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Who Are They?

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 22, 2014

So who chose salt and pepper anyway?

Why are they the two spices available in almost every restaurant and dinner table in the Americas? Why not sea salt, paprika, or nutmeg? Why two seasonings, and not three or five?

Who says the North Pole is on the top?

Most people seem to think so. But looking from my apartment in Sydney, I can tell you for certain that the South Pole is definitely on top. In actuality, the top is relative to what angle you’re viewing the earth from the galaxy.

What if Einstein was wrong?

Probably the most quoted statement from Albert Einstein is the quip defining insanity as doing the same thing, yet expecting different results. But of course Socrates cautioned us about believing everything we read on the Internet.

That insanity quote actually came out of a Narcotics Anonymous pamphlet published about thirty years ago and has been attributed lots of people ever since, including Einstein. And while it was great advice back then, or even until recently, it no longer is. The rules have changed.

Today’s marketplace changes by the second. The entire world is in constant change. Doing the same thing and expecting to get the same results today is crazy. Yet most entrepreneurs and companies are still locked into the old paradigm. Today’s fast-shifting, technology-driven world requires doing new and different things.

And the only way to change the way you do things is to change the way you think about them.

No matter what field you’re in, there always seems to be a usual way of doing things, accepted practices, and conventional beliefs. But how often are conventional beliefs simply an excuse to avoid the really difficult work of critical thinking?

So here are the real questions for you today...

What other conventional wisdom have you just accepted, because they said it was so? And who the hell are “they” anyway?

- RG

Randy is the author of nine international bestsellers on success, including, Risky Is the New Safe. He’s currently on sabbatical, writing his next book, but posts occasionally here. If you find these postcards helpful, please share them.

43 comments on “Who Are They?”

  1. I hear you.. Too many people don't really think at what they are doing. They are just 'following instructions'. Kind of like a machine. It will just follow instructions on what we input to them..

  2. Dude I can't tell you HOW much I appreciate you posting this.. When I get into conversations about 'they', people just think I'm weird since 'they' are all so deeply invested in society rules that are ancient. 
    I also encounter this in the film/TV communities I'm involved. Anyone that looks at where entertainment is going knows that people to view media they enjoy when and WHERE they are, That means producing engaging, immersive content that meets those objectives. All we have to do is see how movie theater revenues are dropping through the floor and all the boring TV programming. What you resist persists. 
    This whole 'they' thing insinuates there are rules. I can only speak for myself, but I sure as heck don't remember being given any Life Rule Book, do you?

  3. Love this! What other conventional wisdom have you just accepted, because they said it was so? And who the hell are “they” anyway?     I choose to ZAG while they ZIG!
    Tony Beach

  4. I've been trying to schedule an appointment to with meet with They for years - but they never return my calls...

  5. Randy... I think you are one of "the" most solid people I have ever read and I count on your posts to move me ahead.  Whether Einstein wrote it or an substance abuse counselor, physics defy the idea that repeatedly doing the same thing... like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer, is going to come out differently.. mind you.. one might cause different damage, but damage is the result.  A clever professor once taught me that the concept behind "survival of the fittest" was misused in a "social setting" rather than a "biological setting" and resulted in one of the most horrendous massacres of the time. (personal opinion).  The idea behind changing your method has always been presented to me as a "thought process"... not necessarily a production maneuver... If I keep thinking that I can change a person to care for me in a healthy manner without consideration for their background and culture.. then I will never find a partner... or... if I keep thinking that spanking children is a necessary thing because my parents thought is appropriate.. then well, lets face it... I would be in jail.
    The idea of changing your thoughts and being positive... believing in yourself.. "as a man thinketh"... I like it... it works.. and if you don't think outside the box.. then all you will ever have... is box.

  6. Ha I've been asking myself that for years. Who the hell is *they* anyway? I no longer care who *they* are. Going against the grain is just way more fun! ♥

  7. They... are the forces that convince you of matter that are not necessarily true... but do so in a manner that appeals to your level of comfort, so we respond with favor... "they" is the voice of the masses... controlled by media and need... 
    How about that?

  8. "They", is just an expression but in this case it refers to "me". Every custom, behaviour, wisdom or dumb idea that influences my life comes from myself. There is no they, there is only me.

  9. Great post again Randy! Everything is always relative to our position and perspective in this amazing fractal, holographic projection, simulated reality we call planet earth. We create our projection so make it a good one and take Randy"s Advice 'Live Rich"!

  10. Truly an amazing post Randy, You know we create many perceptions and sometimes we overlook so many things in life...It's all about How we do and How bad we want 🙂 Great Post DudE!!!

  11. The process itself of #awakening, is a spiritual experience and make you WANT to do much more #criticalthinking, AND it yields the energy to do that with. I find. How about y'all?

  12. Hi Randy, Thanks for your post and interesting perspective.  I always enjoy reading your comments regarding various topics.  Hope you are doing well & recovering nicely.  Take care and God bless.  Gary

  13. Hello Randy, this is the first postcard I received from you and I have to say that I would like to share my thoughts with you.  
    Being for about 3 years in the  mlm field I constantly hear that I should listen to what my leaders say and follow their advice and guidance if I want to succeed as they did. "Follow the steps of the one who has already succeeded if you want to succeed too". Basicaly, this means to  do what they did this month, last month, last year etc. Do what they did during their way to success following some basic rules.  
    This I think is the salt and pepper on the table.  The basics, the two ingrediences that you find in almost all foods.  But you have the opportunity to ask for paprika or lemon or oil.... 
    For me "they" are all the people around us who can show us the way things are supposed to be done. Beginning with our parents, our school teachers, our friends, our bosses (for those of us we have) our loved ones.  It's up to us to keep the basics and decide which of them suit us and keep them or find out what else we need and take it. "They" always exsisted and will keep on esxisting. It's up to us to decide what suits us and follow it and what doesn't work anymore and leave it aside.

  14. Love it Randy! You are always challenging the way we think. We are definitely creatures of habit. The new insanity: doing what you've always done and expecting the same result! That just made my day.

  15. Is this to say that there are no timeless values? It always seems that money or currency always goes to the "perceived" value. The way of delivery is changing constantly, example being records, 8 tracks, cassettes, CD's now to digital downloads. History seems to constantly repeat itself when you look at history. I guess we should always be in tune with what people perceive as valuable and try to be out in front of that curve.
    But it always seems that currency always goes to what is "perceived" to be valuable and the more people that feel that way the more currency exchanges.
    As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
    God Bless You,
    John Clark -

  16. Hi Randy,
    I have traveled the world for the past 42 months. I am living in Fiji for 2 more days, then off to Bali.
    I started a new blog, Blogging from Paradise, after trashing 3400 posts from my old blog. I did few conventional things in my life, and here I am, living a very unconventional, dream life.
    I'm churning out eBooks like a machine; my intuition tells me to do so, so I do it. So, following the basic idea you note about, thinking, and I mean, really, really thinking, and following intuitive nudges, forms an unstoppable combo.
    You can't lose when you begin to really think because at this point, you'll be ahead of most people on earth, who view thinking as toot tiring an endeavor.
    You may find yourself on the other side of the fence but it'll be the side that is free, and open, not the confined area. Honestly, most of what I did to become a professional, island hopping, prospering blogger made a bunch of folks scratch their head.
    That's how I knew I was on the right track.
    Thanks RG!
    Neat factoid about the Einstein quote too.
    Tweeting from Fiji.

  17. Just because they said it was so. That's where the problem starts. Leaders need followers and most follow blindly just because.
    You are on point as usual Randy, we need to change the way we think. Wake up "ZOMBIES" Think!

  18. jSmart We must become a product of our own conclusion... meaning that we must find the answers for ourselves. And to find the answers we must be looking for them and if we are looking for the answers, we will inevitably find them. A major problem occurs when we try to "force" people to wake up, this generally leads to conflict. An old saying goes, "a person forced against their will is of the SAME opinion still."
    If it doesn't make sense to them, they will cling to their old way of thinking.
    As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
    God Bless You,
    John Clark

  19. lifetosuccess jSmart I agree whole heartedly. Where are the true seekers of truth in today's society?
    May your success continue,

  20. I think the key is just to continue to think for ourselves and continue to seek for ourselves,contiinue to seek out people who can open our eyes to different way of seeing things while maintaining the thought that we will stil have to be "a product of our own conclusion".
    It is my belief that when I take my last breath that I will stand before my maker and have to give an account for my life, and the only person who I will be able to point my finger at will be me.
    That is why I feel that it is important to maintain that thought...
    God Bless,

  21. lifetosuccess jSmart Thank you John for this and for all other posts. Even when I'm
    questioning myself all the time, other people's questions and answers which are
    coming all the way are important, as they are helping me to open yet another
    door in myself. And this is true for this your comment started with Randy's
    questions. I set up another supporter, and found the truth that I have to build
    myself with my own conclusions, my own way of living and my own set of rules.
     I feel you and Randy very
    near me. I'm happy that I met you, even 'only' on the web.

  22. vojko629 lifetosuccess jSmart Vojko, I think that is one of the reasons that we read @Randy_Gage so that we have a different perspective. And when we look at our lives and look to grow, we have a little more fuel for the fire or another tool in the tool box.
    And in the end, it will be our decisions and our actions that will cause our results.
    Thank you for sharing.
    As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
    God Bless You,
    John Clark -

  23. Randy, is there any way to contact you directly, though email? I have a personal question for you, that I don't want to post here, it's serious and important,

  24. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
    Thomas A. Edison
    Eventually he invented the lightbulb... Not giving up & also not doing the same exact thing over & over... Maybe learning & adjusting...

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  • 43 comments on “Who Are They?”

    1. I hear you.. Too many people don't really think at what they are doing. They are just 'following instructions'. Kind of like a machine. It will just follow instructions on what we input to them..

    2. Dude I can't tell you HOW much I appreciate you posting this.. When I get into conversations about 'they', people just think I'm weird since 'they' are all so deeply invested in society rules that are ancient. 
      I also encounter this in the film/TV communities I'm involved. Anyone that looks at where entertainment is going knows that people to view media they enjoy when and WHERE they are, That means producing engaging, immersive content that meets those objectives. All we have to do is see how movie theater revenues are dropping through the floor and all the boring TV programming. What you resist persists. 
      This whole 'they' thing insinuates there are rules. I can only speak for myself, but I sure as heck don't remember being given any Life Rule Book, do you?

    3. Love this! What other conventional wisdom have you just accepted, because they said it was so? And who the hell are “they” anyway?     I choose to ZAG while they ZIG!
      Tony Beach

    4. I've been trying to schedule an appointment to with meet with They for years - but they never return my calls...

    5. Randy... I think you are one of "the" most solid people I have ever read and I count on your posts to move me ahead.  Whether Einstein wrote it or an substance abuse counselor, physics defy the idea that repeatedly doing the same thing... like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer, is going to come out differently.. mind you.. one might cause different damage, but damage is the result.  A clever professor once taught me that the concept behind "survival of the fittest" was misused in a "social setting" rather than a "biological setting" and resulted in one of the most horrendous massacres of the time. (personal opinion).  The idea behind changing your method has always been presented to me as a "thought process"... not necessarily a production maneuver... If I keep thinking that I can change a person to care for me in a healthy manner without consideration for their background and culture.. then I will never find a partner... or... if I keep thinking that spanking children is a necessary thing because my parents thought is appropriate.. then well, lets face it... I would be in jail.
      The idea of changing your thoughts and being positive... believing in yourself.. "as a man thinketh"... I like it... it works.. and if you don't think outside the box.. then all you will ever have... is box.

    6. Ha I've been asking myself that for years. Who the hell is *they* anyway? I no longer care who *they* are. Going against the grain is just way more fun! ♥

    7. They... are the forces that convince you of matter that are not necessarily true... but do so in a manner that appeals to your level of comfort, so we respond with favor... "they" is the voice of the masses... controlled by media and need... 
      How about that?

    8. "They", is just an expression but in this case it refers to "me". Every custom, behaviour, wisdom or dumb idea that influences my life comes from myself. There is no they, there is only me.

    9. Great post again Randy! Everything is always relative to our position and perspective in this amazing fractal, holographic projection, simulated reality we call planet earth. We create our projection so make it a good one and take Randy"s Advice 'Live Rich"!

    10. Truly an amazing post Randy, You know we create many perceptions and sometimes we overlook so many things in life...It's all about How we do and How bad we want 🙂 Great Post DudE!!!

    11. The process itself of #awakening, is a spiritual experience and make you WANT to do much more #criticalthinking, AND it yields the energy to do that with. I find. How about y'all?

    12. Hi Randy, Thanks for your post and interesting perspective.  I always enjoy reading your comments regarding various topics.  Hope you are doing well & recovering nicely.  Take care and God bless.  Gary

    13. Hello Randy, this is the first postcard I received from you and I have to say that I would like to share my thoughts with you.  
      Being for about 3 years in the  mlm field I constantly hear that I should listen to what my leaders say and follow their advice and guidance if I want to succeed as they did. "Follow the steps of the one who has already succeeded if you want to succeed too". Basicaly, this means to  do what they did this month, last month, last year etc. Do what they did during their way to success following some basic rules.  
      This I think is the salt and pepper on the table.  The basics, the two ingrediences that you find in almost all foods.  But you have the opportunity to ask for paprika or lemon or oil.... 
      For me "they" are all the people around us who can show us the way things are supposed to be done. Beginning with our parents, our school teachers, our friends, our bosses (for those of us we have) our loved ones.  It's up to us to keep the basics and decide which of them suit us and keep them or find out what else we need and take it. "They" always exsisted and will keep on esxisting. It's up to us to decide what suits us and follow it and what doesn't work anymore and leave it aside.

    14. Love it Randy! You are always challenging the way we think. We are definitely creatures of habit. The new insanity: doing what you've always done and expecting the same result! That just made my day.

    15. Is this to say that there are no timeless values? It always seems that money or currency always goes to the "perceived" value. The way of delivery is changing constantly, example being records, 8 tracks, cassettes, CD's now to digital downloads. History seems to constantly repeat itself when you look at history. I guess we should always be in tune with what people perceive as valuable and try to be out in front of that curve.
      But it always seems that currency always goes to what is "perceived" to be valuable and the more people that feel that way the more currency exchanges.
      As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
      God Bless You,
      John Clark -

    16. Hi Randy,
      I have traveled the world for the past 42 months. I am living in Fiji for 2 more days, then off to Bali.
      I started a new blog, Blogging from Paradise, after trashing 3400 posts from my old blog. I did few conventional things in my life, and here I am, living a very unconventional, dream life.
      I'm churning out eBooks like a machine; my intuition tells me to do so, so I do it. So, following the basic idea you note about, thinking, and I mean, really, really thinking, and following intuitive nudges, forms an unstoppable combo.
      You can't lose when you begin to really think because at this point, you'll be ahead of most people on earth, who view thinking as toot tiring an endeavor.
      You may find yourself on the other side of the fence but it'll be the side that is free, and open, not the confined area. Honestly, most of what I did to become a professional, island hopping, prospering blogger made a bunch of folks scratch their head.
      That's how I knew I was on the right track.
      Thanks RG!
      Neat factoid about the Einstein quote too.
      Tweeting from Fiji.

    17. Just because they said it was so. That's where the problem starts. Leaders need followers and most follow blindly just because.
      You are on point as usual Randy, we need to change the way we think. Wake up "ZOMBIES" Think!

    18. jSmart We must become a product of our own conclusion... meaning that we must find the answers for ourselves. And to find the answers we must be looking for them and if we are looking for the answers, we will inevitably find them. A major problem occurs when we try to "force" people to wake up, this generally leads to conflict. An old saying goes, "a person forced against their will is of the SAME opinion still."
      If it doesn't make sense to them, they will cling to their old way of thinking.
      As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
      God Bless You,
      John Clark

    19. lifetosuccess jSmart I agree whole heartedly. Where are the true seekers of truth in today's society?
      May your success continue,

    20. I think the key is just to continue to think for ourselves and continue to seek for ourselves,contiinue to seek out people who can open our eyes to different way of seeing things while maintaining the thought that we will stil have to be "a product of our own conclusion".
      It is my belief that when I take my last breath that I will stand before my maker and have to give an account for my life, and the only person who I will be able to point my finger at will be me.
      That is why I feel that it is important to maintain that thought...
      God Bless,

    21. lifetosuccess jSmart Thank you John for this and for all other posts. Even when I'm
      questioning myself all the time, other people's questions and answers which are
      coming all the way are important, as they are helping me to open yet another
      door in myself. And this is true for this your comment started with Randy's
      questions. I set up another supporter, and found the truth that I have to build
      myself with my own conclusions, my own way of living and my own set of rules.
       I feel you and Randy very
      near me. I'm happy that I met you, even 'only' on the web.

    22. vojko629 lifetosuccess jSmart Vojko, I think that is one of the reasons that we read @Randy_Gage so that we have a different perspective. And when we look at our lives and look to grow, we have a little more fuel for the fire or another tool in the tool box.
      And in the end, it will be our decisions and our actions that will cause our results.
      Thank you for sharing.
      As Always, Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
      God Bless You,
      John Clark -

    23. Randy, is there any way to contact you directly, though email? I have a personal question for you, that I don't want to post here, it's serious and important,

    24. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
      Thomas A. Edison
      Eventually he invented the lightbulb... Not giving up & also not doing the same exact thing over & over... Maybe learning & adjusting...

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