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True Mastery

Posted By: Randy GageMay 9, 2012

There are a lot of things you can work toward mastery of in this lifetime.  And achieving mastery in almost anything usually produces a profound level of satisfaction and fulfillment.  But there is one area that trumps them all…


Now I don’t know if you ever get completely there.  I know I sure haven’t.  But it sure is worth the effort!

- RG

38 comments on “True Mastery”

  1.  This is possible only when absolutely free from our subconscious reasoning.
     I make the first steps.
     I believe in themselves and their teachers.
     Thanks Randy!

  2.  This is possible only when absolutely free from our subconscious reasoning.
     I make the first steps.
     I believe in themselves and their teachers.
     Thanks Randy!

        1.  @Richard Bony Control freakiness is also about the 'self'--Have you seen As Good As it Gets featuring Jack Nicholson-- he is a control freak diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. But, yeah I get the point RG is making and you are referring to. Thanks

  3. If you could control yourself completely, life would get pretty boring, pretty fast. 😉 

  4. Hi Randy,
    Succinct, yet powerful post.  If I could master that individual that is in me, I think I will own the earth in a year. My greatest enemy is certainly myself. I strive everyday to get the upper hand. It's quite a challenge.

  5. Hi Randy,
    Succinct, yet powerful post.  If I could master that individual that is in me, I think I will own the earth in a year. My greatest enemy is certainly myself. I strive everyday to get the upper hand. It's quite a challenge.

  6. It's all about the thrill of learning to live this life better, RG! If there was nothing to practice, improve upon, or get more proficient at doing or becoming, what would be the point? I think that even if we access self-mastery there will still be something else that we can learn; and that will take us to higher levels of mastering. I want to get there... just oozing self-mastery through my pores! 😀

  7. It's all about the thrill of learning to live this life better, RG! If there was nothing to practice, improve upon, or get more proficient at doing or becoming, what would be the point? I think that even if we access self-mastery there will still be something else that we can learn; and that will take us to higher levels of mastering. I want to get there... just oozing self-mastery through my pores! 😀

  8.  @Richard Bony Control freakiness is also about the 'self'--Have you seen As Good As it Gets featuring Jack Nicholson-- he is a control freak diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. But, yeah I get the point RG is making and you are referring to. Thanks

  9. The first thing that came to mind as I read your blog Randy was George Leonard's books Mastery, The Way Of Aikido, and The Ultimate Athlete.  I read them in the reverse order as I transitioned from a winning competitve body builder/power lifter to triathlete (what was I thinking!).  Believing and experiencing what it's like to live like one of your cars - a well oiled machine, I know what's possible.  Each of those activities or events had a deadline though and True Mastery for me would be a 'Lifestyle'.  So, I better get back to work:)  Thanks for giving me a context that I haven't visited for awhile.  I've been pursuing excellence.  With True Mastery, excellence would already be present. Make it a Great Weekend! Joy, DJ

  10. The first thing that came to mind as I read your blog Randy was George Leonard's books Mastery, The Way Of Aikido, and The Ultimate Athlete.  I read them in the reverse order as I transitioned from a winning competitve body builder/power lifter to triathlete (what was I thinking!).  Believing and experiencing what it's like to live like one of your cars - a well oiled machine, I know what's possible.  Each of those activities or events had a deadline though and True Mastery for me would be a 'Lifestyle'.  So, I better get back to work:)  Thanks for giving me a context that I haven't visited for awhile.  I've been pursuing excellence.  With True Mastery, excellence would already be present. Make it a Great Weekend! Joy, DJ

  11. I am with you Randy not sure if you ever get there completely, but boy am I enjoy the journey. 🙂

  12. I am with you Randy not sure if you ever get there completely, but boy am I enjoy the journey. 🙂

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  • 38 comments on “True Mastery”

    1.  This is possible only when absolutely free from our subconscious reasoning.
       I make the first steps.
       I believe in themselves and their teachers.
       Thanks Randy!

    2.  This is possible only when absolutely free from our subconscious reasoning.
       I make the first steps.
       I believe in themselves and their teachers.
       Thanks Randy!

          1.  @Richard Bony Control freakiness is also about the 'self'--Have you seen As Good As it Gets featuring Jack Nicholson-- he is a control freak diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. But, yeah I get the point RG is making and you are referring to. Thanks

    3. If you could control yourself completely, life would get pretty boring, pretty fast. 😉 

    4. Hi Randy,
      Succinct, yet powerful post.  If I could master that individual that is in me, I think I will own the earth in a year. My greatest enemy is certainly myself. I strive everyday to get the upper hand. It's quite a challenge.

    5. Hi Randy,
      Succinct, yet powerful post.  If I could master that individual that is in me, I think I will own the earth in a year. My greatest enemy is certainly myself. I strive everyday to get the upper hand. It's quite a challenge.

    6. It's all about the thrill of learning to live this life better, RG! If there was nothing to practice, improve upon, or get more proficient at doing or becoming, what would be the point? I think that even if we access self-mastery there will still be something else that we can learn; and that will take us to higher levels of mastering. I want to get there... just oozing self-mastery through my pores! 😀

    7. It's all about the thrill of learning to live this life better, RG! If there was nothing to practice, improve upon, or get more proficient at doing or becoming, what would be the point? I think that even if we access self-mastery there will still be something else that we can learn; and that will take us to higher levels of mastering. I want to get there... just oozing self-mastery through my pores! 😀

    8.  @Richard Bony Control freakiness is also about the 'self'--Have you seen As Good As it Gets featuring Jack Nicholson-- he is a control freak diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. But, yeah I get the point RG is making and you are referring to. Thanks

    9. The first thing that came to mind as I read your blog Randy was George Leonard's books Mastery, The Way Of Aikido, and The Ultimate Athlete.  I read them in the reverse order as I transitioned from a winning competitve body builder/power lifter to triathlete (what was I thinking!).  Believing and experiencing what it's like to live like one of your cars - a well oiled machine, I know what's possible.  Each of those activities or events had a deadline though and True Mastery for me would be a 'Lifestyle'.  So, I better get back to work:)  Thanks for giving me a context that I haven't visited for awhile.  I've been pursuing excellence.  With True Mastery, excellence would already be present. Make it a Great Weekend! Joy, DJ

    10. The first thing that came to mind as I read your blog Randy was George Leonard's books Mastery, The Way Of Aikido, and The Ultimate Athlete.  I read them in the reverse order as I transitioned from a winning competitve body builder/power lifter to triathlete (what was I thinking!).  Believing and experiencing what it's like to live like one of your cars - a well oiled machine, I know what's possible.  Each of those activities or events had a deadline though and True Mastery for me would be a 'Lifestyle'.  So, I better get back to work:)  Thanks for giving me a context that I haven't visited for awhile.  I've been pursuing excellence.  With True Mastery, excellence would already be present. Make it a Great Weekend! Joy, DJ

    11. I am with you Randy not sure if you ever get there completely, but boy am I enjoy the journey. 🙂

    12. I am with you Randy not sure if you ever get there completely, but boy am I enjoy the journey. 🙂

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