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Undisclosed Blessings

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 10, 2009

One of the best things that happened to me was going to jail at 15 years old.  It gave me the jolt to change my life course.  Of course it didn't quite seem so at the time! 

Having my business seized by the IRS was really good for me.  It liberated me from the trading-time-for-money trap and forced me into learning how to apply leverage, which enriched my life financially, socially, and spiritually.

In fact, every major setback I have faced has in actuality been quite a blessing for me.  I’m quite sure the same is true for you.

That doesn’t mean they’re fun, or you have to like them.  But if you learn from them and keep the right attitude, the blessing will eventually appear.  So how you doing on that?


15 comments on “Undisclosed Blessings”

  1. Randy, I was JUST talking to someone about this over lunch today! He was talking about all that had happened in his life. I kept asking, 'so what did you learn?' What was the blessing?' Finally, he looked up and said, 'I'm not going to get any sympathy from you am I?' Message received. I'm sure he'll be thinking about 'where's the lesson, what's the blessing' for a while. 😉

    Thanks for the reminder. I love looking at my situations, what role I played, and what was learned. Booyah.

    Jhanna Dawson

  2. One of my biggest set backs was losing my relationship. No, it sure didn't seem like a blessing at the time. It really helped me look at my life and take responsibility for outcomes. The incredible thing is my relationship was reconciled several months later. We're enjoying a stronger relationship now because I've learned about balance and introspection.

  3. Right now I'm living a setback cause I have lose my job one year ago but when a take a look back I realize that was in my setbacks that I finally grow and becomming a better person, cause I use to go ahead and I use to take advantage of the opportunitieas that came to me in that moments and those opportunitties are pretty obvious to me cause I;m open to new ways to do the things and options that otherwise I have never seen when I'm in my statusquo, doing the same, living the same,feeling the same and that's not the life for the real life.You need to experience new thing to grow
    Dont you think so?

  4. Thanks Randy! I really enjoy your blog, especially now days. I am in need of your kind of teachings right now as my life is in a shambles. Trying to stay positive, but it is soooooooo hard some days!

  5. Hi Randy,
    I am a firm believer of what you say. At times, you feel like you are in a tunnel with a faint light at the end that you can see. Once you are out in the light after this dark tunnel, which can be
    the supposed hardships in life, you are liberated if you have learned the lesson and the blessing shows up in such a miraculous or tumultuous or tiny ways but definitely showing that there are better things to be experienced and enjoyed. If you remain grateful for each experience and the people involved,
    the positive vibration will lead to the next peak or paradise, I feel!

  6. For me it was having a health problem (disease) in my early 20s. When my doctors said that what they could do for me might only be temporary, I knew that it was time to look at what I was doing to myself. As a result I now take really great care of my body. I've accumulated a wealth of valuable information on how to optimise my physical condition, (my mental condition flows on from that too), and I think I have a exceptionally good chance of making it well past 100 with an excellent quality of life.

  7. Hi Randy
    I was an English teacher 2 years ago. I was fired because of my colleague's mistake. At the time I thought that I would be poor and I missed my targets, after 4 months part time - hard working in different companies and institute, suddenly one of my friends' friend present me a good and high salary occupation. Now I am a 25- year- rich boy that will seize his targets 2 years later on 27. Target: owner and the president of 6 companies in 5 continents around the world. Now I have 3 ones. Moreover I study, translate and teach your essays and books in Asia, and I owe my life to my God (Lord), my leader and my best friend Randy.
    Now I understand that my God (Lord) help me, because I always gratitude him.

    God ( Lord) bless you

  8. I have traveled the road with several partners, but when I went through my last divorce, I was truly devastated and feeling vulnerable and not very worthy. Little did I know at the time that if that relationship hadn't ended, I would never have known true love!! I am now happily married to my best friend, lover and soul mate. If I had tried to fight for the previous relationship, I would never have experienced the joy of true love. Hardships always bear gifts. You just need to keep your eye out for the bow that unwraps it.

  9. Randy,

    Over the years I have learned from some awesome people such as yourself that what seems to be the end of the world is only a new begining. Some turn around moments in my life...when my son was in critical care...when I was awoken by the Repo Man...When I sold my house for less than I owed...its time to move forward!

    Thanks for all you do!


  10. It also doesn't mean you seek out misfortune to learn. You can learn things beforehand the more aware you are. And with time, you learn to learn from the pleasure too! Thanks for your thoughts here, Randy!

  11. it was about 30 years ago that a judge placed on a 30 day psychiatric commitment because I was a danger to others long before the Rodney King incident. The other irony was that the institution I was remanded to I had within that past month taught 50 or so staff CPR & First Aid. I was so bad that even my attorney who to this day is still a close personal friend accepted
    the commitment "on my behalf without my agreement" But that incident turned out to be my bottom. I had a moment of clarity within that 30 day period to realize that all the drugs and alcohol I had been consuming was not doing me or apparently my community any good. So my "Life In The Fast Lane" ended
    and my uncles Jack Daniels and Jim Beam became very distant relatives.

    Create A Great Day

  12. Randy, sometimes I wonder if there isn't a thought wave coursing over the planet. Just this morning as I noticed the longer I resisted the current series of 'upsets' the longer I would have to 'suffer' with them. The 12 step programs all expect people to hit bottom before the turn around. If we could just raise the bottom to where we are perhaps the pain would not be so intense but human seems dedicated to losing everything we hold dear, at least once, before we make the climb out of our self created hole.

    Story is Jesus spent 3 days in Hell before He ascended to Heaven. Perhaps the longer we avoid our personal hell the longer we have to wait for our climb to the top.

  13. Dear Randy: people learn from the huge emotional situation. That´s move us from our comfort zone to a higher level

    You can always look the half full water of the glass with bad experience and this situation bring to your life unvaluable knowledge that you use in your present and future


    Sergio Carvallo

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  • 15 comments on “Undisclosed Blessings”

    1. Randy, I was JUST talking to someone about this over lunch today! He was talking about all that had happened in his life. I kept asking, 'so what did you learn?' What was the blessing?' Finally, he looked up and said, 'I'm not going to get any sympathy from you am I?' Message received. I'm sure he'll be thinking about 'where's the lesson, what's the blessing' for a while. 😉

      Thanks for the reminder. I love looking at my situations, what role I played, and what was learned. Booyah.

      Jhanna Dawson

    2. One of my biggest set backs was losing my relationship. No, it sure didn't seem like a blessing at the time. It really helped me look at my life and take responsibility for outcomes. The incredible thing is my relationship was reconciled several months later. We're enjoying a stronger relationship now because I've learned about balance and introspection.

    3. Right now I'm living a setback cause I have lose my job one year ago but when a take a look back I realize that was in my setbacks that I finally grow and becomming a better person, cause I use to go ahead and I use to take advantage of the opportunitieas that came to me in that moments and those opportunitties are pretty obvious to me cause I;m open to new ways to do the things and options that otherwise I have never seen when I'm in my statusquo, doing the same, living the same,feeling the same and that's not the life for the real life.You need to experience new thing to grow
      Dont you think so?

    4. Thanks Randy! I really enjoy your blog, especially now days. I am in need of your kind of teachings right now as my life is in a shambles. Trying to stay positive, but it is soooooooo hard some days!

    5. Hi Randy,
      I am a firm believer of what you say. At times, you feel like you are in a tunnel with a faint light at the end that you can see. Once you are out in the light after this dark tunnel, which can be
      the supposed hardships in life, you are liberated if you have learned the lesson and the blessing shows up in such a miraculous or tumultuous or tiny ways but definitely showing that there are better things to be experienced and enjoyed. If you remain grateful for each experience and the people involved,
      the positive vibration will lead to the next peak or paradise, I feel!

    6. For me it was having a health problem (disease) in my early 20s. When my doctors said that what they could do for me might only be temporary, I knew that it was time to look at what I was doing to myself. As a result I now take really great care of my body. I've accumulated a wealth of valuable information on how to optimise my physical condition, (my mental condition flows on from that too), and I think I have a exceptionally good chance of making it well past 100 with an excellent quality of life.

    7. Hi Randy
      I was an English teacher 2 years ago. I was fired because of my colleague's mistake. At the time I thought that I would be poor and I missed my targets, after 4 months part time - hard working in different companies and institute, suddenly one of my friends' friend present me a good and high salary occupation. Now I am a 25- year- rich boy that will seize his targets 2 years later on 27. Target: owner and the president of 6 companies in 5 continents around the world. Now I have 3 ones. Moreover I study, translate and teach your essays and books in Asia, and I owe my life to my God (Lord), my leader and my best friend Randy.
      Now I understand that my God (Lord) help me, because I always gratitude him.

      God ( Lord) bless you

    8. I have traveled the road with several partners, but when I went through my last divorce, I was truly devastated and feeling vulnerable and not very worthy. Little did I know at the time that if that relationship hadn't ended, I would never have known true love!! I am now happily married to my best friend, lover and soul mate. If I had tried to fight for the previous relationship, I would never have experienced the joy of true love. Hardships always bear gifts. You just need to keep your eye out for the bow that unwraps it.

    9. Randy,

      Over the years I have learned from some awesome people such as yourself that what seems to be the end of the world is only a new begining. Some turn around moments in my life...when my son was in critical care...when I was awoken by the Repo Man...When I sold my house for less than I owed...its time to move forward!

      Thanks for all you do!


    10. It also doesn't mean you seek out misfortune to learn. You can learn things beforehand the more aware you are. And with time, you learn to learn from the pleasure too! Thanks for your thoughts here, Randy!

    11. it was about 30 years ago that a judge placed on a 30 day psychiatric commitment because I was a danger to others long before the Rodney King incident. The other irony was that the institution I was remanded to I had within that past month taught 50 or so staff CPR & First Aid. I was so bad that even my attorney who to this day is still a close personal friend accepted
      the commitment "on my behalf without my agreement" But that incident turned out to be my bottom. I had a moment of clarity within that 30 day period to realize that all the drugs and alcohol I had been consuming was not doing me or apparently my community any good. So my "Life In The Fast Lane" ended
      and my uncles Jack Daniels and Jim Beam became very distant relatives.

      Create A Great Day

    12. Randy, sometimes I wonder if there isn't a thought wave coursing over the planet. Just this morning as I noticed the longer I resisted the current series of 'upsets' the longer I would have to 'suffer' with them. The 12 step programs all expect people to hit bottom before the turn around. If we could just raise the bottom to where we are perhaps the pain would not be so intense but human seems dedicated to losing everything we hold dear, at least once, before we make the climb out of our self created hole.

      Story is Jesus spent 3 days in Hell before He ascended to Heaven. Perhaps the longer we avoid our personal hell the longer we have to wait for our climb to the top.

    13. Dear Randy: people learn from the huge emotional situation. That´s move us from our comfort zone to a higher level

      You can always look the half full water of the glass with bad experience and this situation bring to your life unvaluable knowledge that you use in your present and future


      Sergio Carvallo

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