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Why You Sabotage Your Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 6, 2009

Over the last few posts we have been talking about how hard you have to work to stay broke in today’s economy.  We live in the greatest time in human history, with more opportunities than ever before.  So why would anyone still be working subconsciously to stay broke?

Well I think as you can see in the comments, the real issues for a lot of people are worthiness ones.  Sometimes on a conscious level, more often on a subconscious level, they don’t believe they are worthy of being healthy, happy and rich.

This comes from negative programming from organized religion, government and especially the media exposures we all receive.  The subliminal message in most of these areas is that money is bad, rich people are evil, and it is somehow spiritual to be poor.  And this erroneous message is one of the most pervasive in the world.  It makes you feel guilty and unworthy for success.

I know this sure was an issue with me…

For years after I started to manifest prosperity, I still had this fear that somehow the prosperity police were going to realize a mistake had been made, and they would come and repossess the abundance I had received by mistake.

So you know what you do then?

On a subconscious level, you sabotage your prosperity.  You cheat on your spouse, get fired from your job, make stupid business or investment decisions or any one of a million other ways to keep yourself poor, sick and miserable.  Then you can feel noble about this dramatic hero or shero’s journey you are on.  And that shit will keep you broke forever!

Have you done this?  Can you recognize any ways you have sabotaged yourself?  Please share them below, and tomorrow I’ll discuss how we overcome the worthiness issues.


52 comments on “Why You Sabotage Your Prosperity”

  1. I agree, I have been trying to get rid of the unworthiness programming in myself for years now, but I still have the fear that I am not working hard enough... I know that it arises from being a child of two workaholic parents, and has nothing to do with the way things are, but the fear is still there.

  2. Hello Randy! Thanks for touching this very important point 'cos we all have, I really mean ALL, some skeleton in our mind's wardrobe. And I think very often, how it is vital important to get rid of this stuff. And the main question is HOW?

  3. Its all about reaching out and sharing knowledge with others who are wanting it. Not holding it in, keeping the information to yourself or passing it on to someone who does not give a shit. You may as well beat your head against a wall if you do that. Instead, reach up and share with those that have a desire to learn what it is you have to offer. In this you will hear positive reinforcement not negative comments.

  4. I'm sitting here at my cube next a true NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder) and hearing him tell everyone how much weight they have gained. then I remember that my grandmother (another NPD) used to do that to me. Every turn, my hair is wrong, I've gained weight.. and then of course my father and his speech when I wanted something.. "what makes you think you deserve that"... and then I wonder why I might have worthiness issues. Oh wait.. I think I got it. I do have worthiness issues, which I am working to resolve. I've only been reading your blogs for a week, Randy and I've made some positive changes at least at the conscious level, am working to get the subconscious on board. Thank you for your daily comments.

  5. Here is one that I have repeated int past. I am pretty good at lead generation on the internet and I can watch my pipeline fill up. I'll call people and when I would start to get close to having people join me I would stop calling because I believed at that time I was not worthy to be a leader. With time and personal development I have over been able to overcome this internal negative belief!

  6. Here's one of my obvious efforts (obvious these days to me anyway) ...I call it 'analysis paralysis'.

    I end up studying, and analyzing the industry, the experts, the process, the steps to take, and more making sure I'm the 'expert' before I take a step.

    I end up paralyzing my efforts, and spend more time on studying than DOING.

    In my head, I feel the 'need' to be an expert first. I 'need' to know what I'm talking about.

    So instead of going out and doing, I end up sabotaging my intentions.

    It SOUNDS like a noble concept, and I can certainly justify it in my head, but it doesn't bring the $$ into the bank account.


  7. I believe it goes back to who you surround yourself with. If the people in your life are always bringing you down, telling you can't do this, or you won't succeed, you start to believe them. I make a conscious choice every day to seek out people who will build me up. I also try to always build up others as well. By helping others, I always find I improve myself along the way.

  8. -RG,

    Yes, I have had and do still struggle with theses BS beliefs.

    It's a cancer that must be cutout. Since I have become aware of them it's easier to deal with it. I just say "no thank you, I've had enough".

    I look forward to your insights tomorrow.


  9. Whilst I think I have come a long way in believing in myself, I am reminded that it always needs care when a seemingly minimal knock can set me reeling. I work incredibly hard in my job, to the point of running myself into the ground and winding up sick, and glory seeking from colleagues who take credit for my work leaves me furious and further exhausted. Whilst my little inner voice says "you know the truth, you know you did the work", my fury and bent for revenge sabotages my inner peace and positive output at work.

  10. First of all, it is important for me to say that "I am responsible"; it is my responsibility to make the necessary changes that need to be made in my life...oh, and it's not someone else's fault either.

    Ok, being in sales for a living, it's easy to identify times when I "turned on the air conditioning" to cool things off. Several years ago in January of 2001, I earned approximately $80,000 that month. I was used to earning "good" money - in the $150-$200K range per year. Suddenly, I stopped returning phone calles on time, missed alot of meetings, deadlines, etc. Started playing alot of golf and so forth. I ended up making "very good" money that year , but not the $960K I was on pace for after January, basically a little more than my "good" years.

    I have had this experience over and over in various segments of my life...yikes!

  11. I come for workalcoholic grandfather and father. They both made money but they worked HARD for it. They worked 7 days a weeks for years.
    My programming is one that easy money is not worthy of having it.
    It feels as though I am leaving my grandfather and father legacy behind. I am letting them down.

  12. For me, it's all about sickness: depression, pneumonia and other really bad things:( Worst part is that I know about it, I know the pattern and still fall into it. I was raised being told I was an "accident" and growing up made myself responsible for all the sadness and misery that happened in my poor single mom's life... You're right, it is all about self worth and self esteem:) Thank you for your posts, always great.

  13. Oh, Yeah.... I am a life member of the "out of the frying pan and into the fire" ... Help ! Starting over again at retirement age... How do I stop the cycle?

  14. On FOOLPROOF way to get rid of our negative programming is through EFT. Emotional Freedom Therapy.

    Google on Gary Craig and EFT and you will discover a new world!

    It is being used more and more worldwide by therapists and doctors of all persuasions with amazing results.

  15. That's a tough one for me too Enrique. My parents are "old school" and if you aren't breaking your back doing physical work, then you aren't working hard enough.

    I'm of the opinion, after studying this stuff for quite some time,
    that the hardest work in the world is to think and to use your mind to be creative.

    Anyone can go and get a job and make enough money to live on. But, to really make a life, a living worthy of your time, takes enormous amounts of thought energy.

    So, by being a thought leader, people who can break free from watching TV and break free from the mindless "hanging out" with people with no vision and never reading books, etc are definitely in a rare class.

    My problem falls more in line with Jhanna's... there is so much to study and so much knowledge to gain that I get addicted to the studying of the great thought leaders that I don't take enough action on the great things I'm learning.

    So, I get stuck in a cycle of "I gotta learn this before I can do that...."

    I'm aware of it and I'm trying to change those old patterns to be able to take more action.

    It is a tough balancing act for me since it is alot more comfortable to learn everything and to have all of this knowledge than it is to actually get mud on you by being in the trenches.

    Kind of a weird dichotomy.

    Thanks Randy, for your thought provoking posts!


  16. Hey Randy this is an issue that I'm struggling with even though I meditate and visualize on a daily basis. For instance when things are going well like this afternoon I finished work I bumped into one of my work colleagues who I've been trying to attract in my business(I actually visualized this person). For weeks I kept on reminding him he just didn't have the opportunity. Today I asked him if he'd looked at the website. He said yes but I'm in a hurry to start work(on the buses). I said ok can I get your number which he did. I asked him what did he think. He said he's got good news for me. I said I call him later as I didn't want him to be late for work.

    I saw another guy and I said to him Michael I want you to keep me commited to a goal that I've set for myself, The goal is a lot bigger than me.He smiled and recognized that this is serious. I'm going to retire in 5 years time. This is what I told him he said he'll keep me commited and he'll remind me whenvevr he sees me.

    I got back into the garage and shared myself about my 5 year plan to retire in front of 8 people including a supervisor who was probably eaves dropping at the same time whilst on the computer. I managed to get two more phone numbers and passed on my website link I'm promoting. Eventually I said right everyone enough of my ranting. A collegue said I like hearing your rants you talk with passion.

    I headed home and felt the power of attraction working. The thing is Randy I'd given up smoking and seeing that my day had gone so well I felt the urge to buy a single(one ciggarette). I bought two. After all that I'd just experience I seem to sabotage myself thinking this does not matter(smoking). Deep down inside I know it does matter because everything counts. Including prospecting for business. I know where my fault lies, when things are going well I smoke because I feel it's "macho." When I ask myself how does it feel smoking I say to myself stupid. Anyway I believe I'm getting better each and every day as I respond to your blogs.

    Keep 'em coming RG

  17. Another part of the programming is that you work alone and don't depend on anyone. So, in my mind, in NM are depeding on everyone else to make money.
    Thanks Jed.
    Randy, this is really hard to do.

  18. I have sabotaged many things in my life. Only one bothers me still. As much as I know I can not change what had happened, it did happen, and the past can not be erased... I work on this every day to overcome.

    I was soooo in love, more than I had ever imagined possible. We were together 2 1/2 years, through our ups and many downs I loved him unconditionally.

    When we had our downs I would talk to my mother, and friends (which I know now I should have never done) they helped in my ''programming" thoughts. I don't want to throw blame around, because ultimatly I was the one in charge. I allowed my head to be filled with negativity, there was no constructive positive feedback from them. As my mind dwelled on all things said, I (my ego) started believing that he was no good for me. Which caused a battle in my heart(soul) and mind(ego). My heart(soul) loved him more than life itself, and my mind (ego) told me I would be better off without him.

    Basicly what happened was, I allowed my mind/ego to take over. I began drinking heavily on a nightly basis. I just wanted the pain this battle heart vs. mind/ego, to go numb. I accomplished drinking myself into oblivion every night, ignoring the pain in my heart (my soul).

    I ended up giving in to the ego. All the voices telling me that he was not good for me. And I broke things off with him. It was not pretty. He found that I was talking to another guy. (An easy escape, throwing someone else in the fire)

    I would scream at him to leave me alone. I called the police on him (nothing came from that)(thank god).

    I could hear my heart trying to scream back at me, like someone drowning in water trying to yell for help. But I just drank more until I could no longer hear it.

    Seceretly I would cry, at home out loud, at work in the bathroom, in the car... until I could drink some more.. and started smoking lots of pot. Everything would just go away.

    So that is my story.... I very much sabotaged the one thing that ment the most to me. I used someone in the process too, played the victim and it made me feel comforted.

    In one of my last comments a little while ago, I spoke of how I came about... How I woke up... This is where it stemmed from.

    I can say, I am very blessed that he talks to me these days. I only wish he could see into my heart and see what he means to me, and understand that I am no longer that person that hurt him. I know now, that my heart will belong to noone else. And I would never do what I did again.

    so... Randy, how is one to overcome this? My heart will never move on. How do you overcome matters sewn into the essence of our souls?

  19. As for the $ sabotage.

    Well I can not say I am a lazy worker. I work very hard. I make it a competition with myself to out work everyone around me. So as for why I am only a bottom dwelling manager is beyond me. Could it be because I am a blue eyed long blonde hair skinny female? I hate to think so. But maybe it is. The company I work for has not a single female high ranking manager anywhere to be found. Its ruled by men(little school boys, playing and having fun).

    It is sick how hard I work, the effort I put in. I go above and beyond allllll the time. When the next Assistant Manager position opened up.. guess what happened... they did not give me the position. They actually brought in a guy from Washington to take the spot. Why? I am dumbfounded.

    Needless to say, my drive to work harder than everyone else (at the same pay) has gone down hill.

    So.... with that. I make my announcement.... LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!

    AS OF DEC. 26th I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK!!!!! I AM JUMPING!!!!! I have too much ingenuity to waste it on them any longer!!!!

  20. Definitely- Feast and Famine has been the rollercoaster for me. Well, not in a BIG way, but I keep making more, and then losing even more.

    In fact, RIGHT NOW I have a contact who might be able to get my book in front of an Oprah producer. Have I sent her a media kit? Nope. Do I HAVE a media kit? Nope. It's been weeks- why haven't I sent her anything? Ridiculous!

  21. I have sabatoged in so many ways on a subconscious level that my full time job is to keep the conscious stuff positive enough so I can exist at this place where I know is not where I am supposed to be, deserve to be, and want to be! Its a daily challenge to feed myself enough "GOOD STUFF" to battle the hidden "BAD STUFF" that just keeps popping up in the weirdest ways and the most inappropriate times. The good news? I am going to keep going until I get there and I know that Its possible, probable, and thanks for your assistance!

  22. "This comes from negative programming from organized religion, government and especially the media exposures we all receive."

    In addition it is passed on from generation to generation. It is a constant struggle with my wife and her family to offset decades of self-sabotage. It is essential prosperity generational sabotage.

    Great blog Randy...keep the mission alive and God Bless (unorganized God).

  23. One of my inside belief I probably have is about our finite life and infinite spirit world life we all have go through.
    Our physical life is very limited in historical timewise terms. It's just a blink of an eye. But what we do in our physical life will entirely influence on what we are going to have in the spirit world after we pass away.
    And as religions say that all the prosperity stuff, money, glory and posessions will have a none value up there.
    Only the inner achievments, like love, heart, friendship, pureness, holiness, life for the sake of others, unselfishness, in other words inner prosperity - this is what ultimately will decide what we are going to have after we pass away.

    Actually this is what I still kind of believe in.
    I don't whether this is what sabotages me.

  24. I do believe your heart will move on. Not that I expect you to believe that now! But time will help you here. And find something else to be passionate about for now.


  25. Randy now that I am more conscious of my consciousness I have been able to look back and realize that yes I have sabatoged myself and didn't even realize it. I do have question for you too what do you think about the saying "Easy come, Easy Go" as it relates to money and somehow I thought that that saying meant you should have to work hard for money

  26. Jhanna I feel the same, particularly in my field, that I have got to be seen to know what I am doing, to be an expert in my field before I dare go out there. Good news is last night I broke that spell! I gave a talk, first time in a couple of years, I was nervous, but it was well received and I enjoyed myself.

    Randy's process over the past few weeks has stripped away some layers and I have been shocked to realise how judgemental my thoughts are. How I am constantly judging myself and others. This tells me that I am on to something here. My mind is afraid and trying to go into sabotage mode. So something must be healing and changing. Thanks Randy.

    BTW I am also an EFT practitioner. EFT helps you feel better, and stops negative energy from being lodged in your cells, meridians etc. However it can't change what is going on in your head. Any changes are temporary as you need to keep the EFT up in order to stay on track otherwise what is deeply entrenched is still there and will rise up again.

  27. Working my thoughts 2 focus prosperity..I found myself something inside me snatching me from the victory?? Very well true, I come back to the friends who are broke, come back to my family who are broke,frustrated and desperate..The posts are the same with my own experience. But I shut my mouth not to post the whole story anyway, It will become palatable and make myself victims. .(by the way, I thanks for those who share their story in order to learn). Thanks randy for timeless widome. .Se ur next post..

  28. Yes - from a statistic for my paper on sex.
    Just over HALF of all pregnancies in the States are unplanned and unwanted. HIghst in the world of developed countries.

  29. I worked very hard to stay broke for a long time. I was working a lot of hours, reached a 6 figure income & hit the ceiling with no chance for advancement at a company. The long hours affected my health & happiness and the income from the job wasn't worth what it was costing me. So is it sabotage to stay in a bad situation or to make changes, let go & move on?

    I let go but I did "sit on the nail" for a while.
    Right now I am seeing possibilities & opportunities around me.
    I do take some risks...that can be good or bad...if I didn't take risks would I be sabotaging myself?
    The "Shero" in me wants to help some people around me but I know I need to be successful first. Taking care of my self first.
    I may be able to 'exchange value for value" with some of the people I want to help (referrals are always good for business). Possibilities...

  30. For me , I guess , the most challenging factor which might cause a negative impact on my prosperity development is feeling of lonlyness, which ''visits'' me from time to time . Being a very selective in making communication with people and watching the majority being victims of their destructive mind-sets, I sometimes think that it's very complicated to find a true friend with mentality , values, beliefs and life attitude alike mine. Being a sociable person and always inclined to have a pleasant coversation , I experience a significant lack in this aspect. It's quite difficult sometimes to overcome life situations without support from someone who is close to your heart. This from time to time made me drink... Maybe this is the focal point which adversely impact upon me...

  31. I ve done it more than one time. I was pretty succesful in my early - mid twenties made lot of money and had what i thought a great lifestyle. But coming from a poor dysfunctional growup i turned into a selfdestructive life and behavior becoming an alcoholic I lived a rock n roll star life although my aim was to treat patients.
    So I lost everything and became a selfpitying with all kind of sacrifices. Almost saintified. The road was long and i tried for 18 years to control my alcoholic manors but since two years iv been sober thanx to 12 stepprogram and Gods blessing.
    Still due to this heavy bag of guilt and selfblames I feel like am I really a person who have the right to gain prosperity. (?).

  32. EFT really works, I'm another living proof of that. I was SUCCESSPROOF for 40 years of my life. That dramaticaly changed when I "deblocked" myself. I dare to look over all the walls I buillt around myself to "protect" myself from the slightest change. My life is dynamic now and among all the good things that can reach me now, success, respect and money are manifesting too.

    As Casey nicely put it: keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!

    Love, Natasa

  33. I have sabotaged my own success many times and it has been through recognizing this and making a conscious decision to STOP the madness and change my thinking that I have worked through it.

    Fear is a tough thing to overcome. But, tough does not mean impossible.

    Keep working on oneself, that is key.

    EXPECT Success!

    Jackie Ulmer

  34. ye many a time, I would feel victimized by my Boss, or I would choose the less important company or people to work with, or give up easily in time of difficulties.

    God Bless


  35. Ever so often I start beating myself over the head bigtime because 45 years ago I made a big mistake and done something very wrong. It seems to come back after I have had a good feeling that I had accomplished quiet a're right, this has got to stop.

  36. Dear Randy;
    That was the thing which leaded all my life till now...
    i was trying(it's better to say i strugled) to get everything, to be healthy, wealthy, to get success in my job and life, to have a Nice,romantic, fruitioned relationship and ... then i saw that everythings are going to be done well, it was close to that goal or the result but suddenly everything changed. i and my boy-friend have quarrelled, i've lost money, i've get a bad decision in my job, iget sick and... you know better thatn me...
    but now... you know i'm tired of this life, i'm tired of my personality which causes this life for me...
    i want to change it...
    please show me how
    I'm ready to be another one to build another life and help the others
    please help me

  37. Excuse me. I think people want their illusions and writers are mostly illusion. When you read their words, you read a flattened, incomplete version of the writer. Help me! Looking for sites on: Service maintenance of breitling watches. I found only this - breitling mens watches. The bollards carreras were specific with a position of photographs, contrasting many, smile-like, past watches on a armenian refrigeration, and important costs on a many atmosphere, breitling watches. Katchry bazar, khanewal, manufacturers and merchants, backed pleasing july, 1996, agent, breitling watches. Thank you very much :eek:. Mili from Zaire.

  38. What about the spirits/evil spirits who get into us and sabotage us. Even at a young age. They have been doing this with me and my family for years. So much that if we try to do something positve or help our selfs they would hurt us in all kinds of ways. They have really put a lot of fear in us. And they use us for what ever scheme they are upto. These evil ones come in and out of us all the time. They have put so much of fear in me that i am not able to function normaly at all. They are very tormentful too. I have turned to god and bible for help.It is as if i am living in a bible world... As they have hurt me and my family so much...i dont know what to do..i am so afraid they would hurt me or my family...or even take my job or hurt my dog...this thing i am going through is real.... they are in me as i write this..who knows what they are going to do 🙁 Any help or ideas on this Randy...Is there any other help i can seek or any other method i can try to get them out of my mind and body which they use... and the awful thoughts which they create in me to sabotage i alone in this or is there anyone else who has gone through this ...sincerely pls help.

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  • 52 comments on “Why You Sabotage Your Prosperity”

    1. I agree, I have been trying to get rid of the unworthiness programming in myself for years now, but I still have the fear that I am not working hard enough... I know that it arises from being a child of two workaholic parents, and has nothing to do with the way things are, but the fear is still there.

    2. Hello Randy! Thanks for touching this very important point 'cos we all have, I really mean ALL, some skeleton in our mind's wardrobe. And I think very often, how it is vital important to get rid of this stuff. And the main question is HOW?

    3. Its all about reaching out and sharing knowledge with others who are wanting it. Not holding it in, keeping the information to yourself or passing it on to someone who does not give a shit. You may as well beat your head against a wall if you do that. Instead, reach up and share with those that have a desire to learn what it is you have to offer. In this you will hear positive reinforcement not negative comments.

    4. I'm sitting here at my cube next a true NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder) and hearing him tell everyone how much weight they have gained. then I remember that my grandmother (another NPD) used to do that to me. Every turn, my hair is wrong, I've gained weight.. and then of course my father and his speech when I wanted something.. "what makes you think you deserve that"... and then I wonder why I might have worthiness issues. Oh wait.. I think I got it. I do have worthiness issues, which I am working to resolve. I've only been reading your blogs for a week, Randy and I've made some positive changes at least at the conscious level, am working to get the subconscious on board. Thank you for your daily comments.

    5. Here is one that I have repeated int past. I am pretty good at lead generation on the internet and I can watch my pipeline fill up. I'll call people and when I would start to get close to having people join me I would stop calling because I believed at that time I was not worthy to be a leader. With time and personal development I have over been able to overcome this internal negative belief!

    6. Here's one of my obvious efforts (obvious these days to me anyway) ...I call it 'analysis paralysis'.

      I end up studying, and analyzing the industry, the experts, the process, the steps to take, and more making sure I'm the 'expert' before I take a step.

      I end up paralyzing my efforts, and spend more time on studying than DOING.

      In my head, I feel the 'need' to be an expert first. I 'need' to know what I'm talking about.

      So instead of going out and doing, I end up sabotaging my intentions.

      It SOUNDS like a noble concept, and I can certainly justify it in my head, but it doesn't bring the $$ into the bank account.


    7. I believe it goes back to who you surround yourself with. If the people in your life are always bringing you down, telling you can't do this, or you won't succeed, you start to believe them. I make a conscious choice every day to seek out people who will build me up. I also try to always build up others as well. By helping others, I always find I improve myself along the way.

    8. -RG,

      Yes, I have had and do still struggle with theses BS beliefs.

      It's a cancer that must be cutout. Since I have become aware of them it's easier to deal with it. I just say "no thank you, I've had enough".

      I look forward to your insights tomorrow.


    9. Whilst I think I have come a long way in believing in myself, I am reminded that it always needs care when a seemingly minimal knock can set me reeling. I work incredibly hard in my job, to the point of running myself into the ground and winding up sick, and glory seeking from colleagues who take credit for my work leaves me furious and further exhausted. Whilst my little inner voice says "you know the truth, you know you did the work", my fury and bent for revenge sabotages my inner peace and positive output at work.

    10. First of all, it is important for me to say that "I am responsible"; it is my responsibility to make the necessary changes that need to be made in my life...oh, and it's not someone else's fault either.

      Ok, being in sales for a living, it's easy to identify times when I "turned on the air conditioning" to cool things off. Several years ago in January of 2001, I earned approximately $80,000 that month. I was used to earning "good" money - in the $150-$200K range per year. Suddenly, I stopped returning phone calles on time, missed alot of meetings, deadlines, etc. Started playing alot of golf and so forth. I ended up making "very good" money that year , but not the $960K I was on pace for after January, basically a little more than my "good" years.

      I have had this experience over and over in various segments of my life...yikes!

    11. I come for workalcoholic grandfather and father. They both made money but they worked HARD for it. They worked 7 days a weeks for years.
      My programming is one that easy money is not worthy of having it.
      It feels as though I am leaving my grandfather and father legacy behind. I am letting them down.

    12. For me, it's all about sickness: depression, pneumonia and other really bad things:( Worst part is that I know about it, I know the pattern and still fall into it. I was raised being told I was an "accident" and growing up made myself responsible for all the sadness and misery that happened in my poor single mom's life... You're right, it is all about self worth and self esteem:) Thank you for your posts, always great.

    13. Oh, Yeah.... I am a life member of the "out of the frying pan and into the fire" ... Help ! Starting over again at retirement age... How do I stop the cycle?

    14. On FOOLPROOF way to get rid of our negative programming is through EFT. Emotional Freedom Therapy.

      Google on Gary Craig and EFT and you will discover a new world!

      It is being used more and more worldwide by therapists and doctors of all persuasions with amazing results.

    15. That's a tough one for me too Enrique. My parents are "old school" and if you aren't breaking your back doing physical work, then you aren't working hard enough.

      I'm of the opinion, after studying this stuff for quite some time,
      that the hardest work in the world is to think and to use your mind to be creative.

      Anyone can go and get a job and make enough money to live on. But, to really make a life, a living worthy of your time, takes enormous amounts of thought energy.

      So, by being a thought leader, people who can break free from watching TV and break free from the mindless "hanging out" with people with no vision and never reading books, etc are definitely in a rare class.

      My problem falls more in line with Jhanna's... there is so much to study and so much knowledge to gain that I get addicted to the studying of the great thought leaders that I don't take enough action on the great things I'm learning.

      So, I get stuck in a cycle of "I gotta learn this before I can do that...."

      I'm aware of it and I'm trying to change those old patterns to be able to take more action.

      It is a tough balancing act for me since it is alot more comfortable to learn everything and to have all of this knowledge than it is to actually get mud on you by being in the trenches.

      Kind of a weird dichotomy.

      Thanks Randy, for your thought provoking posts!


    16. Hey Randy this is an issue that I'm struggling with even though I meditate and visualize on a daily basis. For instance when things are going well like this afternoon I finished work I bumped into one of my work colleagues who I've been trying to attract in my business(I actually visualized this person). For weeks I kept on reminding him he just didn't have the opportunity. Today I asked him if he'd looked at the website. He said yes but I'm in a hurry to start work(on the buses). I said ok can I get your number which he did. I asked him what did he think. He said he's got good news for me. I said I call him later as I didn't want him to be late for work.

      I saw another guy and I said to him Michael I want you to keep me commited to a goal that I've set for myself, The goal is a lot bigger than me.He smiled and recognized that this is serious. I'm going to retire in 5 years time. This is what I told him he said he'll keep me commited and he'll remind me whenvevr he sees me.

      I got back into the garage and shared myself about my 5 year plan to retire in front of 8 people including a supervisor who was probably eaves dropping at the same time whilst on the computer. I managed to get two more phone numbers and passed on my website link I'm promoting. Eventually I said right everyone enough of my ranting. A collegue said I like hearing your rants you talk with passion.

      I headed home and felt the power of attraction working. The thing is Randy I'd given up smoking and seeing that my day had gone so well I felt the urge to buy a single(one ciggarette). I bought two. After all that I'd just experience I seem to sabotage myself thinking this does not matter(smoking). Deep down inside I know it does matter because everything counts. Including prospecting for business. I know where my fault lies, when things are going well I smoke because I feel it's "macho." When I ask myself how does it feel smoking I say to myself stupid. Anyway I believe I'm getting better each and every day as I respond to your blogs.

      Keep 'em coming RG

    17. Another part of the programming is that you work alone and don't depend on anyone. So, in my mind, in NM are depeding on everyone else to make money.
      Thanks Jed.
      Randy, this is really hard to do.

    18. I have sabotaged many things in my life. Only one bothers me still. As much as I know I can not change what had happened, it did happen, and the past can not be erased... I work on this every day to overcome.

      I was soooo in love, more than I had ever imagined possible. We were together 2 1/2 years, through our ups and many downs I loved him unconditionally.

      When we had our downs I would talk to my mother, and friends (which I know now I should have never done) they helped in my ''programming" thoughts. I don't want to throw blame around, because ultimatly I was the one in charge. I allowed my head to be filled with negativity, there was no constructive positive feedback from them. As my mind dwelled on all things said, I (my ego) started believing that he was no good for me. Which caused a battle in my heart(soul) and mind(ego). My heart(soul) loved him more than life itself, and my mind (ego) told me I would be better off without him.

      Basicly what happened was, I allowed my mind/ego to take over. I began drinking heavily on a nightly basis. I just wanted the pain this battle heart vs. mind/ego, to go numb. I accomplished drinking myself into oblivion every night, ignoring the pain in my heart (my soul).

      I ended up giving in to the ego. All the voices telling me that he was not good for me. And I broke things off with him. It was not pretty. He found that I was talking to another guy. (An easy escape, throwing someone else in the fire)

      I would scream at him to leave me alone. I called the police on him (nothing came from that)(thank god).

      I could hear my heart trying to scream back at me, like someone drowning in water trying to yell for help. But I just drank more until I could no longer hear it.

      Seceretly I would cry, at home out loud, at work in the bathroom, in the car... until I could drink some more.. and started smoking lots of pot. Everything would just go away.

      So that is my story.... I very much sabotaged the one thing that ment the most to me. I used someone in the process too, played the victim and it made me feel comforted.

      In one of my last comments a little while ago, I spoke of how I came about... How I woke up... This is where it stemmed from.

      I can say, I am very blessed that he talks to me these days. I only wish he could see into my heart and see what he means to me, and understand that I am no longer that person that hurt him. I know now, that my heart will belong to noone else. And I would never do what I did again.

      so... Randy, how is one to overcome this? My heart will never move on. How do you overcome matters sewn into the essence of our souls?

    19. As for the $ sabotage.

      Well I can not say I am a lazy worker. I work very hard. I make it a competition with myself to out work everyone around me. So as for why I am only a bottom dwelling manager is beyond me. Could it be because I am a blue eyed long blonde hair skinny female? I hate to think so. But maybe it is. The company I work for has not a single female high ranking manager anywhere to be found. Its ruled by men(little school boys, playing and having fun).

      It is sick how hard I work, the effort I put in. I go above and beyond allllll the time. When the next Assistant Manager position opened up.. guess what happened... they did not give me the position. They actually brought in a guy from Washington to take the spot. Why? I am dumbfounded.

      Needless to say, my drive to work harder than everyone else (at the same pay) has gone down hill.

      So.... with that. I make my announcement.... LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!!

      AS OF DEC. 26th I WILL NOT BE GOING BACK!!!!! I AM JUMPING!!!!! I have too much ingenuity to waste it on them any longer!!!!

    20. Definitely- Feast and Famine has been the rollercoaster for me. Well, not in a BIG way, but I keep making more, and then losing even more.

      In fact, RIGHT NOW I have a contact who might be able to get my book in front of an Oprah producer. Have I sent her a media kit? Nope. Do I HAVE a media kit? Nope. It's been weeks- why haven't I sent her anything? Ridiculous!

    21. I have sabatoged in so many ways on a subconscious level that my full time job is to keep the conscious stuff positive enough so I can exist at this place where I know is not where I am supposed to be, deserve to be, and want to be! Its a daily challenge to feed myself enough "GOOD STUFF" to battle the hidden "BAD STUFF" that just keeps popping up in the weirdest ways and the most inappropriate times. The good news? I am going to keep going until I get there and I know that Its possible, probable, and thanks for your assistance!

    22. "This comes from negative programming from organized religion, government and especially the media exposures we all receive."

      In addition it is passed on from generation to generation. It is a constant struggle with my wife and her family to offset decades of self-sabotage. It is essential prosperity generational sabotage.

      Great blog Randy...keep the mission alive and God Bless (unorganized God).

    23. One of my inside belief I probably have is about our finite life and infinite spirit world life we all have go through.
      Our physical life is very limited in historical timewise terms. It's just a blink of an eye. But what we do in our physical life will entirely influence on what we are going to have in the spirit world after we pass away.
      And as religions say that all the prosperity stuff, money, glory and posessions will have a none value up there.
      Only the inner achievments, like love, heart, friendship, pureness, holiness, life for the sake of others, unselfishness, in other words inner prosperity - this is what ultimately will decide what we are going to have after we pass away.

      Actually this is what I still kind of believe in.
      I don't whether this is what sabotages me.

    24. I do believe your heart will move on. Not that I expect you to believe that now! But time will help you here. And find something else to be passionate about for now.


    25. Randy now that I am more conscious of my consciousness I have been able to look back and realize that yes I have sabatoged myself and didn't even realize it. I do have question for you too what do you think about the saying "Easy come, Easy Go" as it relates to money and somehow I thought that that saying meant you should have to work hard for money

    26. Jhanna I feel the same, particularly in my field, that I have got to be seen to know what I am doing, to be an expert in my field before I dare go out there. Good news is last night I broke that spell! I gave a talk, first time in a couple of years, I was nervous, but it was well received and I enjoyed myself.

      Randy's process over the past few weeks has stripped away some layers and I have been shocked to realise how judgemental my thoughts are. How I am constantly judging myself and others. This tells me that I am on to something here. My mind is afraid and trying to go into sabotage mode. So something must be healing and changing. Thanks Randy.

      BTW I am also an EFT practitioner. EFT helps you feel better, and stops negative energy from being lodged in your cells, meridians etc. However it can't change what is going on in your head. Any changes are temporary as you need to keep the EFT up in order to stay on track otherwise what is deeply entrenched is still there and will rise up again.

    27. Working my thoughts 2 focus prosperity..I found myself something inside me snatching me from the victory?? Very well true, I come back to the friends who are broke, come back to my family who are broke,frustrated and desperate..The posts are the same with my own experience. But I shut my mouth not to post the whole story anyway, It will become palatable and make myself victims. .(by the way, I thanks for those who share their story in order to learn). Thanks randy for timeless widome. .Se ur next post..

    28. Yes - from a statistic for my paper on sex.
      Just over HALF of all pregnancies in the States are unplanned and unwanted. HIghst in the world of developed countries.

    29. I worked very hard to stay broke for a long time. I was working a lot of hours, reached a 6 figure income & hit the ceiling with no chance for advancement at a company. The long hours affected my health & happiness and the income from the job wasn't worth what it was costing me. So is it sabotage to stay in a bad situation or to make changes, let go & move on?

      I let go but I did "sit on the nail" for a while.
      Right now I am seeing possibilities & opportunities around me.
      I do take some risks...that can be good or bad...if I didn't take risks would I be sabotaging myself?
      The "Shero" in me wants to help some people around me but I know I need to be successful first. Taking care of my self first.
      I may be able to 'exchange value for value" with some of the people I want to help (referrals are always good for business). Possibilities...

    30. For me , I guess , the most challenging factor which might cause a negative impact on my prosperity development is feeling of lonlyness, which ''visits'' me from time to time . Being a very selective in making communication with people and watching the majority being victims of their destructive mind-sets, I sometimes think that it's very complicated to find a true friend with mentality , values, beliefs and life attitude alike mine. Being a sociable person and always inclined to have a pleasant coversation , I experience a significant lack in this aspect. It's quite difficult sometimes to overcome life situations without support from someone who is close to your heart. This from time to time made me drink... Maybe this is the focal point which adversely impact upon me...

    31. I ve done it more than one time. I was pretty succesful in my early - mid twenties made lot of money and had what i thought a great lifestyle. But coming from a poor dysfunctional growup i turned into a selfdestructive life and behavior becoming an alcoholic I lived a rock n roll star life although my aim was to treat patients.
      So I lost everything and became a selfpitying with all kind of sacrifices. Almost saintified. The road was long and i tried for 18 years to control my alcoholic manors but since two years iv been sober thanx to 12 stepprogram and Gods blessing.
      Still due to this heavy bag of guilt and selfblames I feel like am I really a person who have the right to gain prosperity. (?).

    32. EFT really works, I'm another living proof of that. I was SUCCESSPROOF for 40 years of my life. That dramaticaly changed when I "deblocked" myself. I dare to look over all the walls I buillt around myself to "protect" myself from the slightest change. My life is dynamic now and among all the good things that can reach me now, success, respect and money are manifesting too.

      As Casey nicely put it: keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars!

      Love, Natasa

    33. I have sabotaged my own success many times and it has been through recognizing this and making a conscious decision to STOP the madness and change my thinking that I have worked through it.

      Fear is a tough thing to overcome. But, tough does not mean impossible.

      Keep working on oneself, that is key.

      EXPECT Success!

      Jackie Ulmer

    34. ye many a time, I would feel victimized by my Boss, or I would choose the less important company or people to work with, or give up easily in time of difficulties.

      God Bless


    35. Ever so often I start beating myself over the head bigtime because 45 years ago I made a big mistake and done something very wrong. It seems to come back after I have had a good feeling that I had accomplished quiet a're right, this has got to stop.

    36. Dear Randy;
      That was the thing which leaded all my life till now...
      i was trying(it's better to say i strugled) to get everything, to be healthy, wealthy, to get success in my job and life, to have a Nice,romantic, fruitioned relationship and ... then i saw that everythings are going to be done well, it was close to that goal or the result but suddenly everything changed. i and my boy-friend have quarrelled, i've lost money, i've get a bad decision in my job, iget sick and... you know better thatn me...
      but now... you know i'm tired of this life, i'm tired of my personality which causes this life for me...
      i want to change it...
      please show me how
      I'm ready to be another one to build another life and help the others
      please help me

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    38. What about the spirits/evil spirits who get into us and sabotage us. Even at a young age. They have been doing this with me and my family for years. So much that if we try to do something positve or help our selfs they would hurt us in all kinds of ways. They have really put a lot of fear in us. And they use us for what ever scheme they are upto. These evil ones come in and out of us all the time. They have put so much of fear in me that i am not able to function normaly at all. They are very tormentful too. I have turned to god and bible for help.It is as if i am living in a bible world... As they have hurt me and my family so much...i dont know what to do..i am so afraid they would hurt me or my family...or even take my job or hurt my dog...this thing i am going through is real.... they are in me as i write this..who knows what they are going to do 🙁 Any help or ideas on this Randy...Is there any other help i can seek or any other method i can try to get them out of my mind and body which they use... and the awful thoughts which they create in me to sabotage i alone in this or is there anyone else who has gone through this ...sincerely pls help.

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