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What Is Wrong with this Picture?

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 7, 2013

As most of you know, I’m in Maui, conducting a leadership retreat this week.  And there’s a disturbing pattern I’m hearing over and over again, in relation to health and wellness…

There seems to be two main schools of thought:

School number one is the largest group.  It’s all the people who cheated on their diet and exercise programs over the holidays and are now trying to catch up on the backtracking they experienced.

School two is the group of people who cheated on their diet and exercise programs over the holidays and are now validating to continue cheating because they’re at a beautiful tropical resort.  And I might also add, there seems to be people from the first group slowly migrating into the second group.

What is wrong with this picture?

And I don’t ask the question facetiously.  I want you to really consider the deeper ramifications it means for most people’s core belief systems.

I took a two-week vacation and came home weighing one pound less than when I left.  I ended the holidays two pounds less than I started them.  Here’s the reason why – and the important questions I think it raises…

While I was on vacation I was thinking that since I wasn’t working and had all day every day to relax, it would be a great opportunity to double my usual workout.  I saw it as an opportunity to get healthy, not an opportunity to get fat.

I enjoyed the holidays and attended the usual events and received the usual gift baskets of candies, pastries and goodies.  Most of those I sampled a taste and immediately took them downstairs and offered them to the concierge, housekeepers and valet attendants.  I appreciate that people think enough of me to send me that stuff, but I don’t believe that it is actually good for me to eat it all.

So here’s a question.  Actually a few:

Why would I desire to eat a bunch of garbage, get fat and lose energy simply because it was my vacation?  Or a holiday?  And why would anyone???

One possibility: If someone has worthiness issues, they wouldn’t think they deserve good health and happiness, so they could sabotage themselves with unhealthy behavior.

Another possibility:  They are one of the millions of people who watch five hours of television daily.  If so, they are getting programmed with at least 30 minutes of both conscious and subliminal programming for beer, fast food, pizza and other bad choices.  And they’re not counter-programming with enough positive programming to change their core beliefs about themselves.

Here’s the question I really want you to think about:  Why would anyone desire to “cheat” on their diet, exercise or health program ever – whether birthday, holiday, vacation or whatever?  What does that desire to cheat say about their core foundational beliefs about health, wellness and their own worthiness?

I think the answer is worth pursuing, because it also tells us why we smoke, do drugs and other dysfunctional behavior.

How much of this is peer pressure?  Most people live pretty unhealthy lives and create social situations to get you to buy into it.  No one wants to be the only one ordering desert.  An alcoholic will almost demand you join them in a drink.  Drug addicts want company.

And speaking of addiction, food can be a drug too.  When you eat things with yeast, enriched flour, and sugar, your body physically craves those things more.  I know if I keep chips, cookies and pastries around me, I usually end up eating them.

So what do you guys think?  Please check in below with your thoughts.


109 comments on “What Is Wrong with this Picture?”

  1. I absolutely AGREE.... and I too wrote a WHOLE Blog about it... When I am on a Production even if it is 2 am and I hadn't had a chance to move my body I would go to the Hotel Gym, it that wasn't  24 hrs.. then I would do Something in my Hotel Room... And.... What most people don't get about people who do have Food issues that when You tell that person Ooooo it's your Birthday it is OK to have that piece of Cake... Well NOT so to people that have SUGAR Cravings... You might as well be giving a Addict their drug, just because it is their birthday.... There are HEALTHIER Choices to BAKE Even on your Birthday and or the Holidays...  Not that I am saying I am PERFECT or haven't been there... I have been overweight  and  have had medical issues that caused some weight gain due to meds however I ALWAYS got myself back in shape, even after surgeries... We have Choices and at some point we have to Choice....

  2. I absolutely AGREE.... and I too wrote a WHOLE Blog about it... When I am on a Production even if it is 2 am and I hadn't had a chance to move my body I would go to the Hotel Gym, it that wasn't  24 hrs.. then I would do Something in my Hotel Room... And.... What most people don't get about people who do have Food issues that when You tell that person Ooooo it's your Birthday it is OK to have that piece of Cake... Well NOT so to people that have SUGAR Cravings... You might as well be giving a Addict their drug, just because it is their birthday.... There are HEALTHIER Choices to BAKE Even on your Birthday and or the Holidays...  Not that I am saying I am PERFECT or haven't been there... I have been overweight  and  have had medical issues that caused some weight gain due to meds however I ALWAYS got myself back in shape, even after surgeries... We have Choices and at some point we have to Choice....

  3. I think them folks need some leadership lessons:  #1, leader, lead thyself. #2  Cheating never pays, especially when we cheat ourselves.
    On the other hand, thanks for posting about this, Randy.  Now I get to feel all smug and proud of myself and even a little bit soooo-perior! what fun.

  4. I think them folks need some leadership lessons:  #1, leader, lead thyself. #2  Cheating never pays, especially when we cheat ourselves.
    On the other hand, thanks for posting about this, Randy.  Now I get to feel all smug and proud of myself and even a little bit soooo-perior! what fun.

  5. Garbage In, Garbage Out! As always Randy you pose great questions. I work in an environment where people come to me daily to tempt me with the enriched sugars, pure junk! I tell them, no thanks, I use to be an addict and I know what it tastes like, end of story! They know but they continue to try to break me,,,, guess it's true misery loves company! I LOVE being a contrarian! Say NO to drugs, sugar and enriched products are a drug, biggest killer in our nation! Why would I want to cheat my life and ENERGY force?

  6. Garbage In, Garbage Out! As always Randy you pose great questions. I work in an environment where people come to me daily to tempt me with the enriched sugars, pure junk! I tell them, no thanks, I use to be an addict and I know what it tastes like, end of story! They know but they continue to try to break me,,,, guess it's true misery loves company! I LOVE being a contrarian! Say NO to drugs, sugar and enriched products are a drug, biggest killer in our nation! Why would I want to cheat my life and ENERGY force?

  7. Yes, food can be an addiction and in particular sugary foods (as well as enriched flour).  Still, each of us are at choice every moment.  One of the things I've told my clients is to learn to be more aware.  Most people are walking around in a mindless state.  They will mindlessly eat foods and not engage in physical exercise.  It's easier to relegate to not do anything and let one's subconscious mind take over.  In this case, living an unhealthy lifestyle.
    Another thing I suggest to people is to have NO EXCUSES.  Accept responsibility and don't blame others or circumstances for doing unhealthy activities.  Heck, even if you're an office worker sitting at a desk, you can take a couple of minutes to do squats at your desk.  And do that 8 times during the day.  Add that up and it become 16 minutes of exercise.  Brown bag bringing healthier alternatives to work... 
    Even at home watching TV, you can still do squats and eat healthy.  Again, it goes back to being mindful instead of mindless.  Don't be a freaking Zombie people!  Those are some of the words I will simply project.

  8. Yes, food can be an addiction and in particular sugary foods (as well as enriched flour).  Still, each of us are at choice every moment.  One of the things I've told my clients is to learn to be more aware.  Most people are walking around in a mindless state.  They will mindlessly eat foods and not engage in physical exercise.  It's easier to relegate to not do anything and let one's subconscious mind take over.  In this case, living an unhealthy lifestyle.
    Another thing I suggest to people is to have NO EXCUSES.  Accept responsibility and don't blame others or circumstances for doing unhealthy activities.  Heck, even if you're an office worker sitting at a desk, you can take a couple of minutes to do squats at your desk.  And do that 8 times during the day.  Add that up and it become 16 minutes of exercise.  Brown bag bringing healthier alternatives to work... 
    Even at home watching TV, you can still do squats and eat healthy.  Again, it goes back to being mindful instead of mindless.  Don't be a freaking Zombie people!  Those are some of the words I will simply project.

  9. Your food choices can be just as bad as smoking and as addicting too. I'm like you Randy - if I have junk food in my house Im eating it. It's the simple choices over time that make us and keep us healthy. But every now and then it's fun to eat a donut or a pepperoni pizza with everything on it.

  10. Your food choices can be just as bad as smoking and as addicting too. I'm like you Randy - if I have junk food in my house Im eating it. It's the simple choices over time that make us and keep us healthy. But every now and then it's fun to eat a donut or a pepperoni pizza with everything on it.

  11. I cannot answer this unhealthy food question, because I LOVE healthy food most - always have! But I've been a smoker for 36 years untill a little over 6 months ago. For me it was a question of getting a body, that was alcaline, and by that the mental strength to quit - which I did then without sideeffects. Stressing your body does not make it easier to make the right decitions. And I think you are right about not having the things in the house, that makes it TOO easy to break the rules.

  12. I cannot answer this unhealthy food question, because I LOVE healthy food most - always have! But I've been a smoker for 36 years untill a little over 6 months ago. For me it was a question of getting a body, that was alcaline, and by that the mental strength to quit - which I did then without sideeffects. Stressing your body does not make it easier to make the right decitions. And I think you are right about not having the things in the house, that makes it TOO easy to break the rules.

  13. Anyone who wants some good programming go get the book "Eat to Live" - many of you may have heard of it already. Trust me, this book will change the way you view nutrition.

  14. Anyone who wants some good programming go get the book "Eat to Live" - many of you may have heard of it already. Trust me, this book will change the way you view nutrition.

  15. Randy, I agree with you completely on the idea that "cheating" indicates worthiness issues. The word "cheat" implies that we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. On the other hand, "not cheating" doesn't mean that the worthiness issues have been addressed -- some people might eat right, exercise, and do all the "right" things in an attempt to "buy" the respect of other people (respect that they don't think they're worthy of).For example, if someone doesn't eat a sugar-coated donut because they don't like the way it makes them feel afterwards, that's smart (prosperous) thinking. But if they don't eat that donut because they're concerned what other people will think of them, or because diet gurus will tell them that it's "wrong" (and they certainly don't want to be wrong), or because any of countless memes tells them that they "shouldn't" eat it, they're just papering over their own lack programming.As always, great post! Thanks!-jim

  16. Randy, I agree with you completely on the idea that "cheating" indicates worthiness issues. The word "cheat" implies that we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. On the other hand, "not cheating" doesn't mean that the worthiness issues have been addressed -- some people might eat right, exercise, and do all the "right" things in an attempt to "buy" the respect of other people (respect that they don't think they're worthy of).For example, if someone doesn't eat a sugar-coated donut because they don't like the way it makes them feel afterwards, that's smart (prosperous) thinking. But if they don't eat that donut because they're concerned what other people will think of them, or because diet gurus will tell them that it's "wrong" (and they certainly don't want to be wrong), or because any of countless memes tells them that they "shouldn't" eat it, they're just papering over their own lack programming.As always, great post! Thanks!-jim

  17. YES.  This needs to be thought about.  IF we want to live truly healthy, we must remember that disease knows no holidays or vacations.  What we put in our mouths will either bring us one step closer or one step further to disease, sickness and poor health in general.  Every single day of the year should be the same. The key is to really enjoy the journey!  Thanks.  Margaux, Naturally Down To Earth mom.

  18. YES.  This needs to be thought about.  IF we want to live truly healthy, we must remember that disease knows no holidays or vacations.  What we put in our mouths will either bring us one step closer or one step further to disease, sickness and poor health in general.  Every single day of the year should be the same. The key is to really enjoy the journey!  Thanks.  Margaux, Naturally Down To Earth mom.

  19. We have the tendency to pamper ourselves and not to have a strong commitment with what we want (work harder on ourselves as Jim Rohn would say). We need to see always the entire picture of what we want and are commited with, and act accordingly. Today is the best day to start. Thanks Randy

  20. We have the tendency to pamper ourselves and not to have a strong commitment with what we want (work harder on ourselves as Jim Rohn would say). We need to see always the entire picture of what we want and are commited with, and act accordingly. Today is the best day to start. Thanks Randy

  21. I believe MSG (Monosodium Glutemate) is the main culprit for causing our bodies to crave more and more for foods that are unhealthy.
    Unfortunately for me I detest all fruit (apart from fruit juice, go figure) and most vegetables. So no healthy options for me. I just end up trying to cut back on the food I love.

      1. @MrsHealthandProsperity What is there to change about fruit? I've tried lots of different fruit out there and I just don't like the flesh part of fruit. 
        I can change plenty of things in my life, but if I don't like the taste of something, no amount of changing mind set is going to make my taste buds suddenly like fruit.
        So it isn't as if I've never tried fruit, so hey each to their own, that's one thing that's never ever going to change in my life. So I'm not going to force myself to eat something I don't like.

        1. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity My experience is your taste for food can change over time if given a chance.  For example i wished to incorporate walnuts into my diet and did not care for them.  I mixed them with peanuts at first which I adored!  Over time I desired less peanuts and now love walnuts.

        2. Clever approach, Heather!  Our taste buds are just sensors, they don't make judgements - tis our Minds that judge yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong etc./etc.  Sounds like you found a brilliant way to change your mind, to create new, healthier preferences.

        3. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity
           I beleive, in fact I've "proven" to myself  a "so called distaste of a certain food, is a resulting experience of a particular self image.. change one's "self image" and you change your life experience..  the challenging and intrigueing part is.. the "self image" is made of a subconscious "beleif constructs"..  ie: I suggest if you change your self image to "healthier, more mindful, more conscious, more _____ (everything) you can change the way you feel about things and thus the way you'll experience those things..  food, weather, money, social interaction, dreams, etc etc..
          In summary make your subconscious beleifs "conscious" and discern whether those beleifs serve you or not..
          = Become "subconsciously conscious" it takes huge energy AND concentration, yet if you do this in increments.. the ego will accept the changes easily and even eagerly!

        4. @PeterGHorrill  I agree with much of what you say, Peter, but am going to take exception to the "...huge energy & concentration" component.  I have developed an almost-subconscious belief in the Easiness of changing my mind, my self-image, etc.  Easy is good!! I love it when things are easy, as they almost always are. I've become WAY more aware of my previously-subconscious beliefs very easily, by using Holosync (lie down, listen = easy). 
          I've become hyper-aware of how I am feeling. I know that whenever I am feeling low,  a non-serving thought or belief is showing its ugly little noggin.  EFT is one of my favourite easy ways to blast non-serving beliefs out of the water...out of my conscious AND subc. mind. I love it that I am attracting more and more tools to make it easy to change.  Currently, I'm working with that's about as effortlessly easy as it gets!
          Easy is an option, tho apparently not a popular one.
          I know, I know - some folks love that feeling of Winning the Big Fight, the testosterone & adrenaline rush of being in the battle, having things be Effortful and Energetic, but what can I say?  I'm a lazy ol' lady, I like it to be easy.

        5. @MrsHealthandProsperity
           I beleive, in fact I know "ease and flow" is my preferred way of being as well. I did find it took much effort when I first began the process and chose to "consciously awaken" to "unearth" the "stuck" energies.. yes, i did tapping this morning with much success. I use RG's DVD's and audios, Hypnotic Media subliminal prgramming DVD's also IGetReal DVD's , among many more methods..
          sounds like we are birds of a feather!  🙂 Cool!

        6. @MrsHealthandProsperity
           I'll add that I do not have a couch.. I study and reprogram sitting in chairs with upright backs.. mostly for breathing "ease".. and for learning posture..
          no Lazy guy here!  .lol     we both like to work on our minds, that's clear!

  22. I believe MSG (Monosodium Glutemate) is the main culprit for causing our bodies to crave more and more for foods that are unhealthy.
    Unfortunately for me I detest all fruit (apart from fruit juice, go figure) and most vegetables. So no healthy options for me. I just end up trying to cut back on the food I love.

  23. Add the energy factor and view it again: it´s about energy.
    I mean: lack of energy.
    I guess the extra yummy food (w/ sugar especially) brings in the KICK to feel more energetic - well, for a little while and people are mostly pretty much out of energy by end of the year. And some need to do a diet for soemone else and not for themselves I guess. So when the other one joins in, the diet-reason is gone.
    I hope for those who didn´t hold on to their food health plan will remember it in March!
    it´s also the common communication people share. As you love to say & write: "only the free cheeze is in the mousetrap" --> it is the same with our communication. We get the wrong communication for free! And that´s a bad trap! It includes the programming from TV, yes - right, and all those who aren´t strong enough to resist fall into this trap.
    Now we´re back at the mindset & goal setting.
    Hmmm....: happy new year to those who just added another task on top 🙂

  24. Add the energy factor and view it again: it´s about energy.
    I mean: lack of energy.
    I guess the extra yummy food (w/ sugar especially) brings in the KICK to feel more energetic - well, for a little while and people are mostly pretty much out of energy by end of the year. And some need to do a diet for soemone else and not for themselves I guess. So when the other one joins in, the diet-reason is gone.
    I hope for those who didn´t hold on to their food health plan will remember it in March!
    it´s also the common communication people share. As you love to say & write: "only the free cheeze is in the mousetrap" --> it is the same with our communication. We get the wrong communication for free! And that´s a bad trap! It includes the programming from TV, yes - right, and all those who aren´t strong enough to resist fall into this trap.
    Now we´re back at the mindset & goal setting.
    Hmmm....: happy new year to those who just added another task on top 🙂

  25. Prosperity consciousness journey, and all that that encompasses.. or "lack consciousness journey" and all that that encompasses. Let our lives from any given moment be or become an "argument FOR prosperity"

  26. Prosperity consciousness journey, and all that that encompasses.. or "lack consciousness journey" and all that that encompasses. Let our lives from any given moment be or become an "argument FOR prosperity"

  27. Bad habits are easy to start (especially with consensus) and hard to stop once you have started.  Just don't shame people, that is easy to do to.  Usually people feel guilty about their bad habits anyway.  I am sure just by being a good example you can change some of their minds. 
    When I was younger, I was very out of shape.  Then I started working with a young woman who was really into excersizing and eating well, and I followed her lead, and lost twenty pounds.  Role models are the best.
    From a transactional analysis point of view, I think you have to be an adult to your inner child.  Sometimes it is our vulnerable child that wants what it wants, and with all the other kids joining in, it is hard to find our parent voice.  The voice that loves us and cares about us and wants us to take care of ourselves.  An inner dialogue like that might help.  If you didn't have a lot of parenting like that as a child, that voice and that love can be hard to find, but it is there waiting to speak!

  28. Bad habits are easy to start (especially with consensus) and hard to stop once you have started.  Just don't shame people, that is easy to do to.  Usually people feel guilty about their bad habits anyway.  I am sure just by being a good example you can change some of their minds. 
    When I was younger, I was very out of shape.  Then I started working with a young woman who was really into excersizing and eating well, and I followed her lead, and lost twenty pounds.  Role models are the best.
    From a transactional analysis point of view, I think you have to be an adult to your inner child.  Sometimes it is our vulnerable child that wants what it wants, and with all the other kids joining in, it is hard to find our parent voice.  The voice that loves us and cares about us and wants us to take care of ourselves.  An inner dialogue like that might help.  If you didn't have a lot of parenting like that as a child, that voice and that love can be hard to find, but it is there waiting to speak!

  29. Loved this post Randy.
    Actually I finished my holidays with around 3 kg less 🙂 and it's because I took advantage to be more concious of the food I was eating and working out.
    Most people are not concious that how we do anything, we do everything. Holidays and vacations are the best times to experience those wonderful things that life has to offer us and that sometimes we can't do because of work, like volunteering, working extra hours on a special project, dedicating more time to family and friends; doing acts of kindness to strangers and of course take care of ourselves.

  30. Loved this post Randy.
    Actually I finished my holidays with around 3 kg less 🙂 and it's because I took advantage to be more concious of the food I was eating and working out.
    Most people are not concious that how we do anything, we do everything. Holidays and vacations are the best times to experience those wonderful things that life has to offer us and that sometimes we can't do because of work, like volunteering, working extra hours on a special project, dedicating more time to family and friends; doing acts of kindness to strangers and of course take care of ourselves.

  31. RG,
    As you might know I have been on working holiday for 20 months. I have lost roughly 15 pounds, and my washboard, fitness model days abs are just about back.
    I am usually by some tropical paradise body of water so I swim like crazy. I hit the stairs when we stay in a condo/apartment building. I am vegetarian, no meat at all. I eat veggies and healthy fats, along with some complex carbs.
    I do partake in sweets on occasion but my workouts are intense, and cancel these few extra calories out.
    Fitness is a choice. I workout for 30 minutes a day, EVERY day, no matter what, eat light and healthy, and people think I am in my early 20s instead of being 38. Choices, you make them, and you live your life according to these choices.

  32. RG,
    As you might know I have been on working holiday for 20 months. I have lost roughly 15 pounds, and my washboard, fitness model days abs are just about back.
    I am usually by some tropical paradise body of water so I swim like crazy. I hit the stairs when we stay in a condo/apartment building. I am vegetarian, no meat at all. I eat veggies and healthy fats, along with some complex carbs.
    I do partake in sweets on occasion but my workouts are intense, and cancel these few extra calories out.
    Fitness is a choice. I workout for 30 minutes a day, EVERY day, no matter what, eat light and healthy, and people think I am in my early 20s instead of being 38. Choices, you make them, and you live your life according to these choices.

  33. Randy, I think you know full well that your idealism isn't shared by everyone, especially people living in the South.. That said, I agree about the effect the programming people expose themselves to media daily. I think the root of all of this has to do with mind viruses and beliefs that people adopted as children which includes diet. And I'm quite sure you haven't always lived the lifestyle you do now. Knowledge is power and what we choose to adopt is up to us.
    And yes, self sabotage and low self esteem play into the equation. P.S. there are tons of 'healthy' snack foods that are not adulterated with enriched yeast etc  not to mention organic.. let's not forget about them.. I do my best to not indulge in gluten, but I will cheat once in awhile. That said, I have always been someone anal about exercising and eating as much raw food as possible. But I don't 'push' my diet and lifestyle  on others. What they CHOOSE to think, do and believe is their choice.. My knowledge of health and wellness is far beyond the average person, especially generic vitamins, etc. And I haven't eaten any red meat since my teens, nor have I ever been to a fast food joint, indulge in frozen or convenience foods, etc. Where I live in the Bay area, access to organic, vegan, and clean living is abundant, which is why I live here. Hope you make it up to Haleakala for a sunrise, too 🙂
    And DO enjoy pow hana time up country bra'.. Aloha

  34. Randy, I think you know full well that your idealism isn't shared by everyone, especially people living in the South.. That said, I agree about the effect the programming people expose themselves to media daily. I think the root of all of this has to do with mind viruses and beliefs that people adopted as children which includes diet. And I'm quite sure you haven't always lived the lifestyle you do now. Knowledge is power and what we choose to adopt is up to us.
    And yes, self sabotage and low self esteem play into the equation. P.S. there are tons of 'healthy' snack foods that are not adulterated with enriched yeast etc  not to mention organic.. let's not forget about them.. I do my best to not indulge in gluten, but I will cheat once in awhile. That said, I have always been someone anal about exercising and eating as much raw food as possible. But I don't 'push' my diet and lifestyle  on others. What they CHOOSE to think, do and believe is their choice.. My knowledge of health and wellness is far beyond the average person, especially generic vitamins, etc. And I haven't eaten any red meat since my teens, nor have I ever been to a fast food joint, indulge in frozen or convenience foods, etc. Where I live in the Bay area, access to organic, vegan, and clean living is abundant, which is why I live here. Hope you make it up to Haleakala for a sunrise, too 🙂
    And DO enjoy pow hana time up country bra'.. Aloha

  35. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine.   It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit.   I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help.     The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold.   If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery.  Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013.   Jasun  🙂

  36. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine.   It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit.   I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help.     The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold.   If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery.  Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013.   Jasun  🙂

  37. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine. It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit. I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help. The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold. If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery. Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013. Jasun 🙂

  38. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine. It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit. I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help. The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold. If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery. Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013. Jasun 🙂

  39. Boom! So completely agree. 
    The other thing we do is 'treat' ourselves to bad food (pie, cookies, ice cream, etc) when we've done well on our diet/exercise. Does that mean that we feel the 'treat' is better than the food we're eating regularly?? What kind of message are we sending to ourselves then?
    Great points Randy.  Thanks for bring up the unpopular topics in a positive way!

  40. Boom! So completely agree. 
    The other thing we do is 'treat' ourselves to bad food (pie, cookies, ice cream, etc) when we've done well on our diet/exercise. Does that mean that we feel the 'treat' is better than the food we're eating regularly?? What kind of message are we sending to ourselves then?
    Great points Randy.  Thanks for bring up the unpopular topics in a positive way!

  41. It's a very interesting post for me Randy. Thank you for the information and thoughts. I never knew that someone can be addicted to food. But now many people around who have wight problems start to make sence. Now I think I start to get why. Thank you.

  42. It's a very interesting post for me Randy. Thank you for the information and thoughts. I never knew that someone can be addicted to food. But now many people around who have wight problems start to make sence. Now I think I start to get why. Thank you.

  43. @MrsHealthandProsperity What is there to change about fruit? I've tried lots of different fruit out there and I just don't like the flesh part of fruit. 
    I can change plenty of things in my life, but if I don't like the taste of something, no amount of changing mind set is going to make my taste buds suddenly like fruit.
    So it isn't as if I've never tried fruit, so hey each to their own, that's one thing that's never ever going to change in my life. So I'm not going to force myself to eat something I don't like.

  44. Well I'm the same weight post-Christmas as I was pre-Christmas. Like you Randy, I use the extra free time I had to make sure that I got in all of my workouts. I also took the opportunity to take more time thinking about how to improve what I was eating, do some food elimination to see what changes would make a positive impact on my digestion and to prepare more salads.
    I can relate to the peer pressure issue. One of the Managing Directors of a company I used to work for put peer pressure on me to drink coffee with him during a meeting. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I thought that it was odd, because he was and is in extremely good physical condition. At that time I hadn't had coffee in probably two years. (I now drink it on occasion.) I've had friends think I'm weird for not drinking alcohol. The last three New Years Eves I haven't had anything to drink. Peer pressure of that kind makes me move away from those sorts of people. I don't feel good around them, so I limit my association with them. I find myself very alone sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one doing what I'm doing. Even at the gym I am one of the most toned people that works out there. It was the same with the last gym I was at too. I wonder where these like-minded people are hiding sometimes.
    I did end up drinking a bottle of champagne with my sister on the 1st of January this year however, so I do give myself permission to indulge now and then, I just don't make it a habit, and that's the difference.

  45. Well I'm the same weight post-Christmas as I was pre-Christmas. Like you Randy, I use the extra free time I had to make sure that I got in all of my workouts. I also took the opportunity to take more time thinking about how to improve what I was eating, do some food elimination to see what changes would make a positive impact on my digestion and to prepare more salads.
    I can relate to the peer pressure issue. One of the Managing Directors of a company I used to work for put peer pressure on me to drink coffee with him during a meeting. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I thought that it was odd, because he was and is in extremely good physical condition. At that time I hadn't had coffee in probably two years. (I now drink it on occasion.) I've had friends think I'm weird for not drinking alcohol. The last three New Years Eves I haven't had anything to drink. Peer pressure of that kind makes me move away from those sorts of people. I don't feel good around them, so I limit my association with them. I find myself very alone sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one doing what I'm doing. Even at the gym I am one of the most toned people that works out there. It was the same with the last gym I was at too. I wonder where these like-minded people are hiding sometimes.
    I did end up drinking a bottle of champagne with my sister on the 1st of January this year however, so I do give myself permission to indulge now and then, I just don't make it a habit, and that's the difference.

  46. Wow!! Straight to my face! Honestly, this is my first year where I am more conscious about my life (health, wealth, etc.). Looking back of what I've done last holiday, I consciously let my self go back to my old eating habit. Saying justification such as "This once in a year event, you deserve it."   And so, I ate, and ate and ate some more! Big Mistake! Thank you so much Randy! I will not let my guard down again. Instead, I will hold on to my healthy diet regardless what event I am in. Thanks again. -Mau

  47. Wow!! Straight to my face! Honestly, this is my first year where I am more conscious about my life (health, wealth, etc.). Looking back of what I've done last holiday, I consciously let my self go back to my old eating habit. Saying justification such as "This once in a year event, you deserve it."   And so, I ate, and ate and ate some more! Big Mistake! Thank you so much Randy! I will not let my guard down again. Instead, I will hold on to my healthy diet regardless what event I am in. Thanks again. -Mau

  48. You are exactly correct! Self respect needs to be at our core. I'm the same weight now as before the holidays, but not because I was consciously acting in my best interest.

  49. You are exactly correct! Self respect needs to be at our core. I'm the same weight now as before the holidays, but not because I was consciously acting in my best interest.

  50. I think the essential problem of all thouse consum and I mean eating an also all form of drugs is that they don´t love themself enough. When you love yourself you look of your healthy. The solution ist to look why they don´t love themself enough. I think it´s the only way to become healthy. It´s just a form of selfishness, if you havn´t this you couldn´t be healthy and wealthy.

  51. I think the essential problem of all thouse consum and I mean eating an also all form of drugs is that they don´t love themself enough. When you love yourself you look of your healthy. The solution ist to look why they don´t love themself enough. I think it´s the only way to become healthy. It´s just a form of selfishness, if you havn´t this you couldn´t be healthy and wealthy.

  52. For me, it's just principle. You do it or you don't do it. There is no middle land. There is only one kind of discipline - strict or none.

  53. For me, it's just principle. You do it or you don't do it. There is no middle land. There is only one kind of discipline - strict or none.

  54. The last time I went home I did indulge in some unhealthy treats mainly because some meals and tastes brought back some lovely memories of growing up in the UK. However, I returned home lighter than I went because I walked to get to places, I had more time to walk. This had the added benifit that I really enjoyed the scenery and history of my surroundings, I took tons of photos along the way and I was healthier for all the excercise and fresh air.

  55. The last time I went home I did indulge in some unhealthy treats mainly because some meals and tastes brought back some lovely memories of growing up in the UK. However, I returned home lighter than I went because I walked to get to places, I had more time to walk. This had the added benifit that I really enjoyed the scenery and history of my surroundings, I took tons of photos along the way and I was healthier for all the excercise and fresh air.

  56. Emphatically, positively, absolutely, Infinite number % Correct! Truth through and through. And am constantly and consistently saying those same words to my family, friends, patients, clients, Leaders, and Team. Thank you, Randy. Hopefully some day their spirit will supersede and they will Get It. ~Dr. J

  57. Emphatically, positively, absolutely, Infinite number % Correct! Truth through and through. And am constantly and consistently saying those same words to my family, friends, patients, clients, Leaders, and Team. Thank you, Randy. Hopefully some day their spirit will supersede and they will Get It. ~Dr. J

  58. You know what Randy... I like the way you think! Or, I Iike the fact that you do think. Thank you for inviting the rest of us to think.

  59. You know what Randy... I like the way you think! Or, I Iike the fact that you do think. Thank you for inviting the rest of us to think.

  60. I believe and experience that addictions, including food, are a sign of an unmet need. Could be for love, a connection with God, or themselves, or even a need for rest or water, that they mistake as a need for food (energy). People who don't get enough sleep need to stimulate them selves with sugar, caffeine, etc. Meet the need, and the craving goes away. The cells are satisfied. Soul is satisfied. I've proven this to myself for 40 years now. And helped others. I've developed a self-coach method around this: Real Conversations. More here:

  61. I believe and experience that addictions, including food, are a sign of an unmet need. Could be for love, a connection with God, or themselves, or even a need for rest or water, that they mistake as a need for food (energy). People who don't get enough sleep need to stimulate them selves with sugar, caffeine, etc. Meet the need, and the craving goes away. The cells are satisfied. Soul is satisfied. I've proven this to myself for 40 years now. And helped others. I've developed a self-coach method around this: Real Conversations. More here:

  62. I work as a product formulator of nutritional and nutraceuctical products for Health Care Professionals - and I do a lot of education of the general public on holistic health issues via my blog website.
    What makes me angry / sad is the fact that most chronic, degenerative disease is avoidable: it is NOT inevitable that we will end up demented, diabetic, have cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritic
    (I am being overly dramatic, but these are some of the chronic, degenerative diseases that can be avoided)
    The multinational agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical industries have a vested interest in keeping people in the dark, so people often make bad choices - because they do not know any better.
    Also people have a hard time getting their head around the fact that the lifestyle choices we make today will affect our quality of life: 10 / 20 / 30 years from now...
    What seems to work best for most people is to follow a very healthy diet for about 80 - 90 % of the time:
    and then allow yourself opportunities to have fun! (Tim Ferris of "The Four Hour Body" fame refers to them as "Cheat Days"...
    We have to have this latitude in our lives: otherwise either consciously or subconsciously we will react to this restriction of pleasure!
    My opinion anyway...
    Rob Lamberton
    (Disclousure: I have no commercial inTim's book: I just consider it one of the most cutting edge publications out on the market today on health and fitness)

  63. I work as a product formulator of nutritional and nutraceuctical products for Health Care Professionals - and I do a lot of education of the general public on holistic health issues via my blog website.
    What makes me angry / sad is the fact that most chronic, degenerative disease is avoidable: it is NOT inevitable that we will end up demented, diabetic, have cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritic
    (I am being overly dramatic, but these are some of the chronic, degenerative diseases that can be avoided)
    The multinational agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical industries have a vested interest in keeping people in the dark, so people often make bad choices - because they do not know any better.
    Also people have a hard time getting their head around the fact that the lifestyle choices we make today will affect our quality of life: 10 / 20 / 30 years from now...
    What seems to work best for most people is to follow a very healthy diet for about 80 - 90 % of the time:
    and then allow yourself opportunities to have fun! (Tim Ferris of "The Four Hour Body" fame refers to them as "Cheat Days"...
    We have to have this latitude in our lives: otherwise either consciously or subconsciously we will react to this restriction of pleasure!
    My opinion anyway...
    Rob Lamberton
    (Disclousure: I have no commercial inTim's book: I just consider it one of the most cutting edge publications out on the market today on health and fitness)

  64. What is "Cheat"? is the question! If most of the time you do the right thing, you have room to enjoy some treats, that's not a cheat and actually can help you find the balance in blood sugar control and stimulate your body to work better for your overall health.
    If you empower so-called "cheat" foods by making them off limits by human nature we tend to want them more...tell me I can't have pizza and that's all I can think about right?
    It takes conditioning- the thought-reframing conditioning you refer to ...when you associate the right emotions with the right foods...fresh, green, unprocessed with lean, energy, vitality .......and sugary, processed, transfatty foods with weight gain, lethargy, depression...which would you choose??
    Your brain is just WRONG sometimes and sending you a message that you've had wired for may take time, but you can reprogram! When you can acknowledge that it's can change your actions when your mind!

  65. What is "Cheat"? is the question! If most of the time you do the right thing, you have room to enjoy some treats, that's not a cheat and actually can help you find the balance in blood sugar control and stimulate your body to work better for your overall health.
    If you empower so-called "cheat" foods by making them off limits by human nature we tend to want them more...tell me I can't have pizza and that's all I can think about right?
    It takes conditioning- the thought-reframing conditioning you refer to ...when you associate the right emotions with the right foods...fresh, green, unprocessed with lean, energy, vitality .......and sugary, processed, transfatty foods with weight gain, lethargy, depression...which would you choose??
    Your brain is just WRONG sometimes and sending you a message that you've had wired for may take time, but you can reprogram! When you can acknowledge that it's can change your actions when your mind!

  66. I'm not sitting on that beach, however Singapore last week was pretty good, all the best Randy, catch up soon.

    1. @5hearts4u
       The peers applying the so-called "pressure" (to conform) or the individal feeling "the pressure?   ..sincere question

        1. @5hearts4u
           You confirmed my thinking, I do not give creedence to pressure, it's part of the mass "lack mentality" I feel..

        2. @5hearts4u
           I have felt peer pressure, to play a role I don't feel is right for me. There's no prosperity for me in being in relationship with a gal that smokes and drinks, I wouldn't be happy, I'd be miserable. My community is getting the message it's not going to happen. Not a chance!  I'm happy NOT being in relationship and just being friends with the gal that smokes & drinks..  guess what the kid will be doing when she grows up?..  chances are  "smoking & drinking" why? she was brought up in that environment..  it's too bad..

  67. @5hearts4u
     The peers applying the so-called "pressure" (to conform) or the individal feeling "the pressure?   ..sincere question

  68. @5hearts4u
     You confirmed my thinking, I do not give creedence to pressure, it's part of the mass "lack mentality" I feel..

  69. @5hearts4u
     I have felt peer pressure, to play a role I don't feel is right for me. There's no prosperity for me in being in relationship with a gal that smokes and drinks, I wouldn't be happy, I'd be miserable. My community is getting the message it's not going to happen. Not a chance!  I'm happy NOT being in relationship and just being friends with the gal that smokes & drinks..  guess what the kid will be doing when she grows up?..  chances are  "smoking & drinking" why? she was brought up in that environment..  it's too bad..

  70. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity My experience is your taste for food can change over time if given a chance.  For example i wished to incorporate walnuts into my diet and did not care for them.  I mixed them with peanuts at first which I adored!  Over time I desired less peanuts and now love walnuts.

  71. Clever approach, Heather!  Our taste buds are just sensors, they don't make judgements - tis our Minds that judge yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong etc./etc.  Sounds like you found a brilliant way to change your mind, to create new, healthier preferences.

  72. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity
     I beleive, in fact I've "proven" to myself  a "so called distaste of a certain food, is a resulting experience of a particular self image.. change one's "self image" and you change your life experience..  the challenging and intrigueing part is.. the "self image" is made of a subconscious "beleif constructs"..  ie: I suggest if you change your self image to "healthier, more mindful, more conscious, more _____ (everything) you can change the way you feel about things and thus the way you'll experience those things..  food, weather, money, social interaction, dreams, etc etc..
    In summary make your subconscious beleifs "conscious" and discern whether those beleifs serve you or not..
    = Become "subconsciously conscious" it takes huge energy AND concentration, yet if you do this in increments.. the ego will accept the changes easily and even eagerly!

  73. @PeterGHorrill  I agree with much of what you say, Peter, but am going to take exception to the "...huge energy & concentration" component.  I have developed an almost-subconscious belief in the Easiness of changing my mind, my self-image, etc.  Easy is good!! I love it when things are easy, as they almost always are. I've become WAY more aware of my previously-subconscious beliefs very easily, by using Holosync (lie down, listen = easy). 
    I've become hyper-aware of how I am feeling. I know that whenever I am feeling low,  a non-serving thought or belief is showing its ugly little noggin.  EFT is one of my favourite easy ways to blast non-serving beliefs out of the water...out of my conscious AND subc. mind. I love it that I am attracting more and more tools to make it easy to change.  Currently, I'm working with that's about as effortlessly easy as it gets!
    Easy is an option, tho apparently not a popular one.
    I know, I know - some folks love that feeling of Winning the Big Fight, the testosterone & adrenaline rush of being in the battle, having things be Effortful and Energetic, but what can I say?  I'm a lazy ol' lady, I like it to be easy.

  74. @MrsHealthandProsperity
     I beleive, in fact I know "ease and flow" is my preferred way of being as well. I did find it took much effort when I first began the process and chose to "consciously awaken" to "unearth" the "stuck" energies.. yes, i did tapping this morning with much success. I use RG's DVD's and audios, Hypnotic Media subliminal prgramming DVD's also IGetReal DVD's , among many more methods..
    sounds like we are birds of a feather!  🙂 Cool!

  75. @MrsHealthandProsperity
     I'll add that I do not have a couch.. I study and reprogram sitting in chairs with upright backs.. mostly for breathing "ease".. and for learning posture..
    no Lazy guy here!  .lol     we both like to work on our minds, that's clear!

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  • 109 comments on “What Is Wrong with this Picture?”

    1. I absolutely AGREE.... and I too wrote a WHOLE Blog about it... When I am on a Production even if it is 2 am and I hadn't had a chance to move my body I would go to the Hotel Gym, it that wasn't  24 hrs.. then I would do Something in my Hotel Room... And.... What most people don't get about people who do have Food issues that when You tell that person Ooooo it's your Birthday it is OK to have that piece of Cake... Well NOT so to people that have SUGAR Cravings... You might as well be giving a Addict their drug, just because it is their birthday.... There are HEALTHIER Choices to BAKE Even on your Birthday and or the Holidays...  Not that I am saying I am PERFECT or haven't been there... I have been overweight  and  have had medical issues that caused some weight gain due to meds however I ALWAYS got myself back in shape, even after surgeries... We have Choices and at some point we have to Choice....

    2. I absolutely AGREE.... and I too wrote a WHOLE Blog about it... When I am on a Production even if it is 2 am and I hadn't had a chance to move my body I would go to the Hotel Gym, it that wasn't  24 hrs.. then I would do Something in my Hotel Room... And.... What most people don't get about people who do have Food issues that when You tell that person Ooooo it's your Birthday it is OK to have that piece of Cake... Well NOT so to people that have SUGAR Cravings... You might as well be giving a Addict their drug, just because it is their birthday.... There are HEALTHIER Choices to BAKE Even on your Birthday and or the Holidays...  Not that I am saying I am PERFECT or haven't been there... I have been overweight  and  have had medical issues that caused some weight gain due to meds however I ALWAYS got myself back in shape, even after surgeries... We have Choices and at some point we have to Choice....

    3. I think them folks need some leadership lessons:  #1, leader, lead thyself. #2  Cheating never pays, especially when we cheat ourselves.
      On the other hand, thanks for posting about this, Randy.  Now I get to feel all smug and proud of myself and even a little bit soooo-perior! what fun.

    4. I think them folks need some leadership lessons:  #1, leader, lead thyself. #2  Cheating never pays, especially when we cheat ourselves.
      On the other hand, thanks for posting about this, Randy.  Now I get to feel all smug and proud of myself and even a little bit soooo-perior! what fun.

    5. Garbage In, Garbage Out! As always Randy you pose great questions. I work in an environment where people come to me daily to tempt me with the enriched sugars, pure junk! I tell them, no thanks, I use to be an addict and I know what it tastes like, end of story! They know but they continue to try to break me,,,, guess it's true misery loves company! I LOVE being a contrarian! Say NO to drugs, sugar and enriched products are a drug, biggest killer in our nation! Why would I want to cheat my life and ENERGY force?

    6. Garbage In, Garbage Out! As always Randy you pose great questions. I work in an environment where people come to me daily to tempt me with the enriched sugars, pure junk! I tell them, no thanks, I use to be an addict and I know what it tastes like, end of story! They know but they continue to try to break me,,,, guess it's true misery loves company! I LOVE being a contrarian! Say NO to drugs, sugar and enriched products are a drug, biggest killer in our nation! Why would I want to cheat my life and ENERGY force?

    7. Yes, food can be an addiction and in particular sugary foods (as well as enriched flour).  Still, each of us are at choice every moment.  One of the things I've told my clients is to learn to be more aware.  Most people are walking around in a mindless state.  They will mindlessly eat foods and not engage in physical exercise.  It's easier to relegate to not do anything and let one's subconscious mind take over.  In this case, living an unhealthy lifestyle.
      Another thing I suggest to people is to have NO EXCUSES.  Accept responsibility and don't blame others or circumstances for doing unhealthy activities.  Heck, even if you're an office worker sitting at a desk, you can take a couple of minutes to do squats at your desk.  And do that 8 times during the day.  Add that up and it become 16 minutes of exercise.  Brown bag bringing healthier alternatives to work... 
      Even at home watching TV, you can still do squats and eat healthy.  Again, it goes back to being mindful instead of mindless.  Don't be a freaking Zombie people!  Those are some of the words I will simply project.

    8. Yes, food can be an addiction and in particular sugary foods (as well as enriched flour).  Still, each of us are at choice every moment.  One of the things I've told my clients is to learn to be more aware.  Most people are walking around in a mindless state.  They will mindlessly eat foods and not engage in physical exercise.  It's easier to relegate to not do anything and let one's subconscious mind take over.  In this case, living an unhealthy lifestyle.
      Another thing I suggest to people is to have NO EXCUSES.  Accept responsibility and don't blame others or circumstances for doing unhealthy activities.  Heck, even if you're an office worker sitting at a desk, you can take a couple of minutes to do squats at your desk.  And do that 8 times during the day.  Add that up and it become 16 minutes of exercise.  Brown bag bringing healthier alternatives to work... 
      Even at home watching TV, you can still do squats and eat healthy.  Again, it goes back to being mindful instead of mindless.  Don't be a freaking Zombie people!  Those are some of the words I will simply project.

    9. Your food choices can be just as bad as smoking and as addicting too. I'm like you Randy - if I have junk food in my house Im eating it. It's the simple choices over time that make us and keep us healthy. But every now and then it's fun to eat a donut or a pepperoni pizza with everything on it.

    10. Your food choices can be just as bad as smoking and as addicting too. I'm like you Randy - if I have junk food in my house Im eating it. It's the simple choices over time that make us and keep us healthy. But every now and then it's fun to eat a donut or a pepperoni pizza with everything on it.

    11. I cannot answer this unhealthy food question, because I LOVE healthy food most - always have! But I've been a smoker for 36 years untill a little over 6 months ago. For me it was a question of getting a body, that was alcaline, and by that the mental strength to quit - which I did then without sideeffects. Stressing your body does not make it easier to make the right decitions. And I think you are right about not having the things in the house, that makes it TOO easy to break the rules.

    12. I cannot answer this unhealthy food question, because I LOVE healthy food most - always have! But I've been a smoker for 36 years untill a little over 6 months ago. For me it was a question of getting a body, that was alcaline, and by that the mental strength to quit - which I did then without sideeffects. Stressing your body does not make it easier to make the right decitions. And I think you are right about not having the things in the house, that makes it TOO easy to break the rules.

    13. Anyone who wants some good programming go get the book "Eat to Live" - many of you may have heard of it already. Trust me, this book will change the way you view nutrition.

    14. Anyone who wants some good programming go get the book "Eat to Live" - many of you may have heard of it already. Trust me, this book will change the way you view nutrition.

    15. Randy, I agree with you completely on the idea that "cheating" indicates worthiness issues. The word "cheat" implies that we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. On the other hand, "not cheating" doesn't mean that the worthiness issues have been addressed -- some people might eat right, exercise, and do all the "right" things in an attempt to "buy" the respect of other people (respect that they don't think they're worthy of).For example, if someone doesn't eat a sugar-coated donut because they don't like the way it makes them feel afterwards, that's smart (prosperous) thinking. But if they don't eat that donut because they're concerned what other people will think of them, or because diet gurus will tell them that it's "wrong" (and they certainly don't want to be wrong), or because any of countless memes tells them that they "shouldn't" eat it, they're just papering over their own lack programming.As always, great post! Thanks!-jim

    16. Randy, I agree with you completely on the idea that "cheating" indicates worthiness issues. The word "cheat" implies that we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. On the other hand, "not cheating" doesn't mean that the worthiness issues have been addressed -- some people might eat right, exercise, and do all the "right" things in an attempt to "buy" the respect of other people (respect that they don't think they're worthy of).For example, if someone doesn't eat a sugar-coated donut because they don't like the way it makes them feel afterwards, that's smart (prosperous) thinking. But if they don't eat that donut because they're concerned what other people will think of them, or because diet gurus will tell them that it's "wrong" (and they certainly don't want to be wrong), or because any of countless memes tells them that they "shouldn't" eat it, they're just papering over their own lack programming.As always, great post! Thanks!-jim

    17. YES.  This needs to be thought about.  IF we want to live truly healthy, we must remember that disease knows no holidays or vacations.  What we put in our mouths will either bring us one step closer or one step further to disease, sickness and poor health in general.  Every single day of the year should be the same. The key is to really enjoy the journey!  Thanks.  Margaux, Naturally Down To Earth mom.

    18. YES.  This needs to be thought about.  IF we want to live truly healthy, we must remember that disease knows no holidays or vacations.  What we put in our mouths will either bring us one step closer or one step further to disease, sickness and poor health in general.  Every single day of the year should be the same. The key is to really enjoy the journey!  Thanks.  Margaux, Naturally Down To Earth mom.

    19. We have the tendency to pamper ourselves and not to have a strong commitment with what we want (work harder on ourselves as Jim Rohn would say). We need to see always the entire picture of what we want and are commited with, and act accordingly. Today is the best day to start. Thanks Randy

    20. We have the tendency to pamper ourselves and not to have a strong commitment with what we want (work harder on ourselves as Jim Rohn would say). We need to see always the entire picture of what we want and are commited with, and act accordingly. Today is the best day to start. Thanks Randy

    21. I believe MSG (Monosodium Glutemate) is the main culprit for causing our bodies to crave more and more for foods that are unhealthy.
      Unfortunately for me I detest all fruit (apart from fruit juice, go figure) and most vegetables. So no healthy options for me. I just end up trying to cut back on the food I love.

        1. @MrsHealthandProsperity What is there to change about fruit? I've tried lots of different fruit out there and I just don't like the flesh part of fruit. 
          I can change plenty of things in my life, but if I don't like the taste of something, no amount of changing mind set is going to make my taste buds suddenly like fruit.
          So it isn't as if I've never tried fruit, so hey each to their own, that's one thing that's never ever going to change in my life. So I'm not going to force myself to eat something I don't like.

          1. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity My experience is your taste for food can change over time if given a chance.  For example i wished to incorporate walnuts into my diet and did not care for them.  I mixed them with peanuts at first which I adored!  Over time I desired less peanuts and now love walnuts.

          2. Clever approach, Heather!  Our taste buds are just sensors, they don't make judgements - tis our Minds that judge yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong etc./etc.  Sounds like you found a brilliant way to change your mind, to create new, healthier preferences.

          3. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity
             I beleive, in fact I've "proven" to myself  a "so called distaste of a certain food, is a resulting experience of a particular self image.. change one's "self image" and you change your life experience..  the challenging and intrigueing part is.. the "self image" is made of a subconscious "beleif constructs"..  ie: I suggest if you change your self image to "healthier, more mindful, more conscious, more _____ (everything) you can change the way you feel about things and thus the way you'll experience those things..  food, weather, money, social interaction, dreams, etc etc..
            In summary make your subconscious beleifs "conscious" and discern whether those beleifs serve you or not..
            = Become "subconsciously conscious" it takes huge energy AND concentration, yet if you do this in increments.. the ego will accept the changes easily and even eagerly!

          4. @PeterGHorrill  I agree with much of what you say, Peter, but am going to take exception to the "...huge energy & concentration" component.  I have developed an almost-subconscious belief in the Easiness of changing my mind, my self-image, etc.  Easy is good!! I love it when things are easy, as they almost always are. I've become WAY more aware of my previously-subconscious beliefs very easily, by using Holosync (lie down, listen = easy). 
            I've become hyper-aware of how I am feeling. I know that whenever I am feeling low,  a non-serving thought or belief is showing its ugly little noggin.  EFT is one of my favourite easy ways to blast non-serving beliefs out of the water...out of my conscious AND subc. mind. I love it that I am attracting more and more tools to make it easy to change.  Currently, I'm working with that's about as effortlessly easy as it gets!
            Easy is an option, tho apparently not a popular one.
            I know, I know - some folks love that feeling of Winning the Big Fight, the testosterone & adrenaline rush of being in the battle, having things be Effortful and Energetic, but what can I say?  I'm a lazy ol' lady, I like it to be easy.

          5. @MrsHealthandProsperity
             I beleive, in fact I know "ease and flow" is my preferred way of being as well. I did find it took much effort when I first began the process and chose to "consciously awaken" to "unearth" the "stuck" energies.. yes, i did tapping this morning with much success. I use RG's DVD's and audios, Hypnotic Media subliminal prgramming DVD's also IGetReal DVD's , among many more methods..
            sounds like we are birds of a feather!  🙂 Cool!

          6. @MrsHealthandProsperity
             I'll add that I do not have a couch.. I study and reprogram sitting in chairs with upright backs.. mostly for breathing "ease".. and for learning posture..
            no Lazy guy here!  .lol     we both like to work on our minds, that's clear!

    22. I believe MSG (Monosodium Glutemate) is the main culprit for causing our bodies to crave more and more for foods that are unhealthy.
      Unfortunately for me I detest all fruit (apart from fruit juice, go figure) and most vegetables. So no healthy options for me. I just end up trying to cut back on the food I love.

    23. Add the energy factor and view it again: it´s about energy.
      I mean: lack of energy.
      I guess the extra yummy food (w/ sugar especially) brings in the KICK to feel more energetic - well, for a little while and people are mostly pretty much out of energy by end of the year. And some need to do a diet for soemone else and not for themselves I guess. So when the other one joins in, the diet-reason is gone.
      I hope for those who didn´t hold on to their food health plan will remember it in March!
      it´s also the common communication people share. As you love to say & write: "only the free cheeze is in the mousetrap" --> it is the same with our communication. We get the wrong communication for free! And that´s a bad trap! It includes the programming from TV, yes - right, and all those who aren´t strong enough to resist fall into this trap.
      Now we´re back at the mindset & goal setting.
      Hmmm....: happy new year to those who just added another task on top 🙂

    24. Add the energy factor and view it again: it´s about energy.
      I mean: lack of energy.
      I guess the extra yummy food (w/ sugar especially) brings in the KICK to feel more energetic - well, for a little while and people are mostly pretty much out of energy by end of the year. And some need to do a diet for soemone else and not for themselves I guess. So when the other one joins in, the diet-reason is gone.
      I hope for those who didn´t hold on to their food health plan will remember it in March!
      it´s also the common communication people share. As you love to say & write: "only the free cheeze is in the mousetrap" --> it is the same with our communication. We get the wrong communication for free! And that´s a bad trap! It includes the programming from TV, yes - right, and all those who aren´t strong enough to resist fall into this trap.
      Now we´re back at the mindset & goal setting.
      Hmmm....: happy new year to those who just added another task on top 🙂

    25. Prosperity consciousness journey, and all that that encompasses.. or "lack consciousness journey" and all that that encompasses. Let our lives from any given moment be or become an "argument FOR prosperity"

    26. Prosperity consciousness journey, and all that that encompasses.. or "lack consciousness journey" and all that that encompasses. Let our lives from any given moment be or become an "argument FOR prosperity"

    27. Bad habits are easy to start (especially with consensus) and hard to stop once you have started.  Just don't shame people, that is easy to do to.  Usually people feel guilty about their bad habits anyway.  I am sure just by being a good example you can change some of their minds. 
      When I was younger, I was very out of shape.  Then I started working with a young woman who was really into excersizing and eating well, and I followed her lead, and lost twenty pounds.  Role models are the best.
      From a transactional analysis point of view, I think you have to be an adult to your inner child.  Sometimes it is our vulnerable child that wants what it wants, and with all the other kids joining in, it is hard to find our parent voice.  The voice that loves us and cares about us and wants us to take care of ourselves.  An inner dialogue like that might help.  If you didn't have a lot of parenting like that as a child, that voice and that love can be hard to find, but it is there waiting to speak!

    28. Bad habits are easy to start (especially with consensus) and hard to stop once you have started.  Just don't shame people, that is easy to do to.  Usually people feel guilty about their bad habits anyway.  I am sure just by being a good example you can change some of their minds. 
      When I was younger, I was very out of shape.  Then I started working with a young woman who was really into excersizing and eating well, and I followed her lead, and lost twenty pounds.  Role models are the best.
      From a transactional analysis point of view, I think you have to be an adult to your inner child.  Sometimes it is our vulnerable child that wants what it wants, and with all the other kids joining in, it is hard to find our parent voice.  The voice that loves us and cares about us and wants us to take care of ourselves.  An inner dialogue like that might help.  If you didn't have a lot of parenting like that as a child, that voice and that love can be hard to find, but it is there waiting to speak!

    29. Loved this post Randy.
      Actually I finished my holidays with around 3 kg less 🙂 and it's because I took advantage to be more concious of the food I was eating and working out.
      Most people are not concious that how we do anything, we do everything. Holidays and vacations are the best times to experience those wonderful things that life has to offer us and that sometimes we can't do because of work, like volunteering, working extra hours on a special project, dedicating more time to family and friends; doing acts of kindness to strangers and of course take care of ourselves.

    30. Loved this post Randy.
      Actually I finished my holidays with around 3 kg less 🙂 and it's because I took advantage to be more concious of the food I was eating and working out.
      Most people are not concious that how we do anything, we do everything. Holidays and vacations are the best times to experience those wonderful things that life has to offer us and that sometimes we can't do because of work, like volunteering, working extra hours on a special project, dedicating more time to family and friends; doing acts of kindness to strangers and of course take care of ourselves.

    31. RG,
      As you might know I have been on working holiday for 20 months. I have lost roughly 15 pounds, and my washboard, fitness model days abs are just about back.
      I am usually by some tropical paradise body of water so I swim like crazy. I hit the stairs when we stay in a condo/apartment building. I am vegetarian, no meat at all. I eat veggies and healthy fats, along with some complex carbs.
      I do partake in sweets on occasion but my workouts are intense, and cancel these few extra calories out.
      Fitness is a choice. I workout for 30 minutes a day, EVERY day, no matter what, eat light and healthy, and people think I am in my early 20s instead of being 38. Choices, you make them, and you live your life according to these choices.

    32. RG,
      As you might know I have been on working holiday for 20 months. I have lost roughly 15 pounds, and my washboard, fitness model days abs are just about back.
      I am usually by some tropical paradise body of water so I swim like crazy. I hit the stairs when we stay in a condo/apartment building. I am vegetarian, no meat at all. I eat veggies and healthy fats, along with some complex carbs.
      I do partake in sweets on occasion but my workouts are intense, and cancel these few extra calories out.
      Fitness is a choice. I workout for 30 minutes a day, EVERY day, no matter what, eat light and healthy, and people think I am in my early 20s instead of being 38. Choices, you make them, and you live your life according to these choices.

    33. Randy, I think you know full well that your idealism isn't shared by everyone, especially people living in the South.. That said, I agree about the effect the programming people expose themselves to media daily. I think the root of all of this has to do with mind viruses and beliefs that people adopted as children which includes diet. And I'm quite sure you haven't always lived the lifestyle you do now. Knowledge is power and what we choose to adopt is up to us.
      And yes, self sabotage and low self esteem play into the equation. P.S. there are tons of 'healthy' snack foods that are not adulterated with enriched yeast etc  not to mention organic.. let's not forget about them.. I do my best to not indulge in gluten, but I will cheat once in awhile. That said, I have always been someone anal about exercising and eating as much raw food as possible. But I don't 'push' my diet and lifestyle  on others. What they CHOOSE to think, do and believe is their choice.. My knowledge of health and wellness is far beyond the average person, especially generic vitamins, etc. And I haven't eaten any red meat since my teens, nor have I ever been to a fast food joint, indulge in frozen or convenience foods, etc. Where I live in the Bay area, access to organic, vegan, and clean living is abundant, which is why I live here. Hope you make it up to Haleakala for a sunrise, too 🙂
      And DO enjoy pow hana time up country bra'.. Aloha

    34. Randy, I think you know full well that your idealism isn't shared by everyone, especially people living in the South.. That said, I agree about the effect the programming people expose themselves to media daily. I think the root of all of this has to do with mind viruses and beliefs that people adopted as children which includes diet. And I'm quite sure you haven't always lived the lifestyle you do now. Knowledge is power and what we choose to adopt is up to us.
      And yes, self sabotage and low self esteem play into the equation. P.S. there are tons of 'healthy' snack foods that are not adulterated with enriched yeast etc  not to mention organic.. let's not forget about them.. I do my best to not indulge in gluten, but I will cheat once in awhile. That said, I have always been someone anal about exercising and eating as much raw food as possible. But I don't 'push' my diet and lifestyle  on others. What they CHOOSE to think, do and believe is their choice.. My knowledge of health and wellness is far beyond the average person, especially generic vitamins, etc. And I haven't eaten any red meat since my teens, nor have I ever been to a fast food joint, indulge in frozen or convenience foods, etc. Where I live in the Bay area, access to organic, vegan, and clean living is abundant, which is why I live here. Hope you make it up to Haleakala for a sunrise, too 🙂
      And DO enjoy pow hana time up country bra'.. Aloha

    35. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine.   It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit.   I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help.     The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold.   If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery.  Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013.   Jasun  🙂

    36. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine.   It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit.   I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help.     The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold.   If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery.  Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013.   Jasun  🙂

    37. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine. It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit. I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help. The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold. If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery. Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013. Jasun 🙂

    38. If you ever get to watch the Documentary Movie, "Hungry For Change" there are a couple of real professionals, and A Doctor, who say that Sugar, is as addictive as Cocaine. It's no wonder our country is in such bad shape, there are millions of people ADDICTED to Sugar, and they don't know how to quit. I don't think even a 12 step, Sugar Anonymous, would even help. The ONLY remedy I think can help is to read the book, "Die Fat, or Get Tough" by Steve Siebold. If this book doesn't change your approach to eating, and the consumption of empty calories, then I would suggest just going in for Bariatric Surgery. Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous 2013. Jasun 🙂

    39. Boom! So completely agree. 
      The other thing we do is 'treat' ourselves to bad food (pie, cookies, ice cream, etc) when we've done well on our diet/exercise. Does that mean that we feel the 'treat' is better than the food we're eating regularly?? What kind of message are we sending to ourselves then?
      Great points Randy.  Thanks for bring up the unpopular topics in a positive way!

    40. Boom! So completely agree. 
      The other thing we do is 'treat' ourselves to bad food (pie, cookies, ice cream, etc) when we've done well on our diet/exercise. Does that mean that we feel the 'treat' is better than the food we're eating regularly?? What kind of message are we sending to ourselves then?
      Great points Randy.  Thanks for bring up the unpopular topics in a positive way!

    41. It's a very interesting post for me Randy. Thank you for the information and thoughts. I never knew that someone can be addicted to food. But now many people around who have wight problems start to make sence. Now I think I start to get why. Thank you.

    42. It's a very interesting post for me Randy. Thank you for the information and thoughts. I never knew that someone can be addicted to food. But now many people around who have wight problems start to make sence. Now I think I start to get why. Thank you.

    43. @MrsHealthandProsperity What is there to change about fruit? I've tried lots of different fruit out there and I just don't like the flesh part of fruit. 
      I can change plenty of things in my life, but if I don't like the taste of something, no amount of changing mind set is going to make my taste buds suddenly like fruit.
      So it isn't as if I've never tried fruit, so hey each to their own, that's one thing that's never ever going to change in my life. So I'm not going to force myself to eat something I don't like.

    44. Well I'm the same weight post-Christmas as I was pre-Christmas. Like you Randy, I use the extra free time I had to make sure that I got in all of my workouts. I also took the opportunity to take more time thinking about how to improve what I was eating, do some food elimination to see what changes would make a positive impact on my digestion and to prepare more salads.
      I can relate to the peer pressure issue. One of the Managing Directors of a company I used to work for put peer pressure on me to drink coffee with him during a meeting. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I thought that it was odd, because he was and is in extremely good physical condition. At that time I hadn't had coffee in probably two years. (I now drink it on occasion.) I've had friends think I'm weird for not drinking alcohol. The last three New Years Eves I haven't had anything to drink. Peer pressure of that kind makes me move away from those sorts of people. I don't feel good around them, so I limit my association with them. I find myself very alone sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one doing what I'm doing. Even at the gym I am one of the most toned people that works out there. It was the same with the last gym I was at too. I wonder where these like-minded people are hiding sometimes.
      I did end up drinking a bottle of champagne with my sister on the 1st of January this year however, so I do give myself permission to indulge now and then, I just don't make it a habit, and that's the difference.

    45. Well I'm the same weight post-Christmas as I was pre-Christmas. Like you Randy, I use the extra free time I had to make sure that I got in all of my workouts. I also took the opportunity to take more time thinking about how to improve what I was eating, do some food elimination to see what changes would make a positive impact on my digestion and to prepare more salads.
      I can relate to the peer pressure issue. One of the Managing Directors of a company I used to work for put peer pressure on me to drink coffee with him during a meeting. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I thought that it was odd, because he was and is in extremely good physical condition. At that time I hadn't had coffee in probably two years. (I now drink it on occasion.) I've had friends think I'm weird for not drinking alcohol. The last three New Years Eves I haven't had anything to drink. Peer pressure of that kind makes me move away from those sorts of people. I don't feel good around them, so I limit my association with them. I find myself very alone sometimes because I feel like I'm the only one doing what I'm doing. Even at the gym I am one of the most toned people that works out there. It was the same with the last gym I was at too. I wonder where these like-minded people are hiding sometimes.
      I did end up drinking a bottle of champagne with my sister on the 1st of January this year however, so I do give myself permission to indulge now and then, I just don't make it a habit, and that's the difference.

    46. Wow!! Straight to my face! Honestly, this is my first year where I am more conscious about my life (health, wealth, etc.). Looking back of what I've done last holiday, I consciously let my self go back to my old eating habit. Saying justification such as "This once in a year event, you deserve it."   And so, I ate, and ate and ate some more! Big Mistake! Thank you so much Randy! I will not let my guard down again. Instead, I will hold on to my healthy diet regardless what event I am in. Thanks again. -Mau

    47. Wow!! Straight to my face! Honestly, this is my first year where I am more conscious about my life (health, wealth, etc.). Looking back of what I've done last holiday, I consciously let my self go back to my old eating habit. Saying justification such as "This once in a year event, you deserve it."   And so, I ate, and ate and ate some more! Big Mistake! Thank you so much Randy! I will not let my guard down again. Instead, I will hold on to my healthy diet regardless what event I am in. Thanks again. -Mau

    48. You are exactly correct! Self respect needs to be at our core. I'm the same weight now as before the holidays, but not because I was consciously acting in my best interest.

    49. You are exactly correct! Self respect needs to be at our core. I'm the same weight now as before the holidays, but not because I was consciously acting in my best interest.

    50. I think the essential problem of all thouse consum and I mean eating an also all form of drugs is that they don´t love themself enough. When you love yourself you look of your healthy. The solution ist to look why they don´t love themself enough. I think it´s the only way to become healthy. It´s just a form of selfishness, if you havn´t this you couldn´t be healthy and wealthy.

    51. I think the essential problem of all thouse consum and I mean eating an also all form of drugs is that they don´t love themself enough. When you love yourself you look of your healthy. The solution ist to look why they don´t love themself enough. I think it´s the only way to become healthy. It´s just a form of selfishness, if you havn´t this you couldn´t be healthy and wealthy.

    52. For me, it's just principle. You do it or you don't do it. There is no middle land. There is only one kind of discipline - strict or none.

    53. For me, it's just principle. You do it or you don't do it. There is no middle land. There is only one kind of discipline - strict or none.

    54. The last time I went home I did indulge in some unhealthy treats mainly because some meals and tastes brought back some lovely memories of growing up in the UK. However, I returned home lighter than I went because I walked to get to places, I had more time to walk. This had the added benifit that I really enjoyed the scenery and history of my surroundings, I took tons of photos along the way and I was healthier for all the excercise and fresh air.

    55. The last time I went home I did indulge in some unhealthy treats mainly because some meals and tastes brought back some lovely memories of growing up in the UK. However, I returned home lighter than I went because I walked to get to places, I had more time to walk. This had the added benifit that I really enjoyed the scenery and history of my surroundings, I took tons of photos along the way and I was healthier for all the excercise and fresh air.

    56. Emphatically, positively, absolutely, Infinite number % Correct! Truth through and through. And am constantly and consistently saying those same words to my family, friends, patients, clients, Leaders, and Team. Thank you, Randy. Hopefully some day their spirit will supersede and they will Get It. ~Dr. J

    57. Emphatically, positively, absolutely, Infinite number % Correct! Truth through and through. And am constantly and consistently saying those same words to my family, friends, patients, clients, Leaders, and Team. Thank you, Randy. Hopefully some day their spirit will supersede and they will Get It. ~Dr. J

    58. You know what Randy... I like the way you think! Or, I Iike the fact that you do think. Thank you for inviting the rest of us to think.

    59. You know what Randy... I like the way you think! Or, I Iike the fact that you do think. Thank you for inviting the rest of us to think.

    60. I believe and experience that addictions, including food, are a sign of an unmet need. Could be for love, a connection with God, or themselves, or even a need for rest or water, that they mistake as a need for food (energy). People who don't get enough sleep need to stimulate them selves with sugar, caffeine, etc. Meet the need, and the craving goes away. The cells are satisfied. Soul is satisfied. I've proven this to myself for 40 years now. And helped others. I've developed a self-coach method around this: Real Conversations. More here:

    61. I believe and experience that addictions, including food, are a sign of an unmet need. Could be for love, a connection with God, or themselves, or even a need for rest or water, that they mistake as a need for food (energy). People who don't get enough sleep need to stimulate them selves with sugar, caffeine, etc. Meet the need, and the craving goes away. The cells are satisfied. Soul is satisfied. I've proven this to myself for 40 years now. And helped others. I've developed a self-coach method around this: Real Conversations. More here:

    62. I work as a product formulator of nutritional and nutraceuctical products for Health Care Professionals - and I do a lot of education of the general public on holistic health issues via my blog website.
      What makes me angry / sad is the fact that most chronic, degenerative disease is avoidable: it is NOT inevitable that we will end up demented, diabetic, have cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritic
      (I am being overly dramatic, but these are some of the chronic, degenerative diseases that can be avoided)
      The multinational agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical industries have a vested interest in keeping people in the dark, so people often make bad choices - because they do not know any better.
      Also people have a hard time getting their head around the fact that the lifestyle choices we make today will affect our quality of life: 10 / 20 / 30 years from now...
      What seems to work best for most people is to follow a very healthy diet for about 80 - 90 % of the time:
      and then allow yourself opportunities to have fun! (Tim Ferris of "The Four Hour Body" fame refers to them as "Cheat Days"...
      We have to have this latitude in our lives: otherwise either consciously or subconsciously we will react to this restriction of pleasure!
      My opinion anyway...
      Rob Lamberton
      (Disclousure: I have no commercial inTim's book: I just consider it one of the most cutting edge publications out on the market today on health and fitness)

    63. I work as a product formulator of nutritional and nutraceuctical products for Health Care Professionals - and I do a lot of education of the general public on holistic health issues via my blog website.
      What makes me angry / sad is the fact that most chronic, degenerative disease is avoidable: it is NOT inevitable that we will end up demented, diabetic, have cardiovascular disease, cancer and arthritic
      (I am being overly dramatic, but these are some of the chronic, degenerative diseases that can be avoided)
      The multinational agribusiness, chemical and pharmaceutical industries have a vested interest in keeping people in the dark, so people often make bad choices - because they do not know any better.
      Also people have a hard time getting their head around the fact that the lifestyle choices we make today will affect our quality of life: 10 / 20 / 30 years from now...
      What seems to work best for most people is to follow a very healthy diet for about 80 - 90 % of the time:
      and then allow yourself opportunities to have fun! (Tim Ferris of "The Four Hour Body" fame refers to them as "Cheat Days"...
      We have to have this latitude in our lives: otherwise either consciously or subconsciously we will react to this restriction of pleasure!
      My opinion anyway...
      Rob Lamberton
      (Disclousure: I have no commercial inTim's book: I just consider it one of the most cutting edge publications out on the market today on health and fitness)

    64. What is "Cheat"? is the question! If most of the time you do the right thing, you have room to enjoy some treats, that's not a cheat and actually can help you find the balance in blood sugar control and stimulate your body to work better for your overall health.
      If you empower so-called "cheat" foods by making them off limits by human nature we tend to want them more...tell me I can't have pizza and that's all I can think about right?
      It takes conditioning- the thought-reframing conditioning you refer to ...when you associate the right emotions with the right foods...fresh, green, unprocessed with lean, energy, vitality .......and sugary, processed, transfatty foods with weight gain, lethargy, depression...which would you choose??
      Your brain is just WRONG sometimes and sending you a message that you've had wired for may take time, but you can reprogram! When you can acknowledge that it's can change your actions when your mind!

    65. What is "Cheat"? is the question! If most of the time you do the right thing, you have room to enjoy some treats, that's not a cheat and actually can help you find the balance in blood sugar control and stimulate your body to work better for your overall health.
      If you empower so-called "cheat" foods by making them off limits by human nature we tend to want them more...tell me I can't have pizza and that's all I can think about right?
      It takes conditioning- the thought-reframing conditioning you refer to ...when you associate the right emotions with the right foods...fresh, green, unprocessed with lean, energy, vitality .......and sugary, processed, transfatty foods with weight gain, lethargy, depression...which would you choose??
      Your brain is just WRONG sometimes and sending you a message that you've had wired for may take time, but you can reprogram! When you can acknowledge that it's can change your actions when your mind!

    66. I'm not sitting on that beach, however Singapore last week was pretty good, all the best Randy, catch up soon.

      1. @5hearts4u
         The peers applying the so-called "pressure" (to conform) or the individal feeling "the pressure?   ..sincere question

          1. @5hearts4u
             You confirmed my thinking, I do not give creedence to pressure, it's part of the mass "lack mentality" I feel..

          2. @5hearts4u
             I have felt peer pressure, to play a role I don't feel is right for me. There's no prosperity for me in being in relationship with a gal that smokes and drinks, I wouldn't be happy, I'd be miserable. My community is getting the message it's not going to happen. Not a chance!  I'm happy NOT being in relationship and just being friends with the gal that smokes & drinks..  guess what the kid will be doing when she grows up?..  chances are  "smoking & drinking" why? she was brought up in that environment..  it's too bad..

    67. @5hearts4u
       The peers applying the so-called "pressure" (to conform) or the individal feeling "the pressure?   ..sincere question

    68. @5hearts4u
       You confirmed my thinking, I do not give creedence to pressure, it's part of the mass "lack mentality" I feel..

    69. @5hearts4u
       I have felt peer pressure, to play a role I don't feel is right for me. There's no prosperity for me in being in relationship with a gal that smokes and drinks, I wouldn't be happy, I'd be miserable. My community is getting the message it's not going to happen. Not a chance!  I'm happy NOT being in relationship and just being friends with the gal that smokes & drinks..  guess what the kid will be doing when she grows up?..  chances are  "smoking & drinking" why? she was brought up in that environment..  it's too bad..

    70. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity My experience is your taste for food can change over time if given a chance.  For example i wished to incorporate walnuts into my diet and did not care for them.  I mixed them with peanuts at first which I adored!  Over time I desired less peanuts and now love walnuts.

    71. Clever approach, Heather!  Our taste buds are just sensors, they don't make judgements - tis our Minds that judge yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong etc./etc.  Sounds like you found a brilliant way to change your mind, to create new, healthier preferences.

    72. @R_Arblaster  @MrsHealthandProsperity
       I beleive, in fact I've "proven" to myself  a "so called distaste of a certain food, is a resulting experience of a particular self image.. change one's "self image" and you change your life experience..  the challenging and intrigueing part is.. the "self image" is made of a subconscious "beleif constructs"..  ie: I suggest if you change your self image to "healthier, more mindful, more conscious, more _____ (everything) you can change the way you feel about things and thus the way you'll experience those things..  food, weather, money, social interaction, dreams, etc etc..
      In summary make your subconscious beleifs "conscious" and discern whether those beleifs serve you or not..
      = Become "subconsciously conscious" it takes huge energy AND concentration, yet if you do this in increments.. the ego will accept the changes easily and even eagerly!

    73. @PeterGHorrill  I agree with much of what you say, Peter, but am going to take exception to the "...huge energy & concentration" component.  I have developed an almost-subconscious belief in the Easiness of changing my mind, my self-image, etc.  Easy is good!! I love it when things are easy, as they almost always are. I've become WAY more aware of my previously-subconscious beliefs very easily, by using Holosync (lie down, listen = easy). 
      I've become hyper-aware of how I am feeling. I know that whenever I am feeling low,  a non-serving thought or belief is showing its ugly little noggin.  EFT is one of my favourite easy ways to blast non-serving beliefs out of the water...out of my conscious AND subc. mind. I love it that I am attracting more and more tools to make it easy to change.  Currently, I'm working with that's about as effortlessly easy as it gets!
      Easy is an option, tho apparently not a popular one.
      I know, I know - some folks love that feeling of Winning the Big Fight, the testosterone & adrenaline rush of being in the battle, having things be Effortful and Energetic, but what can I say?  I'm a lazy ol' lady, I like it to be easy.

    74. @MrsHealthandProsperity
       I beleive, in fact I know "ease and flow" is my preferred way of being as well. I did find it took much effort when I first began the process and chose to "consciously awaken" to "unearth" the "stuck" energies.. yes, i did tapping this morning with much success. I use RG's DVD's and audios, Hypnotic Media subliminal prgramming DVD's also IGetReal DVD's , among many more methods..
      sounds like we are birds of a feather!  🙂 Cool!

    75. @MrsHealthandProsperity
       I'll add that I do not have a couch.. I study and reprogram sitting in chairs with upright backs.. mostly for breathing "ease".. and for learning posture..
      no Lazy guy here!  .lol     we both like to work on our minds, that's clear!

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