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What to Do Before the World Ends

Posted By: Randy GageMay 21, 2011

Yesterday I put a few humorous quotes on my Twitter and Facebook feeds suggesting that I didn’t believe the world was ending today - but I was going to have a Cinnabon and maybe some Ben and Jerry’s, just in case…

I got a lot of replies and we all had some fun.  (Not to mention a thank you message from Cinnabon corporate, demonstrating some astute social media brand management.)  But what if the world really did end today?

Did you do something amazing today?

When's the last time you made love in the moonlight, played in the rain, or formed a conga line?

Did you get closer to your dreams today?

Did you have fun? Make a difference? Do good?

Did you tell the people you care about how much they mean to you?

Watch my Journey to Abundance video below for some more thoughts on living in the moment, and appreciating those around you. And please know how much I appreciate all of you!


33 comments on “What to Do Before the World Ends”

  1. Randy,

    I couldn't agree more. We each have our own little quirks that make us who we are. None of us are perfect. We each need to learn to embrace our differences even if we don't fully agree, we can at least respect each others decisions and do our best to support one another in life. Great video bud.

    Mark Harbert

  2. Randy,

    Thank you! I appreciate you so much, and I love what you just shared about your loved ones, the story made me cry good tears:)

    Much love,

    Roxanne Colorado

  3. Randy , your drive helps me push everyday. From your amazing posts that are sent (via text message lol ) TO you're amazing Blogs. Not leaving out Prosperity TV that I (we) have watched over and over again.

    I Think that if most people would live everyday as if it was there last day it could become a better environment. Caring more for there family and friends. Working to stay healthy and helping others become better leaders . Keep your wise thoughts coming. They have really helped my wife and I achieve goals and overcome many life obstacles.

    We as a Family are now 8 months into learning how to live a life FULL of Prosperity
    ( Our Birthright)

    P.S : Thriving Ivory "Angels On the Moon "


  4. Thank you for reminding us about the power of autosuggestion. If we truly believe in prosperity and success and have faith to visualize it. Our subconscious mind will learn to believe it and better still initiate a chain of events that will allow it to take place.
    All of your material helps me to understand this process further.

  5. I remember laughing with my buddy when we were watching that atrocious Friday the 13th and Kevin Bacon gets the arrow through the throat... I said not a bad way to go.. after getting laid and smoking a joint... whaddya think??????

  6. Randy, seriously! Please admit it: you are an alien. That is the only explanation. How can one be so good? 🙂 It is Midas touch: anything that you touch turns perfect. No, amazing.
    Oh, I am being emotional, possibly a bit hysterical? Must be the "end of the world" thing. 🙂
    I had a great day. Got promoted to Vice President of Jedi Knights Index on Empire Avenue. Studied for my course. Did the daily personal development. Met a girlfriend for coffee in our wonderful park here in Amsterdam. And later in the evening met someone cute for a first drink.

      1. Randy,

        I think a lot of your success has to do with embracing some of Ayn Rand's ideas.

        Objectivism isn't perfect, but it seems to be more human than other Philosophies I have encountered, and this is coming from a creative type, and we tend to be very Liberal within our views.

  7. Spent time in the garden, Always relaxing and enjoyable communing with nature AND thought it should look nice for the rapture LOL

  8. Love the video. I have been telling stories about my mom all day too, so we are right in sync today!

    And it's already tomorrow in a big chunk of the world, so I have to say things are looking pretty good! 😉

  9. I've already learned, thank you God, that it will be the most joyous day of my life when Jesus comes back. My thoughts today regarding this social drama event, were how sad it would be to know that so many had not accepted Jesus as their savior and would not be going to Heaven. Life experiences have taught me to live each day, as the song says, like I'm dying. The truth is, none of us know when our time to leave this earth will come and most live there lives as if they had a guarantee of more days. Once you realize that the moment is all we have and tomorrow, if we awake, is another gift from God, saying to us, I still have a purpose for you to fullfill. I wish more people would think about living on purpose, or at least asking God to guide them to it. I hope that if anything comes out of all this hysteria, it's that people wake up and surrender their lives to Jesus as their savior. At least then, I'll sleep better knowing that when the end comes, they are guaranteed a ticket into Heaven.

  10. First to Larissa! You expressed exactly how I feel - and very beautifully!
    I both gave and recieved good today, so had a day with lots of love in it. Sent thank's and recommendations to friends and customers, and gave my neighbour some of my freshbaked bread. And I recieved a very beautifull commendation from one of my customers, that also have become a dear friend. Randy You touch me so deep, that I cannot explain - so send to you if I could all the love in the world, I gues the whole community here agree with me on that. Thank's for caring.

  11. So true Randy so true, you tend to take too many things for granted while we are on this planet. I never got a chance to say those words to my gma before she left here.

  12. Hi guys!

    What amused me the most about the whole world ending business was the fact that they assumed gay marriage was a sign of the End.

    I pity the people who are so misguided that they believe who someone loves is a threat to them.

  13. We did make love in the moonlight, didn't we, my love. It was so awesome, so special, so spiritual, and ... so beautiful! It was thru genuine love that the world could never experience and understand... Thank you, God, for that! I'll never be able to forget your true love for me. I love you, too. Nice to see your face here today for the first time in a long time, my darling. PS Believe me that I have loved you and missed you, and I still love you and miss ya. 2bDeleted.:DD

  14. Awesome video but 1 note: your grandma has GREAT taste in food - I'm a steak and potatoes girl too! (But I eat it with moderation.)

  15. Beatufil words,
    Thanks Randy, I had a great day yestarday, shared a wondeful moment with my boyfriend, we went to visit a sick aunt, she has cancer.
    Also I made an important phone call to my little sister to remind her how much I love her.
    After that we met with friends, ate pizza and have fun.
    I am hoping that today will be even better :):)

    By the way, I appreciate you too 😀



  16. Randy,

    Thanks again for an excellent post and reminder. Right here where I live in NC, there were quite a few people expecting to be “Raptured” yesterday. I wonder how they are feeling today……

    Still, anyone of us can be Raptured whenever we choose to, not as in ascending to Heaven, but in finding the sparks of Spirit and joy in our lives and the people that surround us every day. There is Rapture all around us and how seldom we take the time to notice.

    Your video speaks to that….

    And as far as the End Of The World is concerned, that will probably not happen for a while yet, but anyone’s INDIVIDUAL world can end in the blink of en eye.

    I know we all have dear ones who were here one day and gone the next.
    We never know when Check Out Date will come.

    So meanwhile……keep the Spirit, grow Prosperity consciousness and generosity, and yes, have some fun and indulge a bit too. (Just loaded some Ben and Jerry’s in to my freezer. (:-)


  17. On may 21 our choir sang a concert at a church and were hoping to "rapture" off the stage as a finale! 😉 Didn't happen, Darn! LOL
    but was fun to talk about.

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  • 33 comments on “What to Do Before the World Ends”

    1. Randy,

      I couldn't agree more. We each have our own little quirks that make us who we are. None of us are perfect. We each need to learn to embrace our differences even if we don't fully agree, we can at least respect each others decisions and do our best to support one another in life. Great video bud.

      Mark Harbert

    2. Randy,

      Thank you! I appreciate you so much, and I love what you just shared about your loved ones, the story made me cry good tears:)

      Much love,

      Roxanne Colorado

    3. Randy , your drive helps me push everyday. From your amazing posts that are sent (via text message lol ) TO you're amazing Blogs. Not leaving out Prosperity TV that I (we) have watched over and over again.

      I Think that if most people would live everyday as if it was there last day it could become a better environment. Caring more for there family and friends. Working to stay healthy and helping others become better leaders . Keep your wise thoughts coming. They have really helped my wife and I achieve goals and overcome many life obstacles.

      We as a Family are now 8 months into learning how to live a life FULL of Prosperity
      ( Our Birthright)

      P.S : Thriving Ivory "Angels On the Moon "


    4. Thank you for reminding us about the power of autosuggestion. If we truly believe in prosperity and success and have faith to visualize it. Our subconscious mind will learn to believe it and better still initiate a chain of events that will allow it to take place.
      All of your material helps me to understand this process further.

    5. I remember laughing with my buddy when we were watching that atrocious Friday the 13th and Kevin Bacon gets the arrow through the throat... I said not a bad way to go.. after getting laid and smoking a joint... whaddya think??????

    6. Randy, seriously! Please admit it: you are an alien. That is the only explanation. How can one be so good? 🙂 It is Midas touch: anything that you touch turns perfect. No, amazing.
      Oh, I am being emotional, possibly a bit hysterical? Must be the "end of the world" thing. 🙂
      I had a great day. Got promoted to Vice President of Jedi Knights Index on Empire Avenue. Studied for my course. Did the daily personal development. Met a girlfriend for coffee in our wonderful park here in Amsterdam. And later in the evening met someone cute for a first drink.

        1. Randy,

          I think a lot of your success has to do with embracing some of Ayn Rand's ideas.

          Objectivism isn't perfect, but it seems to be more human than other Philosophies I have encountered, and this is coming from a creative type, and we tend to be very Liberal within our views.

    7. Spent time in the garden, Always relaxing and enjoyable communing with nature AND thought it should look nice for the rapture LOL

    8. Love the video. I have been telling stories about my mom all day too, so we are right in sync today!

      And it's already tomorrow in a big chunk of the world, so I have to say things are looking pretty good! 😉

    9. I've already learned, thank you God, that it will be the most joyous day of my life when Jesus comes back. My thoughts today regarding this social drama event, were how sad it would be to know that so many had not accepted Jesus as their savior and would not be going to Heaven. Life experiences have taught me to live each day, as the song says, like I'm dying. The truth is, none of us know when our time to leave this earth will come and most live there lives as if they had a guarantee of more days. Once you realize that the moment is all we have and tomorrow, if we awake, is another gift from God, saying to us, I still have a purpose for you to fullfill. I wish more people would think about living on purpose, or at least asking God to guide them to it. I hope that if anything comes out of all this hysteria, it's that people wake up and surrender their lives to Jesus as their savior. At least then, I'll sleep better knowing that when the end comes, they are guaranteed a ticket into Heaven.

    10. First to Larissa! You expressed exactly how I feel - and very beautifully!
      I both gave and recieved good today, so had a day with lots of love in it. Sent thank's and recommendations to friends and customers, and gave my neighbour some of my freshbaked bread. And I recieved a very beautifull commendation from one of my customers, that also have become a dear friend. Randy You touch me so deep, that I cannot explain - so send to you if I could all the love in the world, I gues the whole community here agree with me on that. Thank's for caring.

    11. So true Randy so true, you tend to take too many things for granted while we are on this planet. I never got a chance to say those words to my gma before she left here.

    12. Hi guys!

      What amused me the most about the whole world ending business was the fact that they assumed gay marriage was a sign of the End.

      I pity the people who are so misguided that they believe who someone loves is a threat to them.

    13. We did make love in the moonlight, didn't we, my love. It was so awesome, so special, so spiritual, and ... so beautiful! It was thru genuine love that the world could never experience and understand... Thank you, God, for that! I'll never be able to forget your true love for me. I love you, too. Nice to see your face here today for the first time in a long time, my darling. PS Believe me that I have loved you and missed you, and I still love you and miss ya. 2bDeleted.:DD

    14. Awesome video but 1 note: your grandma has GREAT taste in food - I'm a steak and potatoes girl too! (But I eat it with moderation.)

    15. Beatufil words,
      Thanks Randy, I had a great day yestarday, shared a wondeful moment with my boyfriend, we went to visit a sick aunt, she has cancer.
      Also I made an important phone call to my little sister to remind her how much I love her.
      After that we met with friends, ate pizza and have fun.
      I am hoping that today will be even better :):)

      By the way, I appreciate you too 😀



    16. Randy,

      Thanks again for an excellent post and reminder. Right here where I live in NC, there were quite a few people expecting to be “Raptured” yesterday. I wonder how they are feeling today……

      Still, anyone of us can be Raptured whenever we choose to, not as in ascending to Heaven, but in finding the sparks of Spirit and joy in our lives and the people that surround us every day. There is Rapture all around us and how seldom we take the time to notice.

      Your video speaks to that….

      And as far as the End Of The World is concerned, that will probably not happen for a while yet, but anyone’s INDIVIDUAL world can end in the blink of en eye.

      I know we all have dear ones who were here one day and gone the next.
      We never know when Check Out Date will come.

      So meanwhile……keep the Spirit, grow Prosperity consciousness and generosity, and yes, have some fun and indulge a bit too. (Just loaded some Ben and Jerry’s in to my freezer. (:-)


    17. On may 21 our choir sang a concert at a church and were hoping to "rapture" off the stage as a finale! 😉 Didn't happen, Darn! LOL
      but was fun to talk about.

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