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Posted By: Randy GageNovember 1, 2011

All prosperity is created in the mind first.  You must see it before you manifest it on the physical realm.

Every great accomplishment in human history started out as a vision.  And that vision became programming in someone’s subconscious mind.  And then your subconscious mind leads your conscious mind on the actions to take.

I explore this in this week’s Prosperity TV.  I’ve embedded it for you below.

So how are you at visualizing your good?  What else do you do to program yourself for success?  Please share your thoughts below.

P.S.  And if you’re not yet a subscriber of Prosperity TV, better click your chubby little fingers on this link right pronto and get it done!

- RG

14 comments on “Visualization”

  1. Thank you Randy!

    I have found deciding on the affirmations, the visualization board and more is not enough. For me I make a commitment to set aside time each day to focus on that I am intending to bring from the ethers into the physical realm. When I do this my day unfolds in amazingly positive ways. So you would think I do this every day. Right? Well I miss some and when I do I am hit on the side of the head with a 2x4 of life.

  2. Thanks Randy, only very recently, I started to put pictures, posters of what I'd like to have or visit. Then only can I contribute and be used as a conduit or channel of blessing. Someone said the poor cannot help the poor. Have started with visualisation and meditation/affirmation confession - to reprogramme my erroneous beliefts/thoughts embedded, implanted from wrong teaching/guidance although they may be sincere.

  3. I visualize on the hour RG. I calm myself and paint my vision in detail. The more I see it, the more I be it, the more real it becomes. It's a simple and straightforward process many folks dismiss.

    Thanks for sharing!


  4. Hi Randy,

    Thought I would put my two cents in on this one, While some may experience instant awakening and letting go of old beliefs, for me it was a process.

    The process was of self analysis as I was preparing to be a Life Coach, I give my professor a great deal of credit for the guidance he showed me and also for encouraging me to go on to train with energy psychology.

    I found that working with the acupressure points was instrumental in letting go of the energy that stagnates when there has been trauma or even when there are just negative beliefs that were formed during our childhood years and are subconsciously sabotaging our efforts to move forward.

    While I agree that visualization plays a huge role in what we create, it seems to me that in order to visualize effectively the mind viruses have to be released first.

    By the way, had an interesting dream during the week in which you where before me and inviting me to your Christmas party in December, so FYI, thanks, I'll be there 🙂


  5. Hey Randy Gage - very good explanation, that: "watering with repetition".
    It helps a lot when talking about visualization, to offer little scenes or pictures to your listeners, thanks!
    Similar to what Olga wrote, I agree that the old programming in the subconscious-mind has to be stopped first, before putting new stuff on top of it which might get popped-up all the time, and therefore can´t settle for good.
    --> Say, any idea how you can find out which old program still runs in circles in the sub-conscious mind so that it can be stopped first?
    I am sure it would help me a lot since I am a logic analyzer by nature, means I own 2 extra service-programs which run all the time and as good as they can be, they can be a blockage as well, if they can´t read whats written down there to get rid of it...

    Thanks for any try!

    1. Ask the universe what's holding you back. You'll get an answer in some form or another.
      If you are after books Louise Hay's 'You can heal your life' gives ideas that might be causing certain illnesses and affirmations to fix them. Another book I've just come across is 'Constant craving', which is on a similar vein but for food cravings.
      The books may help pointing you in a general direction to dig but the universe can help with specifics.

      1. Thanks for your info!
        i read some books on family constellation and illness-related things already (good guess!! - but I am not ill in any of those kinds) which by now don´t "match" anymore to what´s left to clean up. 🙂
        maybe it is really just a switch now which has to be switched over to the other side as Randy describes so often, and that means: to start thinking different. no more, no less...
        enjoy life!!

  6. The iceberg analogy was super. I've got 3 more slogans cutely and creatively posted in my environs. PS: I made a list of local acquaintances whom I greatly admire and see quite often (positive influencers). Why do I admire them? Because they stand up for what they believe and often against greater opinion. Aha, back to the "D.E.S." concept! Utterly fascinated with connecting the two together.

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  • 14 comments on “Visualization”

    1. Thank you Randy!

      I have found deciding on the affirmations, the visualization board and more is not enough. For me I make a commitment to set aside time each day to focus on that I am intending to bring from the ethers into the physical realm. When I do this my day unfolds in amazingly positive ways. So you would think I do this every day. Right? Well I miss some and when I do I am hit on the side of the head with a 2x4 of life.

    2. Thanks Randy, only very recently, I started to put pictures, posters of what I'd like to have or visit. Then only can I contribute and be used as a conduit or channel of blessing. Someone said the poor cannot help the poor. Have started with visualisation and meditation/affirmation confession - to reprogramme my erroneous beliefts/thoughts embedded, implanted from wrong teaching/guidance although they may be sincere.

    3. I visualize on the hour RG. I calm myself and paint my vision in detail. The more I see it, the more I be it, the more real it becomes. It's a simple and straightforward process many folks dismiss.

      Thanks for sharing!


    4. Hi Randy,

      Thought I would put my two cents in on this one, While some may experience instant awakening and letting go of old beliefs, for me it was a process.

      The process was of self analysis as I was preparing to be a Life Coach, I give my professor a great deal of credit for the guidance he showed me and also for encouraging me to go on to train with energy psychology.

      I found that working with the acupressure points was instrumental in letting go of the energy that stagnates when there has been trauma or even when there are just negative beliefs that were formed during our childhood years and are subconsciously sabotaging our efforts to move forward.

      While I agree that visualization plays a huge role in what we create, it seems to me that in order to visualize effectively the mind viruses have to be released first.

      By the way, had an interesting dream during the week in which you where before me and inviting me to your Christmas party in December, so FYI, thanks, I'll be there 🙂


    5. Hey Randy Gage - very good explanation, that: "watering with repetition".
      It helps a lot when talking about visualization, to offer little scenes or pictures to your listeners, thanks!
      Similar to what Olga wrote, I agree that the old programming in the subconscious-mind has to be stopped first, before putting new stuff on top of it which might get popped-up all the time, and therefore can´t settle for good.
      --> Say, any idea how you can find out which old program still runs in circles in the sub-conscious mind so that it can be stopped first?
      I am sure it would help me a lot since I am a logic analyzer by nature, means I own 2 extra service-programs which run all the time and as good as they can be, they can be a blockage as well, if they can´t read whats written down there to get rid of it...

      Thanks for any try!

      1. Ask the universe what's holding you back. You'll get an answer in some form or another.
        If you are after books Louise Hay's 'You can heal your life' gives ideas that might be causing certain illnesses and affirmations to fix them. Another book I've just come across is 'Constant craving', which is on a similar vein but for food cravings.
        The books may help pointing you in a general direction to dig but the universe can help with specifics.

        1. Thanks for your info!
          i read some books on family constellation and illness-related things already (good guess!! - but I am not ill in any of those kinds) which by now don´t "match" anymore to what´s left to clean up. 🙂
          maybe it is really just a switch now which has to be switched over to the other side as Randy describes so often, and that means: to start thinking different. no more, no less...
          enjoy life!!

    6. The iceberg analogy was super. I've got 3 more slogans cutely and creatively posted in my environs. PS: I made a list of local acquaintances whom I greatly admire and see quite often (positive influencers). Why do I admire them? Because they stand up for what they believe and often against greater opinion. Aha, back to the "D.E.S." concept! Utterly fascinated with connecting the two together.

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