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Who's Going to Save the World?

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 5, 2010

Last post we began the issue of where prosperity stops, and ruining the planet begins.  I told you about the CEO of a company who chastised me after I spoke about prosperity at a convention.  He told me, “Randy the world can’t afford for everyone to drive four or five cars. The rainforests are disappearing and over consumption is destroying the planet.  You’ve got to stop preaching this prosperity stuff.”  

First I pointed out to him that I only drive one car at a time anyway.  Then I asked him who he thought was going to save the world.

“Teachers,” he replied, “teachers and nurses.”

I practically swallowed my teeth I was laughing so hard.  Not because I don’t appreciate teachers and nurses.  I love them in fact.  I think they have two of the most important jobs on the planet.  But I also know that they are two of the lowest paying jobs around as well.

What I told the CEO was that nurses and teachers were not going to save the rainforest, because they are too preoccupied with making the minimum payments on their credit cards each month.  Like most poor people, they are so busy trying to overcome the challenges and hardships they face, they have little time or resources to worry about helping the greater good.

Saving the rainforests is nice, but if you’re worried about where you’re going to get the money for your own child’s school supplies, the forests are going to take a back seat.  Sending money to the World Wildlife Fund sounds like a great idea.  But if you’re concerned with being able to buy enough groceries to feed your family, it’s going to go down the priority chain quick.

Do we need to be concerned about vanishing species, diminishing rainforests, and the disappearing ozone layer?  Without a doubt.

But what’s the answer?

Should we all stop using electricity?  Go back to living in grass huts?  Mothball all the airplanes and cars?

I don’t think so.  The answer is not to move backward.

We save the world by saving ourselves.  And we save ourselves by growth.  Moving forward, not backward.  PROGRESS is the answer for the world.  Learning new ways to grow crops.  Biospheres, hydroponics and growing food on other planets.  Harnessing the power of the sun, the air and the oceans.  Turning salt water into drinking water, deserts into farmland, and garbage into fuel.  Transforming lack consciousness for prosperity consciousness.

And who’s going to do all this, you may ask.

RICH PEOPLE.  People who understand free enterprise, investment and business are the ones who will create the innovation and progress that can save the planet.

Socialism won’t cut it.  And neither will Communism.

Both of these “isms,” who each claim to look out for the masses are actually anti-prosperity, and thus, anti-humanity.  They can never, and will never, make the world a better place.  They foster only lack and victim thinking.

Only capitalism – the free market economy – can create the jobs, advancement, and forward growth necessary to overcome the challenges of change.  In capitalism, you become wealthy by providing something of such value, people are willing to trade their money for it.  And the more value you create, the wealthier you become.

So you want to save the world?  You can start by manifesting your own prosperity first.

That’s my take.  What do you think?


47 comments on “Who's Going to Save the World?”

  1. Since I'm a major proponent of Wally Wattles' book, "The Science of Getting Rich" I have to defer to the FIRST chapter where he states that being rich is a birthright and that without being rich robs the formless substance (Universe) of not achieving what it designed. And that's to say it won't advance. He goes on to say that it's crucial to the world that we all achieve being rich since it provides us with the ability to grow, enjoy, succeed and love freely and without condition.

    My feeling is that the CEO is right about rain forests, etc. but if we look at the Universe as a whole, it's constantly expanding in spite of the things we do. So it's our duty to be rich and manifest our visions and purpose. The MOST important part though is that we have an 'attitude of gratitude'. Without it, we'll never be truly rich. We must also NOT come from the competitive mind, but rather from the creative.

    My two cents.

  2. What is Abundance? It is an overflowing, never ending supply of ALL that you need. We live in an abundant universe.There is unlimited mental substance.
    I prefer to imagine a world with infinite, limitless resources and imagine myself as a vast source of prosperity with unbounded resources within and without. And doing so, it becomes easy to imagine that all the people on earth planet can always find what they need to create what they want.

  3. Very good post. YES only Capitalism will save this planet. Without money we would not be anywhere near where we are today. Just look at medicine, space travel, technology, the safety of cars, new energy methods, etc, none of this would have happened if someone did not make a profit and give to organizations that were doing the research. We must keep Capitalism alive, or we will all be living in grass huts. Have a great weekend.

  4. I was just wondering... let's say the amount of money in circulation stays the same. And John would accumulate a fortune of 10 million dollar. Where would those millions come from?

    Doesn't it mean that someone else has 10 million less? Or 10 million people each have $1 less?

    If the amoount in circulation stays the same, it seems impossible for everybody to double their income.

    Any thoughts on that guys? Am I missing something here?

  5. Randy you are right on again. When we each look out onto the world, we see through our OWN eyes and not anyone elses. We each have to take care of ourselves first, before we take care of everyone else.

  6. "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,
    and that's your own self." "Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to
    make his life full, significant and interesting." ~ Aldous Huxley

    So, I say we all get wealthy!

    Have an incredible weekend,

  7. Randy, and everyone else,

    The only way we can save the world is to have not only economic incentives, but spiritual and humanitarian incentives.

    We must use money effectively- human beings need to be back in the equation of business. Technology is only a tool, not a replacement for people, and 1950s business practices are no longer effective.

    Management and leadership are two different concepts that are often confused with one another. There are plenty who can manage, but it takes a whole person to lead.

    True leadership is about developing one's self, and bringing out the best in others.


  8. I agree Randy. Richard Branson is putting a lot of money into better, more environmentally fuel for aircraft. If he didn't have a lot of money, he wouldn't be able to fund the research. Bill & Melinda Gates set up a foundation worth billions if I remember correctly. Now whether I agree with the approach they're taking is beside the point, but again, if they didn't have the money, they wouldn't be able to do it either. These people are all able to help other people and the planet in ways they think is best because they have the money to do so.

  9. Point is, there are people who own the games in which Capitalism and the rest is played, and the money that circulates in them. Take a look at the dollar bills. All of them. By universal law there are clues. There has to be. It's their "legal out". Are you really free with money?

    So are the people who own the games prosperous? Yes, but they are so at the expense and ignorance of others. They are in fact so ignorant they will ultimately fall under their own weight. They have their own lessons to learn here.

    And by the same logic, it was our own ignorance that allowed them and their games in the first place.

    Sure it starts individually, but rich people who send money to charity funds that are really the opposite of what they claim to be won't cut it either.

    Look behind the smoke screens and you'll find more prosperity than you ever thought possible. It's right there, already today. Not hopefully and not tomorrow. Now. But you will also find some horrible things.

    It's not about going backwards but to lift the veil that has been holding us back for thousands of years. Sorry, but yes, there's a monster in between us and true prosperity we need to face, and it doesn't live in lala land.

  10. As long as the governments and alikes (FED?) take money from the people (taxes and interest) and use it to feed the economic balloon, it will be less easy for others to become rich. Not difficult or impossible. Modern slavery is about working to pay taxes and to offset the devaluation of your money.

    About the ultra rich that supposedly control the world's resources:
    unfortunately there is people who use their wealth only to gain more for themselves... i think prosperity is also about being able to share and give.

    My question is: how much sharing/giving needs to be involved in prosperity? share everything?, share wisely? (who defines wise?) share 10%, share nothing? i dunno yet. what you think?

  11. I agree totally, that Capitalism, in it's original form, is the way to go...however, this was destroyed many decades ago now, when the US Dollar ceased to be backed by anything of value. Today, it is created by bank notes with interest to be paid printed at will.

    Encouraging that way too many expenses/investments financed by taking on more debt.

    Withholding from gross wages so high, double and triple taxation as one tries to spend what little is left as Net Pay.

    There's more...but am sure you get the picture. We desperately need to get back to true Capitalism and stop the bleeding of civil liberties as States and Fed Government look for more ways to forestall their own bankruptcies by loading on more costs via taxes, fees, their citizens.

    Our State has even decided, it appears, to allow for more Casinos to be built to increase it's revenues.

    So contradictory to teach our children to live within their means, not gamble and still seek to increase their prosperity within a system that won't work without taking on more and more debt.

    Off the top of my head this mornin' Randy...unedited...


  12. Randy, teachers WILL save the world... keep reading and you will discver what I mean by that!

    When you first posed the question about prosperity and the point at which consumption "ruins" the environment, I had a knee-jerk reaction of agreement with the CEO you were talking to. Then I thought more deeply.

    Randy, you're right that you can only drive one car at a time. Let's go further-- I expect you're taking VERY good care of those cars, which employs car washers, mechanics, and salespeople who supply all the parts and services necessary. So your engine's head gasket is not leaking oil into the groundwater every night as the car sits in its parking space. I betcha you're NOT sitting in stop-and-go rush hour traffic twice daily, which would add bunches of exhaust fumes to the air. I bet you love those cars so much that you will keep them for many years, avoiding the do-the-minimum-maintenance-for-two-years-and-trade-it-in OVERCONSUMPTION that most of the lower- and middle-economic classes have been brainwashed to accept. Don't get me started on leasing a vehicle if it is not a business expense-- yet another way to throw away your money and be a slave to the bank. Etc Etc.

    Again, I think "overconsumption" comes from buying and hoarding substandard items in an attempt to fill the void inside one's psyche... the void that is caused by ignoring or squelching what one wants.

    I agree that teachers will save the world... that is, people who teach the laws of prosperity and the rules of the financial world of the "big players". In other words, financially sophisticated people.... who are likely the entrepreneurs!!

  13. I think we need to have prosperity consciousness to become prosperous. Randy has a video on "Developing Prosperity Consciousness":

    I also think we need to change our thoughts before we can manifest prosperity. For example, if you are used to being a "grinder" in the workplace then you would still be a grinder in MLM if you don't change your thoughts. I think that even though you could have prosperity & not be a "grinder" in MLM, you wouldn't manifest prosperity if you are thinking the way you always have thought. You would have to keep spinning your wheels to make money and you would still be in the rat race unless you change your thoughts.

    The ideas that Randy wrote about above made me think of the Creativity Law of Prosperity. He has a video:

  14. The amount of money in circulation does not stays the same.
    We, people have the ability to think.
    Thoughts can create anything! Every person can have more than what he has. But
    "If you want to get more you have to be more" Jim Rohn
    That bring us to self-development. By thinking and be more creative we can make wealth. The wealth is unlimited!
    I recommend about a brilliant book: THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

  15. I wrote a comment but it was marked as spam. What I was thinking about was the "meme" or mind virus that Randy mentions in his book, "Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke...And How To Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!"

    The meme is "If you struggle & grind it out, you'll be accepted by the rest of the nice people doing the same." If we think we have to struggle & grind it out, we won't achieve prosperity. I think we need to change our thoughts or reprogram the bad memes firsts to develop prosperity consciousness.

  16. Thanks for reminding me Randy. Since money is indeed one aspect of prosperity, the question still stands...

    "If everybody doubles their income today, where would that extra money come from?"

  17. I read the book, but I still struggle with the question “If everybody doubles their income today, where would that extra money come from?”

    I understand it on a individual level. But how does your "people can think thus create"-statement works when ALL people claim their abundance and double their income? Where do the dollar bills come from?

    And yes, money is one of many aspects of prosperity, but it happens to be the one I am talking about.

  18. The extra money will come from the Governments. They'll print more, as part of the ponzi scheme we each subscribed to. We chose this, so please don't be upset with the outcome. The alternative is action. Harder to to do but easier to swallow.

  19. Love it, love it, love it. Our prosperity will change the world to a better place for all, more effectively and dramatically than any poor, middle or unconscious rich person or government ever can. Signed ex-socialist lol

  20. Randy,
    I heartily agree! And the proof is the Builderberg group, made up of the richest, most powerful, connected/networked people on the planet. Businessmen, politicians (who are never poor), Kings/Queens/Princes, Chancellors/Prime Ministers, etc. This group of people get together and decide what "their" planet should look like and policy starts being made in that direction. If we want to have a say in what shapes our destiny, look to the Richard Branson types. He started as a Record Producer, used his imagination and passions and now is creating his own rockets and space tourism. Who needs to wait for the government or ever depend on them?
    Free market trade is the only way to promote true growth and prosperity, we just need to make sure that we include (or go back to) values that promote honesty, integrity, family and a healthy global mindset. Just making everyone rich will still destroy the planet without these values.

  21. @Greg Anderson

    Interesting... so printing money (=inflation) is the only way EVERYBODY can have unlimited income?

    Every dollar in circulation already has an owner. So how can one person get more dollars, without somebody else losing those dollars? You're telling me that can only happen because governements will print that extra money? Do you live in Zimbabwe?

    I'm stuck here. Does somebody has a logical explanation?

  22. Great post Randy!

    For those who continue to struggle with the need to *know* where the additional money would come from, I suggest the book You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor.

    It's an energetic concept that, in my opinion, requires you understand that everything is made up of energy before you can grasp it. Once you do, you should be able to move forward from there to great success.

    Love your posts as always Randy!

    Love & Light,

  23. Who is John Galt? 😉

    great points Randy- right on the mark.

    My aim is to keep learning the formulas and gain the wisdom I need to manage the resources properly.

    The lessons sometimes suck, but the results never do.


  24. believing right produce right results. The only way is to follow the BIBLE - Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

    Jesus said: I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.

    When the man is right. The world will be right.

  25. Because I can afford it, I have 3 local organic farmers who grow my food. I am having an enpowering local impact ecologically, socially, and economically; contributions that will outlive me. I'm not obligated to shop for "Always Low Prices" and turn into a WaltMartian(People who do most of their shopping at Walt Mart.) ignoring the externalities their buying practices generate because surviving is the priority. I have the luxury of patronizing Whole Foods, Ikea, Seventh Generation, Green Mountain Energy, light-rail, and more.

  26. Resources are UNLIMITED!!! Here is why: Once a resource is becoming scarce, technology creates it's replacement - it's abundant replacement. We were once worried about oil reserves;then, hydrogen fuel cells busted into the scene. Again, technology determines what a resource is and much of it there is. They are inventions of the human mind. Are we going to run out of sand for manufacturing computer chips or breast implants??? If we do, I am sure we will find a replacement.

  27. OH MY GOODNESS! Yo Randy and Co.,

    YOU HAVE JUST GOTTA SEE THIS NEWS ARTICLE OF A MULTIMILLIONAIRE who is GIVING AWAY every single penny he owned! It is so relevant to your blog post...

    I was shocked--but do you know what? I reckon he has such an INBUILT ability to make money that he will make it all back again--reminds me of that funny comedy "BREWSTERS MILLIONS" starring Richard Pryor.

  28. This guy states "Money is counterproductive – it prevents happiness to come."

    Pop quiz: if money is counterproductive, then why does his charity loans out MONEY to poor people in South America?

  29. Capitalism without regulation destroys itself. We didn't learned the lesson in 1929, and we are repeating again.

  30. Enrique, do you have any examples from history where a capitalist society destroyed itself?

    As far as I'm concerned, the USA recovered fine after the 1929 crash and the folowing depression.

  31. Randy, You have written many great posts on your blog, but this one is a true masterpiece! I just printed it and stuck it on the wall in my office! Thank you!


  32. Great Post Randy! In my humble opinion, the point Randy is making in his post is that if you do not first help yourself you will not be able to contribute to humanity in a meaningful way. All of these programs such as headstart, space exploration, and eradicating diseases takes a tremendous amount of Wealth.

  33. did it wallace wattles said ...'Do not study poverty in order to help the poor. Get rich, then you can do so'...
    Thanks for your wisdom again!

  34. I totally agree with this Randy. We can't save the planet while we are struggling to make ends meet. Besides, abundance is our birthright and I believe this planet is full of abundance, plenty for everyone, including the rainforests.

  35. Hi Randy,

    I agree with almost all your post. When you talk about those "isms" though, I think CapitalISM should be mentioned there too in that context.

    As you can find a lot of things to criticize Socialism (Communism never actually happen) you can find a lot of assertive ones and the same with Capitalism. Would be completely wrong to say that Capitalism is the answer, if it were the answer the world wouldn't be in such a mess, I mean, 90% of the world is Capitalist.

    Interesting enough, most of the best academics, sports people, scientists and so on came from Socialist countries or were trained by people who were in Socialist countries, as you know, there's a lot of Russians, trained in Russia, bringing their knowledge to the US and other countries.

    I think that the idea of confronting Socialism against Capitalism should be left apart and start talking about putting together the best of each one and make something new.

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  • 47 comments on “Who's Going to Save the World?”

    1. Since I'm a major proponent of Wally Wattles' book, "The Science of Getting Rich" I have to defer to the FIRST chapter where he states that being rich is a birthright and that without being rich robs the formless substance (Universe) of not achieving what it designed. And that's to say it won't advance. He goes on to say that it's crucial to the world that we all achieve being rich since it provides us with the ability to grow, enjoy, succeed and love freely and without condition.

      My feeling is that the CEO is right about rain forests, etc. but if we look at the Universe as a whole, it's constantly expanding in spite of the things we do. So it's our duty to be rich and manifest our visions and purpose. The MOST important part though is that we have an 'attitude of gratitude'. Without it, we'll never be truly rich. We must also NOT come from the competitive mind, but rather from the creative.

      My two cents.

    2. What is Abundance? It is an overflowing, never ending supply of ALL that you need. We live in an abundant universe.There is unlimited mental substance.
      I prefer to imagine a world with infinite, limitless resources and imagine myself as a vast source of prosperity with unbounded resources within and without. And doing so, it becomes easy to imagine that all the people on earth planet can always find what they need to create what they want.

    3. Very good post. YES only Capitalism will save this planet. Without money we would not be anywhere near where we are today. Just look at medicine, space travel, technology, the safety of cars, new energy methods, etc, none of this would have happened if someone did not make a profit and give to organizations that were doing the research. We must keep Capitalism alive, or we will all be living in grass huts. Have a great weekend.

    4. I was just wondering... let's say the amount of money in circulation stays the same. And John would accumulate a fortune of 10 million dollar. Where would those millions come from?

      Doesn't it mean that someone else has 10 million less? Or 10 million people each have $1 less?

      If the amoount in circulation stays the same, it seems impossible for everybody to double their income.

      Any thoughts on that guys? Am I missing something here?

    5. Randy you are right on again. When we each look out onto the world, we see through our OWN eyes and not anyone elses. We each have to take care of ourselves first, before we take care of everyone else.

    6. "There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving,
      and that's your own self." "Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to
      make his life full, significant and interesting." ~ Aldous Huxley

      So, I say we all get wealthy!

      Have an incredible weekend,

    7. Randy, and everyone else,

      The only way we can save the world is to have not only economic incentives, but spiritual and humanitarian incentives.

      We must use money effectively- human beings need to be back in the equation of business. Technology is only a tool, not a replacement for people, and 1950s business practices are no longer effective.

      Management and leadership are two different concepts that are often confused with one another. There are plenty who can manage, but it takes a whole person to lead.

      True leadership is about developing one's self, and bringing out the best in others.


    8. I agree Randy. Richard Branson is putting a lot of money into better, more environmentally fuel for aircraft. If he didn't have a lot of money, he wouldn't be able to fund the research. Bill & Melinda Gates set up a foundation worth billions if I remember correctly. Now whether I agree with the approach they're taking is beside the point, but again, if they didn't have the money, they wouldn't be able to do it either. These people are all able to help other people and the planet in ways they think is best because they have the money to do so.

    9. Point is, there are people who own the games in which Capitalism and the rest is played, and the money that circulates in them. Take a look at the dollar bills. All of them. By universal law there are clues. There has to be. It's their "legal out". Are you really free with money?

      So are the people who own the games prosperous? Yes, but they are so at the expense and ignorance of others. They are in fact so ignorant they will ultimately fall under their own weight. They have their own lessons to learn here.

      And by the same logic, it was our own ignorance that allowed them and their games in the first place.

      Sure it starts individually, but rich people who send money to charity funds that are really the opposite of what they claim to be won't cut it either.

      Look behind the smoke screens and you'll find more prosperity than you ever thought possible. It's right there, already today. Not hopefully and not tomorrow. Now. But you will also find some horrible things.

      It's not about going backwards but to lift the veil that has been holding us back for thousands of years. Sorry, but yes, there's a monster in between us and true prosperity we need to face, and it doesn't live in lala land.

    10. As long as the governments and alikes (FED?) take money from the people (taxes and interest) and use it to feed the economic balloon, it will be less easy for others to become rich. Not difficult or impossible. Modern slavery is about working to pay taxes and to offset the devaluation of your money.

      About the ultra rich that supposedly control the world's resources:
      unfortunately there is people who use their wealth only to gain more for themselves... i think prosperity is also about being able to share and give.

      My question is: how much sharing/giving needs to be involved in prosperity? share everything?, share wisely? (who defines wise?) share 10%, share nothing? i dunno yet. what you think?

    11. I agree totally, that Capitalism, in it's original form, is the way to go...however, this was destroyed many decades ago now, when the US Dollar ceased to be backed by anything of value. Today, it is created by bank notes with interest to be paid printed at will.

      Encouraging that way too many expenses/investments financed by taking on more debt.

      Withholding from gross wages so high, double and triple taxation as one tries to spend what little is left as Net Pay.

      There's more...but am sure you get the picture. We desperately need to get back to true Capitalism and stop the bleeding of civil liberties as States and Fed Government look for more ways to forestall their own bankruptcies by loading on more costs via taxes, fees, their citizens.

      Our State has even decided, it appears, to allow for more Casinos to be built to increase it's revenues.

      So contradictory to teach our children to live within their means, not gamble and still seek to increase their prosperity within a system that won't work without taking on more and more debt.

      Off the top of my head this mornin' Randy...unedited...


    12. Randy, teachers WILL save the world... keep reading and you will discver what I mean by that!

      When you first posed the question about prosperity and the point at which consumption "ruins" the environment, I had a knee-jerk reaction of agreement with the CEO you were talking to. Then I thought more deeply.

      Randy, you're right that you can only drive one car at a time. Let's go further-- I expect you're taking VERY good care of those cars, which employs car washers, mechanics, and salespeople who supply all the parts and services necessary. So your engine's head gasket is not leaking oil into the groundwater every night as the car sits in its parking space. I betcha you're NOT sitting in stop-and-go rush hour traffic twice daily, which would add bunches of exhaust fumes to the air. I bet you love those cars so much that you will keep them for many years, avoiding the do-the-minimum-maintenance-for-two-years-and-trade-it-in OVERCONSUMPTION that most of the lower- and middle-economic classes have been brainwashed to accept. Don't get me started on leasing a vehicle if it is not a business expense-- yet another way to throw away your money and be a slave to the bank. Etc Etc.

      Again, I think "overconsumption" comes from buying and hoarding substandard items in an attempt to fill the void inside one's psyche... the void that is caused by ignoring or squelching what one wants.

      I agree that teachers will save the world... that is, people who teach the laws of prosperity and the rules of the financial world of the "big players". In other words, financially sophisticated people.... who are likely the entrepreneurs!!

    13. I think we need to have prosperity consciousness to become prosperous. Randy has a video on "Developing Prosperity Consciousness":

      I also think we need to change our thoughts before we can manifest prosperity. For example, if you are used to being a "grinder" in the workplace then you would still be a grinder in MLM if you don't change your thoughts. I think that even though you could have prosperity & not be a "grinder" in MLM, you wouldn't manifest prosperity if you are thinking the way you always have thought. You would have to keep spinning your wheels to make money and you would still be in the rat race unless you change your thoughts.

      The ideas that Randy wrote about above made me think of the Creativity Law of Prosperity. He has a video:

    14. The amount of money in circulation does not stays the same.
      We, people have the ability to think.
      Thoughts can create anything! Every person can have more than what he has. But
      "If you want to get more you have to be more" Jim Rohn
      That bring us to self-development. By thinking and be more creative we can make wealth. The wealth is unlimited!
      I recommend about a brilliant book: THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill

    15. I wrote a comment but it was marked as spam. What I was thinking about was the "meme" or mind virus that Randy mentions in his book, "Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke...And How To Get Smart, Healthy & Rich!"

      The meme is "If you struggle & grind it out, you'll be accepted by the rest of the nice people doing the same." If we think we have to struggle & grind it out, we won't achieve prosperity. I think we need to change our thoughts or reprogram the bad memes firsts to develop prosperity consciousness.

    16. Thanks for reminding me Randy. Since money is indeed one aspect of prosperity, the question still stands...

      "If everybody doubles their income today, where would that extra money come from?"

    17. I read the book, but I still struggle with the question “If everybody doubles their income today, where would that extra money come from?”

      I understand it on a individual level. But how does your "people can think thus create"-statement works when ALL people claim their abundance and double their income? Where do the dollar bills come from?

      And yes, money is one of many aspects of prosperity, but it happens to be the one I am talking about.

    18. The extra money will come from the Governments. They'll print more, as part of the ponzi scheme we each subscribed to. We chose this, so please don't be upset with the outcome. The alternative is action. Harder to to do but easier to swallow.

    19. Love it, love it, love it. Our prosperity will change the world to a better place for all, more effectively and dramatically than any poor, middle or unconscious rich person or government ever can. Signed ex-socialist lol

    20. Randy,
      I heartily agree! And the proof is the Builderberg group, made up of the richest, most powerful, connected/networked people on the planet. Businessmen, politicians (who are never poor), Kings/Queens/Princes, Chancellors/Prime Ministers, etc. This group of people get together and decide what "their" planet should look like and policy starts being made in that direction. If we want to have a say in what shapes our destiny, look to the Richard Branson types. He started as a Record Producer, used his imagination and passions and now is creating his own rockets and space tourism. Who needs to wait for the government or ever depend on them?
      Free market trade is the only way to promote true growth and prosperity, we just need to make sure that we include (or go back to) values that promote honesty, integrity, family and a healthy global mindset. Just making everyone rich will still destroy the planet without these values.

    21. @Greg Anderson

      Interesting... so printing money (=inflation) is the only way EVERYBODY can have unlimited income?

      Every dollar in circulation already has an owner. So how can one person get more dollars, without somebody else losing those dollars? You're telling me that can only happen because governements will print that extra money? Do you live in Zimbabwe?

      I'm stuck here. Does somebody has a logical explanation?

    22. Great post Randy!

      For those who continue to struggle with the need to *know* where the additional money would come from, I suggest the book You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor.

      It's an energetic concept that, in my opinion, requires you understand that everything is made up of energy before you can grasp it. Once you do, you should be able to move forward from there to great success.

      Love your posts as always Randy!

      Love & Light,

    23. Who is John Galt? 😉

      great points Randy- right on the mark.

      My aim is to keep learning the formulas and gain the wisdom I need to manage the resources properly.

      The lessons sometimes suck, but the results never do.


    24. believing right produce right results. The only way is to follow the BIBLE - Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

      Jesus said: I am THE way, THE truth and THE life.

      When the man is right. The world will be right.

    25. Because I can afford it, I have 3 local organic farmers who grow my food. I am having an enpowering local impact ecologically, socially, and economically; contributions that will outlive me. I'm not obligated to shop for "Always Low Prices" and turn into a WaltMartian(People who do most of their shopping at Walt Mart.) ignoring the externalities their buying practices generate because surviving is the priority. I have the luxury of patronizing Whole Foods, Ikea, Seventh Generation, Green Mountain Energy, light-rail, and more.

    26. Resources are UNLIMITED!!! Here is why: Once a resource is becoming scarce, technology creates it's replacement - it's abundant replacement. We were once worried about oil reserves;then, hydrogen fuel cells busted into the scene. Again, technology determines what a resource is and much of it there is. They are inventions of the human mind. Are we going to run out of sand for manufacturing computer chips or breast implants??? If we do, I am sure we will find a replacement.

    27. OH MY GOODNESS! Yo Randy and Co.,

      YOU HAVE JUST GOTTA SEE THIS NEWS ARTICLE OF A MULTIMILLIONAIRE who is GIVING AWAY every single penny he owned! It is so relevant to your blog post...

      I was shocked--but do you know what? I reckon he has such an INBUILT ability to make money that he will make it all back again--reminds me of that funny comedy "BREWSTERS MILLIONS" starring Richard Pryor.

    28. This guy states "Money is counterproductive – it prevents happiness to come."

      Pop quiz: if money is counterproductive, then why does his charity loans out MONEY to poor people in South America?

    29. Capitalism without regulation destroys itself. We didn't learned the lesson in 1929, and we are repeating again.

    30. Enrique, do you have any examples from history where a capitalist society destroyed itself?

      As far as I'm concerned, the USA recovered fine after the 1929 crash and the folowing depression.

    31. Randy, You have written many great posts on your blog, but this one is a true masterpiece! I just printed it and stuck it on the wall in my office! Thank you!


    32. Great Post Randy! In my humble opinion, the point Randy is making in his post is that if you do not first help yourself you will not be able to contribute to humanity in a meaningful way. All of these programs such as headstart, space exploration, and eradicating diseases takes a tremendous amount of Wealth.

    33. did it wallace wattles said ...'Do not study poverty in order to help the poor. Get rich, then you can do so'...
      Thanks for your wisdom again!

    34. I totally agree with this Randy. We can't save the planet while we are struggling to make ends meet. Besides, abundance is our birthright and I believe this planet is full of abundance, plenty for everyone, including the rainforests.

    35. Hi Randy,

      I agree with almost all your post. When you talk about those "isms" though, I think CapitalISM should be mentioned there too in that context.

      As you can find a lot of things to criticize Socialism (Communism never actually happen) you can find a lot of assertive ones and the same with Capitalism. Would be completely wrong to say that Capitalism is the answer, if it were the answer the world wouldn't be in such a mess, I mean, 90% of the world is Capitalist.

      Interesting enough, most of the best academics, sports people, scientists and so on came from Socialist countries or were trained by people who were in Socialist countries, as you know, there's a lot of Russians, trained in Russia, bringing their knowledge to the US and other countries.

      I think that the idea of confronting Socialism against Capitalism should be left apart and start talking about putting together the best of each one and make something new.

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