Charles Fillmore taught that our creator provided for all our needs with substance, the basis for the universe. This substance is in the ethers, surrounding us everywhere on earth. Most importantly, it responds to the mind of man, and is shaped by our thoughts.
So how do we convert this substance in the ethers into our prosperity? Ideas. And that’s where the Creativity Law of Prosperity comes into play.
There is no place on earth that God is not, so therefore there is abundance at every spot on earth. Substance doesn’t come from “up there.” You don’t have to search for it, “find” it, and you don’t have to “get” more of it. It is all right here, waiting for you to summon it.
I created a short video explaining how you use ideas to manifest prosperity. Take a look.
As promised on the video, here are a few of my favorite affirmations I use to with the Creativity Law of Prosperity:
I give thanks for your immediate and complete payment.
You are immediately and completely paid through the rich avenue of Divine substance.
I see our situation resolved for the highest good of all concerned.
I tap into Divine order to manifest the means for my immediate prosperity.
The Universe is substance, and this substance is available at all times to those who have learned to lay hold of its consciousness. Once you are aware of this—and you know that you have been provided with the mind to attract it—manifestation of prosperity is quite simple. If you would like to know more on this, be sure and check out my book, The 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.
Yet again there is mention of an entity I would have rejected just 10 years ago.
I suppose some of us are still there now, so I better be careful with what I write.
It took people like Randy to open my mind to the philosophy of God. Previous to him there was no chance I would have bought into the Law of Prosperity or any similar "attraction"
I was raised to believe my eyes, and ...of course, nothing happened, because as we all know, it's not until you believe it that you see it !
Thanks again for another layer of wisdom.
Randy, ever thought of giving a talk to
Yes I love the TED stuff but they haven't invited me to speak. Tried to attend for three years in a row and they were always sold out first.
Great job Randy, never forget the HARD WORK You put in since I know You. YOU deserve it and much more........
I commend you for the work your doing, this post in particular comes at a time when so many are looking for answers it seems so simplistic that all we have to do is look within, and yet that's where all our answers come from.
Thank You
All the Best
As always thank you for spiritual inspirition. I know far too many people who hold on to the christian ideal that if you're materially affluent you're spiritually poor.
I thank the God of my understanding for the internet everyday, for without it & wouldn't have discovered you & other like you, your teachings & more importantly your teachers. My spititual Mentor always tells me, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear."
Thank you for being the teacher for this student.
Continued Prosperity,
I found that the more ideas I open myself to, by reading or watching stuff from different disciplines has allowed me to come up with great ideas.
Trump actually says he added what he learned from Hollywood to Real Estate. Most movie ideas are two other movies smashed together. You can't create new ideas from nowhere.
The heart transplant came about because a plumber learned about biology.
As for how it affects the prosperity, well, I have a lot of ideas... I think I need some other people to make them real!
This really blows my mind. Just put Katherine's book on my reading list. Thanks for all that you do.
I loved the video, and I just tried the letter idea, we will see what happens! The story you told was interesting too, about the guy buying the houses and selling them back...I was just starting to buy repo boats and sell them, but now maybe I will sell them back to the owner if they can afford it.
Thanks Randy!
I agree whole heartedly Randy. I like the idea that guy you mentioned had doing the real estate. Helping others as he helped himself. Good going!
You are so right about having to get creative, especially durng these harsh economic times. Oprah Winfrey is always saying and I agree with her "follow your passion and the money will follow"
I think that is so true. Life is too short not to do what you love and keep a positive spin on everything in your life.
I was recently hurt deeply by someone I cared about. Even shocked by his cruelty. After having some time to think about everything that happened, I wrote a letter to that person and not only offered forgiveness but love as well. Whether that person accepts it or not is his affair. I am clean. And now movng on.
There is something to be said about having thoughts and feelings that vibrate at a higher level than the herd. It makes for a happier life for yourself and brings prosperity to you in ways completley unexpected.
Lucinda 'The Opera Diva'
Hi Randy,
Thank you for the message about the creative law of prosperity. I really liked your letter idea and need to now write some letters!!
Are you hip to Abraham-Hicks?
It is great to hear this kind of thinking from someone who is successful in business. I am working with a new MLM company, Lifemax and learning so much. I have spent a lot of time studying / learning from Abraham-Hicks. Your idea today about writing the letter to a person's angel is AWESOME!! Thanks sooooo much. And yes we live in a vibrational universe and we can attract what we want!
Great video, Randy. Much of what is out there today is in abundance... no longer demanding the same amount of money as when it was considered scarce. Many hold onto the myth of scarcity to their detriment. Look at what it costs to call someone from in LA from Miami. 20 years ago it was dollars/minute, ten years ago pennies and today… anyone paying for those charges is being sold a myth. It costs the same for me to call anyone in most of the world the same monthly fee.
Hi Randy!
Exactly what I need to read, hear and see tonight! Thank you so much for sharing this wisdom with us!
My best,
PS: On my way now to my bookshelp to pick up the Catherine Ponder's Dynamic Laws of Prosperity book and read it again!
As always you hit the nail on the head. You are one of my all time favorites - keep it up!
I kind of had to laugh, remembering years ago when I was so broke I would actually send in checks on closed out bank accounts just hoping to keep the creditors off my back for at least a few weeks.
I was completely inspired by your blog! I ran and got my bills and started writing on them, how clever!
I'm also facing a legal situation and the Angel idea is different, to say the least, but I think it might make me feel better spiritually. So I will give it a try! Looking forward to seeing other posts and getting to know you Randy.
Personally, I devote time to requesting guidance on the messages I am intended to receive that inpires ideas.
Randy, I continue to listen to one of your tape series that I have off of a CD set that I have on my iPhone. There are two reasons I mention this. First the material you share on the CD set, just like this video are timeless. These principles do not change. Second, with life the way it is, I find I must remind myself of these principles frequently until they become more of who I am. Even then I catch myself and say "hey wait a minute Steve, what you are thinking or saying is opposite of the gratitude principle or the non-judgement principle.
You reminded me of the wonderful way to view invoices.
I love the topics you write about and make videos about. Thank you.
PS I wrote a letter to your angel. Not because I have any issues with you to release, but to suggest you be introduced to your angel here on the physical plane. 🙂
🙂 Thanks!
Hi Randy,
so simple and yet so powerful!!
Thank you for sharing these eternal principles.
Best regards
Yeah have a very strange position and lack of money seem to be the problem. I try this on and see what comes up. Cheers RG!
Randy, This was a great video. I had saw the movie "The Secret" a few years back and so many things have pop-up since then around the idea of manifasting your thoughts which is the energy your produce with them. I completely agree that you are what you think. I enjoyed your view points very much. Have a great day.
Again you hit the ball out of the park. Many us do not understand that we are literally creating the world we live in. If we don't experience prosperity in our lives we only have to look to ourselves.
Thanks again for taking the time out to make this video.
Hi Randy,
Thanks for sharing the priceless content in this video!
No amount of words can express how grateful I am to have met you. My intelligence and profound awareness of the world is in direct proportion to my association with you!
PS. I'm the guy that shook your hand at the Aventura mall a few weeks earlier!
Randy, I've been writing on my bills, something I got from reading one of your books. I am going to start writing "you're immediately and completely repaid through Divine Order" too. I actually had that very same idea about buying people's foreclosed homes and re-selling them back to the people who previously owned them. I however, lack the funds to do that, but I will be able to do this at some point. I know I will be helping people get out of debt and grow wealth. I always enjoy reading your blogs.
Randy...I have been in Unity for 37 years....and I much admire you for speaking these truths. It is finally going 'mainstream' and it is about time...I also recommend Spritual Economics by Eric Butterworth. That book really set me on the right path, many years ago. I continue enjoying prosperity in every area of my life. Blessings, Anne
Great video Randy. You tell it like it is to help people get out of their own way.
Rendy, Thank you for all!
Thank you for your books!!!
You are my rich dad 🙂
Vladislav, Omsk (Siberia)
Even though I stay in South Africa I always make sure when coming from work or sometimes before I go out I make sure I do listen to Randy Gage's videos either Duplication, Prosperity and many more as an affiliate member to make sure I have got the tools, empowerment, motivation to do what I have to do for a day.
Randy tell it as it is and is one of those rare people to find in this planet. I love you Randy Gage and your work. Keep doing what you do best. You are a real Messiah indeed. Without you we will be lost in MLM or Network Marketing businesses.
Hi Randy,
I was amazed by your book "Why You're DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . . and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH", as this book together with others started to change my lousy attitude in life. Now I feel more selfconfident and I really started to believe that the future is bright and not gloomy.
I am not a businessman, although I like money very much ! I've been thinking for quite a longtine to start a small business, but my family opposed.
Since I read your book ant others (such as Conversations with God by Donald Neale Walsch, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (book and movie)), I got a new
attitude, I am less worried about life future, I felt my predestination for wellness, I am more open to others and ... of course more confident in myself and in my future. Two years passed since I started to focus on these things and I think my whole life changed. Many, many, many more satisfactions than before and much more calm and tranquility. I ceased to waste my energies for no reason and now I strongly believe my life will get better and better.
Thank you for sharing these so valuable and effective ideas. May I call you "The Professor of Attitude" ? Because this is the name you inspire to me...
I have started to share and spread your ideas even at work, I have friends to whom I bought your book, and those guys are really interested in changing their lifes. You see, we live in Romania, an ex-communist and underdeveloped country, whose society is a loser-one and the general attitude should be drastically improved.
I really think that touring Romania or this entire part of SE Europe would be hugely succesful for you. I have devored your videos posted on the Internet and I saw how Western people
jump in applause at your speeches, how lit and joyful there faces are. The same would be here too. Maybe your team will help you to arrange this tour here.
I look forward to seeing you in Bucharest, at "Sala Palatului" or "Sala Polivalenta", two huge halls that will be filled up with people thirsty for betterment!
Thank you Randy. This is so true and very helpful.
Oh Randy, It was so great to see and hear you. I could feel the energetic transmission in my heart of your words. Thank you for being the teacher of consciousness that I aspire to be as well.
With deep love always,
Perfect work!,
great info as usual. I heard of you a few years back, but it was tough to find info about you and your works. Now, I mention your name to any entrepreneur colleague of mine and they finish the story about your life, book(s), etc, etc...AMAZING, isn't it?
Great minds think alike, I'm on my way to join you at the top...See you soon...real soon.
Mack T