I believe we attract, intended or not, at the level we have personally evolved to. This means simply we will find ourselves in relationship with people who are in our psychological comfort zone. For most of us, it means we surround ourselves with people that give us permission to stay where we are.
Achievement of any kind is the natural result of proper thought. Using tools like self-control, resolution, affirmation, cleanliness and self-directed thought, you move forward. You develop a higher consciousness, and your thoughts, beliefs, desires, and goals - all become more virtuous, worthy and designed for your highest good.
Lack of achievement is the natural result of negative thinking. Animalistic thoughts, laziness, corruption and fragmented thinking will set you backwards. Your consciousness descends downward, towards self-pity, victim-hood, bitterness and lack.
So what drives the direction of your thoughts?
For most people, it is the other people they surround themselves with. And they collect people that feed the electrical charge to be in victim-hood and commiserate around other victims. This actually makes you quite popular!
There is nothing to make you more popular with the herd than to be struggling. And nothing that makes you more unpopular with the herd than to be succeeding.
And it’s not just simple jealousy…
You’ve heard me say often that for every person seeking greatness, there are dozens more charged with safeguarding mediocrity. So do you really know why most of the people around you are happier to see you sick, broke or unhappy?
First because if you start in a similar situation as they do and succeed at something, this takes away their excuses for not succeeding. You make them look bad.
Second, they are happy to hear your tragic story, because that gives them a natural opening to tell you theirs. "You think that's bad, let me tell you what happened to me..."
And here's another factor at play. They really do feel sorry for you - and by commiserating in your misfortune - it also lets them experience a little victim-hood of their own.
"Did I tell you about my friend Jimmy. The poor slob just got fired from his job, he came home to find his wife sleeping with the paperboy, and when he went to get the gun to kill them - he accidentally shot himself in the foot! Now he's limping through prison, doing five to ten for attempted manslaughter." Because they are Jimmy's friend, they can hold onto just a little part of the sympathy and empathy he receives.
So of course the very first step to breaking the bonds of victim-hood is doing some critical thinking about the people you have surrounded yourself with – and what kind of charges you are receiving from them. Please check in below on this, and we’ll continue the process in the next post.
I'm always amazed at how much people complain on social media. I've found that I have to clear my lists of the complainers in order to stay focused and positive on my day. But it has to be an active choice.
I like being popular, just like everyone else. But the cost of lost productivity and increased fear becomes more than I'm willing to bear.
My wife and I recently "let go" of a life long friend who energizes herself by cutting her "friends" down. She has spent the last 4 weeks spreading her venom by telling anyone and everyone how horrible we are. We have been nothing but kind and loving towards her and for years the only friends that were there for her when she needed a friend. It was finally time to seperate ourselves from her but I do pray that God will watch over her and may she see find the light but she is not my problem.
It is tough to let go but we need to review those who surround us and remove ourselves from those who drain us. I thought I would share and I hope my short story helps.
What a great post. I don't always agree with you (!) but this is so true. I remember listening to your old tapes (how to earn 100k in a year with NM) and you said how gutted you were when your successful friends wouldn't buy into all your drama and trauma.
They said it must be something you are doing to attract it. It takes guts to say that to someone and usually they want to slap your face.
I still love that - makes me laugh like a hyena in the car!
Once again, Randy you hit the nail on the head! The idea about your income can be determined by averaging the incomes of your five closest friends is a derivative of what you are saying here. I heard that you can start this process by looking at who you keep in your cell phone ... if the names and numbers there do not serve you, why do you hold on to them?
I'm removing probably 80-85% of the current names in my cell phone so that that negative "charge" goes bye-bye!
"...for every person seeking greatness, there are dozens more charged with safeguarding mediocrity."
Yes, and the book Atlas Shrugged is now at the top of my all-time favorites - so enlightening and shockingly current in business and life - and only half-way through the 1000+ page masterpiece myself. For those not yet familiar, get it! For those who've read it - I know you're nodding.
To continue Claudia's social media bit, I'm also turned off by so many of the victimhood-pity bull*** chain emails I get from family and "friends", please pass this on to anyone who will also wallow in misery, blah, blah. One word . Then wipe that grime off the brain ASAP with some happiness and prosperity reading, stimulating conversation, or good music.
I was thinking about that yesterday. I have a good friend who needs money and ask me for it, I cannot lend him because I don’t have enough (I’m working myself everyday about my abundance limits) and I realize how much it affects me, is like if I was absorbing his worries, I realize it affects me a lot, then I decided to stop talking with him about money or problems, exactly what you said about the kind of charges we are receiving from others. Thanks a lot.
Yes, so true. One needs to evaluate their situation, what they want to change to get where they want to go and that includes changing the people you associate with.
I've heard it said that you are the average of your five closest friends. Now, where does that put me? Hmmm.
Thanks for your insight Randy,
Dorene Pierceall
This is the EXACT reason I got off of Facebook. I had a total of 400 "friends" - friends from elementary, high school, college, and work. The whole experience was just draining, so I had to let it go.
The ones I thought were my closest friends turned out to be the ones that hated me the most, since I think I'm so perfect (according to them). It was a really devastating experience to know some of them held such malice toward me when I have been nothing but supportive of them. BUT I do realize that with success will come people who would rather you stay stuck on a dead end path. Oh well.
I'm better off without them and am glad to say that I am meeting new people who I look up to - people who are successful - people who are true friends and treat me with the respect I deserve (and vice versa). So even though the quantity of friends has been cut dramatically, the quality of friends has improved dramatically! I'm happy I made the decision.
Once again, so timely...
In going through the revelation that I'm not doing what I love comes the simple fact that ALL the people in the office I work from are NOT the sort that are anywhere near the level of evolution I desire..So this comment is so right on! To the degree I allow myself to be surrounded by thoughts that don't serve my higher purpose, I stay where I am and will not progress.
Therefore, in keeping with my goal of doing what I love and being surrounded by amazing, profound, talented and FUN people, I no longer go into the office. In fact, I am completely changing my thoughts about my Life and my Purpose.
I'm also reading a great book called "The Science of Getting Rich".. Thoughts>Feelings>Action= Results
Thanks Randy!
Great post Randy. And so true. Going back to a few days ago meant to say that when you mentioned Charles Fillmore's book titled Prosperity, I Googled it and found it was there free for the asking. So of anyone hasn't read it, Google it.
Your comments as usual are right on. I am new to Network Marketing and it amazes me the mindsets of people I know. Misery definitely loves company. As the young folks say there's Players and there's Haters. I truly believe if you surround yourself with Winners you can become a Winner too!
thanks always,
you've opened my eyes,
It is often difficult to break the ties with people you have known for many years, but if they do not share your vision, they will only hold you back. I do not believe it necessary to break all ties, just be aware of the differences and let the relationship change accordingly. Who knows? You may even inspire some of these people to pursue their own greatness!
"So what drives the direction of your thoughts?
For most people, it is the other people they surround themselves with. And they collect people that feed the electrical charge to be in victim-hood and commiserate around other victims."
Yes, I have had negative people around me.
In the past, I was still able to achieve way beyond their success levels. I did have to let go of friends that were negative or very draining. When I was working to put myself through college, I wasn't aware of self development so it might have been by proper thought that I was very focused on a goal and didn't let negativity stop me. It pushed me to succeed.
More recently I ended a relationship because the other person was negative. Without really thinking about it, I sought out other positive people to be around to try to stay positive and I used some tools.
Currently I am around some negativity. I see it and have tried to respond positively without success. People are where they are and can only change when they are ready.
"for every person seeking greatness, there are dozens more charged with safeguarding mediocrity.
So I have to really be aware of what I am thinking & recognize when it is affecting my thoughts.
"He that will love life, & See good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, & his lips that they speak no guile" (1Peter 3:10)
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7
I am using some tools to stay positive and move forward.
The tools I use are positive affirmations, quotes, books & I follow positive people.
Right on. I realised many years ago that the people in my friendship circle were not the kind of people I wanted to be hanging around with. At first, breaking free seemed really difficult because these relationships were woven into my life. It did eventually start to change and then it happened more quickly after that. Maybe just realising it and having the thought of better friends on my mind on a regular basis helped bring it about. I'm still actively seeking new, improved relationships. It is actually at the basis of a lot of the things that I do now. I'm prepared to do things today that I wasn't prepared to do, (or couldn't be bothered doing), in the past to meet new people. Meeting new people means I'm not as attached to my old friends and it makes it easier to let go of the ones that aren't serving me.
I love this, thanks! I did a class called "Escape the Victim Vibe" and continuously have clients who need and use it. We have no power in being a victim, and doing things to win approval and fit in.
Doing your own thing and seeking success in your way is very much a road that requires courage and personal strength.
I have been moving forward and was quite sad to 'lose' family and friends along the way... however, I do not think anyone who wants me to play small and be less than and struggle, really cares about me.
I have also noticed many people (Sheeple) do not like it if you are happy either, for the reasons you describe. I consciously seek those who want to create from joy, power and push themselves outside their comfort zone!
Nan Akasha
WWW. CreateYourOwnRealityNow.com
Great post! I agree with what you are saying but sometimes we can not always escape these drains. I get it at work and I can not afford to quit my job over it right now in this economy. I try to let it roll off and keep my mind where it needs to be.
I totally agree. I have done what most people are scared to do. I noticed in both of my parents the things I refused to become, and began to realize how I felt when I would listen to them talk. Nothing but negativity!
Here is some insight.. this was a difficult task, noting of which I regret.
My father is a parinoid schitzophrenic. He tells stories about the people that are after him, tells me how he thought about killing himself, how everything is bad and basicaly how the world is out to get him. Well the last visit I made to him he scared the living daylight out of me, I felt like he did not want me to leave... ever... and the next day after he went to work I left his house and drove from Northern Indian to South Florida. The hard thing, the thing I had to do.... now most of you would say I am heartless perhaps, but I left that day and I left him a note, I pled with him to seak help that I could not help him.... and I never spoke to him since, I do not visit, no cards, nothing... I cut him out completely. I am not ashamed for it, I have every right. He was not healthy for me, father or not.
I can not imagine many people who can do this without regretful feelings. But I do not regret.
I have weeded out all the "friends" who were struggling to get nowhere fast. I am starting over!
However, I am obligated by duty to keep a roof over my head for the time being by my 40hr work week. At which I am around people who make less and have MANY issues in their lives. I have learned to stop asking the question "Hi! How are you?" when my fellow associates come in for their shift. Without a doubt, all of them start in with the moaning and complaints.... And I would think... if only I did not ask that question... So from now on, all they get is "Hi!" and I continue walking....
I am surrounding myself, as often as I can, with those people which I have yet to meet. All of the great minds I follow on the internet. I am here to learn, and put it into practice all the true and tried ways to a better consciousness.
I keep as much distance from all the negativity that floats so near me all day. Then come home and fill my mind with all of the great knowledge I possibly can.
I can see the matrix.
I am breaking away from the herd.
Thank you Randy for being you, and for reaching out to help open and expand the mind. I am one that is greatful!
Jamie 😉
Very true!
Your words have truly change my life.
Thanks for sharing!
With Love & Light,
Gurly Christine
Like Paul, I too had to let go of a long time friend, who I treated as a sister and welcomed into my family. However, this year she crossed the line in a way that was extremely hurtful to me. I decided that I was no longer going to have someone like that in my Sacred Personal Circle so I cut her out of it. Some weeks later I could still feel her hanging around energetically, I realised that I still had a photo of her in our home, so I got rid of it. The connection to her released immediately and has never come back.
Randy's words about the people closest to us are something I think about often when reviewing my life. I look around me and think am I surrounded by the right kind of people? It is a work in progress 🙂
And yes, as you change and better yourself and your life, the jealousy from others is inevitable, however I know that they are just too afraid to do it for themselves and refuse to be affected by their opinions.
May we all be surrounded with good vibrations, good friends and good opportunities in 2010.
Festive Blessings you and yours.
You bring Divine inspiration because you say the things that are most often need to be said. My mom who is my 1st great teacher, told me throughout my childhood, "baby, people will judge you by the company you keep."
I remember a t-shirt from the '70s "you can't soar with the eagles in the morning, if you're hangin' with the turkeys all night."
Clearly, I am a reflection of the people I surround myself with. I learned that with some people I should invest my time, while with others I spend my time.
Since it completely impossible to avoid negativity & negative people I spend less time with them & invest more time with people like you - people who offer me a real ROI.
Thanks for the reminder Randy.
Be Well,
Derrick Carpenter
This year, I have found negative people creating the circumstances that allowed me to easily purge them from my life, kind of like a self-cleaning oven! It's miraculous! There may be a couple of more to release.....I am commited to being extraordinary and having extraordinary people in my life. I find that I go through seasons of upgrades in all areas......
well said.
Great post. Elimination is by far the quickest method to eliminate the negative. Leadership is being in some way that those around you eliminate the negative that they are being. I have been reading about the “amygdala hijack” our brains play on us. Certain issues and conversations and some people "plug me in" and I go some kind of single track to nowhere. That is ME, not them. Before I can assist others in getting out of their own way I will have to become much better at getting out my own. Our game plan for 2010 will require I become much, much more 'intelligent' in this area.
Thank you Randy for blazing the path!
HI Randy,
very pleased that you mentioned this topic.what do you think is animalistic thinking exactly and cleanliness in thought this words are vague.Can you elaborate on this.
Thanks in Advance
Look back through the archives on the posts I did about sexual energy.
Hmm.. What about people who get it, when you're trying to succeed and they say that they support you, but at the same time when you ask them to work with you towards that goal, they won't do anything. Meaning they speak a lot but never do jack.
Achievement, at any level, is either minischule or magnificant, depending ou our view of what we want. So steer thoughts towards positive changes and any negataive impass will pass. - Arthur Tugman
Randy, you are so right on this matter. For so many years of my life I stayed around losers. I was viewed as a winner and attracted these types. However, they worked to pull me down. When I lost everything a few years back, all of those people were right there telling me that I just did not have what it takes to succeed. I just was not born with a business mind. I am so thankful that I was able to move away from that area. Today I am working to surround myself with winners and folks that have succeeded at a higher level than myself.
people surround me now. 1. my wife ness: she is great. smart ans happy 2. aris my bos: hot tempered. with strong drive. col. lawywe. businessman. 3. upline and downlines in First Vita plus: peachy, ambiteous, Bong, lazy, Che, confused, Sweet, diligent 4. so employees: win, smart..luming, wanting to be rich; asi, not so generous.....Books: Bible, Think and Grow rich; Books of Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbibs...Videos; Randy gage, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump
Love this article! Many opportunities can be ruined by being guilty by association. Character and trust are invaluable and can make or break your career in the small world of apartment industry!
Ciao ragazzi, speriamo presto passi questo momento particolare da un punto di vista economico..abbiamo bisogno di guadagnare un po di soldi in più per vivere meglio...