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What Makes You Prosperous

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 25, 2010

Last post I mentioned a Mastermind Retreat I conducted a few years ago for my coaching program members.  Let me tell you something I told them on the last day of the program…

I wanted to make sure they understood it wasn’t a seminar or workshop they were attending.  It was an experience, with each element of the weekend meant to build on the other, to create the desired effect.

And the desired effect wasn’t simply for them to get a key point, or learn a million dollar tip.  Or even a few million dollar tips.  The weekend was meant to create one result…

The point when they finally realized they were a multi-millionaire.

I mean when they really “got it.”  Really understood that they were meant to be wealthy, were going to be wealthy, and are deserving of that wealth. Because once you get that, it happens naturally.


You can’t be treated for prosperity; you must be open to receiving it.  I hope you really understand that.

Prosperity is not about what job you have, or what business you do, what degree you have, where you live, or who you are married to.  It is a mindset.
Prosperity is not a collection of money and things anymore than poverty is the absence of money and things.  Both situations are a mindset.

You become a multi-millionaire in your mind.  And then you manifest on the physical realm.   You up for that?

37 comments on “What Makes You Prosperous”

  1. Think about it!

    Some people do not like change their thought & procedure and prosperity because they fear from change or they are in the best situation!

    Think about it!

    Some others like us (that know Randy's thought) think differently. we know that every thing in this world changed and will change. we know should adopt ourselves to the new situation to make progress and to be prosperous.

    God bless us!
    Mr. Ayat Mahmoodi from Islamic Republic of Iran

    Email :

  2. Dear Randy,

    I am getting there. If you asked me this question a week ago, I would not say this. Even now it is all very tentative...
    I started taking small actions from the advice that you give in this blog, on Prosperity TV, Twitter, etc. And little by little small, subtle things started happening. Nothing earth shattering, but still...
    So, about a week or so ago, I "got" it for the first time! Intellectually I knew all those things and more, but like in yoga or dancing only after some actual practice I - as if all of a sudden - "discover" a new muscle, gain a new awareness and ability to direct that muscle.

  3. Thanx Randy... I been working on myself a lot lately... great webinar with Big Al the other day, he gave the skills and now, I got to apply them.. realize there's nothing wrong with making a lot of money when you give good value... had a hard time getting past that rich people are bad mentality....

  4. That is so true. It was not till I really believed I could build a large network marketing business that it really started to come together. There became a point that I stopped doubting it and deep in my heart I knew I would do it.

    Question Randy. What would be some affirmations you would suggest to help a person struggling with this?

    Thanks for what you do.


      1. this affirmation really works. I wonder sometimes why when i affirmed this, i got creative jobs that pay me..

      2. When you say "Money is attracted to me like a magnet" you need to specify how much money?

        Because I read somewhere that "more" could mean an extra 5 cents and we dont want that do we? 🙂

        Id love an answer cus Its something I always wondered about.

        Thanks randy!

  5. Hi Randy,
    YES!!! I am up for that! I've been listening to your CDs and I remember you saying "you must be open to receiving it". I have to say that reading & actually seeing it in black/white really made it stand out tonight.
    Thank you. 🙂

  6. Awesome post Randy!

    And yes I'm up for becoming a millionaire in mind first and then manifesting it in the physical realm. Your Power Prosperity Program is assisting me in obtaining a prosperity consciousness day by day & moment by moment by moving me from a "Neutral Cycle" to a "Success Cycle" where everything I touch will turn into gold, platinum, or Stefano Ricci. Thanks for all you do and share with the world.

    Be Well, Be Rich


  7. Oh - I see. Become a multi-millionaire in my mind first then my listening becomes that big. Thanks for expanding!

    I am.

    Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac, c..

  8. Yes, this is an amazing thought. I'm a multi-millionaire already. Got me wondering how would I deal with this millionaire situation that I am in right now. 🙂

  9. YES! I am meant to be infinitely wealthy in all areas of my life! That is the universe's intention and I am worthy and deserving of abundance. Prosperity is my mindset... My intention aligned with the Universe's intention.

  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

    Nothing is more exciting than that .

    "You can’t be treated for prosperity; you must be open to receiving it. I hope you really understand that."

    Could you explain it a little more,please.I got the "being open" part but what do you mean by "you can't be treated for prosperity".

    I think it's time for me to improve my English 😉

    Have a great time

  11. Not only I am UP for it, I intend it at the deepest level! I'm so happy and grateful for these insights Randy.. Keep them coming!

  12. The mind works in amazing ways. Not long ago I saw a friend driving a black Range Rover that I fell in love with and became fixated on. Today I drive that car. I also created having a six figure annual income technology sales rep position in my mind long before I landed my first job at that level. Still working on the 7 figure+ bank account now.
    Thanks for the inspiration Randy!

  13. In 2006, I read your book, "Multi-Level Money Machine". I 'got' it then. I have since moved up to doing bigger business. I'm still work in progress, but am getting better.

  14. Hi Randy,
    My mentor once said it is easy to become wealthy, but it is easier not to. People live in a comfort zone of accepting being broke and unhappy. They refuse to break the chain of poverty. You become a slave in your mind and you never seek freedom.
    Freedom is powerful if you use it wisely.

  15. Prosperity is all around us. I mean everywhere you look there it is. When you are in debt its hard to focus on prosperity, but focus we must, because the more we look at the natural of where we are right now ie debt, the more we are going to get of it. Now at the moment you or I may not have the prosperity we are looking for right now, but deep in my heart I know our share is out there somewhere, we just got to believe it and stay open to it. It will arrive, I just know it will. I wouldn't have a dream of owning a 4 bedroom, 2 story log cabin by a lake in Aspen if it weren't possible. The universe gave me that dream that desire. So it must be possible.
    Live long and prosper everyone. See you at the top. xx

  16. Randy;

    I loved attending your Mastermind Retreats! So much I began doing my own...

    Thank you for your coaching to help me create such a rewarding career that I LOVE!

    Your friend forever,


    Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.

  17. The openness which you mention Randy is a tough point with most. Issues with deserving tend to close minds. Once you decide that yes, you are deserving of prosperity it flows to you naturally.

    Ryan Biddulph

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  • 37 comments on “What Makes You Prosperous”

    1. Think about it!

      Some people do not like change their thought & procedure and prosperity because they fear from change or they are in the best situation!

      Think about it!

      Some others like us (that know Randy's thought) think differently. we know that every thing in this world changed and will change. we know should adopt ourselves to the new situation to make progress and to be prosperous.

      God bless us!
      Mr. Ayat Mahmoodi from Islamic Republic of Iran

      Email :

    2. Dear Randy,

      I am getting there. If you asked me this question a week ago, I would not say this. Even now it is all very tentative...
      I started taking small actions from the advice that you give in this blog, on Prosperity TV, Twitter, etc. And little by little small, subtle things started happening. Nothing earth shattering, but still...
      So, about a week or so ago, I "got" it for the first time! Intellectually I knew all those things and more, but like in yoga or dancing only after some actual practice I - as if all of a sudden - "discover" a new muscle, gain a new awareness and ability to direct that muscle.

    3. Thanx Randy... I been working on myself a lot lately... great webinar with Big Al the other day, he gave the skills and now, I got to apply them.. realize there's nothing wrong with making a lot of money when you give good value... had a hard time getting past that rich people are bad mentality....

    4. That is so true. It was not till I really believed I could build a large network marketing business that it really started to come together. There became a point that I stopped doubting it and deep in my heart I knew I would do it.

      Question Randy. What would be some affirmations you would suggest to help a person struggling with this?

      Thanks for what you do.


        1. this affirmation really works. I wonder sometimes why when i affirmed this, i got creative jobs that pay me..

        2. When you say "Money is attracted to me like a magnet" you need to specify how much money?

          Because I read somewhere that "more" could mean an extra 5 cents and we dont want that do we? 🙂

          Id love an answer cus Its something I always wondered about.

          Thanks randy!

    5. Hi Randy,
      YES!!! I am up for that! I've been listening to your CDs and I remember you saying "you must be open to receiving it". I have to say that reading & actually seeing it in black/white really made it stand out tonight.
      Thank you. 🙂

    6. Awesome post Randy!

      And yes I'm up for becoming a millionaire in mind first and then manifesting it in the physical realm. Your Power Prosperity Program is assisting me in obtaining a prosperity consciousness day by day & moment by moment by moving me from a "Neutral Cycle" to a "Success Cycle" where everything I touch will turn into gold, platinum, or Stefano Ricci. Thanks for all you do and share with the world.

      Be Well, Be Rich


    7. Oh - I see. Become a multi-millionaire in my mind first then my listening becomes that big. Thanks for expanding!

      I am.

      Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac, c..

    8. Yes, this is an amazing thought. I'm a multi-millionaire already. Got me wondering how would I deal with this millionaire situation that I am in right now. 🙂

    9. YES! I am meant to be infinitely wealthy in all areas of my life! That is the universe's intention and I am worthy and deserving of abundance. Prosperity is my mindset... My intention aligned with the Universe's intention.

    10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

      Nothing is more exciting than that .

      "You can’t be treated for prosperity; you must be open to receiving it. I hope you really understand that."

      Could you explain it a little more,please.I got the "being open" part but what do you mean by "you can't be treated for prosperity".

      I think it's time for me to improve my English 😉

      Have a great time

    11. Not only I am UP for it, I intend it at the deepest level! I'm so happy and grateful for these insights Randy.. Keep them coming!

    12. The mind works in amazing ways. Not long ago I saw a friend driving a black Range Rover that I fell in love with and became fixated on. Today I drive that car. I also created having a six figure annual income technology sales rep position in my mind long before I landed my first job at that level. Still working on the 7 figure+ bank account now.
      Thanks for the inspiration Randy!

    13. In 2006, I read your book, "Multi-Level Money Machine". I 'got' it then. I have since moved up to doing bigger business. I'm still work in progress, but am getting better.

    14. Hi Randy,
      My mentor once said it is easy to become wealthy, but it is easier not to. People live in a comfort zone of accepting being broke and unhappy. They refuse to break the chain of poverty. You become a slave in your mind and you never seek freedom.
      Freedom is powerful if you use it wisely.

    15. Prosperity is all around us. I mean everywhere you look there it is. When you are in debt its hard to focus on prosperity, but focus we must, because the more we look at the natural of where we are right now ie debt, the more we are going to get of it. Now at the moment you or I may not have the prosperity we are looking for right now, but deep in my heart I know our share is out there somewhere, we just got to believe it and stay open to it. It will arrive, I just know it will. I wouldn't have a dream of owning a 4 bedroom, 2 story log cabin by a lake in Aspen if it weren't possible. The universe gave me that dream that desire. So it must be possible.
      Live long and prosper everyone. See you at the top. xx

    16. Randy;

      I loved attending your Mastermind Retreats! So much I began doing my own...

      Thank you for your coaching to help me create such a rewarding career that I LOVE!

      Your friend forever,


      Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.

    17. The openness which you mention Randy is a tough point with most. Issues with deserving tend to close minds. Once you decide that yes, you are deserving of prosperity it flows to you naturally.

      Ryan Biddulph

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