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Why You Should Work Backward

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 30, 2009

One of the best ways I know to move forward is to work backward.  First you decide the outcome you want to achieve.  Then break down what you would have to do to make that happen.

Once you know all the steps, chunk it down to monthly.  Break that into weekly.  Then you can see what you must do daily.  And once you have your daily action steps, you’re off!

So how are you doing on this?


13 comments on “Why You Should Work Backward”

  1. Dear Randy:
    Thanks for really opening my eyes to see and recognize lack programming in books I read, and the media. Your ideas about critical thinking confirmed ideas I had had for a long time inside me, but wasn't sure about. Now, I find myself watching stuff on TV, or reading a book, and I tell myself "Hey, I don't agree with that", or "Hey, sounds like lack programming", and I feel great about it.

    Cheers and keep up the good work.

  2. Hello Randy
    It is powerful to look back even thou you are moving foward.
    We have planted my seeds that need water to grow.
    It does not take much to say hello and how are you doing?
    Thanks for your wisdom Mr Gage.

  3. No, I'm not doing that. As I was just getting ready to spread it all out again - this is perfect timing. Thank you for the message - I will take this approach. Thanks, Randy.

  4. Randy,

    I concur with this outstanding brief article of wisdom! It's the simple steps of achievment that many overlook, yet the most pertinent! Awesome! After reading this article, I immediately tweeted the link to all my friends.

    Focusing on the outcome and breaking the steps into pieces truly makes the meal digestable. Many try too hard to swallow the highly desireable steak before chewing the steak one piece at a time.

    As a result in my past, I choked before even getting started. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here again regarding working backwards!! - Stan Carter Jr.

  5. Once you get this about Network marketing - the 'daily steps'- you begin to get real results. Most people do not do the 'daily steps' actually DAILY and that is why it takes so long to get this business done.
    You can count me as being guilty of that but no more 🙂

  6. -RG,

    Makes perfect sense, like taking a trip looking at were you wont to go and working backwards on the steps needed to get there.


  7. Thanks for this message. That´s short but great, in small steps I can reach all my goals.

    Every day one small step and we can reach goals that seem to be out of reach.

    Have a great day


  8. That's funny because I actually made a "future" professional resume for myself. Now I'm finding out the steps I need to take to make that resume a reality.

  9. Randy

    I just came from Unity on the Bay where I herad you speak today! Man . . . what an uplifting story! I know that you are an extremely busy person so I will try to be brief as I can. I presently work as a property adjuster in the Miami area. I really work so hard just to get a monthly bonus of $1,500.00. I am divorce, I live alone, and I am the only family member that lives in Florida. Above is my website, where I have got involved with this oppourtnity, last week. If you can Sir, can you take a look at the site and tell me if it really as an possiblities of earning monthly income. Thank you very much for your time, and God Bless you!

    Emerson Moseley
    (305) 878-2939

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  • 13 comments on “Why You Should Work Backward”

    1. Dear Randy:
      Thanks for really opening my eyes to see and recognize lack programming in books I read, and the media. Your ideas about critical thinking confirmed ideas I had had for a long time inside me, but wasn't sure about. Now, I find myself watching stuff on TV, or reading a book, and I tell myself "Hey, I don't agree with that", or "Hey, sounds like lack programming", and I feel great about it.

      Cheers and keep up the good work.

    2. Hello Randy
      It is powerful to look back even thou you are moving foward.
      We have planted my seeds that need water to grow.
      It does not take much to say hello and how are you doing?
      Thanks for your wisdom Mr Gage.

    3. No, I'm not doing that. As I was just getting ready to spread it all out again - this is perfect timing. Thank you for the message - I will take this approach. Thanks, Randy.

    4. Randy,

      I concur with this outstanding brief article of wisdom! It's the simple steps of achievment that many overlook, yet the most pertinent! Awesome! After reading this article, I immediately tweeted the link to all my friends.

      Focusing on the outcome and breaking the steps into pieces truly makes the meal digestable. Many try too hard to swallow the highly desireable steak before chewing the steak one piece at a time.

      As a result in my past, I choked before even getting started. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here again regarding working backwards!! - Stan Carter Jr.

    5. Once you get this about Network marketing - the 'daily steps'- you begin to get real results. Most people do not do the 'daily steps' actually DAILY and that is why it takes so long to get this business done.
      You can count me as being guilty of that but no more 🙂

    6. -RG,

      Makes perfect sense, like taking a trip looking at were you wont to go and working backwards on the steps needed to get there.


    7. Thanks for this message. That´s short but great, in small steps I can reach all my goals.

      Every day one small step and we can reach goals that seem to be out of reach.

      Have a great day


    8. That's funny because I actually made a "future" professional resume for myself. Now I'm finding out the steps I need to take to make that resume a reality.

    9. Randy

      I just came from Unity on the Bay where I herad you speak today! Man . . . what an uplifting story! I know that you are an extremely busy person so I will try to be brief as I can. I presently work as a property adjuster in the Miami area. I really work so hard just to get a monthly bonus of $1,500.00. I am divorce, I live alone, and I am the only family member that lives in Florida. Above is my website, where I have got involved with this oppourtnity, last week. If you can Sir, can you take a look at the site and tell me if it really as an possiblities of earning monthly income. Thank you very much for your time, and God Bless you!

      Emerson Moseley
      (305) 878-2939

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