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Why You Might Want to be Wealthy, Part Two

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 10, 2010

In yesterday’s post we looked at some of the simple pleasures in life that still cost money and discussed why you may want to be wealthy.  Here’s part two…

Because you can afford to get your kids the dental work they need.

Getting fresh flowers delivered every week.

Sending fresh flowers every week.

Not having to face rush hour traffic every day.

Throwing a twenty into the instrument case of a street musician.

Getting a massage, manicure, or facial when you feel like it.

Having real wood doors and floors.

Writing the biggest check for the memorial fund.

Having real marble countertops.

Providing that scholarship.

Buying organic produce, instead of that chemical-treated, irradiated crap.

Getting the good seats at the Opera, ballet and symphony.  (Or even that KISS concert.)

Tipping that extra five or ten percent.

Doing a random act of kindness.

Being able to really do something special for your mother.

Buying ten boxes of cookies from the Girl Scouts, even though you don’t eat cookies.

As you can see, there are literally millions of things that may not require large sums of money, but would certainly bring more joy to your life.  Got any more ideas?  Please share them below.


45 comments on “Why You Might Want to be Wealthy, Part Two”

  1. you don't need to be rich to buy organic food, it's a case of getting your priorities right! Look after yourself and the rest will follow.............

    1. Wow, two great pieces on dream building and all that was picked up here was "you don’t need to be rich to buy organic food"

      How do certain people even follow your blog Randy when you speak to Champions (at least in the making) and some are ANTI?

    1. Great point. This is huge. The animal shelters today are overflowing as so many families are giving up their beloved pets because they think they can't afford them. Think about the impact this is having on families, especially children.

  2. If you are in the 'right' state of mind, the prospect of becoming wealthy has a 'feel good' factor to it:

    Allows you to Do what you want to do, When you want to do it without worry. Then, once you've decided that you want in, start: Become that wealthy person, Do as such a person would typically do and work towards this inner project one step at a time...

    Isn't that right, Randy??

  3. You have an elderly parent that really needs to be in assisted living but they can't sell their house to make the move. So you buy their house and pay for the assisted living fees. You feel great doing it and it's no big deal because you have plenty of money to do it.

    You're rich and you can't figure out what to get your spouse for your big wedding anniversary. Then the school where her recently deceased father attended school calls. You surprise her for your anniversary with the gift of having the new library at the achool named after her father. She cries tears of joy and thanksgiving, as do your children.

    Money provides options. Options that the masses don't have and don't even think of.

    1. Yes - it's always in the back of my mind that I want to be able to care for my parents if they ever need it when they're older. So this does help keep me moving forward in my plans on getting wealthy. I want to be able to be prepared for a rainy day not just for them, but for me as well....

      AND I want to take my family on an annual trip "around the world" - meaning wherever we decide to go - no limits (all expense paid by me).

  4. Buying premium gas instead of regular.

    Shopping at Whole Foods instead of Shop Rite.

    Box seats instead of bleachers.

    Just a few, the list could go on. A great prosperity consciousness exercise Randy, thanks for sharing.

    Ryan Biddulph

  5. Walking into a jewelry store, seeing something that would blow the socks off your wife/girlfriend and getting it for her without thinking...

    Talking on a long distance phone call without wondering about the cost.

    Going out to a nice dinner and enjoying yourself without calculating how much you guys eat, and if you had enough to pay for it...

    Giving scholarships to people....

    Buying what you want without having to calculate and worry about the price..

    And just the natural confidence you get when you know that money isnt an issue anymore!

  6. It's really without limit.. for example:

    Never looking at a price tag for anything.

    Sending my Mother on a cruise or trip to somewhere she's always wanted to go

    Being an investor as well as a creator

    Always choosing quality over anything else

    Being a committed community philanthropist

    Driving new cars rather than lease returns

    Traveling first class rather than coach

    And on, and on, and on..

    Thanks Randy!

  7. How about ... when you are wealthy everyone wins?
    How about ... creating wealth allows you to reach your top personal potential?
    How about ... creating wealth gives you character?
    How about ... Not ever ask my children, my wife, or my self ... "HOW MUCH IT COST?" .... ever again !!!!!!!!! ????

  8. To order anything in the menu without looking at prices!
    Like when you go to a nice restaurant and ask yourself, "what's below 20 bucks..."

  9. Remember KNOWLEDGE as well.

    Count the lifetimes, years and investments you have made to acquire the knowledge you have that you can also share with others.

    And I mean knowledge that you understand and practice yourself, otherwise it's just information.

    How much are YOU really worth?

    ONE MIND can influence creation.

  10. Great examples here. 2 to add...
    Isn't it a fact that most divorces are the direct result of financial difficulties? Get a marriage...:)
    Buy the company you work for.

  11. Rush hour traffic is far behind me. I am one of the lucky ones - the harder I work, the luckier I get. I liked the example yesterday of going into the pizza parlour and getting the pizza you desire and not the one in the coupon book. We should all aspire to that.

  12. For me it's buying new furniture, replacing perfectly good items in my home because I want a different style or colour, a heap of new clothes and shoes, buying the stickiest, shortest lifespan tyres because they're so much more fun to drive with, getting new suspension for my car because the handling is getting a little sloppy, having long weekends away, paying for my sister's legal bills so she doesn't have to stress, installing new downlights in my house where the lighting isn't particularly good and getting a kick-ass lense for my digital camera.

  13. Randy, you have touched a chord ... 🙂

    There are 100 and 1 reason to want to be rich ...
    Buy a plane ticket at any time when you want to see relatives or friends ...
    Help a friend when his wife needed expensive surgery ...
    Buy a plane ticket and come to my son's birthday party in Toronto from Israel ...

  14. Randy, You have touched a chord ...

    There are 100 and 1 reason to want to be rich ...
    buy a plane ticket at any time when you want to see relatives or friends ...
    help a friend when his wife needed expensive surgery ...
    buy a plane ticket and come to my son's birthday party in Toronto from Israel ...

  15. So....,

    Having real wood doors and floors.
    Having real marble countertops.
    Buying organic produce, instead of that chemical-treated, irradiated crap.
    Tipping that extra five or ten percent.
    Doing a random act of kindness.
    Being able to really do something special for your mother.

    If you have all the above already ...with nothing missing...and with no problem... what else do you have to seek after... especially enough true genuine love is given already both mentally as well as in the spirit .... : )

    I don't mind becoming a huge rich but unless a person is truly and mentally, and spiritually happy inside and knows the needs of others without any selfish motives, while the needs to fullfill our needs are as important as well, life is empty. I rather be poor and yet rich in spirit meeting the needs of the needy than being rich, not knowing at all that after all I was in fact poor in spirit... finding that in fact I was not happy inside, missing those needs to fillfill the needs of others and the world's peace. That's is how God created us to naturally have hunger for him who can only and truly make us happy inside, filling out that little empty hole inside us (no matter how materistically rich we are), when his desire for us is fullfilled in our life. Life is short and passes away while blinking our eyes .... If love can solve all the problems as someone quoted before, which includes having to fulfill dreams, and if becoming rich can help make the world a better place and people in it who are in great needs become happier and rich in spirit, and as a result, giving love and appreciation back to the Creator - God - I don't mind becoming rich, and I will. I am not perfect by all means but I rather be poor and avoiding the world's selfish love, aims, unnecessary jealousy, competitions, gossips, selfish motives, than being rich materistically but being poor in spirit, lacking compassion for others at times who may be going through hurts, difficulties, strifes, sorrows, deaths, and many others in in life.

    Love you, RG. A big hug from me. -saachi PS I enjoyed reading today's post. You truly are a great man... not to make you awkward tho (..and not by any means to keep you from writing what you're going to eventually come to your aimed conclusion later in this segment of the blog posts. LOL), but you truly have so many great things in you to help make the world a better place and people in it. I believe God has many things bestowed for you in your life. I believe it. Amen. A hug hug:::
    (My primary website has been under construction)

    1. You may want to check some of those statements, because a few of them are certainly grounded in lack and would cause you to repel prosperity.

      Things like "I'd rather be poor and yet rich in spirit..." You don't have to choose one or the other.


      1. Definitely, Randy. You can have both. But it's actually one's own doing when he or she has only one of it or none at all. Everything that happens to you as an individual stems from something you did. So as Randy said, you can have both, but you some must do what is required to have both.

  16. You will get the money to buy great rewards for yourself when you complete and achieve your goals thus motivating you to go on and achieve all you dream of and also sending positive vibes to the universe and then the universe sending back positive things to you. So it's all a win-win situation for you the individual :).

    1. A couple years ago, I went to pick up a prescription and they gave 10 days worth of antibiotics. I noticed this and told the pharmacist that the doctor had prescribed 14 days. He told me that my insurance only covered 10, and that's why they only packed that. I said I wanted the 14 the doctor asked for and wanted to know why they didn't call me to check.

      He sheepishly told me that in 15 years, he had never seen anyone pay the difference and get more pills than their insurance was willing to pay for. Pretty telling...


    2. Indeed, the ability to see a doctor of your choosing is extremely important! There are naturopathic doctors out there that have chosen to opt out of the insurance nightmares for the sake of better care to their patients. However, coming up with all the money at once out of pocket makes this cost prohibitive for some, even though the long term benefits are worth every penny. Having more money solves all of that, and allows more control over your own health, especially when dealing with critical/chronic issues.

  17. In reply to Saachi,

    Stop kidding yourself with that Spiritual "superior" mindset.

    I have 7 children and the oldest of 7. Being poor most of my life and very spiritual - connected to my Divine Source God - did not make me more humble - grateful - compassionate or loving. I serve in the community to help pregnant teens, homeless families and in my church to bring in new members. My lack has caused me more pain than joy -

    My brother can't get the best treatment or meds for his Aids. Being wealthy he would have and I would have felt blessed in my helping

    My cousin, niece and goddaughter all died last year of cancer treatment - not the cancer - right here where I live Hippocrates offers a wholistic treatment for $4,000 week - Do you think we all could have benefited from them living a longer and with a better quality of life - all the children left behind would think so.

    When my Mom died without any insurance for burial - the mortgage in default - not one of us could afford to pay for this beautiful hard working women funeral. How does that make you feel? You don't want to know. I have survived a coma so I know God. And if you are basing your beliefs on the Bible -which I know cover to cover- The one message the repeated over - over and over that Churches overlook is that "I came that they may have Life and have it ABUNDANTLY"

    Before I read Randy's book Broke Dumb and Sick - I didn't truly get that my beliefs blocked my riches. I thought it was humble to be poor and broke. It is humble to serve - to give - to love unconditional - knowing that you are part of the solution on this Earth School.

    the word Bible =
    Basic instructions before Leaving Earth - lets get beyond basics and excel into the Great Beings God created us to be - Own your creative powers to enhance this world - Be the Heartbeat in the Heart of God - how else can you help others ???

    Being wealthy will allow the best of who you are to come forth in this world. Life is a natural progression of growth - expansion and Love.

    Being poor is restricting - limiting and painful.

    Like the young lady said above - when you love - truly love your family or anyone - the last thing you want to tell them is no - when they are in need. You don't want that pain - don't kid yourself - being poor is depressing - debilitating - and stress.

    Randy, being wealthy means having my own jet to visit my family when I feel like - all over the country

    Riding on the Orient Express,

    cruising through Alaska for a month and taking the scenic vacation train to get there

    building private schools that are free - that incorporate recreation - education - and whole foods - no classrooms with desk it chairs - just hand ons learning for every subject.

    means paying off my 70 year old Aunt's house

    Means the best medical care for my entire family

    Means the communities in my state would create centers for teens to bond - grow - expand and hang out - from 12pm to 12 am - adult supervision - for computer room - art room - music room - swimming - baseball - tennis - golf - cooking - designing - dancing - yoga - singing - games and fun

    Being wealthy means creating a transition home for teens being kicked out of foster homes at 18 so they don't have to join the military just to survive.

    Being wealthy means making sure that my senior friends are not abused in these assisting living facilities and / or nursing homes.

    Being wealthy means having a personal trainer, my own vegan chef, and yoga / pliates instructor in my home. My home being on the florida intercoastal
    to watch sunrise - in the winters and a home in NC in the summer avoid any more hurricanes. Both which are fully paid.

    Being in an investor of property - only to help other buy the homes after they rent it.

    Means having our RV fully paid for and not sitting in the garage more than on the road!

    Contributing, sharing and loving Life! Every aspect!

  18. THANK YOU Diane. I agree with you totally, stop with that "superior spiritual bs". I grew up in that mentally. "Better to be poor and honest, or poor little rich girl" crap. Not rich yet, working on it everyday.
    Thanks RG

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  • 45 comments on “Why You Might Want to be Wealthy, Part Two”

    1. you don't need to be rich to buy organic food, it's a case of getting your priorities right! Look after yourself and the rest will follow.............

      1. Wow, two great pieces on dream building and all that was picked up here was "you don’t need to be rich to buy organic food"

        How do certain people even follow your blog Randy when you speak to Champions (at least in the making) and some are ANTI?

      1. Great point. This is huge. The animal shelters today are overflowing as so many families are giving up their beloved pets because they think they can't afford them. Think about the impact this is having on families, especially children.

    2. If you are in the 'right' state of mind, the prospect of becoming wealthy has a 'feel good' factor to it:

      Allows you to Do what you want to do, When you want to do it without worry. Then, once you've decided that you want in, start: Become that wealthy person, Do as such a person would typically do and work towards this inner project one step at a time...

      Isn't that right, Randy??

    3. You have an elderly parent that really needs to be in assisted living but they can't sell their house to make the move. So you buy their house and pay for the assisted living fees. You feel great doing it and it's no big deal because you have plenty of money to do it.

      You're rich and you can't figure out what to get your spouse for your big wedding anniversary. Then the school where her recently deceased father attended school calls. You surprise her for your anniversary with the gift of having the new library at the achool named after her father. She cries tears of joy and thanksgiving, as do your children.

      Money provides options. Options that the masses don't have and don't even think of.

      1. Yes - it's always in the back of my mind that I want to be able to care for my parents if they ever need it when they're older. So this does help keep me moving forward in my plans on getting wealthy. I want to be able to be prepared for a rainy day not just for them, but for me as well....

        AND I want to take my family on an annual trip "around the world" - meaning wherever we decide to go - no limits (all expense paid by me).

    4. Buying premium gas instead of regular.

      Shopping at Whole Foods instead of Shop Rite.

      Box seats instead of bleachers.

      Just a few, the list could go on. A great prosperity consciousness exercise Randy, thanks for sharing.

      Ryan Biddulph

    5. Walking into a jewelry store, seeing something that would blow the socks off your wife/girlfriend and getting it for her without thinking...

      Talking on a long distance phone call without wondering about the cost.

      Going out to a nice dinner and enjoying yourself without calculating how much you guys eat, and if you had enough to pay for it...

      Giving scholarships to people....

      Buying what you want without having to calculate and worry about the price..

      And just the natural confidence you get when you know that money isnt an issue anymore!

    6. It's really without limit.. for example:

      Never looking at a price tag for anything.

      Sending my Mother on a cruise or trip to somewhere she's always wanted to go

      Being an investor as well as a creator

      Always choosing quality over anything else

      Being a committed community philanthropist

      Driving new cars rather than lease returns

      Traveling first class rather than coach

      And on, and on, and on..

      Thanks Randy!

    7. How about ... when you are wealthy everyone wins?
      How about ... creating wealth allows you to reach your top personal potential?
      How about ... creating wealth gives you character?
      How about ... Not ever ask my children, my wife, or my self ... "HOW MUCH IT COST?" .... ever again !!!!!!!!! ????

    8. To order anything in the menu without looking at prices!
      Like when you go to a nice restaurant and ask yourself, "what's below 20 bucks..."

    9. Remember KNOWLEDGE as well.

      Count the lifetimes, years and investments you have made to acquire the knowledge you have that you can also share with others.

      And I mean knowledge that you understand and practice yourself, otherwise it's just information.

      How much are YOU really worth?

      ONE MIND can influence creation.

    10. Great examples here. 2 to add...
      Isn't it a fact that most divorces are the direct result of financial difficulties? Get a marriage...:)
      Buy the company you work for.

    11. Rush hour traffic is far behind me. I am one of the lucky ones - the harder I work, the luckier I get. I liked the example yesterday of going into the pizza parlour and getting the pizza you desire and not the one in the coupon book. We should all aspire to that.

    12. For me it's buying new furniture, replacing perfectly good items in my home because I want a different style or colour, a heap of new clothes and shoes, buying the stickiest, shortest lifespan tyres because they're so much more fun to drive with, getting new suspension for my car because the handling is getting a little sloppy, having long weekends away, paying for my sister's legal bills so she doesn't have to stress, installing new downlights in my house where the lighting isn't particularly good and getting a kick-ass lense for my digital camera.

    13. Randy, you have touched a chord ... 🙂

      There are 100 and 1 reason to want to be rich ...
      Buy a plane ticket at any time when you want to see relatives or friends ...
      Help a friend when his wife needed expensive surgery ...
      Buy a plane ticket and come to my son's birthday party in Toronto from Israel ...

    14. Randy, You have touched a chord ...

      There are 100 and 1 reason to want to be rich ...
      buy a plane ticket at any time when you want to see relatives or friends ...
      help a friend when his wife needed expensive surgery ...
      buy a plane ticket and come to my son's birthday party in Toronto from Israel ...

    15. So....,

      Having real wood doors and floors.
      Having real marble countertops.
      Buying organic produce, instead of that chemical-treated, irradiated crap.
      Tipping that extra five or ten percent.
      Doing a random act of kindness.
      Being able to really do something special for your mother.

      If you have all the above already ...with nothing missing...and with no problem... what else do you have to seek after... especially enough true genuine love is given already both mentally as well as in the spirit .... : )

      I don't mind becoming a huge rich but unless a person is truly and mentally, and spiritually happy inside and knows the needs of others without any selfish motives, while the needs to fullfill our needs are as important as well, life is empty. I rather be poor and yet rich in spirit meeting the needs of the needy than being rich, not knowing at all that after all I was in fact poor in spirit... finding that in fact I was not happy inside, missing those needs to fillfill the needs of others and the world's peace. That's is how God created us to naturally have hunger for him who can only and truly make us happy inside, filling out that little empty hole inside us (no matter how materistically rich we are), when his desire for us is fullfilled in our life. Life is short and passes away while blinking our eyes .... If love can solve all the problems as someone quoted before, which includes having to fulfill dreams, and if becoming rich can help make the world a better place and people in it who are in great needs become happier and rich in spirit, and as a result, giving love and appreciation back to the Creator - God - I don't mind becoming rich, and I will. I am not perfect by all means but I rather be poor and avoiding the world's selfish love, aims, unnecessary jealousy, competitions, gossips, selfish motives, than being rich materistically but being poor in spirit, lacking compassion for others at times who may be going through hurts, difficulties, strifes, sorrows, deaths, and many others in in life.

      Love you, RG. A big hug from me. -saachi PS I enjoyed reading today's post. You truly are a great man... not to make you awkward tho (..and not by any means to keep you from writing what you're going to eventually come to your aimed conclusion later in this segment of the blog posts. LOL), but you truly have so many great things in you to help make the world a better place and people in it. I believe God has many things bestowed for you in your life. I believe it. Amen. A hug hug:::
      (My primary website has been under construction)

      1. You may want to check some of those statements, because a few of them are certainly grounded in lack and would cause you to repel prosperity.

        Things like "I'd rather be poor and yet rich in spirit..." You don't have to choose one or the other.


        1. Definitely, Randy. You can have both. But it's actually one's own doing when he or she has only one of it or none at all. Everything that happens to you as an individual stems from something you did. So as Randy said, you can have both, but you some must do what is required to have both.

    16. You will get the money to buy great rewards for yourself when you complete and achieve your goals thus motivating you to go on and achieve all you dream of and also sending positive vibes to the universe and then the universe sending back positive things to you. So it's all a win-win situation for you the individual :).

      1. A couple years ago, I went to pick up a prescription and they gave 10 days worth of antibiotics. I noticed this and told the pharmacist that the doctor had prescribed 14 days. He told me that my insurance only covered 10, and that's why they only packed that. I said I wanted the 14 the doctor asked for and wanted to know why they didn't call me to check.

        He sheepishly told me that in 15 years, he had never seen anyone pay the difference and get more pills than their insurance was willing to pay for. Pretty telling...


      2. Indeed, the ability to see a doctor of your choosing is extremely important! There are naturopathic doctors out there that have chosen to opt out of the insurance nightmares for the sake of better care to their patients. However, coming up with all the money at once out of pocket makes this cost prohibitive for some, even though the long term benefits are worth every penny. Having more money solves all of that, and allows more control over your own health, especially when dealing with critical/chronic issues.

    17. In reply to Saachi,

      Stop kidding yourself with that Spiritual "superior" mindset.

      I have 7 children and the oldest of 7. Being poor most of my life and very spiritual - connected to my Divine Source God - did not make me more humble - grateful - compassionate or loving. I serve in the community to help pregnant teens, homeless families and in my church to bring in new members. My lack has caused me more pain than joy -

      My brother can't get the best treatment or meds for his Aids. Being wealthy he would have and I would have felt blessed in my helping

      My cousin, niece and goddaughter all died last year of cancer treatment - not the cancer - right here where I live Hippocrates offers a wholistic treatment for $4,000 week - Do you think we all could have benefited from them living a longer and with a better quality of life - all the children left behind would think so.

      When my Mom died without any insurance for burial - the mortgage in default - not one of us could afford to pay for this beautiful hard working women funeral. How does that make you feel? You don't want to know. I have survived a coma so I know God. And if you are basing your beliefs on the Bible -which I know cover to cover- The one message the repeated over - over and over that Churches overlook is that "I came that they may have Life and have it ABUNDANTLY"

      Before I read Randy's book Broke Dumb and Sick - I didn't truly get that my beliefs blocked my riches. I thought it was humble to be poor and broke. It is humble to serve - to give - to love unconditional - knowing that you are part of the solution on this Earth School.

      the word Bible =
      Basic instructions before Leaving Earth - lets get beyond basics and excel into the Great Beings God created us to be - Own your creative powers to enhance this world - Be the Heartbeat in the Heart of God - how else can you help others ???

      Being wealthy will allow the best of who you are to come forth in this world. Life is a natural progression of growth - expansion and Love.

      Being poor is restricting - limiting and painful.

      Like the young lady said above - when you love - truly love your family or anyone - the last thing you want to tell them is no - when they are in need. You don't want that pain - don't kid yourself - being poor is depressing - debilitating - and stress.

      Randy, being wealthy means having my own jet to visit my family when I feel like - all over the country

      Riding on the Orient Express,

      cruising through Alaska for a month and taking the scenic vacation train to get there

      building private schools that are free - that incorporate recreation - education - and whole foods - no classrooms with desk it chairs - just hand ons learning for every subject.

      means paying off my 70 year old Aunt's house

      Means the best medical care for my entire family

      Means the communities in my state would create centers for teens to bond - grow - expand and hang out - from 12pm to 12 am - adult supervision - for computer room - art room - music room - swimming - baseball - tennis - golf - cooking - designing - dancing - yoga - singing - games and fun

      Being wealthy means creating a transition home for teens being kicked out of foster homes at 18 so they don't have to join the military just to survive.

      Being wealthy means making sure that my senior friends are not abused in these assisting living facilities and / or nursing homes.

      Being wealthy means having a personal trainer, my own vegan chef, and yoga / pliates instructor in my home. My home being on the florida intercoastal
      to watch sunrise - in the winters and a home in NC in the summer avoid any more hurricanes. Both which are fully paid.

      Being in an investor of property - only to help other buy the homes after they rent it.

      Means having our RV fully paid for and not sitting in the garage more than on the road!

      Contributing, sharing and loving Life! Every aspect!

    18. THANK YOU Diane. I agree with you totally, stop with that "superior spiritual bs". I grew up in that mentally. "Better to be poor and honest, or poor little rich girl" crap. Not rich yet, working on it everyday.
      Thanks RG

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