gratitude. Randy will share how I fight him, deny what he's saying, and get angry... until the point his words seep into my psyche and I go: YOU ARE RIGHT. And he is right... and THAT is why I'm reacting.  If I WAS NOT reacting - it wouldn't be something relevant to me.  That you choose to see my care, love, time and attention I've given to you as "relentless attacks" rather than acts of compassion, goodness, and care is your loss, distortion and sadness.  In the last day I've had two folks saying: "I deeply value your insights. You offer such perspective that helps me see things differently - and do the work I need to do."   NO ONE I work with finds it comfortable - it's scary, upsetting, confrontational - but they all say they change, and they know I love them. Personal development is HARD. That's why few do it.  Most stay small in attacking and acting out and living their past programming. It takes a lot of introspection and insight from others to find the right inquiry to see our fault and change them For some reason you choose to project onto me that I'm evil and full of shit. So whatever I write - even if EVERYONE else agress with me - YOU distort into being wrong.  You've painted me with a dark brush and that's the only lens you see through...  Your bitterness to me I know is NOTHING to do with me. I bet if you went through all I wrote last year - you'd WAKE UP to so many home truths that would serve you as an outline for the work you need to do to stop being emotionally abusive. Sadly your lens on hating me will stop you facing yourself.
    I feel sadness for you.  I see many of my clients- especially those who have been sexually abused - really struggle with letting people get close.  They get emotionally abusive, reject people, distort their motives, hate them, think there is something wrong with them, and keep their defenses strong out of protection of being hurt again. Sadly this pushes away those who could really help them break thru.
    I wish you well Annie - I always have, and I always will send you love. That you choose to reject it, means the love comes flying back at me - and I get a double portion!  THANKS.  My love and care is YUMMY!

  113.  @tonyscarcia I think it sometimes helps to admit that it WAS an atttack on Randy.  To be honest... 
    Cos your accusing him of profitting was baseless - you obviously didn't click the links, and falsely accused him.I wonder what belief was behind that? 
    I'd ponder what is behind the attacks...  What's going on for you that made you attack? 

  114.  @Deeone Higgs Great questions!  Use this blog, books and the Internet to keep exposing yourself to high achievers and you'll keep expanding your own prosperity consciousness.

  115. I appreciate what you are saying Randy and I agree to a point. I would never knock back more money or wealth and yet neither do I chase it, perhaps I can rethink on this a little more. I am pretty sure the worthiness belief structure is an issue and that is another thing to revist, yes. Yet I just don't relate or find being able to buy lots of stuff because I can. I'm not a big consumer, it's not something I can relate to. I can relate to the idea of being comfortable though because I have found I can be happy in the present moment no matter what else is or isn't happening. But, knowing that having more means I can do more to help others/causes etc. So off I go with this food for thought to ponder and evaluate beliefs and values around this....

  116. I appreciate what you are saying Randy and I agree to a point. I would never knock back more money or wealth and yet neither do I chase it, perhaps I can rethink on this a little more. I am pretty sure the worthiness belief structure is an issue and that is another thing to revist, yes. Yet I just don't relate or find being able to buy lots of stuff because I can. I'm not a big consumer, it's not something I can relate to. I can relate to the idea of being comfortable though because I have found I can be happy in the present moment no matter what else is or isn't happening. But, knowing that having more means I can do more to help others/causes etc. So off I go with this food for thought to ponder and evaluate beliefs and values around this....

  117. One of my two deepest wounds is worthiness. I have to work on that one every single day. I believe I deserve amazing things but that belief conflicts with feeling unworthy.

    I WILL win. I WILL root out that negative belief and I WILL step into my power in full. I AM worthy. Right now.

    Did you ever have these issues and is there a technique that you would suggest I use on a day-to-day basis?

  118. One of my two deepest wounds is worthiness. I have to work on that one every single day. I believe I deserve amazing things but that belief conflicts with feeling unworthy.

    I WILL win. I WILL root out that negative belief and I WILL step into my power in full. I AM worthy. Right now.

    Did you ever have these issues and is there a technique that you would suggest I use on a day-to-day basis?

  119. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
    I love this example wiht jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

  120. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
    I love this example with jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

  121. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
    I love this example with jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

  122. What a HOT topic!  I keep thinking about that fine jacket.  It reminds me that we are adjured not to "store up" treasure on earth.  Rather than holding on to our treasure, we should let it other words, spend it.
    "Money, like blood, needs to be in circulation."   It doesn't matter whether we for it for stuff (or liabilities or investments) or for experiences (travel, seminars, wha'ever) or for that goood & virtuous feeling** of being charitable - the point is, money needs to be In Motion, not stored up.
    I bet that retail store clerk celebrated with joy because the jacket sold (esp. if she eared a commission)!  She'll understand the value of Big Spenders.  So would anyone else who earns their income somewhere in the long chain that leads from the crocodile farmer to the finished jacket to the clerk in the store.   
    When Randy or I buy something that gives us joy, we aren't the only ones who benefit. 
    **Cautionary Note: charitable giving can be very dangerous, if it nourishes feelings of arrogance - being somehow "better" than thos who circulate money in other ways. 

  123. What a HOT topic!  I keep thinking about that fine jacket.  It reminds me that we are adjured not to "store up" treasure on earth.  Rather than holding on to our treasure, we should let it other words, spend it.
    "Money, like blood, needs to be in circulation."   It doesn't matter whether we for it for stuff (or liabilities or investments) or for experiences (travel, seminars, wha'ever) or for that goood & virtuous feeling** of being charitable - the point is, money needs to be In Motion, not stored up.
    I bet that retail store clerk celebrated with joy because the jacket sold (esp. if she eared a commission)!  She'll understand the value of Big Spenders.  So would anyone else who earns their income somewhere in the long chain that leads from the crocodile farmer to the finished jacket to the clerk in the store.   
    When Randy or I buy something that gives us joy, we aren't the only ones who benefit. 
    **Cautionary Note: charitable giving can be very dangerous, if it nourishes feelings of arrogance - being somehow "better" than thos who circulate money in other ways. 

  124.  @NatalieLamb  @Randy_Gage Very true.  Evil is a word that should not be used carelessly. Although,  I never thought you were evil, just some of your actions.  I apologize for this offense.  It was not a word that needed to be used.  Annie

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  • 236 comments on “Worthiness”

    1. What if you don't have the extra money for an ocean view or new clothes or new furniture etc? Should you charge it & go into debt? Or is it wiser to say I choose not to buy this at this time. Don't say "I can't afford it". And find other ways to bring joy to your life. Maybe better food choices, A walk, Etc. And also work on changing money beliefs. What you are worth beliefs . So you can afford the ocean view.

      1. One thing I adore about Randy Gage is that he doesn't make someone go into debt to get them rich...    The way he helps folks manage their money is remarkable.  

      2. Being in debt is a negative vision. Breaking even with no debt is a neutral vision. Both are worthiness issues. A positive vision is accepting abundance.

    2. What if you don't have the extra money for an ocean view or new clothes or new furniture etc? Should you charge it & go into debt? Or is it wiser to say I choose not to buy this at this time. Don't say "I can't afford it". And find other ways to bring joy to your life. Maybe better food choices, A walk, Etc. And also work on changing money beliefs. What you are worth beliefs . So you can afford the ocean view.

    3. I just love you so much!!!!  And adore the fact that it was LARGE!!!! Totally awesome!  Money well spent, even just for the story! Now...  In that lovely Hotel of yours I bet there's a glorious mirror...  And I know you have your iPhone with you....  You know where this is going right???!!!! 🙂

        1.  @Randy_Gage  I'll be checking my email! 🙂 AND I just watched the TV show  - you were so great!  Great catchy bullet points, and capturing your story in a nugget.    The only thing is that the way you have those interviews we can't share them...  

    4. I just love you so much!!!!  And adore the fact that it was LARGE!!!! Totally awesome!  Money well spent, even just for the story! Now...  In that lovely Hotel of yours I bet there's a glorious mirror...  And I know you have your iPhone with you....  You know where this is going right???!!!! 🙂

    5.  @Randy_Gage  I'll be checking my email! 🙂 AND I just watched the TV show  - you were so great!  Great catchy bullet points, and capturing your story in a nugget.    The only thing is that the way you have those interviews we can't share them...  

    6. One thing I adore about Randy Gage is that he doesn't make someone go into debt to get them rich...    The way he helps folks manage their money is remarkable.  

    7. o.k.--So let's say you want to be a billionarie to join one of the 400 in the U.S.--that's good.  The question is are you going to be able to get there by doing what you do.  Wanting is great,but having a plan and the skills are more important.
         So,I don't want to spend the energy and time to make $100,000 a month.  Yes,if someone gave me $100 millions today,I would take it-invest it and continue to study history,political philosophy,and psychology and I will probably go to around the world studying different cultures.  But I can do that by just making $10,000 per month.
         My question to you:If someone would tell you,Randy-I want to make an extra $2,000 per month so I can stay home and see my child first steps,change his diapers,take all the field trips while he is elementary school,go to the park while most the parents are working?Would you tell her/him-you are a loser because you don't want to make $100,000 a month?

    8. o.k.--So let's say you want to be a billionarie to join one of the 400 in the U.S.--that's good.  The question is are you going to be able to get there by doing what you do.  Wanting is great,but having a plan and the skills are more important.
         So,I don't want to spend the energy and time to make $100,000 a month.  Yes,if someone gave me $100 millions today,I would take it-invest it and continue to study history,political philosophy,and psychology and I will probably go to around the world studying different cultures.  But I can do that by just making $10,000 per month.
         My question to you:If someone would tell you,Randy-I want to make an extra $2,000 per month so I can stay home and see my child first steps,change his diapers,take all the field trips while he is elementary school,go to the park while most the parents are working?Would you tell her/him-you are a loser because you don't want to make $100,000 a month?

    9. Oh Wow, the worthiness bug bites another soul. I was listening to a chanelled message from "Bashar" and he said there is actually nothing more arrogant than thinking one is not worthy. Just being here, just being alive is proof of your worthiness. Your post just reaffirmed this for me.

    10. Oh Wow, the worthiness bug bites another soul. I was listening to a chanelled message from "Bashar" and he said there is actually nothing more arrogant than thinking one is not worthy. Just being here, just being alive is proof of your worthiness. Your post just reaffirmed this for me.

    11. Being in debt is a negative vision. Breaking even with no debt is a neutral vision. Both are worthiness issues. A positive vision is accepting abundance.

    12. One Australian shoe store is currently running the following ad:
      "Shoes make me feel happy.
      I'm shallow.
      I love it! I buy flowers every week because they bring me joy. I look at them several times a day, even though I'm hardly home. I LOVE buying clothes and shoes that I want but don't need because of how it makes me feel. A Ferrari, YES PLEASE!!! I get excited every time I see one fly past. An Aston Martin would be lovely too. They make my heart sing. They're delicious experiences you only have access to if you have money.

    13. One Australian shoe store is currently running the following ad:
      "Shoes make me feel happy.
      I'm shallow.
      I love it! I buy flowers every week because they bring me joy. I look at them several times a day, even though I'm hardly home. I LOVE buying clothes and shoes that I want but don't need because of how it makes me feel. A Ferrari, YES PLEASE!!! I get excited every time I see one fly past. An Aston Martin would be lovely too. They make my heart sing. They're delicious experiences you only have access to if you have money.

    14. RG
      If the majority of people were content with 40K to a 100k per year than millions of them wouldn't line up to buy a lotto ticket for 200 million with a 1 in 14million chance of winning. Actions always speak louder than words in my book. 

      1. Maybe a conflict in beliefs. Subconscious wins and that is what they are creating even if they say they want to win the lotto. And why lotto winners often lose it all.

      2. Tony, completely my philosophy.
        "Actions speak louder than words" has been my guiding mantra this year so far.
        I have learned a lot about people when I apply it to situations..
        Best Wishes
        Chiang Mai

    15. RG
      If the majority of people were content with 40K to a 100k per year than millions of them wouldn't line up to buy a lotto ticket for 200 million with a 1 in 14million chance of winning. Actions always speak louder than words in my book. 

    16. Maybe a conflict in beliefs. Subconscious wins and that is what they are creating even if they say they want to win the lotto. And why lotto winners often lose it all.

    17. Observation:Randy,  I have to ask... titles like "Worthiness" and statements on your posts like "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief", (the list goes on). Although not exactly affirming the negative, are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?
      I get that statements of that nature can cause a person to think critically and potentially move them toward their perceived success but... are your headlines and content really becoming anything more than a '7:30pm prime time news report - attention grabbing spin' to get and to hold readership? And then there are the links!You used to post articles of sustenance without the perceived hard core sales pitch behind the scenes, so if it's not too much to ask would you please get back to zigging.Thank you in advance.

      1.  @tonyscarcia You think "worthiness" is a sensationalistic headline?   And I definitely think the statements like, "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief" would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them. 
        Fascinating that you think this has a "hard core sales pitch behind the scenes."   What's up with that?  First of all, the "links" I posted here are the show I was on and the actual interview.  They are a service to the reader and aren't selling anything. 
        But that raises an interesting question about your core beliefs about money:  I post 200 blogs a year and mention a book or album in maybe 5 or 10 a year.  Are you suggesting that my job on earth is to post free training every day because the world is entitled to it?  True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange, never a situation of exploitation, co-dependency or entitlement.

        1.  @Randy_Gage Hi Randy, thanks for replying.You said "would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them."Ah yes, but 'can' they actually perpetuate a person's beliefs? That is the question. Let's say a person reads words like worthiness, sabotage, lack, negative, etc etc, then based on their current state, can those words which come to them every day actually program them to look for and play out those outcomes. That was my question.You and I both know of a person who ends their posts with a phrase touting that 'my wish for you is that you become a'.... On face value it sounds great, has posture and I know is really about caring... but... does that phrase have the potential to cause the recipient to stay in a state of readiness instead of rising to their full potential.Re the links/hard core sales pitch. I was speaking in a general sense and as a direct result of using shocking headlines, let's call them, to attract the reader then point them to a resource is not what I would determine to be prosperous. It's the verbiage I have issue with, not the process. My concern is that headlines like Worthiness, Love To Hate, Money Jealousy, Self Hate, Why You Sabotage etc, seem to be no better that cheap tabloid headlines in that they are needing to become more shocking in order to compete in the marketplace.So, can those words/headlines on a regular basis actually have a negative compounding effect on the recipient? I would love your thoughts on that. Thanks.

          1.  @tonyscarcia  @Randy_Gage  I think awareness comes first Tony.  You have to constantly be aware of inner sabotage - and Randy's provoking messages help to bring the shadow to light. 

      2.  @tonyscarcia I am shocked!  This is SO not what my sense what from this blog post.  I'm wondering what's up for you???  Did someone tick you off today and you're projecting it on Randy? My mama bear comes out when I see him being scapegoated while serving!  Your tone, and baseless attacks just don't seem to hold true from this side of the world...  I'm gonna to reflect on what I see here: 1. I CLICKED on the link - it was an entertaining really cool video... that got me celebrating shifts I'm made in the last year.  Shifts made because of what Randy wrote!  From his care - I found the courage to quit relationships that weren't serving me.  I'm stunned you'd say he's sharing links to profit.  He's sharing links to made a difference - clicking on that link affirmed for me how much he's touched my life so deeply. I'm wondering why you are feeling so bitter and attacking?  What's happened for you that's made you angry with him @tonyscarcia ?
        2. In order to become aware of how the saboteur works we have to recognise it, and bring it to the light.  Things left in the negative play havoc - they need to be seen.  Awareness is always the first step to change!3. WORTHINESS is hardly affirming the negative - BEING Worthy is an essential step in prosperity.  If you don't feel you are worth you can't receive...
        4. COPYWRITING - RG is KNOWN as an awesome copywriter, and creates titles to bring people to the blog.  In order to GET people to change we have to bring them to a post...  WORTHINESS is hardly "attention grabbing spin!" You should see MY headline's at times.  SEX SEX and more SEX - okay sometimes I am actually WRITING about SEX but that's besides the point!   Worthiness is hardly a new grapping spin...  I'm wondering if worthiness is something that touched you - and is why you've lashed out?
        5. Substance without pitch?   Nearly EVERY day Randy posts here - I've NEVER felt pushed to buy.  He promotes his stuff as frequently as he does close friends-  which is not very often.  Daily his posts are thoguht provoking and inspire change...  Are you maybe pissed off with yourself that you haven't used what he writs to change yourself ENOUGH? 
        6. Your FIGHT!   I just did a coaching session with a guy who's pissed off with himself  - he knows it ALL, but isn't applying it.  Is that the same for you? Is that why you're enraged with RG?  This guy was enraged with his mentor - and attacking him for being money orientated, and pushy...  Yet he's in a deep hole... and reactive.  I shared with him that he was in survival mode -of fight, flight or freeze...  Sometimes being numb and unable to take action, othertimes fighting and demanding, and othertimes wanting to run away - rather than face his wound sand fears and embrace them.  If he could use his trigger as a map into aspects within HIM that need healing, rather than attacking, then he'd find his way into Greatness.7. Abundance?  Often I notice in a lady in the village if someone has something that SHE wants she gets sniping and horrid.  She gossips about them. She feels life OWES her. When she sees (especially!) people buying clothes she gets angry that she doesn't have the money to buy all she wants...  Can you notice at what word you got trigger? Or were you triggered before and you just feel safe enough with RG's love, that you know he'll STILL love you tomorrow, no matter what you say?
        It's weird our different responses.... I spent a while writing to RG in the last 24 hours... and as I was writing to him and reading this post, watching the video - I was just marvelling at him... How does he continue to serve so much?  How does he write so consistenly?  Where does he get his discipline from?  I'm Feeling deeply grateful at his service, kindness, and generosity.  He asks for NOTHING. He gives and gives...  Sure he gets to see people changing... and that's priceless...  But his service here I'm truly grateful for!
         @Randy_Gage can you answer that? How do you work like 4/5 men do? How do you produce so much? AND still love me... and respond to my quirks and questions - when you don't earn a penny off me! I appreciate you LOTS!

        1.  @NatalieLamb I don't even read your whole story Natalie.  Why do you always attack people when they are critical of Randy?  I think he should be insulted.  Can poor wittle Wandy not defend himself?  He need your help?
          Okay, to me Randy is always talking about codependency and this is about as codependent as you get.  You and Randy both.  Give it up, please. 

          1.  @Annieb Randy serves YOU, Tony, and ALL daily. FOr free. Out of kindness and love and passion.  I believe those who come here would be wise to come her with an open heart, a willing mind, and a desire for transformation...    what he deserves is gratitude, respect, and kindness. I know that you and Tony both have the capacity for this...  and this is a beautiful platform to practice those skills. He doens't need, or deserve baseless attacks that have no ground. Just to be sure - I wasn't attacking Tony for a second...  Altho I was challenging him to check him premises, and to get in touch with his empty accusations.... I want to serve Tony...and highlight his erroneous thinking...   Randy didn't post ANY link to make money...That's a false accusation - and NOT his intention. His intent is to serve and make a difference.
            Besides THAT, I love Randy. He's an awesome friend to me... always there for me...  So when someone attacks him - I show my love and care.     I adore healthy, positive, loving, caring relationships... part of friendship for me is standing for the truth of who a friend is.   I also challenge Randy when I'm unhappy about something... and he's good at clearing things up or challenging me to face my fears/attack.  I do for others what  LOVE others doing for me.  When folks are attacking my intent, I TOTALLY adore them shouting out and saying: the lens that you are looking through is cloudy, Natalie's intent is LOVE.  This happened last week.  It felt awesome  to be seen, to have someone care enough to stand up for me, and to be courageous enough to call out falsehoods. Randy isn't someone to defend himself... and I bet as a child he had few to defend him ever. I consider it my Job: MAMA BEAR!

          2.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, Randy does not need you to defend him he defends himself quite well.  You are stopping productive conversation.  I am sure Randy is aware that he will be challenged now and then.  Maybe that helps him too.
            You do a lot of thinking for others, talking for others, to me that is a part of codependent behavior.  Believing Randy needs a defender is an offense to his manhood in my opinion.  Randy, makes plenty of money, and this blog helps him do it.  And the more conversation generated, the better for him, just means his blog is interestin'. 
            You do not know if Tony is enraged, you do not know if he is projecting, or doing any of those things. The man has a right to his opinion, and Randy defended himself just fine.
            Why do you keep telling us how  much Randy loves you?  Why do you feel responsible to be his Mama Bear?  The last thing Randy seems to me is vulnerable.  He seems pretty tough to me.  I think your MAMA BEAR needs to go find a cave somewhere and chill out.
            I come here willing to learn and be transformed, I find this place fascinating.  This blog supports Randy's work, it is not just an act of love, it is the act of a smart business man, with enough balls to take some heat despite what may have transpired in his childhood.
            What you call falsehoods were just someone's opinion.  I don't think you show love and care, when you write here and attack someone else to protect Randy's innerchild or whatever the hell you think you're doing.  Really you are just making a mockery of intelligent conversation.

          3.  @Annieb Annie - I just wwent to the dentist for my annual check up -  as I walked in I saw on the wall a poster about childhood abuse.  I saw EMOTIONAL ABUSE and now see how many of the things you recreate are the aspects of emotional abuse. Either you are doing these things, or behaving in such a way as to be treated like this:
            * continuously failing to show love and affection
            *persistant rejection
            These things - it said - cause a child to be nervous, withdrawn, lacking in confidence and self-esteem
            In your response to me you were negating, insulting, belittling, taunting, ridiculing Randy (Wandy)... etc...  
            If you read thru my words you'd see there is not a single attack at all.  I did absoluetly attempt to get to the undercurrents, the premise behind Tony's words, and try to understand where he was coming from... Promoting DEPTH, integrity, and complex discussion!   That you don't see or get my intent, I'm sorry.  AND I don't think this is a place for emotional abuse. I hope you'll come here to learn respect, care, and open discourse.  Where you can share how you feel, WITHOUT insult, attack, or negation.  That said - to reply to you:  what's productive for YOU? Attacking me when you hadn't even written what I wrote?  You didn't even READ what I'd written - so how would you know if it's productive or not?  Tony had attacked Randy for something that wasn't true AT ALL.  HE (like you) were attacking on something he (and you) hadn't look into.  A baseless attack... Randy has NEVER asked me to defend him.  It's my choice to. I love doing it. Friends care, and stick up for each other. He doesn't need me to do it.   I do it because I have something to say - that will serve someone.  That you choose not to read it and then judge me on it - is YOUR stuff.  I get that you're STILL pissed off with me for challenging YOU. I'm sorry for that -I'm sorry you miss my intent and love.  And maybe that you feel jealous that you don't feel love... It made me ponder if you feel angry that you'd never been defended/protected as a child?  Where you never allowed to feel safe and secure and had others to really look after you?  I'm rather flamoxed as to why my defending Randy's intent riles you so much?    How does that aggression and anger serve you?  Does it make you feel more loved by Randy?    Does it give you more power?  My purpose for Tony was to serve him in seeing he was projecting, and his opinion was based on a reaction, not his truth.  He was accussing Randy of selling stuff in this blog - had he clicked on the link he'd have seen it was ANOTHER video SERVING everyone.  Tony is into personal development and being the best he can be. I can bet he'd LOVE to be challenged to grow into the best he can be.  Do you notice you are doing EXACTLY what you are telling me to stop doing? I adore Gandhi's saying "Be the change you wish to see in the world."I am being that change!!!  What I ADORE is people being courageous enough to make a stand for things in their lives.  I ADORE it when folks stand up and challenge me to become my best, to be autehtnic, to be real, to face myself- rather than project/blame others...   So that's why I do it...  Because I want others to be courageous in taking a stand for what they believe in too. I'm intruiged if you come here willing to learn and be transformed why you spend time being so attacking and insulting? E.g BOTH of those limit brain power, and cut of critical thinking...  They narrow creativity and communication - and take us back into programmed thinking...  Of what happened to us in our past if we aren't conscious of it.  So when I hear you reacting like that - I feel for you recognising you couldn't have been treated lovingly by those who should have cared... For not a single moment did I feel angry with Tony... I felt shocked - because his attack was not true... and his insults were based on a false premises...   I challenged that.  I challenged his perspective - promoting valid, and true discussion.  I never attacked him personally for an instant.  I pointed out where his atttacks were unfounded. I'm glad you come here to learn - and I hope you do...  Often I find you attacking Randy or criticising him - rather than trying out what he says.  I find you misreading or reacting and insulting HIM, rather than going "I'm triggered - what in ME needs loving and compassion?" Would that not serve you more?  Love to you!

          4.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb The sad part is Natalie, some parents and even adults, don't see any of these as abusive behavior.Surprised none of these are on the list. But everything on that list I experienced as a child and a teenager, and many of these people continue to act this way well into adulthood.This is evil, anti-human behavior.On top of that list, I also experienced:Add forced isolation.Always getting it right, especially without proper preparation.Doing what someone else tells you, no matter how much it might hurt youor other people.Expecting someone to be someone they aren't.Unfair comparison to someone who has different interests, wants, needs, talents, and abilities.Not questioning authority.
            Using money, and even food and shelter as bargaining.
            Micromanagement.Denying creative impulses.Demeaning differing opinions.Expecting instant results.Believing that people should be able to do everything themselves without support, guidance, or love. Just because I had crappy human beings who didn't want to man up and be adults rather than playground bullies, doesn't mean me, you, or anyone has a right to do any of these to people.

          5.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb Besides, this anger, pain, will serve me well.I'll never be able to function well in a tightly controlled corporate environment, because of my experiences. My history proves otherwise, and I'm lying to myself whenever I try.Many modern businesses are based on an anti-human quarterly earnings at the expense of the customer, the quality of the product/service, and the employees.Where does that leave room for innovation or people to blossom? What about customers? It's not like they don't have endless choices. Very rarely is there just one company that controls an entire doesn't. Why do you think so many companies are failing or shipping business overseas? It isn't always to cut costs. It's feeble attempts to save a dying business model.Of course there's lobbying the government for favors, something Minnesota/Fed is fond to give to mining, railroads, and agriculture. We also have Al Franken, who is a decent, but unfortunately very Left-wing, as Senator.We have one of the biggest welfare program in the country, right in my county. With how anti-business the region is, most of the jobs which are created are low wage, or full of competition either because people want to stay because they grew up here or they like the view. It's actually in some ways, sadly better to live on the dole, and a lot of people come from Detroit and Chicago to live on the government dime.Duluth doesn't have projects, so most public housing is Section 8 subsidies, meaning units that would be rented to paying customers, all but guarantee income for the renter. One of the large local property management companies has grown quite rich by having a decent number of Section 8 units.I think one of the reasons Section 8 is popular throughout the country is it allows the government to hide how much poverty there really is. In the past, the poverty was wide in the open, as most people who lived on assistance programs were in government owned housing projects. Food stamps were stamps, now they're just electronic cards which are no different than credit cards.Heck, the state medical assistance program isn't some fly-by-night cut rate insurer, it's Blue Cross, an organization which provides healthcare to many And my county is not a rich county either. It's a lot of poor and middle class people, because the local governments are so obsessed with pleasing Union voters, that they're afraid to make it easy for people to make a profit.You wouldn't believe the amount of crime there is in this town. We don't hear about it though, since it's easier to hide, and being in the middle of Democrat country, the government needs to pretend it's keeping everyone safe, when it does nothing but enable misery.Where there is poverty there is drug and alcohol, physical, emotional, and financial abuse.I really have huge problems with authority and traditional corporate structures based on the assembly line, and not thinking. I don't trust anyone who wields too much power over another human being, and uses money and their position to mistreat and use people. All great art and all great businesses both come from enhancing the lives of others. Often, the interest of the artist or the interest of the entrepreneur makes what in the hands of another a poor or mediocre product, a product that touches lives.One thing that great artists, and great entrepreneurs have in common is, they aren't fond of authority and centralized control either, and they don't create generic work.They create compelling work.

          6.  @NatalieLamb The only person here being evil Natalie is you.  You have the power here not me not Tony.  No one on this blog is generally very supportive when you choose to disagree with Randy.  They attack and are really mean.  Randy has power here, this is his blog.  If you are looking at this from the perspective of children and adults.  He is the authority position, not me not Tony.  He is the one with the power to hurt here, and you because you are his friend and are going to find all the support to say anything in the world you want, and you know that no one will resist.  So I hate to tell you this Natalie, but you  and Randy are the bullies here. 
            Yes, I am still angry about the way I was treated last year.  That was abusive and you were the abuser.  You don't  have the right here to judge or give therapy, or pry into the emotions of others.  Calling people out who are not in positions of authority on a blog your friend writes, where you don't have to worry about any repercussions, makes you the bully in the room.
            You bullied me right off the blog last year.  Oh sure, I helped you out, but mainly it was your garbage.  YOUR STUFF.  He should kicked you off.  You should be ashamed of yourself. And one day you should apologize for all the pain you have caused me.
            And I stick up for the others here, because they don't deserve your bullying, no one does.  You proceeded to say all manner of untrue things about after I could no longer defend myself.  YOU are the bully.  I am still angry with you.  YOu have never made any attempts to make amends with me.
            I did read what you wrote to Tony later, and I will still say the same things:  Leave people alone here, let them be free to write their opinions, even if they are critical of Randy.  Your the bully blog, who would ever want to write anything here again??  No one should have to be put up with being psychoanalyzed by someone who doesn't give a shit about their feelings.  You are the one vying for Randy's love when you do this.  If he likes it that's his problem.  Randy is not a child anymore and this his blog he has the power here.  People love him here, he will always have defenders.  The few of us that criiticise him from time to time, are speaking our minds about Randy's opinions and his position.  If he wants this to be a tolerant place he has to expect that.
            But, he should not let the posters here attack others.  I have done that, to you, but you have attacked me mercilessly in the past.  You deserve a dose of your own medicine.
            IF you are a psychologist your license to practice should be revoked.  Other people here may believe your lies, that is for them to decide, I will not.  And you will not, because you know who the abuser is really don't you Natalie.  And trust me if their is a God it knows. too.  And I know.
            Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass.

          7.  @ThomasMrak  Thomas - I'm so sorry you went thru all that. I'm beaming you love.   And praying that you have people in your life now that honour, love, care and cherish you...  You may want to read some Alice Miller books...  she really helps in seeing that it's NOT your fault.  I wish you GOODNESS! You are so worthy of being treasured!

          8.  @ThomasMrak I hope you use that anger to take care of your boundaries, and to serve you as a passion for creating the life of your dreams. 

          9.  @NatalieLamb  @ThomasMrak Read Alic Miller, Thomas, but be careful, it is hard core.  And, if you are already so angry with your parents, it can make that worse.  If you do choose to read it, read it, and discuss with a WISE therapist.  For instance, I wouldn't choose a person who uses sex to vet people into therapy.

          10.  @Annieb   Annie, I hear your analogy...  of a parent and a child... The thing is you are NOT a child. And yet frequently you behave like one on this blog.   You project onto me that I am powerful... I am purely being clear, authetnic and raw. I have never felt attacking. I have never wanted to hurt you.  I have never felt like a bully.  I have have only ever wanted to create this space for GROWTH, LOVE and TRANSFORMTION.I just got off the phone from a therapist and author.  He wanted to speak with me about an issue he is challenged by, and was wondering if I could help. He shared that many people struggle with authenticity and being real.  That the moment you are honest with them, and speak about feelings they react - in attack, blame, toxic responses... ALL to make the speaker be quiet...  He said that the whole culture is set up to be superficial, disconnected, and intellectual.  He shared that the moment anyone shares with authentic depth, and emotional realness it's like monsters come out the woodwork - because they feel so threatened. Having not explored what they feel, and being unable to be vulnerable they do everything they can to silence talk of feelings, understanding, patterns, and effective emotional processing. Rather than own their feelings they react badly to push others away.  My way of being may bring up scary feelings for you that make you feel uncomfortable, angry, and scared.  They may be so upsetting that you want to lash out...  I understand that.  It's NOT how to process them tho...  What comes out is simply your programming...  This simply is a barrier to break thru - and you have the anger to do this... Tho sadly you're resenting ME, rather than using it to face your issues that I have not created. They were there well before I came to this meeting point with you. It is most bizaar that you feel okay and happy to be abusive, humiliating, belitting and antagonising - and you attack me when I stand up and say "There is no need for this, PLEASE treat Randy with respect and kindness."
            I teach in my parenting classes and my kids - DO NOT stand around watching others be treated badly. It is NOT okay.  Krishnamuti says: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."  It is sad, sick and shocking that you think you have a right to be rude, disrespectful and horrible to Randy... and Yet I have NO right to say "This is NOT okay!"   I shall ALWAYS be here for my friends. I will not sit by and what anyone accuse him for using others, pushing his work, or insulting him.  I will absolutely speak up and stand up. Out of love, compassion and deep care I shout out - not ONLY for Randy, but for YOU, and for TONY...  Shouting out to face the TRUTH of what we are graplling with...  You disguise your anger for your past with attacks on me and Randy...  And I don't want the projection... It you choose to act in emotional abuse, I shall speak out.  The issues need to be processed not acted out. You are NOT a child... And I understand that you FEEL like one sometimes, and feel vulnerable and scared or angry and this has to lashing out does NOT make it okay.  I will speak out - I have tolerated too much emotional abuse to sit back and watch it happen to ANYONE.  Yes Randy CAN defend himself, but why should he HAVE to?  This space should be a place for learning, critical thinking, and remarkable discussion... Reducing yourself to insulting and other forms of emotional abuse IS NOT and WILL NEVER be okay. THIS is way Randy requested you stop posting. I shall ALWAYS be an advocate for safe spaces where heated discussion and critical thinking can take place, but NOT abuse. KEn Wilber years ago wrote this:  All of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakeable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you. Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset your self. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity. Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must. And this is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but that doesn't matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery--either way--and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can.And I Still with you well - tho I find your rudeness unacceptable and not okay.  It's truly sad that you warp my passion for treating others WELL, into a personal attack on you.  I have NEVER and will NEVER attack or abuse you. It's not who I am.  I will however ALWAYS stand for people facing themselves rather than projecting their issues onto others.  Should you choose to be abusive and attacking, I shall strongly mirror how you are treating others (including me) so that you stop this beahviour. love to you always annie,Natalie

          11.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, if you have the gift of seeing or understanding others feelings, you must use compassion and empathy along with that understanding.  You receive undue respect here, I believe because you are Randy's friend.  You use that to an unfair advantage.
            This is Randy's platform, and for the most part people here love and support his message.  I think you have a lot to share, but do it with honesty and compassion, you must.
            I am calling you to the carpet, how will you take it?  If Tony is okay with it, fine.  I feel it was wrong, and something you have done to me on several occasions.  True love, is always kind.  To me how you proceed to deal with what you view is wrong with a person's opinion is unkind.
            Just disagree with the comment.  No need to psychoanalyze.  This isn't the place.  This isn't the time.  There is a time and place for everything.  If you insist on doing this to others, I will pray you gain the wisdom and compassion to when that time is.  I will also pray that you reconsider whether you own the full truth of others feelings and motivations without proper knowledge.  And if you do have the truth you will never under any circumstance use it for personal gain.

          12.  @Annieb Look at Jesus - when he saw people abusing others - like the tax collectors he thru a raging temper. True love does the right thing in each moment. I am a passionate, caring, loving person - and sometimes that comes out strongly when others have become emotionally abusive: like you do - with belittling, attacking, insulting, rudeness, humiliating...Sometimes people aren't aware -  and some reflections, mirroring, inquiry into themselves helps them understand their behaviour. I ponder into people's motivations, and why they are beahving like that - so that they may reflect and grow.  Some people don't want to grow. They want to stay the same - to stay attacking, negative, insulting and continue to eat the poison of resentment.
            I wish you well - and pray you come here with an open heart and mind.  And check yourself before you post: do I have an emotional abuse in this post? Am I revealing my lack of worthiness by:
            * continuously failing to show love and affection
            *persistant rejection
            And if so, please stop.  This place is a safe place.  If you come out attacking, I shall be a Mama Bear. I hope you don't find it rude or disrespectful - but that comes out of a deep love and appreciation for the goodness Randy has rippled into my life.  He doesn't deserve your projection (nor do i!).  And he doesn't deserve your emotional abuse - no one does. If you read ALL I have written to you - last year and this - you'll notice that there was NO emotional abuse at all from me. There have always been strong boundaries, and reflection.  It seems you struggle often facing yourself, and having someone put limits on your unhealthy and toxic emotional abuse. Imagine for a moment I am being like Jesus in the temple - and saying "this is a sacred place, for learning and receiving abundance - if you are bringing toxic and cruel ways in here I shall be wild, and demand a change in your tone, and expect you to speak with critical thinking not personal attack." You have ZERO right to be emotionally abusive to me or ANYONE here. If you read my words to Tony there was NO personal attack on TOny - there was understanding, critical thinking, and challenging him to own his words.  If you see below - he appreciated the input.  I'm no longer entertaining your emotional abuse and attacks. They are unacceptable here. And the world needs healthy challenge to become our best...  Not insult, and attack.  I believe you have the capactiy to become your best... and I hope you use this forum for that purpose...  rather than slash your toxicity everywhere. Love to you Annie... and many blessing of goodness and miracles!

          13.  @NatalieLamb Now you are comparing yourself to Jesus?  Really?  Natalie grow up.  Until you see the wrongs that you do, your no help to anyone.  I own up to my demons, you seem to think that you can bring toxicity and smooth it over with all your proclamations of love and that makes it okay.  Well it is not.  And you wronged me last year.  When you own up to that, we shall have us a genuine conversation.
            I still believe you bully here, and I remain feeling that way even after all your verbose posts, that you are being a bully.  I will pray that you see that.
            I know have let my emotions run loose here, and that was wrong.  I know I have been rough with Randy.  I have suffered for that, take your judgements and stuff it.  Save your Mama Bear for your own children.  Leave us alone on the blog.  I didn't see any emotional abuse from Tony, that warranted your dissection of his emotional state of being.

          14.  @Annieb TONY was happy with what I wrote.  He accused Randy of doing something HE HAD NOT DONE. I am strong, challenging, and courageous - a bully I am not! I frequently see the wrongs I do - Randy challenges me on things I do wrong, and I adjust.  If he felt I was out of order he would let me know.  He does whenever he says me doing something wrong. I'm grateful for this.  I have monthly sessions with my kids where I ask them "how am I doing? Where am I going wrong with my parenting?"  My clients are also free and welcome to challenge me. Last month a client said that see adored that she's free to challenge me - when I'm wrong I'll admit it, and when I'm not I will explain why.  JUST like I have done with you.  I have frequently apologised that you have been hurt and are upset...  And that you find my boundary setting here challenging. I shall not only save Mama Bear for my own kids - I shall let her out whenever I see injustice.  Too often the word sits by complacent to emotional abuse and falsehoods.  I shall always shout out.  You have NO Right to treat me with rudeness and insult - I have NEVER treated you with that. I have been firm, clear and strong. I DO press buttons...  that reveal issues that need healing. It does not mean that I caused or created them - I only revealed them for what they are.  That you choose to hate me for that, is your loss.  MANY clients and friends are grateful..  If you choose to be poisoned by your own hatred, anger, and bitterness - it's your choice.  Tho it's not welcome to be sprayed here.

          15.  @NatalieLamb I don't think I would use Randy as my only moral gauge.  I will have to disagree with you, and my Mama Bear comes out too, and as stood up for many wrongs.  I don't care what Randy thinks, he is often wrong too when it comes to treating people with kindness.
            You are Toxic, I have been toxic as well, but that does not excuse you.  You are here among like minded thinkers and friends.  I stand alone often times, many people NOT on this blog would not agree with you.  I am not surprised Randy condones this.  In fact, he always has.  He is a lot of things.  He is charming on this blog and popular with his audiences, but he does not always make good choices
            Frankly, I think I am glad the people here don't like me.  I do not agree with most of this.  I am here because I am open to thinking critically.
            I am just not persuaded here.  Sorry, I think a lot of what is preached is naive and false. 
            When I am loved, even if it is tough love I feel it. I don't look to my friends for direction.  MOst of the time I follow my heart and my choices are usually moral.
            It is not your business what happened to me or anyone else in their childhood here, or why we respond the way we do.  You have no idea what justice is in this case.  I do.  I am finished with this.   I am not writing to you any longer.  I know what's true Natalie, I know where I have wronged, I am responsible to myself for correcting them not you.  I don't want your help to clarify my behavior, I can figure it out for myself.
            You will never convince me of the things you say about yourself, because what you do to me is my answer for what you are really like.  I am sure you are many good things, you have not been totally mean to me, but you have wronged me and you feel justified.  Fine.  So forgiving you will take a long time.
            I am sorry if my correcting you has upset you, because I to stand for justice.

          16.  @NatalieLamb Natalie I am ready to end this.  I am sorry for being rude to you.  Yes, I am still bitter about last year.  I am jealous you are Randy's friend.  Not only that, but if you believe the things you believe, he must too.
            I still don't think you should analyze or dissect people's feelings here.  Especially Natalie if it is because you are defending Randy.  Because, you are not really doing it for their benefit, but Randy's and yours.  They have not agreed to that kind of questioning, and you may embarrass him or her.  People to face things in their own way and their own time.  If Tony was okay with it fine.
            Yes, I admit I responded to quickly because I am still angry with you from last year.  Your relentless assaults were unwelcome, and often times you hit the right chords, but other times you were dead wrong and you never really checked in with me, you just kept crusading.  I am a mental health worker too Natalie, and confrontation is a part of the process.  But, as you have so wisely pointed out, this is not group therapy and not all of us here may be willing participants to your psychoanalysis.
            Confrontation, like that should come from a place when we are only concerned with the person we are confronting, only concerned with their mental health or well being.  Not, when we are defending another.  I think you were maybe right with what you said to Tony about what he wrote.  But to interject why he might be feeling that way and calling him out saying maybe he isn't doing enough with Randy's advice is, well, wrong.  He didn't ask for your analysis.  You could have stood up to him without that, and your Mama Bear may have been just as satisfied.
            Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit. 
             @Randy_Gage  Sorry for being attacking on your blog, and for attacking your friend.  I was wrong, I apologize to you both.
            Peace OUt.

          17.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage It takes awareness and strength to own your behaviour rather than act out with past programming...I hear your apology for being rude...  As well as facing your jealousy... and other issues....  Tho it's not quite enough if you really want healing...  If you really want to be free...  Here's the clue you give away:  "Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit."    A BIT?  Really???? !!!!
            What I've learnt from Randy is not to listen to people's WORDS - apology is easy... but to listen to see their actions...  You STILL don't get me, see me, or understand me...  I think you captured it here:
            "Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass."
            My love IS Unreal - because I do care and send you love - EVEN when you are abusive, uncaring, vindictive, insulting...  I wonder why you see it as unreal?   It's not a realness that you offer.  I have not an ounce of bitterness towards - even tho you go on false rampages about me.  That you distort my words, inquiry and care to be attacks - I feel may come down to your feelings of worthiness here.  I don't write to you JUST to defend Randy.  I write to you because I see you acting out in emotional abuse and know that when someone is beingin this way they MUST have learnt it from somewhere and be in severe pain, hurt and anger.  My role in the world is helping people face this, so they can grow and own it, and work thru it... 
            No matter HOW you have treated me - I have NEVER walked away, I have ALWAYS cared enough to respond, and keep serving YOU in dealing with your issues. You hate that I don't answer with superficial words, but that I open to greater complexity, and a fuller perspective.  that simply reveals the depth to which you want to face yourself.  I want deal and real conversations.  I create them wherever I go.  I don't believe that that sort of conversation should happen ONLY in a therapy room - I think that's the level of embrace, depth and integration that we ALL need to be inquiring into to live consicous amazing lives.   Otherwise we stay unconscious and acting out without awareness. I don't want that for you or anyone - so I ask questions... and try to understand... Today a client called to thank me for my patience with him - as he does ALL SORTS of things to avoid himself...  He's so scared. The stuff is ugly and painful...  He does all he can to run away - and finds it amazing that I STILL support him. Sadly you've projected your past onto me - and find my love unreal, and choose to smother it with doubt, negativity, anger, and bitterness. You must have been programmed at some point to learn not to trust people and be wary of their intent. You've  put onto me that I don't care or have love for you - even when I say I do... Even when I've given up time to write to you! It's so sad for you to be eating that poison... I KNOW my intent.  That you choose to reject my concern, my passion for goodness, my courage in facing you, and my audacious authenticity is your loss.
            Absolutely when I speak out there are things that embarrass people.  I told a client last month that she was emotionally abusive. It rocked her world... and she GOT IT.  She wrote back and said she felt so embarrassed that she'd never realised it, and was so grateful for me putting it to her so clearly, and inquiring into why she did that. 
            I've had that MANY times I've been embarrassed publically. It is THIS that has helped me grow!   Randy has even called me out in front 500+ people for my limited beliefs.  I went bright red.  What he was doing is to wake me UP!  To stop me hiding out.   He did it because he wants me to grow and face myself.  When others have come to me upset that he calls them out - I've shared that it's because he cares about them.  It took a lot for them to realise that! I believe that the depth of our BURN of embarrassment is how great the trigger is that we need to face in ourselves.  One person that helped me see this is a friend Randy told me to read: Larry Winget.  He wrote SHUT UP, STOP WHINING, AND GET A LIFE.  Freqently in contact with Larry I BURN in humiliation as he points out where I am failing and why I may be doing this...  You see that embarrassment as WRONG...  While I see that burn as wonderful - from both Randy and Larry - it's like a glow torch highlighting what needs change in me.  You get bitter and hate me.  I get grateful and love Randy and Larry more for caring enough to spend the time shooting my negative attributes down. And know that I dont ALWAYS go into gratitude. Randy will share how I fight him, deny what he's saying, and get angry... until the point his words seep into my psyche and I go: YOU ARE RIGHT. And he is right... and THAT is why I'm reacting.  If I WAS NOT reacting - it wouldn't be something relevant to me.  That you choose to see my care, love, time and attention I've given to you as "relentless attacks" rather than acts of compassion, goodness, and care is your loss, distortion and sadness.  In the last day I've had two folks saying: "I deeply value your insights. You offer such perspective that helps me see things differently - and do the work I need to do."   NO ONE I work with finds it comfortable - it's scary, upsetting, confrontational - but they all say they change, and they know I love them. Personal development is HARD. That's why few do it.  Most stay small in attacking and acting out and living their past programming. It takes a lot of introspection and insight from others to find the right inquiry to see our fault and change them For some reason you choose to project onto me that I'm evil and full of shit. So whatever I write - even if EVERYONE else agress with me - YOU distort into being wrong.  You've painted me with a dark brush and that's the only lens you see through...  Your bitterness to me I know is NOTHING to do with me. I bet if you went through all I wrote last year - you'd WAKE UP to so many home truths that would serve you as an outline for the work you need to do to stop being emotionally abusive. Sadly your lens on hating me will stop you facing yourself.
            I feel sadness for you.  I see many of my clients- especially those who have been sexually abused - really struggle with letting people get close.  They get emotionally abusive, reject people, distort their motives, hate them, think there is something wrong with them, and keep their defenses strong out of protection of being hurt again. Sadly this pushes away those who could really help them break thru.
            I wish you well Annie - I always have, and I always will send you love. That you choose to reject it, means the love comes flying back at me - and I get a double portion!  THANKS.  My love and care is YUMMY!

          18.  @NatalieLamb  @Randy_Gage Very true.  Evil is a word that should not be used carelessly. Although,  I never thought you were evil, just some of your actions.  I apologize for this offense.  It was not a word that needed to be used.  Annie

        2.  @NatalieLamb  Wow, a lot to ponder here Natalie and thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that I am sorry you took this as an attack on Randy and I guess I could have worded it differently. You're right though in that I do feel I can state my case knowing that RG will still love me tomorrow :). Randy taught me to think things through to the end and that's exactly what I'm doing by questioning the impact those outcomes could have. Please see my reply to Randy on that.Thanks.

          1.  @tonyscarcia I think it sometimes helps to admit that it WAS an atttack on Randy.  To be honest... 
            Cos your accusing him of profitting was baseless - you obviously didn't click the links, and falsely accused him.I wonder what belief was behind that? 
            I'd ponder what is behind the attacks...  What's going on for you that made you attack? 

      3. "are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?"
         @tonyscarcia - odd, but isn't it the person's choice what to believe anyway, as long as they honestly feel maybe good about it or improves them? Just wondering aloud, I guess.

    18. Observation:Randy,  I have to ask... titles like "Worthiness" and statements on your posts like "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief", (the list goes on). Although not exactly affirming the negative, are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?
      I get that statements of that nature can cause a person to think critically and potentially move them toward their perceived success but... are your headlines and content really becoming anything more than a '7:30pm prime time news report - attention grabbing spin' to get and to hold readership? And then there are the links!You used to post articles of sustenance without the perceived hard core sales pitch behind the scenes, so if it's not too much to ask would you please get back to zigging.Thank you in advance.

    19. I really truly enjoyed reading this article, it shows me how connected you are to source and how far you have come in life.
      Loved it , Thank You !

    20. I really truly enjoyed reading this article, it shows me how connected you are to source and how far you have come in life.
      Loved it , Thank You !

    21.  @tonyscarcia You think "worthiness" is a sensationalistic headline?   And I definitely think the statements like, "if you have negative programming about money that could be causing you to sabotage yourself" and "if you are likely to be sabotaging your own success because of a foundational belief" would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them. 
      Fascinating that you think this has a "hard core sales pitch behind the scenes."   What's up with that?  First of all, the "links" I posted here are the show I was on and the actual interview.  They are a service to the reader and aren't selling anything. 
      But that raises an interesting question about your core beliefs about money:  I post 200 blogs a year and mention a book or album in maybe 5 or 10 a year.  Are you suggesting that my job on earth is to post free training every day because the world is entitled to it?  True prosperity is always a value-for-value exchange, never a situation of exploitation, co-dependency or entitlement.

      1. Yeah but they have to kill a croc for that jacket. :-s ... I think that is not prosperity. Or am i wrong here ?

        1.  @million dollar just a thought here....everything dies. Is the issue about crocodile death is simply resistance to the idea of Death (our own deaths)?  The older I get, the more I think about death, with acceptance - for me, for crocodiles, for is life, and then it changes.  The idea that crocodile life is more important than carrot life seems just weird to me.  There's some irrelevant Food for Thought for you.

    22. Your post reminded me of another one I read yesterday, with a bit of a humor twist:

    23. Your post reminded me of another one I read yesterday, with a bit of a humor twist:

    24. Tony, completely my philosophy.
      "Actions speak louder than words" has been my guiding mantra this year so far.
      I have learned a lot about people when I apply it to situations..
      Best Wishes
      Chiang Mai

    25. I didn't know you were a Three Dog Night fan Randy! LOL
      Great post once again.. Am reading for about  the 10th time a book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth". In the second chapter he talks about enough-ness. The reason I bring this up is that there are similarities in some ways to what you say here. Alan says wealthy people believe they have enough, and at the same time, reach out for more from a platform of 'passion and celebration'. Would you agree this is how you live your Life?
      He also says that shifting our beliefs to 'having/being enough' in turn signals the Universe to deliver more. On the other hand, always believing we do NOT have enough triggers the Universe to deliver more of that even though we SAY we want more. Walsh mentions this in "Conversations with God", when he discusses the distinction of choosing vs. wanting. 
      Being GRATEFUL for what we have and celebrating the Abundance around us while knowing we ARE enough and HAVE enough is important. But no more important than feeling we are WORTHY of what the Universe has created. For me that means an amazing home on SF Bay, a fleet of European sports and luxury cars, traveling first class, an incredibly successful media company and a relationship based on unconditional love and passion. 
      I.. AM.. ENOUGH! 

        1.  @Randy_Gage Cool Randy.. Great music as was all from that era! In fact we're in development of a film/transmedia project that's focused around the industry people responsible for it! Have a great trip!

    26. I didn't know you were a Three Dog Night fan Randy! LOL
      Great post once again.. Am reading for about  the 10th time a book by Alan Cohen called "Relax into Wealth". In the second chapter he talks about enough-ness. The reason I bring this up is that there are similarities in some ways to what you say here. Alan says wealthy people believe they have enough, and at the same time, reach out for more from a platform of 'passion and celebration'. Would you agree this is how you live your Life?
      He also says that shifting our beliefs to 'having/being enough' in turn signals the Universe to deliver more. On the other hand, always believing we do NOT have enough triggers the Universe to deliver more of that even though we SAY we want more. Walsh mentions this in "Conversations with God", when he discusses the distinction of choosing vs. wanting. 
      Being GRATEFUL for what we have and celebrating the Abundance around us while knowing we ARE enough and HAVE enough is important. But no more important than feeling we are WORTHY of what the Universe has created. For me that means an amazing home on SF Bay, a fleet of European sports and luxury cars, traveling first class, an incredibly successful media company and a relationship based on unconditional love and passion. 
      I.. AM.. ENOUGH! 

    27. Yeah but they have to kill a croc for that jacket. :-s ... I think that is not prosperity. Or am i wrong here ?

    28.  @tonyscarcia I am shocked!  This is SO not what my sense what from this blog post.  I'm wondering what's up for you???  Did someone tick you off today and you're projecting it on Randy? My mama bear comes out when I see him being scapegoated while serving!  Your tone, and baseless attacks just don't seem to hold true from this side of the world...  I'm gonna to reflect on what I see here: 1. I CLICKED on the link - it was an entertaining really cool video... that got me celebrating shifts I'm made in the last year.  Shifts made because of what Randy wrote!  From his care - I found the courage to quit relationships that weren't serving me.  I'm stunned you'd say he's sharing links to profit.  He's sharing links to made a difference - clicking on that link affirmed for me how much he's touched my life so deeply. I'm wondering why you are feeling so bitter and attacking?  What's happened for you that's made you angry with him @tonyscarcia ?
      2. In order to become aware of how the saboteur works we have to recognise it, and bring it to the light.  Things left in the negative play havoc - they need to be seen.  Awareness is always the first step to change!3. WORTHINESS is hardly affirming the negative - BEING Worthy is an essential step in prosperity.  If you don't feel you are worth you can't receive...
      4. COPYWRITING - RG is KNOWN as an awesome copywriter, and creates titles to bring people to the blog.  In order to GET people to change we have to bring them to a post...  WORTHINESS is hardly "attention grabbing spin!" You should see MY headline's at times.  SEX SEX and more SEX - okay sometimes I am actually WRITING about SEX but that's besides the point!   Worthiness is hardly a new grapping spin...  I'm wondering if worthiness is something that touched you - and is why you've lashed out?
      5. Substance without pitch?   Nearly EVERY day Randy posts here - I've NEVER felt pushed to buy.  He promotes his stuff as frequently as he does close friends-  which is not very often.  Daily his posts are thoguht provoking and inspire change...  Are you maybe pissed off with yourself that you haven't used what he writs to change yourself ENOUGH? 
      6. Your FIGHT!   I just did a coaching session with a guy who's pissed off with himself  - he knows it ALL, but isn't applying it.  Is that the same for you? Is that why you're enraged with RG?  This guy was enraged with his mentor - and attacking him for being money orientated, and pushy...  Yet he's in a deep hole... and reactive.  I shared with him that he was in survival mode -of fight, flight or freeze...  Sometimes being numb and unable to take action, othertimes fighting and demanding, and othertimes wanting to run away - rather than face his wound sand fears and embrace them.  If he could use his trigger as a map into aspects within HIM that need healing, rather than attacking, then he'd find his way into Greatness.7. Abundance?  Often I notice in a lady in the village if someone has something that SHE wants she gets sniping and horrid.  She gossips about them. She feels life OWES her. When she sees (especially!) people buying clothes she gets angry that she doesn't have the money to buy all she wants...  Can you notice at what word you got trigger? Or were you triggered before and you just feel safe enough with RG's love, that you know he'll STILL love you tomorrow, no matter what you say?
      It's weird our different responses.... I spent a while writing to RG in the last 24 hours... and as I was writing to him and reading this post, watching the video - I was just marvelling at him... How does he continue to serve so much?  How does he write so consistenly?  Where does he get his discipline from?  I'm Feeling deeply grateful at his service, kindness, and generosity.  He asks for NOTHING. He gives and gives...  Sure he gets to see people changing... and that's priceless...  But his service here I'm truly grateful for!
       @Randy_Gage can you answer that? How do you work like 4/5 men do? How do you produce so much? AND still love me... and respond to my quirks and questions - when you don't earn a penny off me! I appreciate you LOTS!

    29. I love it!
      A post like this deserves a Boom that comes from my heart and my soul: picture my Boom like I am screaming because my favorite soccer team, in the last minute,  scored a beautiful goal...

    30. I love it!
      A post like this deserves a Boom that comes from my heart and my soul: picture my Boom like I am screaming because my favorite soccer team, in the last minute,  scored a beautiful goal...

    31. The big question I think is not if you would accept it but WHY you would want more then you need. Is that really prosperity thinking or does this happen because of lack thinking? If you want the 200 million because you are afraid you would not take all there is you are in scarcity mode as there is always more then enough. Scarcity thinking is money thinking; prosperity thinking is enough thinking. Or do I miss something.

        1. My old mantra: "I have what I need; more would be nice.... (...unlikely, but nice.)"
          Is it that "unlikeliness" = hidden unworthiness issues?
          My new mantra will be: "I have what I need, I am worthy. I love myself enough, to be open to more."

          1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity  How about "Im grateful for all I have and I receive more" ...just a thought?

        2.  @Randy_Gage  - Well said, Randy.
          Have a burning desire. Push yourself further than you think you can go.
          At the end of the day be appreciative and happy with what we do have, instead of what we don't.
          Thanks for sharing.

    32. The big question I think is not if you would accept it but WHY you would want more then you need. Is that really prosperity thinking or does this happen because of lack thinking? If you want the 200 million because you are afraid you would not take all there is you are in scarcity mode as there is always more then enough. Scarcity thinking is money thinking; prosperity thinking is enough thinking. Or do I miss something.

    33.  @Randy_Gage Cool Randy.. Great music as was all from that era! In fact we're in development of a film/transmedia project that's focused around the industry people responsible for it! Have a great trip!

    34.  @NatalieLamb I don't even read your whole story Natalie.  Why do you always attack people when they are critical of Randy?  I think he should be insulted.  Can poor wittle Wandy not defend himself?  He need your help?
      Okay, to me Randy is always talking about codependency and this is about as codependent as you get.  You and Randy both.  Give it up, please. 

    35. Randy, you are massaging your own ego a bit.  I think, just my opinion.  Live and let live.  Not everyone thinks like you.  That's okay, it doesn't mean they are codependent or lack programmed.  It might be true, you are right.  I think you need to justify yourself.  Stop. Stop doing that.
      What is your big thing with codependency, you seem like you are always so mad about it?  You are still thought provoking, but I just feel like something is wrong here. 

      1.  @Annieb Co-dependency is a serious mental health issue and prevents people from reaching their potential for a fulfilled life.  It's a big cause for people getting stuck and many people enable that behavior.   I don't.  And I certainly wasn't mad when i wrote this post.  I thought it offered fascinating insights into the whole series we've been discussing for the last few days.  - RG

        1.  @Randy_Gage Randy, okay.  I agree Co-dependency is a really serious problem.  I am not sure it is the root cause of poverty.  I am sure it is the cause of much unhappiness in life and relationships. 
          I don't however, think it has to do with how much material wealth you wish for in life.  I really think people vary.  Personality theories prove in many ways we are so different and value really different things.  I think it is true when you say if people don't want the best for themselves there is a worthiness issue there.  That is quite true.  Realistically though, there are limits to what we can have.  There are limits.  I know it is not popular to say around here, but really there is.
          Thinking otherwise is a lie.  Lies only lead us away from God and ourselves.  They leave cracks for evil to seep in.  I know, I have lied so much in life.  To myself, to others.  Lies have no place when we are seeking God and our true potential.
          I have a theory, and mind you it is just a theory.  I hate to say this here, but I have an idea you still struggle with codependency.  I know I do.  Although, I have conquered lots of it, it is difficult to unlearn.  Things like that take time.
          My fear for you RAndy is that you are codependent on your "things".  I am afraid you are teaching us that our happiness is dependent on things. That is codependency.  Codependent people are often addicts.  Only, the love in our hearts and a deep devotion to the truth will make us happy.  Loving ourselves is a part of that. 
          You can love your things Randy.  You can love getting things.  I think we all do.  But, they must never define our significance.  Only the part of us that is God is significant.  Meaning only when we are acting from the grace of God are we pleasing to ourselves, God, and others.
          IF we lived in a post apocalyptic world where no one had anything, would you still be special?   Would we all be sinners because we are poor? 
          I also think you worship a false idol.  That idol is Charles Filmore.  He is not Christ, he is not God.  Jesus never said a thing about poverty being a sin.  If I were you I wouldn't be throwing that around so much, it is naive. 
          I love that you bring these things up, I love that you made me think about these things, and I love you.  It is a theory about you and the codependent thing, I realize I could be wrong about that.  But, the other stuff I believe.

        2.  @Randy_Gage Okay, I have to say oops.  I wrote a whole thing and deleted it.  I liked it, but I actually reread your post, and missed some of what you wrote.
          I actually like this post.  I missed the whole section where you said if people came to the conclusion they didn't want money through critical thinking....
           I think it may be one of my most favorite posts! 
          So, um excuse me.  Anyway, I do think Co-Dependency is a  serious condition.  I have suffered from it myself.  It is awful and difficult to unlearn.  I was afraid when I read this without seeing the part I missed, that you could be codependent on things, which is equally as bad as being dependent on other people.
          Codependency is really when your self esteem relies on something else besides your own self worth, and self love.  What makes it bad with being codependent on people is that you usually end up using the other person, for your own needs and forget to value them and yourself.   You use people as a prop instead of seeing them as an individual with their own wants and needs. 
          The person who is being used is just as needy, usually they think the only way they can be loved is if they are needed by someone else.
          But, you know I bet a lot of codependent people are wealthy Randy.  Don't you think?
          Randy, I think you get you better and better.  🙂  I still don't like the whole Poverty is a sin thing.  But, I will only say more about that, when it pertains to the topic.

          1.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage No offense to you Annie but human suffering, which includes poverty is mostly preventable. The fact that it exists, especially in a world where we have such wonderful technology and vast resources is evil, and a crime.It's easy to blame wealthy people for it, but people can only be mistreated if they are complacent and tolerate anti-human behavior.Many of these "evil" companies and individuals wouldn't have the power they had if people stopped doing business with companies who treat customers and people poorly, and holding government accountable for protecting people from harming other people rather than making rules and regulations which prevent people who are not already rich or on good terms with people in government from doing what they value.This is no different than the gay community, women, blacks, and Latinos, and other marginalized groups tolerating subpar treatment by old fashioned, bigoted people, who are often insecure men who view anyone different as a threat.You can't enslave someone unless you surrender your free will completely, which people will do to avoid discomfort. 

          2.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage Oh and by the way, I am gay, was treated poorly by a lot of people, and I'm creative. Like Randy, I let it define me for a long time, and I will it isn't worth the time, energy, or resources.30 now and I can't get that time back but there are plenty of attractive 30 somethings, and even someone who did experience success does hit roadblocks, so I guess it's something that happens now and then to everyone.Part of the process of growth.And no one has a right to mistreat or pigeonhole me, or anyone else.I am going to use my ability to express myself to get through to people, because music is the Universal Language and something which transcends time and space. P.S.Unity on the Bay will pray for you if you send them a prayer request. I asked them to pray for me as I ramp up my pursuit of my talents in a healthy dedicated way.This is probably the first time I have had faith in something which I can't prove.It's scary, but for some reason, I think that God gave me these talents for a reason, and it most certainly wasn't to rot in Minnesota and suffer.

          3.  @ThomasMrak  @Randy_Gage I,m not offended Thomas.  I agree.  I just don't think it helps to blame the victims, it only perpetuates the problem.  In fact we are all victims of poverty, because it can harm our fellow humans.  I am Christian, and I Christ said whatsoever you do to the little ones, you do to me.
            Sometimes though, I think Randy needs to define his terms better.  There is poverty and there is POVERTY.  You know what I mean?  To say being poor is a sin, includes even me I think.  I am not impoverished but I am definitely poor.  For now.  I choose not to work so I could be with my son when he was a baby, I don't think that is a sin.
            Anyway, I know how young gay people struggle.  I haven't personally experienced it, because I am not myself gay.  I am sorry for societies reactions to homosexuality.  It is sad and scary sometimes.
            Is Randy gay?  Randy are you Gay?  I never know.  Is that what you mean Thomas?  I don't think he is ever very clear about it.
            Yes, Thomas God gave you your talents for a reason.  You are a special unique you.

    36. Randy, you are massaging your own ego a bit.  I think, just my opinion.  Live and let live.  Not everyone thinks like you.  That's okay, it doesn't mean they are codependent or lack programmed.  It might be true, you are right.  I think you need to justify yourself.  Stop. Stop doing that.
      What is your big thing with codependency, you seem like you are always so mad about it?  You are still thought provoking, but I just feel like something is wrong here. 

    37.  @Annieb Randy serves YOU, Tony, and ALL daily. FOr free. Out of kindness and love and passion.  I believe those who come here would be wise to come her with an open heart, a willing mind, and a desire for transformation...    what he deserves is gratitude, respect, and kindness. I know that you and Tony both have the capacity for this...  and this is a beautiful platform to practice those skills. He doens't need, or deserve baseless attacks that have no ground. Just to be sure - I wasn't attacking Tony for a second...  Altho I was challenging him to check him premises, and to get in touch with his empty accusations.... I want to serve Tony...and highlight his erroneous thinking...   Randy didn't post ANY link to make money...That's a false accusation - and NOT his intention. His intent is to serve and make a difference.
      Besides THAT, I love Randy. He's an awesome friend to me... always there for me...  So when someone attacks him - I show my love and care.     I adore healthy, positive, loving, caring relationships... part of friendship for me is standing for the truth of who a friend is.   I also challenge Randy when I'm unhappy about something... and he's good at clearing things up or challenging me to face my fears/attack.  I do for others what  LOVE others doing for me.  When folks are attacking my intent, I TOTALLY adore them shouting out and saying: the lens that you are looking through is cloudy, Natalie's intent is LOVE.  This happened last week.  It felt awesome  to be seen, to have someone care enough to stand up for me, and to be courageous enough to call out falsehoods. Randy isn't someone to defend himself... and I bet as a child he had few to defend him ever. I consider it my Job: MAMA BEAR!

    38. My old mantra: "I have what I need; more would be nice.... (...unlikely, but nice.)"
      Is it that "unlikeliness" = hidden unworthiness issues?
      My new mantra will be: "I have what I need, I am worthy. I love myself enough, to be open to more."

    39.  @million dollar just a thought here....everything dies. Is the issue about crocodile death is simply resistance to the idea of Death (our own deaths)?  The older I get, the more I think about death, with acceptance - for me, for crocodiles, for is life, and then it changes.  The idea that crocodile life is more important than carrot life seems just weird to me.  There's some irrelevant Food for Thought for you.

    40.  @Annieb Co-dependency is a serious mental health issue and prevents people from reaching their potential for a fulfilled life.  It's a big cause for people getting stuck and many people enable that behavior.   I don't.  And I certainly wasn't mad when i wrote this post.  I thought it offered fascinating insights into the whole series we've been discussing for the last few days.  - RG

    41. This is so great. If you say you want the dumpster view over the ocean view, you are clearly lying to yourself. Come on! Don't lie!! Dumpster over ocean? Lying. So what else are you lying to yourself about?
      Maybe you take issue with what you would have to sacrifice in order to pay for and enjoy the ocean view - it's understandable, but it brings up a whole different issue of what you think is possible. There are plenty of ways to get the ocean view - your job is to find the way that best suits your personal set of beliefs and values. 🙂
      This reminds me of one of my favorite concepts by Jim Rohn - when discussing the idea of setting the goal to become a millionaire "for what it will make of you to achieve it", he says:
      "The guy says: 'Well, I don't need much.' Well, then you don't need to become much."
      Love it. Love this post. And this entire blog. 🙂
      P.S. first comment ever! I'm proud. My good friend Sean O'Shea encouraged me to 🙂 Out of the countless amazing things Sean has contributed to my life, this blog and your insight has been a big one. Thank you so much.
      Hi Natalie Lamb!! I don't know you, but I have heard the best things about you!!

      1.  @Laura M Laura - well done for having the courage to post.  Awesome...  Jim Rohn is a sweetheart!

      2.  @Laura M One of the biggest issues is, we ASSUME wrongfully, that it will involve complete suffering and not be enjoyable at all.After all, most of us make the assumption that being a successful creative or business person is like a job, where we have to work hard all the time to impress others- to get that nice carrot our friends or family or boss told us would get.When someone else is always holding the carrot, that means they can take it away from you.Personally, I think the only person we have to impress is ourselves, and it's far more about providing some sort of value rather than hard work.Steve Jobs didn't work several million times harder than the guy who works at the Starbucks down the road from Apple, and baring any sort of physical handicap, it is very unlikely that most of the Starbucks employees were smarter or have not had the inspiration to create new technology or new art.Most people are smart enough and capable enough to answer the call of their souls, with or without years of experience, knowing the right people, living in the right area, or formal education or the right background and other such "rules" of society.People transcend these problems all the time. If these "rules" really were the absolute truth, only people who had been born to people who were already wealthy would be defining the arts, music, science, and business.The truth is, in my observation the people who ended up defining things the most in any of these fields had more of a reason to do so, because they weren't born into privilege.They knew they had nothing to lose.It was succeed or live in poverty, or just get by.I know it was this way for 50 Cent, for Steve Jobs, and for Randy, as well as others.The biggest issue is, we human beings have a tendency to identify with our flaws or our problems way too much.Lord knows we have plenty of advertisers, the government, religion, and even schools telling us how flawed and unworthy we are. You and I are worthy. We wouldn't be here, on Randy's blog having this conversation. We'd be watching "Jersey Shore" or "Jerry Springer". 

    42. This is so great. If you say you want the dumpster view over the ocean view, you are clearly lying to yourself. Come on! Don't lie!! Dumpster over ocean? Lying. So what else are you lying to yourself about?
      Maybe you take issue with what you would have to sacrifice in order to pay for and enjoy the ocean view - it's understandable, but it brings up a whole different issue of what you think is possible. There are plenty of ways to get the ocean view - your job is to find the way that best suits your personal set of beliefs and values. 🙂
      This reminds me of one of my favorite concepts by Jim Rohn - when discussing the idea of setting the goal to become a millionaire "for what it will make of you to achieve it", he says:
      "The guy says: 'Well, I don't need much.' Well, then you don't need to become much."
      Love it. Love this post. And this entire blog. 🙂
      P.S. first comment ever! I'm proud. My good friend Sean O'Shea encouraged me to 🙂 Out of the countless amazing things Sean has contributed to my life, this blog and your insight has been a big one. Thank you so much.
      Hi Natalie Lamb!! I don't know you, but I have heard the best things about you!!

    43.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, Randy does not need you to defend him he defends himself quite well.  You are stopping productive conversation.  I am sure Randy is aware that he will be challenged now and then.  Maybe that helps him too.
      You do a lot of thinking for others, talking for others, to me that is a part of codependent behavior.  Believing Randy needs a defender is an offense to his manhood in my opinion.  Randy, makes plenty of money, and this blog helps him do it.  And the more conversation generated, the better for him, just means his blog is interestin'. 
      You do not know if Tony is enraged, you do not know if he is projecting, or doing any of those things. The man has a right to his opinion, and Randy defended himself just fine.
      Why do you keep telling us how  much Randy loves you?  Why do you feel responsible to be his Mama Bear?  The last thing Randy seems to me is vulnerable.  He seems pretty tough to me.  I think your MAMA BEAR needs to go find a cave somewhere and chill out.
      I come here willing to learn and be transformed, I find this place fascinating.  This blog supports Randy's work, it is not just an act of love, it is the act of a smart business man, with enough balls to take some heat despite what may have transpired in his childhood.
      What you call falsehoods were just someone's opinion.  I don't think you show love and care, when you write here and attack someone else to protect Randy's innerchild or whatever the hell you think you're doing.  Really you are just making a mockery of intelligent conversation.

    44.  @Randy_Gage Okay, I have to say oops.  I wrote a whole thing and deleted it.  I liked it, but I actually reread your post, and missed some of what you wrote.
      I actually like this post.  I missed the whole section where you said if people came to the conclusion they didn't want money through critical thinking....
       I think it may be one of my most favorite posts! 
      So, um excuse me.  Anyway, I do think Co-Dependency is a  serious condition.  I have suffered from it myself.  It is awful and difficult to unlearn.  I was afraid when I read this without seeing the part I missed, that you could be codependent on things, which is equally as bad as being dependent on other people.
      Codependency is really when your self esteem relies on something else besides your own self worth, and self love.  What makes it bad with being codependent on people is that you usually end up using the other person, for your own needs and forget to value them and yourself.   You use people as a prop instead of seeing them as an individual with their own wants and needs. 
      The person who is being used is just as needy, usually they think the only way they can be loved is if they are needed by someone else.
      But, you know I bet a lot of codependent people are wealthy Randy.  Don't you think?
      Randy, I think you get you better and better.  🙂  I still don't like the whole Poverty is a sin thing.  But, I will only say more about that, when it pertains to the topic.

    45. "are those statements helping the self-saboteur to continue sabotaging themselves rather than actually helping them grow?"
       @tonyscarcia - odd, but isn't it the person's choice what to believe anyway, as long as they honestly feel maybe good about it or improves them? Just wondering aloud, I guess.

    46. I see this a lot amongst musicians and creatives in general and even some entrepreneurs."I want to be an indie artist/musician. Making a lot of money is selling out.""As long as I can make enough with music to support myself, I'm happy""Any musician who is popular has sold their soul to the big labels and panders to the masses.""Real musicians work hard and don't make a lot of money, in fact you'll have to have a day job."These are all pretty bad.I don't know about you but the musicians who stand the test of time and make the big bucks, regardless of the genre, are the ones who create something that connects with a decent amount of people but also is a genuine expression of themselves. Good music transcends boundaries.  As for "selling out" the Grateful Dead made millions, were never signed to a major label, and they allowed people to record their concerts and share them, as do modern jam bands such as The Disco Biscuits. They built up a dedicated following which is still huge to this day, across generations.About half of this year's Grammy nominees were NOT signed to major labels or even heavily promoted in a traditional way. The power of community and people passing on something they liked made it possible. While electronic music isn't quite mainstream in the US and albums don't sell in huge quantities, a lot of electronic music DJS/performers can make a million or more headlining some of the big electronic music festivals, so it is gaining traction.Imagine if it was fused with other genres, and followed more of a familiar structure? 

    47. I see this a lot amongst musicians and creatives in general and even some entrepreneurs."I want to be an indie artist/musician. Making a lot of money is selling out.""As long as I can make enough with music to support myself, I'm happy""Any musician who is popular has sold their soul to the big labels and panders to the masses.""Real musicians work hard and don't make a lot of money, in fact you'll have to have a day job."These are all pretty bad.I don't know about you but the musicians who stand the test of time and make the big bucks, regardless of the genre, are the ones who create something that connects with a decent amount of people but also is a genuine expression of themselves. Good music transcends boundaries.  As for "selling out" the Grateful Dead made millions, were never signed to a major label, and they allowed people to record their concerts and share them, as do modern jam bands such as The Disco Biscuits. They built up a dedicated following which is still huge to this day, across generations.About half of this year's Grammy nominees were NOT signed to major labels or even heavily promoted in a traditional way. The power of community and people passing on something they liked made it possible. While electronic music isn't quite mainstream in the US and albums don't sell in huge quantities, a lot of electronic music DJS/performers can make a million or more headlining some of the big electronic music festivals, so it is gaining traction.Imagine if it was fused with other genres, and followed more of a familiar structure? 

    48.  @Laura M One of the biggest issues is, we ASSUME wrongfully, that it will involve complete suffering and not be enjoyable at all.After all, most of us make the assumption that being a successful creative or business person is like a job, where we have to work hard all the time to impress others- to get that nice carrot our friends or family or boss told us would get.When someone else is always holding the carrot, that means they can take it away from you.Personally, I think the only person we have to impress is ourselves, and it's far more about providing some sort of value rather than hard work.Steve Jobs didn't work several million times harder than the guy who works at the Starbucks down the road from Apple, and baring any sort of physical handicap, it is very unlikely that most of the Starbucks employees were smarter or have not had the inspiration to create new technology or new art.Most people are smart enough and capable enough to answer the call of their souls, with or without years of experience, knowing the right people, living in the right area, or formal education or the right background and other such "rules" of society.People transcend these problems all the time. If these "rules" really were the absolute truth, only people who had been born to people who were already wealthy would be defining the arts, music, science, and business.The truth is, in my observation the people who ended up defining things the most in any of these fields had more of a reason to do so, because they weren't born into privilege.They knew they had nothing to lose.It was succeed or live in poverty, or just get by.I know it was this way for 50 Cent, for Steve Jobs, and for Randy, as well as others.The biggest issue is, we human beings have a tendency to identify with our flaws or our problems way too much.Lord knows we have plenty of advertisers, the government, religion, and even schools telling us how flawed and unworthy we are. You and I are worthy. We wouldn't be here, on Randy's blog having this conversation. We'd be watching "Jersey Shore" or "Jerry Springer". 

    49.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage No offense to you Annie but human suffering, which includes poverty is mostly preventable. The fact that it exists, especially in a world where we have such wonderful technology and vast resources is evil, and a crime.It's easy to blame wealthy people for it, but people can only be mistreated if they are complacent and tolerate anti-human behavior.Many of these "evil" companies and individuals wouldn't have the power they had if people stopped doing business with companies who treat customers and people poorly, and holding government accountable for protecting people from harming other people rather than making rules and regulations which prevent people who are not already rich or on good terms with people in government from doing what they value.This is no different than the gay community, women, blacks, and Latinos, and other marginalized groups tolerating subpar treatment by old fashioned, bigoted people, who are often insecure men who view anyone different as a threat.You can't enslave someone unless you surrender your free will completely, which people will do to avoid discomfort. 

    50.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage Oh and by the way, I am gay, was treated poorly by a lot of people, and I'm creative. Like Randy, I let it define me for a long time, and I will it isn't worth the time, energy, or resources.30 now and I can't get that time back but there are plenty of attractive 30 somethings, and even someone who did experience success does hit roadblocks, so I guess it's something that happens now and then to everyone.Part of the process of growth.And no one has a right to mistreat or pigeonhole me, or anyone else.I am going to use my ability to express myself to get through to people, because music is the Universal Language and something which transcends time and space. P.S.Unity on the Bay will pray for you if you send them a prayer request. I asked them to pray for me as I ramp up my pursuit of my talents in a healthy dedicated way.This is probably the first time I have had faith in something which I can't prove.It's scary, but for some reason, I think that God gave me these talents for a reason, and it most certainly wasn't to rot in Minnesota and suffer.

    51. Randy Gage nails it once again! Imagine a world where people would get out of their own way for even five minutes. No prison is stronger than the prison of self imposed limiting beliefs. 
      Let's face it:
      It is easier to say we don't care about money than to invest the time necessary to attract it.
      It is easier to say that you are "in shape" because round IS a shape than to get up off the sofa.
      It is easier to maintain status quo in all aspects of life than it is to change our habits. 
      This piece reminds me of the importance of solid mental floss necessary for success!
      Always Better Your Best!

    52. Randy Gage nails it once again! Imagine a world where people would get out of their own way for even five minutes. No prison is stronger than the prison of self imposed limiting beliefs. 
      Let's face it:
      It is easier to say we don't care about money than to invest the time necessary to attract it.
      It is easier to say that you are "in shape" because round IS a shape than to get up off the sofa.
      It is easier to maintain status quo in all aspects of life than it is to change our habits. 
      This piece reminds me of the importance of solid mental floss necessary for success!
      Always Better Your Best!

    53.  @ThomasMrak  @Randy_Gage I,m not offended Thomas.  I agree.  I just don't think it helps to blame the victims, it only perpetuates the problem.  In fact we are all victims of poverty, because it can harm our fellow humans.  I am Christian, and I Christ said whatsoever you do to the little ones, you do to me.
      Sometimes though, I think Randy needs to define his terms better.  There is poverty and there is POVERTY.  You know what I mean?  To say being poor is a sin, includes even me I think.  I am not impoverished but I am definitely poor.  For now.  I choose not to work so I could be with my son when he was a baby, I don't think that is a sin.
      Anyway, I know how young gay people struggle.  I haven't personally experienced it, because I am not myself gay.  I am sorry for societies reactions to homosexuality.  It is sad and scary sometimes.
      Is Randy gay?  Randy are you Gay?  I never know.  Is that what you mean Thomas?  I don't think he is ever very clear about it.
      Yes, Thomas God gave you your talents for a reason.  You are a special unique you.

    54.  @Annieb Annie - I just wwent to the dentist for my annual check up -  as I walked in I saw on the wall a poster about childhood abuse.  I saw EMOTIONAL ABUSE and now see how many of the things you recreate are the aspects of emotional abuse. Either you are doing these things, or behaving in such a way as to be treated like this:
      * continuously failing to show love and affection
      *persistant rejection
      These things - it said - cause a child to be nervous, withdrawn, lacking in confidence and self-esteem
      In your response to me you were negating, insulting, belittling, taunting, ridiculing Randy (Wandy)... etc...  
      If you read thru my words you'd see there is not a single attack at all.  I did absoluetly attempt to get to the undercurrents, the premise behind Tony's words, and try to understand where he was coming from... Promoting DEPTH, integrity, and complex discussion!   That you don't see or get my intent, I'm sorry.  AND I don't think this is a place for emotional abuse. I hope you'll come here to learn respect, care, and open discourse.  Where you can share how you feel, WITHOUT insult, attack, or negation.  That said - to reply to you:  what's productive for YOU? Attacking me when you hadn't even written what I wrote?  You didn't even READ what I'd written - so how would you know if it's productive or not?  Tony had attacked Randy for something that wasn't true AT ALL.  HE (like you) were attacking on something he (and you) hadn't look into.  A baseless attack... Randy has NEVER asked me to defend him.  It's my choice to. I love doing it. Friends care, and stick up for each other. He doesn't need me to do it.   I do it because I have something to say - that will serve someone.  That you choose not to read it and then judge me on it - is YOUR stuff.  I get that you're STILL pissed off with me for challenging YOU. I'm sorry for that -I'm sorry you miss my intent and love.  And maybe that you feel jealous that you don't feel love... It made me ponder if you feel angry that you'd never been defended/protected as a child?  Where you never allowed to feel safe and secure and had others to really look after you?  I'm rather flamoxed as to why my defending Randy's intent riles you so much?    How does that aggression and anger serve you?  Does it make you feel more loved by Randy?    Does it give you more power?  My purpose for Tony was to serve him in seeing he was projecting, and his opinion was based on a reaction, not his truth.  He was accussing Randy of selling stuff in this blog - had he clicked on the link he'd have seen it was ANOTHER video SERVING everyone.  Tony is into personal development and being the best he can be. I can bet he'd LOVE to be challenged to grow into the best he can be.  Do you notice you are doing EXACTLY what you are telling me to stop doing? I adore Gandhi's saying "Be the change you wish to see in the world."I am being that change!!!  What I ADORE is people being courageous enough to make a stand for things in their lives.  I ADORE it when folks stand up and challenge me to become my best, to be autehtnic, to be real, to face myself- rather than project/blame others...   So that's why I do it...  Because I want others to be courageous in taking a stand for what they believe in too. I'm intruiged if you come here willing to learn and be transformed why you spend time being so attacking and insulting? E.g BOTH of those limit brain power, and cut of critical thinking...  They narrow creativity and communication - and take us back into programmed thinking...  Of what happened to us in our past if we aren't conscious of it.  So when I hear you reacting like that - I feel for you recognising you couldn't have been treated lovingly by those who should have cared... For not a single moment did I feel angry with Tony... I felt shocked - because his attack was not true... and his insults were based on a false premises...   I challenged that.  I challenged his perspective - promoting valid, and true discussion.  I never attacked him personally for an instant.  I pointed out where his atttacks were unfounded. I'm glad you come here to learn - and I hope you do...  Often I find you attacking Randy or criticising him - rather than trying out what he says.  I find you misreading or reacting and insulting HIM, rather than going "I'm triggered - what in ME needs loving and compassion?" Would that not serve you more?  Love to you!

    55.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb The sad part is Natalie, some parents and even adults, don't see any of these as abusive behavior.Surprised none of these are on the list. But everything on that list I experienced as a child and a teenager, and many of these people continue to act this way well into adulthood.This is evil, anti-human behavior.On top of that list, I also experienced:Add forced isolation.Always getting it right, especially without proper preparation.Doing what someone else tells you, no matter how much it might hurt youor other people.Expecting someone to be someone they aren't.Unfair comparison to someone who has different interests, wants, needs, talents, and abilities.Not questioning authority.
      Using money, and even food and shelter as bargaining.
      Micromanagement.Denying creative impulses.Demeaning differing opinions.Expecting instant results.Believing that people should be able to do everything themselves without support, guidance, or love. Just because I had crappy human beings who didn't want to man up and be adults rather than playground bullies, doesn't mean me, you, or anyone has a right to do any of these to people.

    56.  @NatalieLamb  @Annieb Besides, this anger, pain, will serve me well.I'll never be able to function well in a tightly controlled corporate environment, because of my experiences. My history proves otherwise, and I'm lying to myself whenever I try.Many modern businesses are based on an anti-human quarterly earnings at the expense of the customer, the quality of the product/service, and the employees.Where does that leave room for innovation or people to blossom? What about customers? It's not like they don't have endless choices. Very rarely is there just one company that controls an entire doesn't. Why do you think so many companies are failing or shipping business overseas? It isn't always to cut costs. It's feeble attempts to save a dying business model.Of course there's lobbying the government for favors, something Minnesota/Fed is fond to give to mining, railroads, and agriculture. We also have Al Franken, who is a decent, but unfortunately very Left-wing, as Senator.We have one of the biggest welfare program in the country, right in my county. With how anti-business the region is, most of the jobs which are created are low wage, or full of competition either because people want to stay because they grew up here or they like the view. It's actually in some ways, sadly better to live on the dole, and a lot of people come from Detroit and Chicago to live on the government dime.Duluth doesn't have projects, so most public housing is Section 8 subsidies, meaning units that would be rented to paying customers, all but guarantee income for the renter. One of the large local property management companies has grown quite rich by having a decent number of Section 8 units.I think one of the reasons Section 8 is popular throughout the country is it allows the government to hide how much poverty there really is. In the past, the poverty was wide in the open, as most people who lived on assistance programs were in government owned housing projects. Food stamps were stamps, now they're just electronic cards which are no different than credit cards.Heck, the state medical assistance program isn't some fly-by-night cut rate insurer, it's Blue Cross, an organization which provides healthcare to many And my county is not a rich county either. It's a lot of poor and middle class people, because the local governments are so obsessed with pleasing Union voters, that they're afraid to make it easy for people to make a profit.You wouldn't believe the amount of crime there is in this town. We don't hear about it though, since it's easier to hide, and being in the middle of Democrat country, the government needs to pretend it's keeping everyone safe, when it does nothing but enable misery.Where there is poverty there is drug and alcohol, physical, emotional, and financial abuse.I really have huge problems with authority and traditional corporate structures based on the assembly line, and not thinking. I don't trust anyone who wields too much power over another human being, and uses money and their position to mistreat and use people. All great art and all great businesses both come from enhancing the lives of others. Often, the interest of the artist or the interest of the entrepreneur makes what in the hands of another a poor or mediocre product, a product that touches lives.One thing that great artists, and great entrepreneurs have in common is, they aren't fond of authority and centralized control either, and they don't create generic work.They create compelling work.

    57. I literally just laughed out loud as I read the closing statement "Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea – joy to you and me." I love the message of this work and when song in integrated... well that's just good fun!
      Joy to the world... All the boys and girls!
      side note: I still have to catch up on the last few posts so I may have missed it from before but I"m glad to see the link to the recent TV spot. I'd heard about it but hadn't seen it yet. Bout to go check that next.

    58. I literally just laughed out loud as I read the closing statement "Joy to the fishies in the deep blue sea – joy to you and me." I love the message of this work and when song in integrated... well that's just good fun!
      Joy to the world... All the boys and girls!
      side note: I still have to catch up on the last few posts so I may have missed it from before but I"m glad to see the link to the recent TV spot. I'd heard about it but hadn't seen it yet. Bout to go check that next.

    59.  @NatalieLamb The only person here being evil Natalie is you.  You have the power here not me not Tony.  No one on this blog is generally very supportive when you choose to disagree with Randy.  They attack and are really mean.  Randy has power here, this is his blog.  If you are looking at this from the perspective of children and adults.  He is the authority position, not me not Tony.  He is the one with the power to hurt here, and you because you are his friend and are going to find all the support to say anything in the world you want, and you know that no one will resist.  So I hate to tell you this Natalie, but you  and Randy are the bullies here. 
      Yes, I am still angry about the way I was treated last year.  That was abusive and you were the abuser.  You don't  have the right here to judge or give therapy, or pry into the emotions of others.  Calling people out who are not in positions of authority on a blog your friend writes, where you don't have to worry about any repercussions, makes you the bully in the room.
      You bullied me right off the blog last year.  Oh sure, I helped you out, but mainly it was your garbage.  YOUR STUFF.  He should kicked you off.  You should be ashamed of yourself. And one day you should apologize for all the pain you have caused me.
      And I stick up for the others here, because they don't deserve your bullying, no one does.  You proceeded to say all manner of untrue things about after I could no longer defend myself.  YOU are the bully.  I am still angry with you.  YOu have never made any attempts to make amends with me.
      I did read what you wrote to Tony later, and I will still say the same things:  Leave people alone here, let them be free to write their opinions, even if they are critical of Randy.  Your the bully blog, who would ever want to write anything here again??  No one should have to be put up with being psychoanalyzed by someone who doesn't give a shit about their feelings.  You are the one vying for Randy's love when you do this.  If he likes it that's his problem.  Randy is not a child anymore and this his blog he has the power here.  People love him here, he will always have defenders.  The few of us that criiticise him from time to time, are speaking our minds about Randy's opinions and his position.  If he wants this to be a tolerant place he has to expect that.
      But, he should not let the posters here attack others.  I have done that, to you, but you have attacked me mercilessly in the past.  You deserve a dose of your own medicine.
      IF you are a psychologist your license to practice should be revoked.  Other people here may believe your lies, that is for them to decide, I will not.  And you will not, because you know who the abuser is really don't you Natalie.  And trust me if their is a God it knows. too.  And I know.
      Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass.

    60.  @ThomasMrak  Thomas - I'm so sorry you went thru all that. I'm beaming you love.   And praying that you have people in your life now that honour, love, care and cherish you...  You may want to read some Alice Miller books...  she really helps in seeing that it's NOT your fault.  I wish you GOODNESS! You are so worthy of being treasured!

    61.  @ThomasMrak I hope you use that anger to take care of your boundaries, and to serve you as a passion for creating the life of your dreams. 

    62.  @NatalieLamb  @ThomasMrak Read Alic Miller, Thomas, but be careful, it is hard core.  And, if you are already so angry with your parents, it can make that worse.  If you do choose to read it, read it, and discuss with a WISE therapist.  For instance, I wouldn't choose a person who uses sex to vet people into therapy.

    63. People have SERIOUS worthiness issues.  There is enough money on the planet for us to ALL BE RICH.  It's not in shortage at all.  GOD abundantly supplies all my needs.  God didn't mean to wait until Heaven to get your riches and rewards.  God wants you to have them NOW.  God KNOWS where the gold is!

      1. This is what a friend posted on my Facebook page after the above posted:
        "God does not want us to be of this world. He believes we should have what we NEED. Nothing more. If we have more...and are blessed to have it...then that more should be shared by Christians. Not taken by government and redistributed.
        If you really list your needs....the list is very short. Food, water,, hope, salvation....and charity...even if we have less than what we need we , we should be charitable."

          1.  @Randy_Gage  That's what bothers me.  Geesh!  So, you know what?  I am working on my mind and I just won't mind their mind and when my mind makes me millions, then I will just smile at them  🙂 

          2.  @Randy_Gage  Same lady said this next: 
            "the only way to abundant life is through Christ. If you have it all...but have no salvation, you are as poor (actually poorer) than the beggar. I disagree with having more money makes you more of who you are. Having or not having Christ makes you more of who you are. The wealthy can ignore the poor....and yet the Christian poor has more riches than that wealthy man will ever have. We cannot be of this is written in the Bible. Your riches are not here....they are in heaven. Whatever you have here is temporary......but with is eternal. Oh....and in eternal is moot."

          3.  @Randy_Gage  And, now:
            "I agree that God believes we get what we earn...and should share it. But never forget....look in your says store not your riches on earth. Disagree with me all day long....we are all entitled to our beliefs. I have no issue when people disagree with me. But nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to get rich and store earthly treasures. Still, that does not mean we have choose to live as beggars."
            Geesh!  How do I get her to stop!  ...  Don't worry, going to delete post on Facebook!  🙂

        1.  @TigerJoanna  - tell your friend to look up the parable of the talents/3 servants, where God later took the one talent from the 3rd servant and gave it to the 1st servant with five-turned-10 talents. Makes me sort of wonder why God gave it to him instead of the 2nd servant with two-turned-four talents, but I ain't complaining. 🙂

          1.  @DavidZandueta The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.
            Deuteronomy 28: 12-14
            God wants to ABUNDANTLY supplies all our needs, not BARELY.  I am with Randy, we have been brainwashed about money and my friend is a prime example. 

          2.  @TigerJoanna  - kind of funny no? Even the old testament says something about that.
            Cheers to you, Randy and everyone else. Looking forward to reading and learning from you all, then taking action.

    64. People have SERIOUS worthiness issues.  There is enough money on the planet for us to ALL BE RICH.  It's not in shortage at all.  GOD abundantly supplies all my needs.  God didn't mean to wait until Heaven to get your riches and rewards.  God wants you to have them NOW.  God KNOWS where the gold is!

    65. Wow, Randy - maybe it's the moon or something, but our team training (coaching) call was on this very topic today.  Our Company President and Coach, Kim Fulcher, offered us some amazing distinctions about how much we think we're worth.  For those who believe that they 'only need enough to be comfortable,' I challenge them to think beyond themselves, to see the good they could do, if they generated more than "just enough."  Thanks for this message.

    66. Wow, Randy - maybe it's the moon or something, but our team training (coaching) call was on this very topic today.  Our Company President and Coach, Kim Fulcher, offered us some amazing distinctions about how much we think we're worth.  For those who believe that they 'only need enough to be comfortable,' I challenge them to think beyond themselves, to see the good they could do, if they generated more than "just enough."  Thanks for this message.

    67.  @MrsHealthandProsperity  How about "Im grateful for all I have and I receive more" ...just a thought?

    68.  @Annieb   Annie, I hear your analogy...  of a parent and a child... The thing is you are NOT a child. And yet frequently you behave like one on this blog.   You project onto me that I am powerful... I am purely being clear, authetnic and raw. I have never felt attacking. I have never wanted to hurt you.  I have never felt like a bully.  I have have only ever wanted to create this space for GROWTH, LOVE and TRANSFORMTION.I just got off the phone from a therapist and author.  He wanted to speak with me about an issue he is challenged by, and was wondering if I could help. He shared that many people struggle with authenticity and being real.  That the moment you are honest with them, and speak about feelings they react - in attack, blame, toxic responses... ALL to make the speaker be quiet...  He said that the whole culture is set up to be superficial, disconnected, and intellectual.  He shared that the moment anyone shares with authentic depth, and emotional realness it's like monsters come out the woodwork - because they feel so threatened. Having not explored what they feel, and being unable to be vulnerable they do everything they can to silence talk of feelings, understanding, patterns, and effective emotional processing. Rather than own their feelings they react badly to push others away.  My way of being may bring up scary feelings for you that make you feel uncomfortable, angry, and scared.  They may be so upsetting that you want to lash out...  I understand that.  It's NOT how to process them tho...  What comes out is simply your programming...  This simply is a barrier to break thru - and you have the anger to do this... Tho sadly you're resenting ME, rather than using it to face your issues that I have not created. They were there well before I came to this meeting point with you. It is most bizaar that you feel okay and happy to be abusive, humiliating, belitting and antagonising - and you attack me when I stand up and say "There is no need for this, PLEASE treat Randy with respect and kindness."
      I teach in my parenting classes and my kids - DO NOT stand around watching others be treated badly. It is NOT okay.  Krishnamuti says: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."  It is sad, sick and shocking that you think you have a right to be rude, disrespectful and horrible to Randy... and Yet I have NO right to say "This is NOT okay!"   I shall ALWAYS be here for my friends. I will not sit by and what anyone accuse him for using others, pushing his work, or insulting him.  I will absolutely speak up and stand up. Out of love, compassion and deep care I shout out - not ONLY for Randy, but for YOU, and for TONY...  Shouting out to face the TRUTH of what we are graplling with...  You disguise your anger for your past with attacks on me and Randy...  And I don't want the projection... It you choose to act in emotional abuse, I shall speak out.  The issues need to be processed not acted out. You are NOT a child... And I understand that you FEEL like one sometimes, and feel vulnerable and scared or angry and this has to lashing out does NOT make it okay.  I will speak out - I have tolerated too much emotional abuse to sit back and watch it happen to ANYONE.  Yes Randy CAN defend himself, but why should he HAVE to?  This space should be a place for learning, critical thinking, and remarkable discussion... Reducing yourself to insulting and other forms of emotional abuse IS NOT and WILL NEVER be okay. THIS is way Randy requested you stop posting. I shall ALWAYS be an advocate for safe spaces where heated discussion and critical thinking can take place, but NOT abuse. KEn Wilber years ago wrote this:  All of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart--perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakeable public example--but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you. Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don't want to upset others because you don't want to upset your self. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity. Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms: that is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must. And this is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but that doesn't matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery--either way--and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can.And I Still with you well - tho I find your rudeness unacceptable and not okay.  It's truly sad that you warp my passion for treating others WELL, into a personal attack on you.  I have NEVER and will NEVER attack or abuse you. It's not who I am.  I will however ALWAYS stand for people facing themselves rather than projecting their issues onto others.  Should you choose to be abusive and attacking, I shall strongly mirror how you are treating others (including me) so that you stop this beahviour. love to you always annie,Natalie

    69. Wow, great discussion going here.  Glad you guys are giving it such serious thought.  It's getting a little heated, so please remember to keep the discussion to the issues and leave personalities out of it.  Also, if you haven't seen the "Materialism or Minimalism" video yet, that gives you some interesting thoughts on all this:  Find it here:

    70. Wow, great discussion going here.  Glad you guys are giving it such serious thought.  It's getting a little heated, so please remember to keep the discussion to the issues and leave personalities out of it.  Also, if you haven't seen the "Materialism or Minimalism" video yet, that gives you some interesting thoughts on all this:  Find it here:

    71. This is what a friend posted on my Facebook page after the above posted:
      "God does not want us to be of this world. He believes we should have what we NEED. Nothing more. If we have more...and are blessed to have it...then that more should be shared by Christians. Not taken by government and redistributed.
      If you really list your needs....the list is very short. Food, water,, hope, salvation....and charity...even if we have less than what we need we , we should be charitable."

    72. I want it all, Randy. 😀 My first goal is 150,000 a year, I'm not going to say that if I'm offered more, I would not take it. I know I'm worth more than that. I will also move that 150k up, each time I make my mark. I think it takes a daily reminder to oneself that they are indeed worthy of having whatever they set their minds too. However, I have to wonder if a person has never seen anyone in their personal circle or environment reach such heights of success, do you think they will set themselves up by reaching too high or too low? Meaning, I personally don't know anyone making over a 100k. So although I believe I am fully capable of making 150k, my strategy to make it is completely fabricated out of my own imagination, and the success crumbs that others have left. How does one go about not selling themselves too short? By the way, great appearance on Daytime Morning Show. 

      1.  @Deeone Higgs Great questions!  Use this blog, books and the Internet to keep exposing yourself to high achievers and you'll keep expanding your own prosperity consciousness.

    73. I want it all, Randy. 😀 My first goal is 150,000 a year, I'm not going to say that if I'm offered more, I would not take it. I know I'm worth more than that. I will also move that 150k up, each time I make my mark. I think it takes a daily reminder to oneself that they are indeed worthy of having whatever they set their minds too. However, I have to wonder if a person has never seen anyone in their personal circle or environment reach such heights of success, do you think they will set themselves up by reaching too high or too low? Meaning, I personally don't know anyone making over a 100k. So although I believe I am fully capable of making 150k, my strategy to make it is completely fabricated out of my own imagination, and the success crumbs that others have left. How does one go about not selling themselves too short? By the way, great appearance on Daytime Morning Show. 

    74. Randy, you are one awesome dude! I hope you're gonna be at Art's MasterMind event again this yr.

    75. Randy, you are one awesome dude! I hope you're gonna be at Art's MasterMind event again this yr.

    76. If I knew that I could genuinely improve the world more with only 150k and my beat up civic over 200mil and a ferrari that theoretically came with a pre-req of being holed in some ivory tower/ community I'd gladly and happily take the 150k and merrily be on my way to fix the world. With that being said if I still maintained the freedom and creative force with the 200 mil and the ferrari, duh, I'd take it, gives me more means and will power. But my priority still stands. Cheers Rands, honestly that type of shopping and coat not my thing still hope you enjoy it.

    77. If I knew that I could genuinely improve the world more with only 150k and my beat up civic over 200mil and a ferrari that theoretically came with a pre-req of being holed in some ivory tower/ community I'd gladly and happily take the 150k and merrily be on my way to fix the world. With that being said if I still maintained the freedom and creative force with the 200 mil and the ferrari, duh, I'd take it, gives me more means and will power. But my priority still stands. Cheers Rands, honestly that type of shopping and coat not my thing still hope you enjoy it.

    78. Great post! and you know your ego probably enjoyed the massage! LOL! and I'm sure you know the saying "argue for your limits ..... and you get to keep them" I'm with you crocodile jacket and all!!!

    79. Great post! and you know your ego probably enjoyed the massage! LOL! and I'm sure you know the saying "argue for your limits ..... and you get to keep them" I'm with you crocodile jacket and all!!!

    80. So far, you have called me a sinner, a codependent, an attention seeker. I will make you my hater, my motivator. Randy, you are a creep, add that one to your list. I don't care what anyone else says, here, I know they will defend you. But, sitting here from my prospective you are one of the meanest negative people I have ever known in my whole life. You know, I took back what I said. I wish for you one day you know how to really love, and know when you are really loved.

    81. So far, you have called me a sinner, a codependent, an attention seeker. I will make you my hater, my motivator. Randy, you are a creep, add that one to your list. I don't care what anyone else says, here, I know they will defend you. But, sitting here from my prospective you are one of the meanest negative people I have ever known in my whole life. You know, I took back what I said. I wish for you one day you know how to really love, and know when you are really loved.

    82. I wonder why you give him attention Annie, if all he is, is an attention seeker. Wouldn't it be better to torture him and NOT give him your attention? Or are you a masochist? Randy rocks my world, despite the fact that I didn't like him when I first came across him several years ago. It's only after I let go of my limiting beliefs around money, abundance and prosperity that I started to respect him. And learn from him that abundance, money and beliefs all go together very, very well.

    83. I wonder why you give him attention Annie, if all he is, is an attention seeker. Wouldn't it be better to torture him and NOT give him your attention? Or are you a masochist? Randy rocks my world, despite the fact that I didn't like him when I first came across him several years ago. It's only after I let go of my limiting beliefs around money, abundance and prosperity that I started to respect him. And learn from him that abundance, money and beliefs all go together very, very well.

    84. I understood all of that you talked about here I guess, but I'm absolutely convinced that I'd never want to have a hoodie made of croc leather, neither 100 nor 10,000 Euros. Is there a clearance of worlds ressources because abundance and wealth is the truth (... but unfortunately not focused and understood by a sufficient amount of humans at the time so that it is only a matter of time when we have killed our planet)? E.g. Fracking is okay, war is okay, who cares for any consequences?! Maybe I understood something wrong anyway? Don't like the example in Amsterdam but maybe I'm wrong with that. All the best, Frank

    85. I understood all of that you talked about here I guess, but I'm absolutely convinced that I'd never want to have a hoodie made of croc leather, neither 100 nor 10,000 Euros. Is there a clearance of worlds ressources because abundance and wealth is the truth (... but unfortunately not focused and understood by a sufficient amount of humans at the time so that it is only a matter of time when we have killed our planet)? E.g. Fracking is okay, war is okay, who cares for any consequences?! Maybe I understood something wrong anyway? Don't like the example in Amsterdam but maybe I'm wrong with that. All the best, Frank

    86. Funny, I admired and adored Randy ever since the first day I learned about him. His words are an appetizer to enrich you, to enjoy the banquet of a more abundant life. That is, if you feel you are worthy enough and honorable enough to treat yourself well. Thanks Randy ♥

    87. Funny, I admired and adored Randy ever since the first day I learned about him. His words are an appetizer to enrich you, to enjoy the banquet of a more abundant life. That is, if you feel you are worthy enough and honorable enough to treat yourself well. Thanks Randy ♥

    88.  @Randy_Gage Hi Randy, thanks for replying.You said "would help people recognize any negative beliefs, not perpetuate them."Ah yes, but 'can' they actually perpetuate a person's beliefs? That is the question. Let's say a person reads words like worthiness, sabotage, lack, negative, etc etc, then based on their current state, can those words which come to them every day actually program them to look for and play out those outcomes. That was my question.You and I both know of a person who ends their posts with a phrase touting that 'my wish for you is that you become a'.... On face value it sounds great, has posture and I know is really about caring... but... does that phrase have the potential to cause the recipient to stay in a state of readiness instead of rising to their full potential.Re the links/hard core sales pitch. I was speaking in a general sense and as a direct result of using shocking headlines, let's call them, to attract the reader then point them to a resource is not what I would determine to be prosperous. It's the verbiage I have issue with, not the process. My concern is that headlines like Worthiness, Love To Hate, Money Jealousy, Self Hate, Why You Sabotage etc, seem to be no better that cheap tabloid headlines in that they are needing to become more shocking in order to compete in the marketplace.So, can those words/headlines on a regular basis actually have a negative compounding effect on the recipient? I would love your thoughts on that. Thanks.

    89.  @NatalieLamb  Wow, a lot to ponder here Natalie and thanks for your input. Let me start by saying that I am sorry you took this as an attack on Randy and I guess I could have worded it differently. You're right though in that I do feel I can state my case knowing that RG will still love me tomorrow :). Randy taught me to think things through to the end and that's exactly what I'm doing by questioning the impact those outcomes could have. Please see my reply to Randy on that.Thanks.

    90.  @TigerJoanna  - tell your friend to look up the parable of the talents/3 servants, where God later took the one talent from the 3rd servant and gave it to the 1st servant with five-turned-10 talents. Makes me sort of wonder why God gave it to him instead of the 2nd servant with two-turned-four talents, but I ain't complaining. 🙂

    91.  @NatalieLamb Natalie, if you have the gift of seeing or understanding others feelings, you must use compassion and empathy along with that understanding.  You receive undue respect here, I believe because you are Randy's friend.  You use that to an unfair advantage.
      This is Randy's platform, and for the most part people here love and support his message.  I think you have a lot to share, but do it with honesty and compassion, you must.
      I am calling you to the carpet, how will you take it?  If Tony is okay with it, fine.  I feel it was wrong, and something you have done to me on several occasions.  True love, is always kind.  To me how you proceed to deal with what you view is wrong with a person's opinion is unkind.
      Just disagree with the comment.  No need to psychoanalyze.  This isn't the place.  This isn't the time.  There is a time and place for everything.  If you insist on doing this to others, I will pray you gain the wisdom and compassion to when that time is.  I will also pray that you reconsider whether you own the full truth of others feelings and motivations without proper knowledge.  And if you do have the truth you will never under any circumstance use it for personal gain.

    92.  @Randy_Gage  ya many of  my friends also say these type of limiting mind set thing to me that they have no  interest in cars,mobiles money etc,, but at that time my mind go on a RED ALERT and i Change the topic immediately or leave the conversation , because you teach me to do so we can"t Correct all  but we can correct our self,, BOOM RANDY  you rock

    93.  @Randy_Gage  ya many of  my friends also say these type of limiting mind set thing to me that they have no  interest in cars,mobiles money etc,, but at that time my mind go on a RED ALERT and i Change the topic immediately or leave the conversation , because you teach me to do so we can"t Correct all  but we can correct our self,, BOOM RANDY  you rock

    94. Happiness is really the key isn't it.... It's when we attach our happiness to an outcome that really hinders our growth but when we limit our thinking to small amounts, we shut ourselves off to the greater amounts and the energy level needed for both amounts are virtually the same.
       @Randy_Gage , keep the great messages coming.
      John Clark

    95. Happiness is really the key isn't it.... It's when we attach our happiness to an outcome that really hinders our growth but when we limit our thinking to small amounts, we shut ourselves off to the greater amounts and the energy level needed for both amounts are virtually the same.
       @Randy_Gage , keep the great messages coming.
      John Clark

    96.  @Annieb Look at Jesus - when he saw people abusing others - like the tax collectors he thru a raging temper. True love does the right thing in each moment. I am a passionate, caring, loving person - and sometimes that comes out strongly when others have become emotionally abusive: like you do - with belittling, attacking, insulting, rudeness, humiliating...Sometimes people aren't aware -  and some reflections, mirroring, inquiry into themselves helps them understand their behaviour. I ponder into people's motivations, and why they are beahving like that - so that they may reflect and grow.  Some people don't want to grow. They want to stay the same - to stay attacking, negative, insulting and continue to eat the poison of resentment.
      I wish you well - and pray you come here with an open heart and mind.  And check yourself before you post: do I have an emotional abuse in this post? Am I revealing my lack of worthiness by:
      * continuously failing to show love and affection
      *persistant rejection
      And if so, please stop.  This place is a safe place.  If you come out attacking, I shall be a Mama Bear. I hope you don't find it rude or disrespectful - but that comes out of a deep love and appreciation for the goodness Randy has rippled into my life.  He doesn't deserve your projection (nor do i!).  And he doesn't deserve your emotional abuse - no one does. If you read ALL I have written to you - last year and this - you'll notice that there was NO emotional abuse at all from me. There have always been strong boundaries, and reflection.  It seems you struggle often facing yourself, and having someone put limits on your unhealthy and toxic emotional abuse. Imagine for a moment I am being like Jesus in the temple - and saying "this is a sacred place, for learning and receiving abundance - if you are bringing toxic and cruel ways in here I shall be wild, and demand a change in your tone, and expect you to speak with critical thinking not personal attack." You have ZERO right to be emotionally abusive to me or ANYONE here. If you read my words to Tony there was NO personal attack on TOny - there was understanding, critical thinking, and challenging him to own his words.  If you see below - he appreciated the input.  I'm no longer entertaining your emotional abuse and attacks. They are unacceptable here. And the world needs healthy challenge to become our best...  Not insult, and attack.  I believe you have the capactiy to become your best... and I hope you use this forum for that purpose...  rather than slash your toxicity everywhere. Love to you Annie... and many blessing of goodness and miracles!

    97.  @tonyscarcia  @Randy_Gage  I think awareness comes first Tony.  You have to constantly be aware of inner sabotage - and Randy's provoking messages help to bring the shadow to light. 

    98.  @NatalieLamb Now you are comparing yourself to Jesus?  Really?  Natalie grow up.  Until you see the wrongs that you do, your no help to anyone.  I own up to my demons, you seem to think that you can bring toxicity and smooth it over with all your proclamations of love and that makes it okay.  Well it is not.  And you wronged me last year.  When you own up to that, we shall have us a genuine conversation.
      I still believe you bully here, and I remain feeling that way even after all your verbose posts, that you are being a bully.  I will pray that you see that.
      I know have let my emotions run loose here, and that was wrong.  I know I have been rough with Randy.  I have suffered for that, take your judgements and stuff it.  Save your Mama Bear for your own children.  Leave us alone on the blog.  I didn't see any emotional abuse from Tony, that warranted your dissection of his emotional state of being.

    99.  @Annieb TONY was happy with what I wrote.  He accused Randy of doing something HE HAD NOT DONE. I am strong, challenging, and courageous - a bully I am not! I frequently see the wrongs I do - Randy challenges me on things I do wrong, and I adjust.  If he felt I was out of order he would let me know.  He does whenever he says me doing something wrong. I'm grateful for this.  I have monthly sessions with my kids where I ask them "how am I doing? Where am I going wrong with my parenting?"  My clients are also free and welcome to challenge me. Last month a client said that see adored that she's free to challenge me - when I'm wrong I'll admit it, and when I'm not I will explain why.  JUST like I have done with you.  I have frequently apologised that you have been hurt and are upset...  And that you find my boundary setting here challenging. I shall not only save Mama Bear for my own kids - I shall let her out whenever I see injustice.  Too often the word sits by complacent to emotional abuse and falsehoods.  I shall always shout out.  You have NO Right to treat me with rudeness and insult - I have NEVER treated you with that. I have been firm, clear and strong. I DO press buttons...  that reveal issues that need healing. It does not mean that I caused or created them - I only revealed them for what they are.  That you choose to hate me for that, is your loss.  MANY clients and friends are grateful..  If you choose to be poisoned by your own hatred, anger, and bitterness - it's your choice.  Tho it's not welcome to be sprayed here.

    100.  @Randy_Gage  Same lady said this next: 
      "the only way to abundant life is through Christ. If you have it all...but have no salvation, you are as poor (actually poorer) than the beggar. I disagree with having more money makes you more of who you are. Having or not having Christ makes you more of who you are. The wealthy can ignore the poor....and yet the Christian poor has more riches than that wealthy man will ever have. We cannot be of this is written in the Bible. Your riches are not here....they are in heaven. Whatever you have here is temporary......but with is eternal. Oh....and in eternal is moot."

    101.  @Randy_Gage  And, now:
      "I agree that God believes we get what we earn...and should share it. But never forget....look in your says store not your riches on earth. Disagree with me all day long....we are all entitled to our beliefs. I have no issue when people disagree with me. But nowhere in the Bible does it tell you to get rich and store earthly treasures. Still, that does not mean we have choose to live as beggars."
      Geesh!  How do I get her to stop!  ...  Don't worry, going to delete post on Facebook!  🙂

    102.  @DavidZandueta The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.
      Deuteronomy 28: 12-14
      God wants to ABUNDANTLY supplies all our needs, not BARELY.  I am with Randy, we have been brainwashed about money and my friend is a prime example. 

    103.  @Randy_Gage I'm all in favor of earning more because it usually means you are serving more people w/ some higher level of contribution. If one doesn't want the money, put it to work helping people. The key is to be productive and not lazy about using your talents.

    104.  @Randy_Gage I'm all in favor of earning more because it usually means you are serving more people w/ some higher level of contribution. If one doesn't want the money, put it to work helping people. The key is to be productive and not lazy about using your talents.

    105. Great blog Randy. You nailed it with the fear of loss of that $50 for the ocean view room. Really makes you think about all the places in life that we let that fear of loss affect our decisions, and ultimately our results

    106. Great blog Randy. You nailed it with the fear of loss of that $50 for the ocean view room. Really makes you think about all the places in life that we let that fear of loss affect our decisions, and ultimately our results

    107.  @TigerJoanna  - kind of funny no? Even the old testament says something about that.
      Cheers to you, Randy and everyone else. Looking forward to reading and learning from you all, then taking action.

    108. All you really need is to live in a shack and farm your field and care for your livestock. Actually, you can just collect welfare and live in a shack.

    109. All you really need is to live in a shack and farm your field and care for your livestock. Actually, you can just collect welfare and live in a shack.

    110.  @NatalieLamb Natalie I am ready to end this.  I am sorry for being rude to you.  Yes, I am still bitter about last year.  I am jealous you are Randy's friend.  Not only that, but if you believe the things you believe, he must too.
      I still don't think you should analyze or dissect people's feelings here.  Especially Natalie if it is because you are defending Randy.  Because, you are not really doing it for their benefit, but Randy's and yours.  They have not agreed to that kind of questioning, and you may embarrass him or her.  People to face things in their own way and their own time.  If Tony was okay with it fine.
      Yes, I admit I responded to quickly because I am still angry with you from last year.  Your relentless assaults were unwelcome, and often times you hit the right chords, but other times you were dead wrong and you never really checked in with me, you just kept crusading.  I am a mental health worker too Natalie, and confrontation is a part of the process.  But, as you have so wisely pointed out, this is not group therapy and not all of us here may be willing participants to your psychoanalysis.
      Confrontation, like that should come from a place when we are only concerned with the person we are confronting, only concerned with their mental health or well being.  Not, when we are defending another.  I think you were maybe right with what you said to Tony about what he wrote.  But to interject why he might be feeling that way and calling him out saying maybe he isn't doing enough with Randy's advice is, well, wrong.  He didn't ask for your analysis.  You could have stood up to him without that, and your Mama Bear may have been just as satisfied.
      Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit. 
       @Randy_Gage  Sorry for being attacking on your blog, and for attacking your friend.  I was wrong, I apologize to you both.
      Peace OUt.

    111.  @Randy_Gage  - Well said, Randy.
      Have a burning desire. Push yourself further than you think you can go.
      At the end of the day be appreciative and happy with what we do have, instead of what we don't.
      Thanks for sharing.

    112.  @Annieb  @Randy_Gage It takes awareness and strength to own your behaviour rather than act out with past programming...I hear your apology for being rude...  As well as facing your jealousy... and other issues....  Tho it's not quite enough if you really want healing...  If you really want to be free...  Here's the clue you give away:  "Sorry, I said you were being evil, that is stretching it a bit."    A BIT?  Really???? !!!!
      What I've learnt from Randy is not to listen to people's WORDS - apology is easy... but to listen to see their actions...  You STILL don't get me, see me, or understand me...  I think you captured it here:
      "Take your unreal love and shove it up your ass."
      My love IS Unreal - because I do care and send you love - EVEN when you are abusive, uncaring, vindictive, insulting...  I wonder why you see it as unreal?   It's not a realness that you offer.  I have not an ounce of bitterness towards - even tho you go on false rampages about me.  That you distort my words, inquiry and care to be attacks - I feel may come down to your feelings of worthiness here.  I don't write to you JUST to defend Randy.  I write to you because I see you acting out in emotional abuse and know that when someone is beingin this way they MUST have learnt it from somewhere and be in severe pain, hurt and anger.  My role in the world is helping people face this, so they can grow and own it, and work thru it... 
      No matter HOW you have treated me - I have NEVER walked away, I have ALWAYS cared enough to respond, and keep serving YOU in dealing with your issues. You hate that I don't answer with superficial words, but that I open to greater complexity, and a fuller perspective.  that simply reveals the depth to which you want to face yourself.  I want deal and real conversations.  I create them wherever I go.  I don't believe that that sort of conversation should happen ONLY in a therapy room - I think that's the level of embrace, depth and integration that we ALL need to be inquiring into to live consicous amazing lives.   Otherwise we stay unconscious and acting out without awareness. I don't want that for you or anyone - so I ask questions... and try to understand... Today a client called to thank me for my patience with him - as he does ALL SORTS of things to avoid himself...  He's so scared. The stuff is ugly and painful...  He does all he can to run away - and finds it amazing that I STILL support him. Sadly you've projected your past onto me - and find my love unreal, and choose to smother it with doubt, negativity, anger, and bitterness. You must have been programmed at some point to learn not to trust people and be wary of their intent. You've  put onto me that I don't care or have love for you - even when I say I do... Even when I've given up time to write to you! It's so sad for you to be eating that poison... I KNOW my intent.  That you choose to reject my concern, my passion for goodness, my courage in facing you, and my audacious authenticity is your loss.
      Absolutely when I speak out there are things that embarrass people.  I told a client last month that she was emotionally abusive. It rocked her world... and she GOT IT.  She wrote back and said she felt so embarrassed that she'd never realised it, and was so grateful for me putting it to her so clearly, and inquiring into why she did that. 
      I've had that MANY times I've been embarrassed publically. It is THIS that has helped me grow!   Randy has even called me out in front 500+ people for my limited beliefs.  I went bright red.  What he was doing is to wake me UP!  To stop me hiding out.   He did it because he wants me to grow and face myself.  When others have come to me upset that he calls them out - I've shared that it's because he cares about them.  It took a lot for them to realise that! I believe that the depth of our BURN of embarrassment is how great the trigger is that we need to face in ourselves.  One person that helped me see this is a friend Randy told me to read: Larry Winget.  He wrote SHUT UP, STOP WHINING, AND GET A LIFE.  Freqently in contact with Larry I BURN in humiliation as he points out where I am failing and why I may be doing this...  You see that embarrassment as WRONG...  While I see that burn as wonderful - from both Randy and Larry - it's like a glow torch highlighting what needs change in me.  You get bitter and hate me.  I get grateful and love Randy and Larry more for caring enough to spend the time shooting my negative attributes down. And know that I dont ALWAYS go into gratitude. Randy will share how I fight him, deny what he's saying, and get angry... until the point his words seep into my psyche and I go: YOU ARE RIGHT. And he is right... and THAT is why I'm reacting.  If I WAS NOT reacting - it wouldn't be something relevant to me.  That you choose to see my care, love, time and attention I've given to you as "relentless attacks" rather than acts of compassion, goodness, and care is your loss, distortion and sadness.  In the last day I've had two folks saying: "I deeply value your insights. You offer such perspective that helps me see things differently - and do the work I need to do."   NO ONE I work with finds it comfortable - it's scary, upsetting, confrontational - but they all say they change, and they know I love them. Personal development is HARD. That's why few do it.  Most stay small in attacking and acting out and living their past programming. It takes a lot of introspection and insight from others to find the right inquiry to see our fault and change them For some reason you choose to project onto me that I'm evil and full of shit. So whatever I write - even if EVERYONE else agress with me - YOU distort into being wrong.  You've painted me with a dark brush and that's the only lens you see through...  Your bitterness to me I know is NOTHING to do with me. I bet if you went through all I wrote last year - you'd WAKE UP to so many home truths that would serve you as an outline for the work you need to do to stop being emotionally abusive. Sadly your lens on hating me will stop you facing yourself.
      I feel sadness for you.  I see many of my clients- especially those who have been sexually abused - really struggle with letting people get close.  They get emotionally abusive, reject people, distort their motives, hate them, think there is something wrong with them, and keep their defenses strong out of protection of being hurt again. Sadly this pushes away those who could really help them break thru.
      I wish you well Annie - I always have, and I always will send you love. That you choose to reject it, means the love comes flying back at me - and I get a double portion!  THANKS.  My love and care is YUMMY!

    113.  @tonyscarcia I think it sometimes helps to admit that it WAS an atttack on Randy.  To be honest... 
      Cos your accusing him of profitting was baseless - you obviously didn't click the links, and falsely accused him.I wonder what belief was behind that? 
      I'd ponder what is behind the attacks...  What's going on for you that made you attack? 

    114.  @Deeone Higgs Great questions!  Use this blog, books and the Internet to keep exposing yourself to high achievers and you'll keep expanding your own prosperity consciousness.

    115. I appreciate what you are saying Randy and I agree to a point. I would never knock back more money or wealth and yet neither do I chase it, perhaps I can rethink on this a little more. I am pretty sure the worthiness belief structure is an issue and that is another thing to revist, yes. Yet I just don't relate or find being able to buy lots of stuff because I can. I'm not a big consumer, it's not something I can relate to. I can relate to the idea of being comfortable though because I have found I can be happy in the present moment no matter what else is or isn't happening. But, knowing that having more means I can do more to help others/causes etc. So off I go with this food for thought to ponder and evaluate beliefs and values around this....

    116. I appreciate what you are saying Randy and I agree to a point. I would never knock back more money or wealth and yet neither do I chase it, perhaps I can rethink on this a little more. I am pretty sure the worthiness belief structure is an issue and that is another thing to revist, yes. Yet I just don't relate or find being able to buy lots of stuff because I can. I'm not a big consumer, it's not something I can relate to. I can relate to the idea of being comfortable though because I have found I can be happy in the present moment no matter what else is or isn't happening. But, knowing that having more means I can do more to help others/causes etc. So off I go with this food for thought to ponder and evaluate beliefs and values around this....

    117. One of my two deepest wounds is worthiness. I have to work on that one every single day. I believe I deserve amazing things but that belief conflicts with feeling unworthy.

      I WILL win. I WILL root out that negative belief and I WILL step into my power in full. I AM worthy. Right now.

      Did you ever have these issues and is there a technique that you would suggest I use on a day-to-day basis?

    118. One of my two deepest wounds is worthiness. I have to work on that one every single day. I believe I deserve amazing things but that belief conflicts with feeling unworthy.

      I WILL win. I WILL root out that negative belief and I WILL step into my power in full. I AM worthy. Right now.

      Did you ever have these issues and is there a technique that you would suggest I use on a day-to-day basis?

    119. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
      I love this example wiht jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

    120. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
      I love this example with jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

    121. Absolutely 🙂 If you know what brings joy to your life, you will find the way to have it in your life... Great topic 🙂
      I love this example with jacket Randy 🙂 Amazing feeling, to buy what you want and not solving if you have enough money for it 🙂 Thanks, M.

    122. What a HOT topic!  I keep thinking about that fine jacket.  It reminds me that we are adjured not to "store up" treasure on earth.  Rather than holding on to our treasure, we should let it other words, spend it.
      "Money, like blood, needs to be in circulation."   It doesn't matter whether we for it for stuff (or liabilities or investments) or for experiences (travel, seminars, wha'ever) or for that goood & virtuous feeling** of being charitable - the point is, money needs to be In Motion, not stored up.
      I bet that retail store clerk celebrated with joy because the jacket sold (esp. if she eared a commission)!  She'll understand the value of Big Spenders.  So would anyone else who earns their income somewhere in the long chain that leads from the crocodile farmer to the finished jacket to the clerk in the store.   
      When Randy or I buy something that gives us joy, we aren't the only ones who benefit. 
      **Cautionary Note: charitable giving can be very dangerous, if it nourishes feelings of arrogance - being somehow "better" than thos who circulate money in other ways. 

    123. What a HOT topic!  I keep thinking about that fine jacket.  It reminds me that we are adjured not to "store up" treasure on earth.  Rather than holding on to our treasure, we should let it other words, spend it.
      "Money, like blood, needs to be in circulation."   It doesn't matter whether we for it for stuff (or liabilities or investments) or for experiences (travel, seminars, wha'ever) or for that goood & virtuous feeling** of being charitable - the point is, money needs to be In Motion, not stored up.
      I bet that retail store clerk celebrated with joy because the jacket sold (esp. if she eared a commission)!  She'll understand the value of Big Spenders.  So would anyone else who earns their income somewhere in the long chain that leads from the crocodile farmer to the finished jacket to the clerk in the store.   
      When Randy or I buy something that gives us joy, we aren't the only ones who benefit. 
      **Cautionary Note: charitable giving can be very dangerous, if it nourishes feelings of arrogance - being somehow "better" than thos who circulate money in other ways. 

    124.  @NatalieLamb  @Randy_Gage Very true.  Evil is a word that should not be used carelessly. Although,  I never thought you were evil, just some of your actions.  I apologize for this offense.  It was not a word that needed to be used.  Annie

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