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What Will It Take?

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 13, 2012

So what will it take to get you to get out of your own way?  What will it take to get you to stop self-sabotaging yourself? 

I was a slow learner…

I had to have my business seized by the tax authorities, have my health and relationships break down, and pretty much lose everything – which caused me to do some soul searching.  I stopped blaming all my misfortune on outside factors and took responsibility that I created my circumstances.

Digging deeper, I came to understand that I was sabotaging myself because I didn’t think I was worthy.  That was the real breakthrough and led to the process of daily self-development - thinking about what I thought about - and gradually becoming to like myself.  But enough about me.

Let’s talk about you…

It’s really not necessary to have to sink to the bottom to turn your prosperity and life around.  All it takes is the recognition that what you’re doing isn’t producing the results you want, and making a decision to change.  Which leads us back to the original questions:

So what will it take to get you to get out of your own way?  What will it take to get you to stop self-sabotaging yourself?

If you know you’ve been holding yourself back, and are ready to make a change, feel free to share your declaration below.


57 comments on “What Will It Take?”

  1. Gratitude. I am reading "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne and focusing on Gratitude daily. I have a lot to be grateful for but was taking a lot for granted.
    I am thinking to really be open to receiving anything... health, wealth, happiness, love, etc... that you need to be grateful for what you have and for your dreams.

  2. Interesting post, Randy~  Of course, I must be holding myself back, since I ain't where I wanna be, yet.  Just as obvious to me is that I made that declaration "I'm ready to change" a l-o-n-g time ago; and I certainly have changed!  Nice to notice that.  There is still much to be changed, re me.  Currently reading "Now, Discover Your Strengths" - which is quite a tweak-up from the ol' habitual focus on weakness. 
     Have I been self-sabotaging, you ask.  Hmmm, I'll have to think more on that. I suppose I have - one thing I was doing (till I started reading this new book, today) was focussing on my weaknesses, when focussing on my Strengths would have been more productive.  Ooops! Today, focussing on my strengths, I can say that, like Randy, I work on self-development every day, every day, every day. 
    I am a work in progress, like most everyone else who reads this blog.  My life is much much better now than it was even a year ago, and I'm excited about who I'll be and how my life will be by this time next year.

  3. Interesting post, Randy~  Of course, I must be holding myself back, since I ain't where I wanna be, yet.  Just as obvious to me is that I made that declaration "I'm ready to change" a l-o-n-g time ago; and I certainly have changed!  Nice to notice that.  There is still much to be changed, re me.  Currently reading "Now, Discover Your Strengths" - which is quite a tweak-up from the ol' habitual focus on weakness. 
     Have I been self-sabotaging, you ask.  Hmmm, I'll have to think more on that. I suppose I have - one thing I was doing (till I started reading this new book, today) was focussing on my weaknesses, when focussing on my Strengths would have been more productive.  Ooops! Today, focussing on my strengths, I can say that, like Randy, I work on self-development every day, every day, every day. 
    I am a work in progress, like most everyone else who reads this blog.  My life is much much better now than it was even a year ago, and I'm excited about who I'll be and how my life will be by this time next year.

  4. I hereby declare that I will NO longer fall prey to excuses and mind viruses I adopted as a child that have kept me from living an abundant, prosperous life.  I also declare that my belief in what's possible, gratitude for everything I have and will receive and trust in the Universe grows every moment. I live ONLY in the now and KNOW that my actions, thoughts and beliefs will manifest in my world.

  5. I hereby declare that I will NO longer fall prey to excuses and mind viruses I adopted as a child that have kept me from living an abundant, prosperous life.  I also declare that my belief in what's possible, gratitude for everything I have and will receive and trust in the Universe grows every moment. I live ONLY in the now and KNOW that my actions, thoughts and beliefs will manifest in my world.

  6. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I am worthy and I deserve to be proserous and abundant'n

  7. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I deserve to be prosperous and abundant. I am ready to receive from the universe all that is being sent to me and I am open to receive it.
    I believe in myself and in my ability to change my life for the best.
    I am leaving behind all the excuses and incorrect mindsets that have been guidong me up to now.
    Thank you Randy!!

  8. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I deserve to be prosperous and abundant. I am ready to receive from the universe all that is being sent to me and I am open to receive it.
    I believe in myself and in my ability to change my life for the best.
    I am leaving behind all the excuses and incorrect mindsets that have been guidong me up to now.
    Thank you Randy!!

  9. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back.  I will no longer walk in fear. I believe that I can do all things through Christ and I have the power to get wealth and will use it! I am thankful and grateful for all the gifts that are stored within me and I will use them to share with others. I am becoming a Leader from the inside out!

  10. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back.  I will no longer walk in fear. I believe that I can do all things through Christ and I have the power to get wealth and will use it! I am thankful and grateful for all the gifts that are stored within me and I will use them to share with others. I am becoming a Leader from the inside out!

  11. We all have experienced so called cross roads but not perhaps to your ekstent but this is good and adds a lot into few words

  12. We all have experienced so called cross roads but not perhaps to your ekstent but this is good and adds a lot into few words

  13. I declare that I am changing for betterment! I am getting rid of the things/activities that holding me from being productive. I am letting go of my fear by doing the things that I am fearing off! I am following the right system, consistently. I realize that there is no time management, but only self management. I got to be very disciplined and manage myself well daily.

  14. I declare that I am changing for betterment! I am getting rid of the things/activities that holding me from being productive. I am letting go of my fear by doing the things that I am fearing off! I am following the right system, consistently. I realize that there is no time management, but only self management. I got to be very disciplined and manage myself well daily.

  15. I declare that I will work at my full potential!  I will focus on income driven activities that help increase my personal net worth and my family's well being.  I am deserving of success and I merit having my name on the very top in my organization.  I am not holding back any longer!!  FOCUS!

  16. I declare that I will work at my full potential!  I will focus on income driven activities that help increase my personal net worth and my family's well being.  I am deserving of success and I merit having my name on the very top in my organization.  I am not holding back any longer!!  FOCUS!

  17. Funny post where you ask a question to get people interested and never give the answer but have them self proclaim they want to change which was evident or they wouldn't have come to your page first. hmmm, It feels like watching a merry-go-round. Great marketing gotta say!! I will humble take your place and give out a few suggestions: getting out of your way starts by knowing where you really are (honesty and knowledge) and making a plan to where you want to go (precise and measurable). then, most importantly= silencing the mind of the negative chatter that limits your ability to trust in yourself and keep on going when adversity strikes. It starts with accepting who you are in your whole persona, the self-sabbotageur too, love yourself and know you are enough. You don't need to "get" anywhere or anything. By feeling like you are already enough, you will get less in your way because you will walk as a whole in the direction you seek. I could write a book about it. Oh but I am, it is called Boost your brain power and will be out shortly. Love you Randy!

  18. Funny post where you ask a question to get people interested and never give the answer but have them self proclaim they want to change which was evident or they wouldn't have come to your page first. hmmm, It feels like watching a merry-go-round. Great marketing gotta say!! I will humble take your place and give out a few suggestions: getting out of your way starts by knowing where you really are (honesty and knowledge) and making a plan to where you want to go (precise and measurable). then, most importantly= silencing the mind of the negative chatter that limits your ability to trust in yourself and keep on going when adversity strikes. It starts with accepting who you are in your whole persona, the self-sabbotageur too, love yourself and know you are enough. You don't need to "get" anywhere or anything. By feeling like you are already enough, you will get less in your way because you will walk as a whole in the direction you seek. I could write a book about it. Oh but I am, it is called Boost your brain power and will be out shortly. Love you Randy!

  19. When you "dis-identify" with your personality/character weaknesses (things you don't like) you can begin to "let go and let God".. I find this really helpful Credit to you RG.. the phrase "think about what you think about" has helped "dislodge" old programming..   you can "unearth" obsolete mind programs you've been using for decades this way..  "dis-identify" with these old programms

  20. When you "dis-identify" with your personality/character weaknesses (things you don't like) you can begin to "let go and let God".. I find this really helpful Credit to you RG.. the phrase "think about what you think about" has helped "dislodge" old programming..   you can "unearth" obsolete mind programs you've been using for decades this way..  "dis-identify" with these old programms

  21. I had my 10 year old daughter in the car with me.   I was explaining to her, the whole concept of "Rock Bottom", she got it really quickly.   ( She's a pretty switched on kid, more switched on, then her Dad ).   So, in a flash she replies, "You know the bottom isn't the complete bottom."   What I asked?  "  She says,  "Well even when you hit bottom, you can still go sideways for a long time".   Wow, talk about being quick, and smart!!  And only 10 years old.   Never underestimate the intelligence of a child!!

  22. I had my 10 year old daughter in the car with me.   I was explaining to her, the whole concept of "Rock Bottom", she got it really quickly.   ( She's a pretty switched on kid, more switched on, then her Dad ).   So, in a flash she replies, "You know the bottom isn't the complete bottom."   What I asked?  "  She says,  "Well even when you hit bottom, you can still go sideways for a long time".   Wow, talk about being quick, and smart!!  And only 10 years old.   Never underestimate the intelligence of a child!!

  23. I think knowing who you are is the most important thing ... second is accepting who you are ... and go for it.

  24. I think knowing who you are is the most important thing ... second is accepting who you are ... and go for it.

  25. I have "decided" to let go any belief that has been holding me back in achieving what I deserve in life. I trust and believe in myself. That I am worthy to receive what this gift called life has to offer. Thank RG. 🙂

  26. I have "decided" to let go any belief that has been holding me back in achieving what I deserve in life. I trust and believe in myself. That I am worthy to receive what this gift called life has to offer. Thank RG. 🙂

  27. say less and do not have to prove people things like a stubborn mule when I have the right answer...           i gona quit that.... 🙂

  28. say less and do not have to prove people things like a stubborn mule when I have the right answer...           i gona quit that.... 🙂

  29. I am ready to move forward and do what is nessecary to move and improve myself everyday until I get there. To live in the light of abundance, peace, joy and love is what I will do from this day forward

  30. I am ready to move forward and do what is nessecary to move and improve myself everyday until I get there. To live in the light of abundance, peace, joy and love is what I will do from this day forward

  31. For me to get out of my own way.  I know I have the  desire, faith , and persistence to become wealthy.  I realize I must fail forward.  I've already made possibly a costly mistake. I an determined to recover form that.  At the moment I am in financia I trouble.  Will it get worst? I do not know.  Moving forward without sufficient funds is a bump in the road.  I am sure I will persist.

  32. For me to get out of my own way.  I know I have the  desire, faith , and persistence to become wealthy.  I realize I must fail forward.  I've already made possibly a costly mistake. I an determined to recover form that.  At the moment I am in financia I trouble.  Will it get worst? I do not know.  Moving forward without sufficient funds is a bump in the road.  I am sure I will persist.

  33. I declare the will to take full responsibility for all my deeds and thoughts and take every needed step to improve myself and live the life I am supposed to

  34. I declare the will to take full responsibility for all my deeds and thoughts and take every needed step to improve myself and live the life I am supposed to

  35. Deep analysis of our thinking done graciously. Endless thanks,Randy!  Like your style, your light approach of very serious matters!  Although I am in emotional turmoil, still full of fears, uncertain, but getting ready, want more and more to turn, start over again and live the life I really deserve! God bless you, Randy, for your kindness and helpfulness! Thank you!

  36. Deep analysis of our thinking done graciously. Endless thanks,Randy!  Like your style, your light approach of very serious matters!  Although I am in emotional turmoil, still full of fears, uncertain, but getting ready, want more and more to turn, start over again and live the life I really deserve! God bless you, Randy, for your kindness and helpfulness! Thank you!

  37. I agree with what you`re saying but what about after the decision to the weeks, months and years afterwards? What did you do, how did you feel, what went through your mind?
     I always expected things to magically change.  I expected sudden reservoirs of drive and self-motivation to overcome me. But that didnt happen. I`m on my journey, but its slow and incremental, theres still self doubt and frustration, Theres fear and thoughts of "am I just fooling myself?"
    Randy tell us more about the part after making the decision

    1. @ashome Randy's run away on holiday, so I'll jump in here, because I made the decision to change - as you have! and I can tell you from my experience which seems to be pretty much the same as everyone else's (I've read or heard so many stories..They're all the same.)  Joe Vitale is one of my other fav. success-teachers, and I listened to him being interviewed live just a couple days ago.  Know what he says?  "I still have doubts and fears"  Dang!  They never go away, curse 'em.  Joe's just learned how to deal with them so that they are rendered powerless to stop him.
      So here's the next step on our journey, yours and mine: learn how to deal with the doubts & fears.  That's all that these more-successful people have done; they've found a way to accept this natural human phenomena of doubting and fearing.  Let's begin asking, "How can I deal with these !#%&**!! doubts?"  When we put the question out there to the Universe, the answer will come.  And won't THAT be great!
      Instead of finding a sudden reservoir of drive & self-motivation, as you say, what I've come to realize is that I have more drive & self-motivation than I did a year ago.  Hurrah!  Celebrate the successes, focus on the positives, change our perspective so that what we used to find negative (eg, the slowness of our journeys) we can now begin to see as neutral or even positive. 
      And most importantly of all, call upon your strength of persistance, because that is the make-it-or-break-it.

      1. @MrsHealthandProsperity
         Thats a very informative response. Thankyou so much!!  I suppose deep down we all know this, you just have to keep going

        1. @ashome
           I think that we need to keep going AND celebrate any and every success that we can possibly dig out of our experience.  That's why I looked back at "how I was a year ago".  If I only looked back for a week, well fu-dge, I've hardly changed at all. That doesn't feel good.  I am DETERMINED to  to keep myself happy - so any time I find my thoughts taking me downwards...I change 'em as quick as I can.  I find reasons to feel good. The only time we live is Right Now - and right now, I want to feel happy - to feel otherwise is a waste of my life! 
          ps: thanks for confirming that I've been helpful for you!  THAT makes me feel happy 😉

  38. I agree with what you`re saying but what about after the decision to the weeks, months and years afterwards? What did you do, how did you feel, what went through your mind?
     I always expected things to magically change.  I expected sudden reservoirs of drive and self-motivation to overcome me. But that didnt happen. I`m on my journey, but its slow and incremental, theres still self doubt and frustration, Theres fear and thoughts of "am I just fooling myself?"
    Randy tell us more about the part after making the decision

  39. @ashome Randy's run away on holiday, so I'll jump in here, because I made the decision to change - as you have! and I can tell you from my experience which seems to be pretty much the same as everyone else's (I've read or heard so many stories..They're all the same.)  Joe Vitale is one of my other fav. success-teachers, and I listened to him being interviewed live just a couple days ago.  Know what he says?  "I still have doubts and fears"  Dang!  They never go away, curse 'em.  Joe's just learned how to deal with them so that they are rendered powerless to stop him.
    So here's the next step on our journey, yours and mine: learn how to deal with the doubts & fears.  That's all that these more-successful people have done; they've found a way to accept this natural human phenomena of doubting and fearing.  Let's begin asking, "How can I deal with these !#%&**!! doubts?"  When we put the question out there to the Universe, the answer will come.  And won't THAT be great!
    Instead of finding a sudden reservoir of drive & self-motivation, as you say, what I've come to realize is that I have more drive & self-motivation than I did a year ago.  Hurrah!  Celebrate the successes, focus on the positives, change our perspective so that what we used to find negative (eg, the slowness of our journeys) we can now begin to see as neutral or even positive. 
    And most importantly of all, call upon your strength of persistance, because that is the make-it-or-break-it.

  40. @MrsHealthandProsperity
     Thats a very informative response. Thankyou so much!!  I suppose deep down we all know this, you just have to keep going

  41. @ashome
     I think that we need to keep going AND celebrate any and every success that we can possibly dig out of our experience.  That's why I looked back at "how I was a year ago".  If I only looked back for a week, well fu-dge, I've hardly changed at all. That doesn't feel good.  I am DETERMINED to  to keep myself happy - so any time I find my thoughts taking me downwards...I change 'em as quick as I can.  I find reasons to feel good. The only time we live is Right Now - and right now, I want to feel happy - to feel otherwise is a waste of my life! 
    ps: thanks for confirming that I've been helpful for you!  THAT makes me feel happy 😉

    1. @Joe Lee 
       So, how would you rather feel?  What would you like to do instead (of shortchanging yourself).
      Focus on What You Want, raise the vibration, feel happier, life'll get better.
      or of course, go on focussing on what you don't want, feel crummy, continue living life as you have been.  Choice is yours.
      And you already know this, don't you?  Sometimes we all fall off the wagon, dagnab it. Here's a hand to help you climb back on!  You'll do the same for me or someone else.

  42. @Joe Lee 
     So, how would you rather feel?  What would you like to do instead (of shortchanging yourself).
    Focus on What You Want, raise the vibration, feel happier, life'll get better.
    or of course, go on focussing on what you don't want, feel crummy, continue living life as you have been.  Choice is yours.
    And you already know this, don't you?  Sometimes we all fall off the wagon, dagnab it. Here's a hand to help you climb back on!  You'll do the same for me or someone else.

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  • 57 comments on “What Will It Take?”

    1. Gratitude. I am reading "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne and focusing on Gratitude daily. I have a lot to be grateful for but was taking a lot for granted.
      I am thinking to really be open to receiving anything... health, wealth, happiness, love, etc... that you need to be grateful for what you have and for your dreams.

    2. Interesting post, Randy~  Of course, I must be holding myself back, since I ain't where I wanna be, yet.  Just as obvious to me is that I made that declaration "I'm ready to change" a l-o-n-g time ago; and I certainly have changed!  Nice to notice that.  There is still much to be changed, re me.  Currently reading "Now, Discover Your Strengths" - which is quite a tweak-up from the ol' habitual focus on weakness. 
       Have I been self-sabotaging, you ask.  Hmmm, I'll have to think more on that. I suppose I have - one thing I was doing (till I started reading this new book, today) was focussing on my weaknesses, when focussing on my Strengths would have been more productive.  Ooops! Today, focussing on my strengths, I can say that, like Randy, I work on self-development every day, every day, every day. 
      I am a work in progress, like most everyone else who reads this blog.  My life is much much better now than it was even a year ago, and I'm excited about who I'll be and how my life will be by this time next year.

    3. Interesting post, Randy~  Of course, I must be holding myself back, since I ain't where I wanna be, yet.  Just as obvious to me is that I made that declaration "I'm ready to change" a l-o-n-g time ago; and I certainly have changed!  Nice to notice that.  There is still much to be changed, re me.  Currently reading "Now, Discover Your Strengths" - which is quite a tweak-up from the ol' habitual focus on weakness. 
       Have I been self-sabotaging, you ask.  Hmmm, I'll have to think more on that. I suppose I have - one thing I was doing (till I started reading this new book, today) was focussing on my weaknesses, when focussing on my Strengths would have been more productive.  Ooops! Today, focussing on my strengths, I can say that, like Randy, I work on self-development every day, every day, every day. 
      I am a work in progress, like most everyone else who reads this blog.  My life is much much better now than it was even a year ago, and I'm excited about who I'll be and how my life will be by this time next year.

    4. I hereby declare that I will NO longer fall prey to excuses and mind viruses I adopted as a child that have kept me from living an abundant, prosperous life.  I also declare that my belief in what's possible, gratitude for everything I have and will receive and trust in the Universe grows every moment. I live ONLY in the now and KNOW that my actions, thoughts and beliefs will manifest in my world.

    5. I hereby declare that I will NO longer fall prey to excuses and mind viruses I adopted as a child that have kept me from living an abundant, prosperous life.  I also declare that my belief in what's possible, gratitude for everything I have and will receive and trust in the Universe grows every moment. I live ONLY in the now and KNOW that my actions, thoughts and beliefs will manifest in my world.

    6. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I am worthy and I deserve to be proserous and abundant'n

    7. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I deserve to be prosperous and abundant. I am ready to receive from the universe all that is being sent to me and I am open to receive it.
      I believe in myself and in my ability to change my life for the best.
      I am leaving behind all the excuses and incorrect mindsets that have been guidong me up to now.
      Thank you Randy!!

    8. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back. That I deserve to be prosperous and abundant. I am ready to receive from the universe all that is being sent to me and I am open to receive it.
      I believe in myself and in my ability to change my life for the best.
      I am leaving behind all the excuses and incorrect mindsets that have been guidong me up to now.
      Thank you Randy!!

    9. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back.  I will no longer walk in fear. I believe that I can do all things through Christ and I have the power to get wealth and will use it! I am thankful and grateful for all the gifts that are stored within me and I will use them to share with others. I am becoming a Leader from the inside out!

    10. I declare that I will no longer hold myself back.  I will no longer walk in fear. I believe that I can do all things through Christ and I have the power to get wealth and will use it! I am thankful and grateful for all the gifts that are stored within me and I will use them to share with others. I am becoming a Leader from the inside out!

    11. We all have experienced so called cross roads but not perhaps to your ekstent but this is good and adds a lot into few words

    12. We all have experienced so called cross roads but not perhaps to your ekstent but this is good and adds a lot into few words

    13. I declare that I am changing for betterment! I am getting rid of the things/activities that holding me from being productive. I am letting go of my fear by doing the things that I am fearing off! I am following the right system, consistently. I realize that there is no time management, but only self management. I got to be very disciplined and manage myself well daily.

    14. I declare that I am changing for betterment! I am getting rid of the things/activities that holding me from being productive. I am letting go of my fear by doing the things that I am fearing off! I am following the right system, consistently. I realize that there is no time management, but only self management. I got to be very disciplined and manage myself well daily.

    15. I declare that I will work at my full potential!  I will focus on income driven activities that help increase my personal net worth and my family's well being.  I am deserving of success and I merit having my name on the very top in my organization.  I am not holding back any longer!!  FOCUS!

    16. I declare that I will work at my full potential!  I will focus on income driven activities that help increase my personal net worth and my family's well being.  I am deserving of success and I merit having my name on the very top in my organization.  I am not holding back any longer!!  FOCUS!

    17. Funny post where you ask a question to get people interested and never give the answer but have them self proclaim they want to change which was evident or they wouldn't have come to your page first. hmmm, It feels like watching a merry-go-round. Great marketing gotta say!! I will humble take your place and give out a few suggestions: getting out of your way starts by knowing where you really are (honesty and knowledge) and making a plan to where you want to go (precise and measurable). then, most importantly= silencing the mind of the negative chatter that limits your ability to trust in yourself and keep on going when adversity strikes. It starts with accepting who you are in your whole persona, the self-sabbotageur too, love yourself and know you are enough. You don't need to "get" anywhere or anything. By feeling like you are already enough, you will get less in your way because you will walk as a whole in the direction you seek. I could write a book about it. Oh but I am, it is called Boost your brain power and will be out shortly. Love you Randy!

    18. Funny post where you ask a question to get people interested and never give the answer but have them self proclaim they want to change which was evident or they wouldn't have come to your page first. hmmm, It feels like watching a merry-go-round. Great marketing gotta say!! I will humble take your place and give out a few suggestions: getting out of your way starts by knowing where you really are (honesty and knowledge) and making a plan to where you want to go (precise and measurable). then, most importantly= silencing the mind of the negative chatter that limits your ability to trust in yourself and keep on going when adversity strikes. It starts with accepting who you are in your whole persona, the self-sabbotageur too, love yourself and know you are enough. You don't need to "get" anywhere or anything. By feeling like you are already enough, you will get less in your way because you will walk as a whole in the direction you seek. I could write a book about it. Oh but I am, it is called Boost your brain power and will be out shortly. Love you Randy!

    19. When you "dis-identify" with your personality/character weaknesses (things you don't like) you can begin to "let go and let God".. I find this really helpful Credit to you RG.. the phrase "think about what you think about" has helped "dislodge" old programming..   you can "unearth" obsolete mind programs you've been using for decades this way..  "dis-identify" with these old programms

    20. When you "dis-identify" with your personality/character weaknesses (things you don't like) you can begin to "let go and let God".. I find this really helpful Credit to you RG.. the phrase "think about what you think about" has helped "dislodge" old programming..   you can "unearth" obsolete mind programs you've been using for decades this way..  "dis-identify" with these old programms

    21. I had my 10 year old daughter in the car with me.   I was explaining to her, the whole concept of "Rock Bottom", she got it really quickly.   ( She's a pretty switched on kid, more switched on, then her Dad ).   So, in a flash she replies, "You know the bottom isn't the complete bottom."   What I asked?  "  She says,  "Well even when you hit bottom, you can still go sideways for a long time".   Wow, talk about being quick, and smart!!  And only 10 years old.   Never underestimate the intelligence of a child!!

    22. I had my 10 year old daughter in the car with me.   I was explaining to her, the whole concept of "Rock Bottom", she got it really quickly.   ( She's a pretty switched on kid, more switched on, then her Dad ).   So, in a flash she replies, "You know the bottom isn't the complete bottom."   What I asked?  "  She says,  "Well even when you hit bottom, you can still go sideways for a long time".   Wow, talk about being quick, and smart!!  And only 10 years old.   Never underestimate the intelligence of a child!!

    23. I think knowing who you are is the most important thing ... second is accepting who you are ... and go for it.

    24. I think knowing who you are is the most important thing ... second is accepting who you are ... and go for it.

    25. I have "decided" to let go any belief that has been holding me back in achieving what I deserve in life. I trust and believe in myself. That I am worthy to receive what this gift called life has to offer. Thank RG. 🙂

    26. I have "decided" to let go any belief that has been holding me back in achieving what I deserve in life. I trust and believe in myself. That I am worthy to receive what this gift called life has to offer. Thank RG. 🙂

    27. say less and do not have to prove people things like a stubborn mule when I have the right answer...           i gona quit that.... 🙂

    28. say less and do not have to prove people things like a stubborn mule when I have the right answer...           i gona quit that.... 🙂

    29. I am ready to move forward and do what is nessecary to move and improve myself everyday until I get there. To live in the light of abundance, peace, joy and love is what I will do from this day forward

    30. I am ready to move forward and do what is nessecary to move and improve myself everyday until I get there. To live in the light of abundance, peace, joy and love is what I will do from this day forward

    31. For me to get out of my own way.  I know I have the  desire, faith , and persistence to become wealthy.  I realize I must fail forward.  I've already made possibly a costly mistake. I an determined to recover form that.  At the moment I am in financia I trouble.  Will it get worst? I do not know.  Moving forward without sufficient funds is a bump in the road.  I am sure I will persist.

    32. For me to get out of my own way.  I know I have the  desire, faith , and persistence to become wealthy.  I realize I must fail forward.  I've already made possibly a costly mistake. I an determined to recover form that.  At the moment I am in financia I trouble.  Will it get worst? I do not know.  Moving forward without sufficient funds is a bump in the road.  I am sure I will persist.

    33. I declare the will to take full responsibility for all my deeds and thoughts and take every needed step to improve myself and live the life I am supposed to

    34. I declare the will to take full responsibility for all my deeds and thoughts and take every needed step to improve myself and live the life I am supposed to

    35. Deep analysis of our thinking done graciously. Endless thanks,Randy!  Like your style, your light approach of very serious matters!  Although I am in emotional turmoil, still full of fears, uncertain, but getting ready, want more and more to turn, start over again and live the life I really deserve! God bless you, Randy, for your kindness and helpfulness! Thank you!

    36. Deep analysis of our thinking done graciously. Endless thanks,Randy!  Like your style, your light approach of very serious matters!  Although I am in emotional turmoil, still full of fears, uncertain, but getting ready, want more and more to turn, start over again and live the life I really deserve! God bless you, Randy, for your kindness and helpfulness! Thank you!

    37. I agree with what you`re saying but what about after the decision to the weeks, months and years afterwards? What did you do, how did you feel, what went through your mind?
       I always expected things to magically change.  I expected sudden reservoirs of drive and self-motivation to overcome me. But that didnt happen. I`m on my journey, but its slow and incremental, theres still self doubt and frustration, Theres fear and thoughts of "am I just fooling myself?"
      Randy tell us more about the part after making the decision

      1. @ashome Randy's run away on holiday, so I'll jump in here, because I made the decision to change - as you have! and I can tell you from my experience which seems to be pretty much the same as everyone else's (I've read or heard so many stories..They're all the same.)  Joe Vitale is one of my other fav. success-teachers, and I listened to him being interviewed live just a couple days ago.  Know what he says?  "I still have doubts and fears"  Dang!  They never go away, curse 'em.  Joe's just learned how to deal with them so that they are rendered powerless to stop him.
        So here's the next step on our journey, yours and mine: learn how to deal with the doubts & fears.  That's all that these more-successful people have done; they've found a way to accept this natural human phenomena of doubting and fearing.  Let's begin asking, "How can I deal with these !#%&**!! doubts?"  When we put the question out there to the Universe, the answer will come.  And won't THAT be great!
        Instead of finding a sudden reservoir of drive & self-motivation, as you say, what I've come to realize is that I have more drive & self-motivation than I did a year ago.  Hurrah!  Celebrate the successes, focus on the positives, change our perspective so that what we used to find negative (eg, the slowness of our journeys) we can now begin to see as neutral or even positive. 
        And most importantly of all, call upon your strength of persistance, because that is the make-it-or-break-it.

        1. @MrsHealthandProsperity
           Thats a very informative response. Thankyou so much!!  I suppose deep down we all know this, you just have to keep going

          1. @ashome
             I think that we need to keep going AND celebrate any and every success that we can possibly dig out of our experience.  That's why I looked back at "how I was a year ago".  If I only looked back for a week, well fu-dge, I've hardly changed at all. That doesn't feel good.  I am DETERMINED to  to keep myself happy - so any time I find my thoughts taking me downwards...I change 'em as quick as I can.  I find reasons to feel good. The only time we live is Right Now - and right now, I want to feel happy - to feel otherwise is a waste of my life! 
            ps: thanks for confirming that I've been helpful for you!  THAT makes me feel happy 😉

    38. I agree with what you`re saying but what about after the decision to the weeks, months and years afterwards? What did you do, how did you feel, what went through your mind?
       I always expected things to magically change.  I expected sudden reservoirs of drive and self-motivation to overcome me. But that didnt happen. I`m on my journey, but its slow and incremental, theres still self doubt and frustration, Theres fear and thoughts of "am I just fooling myself?"
      Randy tell us more about the part after making the decision

    39. @ashome Randy's run away on holiday, so I'll jump in here, because I made the decision to change - as you have! and I can tell you from my experience which seems to be pretty much the same as everyone else's (I've read or heard so many stories..They're all the same.)  Joe Vitale is one of my other fav. success-teachers, and I listened to him being interviewed live just a couple days ago.  Know what he says?  "I still have doubts and fears"  Dang!  They never go away, curse 'em.  Joe's just learned how to deal with them so that they are rendered powerless to stop him.
      So here's the next step on our journey, yours and mine: learn how to deal with the doubts & fears.  That's all that these more-successful people have done; they've found a way to accept this natural human phenomena of doubting and fearing.  Let's begin asking, "How can I deal with these !#%&**!! doubts?"  When we put the question out there to the Universe, the answer will come.  And won't THAT be great!
      Instead of finding a sudden reservoir of drive & self-motivation, as you say, what I've come to realize is that I have more drive & self-motivation than I did a year ago.  Hurrah!  Celebrate the successes, focus on the positives, change our perspective so that what we used to find negative (eg, the slowness of our journeys) we can now begin to see as neutral or even positive. 
      And most importantly of all, call upon your strength of persistance, because that is the make-it-or-break-it.

    40. @MrsHealthandProsperity
       Thats a very informative response. Thankyou so much!!  I suppose deep down we all know this, you just have to keep going

    41. @ashome
       I think that we need to keep going AND celebrate any and every success that we can possibly dig out of our experience.  That's why I looked back at "how I was a year ago".  If I only looked back for a week, well fu-dge, I've hardly changed at all. That doesn't feel good.  I am DETERMINED to  to keep myself happy - so any time I find my thoughts taking me downwards...I change 'em as quick as I can.  I find reasons to feel good. The only time we live is Right Now - and right now, I want to feel happy - to feel otherwise is a waste of my life! 
      ps: thanks for confirming that I've been helpful for you!  THAT makes me feel happy 😉

      1. @Joe Lee 
         So, how would you rather feel?  What would you like to do instead (of shortchanging yourself).
        Focus on What You Want, raise the vibration, feel happier, life'll get better.
        or of course, go on focussing on what you don't want, feel crummy, continue living life as you have been.  Choice is yours.
        And you already know this, don't you?  Sometimes we all fall off the wagon, dagnab it. Here's a hand to help you climb back on!  You'll do the same for me or someone else.

    42. @Joe Lee 
       So, how would you rather feel?  What would you like to do instead (of shortchanging yourself).
      Focus on What You Want, raise the vibration, feel happier, life'll get better.
      or of course, go on focussing on what you don't want, feel crummy, continue living life as you have been.  Choice is yours.
      And you already know this, don't you?  Sometimes we all fall off the wagon, dagnab it. Here's a hand to help you climb back on!  You'll do the same for me or someone else.

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