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What is Really Real?

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 27, 2011

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was how to ignore the physical evidence and place my faith in things from the spiritual realm.  I’ve always been a very rational, logical guy; one who needs proof of everything.

What I came to understand was that you can’t always outline and plan how your good will come to you.  And many times it comes in ways you may not expect.  And the real important part of the equation is that you won’t receive anything until you have the consciousness for it…

You can’t be treated for prosperity – you have to be open to receiving it.  And spiritual things must be spiritually discerned.

So you have to stop worrying about appearances, and work diligently on your consciousness.  Change your consciousness, and you change everything…

So how you doing on that?





30 comments on “What is Really Real?”

  1. I believe there is absolute wisdom in uncertainty.

    As I've said in conversations with others, sometimes u know what u don't know. If intuition/consciousness speaks, listen. Being "logical" is sometimes avoidance behavior. We have to learn to open up to the improbable possibilities.

    Great post.

  2. Randy,

    I think it's ironic that I read 'Sick, Dumb and Broke' and have since gone in the far direction of reason and logic. After your book I read 'Atlas Shrugged' and became somewhat cynical of the world. But now I study 'As a Man Thinketh' and it has helped me become less cynical and overall more serene. Perhaps I'm journeying back in the direction of spirituality.

  3. Thank's Randy!
    I'm so glad you are wirting this. I just experienced that. I was kind of stuck in my business thursday, and was thinking about how to change that. Then I made a descition to stop a businessconnection, because they did not align with what I believe in, and felt happy about it, and went to sleep. Next morning even before businesshours I got contacted by a new customer that wanted me to do an asignment for them. I did at once and with great result. Now I have this customer on regular bacis, and he is going to recommend me to his network of 60 other companies. This happened because I made it happen and followed what I believe on the consciousness level. Felt really good :)))

  4. Wow - This is the 3rd time I have heard this message today. I totally resonate with it, 'tho I had to work on this concept as I think most of us were programmed with the idea of "no pain no gain" and the only way to get ahead and be successful is by the hard slog method. Hardly a day goes by when I dont here this from the someone in the herd.

    As Napolean Hill says in Think and Grow Rich

    "If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought! It is not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck."

    I believe BEing is more effective than knowing in the intellectual sense.
    Knowing how "to be" is key.

  5. I understand having the openness to a prosperity conciousness, but the real challenge is to maintain that conciousness in order to receive. I'm sure the universe is somewhat frustrated with me (as am I) because I don't apparently maintain the expectation. Any help on that Randy? How to KEEP your focus on prosperity and not scarcity?

      1. I am not sure we really have that kind of complete control in life. I mean you could meet someone in the grocery store who has an impact on you. Ya Know?

        Read Pierre Leyssac's comment on the blog before.

    1. Hi Terri-

      The first thing to do is to stop beating yourself up about it. What if everything is okay, regardless of your opinion about it? And could you just love and accept yourself, right now, as you are? Know that you are loved.

  6. As Randy advised,daily self development work. For me this means spending quality time with key resource materials daily.

    Currently I am focusing on the idea of space meaning the nothingness between matter and how that responds to our thoughts and feelings.

    My goal is to be in the state of knowing that everything I experience is a result of me allowing the Divine to work through me and not block it.

  7. For me, reality is a never ending series of experiences and the choices I make with them. I have also always been, a grounded down to earth, so to speak, person. I like things to make logical sense but with age and wisdom have learned that not everything can be understood from a human level. The wiser I get, the more I realize how little I know. I don't work as much at creating my "perfect reality", as I do allowing it to evolve. I expect that everything is working for my good as for others. My reality is to stay in it, one moment at a time, living in truth as best I am able.

  8. As I read I thought I was doing not so well on that, and was going to ask you, as I am thinking about that everyday too, how I get to have the real consciousness for receiving the good, because sometimes it seems hard to get there (for me), and make a real switch.

    Got the clue with your answer above.

    Thank you.

  9. Randy.. this is part of a very big topic as you well know.

    A very wise person mentioned many years ago that "how we view life is how it will show up". In keeping with your last statement, it's clear that if your consciousness is based in fear, lack, worry, negativity and doubt, then that's exactly how your 'prosperity' or lack thereof will manifest. Would you agree?

    The media is one of the BIGGEST fear/doubt mongers I know, which is why I never read the news or watch broadcast TV. And Fortune 100 companies in many industries depend on this fear mongering. It's truly sad. Imagine the possibilities if the news was filled with the extraordinary things people accomplish all over the world and always focused on the upside of things!

    Thanks so much as always.. Great stuff!

  10. I was trying to be quiet, however, I want to say something about these two blogs.

    Some things are just not in our control. I think many people commenting the last few days have said that. Not that one can't get lessons out of the bad things that happen. Of course you can that part is up to you. I still believe there is an element of luck and chance to the universe. Of course there is a CHANCE I might be wrong. 🙂

    My only fear of believing that the universe is always looking out for our good, and that even the bad things that happen, are meant to happen to us so we will learn something is this: It is possible that beliefs such as these could lead to a lack of empathy towards victims of horrible disasters. Also, that could then lead to apathy for their causes, and there is already enough of that in the world. That's not to say it will happen that way, but it could.

    I am not sure what those children in Somalia have to learn from starving to death, perhaps it isn't their lesson, maybe it is ours. Perhaps the lesson in certain tragedies is for us to understand how interconnected we all are. In the end empathy will save us all....maybe.

  11. Hi RG,

    I too had struggled with the whole appearance side of things in the past.

    I decided to become more aware of my thoughts from moment to moment: what I judge to be good and bad, how I perceive things and how I choose to feel about things.

    I strongly suggest anybody struggling with the judging according to appearances deal to take a 5 to 10 minute break each hour to hone your mental tools. Call it a "Consciousness Cleanse". Pull back from your work, or your day, and watch you feelings. Attachments, negative lines of thinking and all sorts of stuff arises, and you can see it for what it is, instead of being ruled by these limiting beliefs.

    You can change things only when you realize what things need to change.

    I do the 5 to 10 minute thing each hour, works wonderfully if you persist in taking the breaks. I watch, let go and grow.

    Thanks for sharing your insight Randy!


  12. Thought this might be a good place for a little illustration that truth is not always in the appearance of things.

    A plane is delayed on the runway and the passengers are told they can get off for 45 mins and sit inside the airport instead of stay in a cramped hot stuffy plane.
    ALl the passengers get off except one elderly lady who is blind and her dog. The pilot is just leaving the cockpit and sees this lady who is a frequent passenger on that route.
    He greets her and asks her is he can assist her into the airport to stretch her legs. She politely refuses his kind offer but suggests he might take her dog for a little stroll. He is happy to do so and as he walks out of the plane he puts on his sunglasses.

    Imagine you are one of the passengers on the plane - would you feel a little nervous about getting back on the plane with a pilot with dark glasses and a guide dog for the blind? Appearances can be very deceiving......

  13. How am I doing on that?
    Well you touched a string inside me with this one Randy. I recently left an opportunity to grow together with a group as I shared. Part of me has been a Landmark person for 16 years. Basic assumption I've been generating from is: life is empty and meaningless, and it's empty and meaningless, that it is empty and meaningless.
    It could be it's not so empty though?
    Something else might be available be giving up MY, Pierre Leyssac's, Control Issue to generate from this assumption.
    The challenge is not to give up the selfish drive, the pride in my intellectual ability, my strive for breakthroughs in productivity - lots of gains here are expected. The new will be that good FORCES exist to guide me.
    HOPE is there is someone or a power outside us to free us. Thus giving your own power over to that other, or that power separated from you. That kind of hope doesn't produce anything! It just channel means of someones labor. In here lies your question Randy: "What is Really Real" with respect to value for value exchange.

    LOVE and RESPECT - Pierre Leyssac, cph

  14. This post looks like a letter for me.

    "So you HAVE to stop worrying about Appearances, and work diligently on your consciousness."
    And what now? Does it need some planning again? Do you want to say that by doing thorough cleaning and filling consciousness with the Truth, prosperity will come by itself?

  15. Hi Randy, thank you for your insights.

    I can feel the discomfort going through the moment of ignoring the physical realm at this time. Like what you shared. It's so tempting to listen to my doubts. With my desire to be more as I know it. I can do more.

    It is true that something spiritual can't be understood if one is not in spiritual. that is why I am always thankful and greatful to know that someone as great as you can share more of himself to others like me. May God bless us all and have that life of abundance in my life as I allow Him to.

    All life's best ahead!


  16. yesterday, my whole world got shaken! pretty badly! now, this post helps me to balance it again. as I said you once, Randy -you don't even know how much you do 😉 Have a beautiful day!

  17. Another cool post.
    Dr Wayne Dyer in one of his books talks about being in the flow of life, flow of substance, flow of the universe.
    In order to be one with life itself you have to adopt the attitude of giving endlessly.
    Same thing that Esther Hicks refers by saying "I'm happy where I am and eager for more."
    cheers Randy!

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  • 30 comments on “What is Really Real?”

    1. I believe there is absolute wisdom in uncertainty.

      As I've said in conversations with others, sometimes u know what u don't know. If intuition/consciousness speaks, listen. Being "logical" is sometimes avoidance behavior. We have to learn to open up to the improbable possibilities.

      Great post.

    2. Randy,

      I think it's ironic that I read 'Sick, Dumb and Broke' and have since gone in the far direction of reason and logic. After your book I read 'Atlas Shrugged' and became somewhat cynical of the world. But now I study 'As a Man Thinketh' and it has helped me become less cynical and overall more serene. Perhaps I'm journeying back in the direction of spirituality.

    3. Thank's Randy!
      I'm so glad you are wirting this. I just experienced that. I was kind of stuck in my business thursday, and was thinking about how to change that. Then I made a descition to stop a businessconnection, because they did not align with what I believe in, and felt happy about it, and went to sleep. Next morning even before businesshours I got contacted by a new customer that wanted me to do an asignment for them. I did at once and with great result. Now I have this customer on regular bacis, and he is going to recommend me to his network of 60 other companies. This happened because I made it happen and followed what I believe on the consciousness level. Felt really good :)))

    4. Wow - This is the 3rd time I have heard this message today. I totally resonate with it, 'tho I had to work on this concept as I think most of us were programmed with the idea of "no pain no gain" and the only way to get ahead and be successful is by the hard slog method. Hardly a day goes by when I dont here this from the someone in the herd.

      As Napolean Hill says in Think and Grow Rich

      "If you are one of those who believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought! It is not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of HARD work! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to definite demands, based upon the application of definite principles, and not by chance or luck."

      I believe BEing is more effective than knowing in the intellectual sense.
      Knowing how "to be" is key.

    5. I understand having the openness to a prosperity conciousness, but the real challenge is to maintain that conciousness in order to receive. I'm sure the universe is somewhat frustrated with me (as am I) because I don't apparently maintain the expectation. Any help on that Randy? How to KEEP your focus on prosperity and not scarcity?

        1. I am not sure we really have that kind of complete control in life. I mean you could meet someone in the grocery store who has an impact on you. Ya Know?

          Read Pierre Leyssac's comment on the blog before.

      1. Hi Terri-

        The first thing to do is to stop beating yourself up about it. What if everything is okay, regardless of your opinion about it? And could you just love and accept yourself, right now, as you are? Know that you are loved.

    6. As Randy advised,daily self development work. For me this means spending quality time with key resource materials daily.

      Currently I am focusing on the idea of space meaning the nothingness between matter and how that responds to our thoughts and feelings.

      My goal is to be in the state of knowing that everything I experience is a result of me allowing the Divine to work through me and not block it.

    7. For me, reality is a never ending series of experiences and the choices I make with them. I have also always been, a grounded down to earth, so to speak, person. I like things to make logical sense but with age and wisdom have learned that not everything can be understood from a human level. The wiser I get, the more I realize how little I know. I don't work as much at creating my "perfect reality", as I do allowing it to evolve. I expect that everything is working for my good as for others. My reality is to stay in it, one moment at a time, living in truth as best I am able.

    8. As I read I thought I was doing not so well on that, and was going to ask you, as I am thinking about that everyday too, how I get to have the real consciousness for receiving the good, because sometimes it seems hard to get there (for me), and make a real switch.

      Got the clue with your answer above.

      Thank you.

    9. Randy.. this is part of a very big topic as you well know.

      A very wise person mentioned many years ago that "how we view life is how it will show up". In keeping with your last statement, it's clear that if your consciousness is based in fear, lack, worry, negativity and doubt, then that's exactly how your 'prosperity' or lack thereof will manifest. Would you agree?

      The media is one of the BIGGEST fear/doubt mongers I know, which is why I never read the news or watch broadcast TV. And Fortune 100 companies in many industries depend on this fear mongering. It's truly sad. Imagine the possibilities if the news was filled with the extraordinary things people accomplish all over the world and always focused on the upside of things!

      Thanks so much as always.. Great stuff!

    10. I was trying to be quiet, however, I want to say something about these two blogs.

      Some things are just not in our control. I think many people commenting the last few days have said that. Not that one can't get lessons out of the bad things that happen. Of course you can that part is up to you. I still believe there is an element of luck and chance to the universe. Of course there is a CHANCE I might be wrong. 🙂

      My only fear of believing that the universe is always looking out for our good, and that even the bad things that happen, are meant to happen to us so we will learn something is this: It is possible that beliefs such as these could lead to a lack of empathy towards victims of horrible disasters. Also, that could then lead to apathy for their causes, and there is already enough of that in the world. That's not to say it will happen that way, but it could.

      I am not sure what those children in Somalia have to learn from starving to death, perhaps it isn't their lesson, maybe it is ours. Perhaps the lesson in certain tragedies is for us to understand how interconnected we all are. In the end empathy will save us all....maybe.

    11. Hi RG,

      I too had struggled with the whole appearance side of things in the past.

      I decided to become more aware of my thoughts from moment to moment: what I judge to be good and bad, how I perceive things and how I choose to feel about things.

      I strongly suggest anybody struggling with the judging according to appearances deal to take a 5 to 10 minute break each hour to hone your mental tools. Call it a "Consciousness Cleanse". Pull back from your work, or your day, and watch you feelings. Attachments, negative lines of thinking and all sorts of stuff arises, and you can see it for what it is, instead of being ruled by these limiting beliefs.

      You can change things only when you realize what things need to change.

      I do the 5 to 10 minute thing each hour, works wonderfully if you persist in taking the breaks. I watch, let go and grow.

      Thanks for sharing your insight Randy!


    12. Thought this might be a good place for a little illustration that truth is not always in the appearance of things.

      A plane is delayed on the runway and the passengers are told they can get off for 45 mins and sit inside the airport instead of stay in a cramped hot stuffy plane.
      ALl the passengers get off except one elderly lady who is blind and her dog. The pilot is just leaving the cockpit and sees this lady who is a frequent passenger on that route.
      He greets her and asks her is he can assist her into the airport to stretch her legs. She politely refuses his kind offer but suggests he might take her dog for a little stroll. He is happy to do so and as he walks out of the plane he puts on his sunglasses.

      Imagine you are one of the passengers on the plane - would you feel a little nervous about getting back on the plane with a pilot with dark glasses and a guide dog for the blind? Appearances can be very deceiving......

    13. How am I doing on that?
      Well you touched a string inside me with this one Randy. I recently left an opportunity to grow together with a group as I shared. Part of me has been a Landmark person for 16 years. Basic assumption I've been generating from is: life is empty and meaningless, and it's empty and meaningless, that it is empty and meaningless.
      It could be it's not so empty though?
      Something else might be available be giving up MY, Pierre Leyssac's, Control Issue to generate from this assumption.
      The challenge is not to give up the selfish drive, the pride in my intellectual ability, my strive for breakthroughs in productivity - lots of gains here are expected. The new will be that good FORCES exist to guide me.
      HOPE is there is someone or a power outside us to free us. Thus giving your own power over to that other, or that power separated from you. That kind of hope doesn't produce anything! It just channel means of someones labor. In here lies your question Randy: "What is Really Real" with respect to value for value exchange.

      LOVE and RESPECT - Pierre Leyssac, cph

    14. This post looks like a letter for me.

      "So you HAVE to stop worrying about Appearances, and work diligently on your consciousness."
      And what now? Does it need some planning again? Do you want to say that by doing thorough cleaning and filling consciousness with the Truth, prosperity will come by itself?

    15. Hi Randy, thank you for your insights.

      I can feel the discomfort going through the moment of ignoring the physical realm at this time. Like what you shared. It's so tempting to listen to my doubts. With my desire to be more as I know it. I can do more.

      It is true that something spiritual can't be understood if one is not in spiritual. that is why I am always thankful and greatful to know that someone as great as you can share more of himself to others like me. May God bless us all and have that life of abundance in my life as I allow Him to.

      All life's best ahead!


    16. yesterday, my whole world got shaken! pretty badly! now, this post helps me to balance it again. as I said you once, Randy -you don't even know how much you do 😉 Have a beautiful day!

    17. Another cool post.
      Dr Wayne Dyer in one of his books talks about being in the flow of life, flow of substance, flow of the universe.
      In order to be one with life itself you have to adopt the attitude of giving endlessly.
      Same thing that Esther Hicks refers by saying "I'm happy where I am and eager for more."
      cheers Randy!

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