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Will You Be One of the Fab Five?

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 9, 2017

Please allow me to ask you a few questions to set the context.

  • Are you’re a speaker, author, coach, consultant, political leader, YouTuber, or thought leader who wants to make a real difference in the world?
  • Just between you and I – truth be told – how relevant are you in your space right now?
  • How much of an impact are you making?
  • Are you driving the conversation, and changing the game?
  • How much of a difference could you make if you had the right platform?

If you really want to make a bigger difference, be more relevant, and create a stronger impact – you need to be at my TRIBAL event.  (And if not, please feel free to skip the rest of this post.)

If you're still here, there is a unique opportunity for you – but you have to move on it this weekend!

Because I’m going to offer something career-defining, for the next five people who reserve their spot.  Here’s the deal…

I will be conducting numerous “Hot Seats” at TRIBAL. In these audience favorites, I select a volunteer and bring them onstage for live coaching and critique. They become a teaching example for the room, helping them actually implement what they just learned, while everyone watches. Being selected for a Hot Seat is a powerful learning experience for you.

The next five people who enroll for TRIBAL will get to be selected for one of the following five Hot Seats:

1) Brainstorm Your Book Concept

It isn’t enough to write a book. You need to write the book that no one else in the world can write. A book that people actually buy. Actually read. And actually act on.  That means you need the right concept, the perfect title, a spicy cover, and a table of contents that has a casual browser dying to dive into it.


2) Website Design Overview

If you want your work you reach the world in a meaningful way, you need to earn money. And that means your website has to show people how to spend money with you. If you’re in this Hot Seat, we’ll pull up your actual website and critique it for search engine viability, mobile viewing, meta tags, keywords, headlines, copy, and just how effectively it allows (causes) people to buy from you.


3) Strategize Your Next Product Launch

Just creating a product does nothing for you or your tribe. You need a riveting, buzz-generating launch that lets the world know you have a sexy new product, and they can’t live without it. In this Hot Seat, we’ll strategize a complete launch game plan for you, including landing pages, upsells, affiliate programs, social media and offers. You’ll learn how to launch your product with a frantic frenzy of sales!


4) Create a Powerful Speech Opening

For this Hot Seat, you’ll actually take the stage and do a few minutes of your speech or workshop. Show us what you’ve got. Then I’ll help you crystalize it down to create the most powerful opening to seize attention. Something that will have every person in your audiences leaning forward on the edge of their chair, breathlessly waiting to hear what you’re going to say next.


5) Conceptualize Your YouTube Channel

The world is moving to video. To be relevant, you need to also. And if you want to be a thought leader, expert, or agent of change, a robust YouTube channel will help you reach your goals. For this Hot Seat we’ll brainstorm the channel name, what kind of intro video you need, what kind of playlists to build and the best way to develop a large subscriber base. If you choose this Hot Seat, you’ll know exactly how to create a powerful channel.

Here’s the thing: To snatch one of these slots, you have to be one of the next five people to register your spot. I’m quite sure that will happen over the weekend. So you need to move fast.

So go now to and read through the entire event overview. Then if it sounds like it is right for you, lock in your spot.

On Monday, I will check with my assistant Lornette, to see who registered in what order and we’ll contact those five to get their preference for what Hot Seat they prefer. They will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you’re ready to make a bigger impact, move fast!


P.S.  Remember I will reserve the Hot Seats on a first-come, first served basis. Be one of the next five people and lock yours in. Here is the site again:

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