I'll be routing for my favorite third base player no matter where in the world you are and maybe, just maybe we will find each other in that Shoalin Temple. Peace my friend!! Jeanne
I have been a teacher for more than 20 years now. At its essence helping people is about recognizing and responding to their potential. And this calling must begin by recognizing and responding to one’s own potential.
I’ve been providing a lot of content on a weekly basis: A new episode of Prosperity TV, five blog posts, and many shorter posts on social media channels. This is all done in addition to giving many speeches, consulting, writing books, and authoring other resources.
This has been a rewarding and intoxicating process, and I feel that I am working at the highest level of my life. But it is also taxing my resources and limiting my own learning.
So today I must say goodbye, for a time…
I have sold my home, sports cars and all the furnishings to a sheik from Dubai. I have more than $100,000 worth of suits that don’t fit my new physique and lots of other possessions that don’t serve me any longer, so I’ve created a vacuum. Please don’t tell Robin Sharma, but my next book might be titled, The Monk Who Sold his Viper.
Effective today, I'll stop posting to my Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel and blog, and am going to disappear from the public stage.
I will be traveling the world, following the sun and my creative muse, looking for the next lessons that life can offer me. I may write four or five books, learn two or three languages, and visit 10 or 15 countries. I could go back to school somewhere, search for Galt’s Gulch, schedule some sunsets, or maybe just run off with Cirque du Soleil.
One thing is certain: The exponentially increasing speed of change and technology development will make the next decade the most chaotic one in human history. We are going to have to find answers to the most perplexing questions humankind has ever had to face.
And from that chaos will emerge the greatest opportunities in human history as well…
The process of writing Risky Is the New Safe opened my eyes to developments, trends, and opportunities I want to explore deeper. One of the things I’ll be doing on this sabbatical will be writing the sequel to “Risky,” which is titled, 2024: The History of the Future.
I’ll take some of the concepts explored in the first book, and go deeper down the rabbit hole…
In the areas of sales, marketing, and branding – there will be more disruptive change in the next ten years than occurred in the last 200. In other areas like medicine, wellness, and longevity, we will experience more serious disruption in the next decade than we have seen in a thousand years. And in a few select areas like genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence – there will be more disruptive change in the next ten years than occurred in the last 13 billion. Really.
For humankind to survive these challenges, it will require a whole new level of thinking. I’m not at that level of thinking yet, but I’m committed to getting there. And that is the reason for the adventure I’m about to embark on.
In the meantime, I’ve left behind plenty of content for those of you intent on studying the path of prosperity. There are more than 100 episodes of Prosperity TV here. Visit and watch one or two a week to keep your prosperity consciousness up. You can find all of my books on Amazon or Barnes & Noble. And stop back here and search the blog anytime; there are more than 1,000 posts archived here.
Please don’t ask how long I’ll be gone, because I don’t know. Sign up for my update list here, and if and when I reappear, you’ll be the first to know.
Keep an eye out: You might catch sight of me on a college campus, or a Shaolin Temple, on a ballroom floor in Buenos Aires, climbing a volcano in Costa Rica, or somewhere south of disorder.
But until we meet again, please: LIVE RICH!
- RG
Subscribe to Randy’s Blog via Email
I'll be routing for my favorite third base player no matter where in the world you are and maybe, just maybe we will find each other in that Shoalin Temple. Peace my friend!! Jeanne
I'll be routing for my favorite third base player no matter where in the world you are and maybe, just maybe we will find each other in that Shoalin Temple.
safe travels. I'll miss you.
Guess we'll see you in another life, when we're all cats. Which might be sooner than expected, seeing the evolution of internet and all.
Smiling. Safe travels.
Now that's what I call prosperity.
Enjoy your passive incomes. You are a great example to follow. Would be good to run into you in some of your trips, and have a drink together.
Have fun, enjoy the trip.
Sophia Trinidad
Wish you all the best Randy...Greatings from Sunny Bulgaria :)))
i am speechless, but also i am grateful for everything that you have shared with us
id love for you to stay with us, but, if this is the next step in your path of enlightment, then, i am happy to be a witness of this event, i celebrate your decision, even if it fills me with sadnes that i wont see you arond here anymore
while you are gone, i promise to keep on growng in the path of enlightment, to be brave enough to follow my dreams, to do whatever it takes to be rich, so i also have a story of success to9 shae with you when you retun
thank you randy, love ya!
Farewell, sir....and fare well!
Wow! All the best to you! Enjoy your true prosperity!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new adventure.
Well done and Thank you! for being open, for being willing to say what so few dare to. for challenging us to think.
I'd wish you luck, but I don't think you need it.
Thank you.
sounds like a riveting adventure, be blessed!
Thank you for having been around Randy. Safe journey and have a blast doing whatever you'll be doing...
Good for you Randy. We'll miss you around NSA, but I think what you're doing is a true definition of prosperity. Fare thee well!!
We will surely miss you while you're gone but are very excited for you. The whole thing sounds exciting. I'm looking forward to the food for that that you will bring upon your return.
Much Love for all that you are.
Randy...I completely understand this next level of your journey. I am deeply grateful for all your insights and lessons as we all are..You clearly get that you are a spiritual being in a physical body, so you are following the guidance you've received..I wish you all the best on your journey and look forward to learning about your evolution too...Shanti
Thanks for giving us all the wonderful information ! Live Rich and Prosper Randy!
Good luck and God speed.
Thanks for all your lessons! I wish you a wonderful time and most of all good health!
All the best for you! 🙂
Live your dreams...
Hi Randy, I was used to open my email account and look for your kind and brave messages, they helped me a lot
Thank you very much for all your input, see you in a volcano in Costa Rica, hahaha
Take care
Best regards
Randy you have been a true inspiration to a whole lot of people including me. We will surely miss you and your videos while you are away and happy to know that this is your calling and next step of enlightment !! Wish you all the very best..
Amen Randy... “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
Whatever the lesson may be I am sure you will find it. I wish you all the best on what is bound to be an adventurous journey. Thank you for mall your imput.
I am grateful to have been enlightened by you before you make your exit to your new journey. It's exciting to see how you roll and will be humbled to read about your new evolution. I wish you much love during your new "ride". .....
Have an amazing journey..you deserve it!! Peace out!
AWESOME! Blessings always! <3 xox
Hey Randy, Be safe out there. Enjoy!
OMG I am so shocked, will miss you. So used to listening to you every week and suddenly... not fair...but I wish you all the very best. Hope you find whatever it is.. that makes you happy. Live free and happy. Come to Borneo Island for a change! God Bless!
Enjoy the life you've dreamed of...you are certainly entitled to it! Cheers to new adventures!
Thank you & enjoy
Oh Randy - this rips my heart out having followed you every day for the last 4 - 5 years, where I've learned more about life and myself, than the rest of my life. But had a feeling something like this was comming - I've NEVER faced something that hurt this much as having to say Good Bye to you - SO I won't say that - unable to accept this - BUT see you later!!!!!!! I'll take an advice you gave some time back - writing your angel - and keeping that letter close to me. NO ONE has ever ment more to me than you have.
Having said that I'm wishing you a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS life - If anyone can you can realize what you set out to do, and no one is more qualified to change the world for the better and realizing YOUR DREAM better than you are!!!!! I have NO doubt we all will feel the positive vibrations from where you bless the world with your touch and presence.
My deepest LOVE and ADMIRATION
till we meet again
Lene Jytte Hansen
Again...you inspire me. Enjoy this new journey my friend:)
Follow you bliss! Peace.
Thank you for your wise words during the years. I hope your next chapter may be even more rewarding and fulfilling for you.
Love, Wim
"your" bliss. 🙂
Hi Randy My blessings to you on your quest. I learned so much from you some years ago and I'm happy to say I have now achieved a level of prosperity I USED to only dream of!
Have a WONDERFUL Journey my friend
Richard Avon
Randy, I want to wish you all the best on your journey. I know that you will find what it is that you are looking for. You are a very strong willed person and I've learned a lot from you since I started following you. Until we hear from you again, God Speed friend.
Dear Randy, thank you very much for the personal meeting in Mannheim/Germany 2012. For you and your new journey all the best for you. For our connection, there is no limits, nor space or time ... from HEART to HEART Astrid M Barth /Germany ... Randy Live RICH!
Good for you! Wishing you all the best on this next phase of your journey.
Will miss ya. 🙁 Thank you.:) Have an epic journey. 😀 Come back renewed. >3
Deep admiration for your priorities & choices. Breathe deeply lifes glorious adventures & we'll be here to hear about them. Blessings on your journey! #jealous
Can't wait to hear the stories when you reemerge 🙂
Randy thank you for all the advices and positive energy! I hope to meet you somewhere:) Wish you to have a great journey! 🙂
Randy, if you do chance to pass by through Malaysia, you are welcome to call: +6 016 6784351; till then, cheers and may God guide you on your way
Good for you - - enjoy you life!! Will miss you.
blessings on the new phase of your journey
All the best for you! Walk on!!
<3 Thanks for all ... good time and HAPPYNESS for YOU. Live RICH my dear 😀
Randy - Thank you so much for all your positive posts and for being YOU. Have a wonderful prosperous time and make your journey as great as youare:)
Enjoy Randy , we will miss you but till we meet again have fun 🙂 Thank you so much for your dedication and help ,looking forward hearing from you in the future 🙂 God Bless YOU 🙂
Thank you Randy. Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jan
Dear Randy, thank you for your energy and inspiration! I will miss you & your weekly Prosperity episodes.
All the best in your journey!
Thank you Randy!!
Enjoy every moment of your journey, Randy! You've done quite a lot and I am sure that the energy you've spent will keep circulating around the globe, helping people to find their way to prosperity! We'll meet again 🙂
Much deserved - enjoy your next adventure brother - love ya!!!! 🙂
I wish you the best Randy, Live It Up!! ~
I'm so excited and thrilled for you! So glorious... go well dear soul!
My hope it's you'll go on a 10 day Vipassana silent retreat. So fabulous for a journey like this!
Just sent you an email - and got the autoresponder one back saying to read this! Funny!
Be well, unfold, open, go deep, unlearn more, awaken authentically, ravish your soul, and come visit!
Love you!
Do what your Spirit tells you Randy! I'll miss seeing you in the media. "Love & Light to you"
Deeply moved and inspired.. Namaste sweet Randy <3
I must say, this is rather perplexing. A man with a "Hot" new book, and an established Career, cashing in all his chips and leaving the game. How interesting............................................................ Randy, I respect your desire to go out, and try new "Risky" things. One of the very best Risks, I can advise for you to try, is to go to Interlaken, Switzerland for 2-3 months and learn the sport of Paragliding! One of the most thrilling, exhilirating, and exciting sports out there! Live your Life, with Fun and Adventure! 🙂
Good decision - ENJOY your life! 🙂
Learned a lot - thanks so much. Always inspired I´ll be thinking of you once in a while....
All THE BEST for your voyage, Randy!Thanks a lot for all you did for me and for us. Because of you we are in the best way, I know at this moment.
When you be back, I think we could speak russian 🙂
Until we meet again, "Have a Life Attack" 🙂
I'm a little envious but I have my kids here and can't take the same route. I will live my adventure life vicariously thru you and wish you God-Speed, good fortune, great sunsets and new friends. All the best Randy.
ur great
Randy, I will miss you. I'll be looking forward to new experiences in your future books. Thank you for everything!
Way to go, #21! Enjoy the adventure! (And watch for me on that Costa Rican volcano!)
Hasta la vista querido Randy. Te quiero mucho!!!
Keep comin´back and enjoy it Randy <3
Best wishes Hanshans
I'm in shock ! I looked forward to see the next prosperity tv episode ... But i didn't expect you are leaving ... it actually hurts me a little bit. Damn! But i wish you the best Randy ! I learned so much from you, i am so thankfull for that. Peace, love you and live rich !
Thanks Randy - EnJOY! 🙂
Leaving with style. Nicely done RG!
Hi Randy,
A said feeling is in my chest. I'm going to miss you.
But I admire your courage and your vision and I hope you find what you are looking for.
Have a great time
From Holland with love,
enjoy!!! 😀
Welcome to Kenya great holiday spots affordable .
LeneJytteHansen I followed Randy also every day about 5 years in a row. It's really weird to know he's gone for some time. I understand and agree with your post
Thanks for all the wisdom Randy; safe travels to you!
What an exciting moment in your life! Enjoy every second... I know you will.
have a good luck, enjoy any moment of your life.. 🙂
Wishing you the very best, Randy, in further discoveries of yourself and this ever changing world we live in.
Looking forward to future works from you.
With love,
million dollar LeneJytteHansen Thank you 🙂
Have fun Randy!
Good luck, Randy 🙂
Enjoy this new travel. 😉
Enjoy the ride Sir! You have been and still are a huge inspiration to many! I'm half way through your first book from Risky series and will be waiting for the second one 🙂 Say hello to South America for me and bon vojage!
You are the best Randy!
That would be really cool experience Randy... Come back with everything new you found and enlighten us 🙂 All the best!
good luck on your journey
I love the journey you describe and I think it is so important for us all to get out and experience and explore. I was reminded just the other day about the importance of exploration, not only to find new experiences, but more importantly to stay motivated and excited for what's coming into our lives in the next moment.
Randy, thank you for everything. I learned a lot and changed my life. Good luck for you on your journey.
Přeji krásné dny, Randy.
Enjoy the journey, Randy!
I'm looking for a few more volunteers for my Habitat for Humanity team i'm hosting in Pondicherry India if you are so inclined , this November 🙂 Message me privately if you want to join me/us...cheers!!!!!!! xo
Looks cool 🙂
enjoy it!! you made a good decission!
Wish you all the best Randy!
Good luck, hope all goes as you wish.
be well my friend!
Have fun
Best wishes Randy! Thanks for all you have given!
Wow! I admire your courage! And, I'm sad because I just recently discovered you. Enjoy your travels. Give us all an update once in a blue moon and at least wave if you drive by Milwaukee!
Best is yet to come, Randy.
Best of luck to you.
Have a good journey embarking upon your next phase.
Good luck in your new adventures Randy
Wish u all u want..... and if you travel to Italy.. feel free to contact me .... will love to give you some in return!!!!
Good luck, mate! 🙂
What?! I've just found you!! 🙁 🙁
Hoping you find what you seek!
Thanks for all you do and have done - have an amazing journey and I can't wait to hear about it when you resurface!!!
You inspired me to work with dual power. I do not lose more any second. No complains, no empty thoughts and empty dreams. I will not let more that sweet mediocrity pulled me back. I also want one day take a backpack and go in the world. And not to escape but go to return.
i miss u randy , thanks for every thing , all the best for your journey i hope one day i will meet you face to face ,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks Randy, I wish your journey may pass by South Africa,
We need leaders like you in this booming industry
Congratulations. Enjoy the journey. I admit; I am a bit envious....would love to see a picture or two of some remote country on your adventure!!
Wow how bloody amazing.... 🙂
Best luck! 🙂
Very happy for ya bubba. Go out and explore the world and enjoy yourself. You can choose to stay silent or come back at any time....but glad you are taking care of you. You have taken care of so many for so long...time for some you time.
One of your journeys must be up to the ATL so i can take you to the best Pizza place in the United States.
Later holmes
Your friend
Good luck in this next chapter of your life! I am looking forward to hearing all about it when you reemerges! Thank you for being our teacher, our guiding light and the one who hits us in the head with the truth...
Have fun and live life!
Bring us more knowledge!
this is the only post on your blog which i don't like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Good Luck, all the very best and thanks for the fish!!!
Wooow Randy! All the best from Germany!
It was a pleasure and honor to work with you when I translated you in Budapest.It was a dream come true for me.I hope we can do an event with you, when you return. You helped me and helping me with your works in my life and business. I congratulate you making this choice.Wish you a very interesting, fullfiling journey. Best wishes from Budapest-Szilard Matrai
Wish you to find what you're looking for Randy! God bless you! 🙂
Hi Randy,
We have met twice before in the past via the Canadian Speakers Association and I enjoy and value your work.
This is very cool what you are doing. Personally, I have stepped out of life twice before in my life and long term it made my life richer in every way. It has created great memories, stories and lessons that I truly appreciate.
Keep following your heart,
Good luck Randy and have fun! 🙂
There's going to be a big hole in the day
We will miss you Randy! Hope this turns into an exciting adventure and you return to tell us about it one day.
Thanks for All You have done for us Randy! Isn't it great You could do the same?. Best wishes, see You soon in Spain.
We will miss all your cool ideas about prosperity. But have funn you deserve a brake.
Be happy where ever you go, have an amazing adventure, and take care of you Randy (y), you are the Gage!
Congratulations Randy and good luck on the next stage of your adventure!
Cheers Randy !
Enjoy ...
Randy, all the best on your journey. If you're in this part of the world, especially Hong Kong, drop me a line, I'm there often. More than happy to show you around. Take care my friend.
Oh Randy!! Thank you for all you have done for me, and SO many others. It was a real treat meeting you last year at ONE. May you find blessings, peace, continued prosperity, and more joy than you know what to do with. We WILL miss you. God Speed.
I wish the best for you during this amazing journey, Randy. Who knows? perhaps we`ll meet someday, maybe not on a ballroom floor but in a tango class. I can teach you spanish if you want 🙂
Thank you for being my inspired mentor and friend.
Until your return, LIVE BIG 😉
Don't know whether to be really excited for you or really sad that I won't be seeing as much of you.
Looking forward to seeing what adventure brings you Randy!
Yours is a great calling, Randy. God bless you!
Be sure to come to Brazil.
Não deixe de vir ao Brasil.
The best od luck Randy. I bet you will come back with profound knowledge you will share with your friends and readers. Lots of people would like,to do what you are doing but they lack guts and resources. You have both. The best to you!
Saddening to hear, but also, uplifting - you're simply moving on to your next destination 🙂 I wish you great luck and, until we meet again - farewell.
certainly sounds like an adventure and no doubt you will be amazed at what happens.
Thanks a lot Randy Gage Fan Club Page
red or blue...it is your choice...Thank you. New era!
Hi Randy, you have made such an impact on my thinking concerning prosperity. I cannot begin to mention how my prosperity consciousness has improved because of you. I am deeply grateful. Have fun & hope to be able to meet you some day when you arrive from your well deserved expedition. Lol!
Just want to say a big thankyou and hope we see you again soon. I have learned so much from your teaching but still have much to learn. I know you like opera so thought this link would be appropriate.
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all that your teachings, so, so cool...
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all your teachings, they're way cooler than anything I've experienced before & thanks for making us all look in the mirror so often, see you round........
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all your teachings, they're way cooler than anything I've experienced before & thanks for making us all look in the mirror so often, see you around........
Randy, I hope you find what you are searching for as well as those things you have not yet conceived of. Selah...
Good luck and enjoy Randy! Thanks for sharing all your insights and I'm sure there'll be plenty more after this journey. All the best!
Although you will be missed, I totally GET it! You are consciously climbing to a higher level of BEing and that's what I LOVE about you.
Happy trails Randy. Keep being the inspiration that you are.
Love & Light
Randy, I feel like I'm losing a close friend. Come back soon! and God Bless - We will miss you dearly.
Live Rich!
You set such a great example.
Sorry to see you go Randy , enjoy life and live with passion mate .
Randy? I don't know what to write right now. Where is south of "disorder"? Was that a Freudian slip, or did you mean to write that? I think I would like to go south of disorder too. Is South of Disorder a utopia where everyone is mentally healthy? I like the idea of it, maybe it's heaven?
I don't want you to go. Your breaking my heart and I live way up NORTH in Disorderville. I know I don't really know you, but you have meaning to me, and now I will have to cry for a really long time.
I'm going to find you one day, and when I do I am going to give you a piece of my mind. I love you Randy take care of you.
Wishing you all the very best in your quest and thank you for all you have given. Your honesty and insighfulness has inspired many although sometimes scary. As the future unfolds I am sure we will be blessed with your presence in our lives once again.
Be safe in your travels, and may your higher power be with you always.
Will really miss you Randy. All the best with your adventure xx
Loving God! Loving eachother!
Sometimes we just need to go back were we started from. Be safe Be blessed
Thomas Bratgjerd
If you ever take the trip to Norway dont miss the opertuneti to just relax 😉
Randy, good luck on your new adventure, God bless you. Thank you for all you have given me, I have learned a lot. Best wishes. Live it up. Live rich.
Oh my this breaks my heart. My favorite thing about Monday's is prosperity TV. I love, love, love your rants and everything you do. Thank you for being such a big part of my prosperity life. I will never pass a softball game that I don't check out 3rd base to see if you are playing. And as someone very special has told me often, Live Rich!"
Enjoy the luxury of following your heart - its been fun 🙂
That's right, Randy. Poke the wild animal in the cage- your last post, "When religion is deadly,"- and split. Way to go out with a bang. Best wishes and happy trails.
A huge thanks to you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do to raise awareness and challenge all of us to embrace prosperity! Best of wishes to you on your new adventures!
Thank you for everything you've offered us. You're amazing. Enjoy your studies and travels. 🙂
Thank you for all you have shared, It's a real pleasure to see you at Prosperity TV show.
I'll be waiting for your new you!! God bless you.
Congrats and good luck. Wishing you all the best on your adventure. Live the dream.
Live Rich!!
Thank you for the time and heart you have poured into your teachings. Had I not found your prosperity series I would not be here today. When I came across your work I was in one of the darkest places in my life ever. Just listening to you changed my thought process and the way I look at life. Over the past couple years since I discovered your books and programs I have immersed myself in yoga and meditation. This has also literally turned my life around. So thank you again Randy. May this time ahead of you be amazing in many ways. Blessings to you.
Understood - but know you will be sorely missed!
Wishing you the best of luck and hope you find what you are looking for - thank you for your inspiring videos.
Wish you much fun on your tour, enjoy life and live with passion. Live your dream!
All the best Randy. Thank you for all your teachings and your amazing spirit. Enjoy your time away.
Annieb Maybe you've dumped on him a HUGE piece of your mind for a LONG time... I ponder how you'd feel (and he'd feel) if you gave him a piece of your Heart? 🙂
Enjoy the journey, Randy....amazing things will happen
Hmmm, "I have sold my home, sports cars and all the furnishings to a sheik from Dubai." Really Randy? Why would a Sheik be interested in that? Ok, so it's not April fools day, something else is awry here. This post smells very fishy to me. 😉
I'll be routing for my favorite third base player no matter where in the world you are and maybe, just maybe we will find each other in that Shoalin Temple. Peace my friend!! Jeanne
I'll be routing for my favorite third base player no matter where in the world you are and maybe, just maybe we will find each other in that Shoalin Temple.
safe travels. I'll miss you.
Guess we'll see you in another life, when we're all cats. Which might be sooner than expected, seeing the evolution of internet and all.
Smiling. Safe travels.
Now that's what I call prosperity.
Enjoy your passive incomes. You are a great example to follow. Would be good to run into you in some of your trips, and have a drink together.
Have fun, enjoy the trip.
Sophia Trinidad
Wish you all the best Randy...Greatings from Sunny Bulgaria :)))
i am speechless, but also i am grateful for everything that you have shared with us
id love for you to stay with us, but, if this is the next step in your path of enlightment, then, i am happy to be a witness of this event, i celebrate your decision, even if it fills me with sadnes that i wont see you arond here anymore
while you are gone, i promise to keep on growng in the path of enlightment, to be brave enough to follow my dreams, to do whatever it takes to be rich, so i also have a story of success to9 shae with you when you retun
thank you randy, love ya!
Farewell, sir....and fare well!
Wow! All the best to you! Enjoy your true prosperity!
Congratulations! Enjoy your new adventure.
Well done and Thank you! for being open, for being willing to say what so few dare to. for challenging us to think.
I'd wish you luck, but I don't think you need it.
Thank you.
sounds like a riveting adventure, be blessed!
Thank you for having been around Randy. Safe journey and have a blast doing whatever you'll be doing...
Good for you Randy. We'll miss you around NSA, but I think what you're doing is a true definition of prosperity. Fare thee well!!
We will surely miss you while you're gone but are very excited for you. The whole thing sounds exciting. I'm looking forward to the food for that that you will bring upon your return.
Much Love for all that you are.
Randy...I completely understand this next level of your journey. I am deeply grateful for all your insights and lessons as we all are..You clearly get that you are a spiritual being in a physical body, so you are following the guidance you've received..I wish you all the best on your journey and look forward to learning about your evolution too...Shanti
Thanks for giving us all the wonderful information ! Live Rich and Prosper Randy!
Good luck and God speed.
Thanks for all your lessons! I wish you a wonderful time and most of all good health!
All the best for you! 🙂
Live your dreams...
Hi Randy, I was used to open my email account and look for your kind and brave messages, they helped me a lot
Thank you very much for all your input, see you in a volcano in Costa Rica, hahaha
Take care
Best regards
Randy you have been a true inspiration to a whole lot of people including me. We will surely miss you and your videos while you are away and happy to know that this is your calling and next step of enlightment !! Wish you all the very best..
Amen Randy... “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
Whatever the lesson may be I am sure you will find it. I wish you all the best on what is bound to be an adventurous journey. Thank you for mall your imput.
I am grateful to have been enlightened by you before you make your exit to your new journey. It's exciting to see how you roll and will be humbled to read about your new evolution. I wish you much love during your new "ride". .....
Have an amazing journey..you deserve it!! Peace out!
AWESOME! Blessings always! <3 xox
Hey Randy, Be safe out there. Enjoy!
OMG I am so shocked, will miss you. So used to listening to you every week and suddenly... not fair...but I wish you all the very best. Hope you find whatever it is.. that makes you happy. Live free and happy. Come to Borneo Island for a change! God Bless!
Enjoy the life you've dreamed of...you are certainly entitled to it! Cheers to new adventures!
Thank you & enjoy
Oh Randy - this rips my heart out having followed you every day for the last 4 - 5 years, where I've learned more about life and myself, than the rest of my life. But had a feeling something like this was comming - I've NEVER faced something that hurt this much as having to say Good Bye to you - SO I won't say that - unable to accept this - BUT see you later!!!!!!! I'll take an advice you gave some time back - writing your angel - and keeping that letter close to me. NO ONE has ever ment more to me than you have.
Having said that I'm wishing you a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS life - If anyone can you can realize what you set out to do, and no one is more qualified to change the world for the better and realizing YOUR DREAM better than you are!!!!! I have NO doubt we all will feel the positive vibrations from where you bless the world with your touch and presence.
My deepest LOVE and ADMIRATION
till we meet again
Lene Jytte Hansen
Again...you inspire me. Enjoy this new journey my friend:)
Follow you bliss! Peace.
Thank you for your wise words during the years. I hope your next chapter may be even more rewarding and fulfilling for you.
Love, Wim
"your" bliss. 🙂
Hi Randy My blessings to you on your quest. I learned so much from you some years ago and I'm happy to say I have now achieved a level of prosperity I USED to only dream of!
Have a WONDERFUL Journey my friend
Richard Avon
Randy, I want to wish you all the best on your journey. I know that you will find what it is that you are looking for. You are a very strong willed person and I've learned a lot from you since I started following you. Until we hear from you again, God Speed friend.
Dear Randy, thank you very much for the personal meeting in Mannheim/Germany 2012. For you and your new journey all the best for you. For our connection, there is no limits, nor space or time ... from HEART to HEART Astrid M Barth /Germany ... Randy Live RICH!
Good for you! Wishing you all the best on this next phase of your journey.
Will miss ya. 🙁 Thank you.:) Have an epic journey. 😀 Come back renewed. >3
Deep admiration for your priorities & choices. Breathe deeply lifes glorious adventures & we'll be here to hear about them. Blessings on your journey! #jealous
Can't wait to hear the stories when you reemerge 🙂
Randy thank you for all the advices and positive energy! I hope to meet you somewhere:) Wish you to have a great journey! 🙂
Randy, if you do chance to pass by through Malaysia, you are welcome to call: +6 016 6784351; till then, cheers and may God guide you on your way
Good for you - - enjoy you life!! Will miss you.
blessings on the new phase of your journey
All the best for you! Walk on!!
<3 Thanks for all ... good time and HAPPYNESS for YOU. Live RICH my dear 😀
Randy - Thank you so much for all your positive posts and for being YOU. Have a wonderful prosperous time and make your journey as great as youare:)
Enjoy Randy , we will miss you but till we meet again have fun 🙂 Thank you so much for your dedication and help ,looking forward hearing from you in the future 🙂 God Bless YOU 🙂
Thank you Randy. Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing from you. Jan
Dear Randy, thank you for your energy and inspiration! I will miss you & your weekly Prosperity episodes.
All the best in your journey!
Thank you Randy!!
Enjoy every moment of your journey, Randy! You've done quite a lot and I am sure that the energy you've spent will keep circulating around the globe, helping people to find their way to prosperity! We'll meet again 🙂
Much deserved - enjoy your next adventure brother - love ya!!!! 🙂
I wish you the best Randy, Live It Up!! ~
I'm so excited and thrilled for you! So glorious... go well dear soul!
My hope it's you'll go on a 10 day Vipassana silent retreat. So fabulous for a journey like this!
Just sent you an email - and got the autoresponder one back saying to read this! Funny!
Be well, unfold, open, go deep, unlearn more, awaken authentically, ravish your soul, and come visit!
Love you!
Do what your Spirit tells you Randy! I'll miss seeing you in the media. "Love & Light to you"
Deeply moved and inspired.. Namaste sweet Randy <3
I must say, this is rather perplexing. A man with a "Hot" new book, and an established Career, cashing in all his chips and leaving the game. How interesting............................................................ Randy, I respect your desire to go out, and try new "Risky" things. One of the very best Risks, I can advise for you to try, is to go to Interlaken, Switzerland for 2-3 months and learn the sport of Paragliding! One of the most thrilling, exhilirating, and exciting sports out there! Live your Life, with Fun and Adventure! 🙂
Good decision - ENJOY your life! 🙂
Learned a lot - thanks so much. Always inspired I´ll be thinking of you once in a while....
All THE BEST for your voyage, Randy!Thanks a lot for all you did for me and for us. Because of you we are in the best way, I know at this moment.
When you be back, I think we could speak russian 🙂
Until we meet again, "Have a Life Attack" 🙂
I'm a little envious but I have my kids here and can't take the same route. I will live my adventure life vicariously thru you and wish you God-Speed, good fortune, great sunsets and new friends. All the best Randy.
ur great
Randy, I will miss you. I'll be looking forward to new experiences in your future books. Thank you for everything!
Way to go, #21! Enjoy the adventure! (And watch for me on that Costa Rican volcano!)
Hasta la vista querido Randy. Te quiero mucho!!!
Keep comin´back and enjoy it Randy <3
Best wishes Hanshans
I'm in shock ! I looked forward to see the next prosperity tv episode ... But i didn't expect you are leaving ... it actually hurts me a little bit. Damn! But i wish you the best Randy ! I learned so much from you, i am so thankfull for that. Peace, love you and live rich !
Thanks Randy - EnJOY! 🙂
Leaving with style. Nicely done RG!
Hi Randy,
A said feeling is in my chest. I'm going to miss you.
But I admire your courage and your vision and I hope you find what you are looking for.
Have a great time
From Holland with love,
enjoy!!! 😀
Welcome to Kenya great holiday spots affordable .
LeneJytteHansen I followed Randy also every day about 5 years in a row. It's really weird to know he's gone for some time. I understand and agree with your post
Thanks for all the wisdom Randy; safe travels to you!
What an exciting moment in your life! Enjoy every second... I know you will.
have a good luck, enjoy any moment of your life.. 🙂
Wishing you the very best, Randy, in further discoveries of yourself and this ever changing world we live in.
Looking forward to future works from you.
With love,
million dollar LeneJytteHansen Thank you 🙂
Have fun Randy!
Good luck, Randy 🙂
Enjoy this new travel. 😉
Enjoy the ride Sir! You have been and still are a huge inspiration to many! I'm half way through your first book from Risky series and will be waiting for the second one 🙂 Say hello to South America for me and bon vojage!
You are the best Randy!
That would be really cool experience Randy... Come back with everything new you found and enlighten us 🙂 All the best!
good luck on your journey
I love the journey you describe and I think it is so important for us all to get out and experience and explore. I was reminded just the other day about the importance of exploration, not only to find new experiences, but more importantly to stay motivated and excited for what's coming into our lives in the next moment.
Randy, thank you for everything. I learned a lot and changed my life. Good luck for you on your journey.
Přeji krásné dny, Randy.
Enjoy the journey, Randy!
I'm looking for a few more volunteers for my Habitat for Humanity team i'm hosting in Pondicherry India if you are so inclined , this November 🙂 Message me privately if you want to join me/us...cheers!!!!!!! xo
Looks cool 🙂
enjoy it!! you made a good decission!
Wish you all the best Randy!
Good luck, hope all goes as you wish.
be well my friend!
Have fun
Best wishes Randy! Thanks for all you have given!
Wow! I admire your courage! And, I'm sad because I just recently discovered you. Enjoy your travels. Give us all an update once in a blue moon and at least wave if you drive by Milwaukee!
Best is yet to come, Randy.
Best of luck to you.
Have a good journey embarking upon your next phase.
Good luck in your new adventures Randy
Wish u all u want..... and if you travel to Italy.. feel free to contact me .... will love to give you some in return!!!!
Good luck, mate! 🙂
What?! I've just found you!! 🙁 🙁
Hoping you find what you seek!
Thanks for all you do and have done - have an amazing journey and I can't wait to hear about it when you resurface!!!
You inspired me to work with dual power. I do not lose more any second. No complains, no empty thoughts and empty dreams. I will not let more that sweet mediocrity pulled me back. I also want one day take a backpack and go in the world. And not to escape but go to return.
i miss u randy , thanks for every thing , all the best for your journey i hope one day i will meet you face to face ,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks Randy, I wish your journey may pass by South Africa,
We need leaders like you in this booming industry
Congratulations. Enjoy the journey. I admit; I am a bit envious....would love to see a picture or two of some remote country on your adventure!!
Wow how bloody amazing.... 🙂
Best luck! 🙂
Very happy for ya bubba. Go out and explore the world and enjoy yourself. You can choose to stay silent or come back at any time....but glad you are taking care of you. You have taken care of so many for so long...time for some you time.
One of your journeys must be up to the ATL so i can take you to the best Pizza place in the United States.
Later holmes
Your friend
Good luck in this next chapter of your life! I am looking forward to hearing all about it when you reemerges! Thank you for being our teacher, our guiding light and the one who hits us in the head with the truth...
Have fun and live life!
Bring us more knowledge!
this is the only post on your blog which i don't like ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Good Luck, all the very best and thanks for the fish!!!
Wooow Randy! All the best from Germany!
It was a pleasure and honor to work with you when I translated you in Budapest.It was a dream come true for me.I hope we can do an event with you, when you return. You helped me and helping me with your works in my life and business. I congratulate you making this choice.Wish you a very interesting, fullfiling journey. Best wishes from Budapest-Szilard Matrai
Wish you to find what you're looking for Randy! God bless you! 🙂
Hi Randy,
We have met twice before in the past via the Canadian Speakers Association and I enjoy and value your work.
This is very cool what you are doing. Personally, I have stepped out of life twice before in my life and long term it made my life richer in every way. It has created great memories, stories and lessons that I truly appreciate.
Keep following your heart,
Good luck Randy and have fun! 🙂
There's going to be a big hole in the day
We will miss you Randy! Hope this turns into an exciting adventure and you return to tell us about it one day.
Thanks for All You have done for us Randy! Isn't it great You could do the same?. Best wishes, see You soon in Spain.
We will miss all your cool ideas about prosperity. But have funn you deserve a brake.
Be happy where ever you go, have an amazing adventure, and take care of you Randy (y), you are the Gage!
Congratulations Randy and good luck on the next stage of your adventure!
Cheers Randy !
Enjoy ...
Randy, all the best on your journey. If you're in this part of the world, especially Hong Kong, drop me a line, I'm there often. More than happy to show you around. Take care my friend.
Oh Randy!! Thank you for all you have done for me, and SO many others. It was a real treat meeting you last year at ONE. May you find blessings, peace, continued prosperity, and more joy than you know what to do with. We WILL miss you. God Speed.
I wish the best for you during this amazing journey, Randy. Who knows? perhaps we`ll meet someday, maybe not on a ballroom floor but in a tango class. I can teach you spanish if you want 🙂
Thank you for being my inspired mentor and friend.
Until your return, LIVE BIG 😉
Don't know whether to be really excited for you or really sad that I won't be seeing as much of you.
Looking forward to seeing what adventure brings you Randy!
Yours is a great calling, Randy. God bless you!
Be sure to come to Brazil.
Não deixe de vir ao Brasil.
The best od luck Randy. I bet you will come back with profound knowledge you will share with your friends and readers. Lots of people would like,to do what you are doing but they lack guts and resources. You have both. The best to you!
Saddening to hear, but also, uplifting - you're simply moving on to your next destination 🙂 I wish you great luck and, until we meet again - farewell.
certainly sounds like an adventure and no doubt you will be amazed at what happens.
Thanks a lot Randy Gage Fan Club Page
red or blue...it is your choice...Thank you. New era!
Hi Randy, you have made such an impact on my thinking concerning prosperity. I cannot begin to mention how my prosperity consciousness has improved because of you. I am deeply grateful. Have fun & hope to be able to meet you some day when you arrive from your well deserved expedition. Lol!
Just want to say a big thankyou and hope we see you again soon. I have learned so much from your teaching but still have much to learn. I know you like opera so thought this link would be appropriate.
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all that your teachings, so, so cool...
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all your teachings, they're way cooler than anything I've experienced before & thanks for making us all look in the mirror so often, see you round........
Hey Randy, enjoy your trip! Thanks for all your teachings, they're way cooler than anything I've experienced before & thanks for making us all look in the mirror so often, see you around........
Randy, I hope you find what you are searching for as well as those things you have not yet conceived of. Selah...
Good luck and enjoy Randy! Thanks for sharing all your insights and I'm sure there'll be plenty more after this journey. All the best!
Although you will be missed, I totally GET it! You are consciously climbing to a higher level of BEing and that's what I LOVE about you.
Happy trails Randy. Keep being the inspiration that you are.
Love & Light
Randy, I feel like I'm losing a close friend. Come back soon! and God Bless - We will miss you dearly.
Live Rich!
You set such a great example.
Sorry to see you go Randy , enjoy life and live with passion mate .
Randy? I don't know what to write right now. Where is south of "disorder"? Was that a Freudian slip, or did you mean to write that? I think I would like to go south of disorder too. Is South of Disorder a utopia where everyone is mentally healthy? I like the idea of it, maybe it's heaven?
I don't want you to go. Your breaking my heart and I live way up NORTH in Disorderville. I know I don't really know you, but you have meaning to me, and now I will have to cry for a really long time.
I'm going to find you one day, and when I do I am going to give you a piece of my mind. I love you Randy take care of you.
Wishing you all the very best in your quest and thank you for all you have given. Your honesty and insighfulness has inspired many although sometimes scary. As the future unfolds I am sure we will be blessed with your presence in our lives once again.
Be safe in your travels, and may your higher power be with you always.
Will really miss you Randy. All the best with your adventure xx
Loving God! Loving eachother!
Sometimes we just need to go back were we started from. Be safe Be blessed
Thomas Bratgjerd
If you ever take the trip to Norway dont miss the opertuneti to just relax 😉
Randy, good luck on your new adventure, God bless you. Thank you for all you have given me, I have learned a lot. Best wishes. Live it up. Live rich.
Oh my this breaks my heart. My favorite thing about Monday's is prosperity TV. I love, love, love your rants and everything you do. Thank you for being such a big part of my prosperity life. I will never pass a softball game that I don't check out 3rd base to see if you are playing. And as someone very special has told me often, Live Rich!"
Enjoy the luxury of following your heart - its been fun 🙂
That's right, Randy. Poke the wild animal in the cage- your last post, "When religion is deadly,"- and split. Way to go out with a bang. Best wishes and happy trails.
A huge thanks to you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do to raise awareness and challenge all of us to embrace prosperity! Best of wishes to you on your new adventures!
Thank you for everything you've offered us. You're amazing. Enjoy your studies and travels. 🙂
Thank you for all you have shared, It's a real pleasure to see you at Prosperity TV show.
I'll be waiting for your new you!! God bless you.
Congrats and good luck. Wishing you all the best on your adventure. Live the dream.
Live Rich!!
Thank you for the time and heart you have poured into your teachings. Had I not found your prosperity series I would not be here today. When I came across your work I was in one of the darkest places in my life ever. Just listening to you changed my thought process and the way I look at life. Over the past couple years since I discovered your books and programs I have immersed myself in yoga and meditation. This has also literally turned my life around. So thank you again Randy. May this time ahead of you be amazing in many ways. Blessings to you.
Understood - but know you will be sorely missed!
Wishing you the best of luck and hope you find what you are looking for - thank you for your inspiring videos.
Wish you much fun on your tour, enjoy life and live with passion. Live your dream!
All the best Randy. Thank you for all your teachings and your amazing spirit. Enjoy your time away.
Annieb Maybe you've dumped on him a HUGE piece of your mind for a LONG time... I ponder how you'd feel (and he'd feel) if you gave him a piece of your Heart? 🙂
Enjoy the journey, Randy....amazing things will happen
Hmmm, "I have sold my home, sports cars and all the furnishings to a sheik from Dubai." Really Randy? Why would a Sheik be interested in that? Ok, so it's not April fools day, something else is awry here. This post smells very fishy to me. 😉
Good luck Randy. Thanks for your motivation, support and dozens of great ideas and advices through all those years. Enjoy your new path and take care!
I am also absolutely committed to get to the level of thinking I need and want to be at, to embrace the future and all it's magnificent challenges; Infinite intelligence will guide me through my subconscious. "Sabatacleing", if that's a word, if not I'll create it for this comment, sounds like "bliss"; very healthy. maybe I'll "sabaticle" too.. at the very least; turbo-work on myself more than ever. Bon voyage mon ami..
tonyscarcia If you see "it", you own it.
Good luck with your adventure Randy!
Randy, you are probably the only person I am excited to say goodbye to, as I know you will bring back so much more!! wanting the best for you my firend!!
Good luck Randy. Amazing adventures. I can't wait to hear about it at Alan's event in October.
Thanks for being one of the best mentors on the planet, have fun & keep safe, I think I say it for all of your followers ENJOY yourself in abundance.
Tara for now marra, thats north English dialect for See you soon my friend.
And when you return please run for US president the World need a leader with your vision.
It was wonderful learning from you and I would take the lessons to heart...who knows...I might run into you on a beach one day.....thanks for being a great mentor!
Wow. That is pretty amazing. Can't wait for you to share your adventures and the things you learn! 😀
Thank you for everything you have shared. I will miss you.
I was fortunate to see you speak in person back in 2005 and I treasure that experience. It was a turning point in my life, although I didn't realize it at the time.
- Eric
Randy - may you find the path you seek. I for one will miss you.
Good luck to you...Thanks:)
Best of luck! Regards, Lenore Goodnreadytogo
I admire you for having the courage to step away for awhile, especially when you have reached heights few will reach, and even less have maintained.
I am fortunate that I found your work about 6 years ago.
While I'm not where I want to be, it did get me to start thinking about my life and how it ended up being the way it was. (Not very good at the time).
You've shared enough to get us started, and the rest is up to us.
Into a brave new world we go.
Please pop into our Universe now and then to let us know how you are doing.
Safe and prosperous travels~!
Keep Calm and Happy
good luck Randy! Be safe, and enjoy. May you find what you are looking for out there!
Best wishes in your adventures! Thank you for all you do!
We will miss you Randy! Please don't stay away too long <3.
you've been a phenomenal teacher and example of true prosperity in MLM and beyond. We shall see you after the search.
just read your blog post. sounds very deep.. and very fun. enjoy
Have an amazing time - we will miss you!
Happy trails to him~how sweet it must be 🙂
Great for Randy!! Soooo happy for him and I truly admire him! What an inspiration he has been.
aw man def gonna miss the post big time..godspeed...
I'm not familiar with Randy, but thrilled for him none-the-less... Living his life to the fullest. Awesome! Following his lead is an option...
Ya"at'eeh Dear Randy...Firstly Ahe'ee (Thank you so much)...You are a Remarkable Teacher and Leader about changed Millions of Lives across many places choices are made it by Spirit itself and when they choose and touch Live as we know just give a boost of Blaze you also had teach me to be Rich and I do following what you Printed on Soul also Subconscious Mind..My Friend I just want to say Walk in Beauty. .Prosperity..Love. ..Health...and remember whatever you go Live Rich.....Neaes' e...Evandro Honehe (Wolf Clan Medicine) UK..
With Blessings and Love enjoy your New Adventure......
Awesome every once earned. Enjoy be blessed and have fun (y)
Wow. I hope you'll find what you're looking for! God bless you until we meet again.
Wonderful - !
NatalieLamb Annieb Natalie, I really was giving him a piece of my heart. I'm not going to find him and give him a piece of my mind. It was meant as a little levity. I was poking fun at myself, because, yes, I know I have given him a piece of mind a bit too often. 🙂
I wrote this as much for me, as for him. I will miss him truly, and I did say I love him. Even though, I am technically a banned member, I wanted to say goodbye. Honestly, I am angry with him too. I don't want him to leave, and I don't care if it sounds selfish.
He has a piece of my heart Natalie, I hope he feels that. I don't think it will matter that much to him, but I think I made my feelings clear anyway.
Mixed emotions on this one. I wish him the best in the world, but will truly miss him! Cheers RG! Live rich!
bon voyage from the "other" RG
Godspeed Randy!
Love you Randy.
Enjoy your new Level 2 living.
Thank you Randy. :')
Good Luck and see you in the north of Thailand.
Everyone has a song to sing, follow your dreams wherever they may lead, there you will be. Went through a similar process 20 years ago.
Randy........What an awesome impact you had had on so many people.........! You helped lift them up.........and now.......the time is right for you......!! Go for it.......have a ball.....leave no stone untouched.....Fly.......like the Eagle you are.....!
WOW! Very inspiring! Enjoy and Be safe!
Good luck Randy
All the very best to you, Randy!
Come back as soon as you can ,we need you.
I will miss you, take care and enjoy every moment. Until we meet again.
Good luck Randy hope all goes well and we'll meet up again someday I'm sure.
Wish I could travel the world as well 🙂
Best of luck Randy, let the next adventure begin! 🙂
Best of luck in this new adventure Randy!
I will look forward to your updates
What the hell Randy.. a year ago you were all down on the guy who sold everything.. remember that post from Oz harbor?? embrace the big boat. etc.. oh well.. good on ya.. I've never been that big on possessions anyway.. all that conspicuous consumption I find gross.. have a great journey... keep posting...
randy, after morning meditation, I saw this news I do not know what do you intent to do...but I am in India, your book was gifted to me by my Master shri Vikas malkani...from him and all the one who love you, I wish you the best...i know I am a small bit of dust for the massive following you have ...but when ever you need to get in touch with me..just like that ...i am there...love you and all the best...
tonyscarcia I think you're right Tony... while I love Randy's teachings.. I think he's full of shit in a lot of ways.. and I don't think he's as rich as he keeps saying he is...
Good Luck Randy in all your travels may the force be with you. Keep safe love David & Rhonda x
Good Luck Randy. Follow Your Heart
napadavid: Dude... that's not what I meant at all! It just seemed a little out of character for Randy and I thought it was a joke of sorts, but since watching the youtube ( http://www.youtube.com/randygage ) video he did I have a better understanding of what he's doing and why. I don't think he's full of s.it at all. My life is much better for knowing and learning from Randy. So much better in so many ways. I also greatly admire him for actually practicing what he teaches, eg: vacuum law of prosperity etc. I hope that helps you understand my original comment. Thanks for your thoughts.
Randy, I'm sorry for my English, but I wanna tell you something! I admire you can decide to leave everything and go on indefinitely. That's awesome! You have the spirit of adventure in you!
And I love it!
Randy, please, take care!
We will wait for your news. With God!
Be blessings in the way! xx
Hi Randy
Wow, what a thrilling decision! I am excited for you and the journey ahead.
You have played such an important role in my life for so many years. I don't know if you know just how much my thinking has been impacted by your teachings. I checked Outlook, and I have e-mail rants starting back in 2001 (I never archived them). I have read almost every one of your rants since that time. More recently, your posts have arrived overnight and it has been the first thing that I have read, before I even got out of bed. I saw you speak in Melbourne (my home town), and Sydney, Australia as well as Southhampton, England over this time. I have bought your books, the Prosperity series, and an MLM book that you autographed for me, Dumb, Sick & Broke and probably some eBooks as well, and tapes (yes, back in the day!). I also did an online, monthly program for a while.
Your Prosperity album impacted my deeply. I went ahead and tithed the day I heard that tape and it came back so fast. The phone rang within minutes of me posting a cheque and I was offered my sister's old car to sell; I could keep the money. My attitude changed completely ever since.
Some months ago you gave me the idea of setting up an extravagance bank account. I have been depositing funds regularly since and just a few weeks ago and I went out and bought myself my first ever leather jacket (hand made locally with quality leather). I thought of you when I bought it.
You have given so much and I am so incredibly grateful. Your birthday is in my calendar and I will give thanks to you every year when your birthday rolls around.
I would very much love for our paths to cross again, wherever that may be. Perhaps on the race track, a luxury resort on a tropic island, or perhaps for a tango? (Here's a 2 minute, amateur video of a tango exam I did on the weekend http://youtu.be/t_YkWKt6JDk).
Randy, living rich is the only way I am prepared to live. It's been a pleasure and an honour being your student.
Much love
Carmen Morris
(y) good luck randy! It was really the time .. live rich (in ur own category.. 🙂 )
Good luck!! 🙂
Well Done, Randy, This just proves my point on another Public speaker, She Blocked me for it, When I said there is not way that someone can just go up and up, the law of vibration and harmony (or the secret) that public speakers call it, does not work that way. After all we have to sharpen the AXE some times. So you are taking break for a period, a well earn and deserved break and one necessary for you to grow. Well done for recognising it, you will be a better person for it and if you come to the most beautiful part of Australia - Coffs Harbour - Look me up! All the best
You are leaving EA too
tonyscarcia I also tought he was joking. He smiled when he said it...
Hi Randy,
If the Messiah is leaving, what else?
Do I remember all he said?
When you meet the God, tell him my case was not so bad, for I am capable of learning and remembering. I do not forget how to create a new story for myself and what it takes to live my dreams. When we meet again, I'll be amazing as you have been.
Have a great journey and may the force be with you.
Good bye
Best wishes
Randy I just recently started reading your books and blog. Amazing. Thank you for your honesty and inspiration. One of my goals is to travel the world. Have a nice trip!
Dear Randy,
You are an inspiration and i admire you wanting to get away from it all. I highly recommend studying with Hew Len from hawaii and learn Ho'oponopono. I truly believe this will take your consciousness to a much higher level. I wish to meet you 1 day, maybe beside you in first class. =)
I wish you peace beyond all understanding.
Peace of "I"
Thank you!
Randy Villarama
I have already posted wishing you well, but I was just wondering whether you will be leaving most of your money behind so that you can have a super learning adventure..
How exciting. Did you buy a return ticket? Discover much. Bon Voyage.
I am certain you will enjoy yourself and learn a lot. Take care Randy!
Thanks for sharing your decision with us. I will miss your inspiring posts. I wish a great new journey to find yourself where you want to be.
Annieb NatalieLamb Gardener is gone and what now? Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul 🙂
Wow Brilliant! Many blessings and much safety to you on your journey. With love...
Watching prosperity tv right now. Enjoy the journey. Cheers!
The first time I read this blog post, I ended up with my eyes welting in tears.
However, as I read it thoroughly over and over again, it dawns upon me that the time for you to really care for and help yourself is long overdue.
With a heavy heart, I respect your decision. However my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Thank you and See you later!
May God bless you...ALWAYS!
Is this one of your great jokes, isn't it? Lol, may be will see you in the south of disorder Randy!
Good luck and wish you to have many adventures 😉
All the best with the journey ahead.
Shock ! I've appreciated your contribution to myself and others, Randy. I hope this next phase of your life goes really well for you !
My thoughts and prayer's will be with you as you go seek your answers.
Will be missed but yo will be Loved Always
Denise Barkel
Have a pleasant journey! May your travels bring you peace, love & joy! Looking forward to your speedy return.
Hi Randy! Thank you for all the great contents you created for us in these months. Enjoy your journey!
I will miss you but the legacy you left for me is enough to complain will not be appreciable. When God give you a slice of bread you must say thank you. you have taught me a lot Randy Gage and I wish you all yourself and family your crew a wonderful Blessed Holidays and can't wait for anything you come with.
I in the mean time I will be concentrating on The Giving Organization trust helping our charities because that is what I love doing: Here: http://youtu.be/8Zwwm_pqNGc
Gods best blessings to you my friend, your courage & quest for knowledge are intoxicating. Thank you Randy Gage for sharing, I have learned a great deal from you & my team has as well. Telling you to "enjoy the journey" is like telling the sun to be sure to rise. We know you will! XOXO
This is bittersweet to hear. You have taught so many people how to develop their life to an even greater level then they thought was possible - myself included. Although you will be missed by many, have an excellent time exploring the next phase in your life. We will be here when you return!
Good luck to you on your new work! ; )
Best of luck, Andy!
all the best Randy....
Already anticipating your return because I just KNOW you're going to blow us away with what you have learned and experienced!
Hey Randy, the 4 hour work week is the way to live...In your case it might be less than that now 😉 ...thanks for giving us massive value. Cheers to Success!
You know Randy, one thing I like the most from the Americans is that you set a goal, set a plan and go for it. Here in Puerto Rico, is different, I think is because our history as country is very fragile. I met an American family like 10 years ago. They took a year to travel about 10 different country. When I heard this a made a promise for my self to do the same when I got 40. I've been working hard, listening propserity TV, reading your blog post and follow the counciuosness of abundance. I wish you success in everything you start! Kathia
Новых тебе открытий и прекрасных мест!
Thank you for all of your inspiration and motivation Randy, I wish you all of the best on your new adventure...LIVE RICH!!
Thanks Mr Gage , the best on your new adventure
I read your post open-mouthed! Selling your beloved cars. Wow! However, I shouldn't be surprised, as I always knew you were a spiritual guy at heart. By the way, now that you're taking time out to care for yourself, if you're interested in getting your health problems treated, please get back to me. (I messaged your staff about this once before.) In any case, here's hoping you'll have a wonderful time and that you'll find what you're looking for....
I will miss you Randy. Hope you find what you are looking for. It has been a true blessing reading and communicating with you over the years. Best of luck and if you are ever in Pennsylvania you have a friend here. Take care .
Much Love my dear friend.. 🙂
Quality of Life is HOW you spend your time. I am sooooo happy that Randy Gage has finally GOT THIS LAW OF NATURE. I grew up RICH and I KNOW from my teenage years that things no matter how expensive do not bring the happiness that living a GOOD life does……After 2024 then what? I know the answer and I am and was always prepared. I am looking forward to the year 2213 yes I do mean 200 years from this day. Most people will not really understand that. Randy I have been following you since 2008…..Will you be actively building a network marketing company during your sabbatical?
LIVE RICH and give it all away so that the most beautiful thing can happen to you “DIE POOR”
I can't believe what I am reading but all I can do is THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know the worhtiness issues and mental memes I was once infected with. You are the best person alive that can teach prosperity to others. I WILL FUCKING MISS YOU!
thanks for all the inspiration over the years so far RG! Be safe and see you somewhere in the world!
Kudos for showing us all that the very best possession is that of freedom to do what you want, when you want, where you want. Inspiring!
thanks for your great books. posts and videos..it helped me a lot..have a wonderful journey
I read your book risky is the new safe, its great and i am now starting to dig a hole anticipating the coming of the huge migration from retail to online, from mlm direct marketing to mlm ecommerce marketing.. tnx a lot
See (read) you, Randy! Wish you best openings, answers and thoughts.
Best of luck to you Randy. And yes, its time for you to live life and accomplish your "Bucket List!" You will be missed but not forgotten. Thank you for all that you have done for our profession.
Wow! At first I was surprised, then I became upset, discussed different rumours like disease threats and what I finally found was :
Here is The Man who have the freedom to what He want´s to do !
Have a great new journey my friend and your work and wisdom will always be in mind of us.
Till the day we meet again, and if not, it cant be helped!
Love Alf ...
Annieb NatalieLamb I wonder what you can dod with the gift of your anger? I wonder how you can use it as a source of discovery, healing and wisdom? I wonder how it calls to be channeled into an act of service? I wonder what embrace and love it's calling for in you? What does it need?
Rather than taking it out on Randy - what insights does it hold to guide you to profound loving and integration of yourself?
RG Thanks for all the Value you have brought, you've created a lifetime permanent stamp in this era, and although you're personally stepping away for the time being, your seeds that you've planted & work is so solid, your presence will remain for a long time.
Hi big Guy. I'm gonna miss you so much. I used to switch your message on in the morning and we could hear you all over the house. God speed RG. Come back soon.
Sending you lots and lots and lots of love..... 🙂 All I can do is SMILE... Oh, the way he will go........ 🙂
Thank you for your wisdom . Have peace fun joy on your next stage of your journey. I will continue to find learning and motivation in you back catalogue.
A big Thank you
Lynnie x
Randy -
I have always respected the fact that you live in the manner in which you teach. I am grateful that my first experience in the network marketing profession came with the mentorship of Eric, Randy S, and you. I have learned countless life lessons from your teaching and your example. I see this new phase in your journey as an exploration of higher self... few ever have the chance to so freely explore this ideal. Blessings on your journey of self-discovery and I look forward to what you report back from the field.
Thank you for all that you have given and the seeds you have planted as a result. You have added massive value in the world!
James Holmes
Interesting! May u find peace bro!!!
Randy, thanks for everything, brother, your tentacles reach farther than you may know... or, maybe you do know. I wish you the best, and much peace... well-being, peace and happiness, that is what it is all about, I have learned to make that the biggest part of my business, and you have been a huge part!
I feel slightly shocked. Enjoy the next part of your journey and I hope our paths will cross one day.
very good
RISKY is for sure the new SAFE. Thank you for all your videos, Blogs and Books ... May you have a great journey Randy and hope we'll meet somewhere in Middle East.
Be well, my friend.
I, and many others, will look forward to the next to come from your journey. Have an amazing one!!
NatalieLamb Annieb I will think about that Natalie. Thanks for the input.. I'm still processing this turn of events, and I take a really long time to process.
All the best Randy (Y)
I wish you success and peace on your journey!
Good luck...!
Enjoy! Many well wishes to U 🙂
I think this is a great idea. After working non stop for 13 years I did the same thing. I spent 3 years traveling. For 2 of those years I was phoneless. I dropped off all social networks as well. I visited 20+ countries each year for 3 years. I spent very little of that time in the United States. I only started back on social media and only started some work again in November 2012. Good luck.
have a great time!!! best of luck 🙂
Enjoy the time away ... hope it is productive and refreshing. Sort of envy you:)
Have fun!
I envy you!
Au revoir
Thanks for everything you've shared with us and enjoy!
Hey Randy, good luck out there!
Blessings for your journey. May we all be prepared for what is to come.
I can't wait to see the trail you blaze! May it bring hope to many.
Safe travels Randy --- EAVE will miss your vibrant presence.
Happy hunting!
best of luck
All the best Randy, enjoy and have fun
Adios Randy
see you Randy
Looking forward to the recap when you return RG!
Good luck for your travel. thank you for your inspiration. Love and Peace
Have fun Randy and enjoy your journey
Have fun Randy and enjoy your journey
All the best luck in finding what you seek for. 🙂
Come back from the sunset...
Wow Randy! This is a brave, bold move. It will be exciting o see what happens when you come out with your pearls of wisdom from your adventures! Safe travels!
We will meet soon
Happy trails... I'm excited for your return.
Being that you are a source of content that I feed to my social media sites and posting your videos on my blog as content, this doesn't work for me, so I need you to cancel this right away....
Just kidding!! Good luck on your exploration and I look forward to the lessons that you learn on your trip around the globe.
Thanks for all of the wisdom that you have provided us for all of these years.
Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,
John Clark http://www.lifetosuccess.com
See You Randy, #socialmedia takes a lot of energy 🙂
Have an amazing time Randy - I look forward to hearing about your adventure
Best if luck Randy.
all the best... catch you soon
good luck
Best wishes on your journey. Hope to cross paths with you somewhere along our travels.
Keep well and keep going, Randy!
have fun and good luck.
Wow. Randy, I just realized that we won't seeing you for a while. It is like saying goodbye to a friend, who was there for us every day. Yes, the content is still available and your resources. Have a great adventure and hope to see you in the future again.
Enjoy your journey Randy
All the best Randy. Wish you a very lucky time to come. Thanks for everything
Ask to Shine Together!
One Word can change the World
Your Word May Inspire to World
and Randy Gage to Return
So Ask Together
Say, Shine, Inspire by One Word
Please, Like & Share,
Hey Randy. May God Bless You all the Way. We miss you so much..
WOW Randy! That's a really great step! All of us should do so, if possible anyhow. I wish you reaching new and great insights on your way
Good luck Randy!
God Speed - Enjoy the journey
Good Luck Randy!
Best wishes to you Randy, you are a great guy and I thank you for what you have done for me. I will continue to share your message and content with others and I believe you are making the right choice. Can't wait to see what you will have for us on your return, but if you decide not to.... please enjoy, enjoy, enjoy yourself.
Grateful to know you.....
JW Najarian
I am actually sad to not hear from you, but it sounds like you need the journey. Best of luck, Randy, I really do hope I bump into you on accident one day, its on my list of things in life. Also, the title should be 2023, history of the future, not 2024, it starts a year early 😉
Safe travels, and all the best, and thank you for all the food for thought.
Good Luck ! Success on your journey
Such a Bruce Wayne Move... Love it.
Have a superb adventure!
you doing well , - Yeah
Enjoy the Journey
Have fun Randy!
Looking forward to reading the new book!
thats how it ends for who success , wish you the best randy... enjoy the moments 🙂
Sometimes we need to step outside to be alone to think about where we are and where we're heading in life. To think about the choices we've made and the decisions we still need to make.http://www.searchquotes.com/quotes/author/Brigitte_Nicole/
Good luck!
See you later Randy
Imagine, how much experiences can open to the eyes!
Supporting you in every decision you make. Safe travels my friend!
Thinking of you, wishing you safe travels and hope you find what you are looking for. Adore you!
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I adore you for being a person who is not afraid to take risk, who has this courage to face whatever mystery that lies behind your future. Thank you for influencing thousands of people and keep inspiring everyone. 🙂
Au revoir Randy!
Wishing you the all the best, Sir Randy... it's been a pleasure reading you. Cheers and Blessings.
Love seeing people live life on their terms!
I heard you speak in Salt Lake in 2002. I got a lot from it. I have immense respect for you.
While I very much respect your desire to grow and write..just so you know I miss you too!!
Thanks randy....may God bless you always...thanks for sharing ideas...
Surprise! Just surprise, please 🙂 or always change your Perspective... now we can give, and it is a Surprise! Let's do it, You are Amazing, just exactly now!
Go for that ultimate bliss Randy!! See you when you are complete... 🙂
You have been a big help to me and my mind set ..
I am sad and at the same time happy for you. good luck in your search. Thank you for all your teaching, You will be missed
Practicing what you've preached for 20 years!! How inspiring! Congratulations, Randy!! Really looking forward to reading about this next part of your journey! I still remember the "Randy Jr" app you put out in about 2002 when my (then age 2) son Tanner was learning to talk. He loved mimicking your words of wisdom in that "computer" voice ... which we all speak now as a family! 🙂
Such a wise decision! Thank you for being
I admire your spirit and find this post very inspiring. Aries people are cool.
Thank you, Randy! You changing lives!
Here are two places that unify 21st Century thinking and application:
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called." - Buckminster Fuller
all the best and always a safe travel.
Love to hear from you in a year and see what you did in this beautiful world, where we all work to much and sometimes forget to enjoy life more than work!
Your, Detlev
Adieu Randy!
Randy this is awesome to hear. Super happy for you I've learned so much from you, GREATLY appreciated have an amazing journey my friend!
People help out Networ Marketing go to http://www.epxbody.com/dougthomson and join a great opportunity
Joder Randy! si esa es tu decisión la respeto y sobretodo admiro tu valentía. Espero que vuelvas pronto y que pronto sea todo el tiempo que tu decidas y precises... o lo que quieras... gracias por todo, un abrazo amigo! LA VIDA DISPONE, NOSOTROS DECIDIMOS. cuídate amigo! Ferran.
You have been an awesome guy , MY driving force for the exact reason as :- http://www.sleeplessintcet.com/?p=1161
Great for you Randy 😉 Don't forget to keep some pictures from your adventures to share with us 😉 Godspeed!
pbpsfm Well, I posted earlier in this comments thread and came back because I wanted you all to know how I did! I lost 10 lbs (4.5 kg/0.7 stone) of belly fat in only 6 days and am keeping it off. The results speak for themselves. This diet product is life-changing - thank you. tdzgth http://www.theemeraldi.info
UMMMM...Let me know if you will be passing by Cleveland OH..(lol), would love to met you!
Safe travels...Namaste...:-)
Just thought of Randy today and decided to stop by his blog. Well, all the best Randy...you freaking incredible human being 🙂
Thanks for inspiring Marina and I!! God Bless.
Hey Randy,
thanks for your support! Be careful on your way. I think when trying to reach higher levels of thinking or even one of the highest levels then genius and insanity walks very close together ... so take care of yourself, stay pure and dont forget to live rich! 😉
well, don't know what to say, but if that's what you want to do and it's for your well being, let it be it.
Hope you have a wonderful journey, and I hope I'm one of the lucky people that encounter you in a casual setting :-). Good look and until next time
Thank you Randy, you ve been influencing my life for 9 years. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Vitaliy Nazarov, Ukraine
prpxwt I started out at 174 lbs and I am now down to 143 lbs. I just took this fantastic diet product and the weight came off without any exercise. The product is also dr. oz and women's health magazine approved. lhxmpj => http://www.thenumbermiserablei.info
Thank you Randy for your wisdom and willingness to share, advise, challenge and your genuine love for yourself and others. I have been a big fan for about 18 years now. Enjoy your journey and again thank you. May you enjoy the blessings and the life you have created.
I need help
I'm a single mom, we have a very serious situation
I'm doing everything I can.
thank you!
Hi Randy Gage
I just want to let you know that I am also embarking on an almost similar journey like yours.
On the 9th of July 2013 (GMT +8), I will be deactivating my Facebook account for a one year period to follow my heart and pursue my dreams.
Wish me best of luck and God Bless.
wow you are crazy.. go for it randy gage.. catch you soon. have fun!
Enjoy your new adventures ! *_*
education of the heart
nobleness of the heart
........................................... that is the "thing" we all have to find out, good luck.
Happy adventure 🙂
Randy, there is something I wish to share with you confidentially that may be of use to you in your search. Please let me know how it can be done. Thanks
Randy, there is something that I wish to share with you confidentially which may be of use in your search. Please tell me how. Cheers.
If you find your way to Jerusalem look me up.
Inspired. Thank You. Happy travels.
Each person is an idea! The task of each of us to collect as many ideas and make a full-length movie! Such a film, what would it have looked and looked! And in the end it became a best seller! Because what? because I'm the director! You are the director! We are all directors of their lives! My film is chock full of positive information, if you want to play a major role in it, please contact us!
Sincerely I wish you good luck!
My skype: don.karleone600
Just want to say thanks for all of your work and inspiration over the years. Thanks and thanks again!!
Very fitting for your situation:
I am going to miss you... You are such an inspiration! Love you + appreciate you + feel like you have GUTS... True courage to leave your posessions and ego... And just follow your heart + intuition + life purpose.. Thank you for everything you are teaching us right now... Just by your actions... Freedom is priceless!
Hello Randy,
You've been an inspiration to keep me going on my journey to prosperity. I wish you the very best in all aspects of your life and you will be in my thoughts and prayer. May you find what you're looking for. Be safe and happy.
Have a wonderful journey. Am interested in dealing with the aging process and the challenges to everyone in the exciting times now and ahead ....keeping mentally and physically fit during the endgame of one's life. Hope you come back with insights related to this life challenge!
Thanks for all your teachings, i hope you return soon randy, many of your videos touch me and help me to see the light and the beauty again
thanks for all
Hi RG, thanks for being there for us all these while. I pray you will find God's grace everywhere you turn to.
coolcash4live Amen to that!
Спасибо Ренди за уроки! Спасибо за твою поддержку моей структуры.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz2LLzzK_FI?rel=0&w=300&h=225%5D
Ренди, спасибо за твои знания! Спасибо за поддержку моей команды!
Спасибо тебе, Ренди за твоё вдохновляющее участие в нашем общем бизнесе AGEL! Рад быть частью твоей команды! Спасибо за поддержку моего семинара AGEL на прошедших выходных в Киеве! Делаем, как и раньше, общее дело!
Hi Randy, I am missing you indeed.. I hope you are enjoyung the life and to read you soon.. Internet without you is a lil bit strange 😉
Hi RG, thanks for being there for us all these while. I pray you will find God's grace everywhere you turn to.http://www.kema-ryiadh.com/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%B1%D8%B4-%D9%85%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6/ http://www.omery.org/%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%84-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A/http://riyadh-cleaning.com/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6/http://www.almnara.org/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6/http://www.almnara.org/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6/http://www.zohra.org/%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%83-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%89/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%83-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%89/http://www.tasleek.org/%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A/http://www.shamel7.com/%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D9%81%D9%84%D9%84/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D9%81%D9%84%D9%84/http://www.shamel7.com/%D8%AE%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%B1%D9%89/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%B6/ http://www.nsmat-dammam.org/%d9%85%d9%83%d8%a7%d9%81%d8%ad%d8%a9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ad%d8%b4%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d9%88%d8%b1%d8%b4-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%af%d8%a7%d8%aa/ http://www.forsan-kharj.org/http://www.kema-dammam.org/http://www.nile-dammam.org/http://www.nile7.com/%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D9%87-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%A9http://www.nile7.com/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%A8%D9%85%D9%83%D8%A9http://www.nile7.com/%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%A7%D8%AB%D8%A7%D8%AB/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%A9-%D9%86%D9%82%D9%84-%D8%A7%D8%AB%D8%A7%D8%AB-%D8%A8%D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%A9 http://www.nile7.com/%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA/%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%83%D9%87-%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%8A%D9%81-%D8%AE%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%85
Thanks a lot. I really enjoy you r experience.
Thanks and regards https://www.puspack.com/