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Why People Self-Sabotage

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 12, 2013

Why do people self-sabotage themselves so much?  They have no idea they’re doing it.  They’ve been literally brainwashed. 

Brainwashed by mind viruses that they have no idea are there.  It’s a self-defense mechanism to validate their lack of success in a certain area:

Relationships:  “All the good guys are Gay or married.”

Money:  “We may not be rich, but at least we’re honest.”

Success  “I would like that, but I’m not willing to sacrifice my family for that.”

Health:  “I wish I could quit, but the damn tobacco companies got me addicted.”

Luxury:  “All cars are the same.  As long as they take you from point A to point B.”

It’s why you see such emotional visceral reactions from some people when I write posts like the SaboLator.   The reason I don’t rise to their attacks is because I know they’re irrational and delusional, because they’re not in control of their own mind.  They’ve given away that power to mind viruses they received from somewhere, often organized religion or government.

Many people take their poverty or victim-hood not just as an identity, but a badge of honor.  They believe this makes them noble, spiritual or worthy.  But being poor doesn’t inherently make you honorable, it just makes you poor.  Being a victim doesn’t inherently make you valiant, it just makes you a victim.

No rational, sane person would choose to be poor.  Even if you decided you wanted to give away all your possessions and join a monastery, a lucid person would want to have enough money to take care of their future, perhaps even support the monastery.

No reasonable person in control of their faculties would consciously choose to be a victim.  Yet millions do it every day.

People choose poverty, failure and victimhood because they’re crazy.  And I don’t say that to be judgmental or mean.  I mean they’re literally crazy in the sense they have been brainwashed.  They bought into mind viruses that programmed them to honestly believe money is corrupting, rich people are evil, poor people are inherently virtuous and victims are integrally righteous.

It’s been said that when you argue with an idiot, you only prove there are actually two.  By the same logic, debating the rationality of their beliefs with a crazy person is insane.

You can’t show them the illogical premise of their beliefs because they have no comprehension of what logic is.  They’ve been emotionally brainwashed and cannot respond in a sane and rational manner.   The best (worst) examples of this are the religious fundamentalists.  Because of the emotional mind viruses they have been programed with (usually since early childhood), they are no longer capable of rational thought around this subject.

Whenever the topic arises, their voice goes up an octave, they get emotional, and will likely start to personalize things and attack you.  They will suggest the most outlandish, questionable and dubious claims – which have absolutely no supporting evidence – and violently proclaim them as empirical facts.   And that is where we will pick up on the next post…



54 comments on “Why People Self-Sabotage”

  1. I got a triple whammy- Raised Catholic which all but officially sanctions poverty, Democrat, which encourages people to never take responsibility for themselves, blame where they were born, and blame the rich for all their problems, and Unions which teach people that business people are evil and owe the "working man" security and large salaries.I have to constantly battle this programming.

    1. @ThomasMrak
       With all due respect, Thomas, you sound like a victim. I know plent of prosperous Catholics and democrats who are highly personally responsible. Your comments about democrats and unions are mind viruses spread predominantly by the republicans.

  2. I got a triple whammy- Raised Catholic which all but officially sanctions poverty, Democrat, which encourages people to never take responsibility for themselves, blame where they were born, and blame the rich for all their problems, and Unions which teach people that business people are evil and owe the "working man" security and large salaries.I have to constantly battle this programming.

  3. It's extremely liberating to "get it," and then it's amazing to see how prevalent and subtle the message is!! I recently edited a beautiful book for an "enlightened" woman. She included a small section where she implied that a poor man is more peaceful, spiritual, etc. than a rich man; which I rewrote to make it accurate. She challenged my assertion that she was celebrating poverty and told me that many people would be able to connect with what she wrote. When I realized that her belief system and mine differed on the subject, I dropped it.

  4. It's extremely liberating to "get it," and then it's amazing to see how prevalent and subtle the message is!! I recently edited a beautiful book for an "enlightened" woman. She included a small section where she implied that a poor man is more peaceful, spiritual, etc. than a rich man; which I rewrote to make it accurate. She challenged my assertion that she was celebrating poverty and told me that many people would be able to connect with what she wrote. When I realized that her belief system and mine differed on the subject, I dropped it.

  5. Interestingly, we usually talk about the other - how they are doing or thinking that or that. I can not control how others evolve, so I'm trying not to worry about it and focus to  control myself. 
    Have  to be some reasons why  I am not  still so rich as I desire. And I'm busy to find them out - why, how and what to do?
    I don't waist my time, health, smiles, tears, sparkles in the eyes, wisdom  to prove something to people who don't  lift me up. There are millions others who  want exchange  with  inspiration. Why not to think about them?

  6. Interestingly, we usually talk about the other - how they are doing or thinking that or that. I can not control how others evolve, so I'm trying not to worry about it and focus to  control myself. 
    Have  to be some reasons why  I am not  still so rich as I desire. And I'm busy to find them out - why, how and what to do?
    I don't waist my time, health, smiles, tears, sparkles in the eyes, wisdom  to prove something to people who don't  lift me up. There are millions others who  want exchange  with  inspiration. Why not to think about them?

  7. My experience on mind viruses is that people love to use the same language/text to communicate with one another in their identical state of mind. I don´t, so I notice that language or text.
    They learned what to say to get this or that answer/reaction and smile or even laugh when it "works". Seems like a success factor to them.
    And as long as nobody mixes among that group and comes up with a new text and different messages as they use, it all stay the same. I often get the feeling they don´t notice what they do because they have no contrast to something else. Something else would be their breakthrough "point", in case they want to escape -

  8. My experience on mind viruses is that people love to use the same language/text to communicate with one another in their identical state of mind. I don´t, so I notice that language or text.
    They learned what to say to get this or that answer/reaction and smile or even laugh when it "works". Seems like a success factor to them.
    And as long as nobody mixes among that group and comes up with a new text and different messages as they use, it all stay the same. I often get the feeling they don´t notice what they do because they have no contrast to something else. Something else would be their breakthrough "point", in case they want to escape -

  9. I the mind viruses & sabotage has been around for a long time...
    there are examples of it in the bible...
    of people who sabotage themselves...
    and how some overcome it...
    But some misinterpret the bible and keep the mind viruses going...
    and it keeps people "in" with the majority who believe the viruses...
    to be "in" with God, may be "out" of the majority...

  10. One of the biggest contradictions I notice has to do with people seeking to grow, yet are so locked in old habits of reading newspapers, watching the news, advertising, etc. which as we know are THE primary sources for the mind viruses. It's like the old joke, "Doctor, doctor it hurts when I do this.. What should I do?"..Answer: "Don't do it!!".. While funny it's also sad. I REFUSE to expose myself to the media and yes, I may be missing out on important achievements and other relevant things, but in the end, I am not exposing my mind to all the negative programming which is unproductive.. "and that's all I'm going to say about  that.." ~ Forrest Gump

  11. One of the biggest contradictions I notice has to do with people seeking to grow, yet are so locked in old habits of reading newspapers, watching the news, advertising, etc. which as we know are THE primary sources for the mind viruses. It's like the old joke, "Doctor, doctor it hurts when I do this.. What should I do?"..Answer: "Don't do it!!".. While funny it's also sad. I REFUSE to expose myself to the media and yes, I may be missing out on important achievements and other relevant things, but in the end, I am not exposing my mind to all the negative programming which is unproductive.. "and that's all I'm going to say about  that.." ~ Forrest Gump

  12. Marshall Mcluhan said that wealth creates poverty. Somewhat insightful as to the relativeness of it all. Money too is a meme as well. It is only perceived as having any value if enough people believe it to be so. But we all need a means of exchange since we cant barter everything. My Dad always said we live in a bullshit world intent on separating you from your money. You have governments who control the money supply and constantly devalue their currency with their monetary policies. So the same dollar a year from now is worth less than it was today. The most valuable thing on this earth is really clean water, clean air, and a genetically modified free food supply. If you ever join a monastery dont sell everything. Put it in storage in case you change your mind.

    1. @Edward D Devero
       Actually, in the US, the money supply is contrilled by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is privately owned. Do some research on it. I was stunned in what I learned.

  13. Marshall Mcluhan said that wealth creates poverty. Somewhat insightful as to the relativeness of it all. Money too is a meme as well. It is only perceived as having any value if enough people believe it to be so. But we all need a means of exchange since we cant barter everything. My Dad always said we live in a bullshit world intent on separating you from your money. You have governments who control the money supply and constantly devalue their currency with their monetary policies. So the same dollar a year from now is worth less than it was today. The most valuable thing on this earth is really clean water, clean air, and a genetically modified free food supply. If you ever join a monastery dont sell everything. Put it in storage in case you change your mind.

  14. That was Michael Parenti that said "wealth creates poverty" and if I'm not mistaken he's a communist. How are things working out for the people who live in North Korea and Russia? Not so good. 😎

  15. That was Michael Parenti that said "wealth creates poverty" and if I'm not mistaken he's a communist. How are things working out for the people who live in North Korea and Russia? Not so good. 😎

  16. @Edward D Devero
     Actually, in the US, the money supply is contrilled by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is privately owned. Do some research on it. I was stunned in what I learned.

  17. @ThomasMrak
     With all due respect, Thomas, you sound like a victim. I know plent of prosperous Catholics and democrats who are highly personally responsible. Your comments about democrats and unions are mind viruses spread predominantly by the republicans.

  18. Really Randy?  Sorry, if you were offended by my comments on the "Sabo-lateor" post.   Shall I turn and let you slap my other cheek?  Randy, I am sure I have unhealthy beliefs, I can be out of control mentally, I can be delusional and yest idiotic at times, but I do feel offended you put here.  C"mon Randy, what the hell?  I think your pushin' the envelope with your tough love stuff this go around.  Anyway, STOP, okay just stop.

  19. Really Randy?  Sorry, if you were offended by my comments on the "Sabo-lateor" post.   Shall I turn and let you slap my other cheek?  Randy, I am sure I have unhealthy beliefs, I can be out of control mentally, I can be delusional and yest idiotic at times, but I do feel offended you put here.  C"mon Randy, what the hell?  I think your pushin' the envelope with your tough love stuff this go around.  Anyway, STOP, okay just stop.

  20. A lot of people think I'm crazy. Well, I guess it's the other way around huh. The Universe is great! Rather the Universe is perfect! Thanks RG. 🙂

  21. A lot of people think I'm crazy. Well, I guess it's the other way around huh. The Universe is great! Rather the Universe is perfect! Thanks RG. 🙂

  22. well, if i may quote a passage in Randy gage's book How to build a multi level money machine "please dont use the kids as the reason NOT to do the business(or wealth, success or your dreams) Use them as the reason to do the business." At first, i can relate to how can this can offend somebody, specially if they find out that randy gage doesn't have any kids.
    But at the same time i agree with RG also. It makes more sense to sacrifice a few years so that you can spend more time with the people you love, live life on your terms and be able to share with them the joy of being free.
    You dont have to burden your kids later and say "hey i took care of you so you have to help me in my old age and pay for my medical bills"

  23. well, if i may quote a passage in Randy gage's book How to build a multi level money machine "please dont use the kids as the reason NOT to do the business(or wealth, success or your dreams) Use them as the reason to do the business." At first, i can relate to how can this can offend somebody, specially if they find out that randy gage doesn't have any kids.
    But at the same time i agree with RG also. It makes more sense to sacrifice a few years so that you can spend more time with the people you love, live life on your terms and be able to share with them the joy of being free.
    You dont have to burden your kids later and say "hey i took care of you so you have to help me in my old age and pay for my medical bills"

  24. "No, dear brothers and sisters,
    I have not achieved it,
    but I focus on this one thing:
    Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,
    I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God,
    through Christ Jesus,
    is calling us.
    Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things.
    If you disagree on some point,
    I believe God will make it plain to you.
    Phil. 3:13-15

    1. thinking I need to keep studying/ learning/ reading daily... just like praying... to change... in any area that I want to grow in (and change in)... Spiritual (prosperity), health, etc...

  25. How you do anything is how you do everything. Think about it. All decisions in your life should be optimal. Every time you eat you can make an optimal choice or a less than optimal choice on the food you choose. Everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. Any choice that is less than optimal is SELF SABOTAGE. You can choose to take a banana and some apples as a snack for later on or give into the impulse buy display of candy bars at the gas station counter. You can eat lean chicken meat for dinner or fry some high fat burgers on the BBQ and get your acrylamide content. You can keep negative people in your life or get ris of them. You can think along the lines of victimhood or ask yourself how you can make yourself more propserous. It takes effort and it is worth it.

  26. How you do anything is how you do everything. Think about it. All decisions in your life should be optimal. Every time you eat you can make an optimal choice or a less than optimal choice on the food you choose. Everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. Any choice that is less than optimal is SELF SABOTAGE. You can choose to take a banana and some apples as a snack for later on or give into the impulse buy display of candy bars at the gas station counter. You can eat lean chicken meat for dinner or fry some high fat burgers on the BBQ and get your acrylamide content. You can keep negative people in your life or get ris of them. You can think along the lines of victimhood or ask yourself how you can make yourself more propserous. It takes effort and it is worth it.

  27. So true Randy! The necessity of poverty is one of the biggest lies on the planet.
    People think that lack is a reality. When actually poverty is created together by
    those who have and those who have not. There's huge wealth and abundance
    available if you choose it. 
    I like the quote from the character played by Rosalind Russel in the movie 
    "Auntie Mame". 
    "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."

  28. So true Randy! The necessity of poverty is one of the biggest lies on the planet.
    People think that lack is a reality. When actually poverty is created together by
    those who have and those who have not. There's huge wealth and abundance
    available if you choose it. 
    I like the quote from the character played by Rosalind Russel in the movie 
    "Auntie Mame". 
    "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."

  29. It never ceases to amaze me how people get so entrenched in their negativity. I have this conversation every day with my clients. The talk about what they aren't doing, can't do, won't do, aren't willing to do....and it's such a simple step to reverse it and ask "What ARE you willing to do?" "What COULD you do?" Inevitably there is something and they can take a first step, change a behavior...THINK different. It's so simple!
    Thanks for articulating this.

  30. Your first sentence has blown my mind! I am making a copy of your PROFOUND paragraph and will read this out loud to myself and my family DAILY. Thank you.

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  • 54 comments on “Why People Self-Sabotage”

    1. I got a triple whammy- Raised Catholic which all but officially sanctions poverty, Democrat, which encourages people to never take responsibility for themselves, blame where they were born, and blame the rich for all their problems, and Unions which teach people that business people are evil and owe the "working man" security and large salaries.I have to constantly battle this programming.

      1. @ThomasMrak
         With all due respect, Thomas, you sound like a victim. I know plent of prosperous Catholics and democrats who are highly personally responsible. Your comments about democrats and unions are mind viruses spread predominantly by the republicans.

    2. I got a triple whammy- Raised Catholic which all but officially sanctions poverty, Democrat, which encourages people to never take responsibility for themselves, blame where they were born, and blame the rich for all their problems, and Unions which teach people that business people are evil and owe the "working man" security and large salaries.I have to constantly battle this programming.

    3. It's extremely liberating to "get it," and then it's amazing to see how prevalent and subtle the message is!! I recently edited a beautiful book for an "enlightened" woman. She included a small section where she implied that a poor man is more peaceful, spiritual, etc. than a rich man; which I rewrote to make it accurate. She challenged my assertion that she was celebrating poverty and told me that many people would be able to connect with what she wrote. When I realized that her belief system and mine differed on the subject, I dropped it.

    4. It's extremely liberating to "get it," and then it's amazing to see how prevalent and subtle the message is!! I recently edited a beautiful book for an "enlightened" woman. She included a small section where she implied that a poor man is more peaceful, spiritual, etc. than a rich man; which I rewrote to make it accurate. She challenged my assertion that she was celebrating poverty and told me that many people would be able to connect with what she wrote. When I realized that her belief system and mine differed on the subject, I dropped it.

    5. Interestingly, we usually talk about the other - how they are doing or thinking that or that. I can not control how others evolve, so I'm trying not to worry about it and focus to  control myself. 
      Have  to be some reasons why  I am not  still so rich as I desire. And I'm busy to find them out - why, how and what to do?
      I don't waist my time, health, smiles, tears, sparkles in the eyes, wisdom  to prove something to people who don't  lift me up. There are millions others who  want exchange  with  inspiration. Why not to think about them?

    6. Interestingly, we usually talk about the other - how they are doing or thinking that or that. I can not control how others evolve, so I'm trying not to worry about it and focus to  control myself. 
      Have  to be some reasons why  I am not  still so rich as I desire. And I'm busy to find them out - why, how and what to do?
      I don't waist my time, health, smiles, tears, sparkles in the eyes, wisdom  to prove something to people who don't  lift me up. There are millions others who  want exchange  with  inspiration. Why not to think about them?

    7. My experience on mind viruses is that people love to use the same language/text to communicate with one another in their identical state of mind. I don´t, so I notice that language or text.
      They learned what to say to get this or that answer/reaction and smile or even laugh when it "works". Seems like a success factor to them.
      And as long as nobody mixes among that group and comes up with a new text and different messages as they use, it all stay the same. I often get the feeling they don´t notice what they do because they have no contrast to something else. Something else would be their breakthrough "point", in case they want to escape -

    8. My experience on mind viruses is that people love to use the same language/text to communicate with one another in their identical state of mind. I don´t, so I notice that language or text.
      They learned what to say to get this or that answer/reaction and smile or even laugh when it "works". Seems like a success factor to them.
      And as long as nobody mixes among that group and comes up with a new text and different messages as they use, it all stay the same. I often get the feeling they don´t notice what they do because they have no contrast to something else. Something else would be their breakthrough "point", in case they want to escape -

    9. I the mind viruses & sabotage has been around for a long time...
      there are examples of it in the bible...
      of people who sabotage themselves...
      and how some overcome it...
      But some misinterpret the bible and keep the mind viruses going...
      and it keeps people "in" with the majority who believe the viruses...
      to be "in" with God, may be "out" of the majority...

    10. One of the biggest contradictions I notice has to do with people seeking to grow, yet are so locked in old habits of reading newspapers, watching the news, advertising, etc. which as we know are THE primary sources for the mind viruses. It's like the old joke, "Doctor, doctor it hurts when I do this.. What should I do?"..Answer: "Don't do it!!".. While funny it's also sad. I REFUSE to expose myself to the media and yes, I may be missing out on important achievements and other relevant things, but in the end, I am not exposing my mind to all the negative programming which is unproductive.. "and that's all I'm going to say about  that.." ~ Forrest Gump

    11. One of the biggest contradictions I notice has to do with people seeking to grow, yet are so locked in old habits of reading newspapers, watching the news, advertising, etc. which as we know are THE primary sources for the mind viruses. It's like the old joke, "Doctor, doctor it hurts when I do this.. What should I do?"..Answer: "Don't do it!!".. While funny it's also sad. I REFUSE to expose myself to the media and yes, I may be missing out on important achievements and other relevant things, but in the end, I am not exposing my mind to all the negative programming which is unproductive.. "and that's all I'm going to say about  that.." ~ Forrest Gump

    12. Marshall Mcluhan said that wealth creates poverty. Somewhat insightful as to the relativeness of it all. Money too is a meme as well. It is only perceived as having any value if enough people believe it to be so. But we all need a means of exchange since we cant barter everything. My Dad always said we live in a bullshit world intent on separating you from your money. You have governments who control the money supply and constantly devalue their currency with their monetary policies. So the same dollar a year from now is worth less than it was today. The most valuable thing on this earth is really clean water, clean air, and a genetically modified free food supply. If you ever join a monastery dont sell everything. Put it in storage in case you change your mind.

      1. @Edward D Devero
         Actually, in the US, the money supply is contrilled by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is privately owned. Do some research on it. I was stunned in what I learned.

    13. Marshall Mcluhan said that wealth creates poverty. Somewhat insightful as to the relativeness of it all. Money too is a meme as well. It is only perceived as having any value if enough people believe it to be so. But we all need a means of exchange since we cant barter everything. My Dad always said we live in a bullshit world intent on separating you from your money. You have governments who control the money supply and constantly devalue their currency with their monetary policies. So the same dollar a year from now is worth less than it was today. The most valuable thing on this earth is really clean water, clean air, and a genetically modified free food supply. If you ever join a monastery dont sell everything. Put it in storage in case you change your mind.

    14. That was Michael Parenti that said "wealth creates poverty" and if I'm not mistaken he's a communist. How are things working out for the people who live in North Korea and Russia? Not so good. 😎

    15. That was Michael Parenti that said "wealth creates poverty" and if I'm not mistaken he's a communist. How are things working out for the people who live in North Korea and Russia? Not so good. 😎

    16. @Edward D Devero
       Actually, in the US, the money supply is contrilled by the Federal Reserve Bank, which is privately owned. Do some research on it. I was stunned in what I learned.

    17. @ThomasMrak
       With all due respect, Thomas, you sound like a victim. I know plent of prosperous Catholics and democrats who are highly personally responsible. Your comments about democrats and unions are mind viruses spread predominantly by the republicans.

    18. Really Randy?  Sorry, if you were offended by my comments on the "Sabo-lateor" post.   Shall I turn and let you slap my other cheek?  Randy, I am sure I have unhealthy beliefs, I can be out of control mentally, I can be delusional and yest idiotic at times, but I do feel offended you put here.  C"mon Randy, what the hell?  I think your pushin' the envelope with your tough love stuff this go around.  Anyway, STOP, okay just stop.

    19. Really Randy?  Sorry, if you were offended by my comments on the "Sabo-lateor" post.   Shall I turn and let you slap my other cheek?  Randy, I am sure I have unhealthy beliefs, I can be out of control mentally, I can be delusional and yest idiotic at times, but I do feel offended you put here.  C"mon Randy, what the hell?  I think your pushin' the envelope with your tough love stuff this go around.  Anyway, STOP, okay just stop.

    20. A lot of people think I'm crazy. Well, I guess it's the other way around huh. The Universe is great! Rather the Universe is perfect! Thanks RG. 🙂

    21. A lot of people think I'm crazy. Well, I guess it's the other way around huh. The Universe is great! Rather the Universe is perfect! Thanks RG. 🙂

    22. well, if i may quote a passage in Randy gage's book How to build a multi level money machine "please dont use the kids as the reason NOT to do the business(or wealth, success or your dreams) Use them as the reason to do the business." At first, i can relate to how can this can offend somebody, specially if they find out that randy gage doesn't have any kids.
      But at the same time i agree with RG also. It makes more sense to sacrifice a few years so that you can spend more time with the people you love, live life on your terms and be able to share with them the joy of being free.
      You dont have to burden your kids later and say "hey i took care of you so you have to help me in my old age and pay for my medical bills"

    23. well, if i may quote a passage in Randy gage's book How to build a multi level money machine "please dont use the kids as the reason NOT to do the business(or wealth, success or your dreams) Use them as the reason to do the business." At first, i can relate to how can this can offend somebody, specially if they find out that randy gage doesn't have any kids.
      But at the same time i agree with RG also. It makes more sense to sacrifice a few years so that you can spend more time with the people you love, live life on your terms and be able to share with them the joy of being free.
      You dont have to burden your kids later and say "hey i took care of you so you have to help me in my old age and pay for my medical bills"

    24. "No, dear brothers and sisters,
      I have not achieved it,
      but I focus on this one thing:
      Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,
      I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God,
      through Christ Jesus,
      is calling us.
      Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things.
      If you disagree on some point,
      I believe God will make it plain to you.
      Phil. 3:13-15

      1. thinking I need to keep studying/ learning/ reading daily... just like praying... to change... in any area that I want to grow in (and change in)... Spiritual (prosperity), health, etc...

    25. How you do anything is how you do everything. Think about it. All decisions in your life should be optimal. Every time you eat you can make an optimal choice or a less than optimal choice on the food you choose. Everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. Any choice that is less than optimal is SELF SABOTAGE. You can choose to take a banana and some apples as a snack for later on or give into the impulse buy display of candy bars at the gas station counter. You can eat lean chicken meat for dinner or fry some high fat burgers on the BBQ and get your acrylamide content. You can keep negative people in your life or get ris of them. You can think along the lines of victimhood or ask yourself how you can make yourself more propserous. It takes effort and it is worth it.

    26. How you do anything is how you do everything. Think about it. All decisions in your life should be optimal. Every time you eat you can make an optimal choice or a less than optimal choice on the food you choose. Everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. Any choice that is less than optimal is SELF SABOTAGE. You can choose to take a banana and some apples as a snack for later on or give into the impulse buy display of candy bars at the gas station counter. You can eat lean chicken meat for dinner or fry some high fat burgers on the BBQ and get your acrylamide content. You can keep negative people in your life or get ris of them. You can think along the lines of victimhood or ask yourself how you can make yourself more propserous. It takes effort and it is worth it.

    27. So true Randy! The necessity of poverty is one of the biggest lies on the planet.
      People think that lack is a reality. When actually poverty is created together by
      those who have and those who have not. There's huge wealth and abundance
      available if you choose it. 
      I like the quote from the character played by Rosalind Russel in the movie 
      "Auntie Mame". 
      "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."

    28. So true Randy! The necessity of poverty is one of the biggest lies on the planet.
      People think that lack is a reality. When actually poverty is created together by
      those who have and those who have not. There's huge wealth and abundance
      available if you choose it. 
      I like the quote from the character played by Rosalind Russel in the movie 
      "Auntie Mame". 
      "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."

    29. It never ceases to amaze me how people get so entrenched in their negativity. I have this conversation every day with my clients. The talk about what they aren't doing, can't do, won't do, aren't willing to do....and it's such a simple step to reverse it and ask "What ARE you willing to do?" "What COULD you do?" Inevitably there is something and they can take a first step, change a behavior...THINK different. It's so simple!
      Thanks for articulating this.

    30. Your first sentence has blown my mind! I am making a copy of your PROFOUND paragraph and will read this out loud to myself and my family DAILY. Thank you.

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